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Cung ma kết copricorn zodiac

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Capricorn. (22/12- 19/1)
People who are born from 22/12 to 20/1 belong to
Capricorn, the tenth sign of zodiac. Those born under this
sign or they are called sea Goat who is a hero and he live in
Babylon, full strong, he was born by Hermes and a forest
heroine. This boy is a Pan who a half is man and a half is
Goat and only the tail is kind of fish. Hermes takes a boy to
top of Olypus mountain where gods live there and they like
this child very much. Since, Capricorn takes over task for
his father, to become god of kind of animals and shepherds
but he don’t like living in a Olypus mountian, he want to
live in sea on every night and living under shadow of trees
on the hills.
It is said that Capricorn make they think about strength,
stubborn patience, a lot of ambition, seriously, cold heart.
Capricorn is considered the most mature on 12 signs of
zodiac. Capricorn always consist plans and direction of up to
goals on the future so that Capricorn is like childish, to
conceal their personality but only relationship know this
about. They seem like carefully with problems concern
about money, careers and making well-known. They have a
lot of ambition but they are very lazy to make your ambition
become the truth.only when having someone promote they
can develop their ability.
Capricorn likes many kind of people, at first eyes sign but
not easy to fall in love with someone! They are seldom show
your feelings by talking and saying nice words, sometime
their lover see that they are unfeeling but actually they are
sweet and full of soul. Their maxim is “ doing than
speaking” and when they love someone they ask are for

more than be received.
Family and friends,
Most of them are considered obedient child on your family.
Their around friends always love them. Capricorn is easy to
believe everyone, seeing anyone is the good friends, so may
be sometime is taken advantage of by their friends. They
have a few friend but they are kind of friends.
Career and money.
Acording to a Capricorn, career and money the more
important than love. They think that if career is built firmly,
love will be sustainable as well! They never give up their
task get to reach their goal, they will find out way to solve in
spite of the trouble. Capricorn have got high-patience to try
make your plans come to an end. Especially plans can earn
Sum up about Capricorn zodiac:
For example, a fable story “ The Tortoise and the Hare”
Tortoise character move slowly, reaching to goal patiently,
no loitering like the Hare in story. Describing personnality
who are born on this time from 22/12 to 19/01, Capricorn

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