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Grammar Syllabus
and Exercises

Tenses ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Exercises on Tenses and Unreal Past ...................................................................................................... 5
Modals .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Exercises on Modals and Infinitives ....................................................................................................... 8
Infinitive .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Gerund .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Exercises on Infinitives and Gerund ..................................................................................................... 12
Passive Voice ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Exercises on Passive Voice - Causative ................................................................................................ 14
Conditionals .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Exercises on Conditionals ..................................................................................................................... 16
Adjectives and Adverbs ........................................................................................................................ 17
Participles .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Exercises on Adjectives – Adverbs – Participles .................................................................................. 21
Reported Speech ................................................................................................................................... 22
Exercises on Reported Speech – Indirect Questions – Subjunctive ...................................................... 24
Clauses .................................................................................................................................................. 25
Exercises on Clauses ............................................................................................................................. 27
Emphasis – Inversion ............................................................................................................................ 28
Exercises on Emphasis – Inversion ....................................................................................................... 29
Questions .............................................................................................................................................. 29
Exercises on Question Tags – Wh-Questions – Indirect Questions ...................................................... 31
Articles .................................................................................................................................................. 32

Nouns .................................................................................................................................................... 33
Pronouns and Determiners .................................................................................................................... 34
There is – It is – It ................................................................................................................................. 35
Exercises on There is – It is – It – Articles – Nouns – Pronouns .......................................................... 35
Phrasal Verbs ........................................................................................................................................ 36
Exercises on Phrasal Verbs ................................................................................................................... 37
Revision Exercises 1 ............................................................................................................................. 38
Revision Exercises 2 ............................................................................................................................. 39
Revision Exercises 3 ............................................................................................................................. 40
Revision Exercises 4 ............................................................................................................................. 41
Revision Exercises 5 ............................................................................................................................. 42
Answer Key .......................................................................................................................................... 43

Grammar Syllabus


Simple Present
They always watch a film.
He works as a teacher.
The sun rises in the east.
If I see him, I will tell him.
In case more guests come, I will cook more.
When he finishes work, he will go out.
No matter what he says, I won’t do it.
Wherever he goes, I will find him.
The bus leaves at 10 tomorrow.
John passes the ball to Simon.

Present Continuous
They are taking a test now.
They are flying tomorrow.
He is working hard these days.
She is forever/always shouting at the students.
He is getting taller and taller.
Simple Past
He called me yesterday/two days ago etc.
She cooked, cleaned the house and washed the dishes.
How long ago did he leave?
They always went out on Saturday night.
It is time/high time/about time he left.
I’d rather she studied more.
I wish I had more free time.
If he had more money, he’d buy a car.
He talks as if he were a lawyer.
He has been here since he graduated.
While he was watching TV, the phone rang.
He told me that he found a job.
As soon as he came in, I told him the news.
Used to do / be used / be accustomed to doing
When I was in college, I used to wake up early.
I was used/accustomed to waking up early. =
I was in the habit of waking up early.
Be used to / haven’t got used to
I am used to living in the city. = I have got used to living
in the city.
Used to do/ would do
She used to go the gym, but now she prefers to go

Whenever he visited me, he would bring/brought
She would always have/always had breakfast
Past Continuous
She was working when I called.
He was working while she was having fun.
They were studying from 4 till 6 yesterday.
He was having dinner at 8 o’clock yesterday.
She was forever fighting with her brother.
She was getting better and better.


I was wondering if I could come later.
Present Perfect
He has disappeared.
He has already / just left.
She has always/never wanted a bicycle.
Has she ever visited Paris?
He has done two exercises so far/up to now.
He has been here since 2010.
He has been here since he graduated.
She has worked in London for ten years.
She hasn’t talked to him in two months.
It is/has been ten years since I (last) saw him.
How long is it/has it been since he left?
How long has he studied English?
I have seen him recently/lately.
She has called him several times this week.
This is the first time he has (ever) travelled.

This is the best film he has (ever) seen.
He has never seen such a good film before.
He hasn’t finished his work yet.
Have you cooked yet?
He has yet to finish his work.
He still hasn’t done his homework.
I have been to Italy before.
I have been in Italy for ten years.
He has gone to Italy. He is coming back next week.
I have been here for ten days vs I am here for ten days
Present Perfect Continuous
He has been talking on the phone for 3 hours.
She has been living in London since 2010.
She has been living in London since she finished
He looks tired. He has been working hard.
How long have you been reading this book
Simple Future
I think/believe/assume/expect/doubt/ hope that he will
find a job.
One day, she will travel to Africa.
The theatre will open in the summer.
I’m sure that she will pass.
It is likely/possible that she will retire.
Maybe/Perhaps, he will be on time.
“There’s no bread.” “I will go to the bakery.”
Don’t talk or she will hear you.
If you do this again, I will tell your parents.
It will be cold tomorrow.
Shall I carry this box for you?

Shall we go out?
Where shall I entertain my friends?
Let’s watch a film, shall we?
Let me clean your car, will you/won’t you?
Get good marks and I will buy you a phone.
Will you drive me to the centre?
When she grows up, she will become a doctor.

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


In case more people come, I will cook more.
If she studies a lot, she will pass.
No matter what he says, I won’t do it.
Wherever he goes, I will find him.
am going to do
He is going to do his homework tonight.
She is pregnant. She is going to give birth in
three months.
Other forms to express the future
He is about to leave.
She is on the point of starting her own business.
The bus is due (to arrive) in an hour.
He is bound to find out the truth.
Future Continuous
He will be studying for ten hours tomorrow.

At this time tomorrow, he will be swimming.
Will you be working tomorrow?
As usual, she will be meeting her friends on Saturday.
Future Perfect
She will have done all the work by 7 tomorrow.
By the time/ When he comes, I will have finished.
She will have prepared dinner before the guests arrive.
Future Perfect Continuous
By next year, he will have been playing tennis for 10
By the time mum comes, she will have been doing the
housework for 4 hours.
Past Perfect
She had met him before she went to college.
After she had retired, she travelled a lot.
By lunchtime yesterday, he had finished painting the
By the time I called, he had left.
This was the best book I had read.
I had never seen such a bad film before.
It was the first time he had lied to me.
He said that she had seen him a month before.
I wish she had told me the truth.
I would rather they had come on time.
If she had had time, she’d have visited me.
She talked to me as if she had known me.
Past Perfect Continuous
She had been talking on the phone for an hour before I
came in.
After she had been driving around for an hour, she found

the hotel.
By lunchtime yesterday, he had been painting the room
for three hours.
By the time I arrived home, he had been working in the
garden for three hours.


His hands were dirty because he had been trying to fix
the car.
He told me that she had been studying all night.
I wish he had been paying more attention during
yesterday’s lesson.
If he had been paying attention to the lesson, he would
have understood it.
I would rather she had been behaving better.
Stative Verbs: No continuous tenses
hear, feel, see, taste, smell, sound, desire, adore, like,
dislike, hate, loathe, detest, need, want, wish, belong,
have, own, possess, contain, cost, measure, weigh, look,
believe, understand, think that, consider, regard as,
doubt, expect that, forget, remember, imagine, know,
prefer, realize, recognise, guess, suppose, suspect,
appear, seem, consist, depend, deserve, fit, matter, mean,
owe, trust, be
She is not feeling well today.
The soup tastes/smells nice.
She is seeing her friends tonight.
She is having a great time.

She is measuring the table.
He is weighing the potatoes.
She is looking at him.
He is thinking of moving.
She is considering buying a car.
I am expecting an answer.
He is appearing on a television show.
She is depending on him to help her.
He is fitting new cupboards.
He is being naughty today.

Unreal Past
I wish he were here today.
*I wish he would stop talking.(complaint)
I’d rather/sooner she didn’t visit me today.
She treats me as if/though I were her son.
If I had more money, I would travel.
It is time for him to find a job=It’s time he found a job.
It is high time/about time he found a job.
I wish she had come to my party yesterday.
I’d rather/sooner she had visited me yesterday..
She treated me as if/.though I had been her son.
If I had had more money, I would have travelled.

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


1. I’ve had enough of him. He ………. me for
everything that goes wrong.
A. has blamed
B. is forever blaming
C. would be blaming
2. Take an umbrella with you in case it ………. .
A. rains
B. will rain
C. is raining
3. How long ………. since you last went to the
A. is it
B. would it
C. ago was it
4. They would rather their children ……….. television
so much.
A. not watch
B. didn’t watch
C. don’t watch
5. My children are usually well-behaved, but today
they ………. very naughty.
A. have been
B. are being
C. are to being
6. She wishes she ……. to the meeting last night.
A. went

B. had gone
C. would have gone
7. She can’t go out with him this evening because she
…….. her dentist.
A. will see
B. is seeing
C. will have seen
8. He felt very tired because he ………. on his paper
for hours.
A. was working
B. worked
C. had been working
9. The next time you ………. fun of her, you’ll be
A. will make
B. are making
C. make
10. At this time yesterday, they ………. to Rome.
A. were flying
B. flew
C. were used to flying


11. It is high time ………. harder for the exams.
A. to work
B. for them to work
C. they worked
12. The moment she ………. the good news, she’ll be

A. will hear
B. is hearing
C. hears
13. It is ages since they ……… on a holiday.
A. have been
B. went
C. had been
14. She ………. on the phone for an hour now.
A. is talking
B. has talked
C. has been talking
15. She is only 16, but she talks as if she ……… much
A. were
B. is
C. must be
16. She ………. cleaning the house until the children
had gone to school.
A. didn’t start
B. hadn’t started
C. weren’t starting
17. By 2018, he ………. enough money to buy a new
A. will save
B. is saving
C. will have saved
18. It was the first time I ………. such an interesting
A. went
B. have gone

C. had gone
19. He’d rather she ………. to another city. He feels
lonely now.
A. doesn’t move
B. wouldn’t move
C. hadn’t moved
20. They felt sleepy because they ……… getting up
early in the morning.
A. didn’t used to
B. weren’t used to
C. hadn’t used

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


She can speak two foreign languages.
She is able to run fast.
She has got the ability to draw portraits.
She can help me tomorrow.
She will be able to finish the project soon.
When he was young, he could run fast.
When he was young, he had the ability to run fast.
Could do vs was able to do
He could write fast.

He was able to drive after 20 driving lessons. = He
managed to drive after 20 driving lessons=He
succeeded in driving after 20 driving lessons.
He couldn’t speak English. =He wasn’t able to speak
She may/might/could come later.
She may be sleeping now.
She may have lied yesterday.
She may have been working since morning.
There may be a problem.
There may have been problems.
She may have been deceived.
Roads at this time of the year can be slippery.
Perhaps/maybe, she will come later.
It is possible/likely that she will come later.
She is likely to come later.
She is likely to have been working all night.
She must be tired.
She must be making a lot of money.
She must have been upset.
He must have been working hard.
He can’t be tired.
He can’t be telling you the truth.
He can’t / couldn’t have seen her.
She can’t/couldn’t have been studying.
I (don’t) suppose/ think/ believe / assume he left.
I am (not) sure he left.

You should work harder.
You ought to revise your notes.
You had better drive slowly.
It would be better (for you) to take the train.
It would be better if you went to the dentist.
You would be better off wearing a coat.
You would be better off if you told the truth.
It is time for you to rest.
It is time/high time/about time you relaxed.
It’s advisable to exercise.
It would be a good idea for you to smoke less.
It would be a good idea if you bought a bike.
If I were you, I would join a sports club.
Why don’t you read a book?
It’s advisable that he study harder.
You should/ought to have prepared for the test.
You should / ought to have been listening to him.
It would have been better to follow/ if you had
followed her advice.
You would have been better off following / if you had
followed her advice.
Why didn’t you do what he wanted?
You (don’t) need to find a job
It’s (not) necessary to talk about it.
It is (not) necessary that you (should) come.
You (don’t) have to help him.
There is no need to hurry.

You needn’t answer the phone.
Do you need to find a job?
Is it necessary to talk about it?
Need he come for an interview?
They must obey the rules.
I must stop smoking.
He has to do a lot of homework.
She is/was to write an essay.
She is/was supposed to write an essay.
He had to save money for the trip.
You mustn’t / can’t talk loudly.


Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


He is not to smoke here.
It’s forbidden/prohibited / not allowed to park here.
It’s against the law/the rules to exceed the limit.
Smoking in public places is forbidden/prohibited/ not
Shall we watch a film?

What/how about watching a film?
Why don’t we watch a film?
Why not watch a film?
Permission /Concession
Can/May/Could/Might I turn on the radio?
Do you mind my turning/ if I turn on the radio?
Would you mind my turning/if I turned on the radio?
I was wondering if I could turn on the radio.
Yes, you may/can/could do it.
No, you may/can/could not do it.
Can I carry the suitcase for you?
Shall I carry the suitcase for you?
I will carry the suitcase for you.
Can/Could/ Will/Would open the door?
He daren’t call me at night.
Dare you ignore your boss?
Don’t you dare speak to me like this again.


Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


Modals and Infinitives
1. What ………. to make his teacher expel him?
A. he could do
B. might he have done
C. you think he may do

11. He ……… overcome all the obstacles.
A. was able to
B. succeeded to
C. may be

2. It’s a nice day. Why ………. for a bike ride in the
A. not go
B. shall we
C. needn’t we

12. He would have been better …... attention in class.
A. to pay
B. off paying
C. unless he paid

3. She didn’t pass her driving test. She ………. have
practised more.
A. must
B. had better
C. should
4. There ………. to have been a lot of applications for
the position.
A. is said

B. appears
C. are likely
5. She looks tired. She must ……. hard for hours.
A. have worked
B. have been working
C. be working
6. He had lied to her so many times that she ……….
no longer put up with him.
A. was unable
B. ought
C. could
7. ‘Dad is not answering the phone.” “He must
………. .”
A. be sleeping
B. have been sleeping
C. sleep
8. It is unlikely ………. as he is happy with his current
A. to resign
B. he’ll resign
C. for him to resign
9. You ………. make any more copies of your
research paper.
A. don’t need
B. needn’t
C. haven’t

13. She had an accident. She shouldn’t ………. so fast.
A. drive
B. have been driving

C. be driving
14. I was wondering if you ……… turn off the TV. I’m
A. could
B. would
C. might
15. ……… I help you with the cooking?
A. Will
B. Would
C. Shall
16. There’s nothing interesting to watch on TV so we
………. go to bed.
A. need to
B. may as well
C. ought
17. John didn’t go to work. He ………. ill.
A. may be
B. must have been
C. should be
18. It is advisable that he ……… healthier food.
A. must eat
B. eat
C. may eat
19. They ………. swimming every day last summer.
A. would go
B. were going
C. might go
20. Don’t you dare ………. at me again.
A. shouting
B. to shout

C. shout

10. She …… him. He had always been there for her.
A. shall not betray
B. can’t have betrayed
C. shouldn’t be betraying


Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


Active Voice
(sm) (not) (to) do
(sm) (not) (to) be doing
(sm) (not) (to) have done
(sm) (not) (to) have been doing
Passive Voice
(sm) (not) (to) be done
(sm) (not) (to) have been done
Verbs + Infinitive
He agreed to help me.
He needed to work.
She attempted/tried to jump.
She can’t afford to buy a car.

She has decided to move.
He demanded to know the questions.
She expected to get a job.
She happened to know the answer.
He offered to drive me to work.
She is planning to go on holidays.
She pretends to be innocent.
She promised to come on time.
She hesitated to answer the question.
She refused to lend her car to him.
She hopes to succeed.
She remembered to lock the door.
She forgot to lock the door.
She intends to travel abroad.
She seems/appears to be upset.
She is learning to drive.
She used to be an athlete.
She managed to climb up the mountain.
She didn’t mean to hurt you.
He wanted to retire.
He wishes to see the manager.
She threatened to expel them.
I am sorry to tell you that you are not hired.
I regret to tell you that you are not hired.
On the way home, he stopped to buy bread.
He was compelled to work overtime.
He proceeded to tell them the whole story.
He tends to forget.
He deserves to be told the truth.
He is believed/thought/said to have resigned.

She advised him to practice more.
She allowed/permitted him to go out.
She asked him to cook.


He begged her to forgive her.
The teacher commanded them to sit down.
She encouraged him to keep trying.
She forbade them to leave the building.
He instructed them to wait outside his office.
She warned him not to drive in the storm.
She invited them to come to dinner.
First she talked about the trip and then she went on to
talk about her new job.
He ordered them to be quiet.
She reminded him to post the letter.
She urged them to revise the notes.
She recommended him to read this book.
She wanted them to wear warm clothes.
She wanted there to be silence.
She prefers to stay home.
She would like/love/hate/prefer to go out.
She dared/ challenged me to join the Marathon.
She was seen to open your bag.
He was heard to call your name.
They were made to stay after class.
He got them to tidy up their room.
They were allowed to leave the room.
Adjectives + infinitive

I am afraid to walk alone at night.
He was happy/delighted to meet them.
She was glad to participate in the project.
She was pleased to hear that she passed.
The exercise was difficult/easy to solve.
He was proud to be a good student.
She was eager/willing to help out.
She was surprised to hear the news.
He was fortunate/lucky to have met her.
She felt ready to live on her own.
He was satisfied to have applied for the job.
He was prepared to fight for his rights.
She will be disappointed to hear you’re leaving.
She was amazed to hear he had won.
He was the first/last to leave the party.
She is likely to resign soon.
She is obliged to finish all the work today.
She was sad to turn 60.
He is able/unable to drive.
They are bound to succeed.

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus
Bare Infinitive
She dared not talk to the teacher rudely.
I saw her open your bag.
I heard him call your name.
She made them stay after class.

He had them tidy up their room.
She let them leave the room.
He watched her open the door.
She noticed him lift the briefcase.
She observed him steal the money.
She would rather go to the theatre.
He may/could/should do his homework.
They had better eat at home.
Rather than watch a film, he chose to play.
Why not play computer games?
Why argue with your parents?
She helped me (to) carry my shopping.
He does nothing all day but/except sleep.
They only thing he can do is (to) resign.
The only thing to do is (to) resign.
All he can do is (to) resign.
What he can do is (to) resign.

It is Adjective to do
It is nice to see you.
It is dangerous to be talking to strangers.

She talks too fast to understand her.

Question words to do
He doesn’t know what to do.
She didn’t know who to talk to.
So adjective as to do
He was so kind as to help me with homework.

To tell you the truth, I didn’t go to work today.
To cut a long story short, she disappeared.
To be honest, I can’t reveal her secret.

It Noun to do
It was a pleasure to be with you.
It was my honour to work with you.

Short Infinitive forms
Would you like to join me? I’d love to.
Do you often see each other? - If we didn’t work so
much, we would.
Could he have helped her? He could have.

Adjective/Adverb enough to do
Enough Noun to do
She is old enough to travel on her own.
She speaks loudly enough to hear her.
She’s got enough patience to be a teacher.

We left earlier in order to / so as to/to catch the bus.

only to do
He went to the office only to find no one.

Too adjective / adverb to do
He is too young to drive.

10 | P a g e

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


Active Voice
(one’s) (not) doing
(one’s) (not) having done

Passive Voice
(one’s) (not) being done
(one’s) (not) having been done

Verbs + doing
She likes/loves/enjoys painting.
He hates/dislikes/detests/loathes/resents washing the
She resisted being arrested.
He admitted (to) cheating.
She accused him of stealing her money.
She doesn’t mind working late.
He avoided talking to her.
She misses going to parties.
He can’t help laughing.
It is (not) worth/It’s no use/It’s no good/There is no
point in crying.

She doesn’t feel like going out.
She practised playing the piano.
He postponed/put off meeting with her.
He delayed answering her phone call.
She denied bullying her classmates.
I can’t tolerate working in this heat.
He is considering changing jobs.
She remembers locking the door.
She forgot locking the door.
He finished cooking.
She proposed/suggested/recommend travelling by
He dreads walking back home at night.
He allows looking up words on the Internet.
He advised revising.
She will stop/quit drinking.

11 | P a g e

I was/got used to living in a flat.
He was /got accustomed to flying.
He anticipated having a holiday.

He was in favour of going to the cinema.
She has difficulty (in) talking to people.
His job means working long hours.
She evaded answering my questions.
He fancies listening to rock music.
Can you imagine living alone?
He never forgave her insulting him.

He never mentioned being fired.
He kept trying despite the problems.
Smoking will prevent you from being an athlete.
I can’t recall/recollect ever seeing him.
She was reported being bullied.
Being a technology lover, he risks being cut off from
his friends.
She looks forward to having a summer holiday.
She regrets telling him her secrets.
He went on talking about his trip for hours.
She tried eating fish for the first time.
I am sorry for having made you wait.
My hair needs cutting/to be cut.
She continued explaining the problem.
She started/began to complain/complaining.
She can’t stand/bear listening/to listen to loud music.
He couldn’t help laughing.
Gerunds as nouns
Drinking alcohol is bad for you.
Driving in the snow is dangerous.
Prepositions + gerunds
He has no intention of leaving.
He is keen on playing football.
Her parents object to her living alone.
She confessed/admitted to cheating.
Apart from/Besides/In addition to/As well as singing,
he dances.

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


Infinitives and Gerunds
1. She ………. them paint her room yesterday.
A. got
B. had
C. asked

11. He was so kind ………. me a lift back home.
A. at offering
B. as to offer
C. offering

2. The package was too heavy for me ………. .
A. to be lifted
B. to lift it
C. to lift

12. On the way to the bus stop, he stopped ………. a
A. buying
B. to have bought
C. to buy

3. They hesitated ………. their problem with their
A. discussing

B. to discuss
C. having discussed

13. She regrets ………. such a big flat.
A. to rent
B. having rented
C. for renting

4. He ………. having copied from another student.
A. refused
B. denied
C. declined

14. Who was the first ………. to the party?
A. coming
B. to come
C. that he came

5. He moved to the city just a month ago so he
………. living here yet.
A. didn’t used to
B. doesn’t get used to
C. hasn’t been used to

15. She went to the cinema only ………. that there
were no available tickets.
A. to find
B. if she found
C. in finding

6. Their mother ………. them to clean the mess in
the kitchen before they went out.
A. got
B. had
C. made

16. The film was so sad that we couldn’t help……. .
A. from crying
B. not to cry
C. crying

7. I’d prefer my students ………. during the lesson.
A. not to be talking
B. that they didn’t talk
C. not talking
8. ………. his homework, he listened to his
favourite music.
A. As he was doing
B. Having done
C. After he has done
9. John is looking forward to ………. abroad.
A. travel
B. travelling
C. him travelling
10. She seems ……….. worried about her future.
A. to be
B. that she is
C. to being

12 | P a g e

17. My boss has no intention ………. me a rise.
A. to give
B. of giving
C. giving
18. They are believed ………. last week.
A. to disappear
B. they disappeared
C. to have disappeared
19. He is likely ………. by a policeman who was
near the lake.
A. he was rescued
B. to have been rescued
C. he might be rescued
20. She can’t tolerate people ………. to her.
A. lying
B. to lie
C. for lying

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus



Transitive Verbs
(all tenses, infinitives, gerunds)

The police arrested the thief.
The thief was/got arrested (by the police).
He is going to/may fix the car.
The car is going to/may be fixed by him.
What did they steal?
What was stolen?
Snow covered the garden.
The garden was covered with snow.
He used glass to make this statue.
The statue was made of glass.
She likes people telling her the truth.
She likes being told the truth.
Wash this jacket.
The jacket must / should be washed.
have sm do / get sm to do
He had them redo the exercises.
He got them to redo the exercises.
He may have the mechanic fix his car.
She should get him to cook lunch.
They are interested in having someone decorate
their house.
Have/get sth done
He had/got the car washed.
They may have/get their house decorated.
They are interested in having/getting their house

Impersonal/Personal Structures
They say/It is said that she disappeared.

She is said to have disappeared.
They believe/It is believed that there was a
There is believed to have been a problem.
They think/It is thought there were problems.
There are thought to have been problems.
Need, want, require
The car needs/wants/requires fixing.
The car needs/wants/requires to be fixed.
There is something to do/to be done.
see, hear, let, watch, notice, observe, help, make
I saw her leave/leaving.
She was seen to leave/leaving.
He heard her shout/shouting.
She was heard to shout/shouting.
She let them play in the room.
Don’t let them deceive you.
Don’t let yourself be deceived.
Don’t allow yourself to be deceived.
They were allowed to play in the room.
They watched/noticed/observed them enter/entering
the room.
They were watched/noticed/observed entering the
She helped me (to) carry my shopping.
I was helped to carry my shopping.

I made them clean the house.
They were made to clean the house.

*Somebody stole his phone.
He had his phone stolen.
*She got her finger cut while cutting the bread.

13 | P a g e

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


Passive Voice - Causative
1. The television ………. yet so why don’t we go to
the cinema?
A. hasn’t been fixed
B. needs being fixed
C. isn’t fixed

11. While dinner ………., the electricity was cut off.
A. got prepared
B. was preparing
C. was being prepared

2. The theatre club ………. of 30 students.
A. is consisted

B. consists
C. is consisting

12. If stricter fines ………. for traffic violations, there
would be fewer accidents.
A. imposed
B. were imposing
C. were imposed

3. The car which ………. belonged to my neighbour.
A. was stolen
B. which was being stolen
C. being stolen

13. Why were they ………. to retake the exam?
A. suggested
B. prevented
C. made

4. They would like to have an architect ………. their
country house.
A. to renovate
B. renovate
C. renovating

14. She can’t remember ………. about their moving to
a new house.
A. to tell
B. being told
C. having told

5. There ………. to have been many applicants for the
manager’s position.
A. is thought
B. are said
C. are considering

15. Have you actually seen her ………. my desk
A. to open
B. to have opened
C. open

6. They are heard ………. about the awful working
A. to have complained
B. they were complaining
C. complain

16. They are thought ………. bankrupt as soon as the
financial crisis began.
A. they went
B. of going
C. to have gone

7. I think your house needs ………. .
A. being painted
B. painting
C. to have painted

17. She may ………. an artist draw her portrait when
she was young.
A. have had
B. get
C. have been made

8. While she was walking in the park, she ………. her
bag stolen.
A. got
B. had
C. may have

18. Do you know what ………. from the museum?
A. did they steal
B. was stolen
C. it was stolen

9. Don’t let yourself ………. by his pretty stories.
A. to be fooled
B. being fooled
C. be fooled

19. The roof was covered ………. snow.
A. by
B. with
C. from

10. Most women like ………. on their looks.
A. to compliment
B. complimenting

C. being complimented

20. What was her dress ………. ?
A. being made by
B. to be made from
C. made of

14 | P a g e

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


Zero Conditional
If you heat water at 100 degrees, it boils.
1st Conditional
If she works hard, she will/may/can be promoted.
If he calls, tell him to meet me at 7.
As/So long as he studies, he will pass.
Provided/Providing he finds a job, he’ll buy a new
Suppose/Supposing he has enough money, he’ll go
on holidays.
Suppose/What if /Imagine you win the lottery, what
will you do?
Assuming he leaves, what will you do?

On condition you hand in your paper in time, you’ll
pass the course.
Unless she studies, she won’t pass.
Only if she studies, will she pass.
Even if he apologises, I won’t forgive him.
You’d better work harder; otherwise/or/or else you
will be fired.
If he should exercise, he will lose weight.
Should he exercise, he will lose weight.
Should he not exercise, he won’t lose weight.

3 Conditional
If she had worked hard, she would/
might/could/should have been promoted.
Provided/Providing he had found a job, he’d have
bought a new car.
Suppose/Supposing he had had enough money, he’d
have gone on holidays.
Suppose/What if /Imagine you had won the lottery,
what would you have done?
Assuming he left, what would you have done?
Only if she had studied, would she have passed.
Even if he had apologised, I wouldn’t have forgiven
You worked hard; otherwise/or/or else you would
have been fired.
Without her help, he wouldn’t have succeeded.
If he had exercised, he would have lost weight.
Had he exercised, he would have lost weight.

Had he not exercised, he wouldn’t have lost weight.

15 | P a g e

2nd Conditional
If she worked hard, she would/could/might/should
be promoted.
As/So long as he studied, he would pass.
Provided/Providing he found a job, he’d buy a new
Suppose/Supposing he had enough money, he’d go
on holidays.
Suppose/What if /Imagine you won the lottery,
what would you do?
Assuming he left, what would you do?
On condition you handed in your paper in time,
you’d pass the course.
Unless she studied, she wouldn’t pass.
Only if she studied, would she pass.
Even if he apologised, I wouldn’t forgive him.
You don’t work hard; otherwise/or/or else you
wouldn’t be fired.
Without her support, he’d feel lost.
If he were to exercise, he would lose weight.
Were he to exercise, he would lose weight.
Were he not to exercise, he wouldn’t lose weight.
Mixed Conditionals
If he had prepared for the test, he would be able to
perform well today.

If he weren’t a liar, I would have trusted him.
Conditionals - Short forms
He doesn’t study, but if he did, he would pass.
He didn’t study, but if he had, he would have passed.
“Do you think he’ll pass?” “If he studies, he will.”
“Can he buy a car?” “If he had money, he could.”
“Did he buy a car?” “If he had had money, he would
If you are tired, you can leave.
If tired, you can leave.
Are you coming to the party? If so/If not, let me

Other if- structures
I was wondering if/whether you could help me.
(asking sm to do sth)
I don’t know/doubt/wonder if/whether he will
If you would like to call me, please do so.
He asked me if/whether he would leave.
(reported speech)

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


1. Unless he ………. carefully, he will have an
A. doesn’t drive
B. drives
C. drove

11. “Did he get lost?” “No, but he ………. had he not
had a map.
A. would have
B. should have had
C. didn’t have

2. She didn’t pay her phone bill; otherwise, they
………. her phone yesterday.
A. wouldn’t disconnect
B. may not disconnect
C. wouldn’t have disconnected

12. Assuming you earned more money, how ………. ?
A. you could feel
B. would you feel
C. you might have felt

3. Only if he isn’t tired, ………. out with his friends.
A. he can go
B. will he go
C. he may have gone
4. ………. she work harder, she may get a promotion.
A. Provided

B. Assuming
C. Should
5. Even if he ………. them the truth, they wouldn’t
have believed him.
A. had told
B. told
C. didn’t tell
6. He could buy a new car ………. more money.
A. were he to have
B. as long as he has
C. supposing he had had
7. She would have gone to the party ………. so much
homework to do.
A. hadn’t she had
B. should she not have
C. had she not had
8. Imagine he ………. you out, what would you do?
A. asked
B. asks
C. if he has asked
9. Had she accepted their offer, she ………. a job now.
A. will have
B. would have
C. might have had
10. You’d better arrive on time or else your boss ………
A. will be
B. would have been
C. will have been

16 | P a g e

13. If you happen to see him, ……… him that I’m
A. tell
B. you would tell
C. don’t you tell
14. Without his friend’s help, he ………. have done his
homework last night.
A. shouldn’t
B. wouldn’t
C. mustn’t
15. If she ………. honest, I wouldn’t have believed
what she said.
A. weren’t
B. isn’t
C. won’t be
16. ………. me any money, I won’t be able to come
back by taxi.
A. Weren’t she to lend
B. Should she not lend
C. If she wouldn’t lend
17. He can’t have been in town yesterday; otherwise he
………. me.
A. would call
B. hasn’t called
C. would have called
18. If they had listened to their parents’ advice, they
………. in trouble now.
A. wouldn’t be

B. might not have been
C. won’t be
19. ………. you are fluent, you can impress the
A. Unless
B. As long as
C. Should
20. What would you do ………. you out?
A. should he ask
B. were he to ask
C. assuming did he ask

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus



Verb + adverb

She fell asleep.
He looked embarrassed.
She is alive.
He is pleased.
He is content.
She is glad.

He talked loudly.

Adjectives only before nouns

Linking verbs + adjective

the only /chief/ principal reason
the former president
the upper classes
the indoor/outdoor court

Adjectives + noun
He is a smart girl.
*He painted the walls red.

He became / was angry.
She remained calm.
She appears/seems/looks friendly.
The song sounds familiar.
The food tastes/smells good.
Her hair feels soft.
He got disappointed.
He grew tall.
Adverbs of degree + Adj/Adv
She is entirely satisfied.
He is extremely intelligent.
He studies very hard.
He was a fairly good student.
He plays fairly well.

He was rather impolite.
He was rather taller than me.
They sang rather badly.
She is rather like/unlike me.
He is quite a good player.
He dances quite well.
Verbs +Manner –Place- Time
He spoke to me rudely in class yesterday.
Yesterday, he spoke to me rudely in class.
Verbs of movement +Place-Manner-Time
He came into class quickly yesterday.
Frequency Adverbs + verb
He never yells at me.
He doesn’t always do his homework.
*He is always late to class.
He will never be satisfied.
Adverbs +Sentence
Fortunately/Apparently, he won.
Adjective only after linking verbs
She became ill.
17 | P a g e

Nouns as Adjectives
The street lights were off.
Comparisons/Adjectives and Adverbs
He is taller than I am.
He is the tallest of all/in class.
He got up earlier than yesterday.
He wakes up the earliest of all.
She ran more quickly than they did.

He drives faster than I do.
He drives the fastest of all.
His new book is more interesting than his other books.
His new book is the most interesting of all his books.
He drives more carefully than I do.
He drives the most carefully of all.
He is less interested in maths than she is.
He is the least interested in maths.
Is this the best you can do?
Her house is as big as mine.
Her house isn’t as/so big as mine.
He is as good a singer as I am.
He is becoming taller and taller.
He plays as well as the others.
He doesn’t play so/as well as the others.
The film was getting more and more boring.
She is much/far/a bit/ a little/slightly/a lot taller than I am.
She is the tallest of all by far.
She is by far the tallest of all.
The older he gets, the wiser he becomes.
You aren’t any taller than she is.
You are no taller than she is.
He isn’t any better than I am.
This is the most difficult exercise I have ever done
I haven’t done such a difficult exercise before.
His interests are the same as mine.

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


He is twice as tall as I am.
He paid twice as much as I did.
I prefer/would prefer to stay home rather than go out.
I prefer walking to driving. / I prefer tea to coffee.
I’d rather go out than stay home.
He eats much too much.
It’s much too cold today.
He drank too much juice.
There is no comparison between you and me.
He works as a teacher.
He is known as a creative person.
She is regarded as a patient teacher.
She is described/characterised as a friendly employee.
He did things as usual.
He accepted me as a friend.
She treats me as an enemy.
He referred to her new book as the best of all.
He is thought of as a tolerant employer.
He used the table as a desk.
He plays the guitar and sings as well.
He works like a dog.
She looks/is like her father.
He has a car like mine.
What is your city like?

Please, don’t talk about him like that.
I don’t feel like going out.
It smells like burnt food.
I can’t tell what it tastes like.
Players, particularly like the ones in my team, try to
do their best.
I know him and his like.
He studies art and the like.
Like/Unlike me, she loves walking.
Irregular adjectives


the eldest

*further (adjective) Do you need any further information?

Irregular adverbs

farther/further furthest/farthest

18 | P a g e

Confusing Adverbs
We flew direct to Paris.
She talked directly to her boss.
She always works hard.
She hardly goes out.
The water level remained high.
He thinks highly of her.
They ran short of supplies.

He will come shortly.
He answered everything right.
She was rightly angry with him.
They walked deep in the forest.
She was deeply in love.
You can visit the monument free.
She freely gave me her ticket.
She kept her mouth wide open.
It is widely believed that he will win.
I last saw him three months ago.
Lastly, I would like to thank my parents.
The book was pretty interesting.
Her room was prettily decorated.
He did everything wrong.
He wrongly thought I was the thief.
Her speech was absolutely ridiculous / brilliant /
She is bitterly disappointed.
It is bitterly cold.
It’s boiling hot.
It is freezing cold.
He was deeply moved/offended.
She is fully aware of the effects.
He was greatly impressed/mistaken by her
He was highly qualified/trained.
Children can be incredibly naïve.
Don’t change it. It is just perfect.
The host was most kind.

It is quite possible that he’ll leave.
He is seriously ill.
She is being totally unreasonable.
She is utterly/completely hopeless.
It is simply wonderful/marvelous.
Adjectives –ing
It was an exciting film.
I had a frightening experience.
Adjectives –ed
The excited children cheered.
The frightened dog ran away.

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


Active Voice
All the students taking the test are nervous.
She saw a child crossing the road.
He heard a woman calling for help.
She watched him painting.
I listened to him singing.
She smelled something burning.
He came home running.
She caught him cheating.
She found him crying in his room.

She left / kept him waiting outside.
She is busy doing the housework.
They spend their free time reading books.
He wasted his time watching television.
Did you feel the bed shaking?
Having used a pen, he couldn’t erase his mistakes.
Flying over lake, they saw a lot of people fishing.
Her not having called him, he felt bad.
Not having studied, he failed the test.
His coming to the party surprised her.

19 | P a g e

Passive Voice
The criminal arrested was charged with robbery.
George, overwhelmed by anxiety, remained silent.
Punished by his teacher, John went home crying.
Vegetables taste better when eaten raw.

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


Adjectives – Adverbs - Participles
1. The new teacher is ………. of all.
A. the better
B. the best

C. far the best
2. I think her essay is ………. mine.
A. so good as
B. as well as
C. much better than
3. My daughter is ………. interested in sports than
my son is.
A. less
B. much
C. the least
4. Is he ………. pianist as you are?
A. as good a
B. that good
C. the same good
5. The more he waited, ………. impatient he
A. the much more
B. even more
C. the more
6. Do you think he drives ………. he says he
A. as careful as
B. so carefully as
C. as carefully as
7. ………. ill, he couldn’t concentrate on his work.
A. Being
B. To be ill
C. As being ill
8. He has twice as ………. furniture as I do.
A. more

B. many
C. much
9. The weather is getting ………. don’t you think?
A. the more hotter
B. more and more hot
C. hotter and hotter
10. They haven’t taken ………. difficult test before.
A. so
B. such a
C. as much

20 | P a g e

11. Although he saw her ………. the office earlier,
he said nothing.
A. to leave
B. leaving
C. to have left
12. In spite of being ………. the fastest of all, he
didn’t participate in the race.
A. slightly
B. a bit
C. by far
13. He isn’t ………. better at maths than his sister is.
A. any
B. more
C. by far
14. They prefer going for walks ……… watching
TV at home.
A. than

B. to
C. from
15. Would you ………. play computer games than
go out with your friends?
A. prefer
B. enjoy
C. rather
16. He often uses the kitchen table ………. a desk.
A. like
B. as
C. the same as
17. The plane arrived ………. than we had expected.
A. much more earlier
B. a little earlier
C. too earlier
18. He hired her because she was ………. qualified.
A. entirely
B. highly
C. deeply
19. I’m not happy with my project. I must find
……… information on the Internet.
A. farther
B. further
C. further more
20. Despite the pressure he felt, he remained …….. .
A. calmly
B. more calmly
C. calm

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


Direct Speech

Indirect Speech

“She plays well,” he said (to me)
“She is playing well,” he said.
“She will play well,” he said.
“She will be playing well,” he said.
“She played well,” he said.
“She was playing well,” he said.
“She has played well,” he said.
“She has been playing well,” he said.
“She will have played well,” he said.
“She will have been playing well,” he said.

He told me/said that she played well.
He said that she was playing well.
He said that she would play well.
He said that she would be playing well.
He said that she had played well.
He said that she had been playing well.

He said that she had played well.
He said that she had been playing well.
He said that she would have played well.
He said that she would have been playing well.

“She may/can play well,” he said.
“She must play well,” he said.

He said that she might/could play well.
She said that she must/had to play well.

Yes/No Questions
“Did she play well?” he asked (me).

Yes/No Questions
He asked (me) if/whether he had played well.

“How did she play?” he asked.

He asked (me) how he had played.

“Play well,” he said (to me).
“Don’t play,” he said.

He told me/asked me to play well.
He told me/asked me not to play.

Time + Place Expressions, Pronouns

now - then, at that time
yesterday - the day before/the previous day
today – that day
tomorrow – the following day/the next day/the
day after
tonight – that night
next week – the following week/the next
week/the week after
a year ago – a year before/the previous year/a
year earlier/the year before
last year – the previous year/the year before
here – there
this – that/it these – those

I – he/she
me – him/her
my – his/her
mine – his/hers

21 | P a g e

No changes in tenses
He said that water boils at 100 degrees.
He has said/says that she can help me.
He said that he would rather play.
He said that if he played well, she would win.
He said that he wishes he had more time.
He said that while he was playing, he fell.
He said that when he walked into the house, he saw
a stranger.

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus

Reported Speech-Other introductory verbs
He offered to help me.
He agreed to come early.
He demanded to know where she was.
She promised to come /that she would come on time.
She refused to answer the question.
He threatened to expel him.
She claimed to be/that she was innocent.

She advised them to study more.
He allowed /permitted/forbade him to leave.
He asked them to clean the room.
She begged him to help her.
He commanded/ordered them to sit down.
She encouraged them to go on.
She instructed him to follow/how to follow the rules.
She invited him to attend the lecture.
She reminded him to mail the letter.
She warned him not to go out.
She accused him of cheating.
She blamed him for breaking the vase.
She denied cheating/that she had cheated.
She admitted (to) cheating/that she had cheated.
She apologised to him for coming late.
He insisted on paying the bills.
He suggested/proposed/recommended taking the bus.
He exclaimed that it was a fantastic view.
She explained to him that he had to do it/how he
should do it.
She informed them that the meeting was cancelled.
She wondered if/whether /how they were coming
She urged them not to panic.
She complained to the manager about the food/that
the food was bad.
He is said / believed to have resigned.

22 | P a g e


He suggested/proposed/recommended/ advised
that she travel by plane.
He suggested that she be taken to hospital.
He suggested/ advised that she not work late.
He suggested that she not be given more work.
Indirect Questions
Do you know where he went?
I have no idea what she likes.
I don’t know what time it is.
I am wondering how he did it.
I can’t tell you why she is angry.

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


Reported Speech - Indirect Questions - Subjunctive
1. She asked him why ………. her the day before.
A. he wouldn’t call
B. he hadn’t called
C. didn’t he call

11. Do you know who ………yesterday?
A. was he meeting

B. might he have met
C. he met

2. He said that if he ………. free time the following
weekend, he would go out with them.
A. had
B. can have
C. would have

12. He has no idea ………. staying.
A. which hotel they are
B. where they are
C. which hotel are they

3. They accused him ………. in the exams, but he
denied it.
A. to copy
B. for copying
C. of copying
4. His parents asked him where ………. the previous
A. did he go
B. he was doing
C. he had gone
5. She promised her friend……….. her down.
A. letting
B. never let
C. to not let
6. Her colleague ………. her not to give up.
A. said to

B. urged
C. suggested
7. She was advised ………. in the storm.
A. not driving
B. she mustn’t drive
C. not to drive
8. Some of the customers ………. to the waiter about
the food.
A. blamed
B. complained
C. ordered
9. His friend told him that he ………. worry about
returning the money soon.
A. didn’t' need to
B. doesn’t have to
C. can’t
10. As there was heavy traffic, he proposed ………. the
train to work.
A. to take
B. taking
C. they would take

23 | P a g e

13. He said he ………. to the cinema the following
A. would rather go
B. prefers going
C. would rather have gone
14. His friend insisted ………. her to lunch.

A. to treat
B. on treating
C. treating
15. Although she had a lot of money, she ………. to
lend me some.
A. denied
B. refused
C. forbade
16. His parents advised ………. a suit for the interview.
A. him wearing
B. that he wear
C. he would wear
17. The shop assistant ………. us how to use the
washing machine.
A. instructed
B. suggested
C. insisted
18. He …………. to punish them if they misbehaved.
A. threatened
B. informed
C. demanded
19. She apologised to her ………. her wait.
A. to have made
B. for having made
C. having made
20. Their teacher suggested ………. for the exams.
A. them not revise
B. they revise
C. they must revise

Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


Relative Clauses
This is the man who/that threatened me.
This is the cat which/that scratched me.
This is the man whose car was stolen.
This is the dog whose owners abandoned it.
This is the man (whom/who/that) I met.
This is the book (which/that) I bought.
The woman to whom I talked is a doctor.
The woman (who/whom/that) I talked to is a
The hotel at which we stayed was big.
The hotel (which/that) we stayed at was big.
The hotel where we stayed was big.
The hour at which the show begins is 10.
The hour (which/that) the show begins at is 10.
The hour when the show begins is 10.
The reason for which he left is unknown.
The reason (which) he left for is unknown.
The reason why he left is unknown.
The reason for his leaving is unknown.
My father, who is a teacher, is strict.
My house, whose garden is big, has got three

My dog, which is a puppy, is cute.
He helped me, which was nice of him.
She’s got a lot of friends, some/none/all of whom
have the same interests as her.
He visited many countries, two/several of which
are in South America.

Concession Clauses
Although/Even though/Though he works hard, he
doesn’t make much.
Although/Even though/Though he is tired, he will go
Although/Though tired, he will go out.
Despite the fact that he works hard, he doesn’t make
Despite/In spite of working hard, he doesn’t make
Despite /In spite of his working hard, his boss
doesn’t appreciate him.
Despite/In spite of his hard work, he doesn’t make
Despite/In spite of what he does, his boss doesn’t
appreciate him.
No matter how hard he works, he doesn’t make
Hard though/as he works, he doesn’t make much.
Hard as he may/might work, he doesn’t make much.
However hard he works, he doesn’t make much.
He works hard. However, he doesn’t make much.

He works hard. Yet/Still/Nonetheless/
Nevertheless, he doesn’t make much.
He works hard. He doesn’t make much,
He likes the cinema while/whereas she likes the

The man who is sitting there is my teacher.
The man sitting there is my teacher.
The man who was arrested is a robber.
The man arrested is a robber.

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Esolnet Hellas

Grammar Syllabus


Clauses of Reason

Clauses of Result

Since/As/Because he was late, he was told off.
His being late, he was told off.
Seeing that he was late, he called her.
Due to/Because of /Owing to the storm, we drove

The reason why he was found guilty was that there
was new evidence.
The reason for his dismissal / his being dismissed
was that he was always coming late.
Considering the new evidence, he was found

It was such an interesting film that I saw it twice.
The film was so interesting that I saw it twice.
It was so interesting a film that I saw it twice.
Such an interesting film was it that I saw it twice.
So interesting was the film that I saw it twice.
So interesting a film was it that I saw it twice.
It was such bad weather that we stayed in.
They were such heavy boxes that I couldn’t lift
There was such a lot of noise that he was extremely
There were so many people that I couldn’t breathe.
There were so few people that the room looked
There was so little time left that we panicked.
He had so much free time that he could do anything
he wanted.

Clauses of Purpose
She woke up early so as to/in order to/to catch the
He talked loudly so that/in order that everybody
could hear him.

Take more money with you in case you need it.
He locked all the doors for fear of someone
breaking in.
This knife is for cutting fruit.

He worked so hard that he was exhausted.
So hard did he work that he was exhausted.
The book was too boring to read.
It was too boring a book to read.

Place Clauses
Wherever you go, he will find you.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Everywhere he went, he had fun.

He hadn’t studied and as a result, he failed.
He has got a big family and therefore, he needs to
work harder.
Noun Clauses

What a nice dress this is!
What good kids they are!
What bad weather this is!
How polite he is!
How polite a man he is!
How well he talks!
She is such a beautiful girl!
She is so nice!

It pleased me that she visited me.
That he visited me pleased me.
His visiting me pleased me.
What he did surprised me.
I was surprised by what he did.
What he did was surprising.

Time Clauses
When he is angry, he yells.
Once/When/As soon as/The moment/After he
settles/has settled, he’ll feel fine.
Upon/On /After settling, he’ll be fine.
By the time he comes, I will have eaten.
By the time he came, I had left.
When he saw me, he started laughing.
After he had eaten, he studied.
(After) having eaten, he studied.
(After) her having recovered, he visited her.
While/As he was working, she visited him.
While he was working, she was playing.
Whenever he came, he would bring flowers.
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Esolnet Hellas
