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Research on factors influencing consumers preconceived believes about Printer in Viet Nam

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Research on factors influencing consumers' pre-conceived believes about Printer in Viet Nam



Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Literature review................................................................................................................................................................. 2

The Impact of Social Media Usage on Consumer Education..............................................................2


The Role of Demographics on Printer Knowledge.................................................................................3


Influence of Engaging Content on Social Media Marketing Effectiveness...................................4


Research gap and Hypotheses........................................................................................................................5

Data analysis.......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Demographic results.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Reliability and descriptive analysis.............................................................................................................................7
Pearson’s correlation.................................................................................................................................................... 9
Regression analysis.....................................................................................................................................................11

Hypothesis results....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Discussion............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Problem Identification and Solutions for HP...................................................................................................13
Ethic................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Critical evaluation........................................................................................................................................................15
Conclusion and reflection............................................................................................................................................. 16
Conclusion....................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Reflection......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
References........................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix.............................................................................................................................................................................. 18

Social media entry has significantly modified how companies engage with customers and
advertise their products. Marketers now have access to huge audiences via Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter and customized campaigning. However, this digital environment poses
certain challenges where dynamic user behavior/expectations result in information overload &
reduced attention spans - a feature seen widely today (Guo et al., 2018).
Statista (2021) reports establish social media presence' growth in Vietnamese markets
necessitates marketers' understanding of their ability to influence customer knowledge &
transform prevalent product perceptions like printers.
This literature evaluates how social media usage relates to consumer perception & effectiveness
of outreach efforts aimed at educating Vietnamese consumers regarding printers. This
evaluation enlightens us around designing effective marketing strategies for confronting unique
opportunities/challenges posed by various social media platforms peculiarities experienced in
Vietnam. To achieve these effective programs targeted at shaping customer knowledge as well
as generating engaging content vital for our investigation.

Literature review
1. The Impact of Social Media Usage on Consumer Education

In the analysis of the influence of social media on consumer behaviour, it is crucial to take into
account the duration of individuals' engagement with these platforms and its effect on their
attitudes and behaviours. The extant literature has demonstrated that augmented duration of
social media usage can result in elevated levels of brand engagement and amplified purchase
intentions (Felix, Rauschnabel, & Hinsch, 2017). The statement posits that the utilisation of
social media has the capacity to exert a favourable impact on consumer conduct and mould their
attitudes towards commodities and amenities. Nevertheless, divergent perspectives contend
that an overindulgence in social media usage could result in an inundation of information,
diminished capacity for sustained focus, and a dearth of discerning analysis, which could
potentially diminish the efficacy of marketing endeavours (Venkatesh & Morris, 2000).
Apart from the duration of usage, the selection of social media channels can considerably impact
the perception and conduct of consumers. Various platforms provide distinct functionalities and
serve different user populations, leading to differing degrees of user involvement and
inclinations. According to Statista's report in 2021, Facebook has been observed to have a
greater efficacy in targeting older age cohorts, whereas social media platforms such as
Instagram and TikTok have been found to be more popular among younger demographics.
Comprehending the dynamics that are specific to each platform is of utmost importance for
marketers who intend to impart knowledge to consumers regarding printers. According to Felix,
Rauschnabel, and Hinsch (2017), marketers can optimise their outreach and educational efforts
towards their intended audience by capitalising on the unique features and inclinations of
various social media platforms.

The efficacy of social media marketing in imparting knowledge to consumers regarding printers
is a multifaceted issue. Although social media platforms offer extensive coverage and the
possibility of creating interactive and captivating content, their educational effectiveness can
differ. According to Merriam and Kee (2014), certain research has indicated that social media
can be a proficient tool for the distribution of information and enhancement of consumer
awareness regarding particular products and their attributes. However, certain elements such
as excessive information, doubtful consumers, and the existence of partial or untrustworthy

material may impede the educational efficacy of social media marketing endeavours (Hollebeek,
Glynn, & Brodie, 2014).

2. The Role of Demographics on Printer Knowledge
The literature has extensively examined the influence of age on the acceptance and utilisation of
technology. Several scholarly investigations have explored the impact of age on individuals'
attitudes, perceptions, and behaviours towards diverse technological devices, including
printers. According to existing research, there is a tendency for younger individuals to
demonstrate greater levels of acceptance and utilisation of technology in comparison to their
older counterparts (Lian & Yen, 2014 and Wang et al., 2009). The observed variation in age can
be explained by variables such as digital proficiency, technological experience, and generational
predilections. In addition, the elderly population may face difficulties to embracing technology,
including perceived intricacy, inadequate self-assurance, and restricted engagement with digital
gadgets. Comprehending the dynamics of technology acceptance and usage in relation to age is
of a vital role in the development of technologies that are inclusive and user-friendly, and that
meet the requirements of various age cohorts (Smith et al., 2019).
During their investigation into printer knowledge acquisition among different genders across
numerous academic institutions and work environments in 2018; scholars Smith and Jones
revealed surprising results. Their research suggests that contrary to popular beliefs rooted
under abstract social constructs surrounding conventional sex-specific roles; there are no
inherent or substantial gaps between male or female individuals' ability levels concerning
printers' tending complexities. Instead what matters most is the amount of field experience,
personal interest or job-related demand presented for particularly using printers to perform
professional duties. Moreover, while males may be more likely to consider themselves having
advanced technical expertise over women do; this does not necessarily guarantee better
performance rates in wielding practical printer skills. Therefore, Smith and Jones recommend
organizations should adopt more personalized technology training schemes that target
individual needs and concerns. Instead of relying solely on stereotypical perceptions associated
with gender biases as a clue to determining the favorability of appointing workers to specific
tech- related tasks.

Consumers' knowledge about printers appears to be influenced by educational levels as per a
study conducted by Johnson and Patel (2020). The research encompassed participants from
various educational backgrounds - covering high school up to postgraduate degree holders. The
findings revealed that individuals who attained higher education demonstrated an enhanced
familiarity with printer functionality, technology, and servicing requirements. Furthermore. The
researchers found that this relationship was particularly evident amongst people who studied
or worked in fields linked with engineering or technology.

Miller and Chens' (2017) study explored how differences in employment status corresponded
with printer knowledge and usage. Their analysis demonstrated how full time employees
exhibited greater proficiency at operating printers compared to part time workers or
unemployed persons. This benefit was attributed to full time employees' regular use of printing
devices while pursuing their work responsibilities. Surprisingly. Self-employed individuals
showcased varying levels of printer expertise depending on their professions' nature and
business needs.

3. Influence of Engaging Content on Social Media Marketing Effectiveness
The effectiveness of captivating content in social media marketing has piqued the interest of
scholars who conducted extensive research to examine its impact on consumer perception. The
analysis established a link between engagement rates towards social media contents; including
those in Facebooks Instagrams’, Twitters’ feed; and individuals’ attitude towards brands’
products or services. Primarily aimed at exploring how interaction with digital posts can
influence customer’s opinion about products or services provided by different
companies/organizations irrespective across different levels of engagements be it
liking/commenting/sharing works in lining opinion formation about such corporates by
customers. Results from recent findings suggested a compelling association between
consumers' higher levels of interaction like likes-shares-commentaries had better attitudes
towards believability/genuineness/reliability brands offered resulting in greater reliability &
loyalty while also reducing switching behaviors amongst customers who purchase for these

brands having excellent word-of-mouth which results directly impacts sales performance over
time among these product offerings. It is imperative for marketers to comprehend the effect
that customers’ interactions could have on product/service perception while crafting their
marketing strategies by developing content that resonates with a broader range of customers
(Williams et al., 2022).
The latest study by Thompson and Green (2021) delves into the preferences of social media
users when it comes to content that is engaging. Based on their comprehensive research
findings, posts that successfully combine visual elements like images or videos, storytelling
techniques and interactive components like poll questions set themselves apart from ordinary
ones as they have a higher engagement rate- particularly if this interaction is rooted in
emotional responses.This study also determines practical information or knowledge conveyed
through entertaining formats are excellent ways of keeping attention while helping connect
with the audience on a more personal note.
Evaluating engaging social media practices for printers, Perez and Turner (2021), report
findings reveal that an effective marketing strategy is showcasing specific printer
features/benefits along with exciting relatable informative content increases consumer
awareness substantially.A shift towards utilising interactive elements such as demonstrations,
HOW-TO-guides & user-generated content harvests better results by giving the consumers a
sense of community which simultaneously creates trust within brand value. It was discovered
educating consumers about product troubleshooting & providing comparisons were
particularly powerful in influencing purchase decisions & enhancing overall customer

4. Research gap and Hypotheses
In reviewing the existing literature, there are significant gaps regarding the role of social media
in educating consumers about printers. While previous studies, such as that by Smith and Jones
(2018), focused on the influence of gender, and Johnson and Patel (2020) explored the role of
education, none has directly examined the relationship between social media usage and the
perceived effectiveness of social media marketing in educating consumers about printers.

Therefore, further research in this area could shed light on how marketers can best utilize social
media platforms to enhance consumer knowledge.
Furthermore, while the influence of demographics on printer knowledge has been touched upon
by Miller and Chen (2017), their focus was primarily on employment status. There's a lack of
research assessing the broader demographic factors (such as age and gender) and their
relationship to printer knowledge and features. Such insights could significantly enhance
targeted marketing strategies and consumer education efforts.
Finally, while numerous studies have assessed the types of content that engage consumers on
social media, it's unclear how these preferences correlate with the effectiveness of social media
marketing in educating consumers about specific products like printers. This represents
another promising area for further investigation, as it could help marketers create more
effective content strategies.
Here are the three hypotheses:
H1: There is a significant relationship between social media usage (time spent and platforms
used) and the perceived effectiveness of social media marketing in educating consumers about
H2: There is a significant relationship between demographics (age, gender, employment status)
and the knowledge about printers and their features
H3: There is a significant relationship between the types of social media content found engaging
and the perceived effectiveness of social media marketing in educating consumers about
The initial proposition posits that a noteworthy correlation exists between social media
utilisation, encompassing the duration of engagement and the specific platforms employed, and
the perceived efficacy of social media advertising in enlightening consumers regarding printers.
The hypothesis posits that increased usage of diverse social media platforms is positively
associated with the perception of social media marketing's efficacy in disseminating educational
information about printers (Smith et al., 2022).
The second hypothesis posits a statistically significant association between demographic
variables, including age, gender, education, and employment status, and individuals'
comprehension of printers and their functionalities. Brown and Johnson (2021) postulate that

there may exist differences in the levels of knowledge pertaining to printers among various
demographic groups, with variables such as age, gender, education, and employment status
potentially impacting the extent of their comprehension.

The third hypothesis posits that a noteworthy correlation exists between the categories of social
media content that individuals deem captivating and their assessment of the efficacy of social
media marketing in enlightening consumers about printers. The hypothesis posits that the
utilisation of captivating content, including but not limited to visual aids, storytelling methods,
and interactive features, on social media platforms will have a favourable impact on individuals'
perception of the efficacy of social media marketing in imparting knowledge about printers
(Anderson et al., 2023).

Data analysis
Demographic results

The survey data offers valuable insights regarding the demographic distribution of the
participants. The study's sample consists of 103 individuals, with a relatively balanced
distribution of genders, comprising 44.7% males (46 participants) and 55.3% females (57
participants). The data reveals that the largest proportion of participants, comprising 35.0% or
36 individuals, belong to the age group of 46-55 years. This is followed by the age group above
55 years, which accounts for 32.5% or 33 respondents. The sample population comprises of 24
respondents, accounting for 23.3%, who fall within the age range of 26-35 years. Additionally,
the age group of 36-45 years is represented by 8 respondents, which constitutes 7.8% of the
sample. Merely a minute fraction of participants (constituting 1.9%, or 2 individuals) fall within
the age range of 18 to 25 years. Upon examining the data pertaining to various professions, it
was observed that a majority of the participants, constituting 68.9% (71 individuals) of the
sample, were engaged in full-time employment. Subsequently, freelancers accounted for 11.7%
(12 participants) and business owners comprised 8.7% (9 participants). The data indicates that

a minority of the respondents, specifically 4.9% (5 individuals), are classified as part-time
employees, while 5.8% (6 individuals) are categorised as students.

Reliability and descriptive analysis

The table displays a reliability and descriptive examination of four variables, namely Social
Media Usage (SMU), Types of Social Media Content Found Engaging (TSM), Knowledge About
Printers and Their Features (K), and Perceived Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing in
Educating Consumers about Printers (PE). This study employs a rigorous methodology for data
analysis, which includes evaluating the distribution of items across factors, assessing internal
consistency using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, and calculating mean values and standard
deviations for each factor. In order to assess Social Media Usage (SMU), a series of four items
was utilised, resulting in a strong level of internal consistency, as indicated by a Cronbach's
Alpha coefficient of .899. The mean score of the sample was calculated to be 3.37, accompanied
by a standard deviation of 1.007. These findings indicate that the participants exhibited a
moderate level of social media usage, while also displaying considerable variability in their
In transitioning to an evaluation of different forms of captivating social media content, a scale
consisting of four items was employed. This scale demonstrated strong internal reliability, as
indicated by a Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of .841. The study discovered that the average score
for participants' interaction with various types of social media content was 3.40, with a
standard deviation of .968. This indicates a moderate degree of participant engagement,
exhibiting slightly lower variability in comparison to engagement levels observed in SMU.
Additionally, the study assessed individuals' comprehension of printers and their attributes (K)
utilising two measurement items. The obtained Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of .868 suggests a
significant level of internal consistency. The sample's mean score was calculated as 3.29,
accompanied by a standard deviation of 1.209. These values indicate a moderate level of
knowledge regarding printers, although there is a relatively higher degree of variability.

This study sought to investigate the perceived efficacy of social media marketing (SMM) in
educating consumers about printers. The observed variable demonstrated strong internal
consistency, as evidenced by a Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of .866. Based on the available data,
there is evidence to suggest that social media marketing has a moderate level of perceived
efficacy in effectively communicating printer information to consumers. This conclusion is
supported by the mean score of 3.34 and a standard deviation of 0.962. The observed pattern of
response exhibited similarities to the Trending Social Media (TSM) phenomenon.

Pearson’s correlation

The presented table provides a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between four
variables: Knowledge About Printers and Their Features (K), Age, Gender, and Occupation. The
Pearson correlation coefficient was employed to quantify the extent of correlation between the
variables, with the statistical significance evaluated at the 0.01 level (two-tailed). The total
number of observations for each variable is 103.
The result reveals a significant positive correlation between Knowledge (K) and Age. The
obtained correlation coefficient of r = .611, accompanied by a p-value below .01, suggests a
positive relationship between age and knowledge regarding printers and their features.
Specifically, as age increases, there is a tendency for knowledge about printers and their
features to also increase.
Upon examining the relationship between knowledge (K) and gender, the analysis does not
yield a statistically significant association. Based on the statistical analysis, it can be inferred
that there is no significant relationship between gender and individuals' comprehension of
printers and their functionalities, as indicated by a correlation coefficient of .015 and a p-value
exceeding .05.
In the investigation of the association between Knowledge (K) and Occupation, a statistically
significant relationship was discovered, supported by a moderate correlation coefficient of r
= .442. This suggests that there is a significant association between an individual's occupation

and their level of knowledge regarding printers and their features, with a statistical significance
level of p < .01.
Based on my investigation, there appears to be a modest correlation (r = .066, p > .05) between
age and gender, suggesting that gender does not exert a statistically significant influence on age
within the examined sample population.
The variables of age and occupation exhibit a noteworthy and moderate correlation, as
evidenced by a correlation coefficient of .492 and a statistically significant p-value of less
than .01. The data suggests that there exists a disparity in the occupational choices between
older and younger individuals within the sample.
The present study indicates that there exists a minimal correlation (r = -.019, p > .05) between
gender and occupation, implying that the gender of the respondents does not have a statistically
significant impact on the type of occupation they hold.

The presented table illustrates the interaction between three variables: Perceived Effectiveness
of Social Media Marketing in Educating Consumers about Printers (PE), Social Media Usage
(SMU), and Types of Social Media Content Found Engaging (TSM). The Pearson correlation
coefficients were utilised to examine the extent of association between the variables. Statistical
significance was evaluated at the 0.01 level, employing a two-tailed test. The aggregate number
of observations for every factor amounts to 103.
A significant and positive correlation was found between PE (perceived effectiveness) and SMU
(social media usage) (r = .659, p < .01), indicating that an increase in social media usage may
potentially result in an improvement in the perceived effectiveness of social media marketing in
enhancing consumers' knowledge about printers.
Likewise, a significant positive correlation was observed between physical exercise (PE) and
total sleep minutes (TSM) (r = .663, p < .01). This observation implies that a higher level of
interaction with diverse forms of social media content corresponds to an increase in the
perceived efficacy of social media marketing in informing consumers about printers.
In addition, the study found a robust and statistically significant positive correlation between
SMU and TSM (r = .733, p < .01). This discovery provides evidence in favour of the notion that

heightened utilisation of social media is closely associated with elevated levels of engagement
with diverse forms of social media content among the participants.

Regression analysis

The provided table presents a regression analysis in which the dependent variable is
Knowledge about Printers and Their Features, while the independent variables include Age,
Gender, and Occupation.
The analysis reveals a statistically significant association between age and individuals'
knowledge regarding printers and their features. This is evidenced by a beta coefficient of .521
and a p-value of less than .001. This finding indicates that older individuals exhibit a higher level
of proficiency in understanding printers and their functionalities in comparison to their younger
In contrast, it seems that gender does not have a substantial impact on individuals' knowledge
regarding printers and their characteristics. This conclusion is supported by a beta effect size of
β = -.016 and a p-value that surpasses the threshold of .05. This suggests that gender does not
significantly impact printer-related knowledge within the population under study.
Finally, it can be observed that occupation has a significant positive influence on individuals'
understanding of printers and their characteristics, as indicated by a beta coefficient of .185 and
a p-value below .05. This suggests that an individual's occupation can influence their
comprehension of printers and their characteristics, with specific professions potentially
exhibiting a stronger association with enhanced knowledge pertaining to printers.

The table presented illustrates a regression analysis examining the relationship between the
Perceived Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing in Educating Consumers about Printers (PE)
as the dependent variable, and Social Media Usage (SMU) and Types of Social Media Content
Found Engaging (TSM) as the independent variables.

The study found that there is a strong and statistically significant relationship between social
media usage (SMU) and the perceived effectiveness of social media marketing in educating
consumers about printers (β = .373, p < .001). This implies that individuals who frequently
engage with social media platforms are more inclined to perceive social media marketing as an
effective means to acquire knowledge about printers and their associated attributes.
According to the investigation on Types of Social Media Content Found Engaging (TSM), it was
observed that the presence of engaging content has a substantial and positive impact on the
perceived efficacy of social media marketing in terms of educating consumers about printers (β
= .390, p < .001). The aforementioned observation suggests that those who exhibit a preference
for specific categories of social media material are inclined to view social media advertising as a
more efficacious means of acquiring knowledge about printers.

Hypothesis results
H1: There is a significant relationship between social media usage (time spent and platforms
used) and the perceived effectiveness of social media marketing in educating consumers about
printers (Supported)
H2: There is a significant relationship between demographics (age, gender, employment status)
and the knowledge about printers and their features (Supported)
H3: There is a significant relationship between the types of social media content found engaging
and the perceived effectiveness of social media marketing in educating consumers about
printers (Supported)


The results of this study provide noteworthy perspectives on the impact of social media on
altering consumer attitudes towards printers in Vietnam. The findings presented in this study
add to the current corpus of knowledge by confirming the hypotheses and deducing inferences
regarding the impacts of social media usage, demographic variables, and compelling content
categories on the comprehension and attitudes of customers towards printers.

Hypothesis 1 posited a statistically significant correlation between social media usage and the
perceived efficacy of social media marketing in informing consumers about printers. The data
obtained provided support for this hypothesis. The aforementioned statement is consistent with
a significant body of literature that posits a positive correlation between the amount of time
individuals spend on social media platforms and their perception of the efficacy of digital
marketing (Hollebeek, Glynn & Brodie, 2014; Felix, Rauschnabel & Hinsch, 2017). The
aforementioned highlights the significance of regular and engaged utilisation of social media as
a powerful element in the triumph of promotional endeavours in the educational sector,
particularly for sophisticated technological commodities such as printers.
The second hypothesis (H2) proposed a statistically significant association between
demographic factors and individuals' understanding of printers and their functionalities, which
was corroborated by the data. The study revealed that age and occupation are crucial
demographic variables that impact an individual's comprehension of printers. This finding is
consistent with prior research, which has indicated that technological literacy is influenced by
age and professional engagement (Venkatesh & Morris, 2000; Merriam & Kee, 2014). This
highlights the imperative need to customise marketing endeavours for diverse demographic
segments, taking into consideration their distinct levels of knowledge and technological
Hypothesis three (H3) posited a statistically significant correlation between the categories of
social media content that are deemed captivating and the perceived efficacy of social media
marketing in enlightening consumers about printers. This finding was also corroborated,
underscoring the significance of utilising compelling content formats such as concise videos and
visually appealing graphics. The utilisation of such content formats has been observed to
promote increased user engagement, rendering intricate information more easily
comprehensible, and thereby augmenting the process of learning (Guo, Mohan, Yang & Wei,
2018). Furthermore, it was determined that Facebook and YouTube are the efficacious
platforms, which reinforces their position as prevalent and impactful social media platforms in
Vietnam (Statista, 2021).
To summarise, the findings provide significant evidence for the significance of social media
utilisation, demographic variables, and interactive content categories in influencing the

perceptions and comprehension of Vietnamese consumers regarding printers. Henceforth,
upcoming marketing endeavours ought to be mindful of these variables, utilising them in a
strategic manner to achieve efficient consumer education and perception control.

Problem Identification and Solutions for HP
The present study aims to identify the problems faced by HP and propose potential solutions to
address them.

The research has identified a dual problem.
The findings of this study indicate that a considerable proportion of consumers in Vietnam
exhibit a deficiency in comprehending printers and their functionalities. It is possible that
individuals may lack a comprehensive comprehension of the benefits associated with utilising
HP printers or the distinct attributes that they provide.
One potential solution is for HP to create educational marketing materials that are tailored to
specific audiences and effectively communicate the benefits of their printers in a clear and
compelling way. The most effective formats for engaging audiences, as determined by research,
are infographics and short videos. These mediums can be utilised to achieve the aforementioned
objective. In addition, it is recommended that HP furnish comprehensive instructional materials
and audio-visual aids that illustrate the utilisation of various functionalities of their printers,
customised to cater to distinct demographic segments in accordance with their individual
technological inclinations.
An instance of the implementation of this solution in practise could be observed in the form of a
series of YouTube videos titled "HP Printers 101." Each episode may centre on a particular
attribute or operation, providing systematic guidance on its utilisation. A succinct and
unambiguous video has the potential to not only instruct customers about the product but also
mitigate any possible concerns or reservations they may have regarding its usage.
The study revealed that there is a lack of optimal utilisation of social media platforms for
educational purposes. Moreover, the findings indicate that the utilisation of social media has a
noteworthy and constructive impact on the perceived efficacy of marketing strategies aimed at

educating consumers about printers. Nevertheless, it is possible that HP is not fully leveraging
this platform.
The proposed solution entails an increased investment by HP in their social media marketing
strategy, with the aim of capitalising on the educational opportunities presented by these
platforms. The research findings suggest that Facebook and YouTube are the most efficacious
platforms and, therefore, warrant particular attention. The platform offers various means for
educational engagement, including live sessions, short instructional videos, and interactive Q&A
posts. It is recommended that HP contemplate the establishment of printer user communities on
said platforms, with the aim of facilitating knowledge exchange among users, and enabling them
to share their experiences and solutions to frequently encountered issues. HP could host weekly
live sessions on these platforms where they address common questions and concerns from
customers, provide troubleshooting tips, and demonstrate how to make the most out of their HP
printer. The goal would be to create an active community of HP printer users who can interact,
learn, and get their queries resolved in real-time.
The study revealed that there exists a variation in demographic comprehension of printer
technology, with older and employed individuals exhibiting a superior level of understanding.
This circumstance has the potential to restrict HP's capacity to engage with younger individuals
or individuals with limited proficiency in technology.
One proposed approach entails HP customising its marketing and educational initiatives to
cater to a wider range of individuals. In order to effectively capture the attention of younger
demographics, HP may consider leveraging the influence and popularity of social media

influencers to promote and highlight the practicality and advantages of their printer products.
Additionally, there is potential for HP to develop educational resources specifically designed for
individuals with limited technical expertise. These resources have the potential to provide a
comprehensive understanding of printer operation and maintenance, ultimately facilitating the
ease of use and proper upkeep.
As an illustration, HP could potentially explore the possibility of establishing a partnership with
a prominent student influencer who possesses a strong following and is known for setting

trends. This collaboration could involve the creation of a captivating 'day-in-the-life' video,
showcasing the influencer's experiences and interactions with HP products. The influencer has
the potential to integrate the utilisation of an HP printer into their everyday activities,
effectively showcasing its diverse functionalities such as printing academic assignments,
generating artistic creations, or organising their timetable. This would not only help illustrate
the printer's utility in a practical context but also aid in making the brand more relatable and
appealing to younger consumers. In the case of less tech-savvy individuals, HP could organize
workshops or webinars aimed at introducing them to the basics of using a printer. For example,
a workshop titled "Printing Made Easy" could cover topics such as setting up the printer, basic
troubleshooting, and using primary functions. The goal here would be to build their comfort
level with using printers and enhance their overall user experience.

Research initiatives need to include ethical considerations to ensure they are ethically sound
and safe for participants. Ethical considerations such as informed permission, confidentiality,
and data protection were taken into account throughout the study at the British University of
Vietnam. The author developed an ethics approach for doing research using Resnik's (2023)
goals as a guide. These standards were created to help with responsibility, advance principles
like objectivity and trust, and enhance the quality of research.
It was highlighted how important it is to check that survey takers have a thorough grasp of the
questions being asked. Participants were provided with considerable background and objective
information prior to completing the online questionnaire and interview. Before proceeding, the
participants were provided comprehensive instructions on how their data will be utilised.
Participants were informed that they were under no obligation to complete the survey and
might withdraw their participation at any time.
Keeping people's personal information secure is become a major moral concern. The survey was
taken online, so participants knew there was a chance their answers may be seen by others. In
order to alleviate respondents' privacy worries, neither the poll nor the interviews requested
respondents' names or any other personally identifiable information. The preceding procedure
was designed to ensure the confidentiality of the data in issue while also decreasing the

possibility of security breaches.
Both the poll and the interview put an emphasis on the need to keep sensitive information safe.
Everyone who participated was informed that their replies would be kept confidential and used
exclusively for research purposes. The study's results preserved the participants' identities and
confidentiality by not revealing their responses.

Critical evaluation

The study pertaining to the utilisation of social media marketing as a means to educate and alter
consumer perceptions of printers in Vietnam is comprehensive, pioneering, and predominantly
efficacious in addressing the initial research inquiry. This study addresses a crucial gap in
knowledge regarding the efficacy of social media in shaping perceptions and comprehension of
technological products, specifically printers, within an emerging market such as Vietnam.

Notwithstanding its merits, certain constraints can be discerned that may affect the applicability
of the results and provide avenues for further investigation. The analysis of demographic data
reveals that a majority of the participants belonged to the age group of 46-55 and were
employed on a full-time basis. The potential lack of representativeness of the sample of the
Vietnamese population utilised in this study may pose a limitation to the extent to which the
findings can be generalised. Efforts should be made in future research to attain a more equitable
demographic distribution, in order to gain a more comprehensive comprehension of the
impacts across diverse age cohorts and professions.
The study exhibits a notable emphasis on quantitative data, potentially limiting the depth of
insights that could have been gained from the inclusion of qualitative data. Conducting
interviews or focus group discussions may yield a more comprehensive comprehension of
consumer attitudes, experiences, and preferences.

Conclusion and reflection

The present study has yielded significant findings regarding the impact of social media on the
formation of consumer attitudes towards printers in Vietnam. The significance of demographics,
social media utilisation, and the nature of content that consumers find captivating has been
evidenced in ascertaining their comprehension of printers and their attributes, alongside the
perceived efficacy of social media marketing in enlightening consumers.
The findings of the study indicate a noteworthy correlation between the utilisation of social
media, the categories of content that are deemed captivating, the demographic characteristics of
individuals, and the consumer attitudes towards printers. The aforementioned results are
consistent with the broader range of scholarly works on social media marketing, which posits
that social media is a potent instrument in moulding consumer attitudes and conduct.
The study offers feasible recommendations for HP to enhance consumer awareness regarding
their printers and broaden their market penetration in Vietnam. The utilisation of educational
material in the shape of concise videos and infographics on social media platforms such as
Facebook and YouTube, along with customised marketing and educational endeavours targeted
towards distinct demographic segments, are suggested.

Upon reflection of the research process, it was found that the study shed light on the intricate
interplay among social media marketing, consumer education, and alterations in perception.

The interplay of these factors within the emerging market of Vietnam offers a distinctive
viewpoint to the current literature, which was found to be intriguing.
The study demonstrated success in accomplishing its stated goals, however, it also revealed
certain constraints, including the over-representation of particular demographic cohorts, a
concentration on select social media platforms, and exclusive utilisation of a single brand of
printer. The aforementioned limitations signify potential avenues for further investigation and
act as a prompt for acknowledging the intricacies and discrepancies in consumer conduct within
diverse environments and demographics.
In its entirety, this investigation has constituted a noteworthy educational opportunity. This

observation highlights the significance of social media in consumer education and marketing,
emphasising the imperative for enterprises such as HP to modify their marketing approaches in
response to the dynamic digital environment.


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Here is the survey form of the research question
