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Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (124.28 KB, 17 trang )

1. Which part of the country are you living now? (Hiện bạn đang sống ở vùng nào của đất
Well, I was born and raise in Da Nang city, which is on the central coast of Vietnam.
However, I have moved to HCMC since 2009. It is the biggest city in Vietnam,
I believe it is the place that suits me most, The city has great culture to explore and offers
good opportunities of career and education. Despite the fact that it’s crowded all year round
and traffic is a real issue here, it is an ideal place to meet people from over the world. It is
always changing so you’ll hardly get bored at the sleepless city
2. Do youngsters in your town spend much their free time taking outdoor activities?
(Thanh niên trong thị trấn của bạn có dành nhiều thời gian rảnh rỗi để tham gia các
hoạt động ngồi trời khơng?)
In my town, youngsters are increasingly spending less time engaging in outdoor activities during
their free time. The allure of technology and the convenience of indoor entertainment have led to
a decline in physical activity among the youth. This sedentary lifestyle has detrimental effects on
their health and overall well-being. It is crucial for parents, schools, and communities to
encourage and provide opportunities for youngsters to participate in outdoor activities, fostering a
love for nature and promoting a healthier lifestyle.
3. What jobs do the local people do? (Người dân địa phương làm những cơng việc gì?)
In every community, there exists a diverse range of occupations that sustain the
local economy. The jobs performed by local people are as varied as the individuals
themselves. From farmers tending to their crops, to teachers shaping young minds, and
doctors healing the sick, each profession plays a vital role in the functioning of society.
Additionally, artisans create beautiful crafts, while entrepreneurs establish thriving businesses.
Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

The collective efforts of these hardworking individuals contribute to the growth and
prosperity of their community, ensuring its continued success for generations to come.
4. What do you like most about your hometown?

Da Nang City in Vietnam is a captivating destination that offers a plethora of
attractions. What I like most about this city is its stunning coastline, with pristine beaches
such as My Khe and Non Nuoc. The vibrant nightlife and delicious local cuisine are also
major highlights. Moreover, Da Nang's rich history can be explored through landmarks like
the Marble Mountains and the ancient Hoi An town nearby. Overall, Da Nang City
encapsulates the perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modernity that makes it
an unforgettable place to visit in Vietnam.
5. What do you not like about your hometown?
Da Nang City, a coastal gem in Vietnam, boasts stunning landscapes and a
vibrant culture. However, no place is without its flaws. One aspect that I find disappointing
about Da Nang is the heavy traffic congestion, especially during peak hours. Additionally, the
rapid urbanization has led to overcrowding and a loss of traditional charm. Nevertheless, these
drawbacks are overshadowed by the city's natural beauty and warm-hearted locals who make
Da Nang an enchanting destination.
1. Where are you living now? (1. Bạn đang sống ở đâu?)
Now, I’m living in HCMC, It is the biggest city in Vietnam, I believe it is the
place that suits me most, The city has great culture to explore and offers good opportunities of
career and education. Despite the fact that it’s crowded all year round and traffic is a real issue
here, it is an ideal place to meet people from over the world. It is always changing so you’ll
hardly get bored at the sleepless city

Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

2. What do the local residents often do in their free time? (Người dân địa phương thường
làm gì vào thời gian rãnh rỗi)
In their free time, local residents engage in a variety of activities that reflect
their interests and hobbies. Some prefer to immerse themselves in nature by going for long
walks or hikes, while others enjoy socializing with friends and family at local cafes or parks.

Many residents also participate in community events such as festivals or sports tournaments.
Additionally, some individuals pursue creative outlets like painting, writing, or playing
musical instruments. Ultimately, the diverse range of activities undertaken by local residents
during their leisure time contributes to the vibrant and dynamic atmosphere of the community.
3. What are their popular jobs? ( 3. Công việc phổ biến của họ là gì?)
In today's society, there are countless job opportunities available to individuals.
However, some professions have stood the test of time and remain popular throughout
generations. These include doctors, lawyers, teachers, and engineers. These jobs not only
provide stability but also offer a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Despite the ever-changing
world, these classic professions continue to attract individuals who seek meaningful careers
that make a positive impact on society.
4. Are all young people in your hometown go to university after school? (Có phải tất cả
thanh niên ở quê hương của bạn đều học đại học sau khi tốt nghiệp phổ thông không?)
In my hometown, the trend of young people pursuing higher education after
school is prevalent. However, it would be inaccurate to claim that all individuals in my
community opt for university. While a significant portion does enroll in universities, some
choose alternative paths such as vocational training or entrepreneurship. This diversity of
choices reflects the varying aspirations and goals of young people, highlighting the
importance of providing multiple avenues for personal and professional growth beyond
traditional academia.
5. Is your hometown changing?

Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

Danang, a vibrant coastal city in Vietnam, is undergoing a remarkable
transformation. Over the past decade, the city has experienced rapid development and
modernization. The once sleepy fishing village has now become a bustling metropolis with
skyscrapers, shopping malls, and luxury resorts. However, this change comes at a cost. The
traditional charm and cultural heritage of Danang are slowly fading away as the city embraces

globalization. It is crucial to strike a balance between progress and preservation to ensure that
Danang retains its unique identity while moving forward into the future.
6. Would you say it is a good place to live in? Why?
Danang, a coastal city in Vietnam, is indeed a good place to live in. With its
stunning natural beauty, vibrant culture, and excellent quality of life, it offers an ideal living
environment. The city boasts pristine beaches, lush mountains, and a pleasant climate.
Moreover, Danang provides ample job opportunities and a growing economy. Its friendly
locals and delicious cuisine make it an attractive destination for expatriates seeking a fulfilling
life experience. Overall, Danang's charm and livability make it an excellent choice for those
looking for a place to call home.
7. What changes would you like to make to your hometown?
Danang, a vibrant city in Vietnam, has witnessed remarkable growth in recent
years. However, there are still changes that I believe would enhance the city's appeal. Firstly,
improving public transportation infrastructure would alleviate traffic congestion and reduce
pollution. Secondly, investing in green spaces and parks would provide residents with
recreational areas and promote a healthier lifestyle. Lastly, preserving the city's cultural
heritage by restoring historical sites and promoting traditional arts would attract tourists while
fostering a sense of pride among locals. By implementing these changes, Danang can continue
to flourish as a modern yet culturally rich destination.
8. What are the advantages of living in your hometown?

Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

Living in my hometown has numerous advantages. Firstly, the familiarity and
sense of belonging that comes with living in a place where I grew up is unparalleled. The
close-knit community fosters strong relationships and support networks. Additionally, the
convenience of knowing the area like the back of my hand saves time and reduces stress.
Finally, the abundance of local amenities, such as parks, restaurants, and shops, provides
endless opportunities for entertainment and leisure. Overall, living in my hometown offers a

unique blend of comfort, community, and convenience that cannot be replicated elsewhere.
9. What are some problems that your hometown is faced with?
Danang, a vibrant city in Vietnam, is not immune to its fair share of challenges.
One pressing issue is the rapid urbanization that has led to overcrowding and strain on
infrastructure. Additionally, pollution poses a significant threat to the environment and public
health. Furthermore, unemployment rates remain high, exacerbating social inequality. Despite
these obstacles, Danang's resilience and determination are evident as it strives to find
sustainable solutions for its future development.
10. Compare your hometown with a nearby city
Danang, a vibrant coastal city in Vietnam, offers a unique blend of modernity
and tradition. When comparing it to nearby Hoi An, one can observe striking differences.
While Danang boasts impressive skyscrapers and a bustling urban atmosphere, Hoi An
enchants with its well-preserved ancient town and tranquil riverside setting. Both cities have
their own allure, making them must-visit destinations for travelers seeking diverse experiences
in Central Vietnam.
11. What are some environmental problems in your hometown?
Danang, a vibrant city in Vietnam, is grappling with several environmental problems. One major
concern is water pollution caused by industrial waste and untreated sewage. This not only affects
the marine ecosystem but also poses a threat to human health. Deforestation and urbanization
have led to loss of biodiversity and habitat destruction. Air pollution from vehicle emissions and

Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

industrial activities further exacerbates the situation. These environmental issues demand
immediate attention and effective measures to ensure a sustainable future for Danang.
12. What do you think visitors to your town or region should see? Why?
When visiting Danang or its surrounding region, there are several must-see attractions that should
not be missed. Firstly, the Marble Mountains offer a unique blend of natural beauty and spiritual
significance, with stunning caves and pagodas nestled amidst the limestone cliffs. Additionally,

the iconic Dragon Bridge is a sight to behold, especially when it breathes fire and water on
weekends. Finally, the ancient town of Hoi An showcases Vietnam's rich cultural heritage
through its well-preserved architecture and vibrant lantern-filled streets. These attractions provide
visitors with an unforgettable experience that combines history, spirituality, and natural wonders.

Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

1. Which city are you from? (1. Bạn đến từ thành phố nào? )
Well, I’m now living in Hanoi which is the capital of my country and I
have lived here since I was a kid. I’m quite happy to be here, I have to say, because this
vibrant city is really on the move with higher living standard and a lot of, you know,
entertainment attractions.
2. Do you have a large family?
I come from a small family. I live with my husband (wife) and two kids.
As I recall, we used to live with our parents, sisters and brothers many years ago. But
now we have our own nuclear family as we live in a city which is far away from our
parents' house.
3. What does your mother do?
My Mom retired from her job as a nurse at 60s. So now my mother lives
happily at her age. She joins the elderly’s dance club, takes care of her flower garden
and looks after kids for me when I have to go to work.
4. How much time do you spend with your family?
I love my family so much thus I’ve spent as much time as I can for my
family. When I back from work and at weekend, I often do the cooking or take our
family outside for a picnic. However busy I am now, I plan most of my time with my
beloved family’s members.
Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

1. Which province do you come from?
Well, I’m now living in Hanoi which is the capital of my country and I
have lived here since I was a kid. I’m quite happy to be here, I have to say, because this
vibrant city is really on the move with higher living standard and a lot of, you know,
entertainment attractions.

2. Do you live with your family?
I live with my husband (wife) and two kids. As I recall, we used to live
with our parents, sisters and brothers many years ago. But now we have our own
nuclear family as we live in a city which is far away from our parents' house.
3. What is your father’s job?
My Dad retired from his job as a doctor at 60s. So now my father lives
happily at his age. He joins the elderly’s chess club, takes care of his garden and looks
after kids for me when I have to go to work.
4. Do you prefer going out with your family or your friends?
Sometimes I want to spend time with my friends because we have a lot of
things in common and it's easy for us to find interesting topics to talk about. But when
I'm with my family, I can feel the love from them, which make me feel safe and

1. Where are you from?
Well, I’m now living in Hanoi which is the capital of my country and I have lived here
since I was a kid. I’m quite happy to be here, I have to say, because this vibrant city is

Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

really on the move with higher living standard and a lot of, you know, entertainment
2. Were you born in a large or a small family?
I have a small family and there are only five members including my dad, mom, younger
sister, younger brother and I am.
3. Who is important to you in your family?
I am the closest to my mom. She is the most important family’s member to me. I think it is
because we are the only women in the family. So, we share the same ideas about many
things and she always supports me.
4. How often do your family members eat out together?
Personally, my family and I rarely eat out. We cook a vast majority of our meals even after a
long, hard day at work and we may eat out once every two months at the most for the special
5. Who are you closest to in your family?
In every family, there is a special bond that connects its members. For me, the
person I am closest to in my family is my younger sister. Despite our age difference, we share
an unbreakable connection built on trust, love, and understanding. From childhood mischief to
teenage adventures and now adulthood challenges, she has always been my confidante and
partner in crime. Our shared experiences have shaped us into each other's pillars of support,
making her the one I turn to for advice, comfort, and laughter. Through thick and thin, she
remains my rock - the person who truly understands me and accepts me for who I am.
Discuss THREE most notable DISADVANTAGES which TV advertisement may bring
to the young generation nowadays” (3 nhược điểm của quảng cáo trên TV)

Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

Television advertisements have become an integral part of our daily lives, bombarding us with
messages and enticing visuals. While they may seem harmless, there are three notable
disadvantages that TV advertisements bring to the young generation today.

Firstly, excessive exposure to TV ads can lead to materialistic tendencies among the youth.
Constantly bombarded with images of luxurious lifestyles and trendy products, young people are
easily influenced to prioritize material possessions over more meaningful aspects of life such as
relationships or personal growth.
Secondly, TV ads often promote unhealthy habits and behaviors. From sugary snacks to fast food
chains, these advertisements encourage the consumption of unhealthy products that can
contribute to obesity and other health issues among the youth.
Lastly, TV ads can negatively impact self-esteem and body image. The unrealistic beauty
standards portrayed in these commercials can lead young individuals to develop low self-esteem
and body dissatisfaction as they strive for an unattainable ideal.
In conclusion, while TV advertisements may seem harmless on the surface, they bring several
notable disadvantages for the young generation today. It is crucial for parents and educators to
guide them in critically analyzing these ads and developing a healthy perspective towards
consumerism and self-image.
Discuss THREE most beneficial THINGS which travelling may bring to travelers
worldwide” (3 lợi ích của du lịch)
Travelling is a transformative experience that offers numerous benefits to travelers worldwide.
Firstly, it broadens one's perspective by exposing them to different cultures and ways of life. By
immersing oneself in unfamiliar surroundings, travelers gain a deeper understanding and
appreciation for diversity. This exposure fosters tolerance and empathy, promoting global
Secondly, travelling enhances personal growth and self-discovery. Stepping out of one's comfort
zone allows individuals to challenge themselves, build resilience, and develop problem-solving
Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

skills. Moreover, encountering new experiences encourages self-reflection and introspection,
leading to personal growth and a better understanding of oneself.
Lastly, travel promotes lifelong learning. Exploring historical sites or engaging with local
communities provides educational opportunities that cannot be replicated in textbooks or

classrooms. Travelers can learn about art, history, cuisine, language, and various other subjects
through direct experiences.
In conclusion, traveling brings immense benefits to individuals worldwide by expanding their
horizons culturally, fostering personal growth and self-discovery while providing unique
educational opportunities. It is an invaluable investment in one's own development as well as
promoting global understanding and unity.
Discuss THREE most valuable ADVANTAGES which globalization may bring to
people in the modern world” (Lợi ích của tồn cầu hóa)
Globalization has become an integral part of the modern world, connecting people and nations
like never before. While it has its critics, there are three valuable advantages that globalization
brings to people in the modern world.
Firstly, globalization promotes economic growth and development. It allows countries to access
new markets and expand their businesses globally. This leads to increased trade, investment, and
job opportunities for people around the world. Globalization also encourages innovation and
technological advancements as companies compete on a global scale. As a result, living standards
improve, poverty rates decrease, and societies prosper.
Secondly, globalization fosters cultural exchange and understanding among different nations.
Through increased travel, migration, and communication channels such as social media
platforms, people from diverse backgrounds can connect with each other more easily. This
exposure to different cultures promotes tolerance, empathy, and appreciation for diversity. It also
facilitates the sharing of knowledge and ideas across borders which can lead to creative
collaborations in various fields.
Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

Lastly, globalization enhances access to education and healthcare worldwide. With advancements
in technology and communication infrastructure, educational resources are now more accessible
than ever before. Online courses enable individuals from remote areas to gain knowledge from
prestigious institutions around the globe. Similarly, telemedicine allows patients in underserved
regions to receive medical advice remotely from specialists elsewhere.

In conclusion, globalization offers numerous advantages that benefit people in the modern world.
It drives economic growth by expanding trade opportunities; it promotes cultural exchange
leading to greater understanding; it improves access to education and healthcare for all
individuals regardless of their location or background. While challenges exist within this
globalized world as well, these advantages demonstrate how globalization has positively
impacted our lives today.
Discuss THREE most notable EFFECTS which money may have on the human’s life”
(Ba tác dụng của tiền)
Money is an essential aspect of human life, and its influence on individuals cannot be
underestimated. There are three notable effects that money can have on a person's life.
Firstly, money provides individuals with a sense of security. Financial stability allows people to
meet their basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing. It also enables them to plan for the
future by saving for emergencies or retirement. This sense of security brings peace of mind and
reduces stress levels, allowing individuals to focus on other aspects of their lives.
Secondly, money can provide opportunities for personal growth and development. With financial
resources at hand, individuals can invest in education or training programs that enhance their
skills and knowledge. This opens doors to better job prospects and higher earning potential.
Money also allows people to pursue hobbies or interests that enrich their lives and contribute to
personal fulfillment.
Lastly, money can influence social status and relationships. Wealth often leads to increased social
recognition and respect from others. It may open doors to exclusive social circles or provide
Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

access to influential networks. Additionally, money can impact romantic relationships as it affects
one's ability to provide for a partner or family.
In conclusion, the effects of money on human life are significant. It provides security,
opportunities for personal growth, and influences social status and relationships. However, it is
important not to equate wealth with happiness as there are many other factors that contribute to
overall well-being beyond monetary means.

Discuss THREE most notable DISADVANTAGES which the internet may bring to the
young generation nowadays” (3 nhược điểm của internet)
The internet has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. However,
it is important to acknowledge that this technological marvel also brings with it several
disadvantages for the young generation today.
Firstly, excessive use of the internet can lead to social isolation. With virtual interactions
replacing face-to-face conversations, young people may struggle to develop crucial social skills
and form meaningful relationships.
Secondly, the internet exposes youngsters to a plethora of inappropriate content such as violence
or pornography, which can have detrimental effects on their psychological well-being.
Lastly, cyberbullying has become rampant in recent years, causing immense emotional distress
and even leading to tragic consequences for vulnerable individuals.
In conclusion, while the internet offers numerous benefits, its negative impact on the young
generation cannot be overlooked.
“Discuss the ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES of shopping ONLINE”

Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

Shopping online has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more people
opting to make their purchases from the comfort of their own homes. This trend has both
advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered.
One of the main advantages of shopping online is convenience. With just a few clicks, consumers
can browse through a wide range of products and make a purchase without having to leave their
homes. This saves time and effort, especially for those who live in remote areas or have busy
schedules. Additionally, online shopping offers access to a wider variety of products than
traditional brick-and-mortar stores.
Another advantage is the ability to compare prices easily. Online retailers often offer discounts
and promotions that are not available in physical stores. Consumers can also read reviews from

other customers before making a purchase, which helps them make informed decisions.
However, there are also disadvantages to shopping online. One major drawback is the lack of
personal interaction with salespeople. In physical stores, customers can ask questions and receive
immediate assistance if needed. Online shoppers may have to wait for responses from customer
service representatives or rely on product descriptions alone.
Another disadvantage is the risk of fraud or security breaches when providing personal
information online. Hackers can potentially gain access to credit card details or other sensitive
data if proper security measures are not in place.
In conclusion, shopping online offers convenience and access to a wide range of products at
competitive prices. However, it lacks personal interaction and carries risks related to security and
fraud. Therefore, consumers should weigh these advantages and disadvantages before deciding
whether to shop online or in physical stores.
“Discuss the reasons why staying healthy is more important than having much money”
In today's fast-paced and materialistic world, it is often easy to prioritize wealth over health.
However, it is crucial to recognize that staying healthy is more important than having much
money. This essay will discuss several reasons why this is the case.
Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

Firstly, good health is the foundation of a fulfilling life. Without it, all the wealth in the world
becomes meaningless. No amount of money can buy back lost health or reverse chronic illnesses.
By prioritizing our well-being, we can enjoy life's simple pleasures and engage in activities that
bring us joy and fulfillment.
Secondly, being healthy allows us to be productive and successful in various aspects of life.
When we are physically fit and mentally sound, we have more energy and focus to pursue our
goals and ambitions. In contrast, poor health can hinder our ability to work efficiently or achieve
our full potential.
Furthermore, staying healthy reduces healthcare costs in the long run. Preventive measures such
as regular exercise, balanced diet, and stress management can significantly decrease the risk of
developing chronic diseases like diabetes or heart conditions. By investing time and effort into

maintaining good health now, individuals can avoid costly medical treatments later on.
Lastly, good health promotes happiness and overall well-being. Money may provide temporary
satisfaction through material possessions or luxurious experiences; however, true happiness stems
from feeling physically strong and mentally balanced.
In conclusion, while money certainly has its importance in society today, staying healthy should
always take precedence over accumulating wealth. Good health enables us to lead meaningful
lives filled with productivity, happiness, and longevity – things that no amount of money can
truly buy.
“Discuss THREE most notable REASONS why media is important to young generation
Media plays a crucial role in shaping the minds and lives of the young generation today. With the
advent of technology, media has become easily accessible to everyone, especially the youth.
There are three notable reasons why media is important to the young generation nowadays.
Firstly, media provides a platform for self-expression and creativity. Young people can use
various forms of media such as social networking sites, blogs, and vlogs to share their thoughts,
Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

ideas, and talents with a wide audience. This not only boosts their confidence but also helps them
connect with like-minded individuals from around the world.
Secondly, media acts as an educational tool for young people. With access to the internet and
online platforms, they can easily find information on any topic of interest. This enables them to
expand their knowledge beyond what is taught in schools and encourages independent learning.
Lastly, media helps in raising awareness about important social issues. Through news outlets and
documentaries, young people are exposed to different perspectives on global problems such as
climate change or inequality. This exposure fosters critical thinking skills and encourages them to
become active citizens who strive for positive change.
In conclusion, media plays a vital role in the lives of young people today by providing a platform
for self-expression, acting as an educational tool, and raising awareness about important social
issues. It is essential that we guide them in using media responsibly so that they can harness its

power for personal growth and societal development.

Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.

Skype: lilynguyen180285. Kakaotalk: hoanglinh1802dn. Wechat: hoanglinh1802dn. Line: hoanglinh1802dn.
