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Anh 10 global Unit 1 workbook

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1. Match the phrases with the correct pictures.
a. do the washing up
d. do the heavy lifting
g. clean the house

e. do the cooking

d. do the heavy lifting

b. do the laundry
e. do the cooking
h. shop for groceries

b. do the laundry

h. shop for groceries

c. put out the rubbish
f. lay the table

g. clean the house

a. do the washing up

c. put out the rubbish

f. lay the table


2. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.
1. She does two jobs at the same time as she is the main _________ of the family.
A. breadwinner      B. homemaker             C. housewife          D. bread maker
2. She’s such a good wife. She’s _________ her husband through difficult times.
A. taught            B. left                      C. supported            D. provided
3. It’s not easy for some tenth-graders to get into high school _________.
A. works                 B. routines                   C. times           D. responsibilities
4. Jim’s main _________ in his home is to keep the house clean.
A. right                 B. honour                    C. part                         D. responsibility
5. Family _________ are important because they teach children what is right or wrong in life.
A. bonds                  B. values                     C. holidays                  D. connections
6. Doing housework brings great ____ to children as it helps them develop necessary life skills.
A. benefits               B. hard work               C. results           D. practices

7. He’s a man of strong _________. He always fights for what is right and you can rely on him.
A. health                B. character                 C. hands                      D. influence
8. When all members of the family share housework, the family _________ will become stronger.
A. joys                     B. happiness                C. life                          D. bonds


3. Complete the sentences using the words or phrases in the box.
life skills



family values
family bonds

1. Doing chores as a family will help strengthen _________.
Family bonds
Life skills
2. Preparing and cooking meals are some of the essential _________
for teens.
3. Instead of giving me answers to questions, my parents always _________
encourage to me to think
for myself.

4. The kids deeply _________
their grandfather for his great knowledge about the world.
5. Sarah is a(n) _________
girl. She never cheats in exams.
6. His parents give him full _________
support for his choice of school.
Family values that many parents want to teach to their
7. Kindness and responsibility are two _________
8. I’m lucky to have such a(n) _________
supportive brother who always gives me help when I need it.

1. Complete the sentences using the correct present simple or present
continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. Nick and Dave (visit) _________
their parents twice a month.
is watching the evening news.
2. You can’t talk my grandfather now. He (watch) _________
Don’t open on Sunday.
3. I can’t shop for groceries today. The local shops (not open) _________
4. Lan sometimes (meet) _________
her friends after school.
Is studying for his exam.
5. Be quite! My younger brother (study) _________
6. Chris (look) _________

stressed, because he (look) Is_________
for a new job.
7. Anna often (walk) _________
to work, but her husband (drive) _________
her to her
Is driving
office this morning.
8. What _________
you (cook) _________?
The food (smell) _________
so good!

2. There is a mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.

1. Hi, Anna! Where do you go?  Are you going?
 are
2. What do you do right now?       
    you doing?

3. The children are wanting to have a rest now.  want
4. I’m seeing you’re working very hard.  see
5. Sometimes my dad is cooking a good meal for the whole family.  cooks

6. I’m thinking that’s a great idea.  think
7. I can’t go out with you tonight. I work on an important project.  Am working
8. My uncle is having a big house in the city centre.  has

3. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.
1. Nam: I _________ of taking a course in life skills.
   Lan: That’s a good idea. There’s a good life skills centre near my house.
A. will think                           B. am thinking                       C. think
2. Nam: What _________ for?
   Lan: My glasses. Do you see them anywhere?
A. do you look                       B. are you looking                  C. will you look
3. Nam: I _________ that you have a new bag.
      Lan: Yes. It’s a birthday present.
A. am seeing                          B. will see                              C. see
4. Nam: What’s the matter? Are you OK?
   Lan: Not really. I _________ well.
A. am not feeling                   B. won’t feel                          C. don’t feel

3. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.
5. Nam: What’s your father’s job?
   Lan: He _________ as a TV reporter.
A. is working                         B. works                                 C. will work
6. Nam: Has Tom found a new house?
    Lan: Not yet. He _________ with us until he finds one near his university.
A. stays                                  B. stayed                                C. is staying
7. Nam: Do you like MD’s new song?

Lan: No, not very much. I _________ it is too sad.
A. am thinking                      B. will think                           C. think
8. Nam: Where’s your sister?
Lan: She_________ her hair at the moment.
A. washes                               B. is washing                         C. will wash

1. Read the text and choose the best answers.
Family time is when family members do things (1) _________. Ways of spending family time are
different for different families, from taking a family (2) _________ in a nice place every year, or
planning a family movie night every week, to having one (3) _________ together every day. Some
families spend time together just by having regular family meetings. Family members  can sit
together to (4) _________ important issues and make decisions, or just have casual chats. Some
people may think it is (5) _________ for everyone in the family to get together. However, in many
case, parents as well as children have to adjust their own timetables to make  (6) _________ to be
with their family. Family time is important as it helps make the bonds between family members
(7) _________and creates fond memories of happy experiences.

1. A. together  
2. A. course
3. A. lunch
4. A. discuss
5. A. simple
6. A. excuses
7. A. special

B. differently
B. vacation
B. dinner

B. argue
B. interesting
B. friends
B. stronger

C. similarly
C. photo
C. breakfast
C. laugh at
C. hard
C. time
C. weaker

D. for others
D. responsibility
D. meal
D. enjoy
D. funny
D. money
D. natural

2. Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
In 1977 Governor Raul Castro signed a paper suggesting that August 7, 1977 was
American Family Day. One year later, Governor Bruce Babbitt signed the day into law as
an official Arizona holiday. American Family Day is now celebrated across the United
States on the first Sunday in August. It encourages people to enjoy the warming summer
days with those dearest to them. Principally, the day encourages families to spend time
with one another. Unlike some other family holidays, people do not give gifts on this day.

Instead, they celebrate the day by focusing on family relationships. People believe that
the best gift one can give their families is themselves. So on this day, people enjoy being
with their families. The most common activities family members often do together
include playing games outdoors or going for a walk in the park, watching a movie, visiting
grandparents and bringing them a picnic lunch. Some families enjoy taking an art class
together, visiting a museum or trying out a new recipe and getting the whole family
involved in the cooking. Whatever people do, the most important thing should be that
they do it with their families. Americans love their Family Day because it reminds them to
express their love to their family and helps strengthen their family bonds.

2. Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Family Day became an official holiday in Arizona in 1977.
2. American Family Day is usually on Sunday.
3. People often give gifts to their family members on
American Family Day.






4. On Family Day, family members often visit their friends



5. Some families celebrate Family Day by cooking together.
6. Family Day is the chance for people to express their love to   √
their family.



1. Complete the conversations by circling the best answers. Then practise reading them.
1. Lan: Nam, do you think family routines are necessary?
    Nam: Yes. _________ each family should have some routines to help build strong family bonds.
A. I'm not sure that                                        B. I strongly believe that                               
C. I agree that                                                D. I hope that
2. Lan: What do you think about the British family value of being truthful and honest?

    Nam: _________, it's one of the first things parents should teach their children.
A. In their opinion                                          B. In a nutshell                                               
C. In my own way                                         D. In my opinion
3. Lan: Nam, do you think parents should help their children do their homework?
    Nam: Well, _________ parents should let their children do their homework by themselves so
they can become independent.
A. I don't think                                               B. I wish that
C. I believe that                                             D. I hope that
4. Lan: Do you think teens should learn how to cook?
    Nam: Well, _________ they can learn it when they start their own families. As teens, they
should spend all their time on study.
A. I suppose that                                            B. I hope that
C. I doubt that                                                D. I agree that


1. Use the verbs in their correct forms and add some words where necessary to make
meaningful sentences.
1. Mr Thanh / hate / do / housework / but / he still / clean / the house / once / week.

Mr Thanh hates doing housework but he still cleans the house once a week.

2. I / have / a holiday / my family / in Mai Chau / now. / We / spend / our summer

I’m having a holiday with my family in Mai Chau now. We spend our summer holidays here every year.

holidays here / every year.
3. It / be / important / children / learn / some life skills / home.
It is important for children to learn some life skills at home.

4. Parents / have / teach/ their children / be honest and show respect to older people /
Parents have to teach their children to be honest and show respect to older people at an early age.

an early age.


1. Use the verbs in their correct forms and add some words where necessary to make
meaningful sentences.
5. Jane / think of / apply / another job./ She / think / her present job / be / boring.
Jane is thinking of applying another job. She thinks her present job is boring.

6. Doing housework/help/ children / learn / take care / themselves.
Doing housework helps children learn to take care of themselves.

7. Family routines / connected / children's health / academic achievement.
Family routines are connected with children’s health and academic achievement.

8. Children / should / learn / choose / right / kind of clothes / right occasion.
Children should learn to choose the right kind of clothes for the right occasion.


2. Complete the email with the phrases or clauses in the box.

A. are very close and supportive of each other
B. the wife is the homemaker

C. which include grandparents, parents, children and sometimes great grandparents
D. really hope this helps
E. and let me know how it goes
F. listen to their instructions and follow their advice
G. but live with their parents
H. to hear  from you
Hi Stacy,
It's good (1) _________.
Yes, of course, I can help with your homework project on family in Viet Nam.
You know, family plays an important role in the life of Vietnamese people, and family bonds are usually
strong. Extended families, (2) _________,
are popular in Viet Nam. Three or even four generations live
under one roof to take care of each other. Young people don't move out when they reach the age of
18, (3) _________ even
after they get marrieD.And it's not common for old people to live alone or in a
nursing home. Household chores are shared by everyone in the family, but the husband is usually the
breadwinner and (4) _________ .
Children are taught to show respect to their grandparents,
(5) _________ .
Parents often spend their free time helping their children with their homework or
giving them advice on behaviour. So you can see that family members in Viet Nam (6) __________.
Above is some information about Vietnamese families. I (7) _________ .
Good luck with your project.

Write soon (8) _________.

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