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Outline môn Tiếng Anh ARBITRATION

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• Group’s members :
1. Tống Thị Hoa - 1102015022
2. Trần Hoàng Thiên Hương - 1102015025
3. Võ Thị Kim Ngân - 1102015039
4. Trần Thiện Toàn - 1102015073
5. Trương Phúc Toàn - 1102015074
6. Lê Quốc Việt - 1102015091
7. Nguyễn Lệ Phúc - 1102015048
8. Bùi Thị Thu Trang - CN19
9. Phạm Nguyễn Duy Khương - K29
Class: DV31KTDN01
Instructor: Mr. Trịnh Ngọc Thanh
I. The definition of arbitration:
II. Types of arbitration and their importance
III. The benefits of arbitration
IV. The future of arbitration
V. Translation
VI. Exercises
I. Definition:
Arbitration is a procedure for the resolution of disputes on a private basis through the
appointment of an arbitrator, an independent, neutral third person who hears and
considers the merits of the dispute and renders a final and binding decision called
Arbitration is a proceeding in which a dispute is resolved by an impartial adjudicator
whose decision the parties to the dispute have agreed, or legislation has decreed, will
be final and binding.

II. Types of arbitration:
There are two types of arbitration: Voluntary arbitration and compulsory arbitration
1. Voluntary arbitration is a binding, adversarial dispute resolution process in which
the disputing parties choose one or more arbitrators to hear their dispute and to
render a final decision or award after an expedited hearing.
Voluntary arbitration implies that the two contending parties, unable to compromise
their differences by themselves or with the help of mediator or conciliator, agree to
submit the conflict/ dispute to an impartial authority, whose decisions they are ready
to accept.
2. Compulsory arbitration is a non-binding, adversarial dispute resolution process in
which one or more arbitrators hear arguments, weigh evidence and issue a non-
binding judgment on the merits after an expedited hearing. The arbitrator' s decision
addresses only the disputed legal issues and applies legal standards.
Compulsory arbitration is one where the parties are required to accept arbitration
without any willingness on their party.
III. The benefits of arbitration:
It is often necessary to resolve business conflicts in a definitive and enforceable
manner. Many people assume that the court system is the only option, or the best
option, for resolving these disputes. However, arbitration offers parties another way to
resolve disputes that is often less expensive, faster and legally enforceable.
Arbitration provides several important benefits for participants. It is typically: less
formal, less expensive, less time consuming.
IV. The future of arbitration:
Brick and mortar arbitration has been the predominate form of arbitration used by
businesses since its inception. Now with the lower cost, greater convenience, and
accessibility of online arbitration, individuals and small businesses have the
opportunity to take advantage of its benefits over litigation. Recently, both public and
private institutions have been moving towards providing online platforms to resolve
small-claims disputes via arbitration.

There are several private companies that offer online arbitration services. Many have
lawyers or former lawyers conduct the arbitration. These companies are eQuibbly,
Modria, NetArb, Cybersettle, and Smart Settle. eQuibbly is currently the only
company in North America that has former trial judges arbitrate disputes entirely
V. Translation:
Resolution in a neutral forum -> Xét xử tại một nơi trung lập
Arbitration settles international commercial cases, says Jeremy Winter
 Việc phân xử bằng trọng tài giải quyết những tranh chấp thương mại quốc
tế - Jeremy Winter
You have been in a conference room in your lawyer’s office for the whole day,
negotiating a crucial international contract. Term by term, detail by detail, the lawyers
have argued it out. Someone says: “ What are we going to put in for dispute resolu-
tion?”. When you started the negotiations you thought that the deal was a certain
money-spinner for both parties, so no disputes could arise. Now you are not so sure.
So what do you say?. What do your lawyers advise? Ideally, you might want to be
able to have recourse to the courts in your own country, the other party would
probably like to do the same in its home country. Neither is acceptable to the other,
for fear of home-team advantage or even local basis. The answer is to opt for
arbitration. This is not really a difficult decision, and that is why arbitration is the
recognised way of resolving international commercial disputes.
 Trọn một ngày ở văn phòng luật sư để bàn về một hợp đồng rất quan trọng. Các luật
sư đã tranh luận từng điều khoản, từng chi tiết. Một người nói: " Những gì sẽ được
đưa vào để giải quyết tranh chấp?". Khi bắt đầu đàm phán bạn nghĩ rằng việc thỏa
thuận chắc chắn mang lại lợi ích cho cả hai bên, để không xảy ra tranh chấp. Bây giờ
bạn không chắc nữa. Bạn sẽ nói gì đây? Các luật sư sẽ tư vấn những gì? Một cách
hợp lý, bạn sẽ đưa sự việc ra tòa án trong nước, phía bên kia có lẽ cũng sẽ làm như
vậy tại nước của họ. Không ai nhường ai, vì sợ lợi thế sân nhà cũng như những thiên
vị. Giải pháp là nhờ trọng tài phân xử. Không quá khó để ra quyết định và đó là lý do

trọng tài được công nhận là cách giải quyết tranh chấp thương mại quốc tế.
For at least a century, it has been the dominant force in dispute resolution in areas
such as shipping, commodities and construction. you can opt for a neutral forum and
have a panel of three arbitrators, one chosen by each party, and the third (the
chairman) chosen either by the parties or the two party-appointed arbitrators. In
addition, you can keep you disputes away from the public eye, because arbitration
takes place in private, unlike litigation in the court. The main centres for international
arbitration are: Paris, London, Geneva, Stockholm, New York, Hong Kong and
Singapore. Which is used depends on the background and businesses of the parties.
Stockholm, for example, was always the place for arbitrating east-west trade
disputes, London for shipping and commodities. Singapore looks set for a busy time
in the coming months and years after the Asian financial crisis. These locations, and
the arbitration centres and lawyers working there, compete intensely. Arbitration
bodies try hard to get their standard arbitration clause put into people's contracts, so
they have a captive market once disputes arise. They do this by publicising their
activities and their rules.
 Trong ít nhất một thể kỷ, phân xử bằng trọng tài là hình thức thống lĩnh trong việc giải
quyết tranh chấp hàng hải, thương mại và xây dựng. Bạn có thể chọn một nơi xét xử
trung lập với hội đồng trọng tài gồm 3 trọng tài viên, mỗi bên tranh chấp chọn cho
mình một trọng tài và một trong hai bên sẽ chọn trọng tài thứ ba (người chủ trì phân
xử) hoặc người chủ trì sẽ được chọn trong hội đồng trọng tài do hai bên chỉ định.
Thêm vào đó, nội dung tranh chấp sẽ được giữ kín vì việc phân xử diễn ra kín đáo,
không như việc tố tụng tại tòa án. Những trung tâm trọng tài quốc tế thường đặt tại:
Pairs, London, Geneva, Stockholm, New York, Hong Kong và Singapore. Lựa chọn
trung tâm nào là tùy vào tính chất ngành nghề kinh doanh của các bên tranh chấp.
Chẳng hạn như Stockholm luôn là nơi phân xử tranh chấp thương mại giữa những
nước Châu Á và những nước Phương Tây, London thì chuyên về những tranh chấp
trong hàng hải và mua bán hàng hóa. Singapore có vẻ như đã sẵn sàng cho một
mùa bận rộn sau cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính Châu Á. Các quốc gia, trung tâm trọng

tài cũng như những luật sư đang làm việc tại đó phải cạnh tranh khốc liệt. Ủy ban
trọng tài cố gắng hết sức để điều khoản chuẩn của họ được đưa vào hợp đồng giao
dịch, vì thế họ luôn bám sát ngay từ khi mâu thuẫn phát sinh. Họ thực hiện điều này
bằng cách thông tin cho công chúng biết những hoạt động và luật lệ của mình.
What they are looking for is "name recognition", In Europe, Paris (home of the
International Chamber of Commerce and its rules) probably has the best name
recognition, followed by London (home of the London Court of International
Arbitration), and Geneva. What people look for in an arbitration is speed, cost
effectiveness, confidentiality and reliability of arbitrators and hence their decisions.
The choice of venue involves a so complex balancing of a number of factors:
* The availability of good experienced arbitrators
* The availability of good experienced arbitration lawyers,and expert witnesses
such as accountants and engineers
* The cost of these people
* The support or otherwise that the local legal system gives to arbitration. (For
example, if the arbitration gets bogged down as a result of delaying tactics by
one party, what powers does the arbitrators, or court, have to speed things
up? Will the courts readily interfere or overturn arbitrators' decisions?)
* Accessibility - basic things like flight access, good facilities (some of the best
are now in the Gulf States), administrative back-up,good telecommunications,
IT support and even climate.
National legislation also has to lend its support to such an important economic activity
as arbitration. England has taken steps to improve English arbitration law in no the
form of the Arbitration Act 1996, which came into force at the beginning of 1997.
Những gì họ cần là "tên tuổi". Ở Châu Âu, Paris ( Nơi tọa lạc của Phòng Thương Mại
Quốc Tế và những đạo luật của nó), có lẽ là nơi đứng đầu, kế đến là Luân Đôn (quê
hương của Tòa Án Trọng Tài Quốc Tế Luân Đôn) và sau nữa là Geneva. Những điều
người ta trông đợi đối với việc phân xử bằng trọng tài là nhanh chóng, chi phí hợp lý,
sự bảo mật và sự đáng tin cậy của những trọng tài và những quyết định của họ. Việc

lựa chọn nơi giải quyết tranh chấp phụ thuộc sự cân nhắc các yếu tố sau đây:
* Trọng tài giàu kinh nghiệm
* Luật sư giàu kinh nghiệm và chuyên gia tư vấn chuyên ngành như tài chính,
kỹ thuật
* Chi phí cho hội đồng xét xử
* Cơ chế hỗ trợ của hệ thống pháp lý sở tại đối với việc phân xử bằng trọng tài
(Nếu việc phân xử thất bại do chiến thuật trì hoãn của một bên, trọng tài hay
tòa án sẽ xử lý như thế nào để đẩy nhanh tiến độ? Liệu tòa án có sẵn sàng
can thiệp hay lật ngược những quyết định của trọng tài?)
* Khả năng tiếp cận - những vấn đề thiết yếu như đăng ký chuyến bay, những
tiện nghi( các nước vùng Vịnh là một trong số những nơi tốt nhất hiện nay),
hệ thống hành chính, viễn thông, công nghệ thông tin, thậm chí là khí hậu.
Việc xây dựng khung pháp lý của các nước phải đặt ra những hỗ trợ cho hoạt động
kinh tế quan trọng như việc phân xử bằng trọng tài. Nước Anh đang từng bước cải
thiện luật xét xử bằng trọng tài trong tất cả điều luật của Đạo luật 1996, có hiệu lực từ
năm 1997.
Reading comprehension tasks
A. Understanding main points
Read the text on the opposite page about how international disputes between
companies are resolved and answer these questions.
1. Why might you prefer not to go to court in the country or your business
 We prefer not to go to court in the country of our business partner because of
year of home-team advantages or even local bias.
2. What are the three main business areas which have traditionally been resolved
by arbitration?
 The three main business areas which have traditionally been resolved by
arbitration are shipping, commodities, construction.
3. How is a forum made up for a neutral arbitration?

 A forum made up for a neutral arbitration is private reutral.
4. What is the main difference between arbitration and litigation, according to the
 The main difference bettwen arbitration and litigation, according to the text is
we can keep your uor disputes away from the public eys.
5. Which are the main arbitration centres?
 The main arbitration centres are Paris, London, Geneva, Stockholm, Hong
Kong and Singapore.
6. In which city would you choose to arbitrate an east-west trading dispute?
 We would choose to arbitrate an east-west trading dispute in Stockholm.
7. Which specific aspects of a contract are named in the text?
 The specific aspects of a contract are named in the text are crucial
8. What do clients look for from an arbitration service?
 Clients look for speed, cost effectiveness, confidentiality and reliability of the
arbitrators and their decisions from an arbitration service.
9. What examples of expert witnesses are given in the text?
 The expect witnesses are given in the text are accountants and engineers.
10. Do all the venues share the same arbitration rules?
 No, they don’t
B. Understanding details
Mark these statement T (true) or F ( false) according to the information in the text .
Find the part of the text that gives the correct information.
1. Disputes only arise in commercial transactions. (F)
2. Commodities are things traders buy and sell, usually raw materials, like coffee,
wool or copper. (T)
3. A neutral forum has a balanced composition to ensure fairness to both parties. (T)
4. New York is the only American arbitration venue named in the text. (T)
5. Arbitration is a business in itself, for lawyers and their associates. (T)

6. Name recognition for arbitration is like brand awareness for consumer goods. (T)
7. International business depends on rapid resolution of contractual disagreements. (T)
8. The courts of law in each country are less powerful than arbitration panels. (F)
VI. Exercises
Exercises 1
Match these terms with their definitions.
1. Dispute resolution
2. A money-spinner
3. Have recourse to the courts
4. Home team advantage
5. Local bias
6. Financial crisis
7. Delaying tactics
8. Speed things up
9. Interfere
10. Overturn decisions
11. Take steps
12. Come into force
a) Unfair treatment
b) Accelerate
c) Reverse something already decided
d) Settling disagreements
e) Make use of the legal system
f) Benefit from being local or on home
g) Meddle or get involved with
h) Something that makes profits for everyone
i) Ways of making things take a long time
j) Become operational

k) Serious money problems
l) Institute action
Exercises 2: Terms of disagreement and dispute
Use an appropriate word or phrase from the box to complete each sentence
Resolve resolution dispute settle arbitrate arbitration
arbitrator agree disagree delaying tactics
1. There is a serious problem we must try to resolve
2. He was a distinguished lawyer who was an expert arbitration
3. The process took far longer than the parties had expected arbitrate
4. This was due to the delaying tactics employed by one of the companies
5. The question is: how are we going to settle this dilemma?
6. When the goods arrived in poor condition, a dispute.
7. The best way is not to go to court, which is public and costly, but to arbitrator
an agreement.
8. I believe you are wrong on that point- We disagree on the interpretation
9. There is always an answer if you try hard to find it: every difficulty has a
10. You cannot assume he will agree to those terms: you must check with him first.
Exercise 3: Parties to an argreement
In law, it is important to distinguish between the parties involved in a transaction or an
action. Complete the sentences below, using words from the box. Not all the words
will be needed.
1.Everyone promises to obey the treaty-all major countries are signatories to it.
2.In the civil case, the plaintiff brougth an action against the defendant for damaging
his car on purpose
3.The price was negotiated between the buyer and the seller of the house, in a
private sale
4.The bank agreed that the borrower should pay 12% on the loan, so the lender made

a fair profit
5.Manufacturers sell their goods to supplier and in turn, producer buy from them
6.The relationship between a client and lawyer is bound by confidentiality
7.The beer can be produced under license but the licensee must fulfil all the
requirements imposed by the licensor.
8.Some clothes companies sell their products on a franchise basis: each country has
a main, with numerous people working as franchisees
9.A letter was sent to the manager complaining about working conditions. All the
members wrote their names. The letter read: 'We, the undersigned, strongly protest
about conditions at work.
10. Many projects require the cooperation of various partners. If they all agree to work
together, they become parties to the agreement.
Exercise 5 :
Recently there was a case of a mail-order company selling televisions over the
Internet where the price of a top-line television was shown as $3 instead off $300.
The web page was seen in many countries and several customers places orders for
the 'cheap TV', but the company said they had no obligation to supply as the price
was a mistake. What do you think? Should he company honour the orders? Was it a
contract? If it was, where was it made - in the country of origin or where the customer
lives and ordered the goods? Is this a case for arbitration?
 I think this is the obligation of the company and they should honour the orders
because they posted the price of $3 over the Internet and if it’s a mistake they have to
revise the price. It’s a contract and the contract was made in the country of the seller.
This is a case for arbitration.
Exercise 6 :
Complete the following text about arbitration with words from the box.
Adjudication arbitration arbitrator decision-maker documentation
dispute duration expensive expert forum hearing litigation
needs submissions

The process is similar to the litigation process as it involves (1) adjudication However,
the parties choose their (2) arbitrator and the manner in which the (3) arbitration will
proceed. For example, if the (4) dispute is fairly straightforward and does not involve
any factual questions, the parties may agree to waive a formal (5) hearing and
provide the arbitrator with written (6) submissions and (7) documentation only, called
a documents only arbitration.
However, in other cases the parties may wish a full hearing. Therefore, the parties
create their own adjudicatory (8) forum which is tailor-made to the particular (9)
needs of the parties and the nature of the dispute.
The advantages of arbitration over court adjudication can include the following:
• Expertise of the (10) decision-maker : The parties can choose an arbitrator
who has (11) expert knowledge of the law, business or trade in which the
dispute has arisen.
• Low cost: Arbitration is not (12) expensive if the procees is kept simple.
• Speed: Arbitration can be arranged within days, weeks or months.
• (13) duration : Arbitration does not take as long as litigation.

