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Family and friends special edition grade 2

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Unit 1 What color is it ?
Exercise 1 Look and write










Exercise 2 Look and write the missing letters

bl _ _

_ _ ite

gr _ _ n

_ _ ack

r _d

Exercise 3 Put the words in the correct order

a) black – It – is
It is black

d) is – It – green
pg. 1

b) It – blue – is

e) It – red – is

c) is – It - white

f)yellow – is - It

……………………………… ………………………………

Unit 1 What color is it ?
Exercise 4 Look and answer

a) What color is this ?
It’s yellow.

d) What color is this ?

b) What color is this ?

e) What color is this ?

c) What color is this ?

f) What color is this ?

Exercise 5 Read and color

pg. 2

It’s blue.

It’s red.

It’s black

It’s green.

It’s yellow.

It’s white.

Unit 1 What color is it ?
Exercise 6 Look and match

Exercise 7 Look and write the missing letters

pg. 3


_ _ ple

_ at

ca _


d_ g

_ _ ck

Bi _ _

Unit 1 What color is it ?
Exercise 8 Look and write




Exercise 9 Color by number

1 = black

pg. 4

2= yellow

3= blue

4 = green

5 = red

6 = red

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 1
Unit 2 What is this ?

Exercise 1 Look and write the missing letters

d _ _ sk

_ _ air

cray _ _

penc _ _

noteb_ _ _

Exercise 2 Look at the pictures and write

a) What is this ?
It’s a desk.

c) What is this ?


e) What is this ?


pg. 1

b) What is this ?

d) What is this ?



What is this ?


Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 1
Unit 2 What is this ?
Exercise 3 Look and tick() or cross ()

a) It’s a desk.

d) It’s a dog.

b) It’s a pencil.

e) It’s a crayon.

c) It’s a notebook.

f) It’s a desk.

Exercise 4 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

pg. 2

a) is – this – What ?

a – pencil – It’s

What is this ?

It is a pencil

b) is – this – What ?

notebook – a – It’s

c) is – this – What ?

It’s – chair - a

d) is – this – What ?

It’s – crayon - a

e) this – What - is ?

a- desk – It’s



Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 1
Unit 2 What is this ?
Exercise 5 Circle the correct answer.

a. It’s a desk /chair.

b. It’s a crayon/pencil.

c. It’s a pencil /notebook.

d. It’s a crayon / notebook

e) It’s a chair/ desk.

f) It’s a dog/ cat.

Exercise 6 Read and color

It’s a green chair.

It’s a red notebook.
pg. 3

It’s a yellow pencil.

It’s a blue crayon.

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 1
Unit 2 What is this ?
Exercise 7 Circle the right pictures :





Exercise 8 Count and write.
_______ pencils

_______ notebooks

________ desks

________ crayons

pg. 4

Unit 3 Is it a plane ?

Exercise 1 Look and write the missing letters.

pu _ _ et

ball _ _ n

_ _ bot

pl _ _ _

teddy b _ _ r

Exercise 2 Look and circle the correct words :

bat / balloon

plane / car

robot / car

balloon / teddy bear

teddy bear /puppet

pencil / robot

Exercise 3 Look and write

a) What is this ?
It’s a robot.

d) What is this ?
pg. 1

b) What is this ?

e) What is this ?

c) What is this ?

f) What is this ?

Unit 3 Is it a plane ?
Exercise 4 Look and tick () or cross ()

a) It’s a robot.

c) It’s a balloon.

f) It’s a car.

b) It’s a plane.

d) It’s a puppet.

g) It’s a puppet.

Exercise 5 Look and write
Yes, it is.

a) Is it a balloon ?

d) Is it a teddy bear ?

pg. 2

No , it isn’t.

b) Is it a car ?

e) Is it a puppet ?

c) Is it a plane ?

f) Is it a pencil ?

Unit 3 Is it a plane ?

Exercise 6 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
a) it – Is – a – plane ?

Is it a plane ?

b) it – Is – a – puppet?

c) balloon – Is – it – a ?

d) Is – a – plane – it ?


e) Is – a – car – it ?


pg. 3

No - isn’t - it

No , it isn’t.

it – is - Yes

No - isn’t - it

it – is - Yes


No - isn’t - it


Unit 3 Is it a plane ?
Exercise 7 Read and color

a) It’s a red ballon.

b) It’s a yellow teddy bear.

c) It’s a blue plane.

Exercise 8 Look and write

pg. 4






Unit 3 Is it a plane ?
Exercise 9 Look and match


Exercise 10 Count and circle

pg. 5

Unit 3 Is it a plane ?
Exercise 11 Look and write




Exercise 12 Color by number

pg. 6






Unit 4 This is my mom!
Exercise 1 Circle the correct answer.

mom / dad



grandma/ mom

sister /brother

brother /sister

Exercise 2 Look and write :


She is my mom.

_____ is my dad.

_____ is my grandma.

_____ is my sister.

_____ is my grandpa.

_____ is my brother.

pg. 1

Unit 4 This is my mom!
Exercise 3. Look at the pictures and write.
a) Who is this ?

This is my sister

b) Who is this ?


c) Who is this ?


d) Who is this ?


e) Who is this ?


f) Who is this ?


Exercise 4. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
a. /is /This /my /mom./ __________________________________.
b. /This /my /is /dad./ __________________________________.
c. /is /This /my /sister./ __________________________________.
d. /brother ./This /my /is/ __________________________________.
e. my /grandma./ This /is /__________________________________.
f. /is /This /my /grandpa./ __________________________________.
pg. 2

Unit 4 This is my mom!
Exercise 5 Look and tick  or cross

a) This is my grandpa.

b) This is my mom.

c ) This is my sister.

a) This is my grandma.

b) This is my dad.

c ) This is my sister.

Exercise 6. Circle the correct answer.
1. What is your name ?

My name is Tim .

b. I’m six years old.

2. How old are you ?
a. I’m six years old.

b. This is my mom.

3. What color do you like ?
a. I like green .

b. I like robots.

4. What toys do you like ?
a. I like red.

b. I like balloons.

5. What is this ?
a. It is a notebook .

b. Yes ,it is.

6. Is it a plane ?
a. No , it is .

b. No ,it isn’t.

7.What color is it ?
a. It’s a pen.

b. It’s yellow.

8. Who is this ?
a. This is my grandma .

pg. 3

b. It is a desk.

Unit 4 This is my mom!
Exercise 7 Read and circle the correct words
a. What /Who is your name ? My name is Rosy.
b. Who / When is this ? This is my sister.
c. What color/ toy is it ? It’s green.

d. Is it a/ an apple ? Yes, it is.
e. What is this ? It is a / an notebook.
f. This is /are my grandma.
g. How old /How are you ? I’m fine , thanks
h. Is /Are it a ball ? No , it isn’t.

Exercise 8 Look and match


pg. 4

Unit 4 This is my mom!
Exercise 9 Look and write the missing letters.

_ io _

_ uice


_ e_

kangar _ _

_ _llipop

Exercise 10 Circle the correct answer.
a. I like juice / lollipop.

b. It is a ball / key.

c. It is a kangaroo/lion

d. It is a cat / lion.

e. I like juice / lollipop.

f. It is a jug /key.

pg. 5

Unit 4 This is my mom!
Exercise 11 Fill in the missing letters of the alphabet :

Exercise 12 Color the picture

pg. 6

Unit 5 He’s happy !
Exercise 1 Look and write the missing letters.

hap_ _


h _ _ gry

thirs _ _


co _ _

Exercise 2 Rearrange the letters in the correct order to make a word.

pg. 1







Unit 5 He’s happy !
Exercise 3 Circle the correct answer.

a. She is cold.

a. He is cold.

a. She is hungry.

b. She is hot .

b. He is thirsty.

b. She is hot .

a. She is sad.

a. He is cold.

a. He is sad.

b. She is happy.

b. He is hot.

b. He is happy.

Exercise 4 Look and write


a. ________ is sad.

c. ________ is happy.

e. ________ is cold.

b. ________ is thirsty.

d. ________ is hot.

f. ________ is hungry.

pg. 2

Unit 5 He’s happy !
Exercise 5 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

a) is /He / thirsty. /

b) sad./ He / is

c) is /He /hot. /

d) hungry./She /is/

e) happy./She /is/

f) is /She /cold. /

pg. 3

He is thirsty.






Unit 5 He’s happy !
Exercise 6 Circle the correct answer.

Is she cold ?

Is he cold ?


Yes , she is .

a. Yes , he is .

a. Yes , he is .

b. No , she isn’t.

b. No , he isn’t.

b. No , he isn’t.

Is he hungry ?

Is she happy ?

Is he sad ?

Is she hungry ?

a. Yes , he is .

a. Yes , she is .

a. Yes , she is .

b. No , he isn’t.

b. No , she isn’t.

b. No , she isn’t.

Exercise 7 Draw a face for each emotion.

He is happy.

She is sad.

He is hot.

She is hungry.

She is cold.

She is thirsty.

pg. 4

Unit 5 He’s happy !
Exercise 8 Find the mistakes and correct them.

a) He is hungry.

He is thirsty.

b) She is sad.


c) She is hot.


d) He is happy.


Exercise 9 Look and write.
1. He is ____________________
2. She is ___________________
3. ________________________
4. ________________________
5. ________________________
6. ________________________

pg. 5
