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Đề tiengs anh lớp 8 unit 4

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I learn Smart World 8

2023 - 2024

Name: ……………………………………..

Date: …………………..

Lesson 1
I. Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. month
B. other
C. stomach
D. move
2. A. flood
B. food
C. typhoon
D. moon
3. A. nut
B. mud
C. rule
D. cut
4. A. boot
B. spoon
C. good
D. zoo
5. A. thunder
B. hundred
C. sudden

D. June
I. Match the words or phrases to their definitions.
1. a flood
a. Heavy rains cause this to happen.
2. a drought


b. This is a typical storm in tropical regions.

3. a typhoon


c. This is the violent shaking of the earth’s surface.

4. a heat wave


d. This happens when there is unusually hot weather.

5. an earthquake


e. Plants, trees and animals die because of this long period with no

II. Complete the text using the words in the boxes.
Welcome back to Radio Weather News. There were a lot of natural events yesterday. Cars,
motorbikes, and other vehicles got stuck in a (6) _____________ on the west side of the city because if
heavy snowfall and a big storm on the highway. In the mountain range, there was a(n) (7)
___________. A mass of ice fell down a slope and caused three people to be injured. Yesterday there
was also a (8) _____________ on the east side of the city. Its violent winds knocked all the trees down
and caused a(n) (9) _____________, which blocked many roads. Besides, the earthquake in the ocean
caused a (10) _____________ on the east coast. What a day of disaster!
I. Circle the correct options.
1. Kate: __________ did the tsunami destroy? – Jack: The whole village.
A. Where
B. Which
C. What
D. Why
2. Jim: __________ was the wave? – Ann: About 10 meters tall.
A. How much
B. How many
C. How long
D. How tall
3. Alex: __________ did the earthquake hit the city? – Tom: At midnight.
A. When
B. What
C. Where
D. How

4. Kim: __________ was the biggest wildlife? – Ted: In Western Montana, the US.
A. Which
B. Where
C. What
D. How
5. Ben: __________ did the blizzard cause across the city? – Rosie: A power cut
A. Which
B. How
C. What
D. Why
II. Circle ONE mistake in each sentence.
6. How much damage did the avalanche caused?
7. How much people got hurt in the tsunami?

Page: HY English House

I learn Smart World 8

2023 - 2024

8. what was you doing when the earthquake

hit the city?
9. Ann: “How tall was the wave?” – Ted: was over 20 meters long.”
10. Andy: “How many did it takes to stop the fire?” - Ben: “About 3 hours.
I. Read the text about the folk games. Write True, False or Doesn’t say
The UK is not only famous for its beauty but also for extreme weather. Strong winds and storms are
examples of severe weather. Those conditions can cause damage to buildings and houses. They can
also be dangerous to people. Another example of extreme conditions is drought. Drought are periods
of dry weather. They often happen when there is a lack of rainfall over a long period. They can
heavily affect the supply of water and can destroy crops. Floods are also an issue in the UK. Too
much rainfall often causes floods in a short period of time. Floods cause damage to houses and
buildings, washing away roads and vehicles. People sometimes lose their lives in floods.
According to scientist, global climate change will cause hotter and wetter weather in the UK in the
21st century. Heatwave is a problem in the UK due to climate change. The shocking temperature of
the heat wave is the result of greenhouse gases. It causes people to work from home and students to
study remotely. Trains become dangerous because the railway can expand and bend in the heat.
People might see such extreme heat waves every three years if they continue to produce greenhouse

1. The UK is well-known for its extreme weather.
2. Storms in the UK can destroy crops.
3. Floods can happen quickly when there is an excessive amount of rain.
4. Floods in the UL always take life.
5. People in the UK must work from home when there is a heat wave.
II. Read the text again. Answer each question with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR
6. What affects the supply of water?
7. What causes floods in a short period of time?
8. How will the weather in the UK in the 21st century be?
9. What is the result of greenhouse gases?
10. How often will the heat waves happen if people keep producing greenhouse ______________
Read the information about the Great Kanto Earthquake and answer the questions.
1. Where was the Great Kanto Earthquake?
The Great Kanto Earthquake
2. When was the Great Kanto Earthquake?
+ Japan, 1923
3. How many people in Tokyo became homeless after the

+ A total of 1.38 million people in
Tokyo became homeless.
4. What did the Great Kanto Earthquake cause in the bay?
+ caused a 390foot high tsunami
5. How tall was the tsunami caused by the Great Kanto
in the bay
I. Put the words in the correct order to make complete sentences.
1. Russia/ in/ was/ The/ 2021./ biggest/ in/ wildfire

Page: HY English House

I learn Smart World 8

2023 - 2024

2. Chile/ May 1960./ hit/ The/ Great Chilean Earthquake/ in
3. four/ hundred/ At least/ died/ the/ flood./ in/ people
4. The/ 12 meters/ high./ tsunami/ was
5. This/ is/ the/ worst/ typhoons/ one/ of/ in/ history./ American
II. Make questions for the underlined words.
6. Thirteen people got injured in the typhoon.

7. The avalanche took place in the early morning.
8. The blizzard destroyed cereal crops in China.
9. The tsunami took place in the northern coast of the US.
10. People avoided going outside because of the heat wave.

Name: ……………………………………..

Date: …………………..

Page: HY English House

I learn Smart World 8

2023 - 2024
Lesson 2

Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced different from the others.
1. A. extinguisher
B. emergency
C. disaster
D. number
2. A. world

B. worst
C. work
D. doctor
3. A. worse
B. visitor
C. color
D. error
4. A. furniture
B. burn
C. surprise
D. surface
5. A. power
B. service
C. battery
D. under
I. Circle the correct options.
1. The old firefighter showed us how to use a fire ______ to stop the fire
A. extinguisher
B. truck
C. exit
D. alarm
2. Where’s the ______? I need a plaster for her bleeding finger.
A. fire extinguisher
B. first aid kit
C. battery
D. flashlight
3. It’s getting dark outside. We should use a ______.
A. flashlight
B. fire extinguisher

C. first aid kit
D. battery
4. You can call ______ for urgent problems such as crime, fire or illness.
A. hospitals
B. emergency services C. companies
D. schools
5. It is necessary to think about an ______ for a disaster.
A. first aid kit
B. emergency services C. supplies
D. escape plan
II. Complete the weather news using the words in the box.
stock up
board up
Another (6) _____________ is going to hit the city. The storm might cause a flood because of heavy
rain. Getting ready for an emergency is essential. (7) _____________ on some food and drink. (8)
____________ your house because strong winds can break the windows. The storm might also
cause a power cut. Prepare some (9) _____________ for lighting your house. Accidents might
happen during the storm. Buy some medical (10) _____________ when emergency services might
not be available.
I. Complete the sentences with inside, under, outside, to and up
1. Go ___________ the house! The winds are getting stronger.
2. You shouldn’t go ___________ on a stormy day.
3. If your house was on fire, you should get out of the house really fast and move ___________ a safe
4. During an earthquake, try to get ___________ things such as a table, a desk, or a bed.
5. People climbed ___________ the hill to avoid the tsunami.

II. Circle the correct options.
6. You should seek shelter ________ a strong table or desk until the shaking stops.

Page: HY English House

I learn Smart World 8

2023 - 2024

A. to
B. in
C. out
D. under
7. People should work from home instead of going ________ work on a stormy day.
A. inside
B. outside
C. into
D. to
8. Run ________ the hill before the tsunami arrives.
A. in
B. outside
C. inside
D. up
9. Due to the road conditions, the authority warned people not to drive ________ flood water.
A. out
B. into
C. up
D. outside

10. Stay ________ your house during a blizzard.
A. inside
B. outside
C. on
D. over
I. Listen to Dr. Shane’s instruction on how to survive a flood. Fill in each gap with ONE WORD.
Before a flood
+ Keep a list of (1) ___________ contacts on your phone.
During a flood
+ Prepare an emergency (2) ___________
+ Move to a (3) ___________ and high area.
+ Never (4) ___________ or drive through flood water.
After a flood
+ (5) ___________ drinking water.
II. Listen again. Write True or False
6. You should check the electrical appliances before using them
7. You should research your neighborhood for places that might flood.
8. You shouldn’t use more canned food and bottled water.
9. You should bring some blankets with you during a flood.
10. You can leave the safe place to return to your house when the water reduces. ______
Complete the presentation using should or shouldn’t
Good morning, everyone. I would like to share what we should and shouldn’t do during a fire.
First, you (1) ___________ shout “Fire” loudly a few times to let everyone know there is a fire.
Second, you (2) ___________ call the emergency phone number immediately.

Third, you (3) ___________ open the door if you see smoke under it.
Then, you (4) ___________ use elevators if you live in apartment.
Finally, you (5) ___________ try to carry all things with you. Get out of the fire first.
I. Circle ONE mistake in each sentence and correct it.
1. We should keep fire extinguishers on a safe place.
A. keep
B. extinguishers
C. on
D. safe
2. Stay inside a building when it is on fire.
A. stay
B. inside
C. when
D. on
3. You should move up a safe place during a heavy flood.
A. should
B. move
C. up
D. during
4. Stock in on emergency items such as first aid kits and supplies.
A. stock
B. in
C. emergency
D. first aid kits
5. Stay on a table to protect yourself when an earthquake happens.
A. on
B. protect
C. when
D. happen

Page: HY English House

I learn Smart World 8

2023 - 2024

II. Put the words in the correct order to make complete sentences.
6. What/ people/ should/ when/ an/ earthquake/ do/ happens?
7. should/ starts./ calm/ when/ People/ keep/ a/ wildfire
8. you/ should/ What/ for/ a/ typhoon?/ prepare
9. stock/ up/ should/ and/ first aid kits./ on/ supplies/ We
10. water./ should/ We/ or/ walk/ drive/ never/ into/ flood

Name: ……………………………………..

Date: …………………..

Lesson 3

Page: HY English House

I learn Smart World 8

2023 - 2024

I. Match each definition or description with the correct word in the box.
1. This means without any delay.
2. This is a piece of work that you have to do.
3. This means believe something will happen.
4. This means tell somebody about something.
5. This is for telling you to avoid something bad that may happy in the
II. Complete the conversation using the words in the boxes.


a. task
b. expect
c. inform
d. warming
e. immediately

stock up

Phil: There was a (6) ____________ on another typhoon. It will last for a few hours.
Ben: That’s bad! I don’t (7) ____________ it to hit our village.
Phil: I don’t, either. We’ll have to (8 ) ___________ other people of the news.
Ben: You’re right. And we should do that (9) ____________ before it is too late.
Phil: We also need to (10) ____________ on some food and drinks for emergencies.
I. Listen to an announcement about a typhoon. Fill in each gap with NO MORE THAN TWO
Sent: 14:03 (1) _____________
What: A typhoon
Where: (2) _____________ City. It might take place for (3) _____________ days. There will be a
power cut during the storm. The flood water can rise up to (4) _____________ meters high.
+ Know your (5) _____________ and have an escape plan.
+ Keep contact numbers of the locals emergency services and board up the doors.
II. Listen to the conversation between Jessica and Rita. Circle the correct answers.
6. What was the most useful things Rita learned from Mr. Park’s presentation?
A. making an escape plan
B. keeping food and drinks
C. boarding up a house
D. keeping a lifebuoy
7. What did Jessica think about the workshop when it was over?
A. boring
B. fun
C. terrible
D. informative
8. What idea from the presentation did Jessica like?
A. making an escape plan
B. calling emergency services

C. boarding up a house
D. stocking up on food and drinks
9. What did Mr. Park advise people to do while waiting for the supplies?
A. to stock up
B. to board up
C. to write an escape plan `
D. to wait for supplies
10. What should people do if the flood was too high?
A. climb up a tree
B. walk up a hill
C. move upstairs
D. climb up a ladder
I. Read the emergency announcement about a heat wave. Write True, False or Doesn’t say.
Sent: 21:36 June 3
What: A heat wave

Page: HY English House

I learn Smart World 8

2023 - 2024

Where: Oakland City
When: From 10:00 June 4 to 16:45 June 9. The heat wave is now going on in the city. The highest
temperature may hit 40°C. People with weight and alcohol problems may get heatstroke. The heat
wave might affect other systems across the city. Water and electricity shortage may happen during
the heat wave.

+ Wear a hat or carry an umbrella with you if you’re outside.
+ Get enough water and avoid sugary drinks.
+ Exercise gently.
+ Come and see your family, friends and neighbors, especially older people.
+ If someone gets heatstroke or heat exhaustion, contact the emergency services immediately.
1. There are no power supplies and water during the heat wave.
2. Heatstroke is dangerous during the heat wave.
3. Bring an umbrella with you if you are out during the heat wave.
4. Stay away from sugary drinks during the heat wave.
5. Call an emergency service if someone suffers from heatstroke.
II. Read the text about blizzards in China. Answer each question with NO MORE THAN TWO
WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER from the text.
China is one of the countries that experiences the most blizzards in the world. Blizzards frequently
hit the central and southern regions of the country. The year 2008 saw one of the worst blizzards in its
history. It happened between January 25 and February 6 and killed 129 people. According to official
records, the country did not experience its worst winter months in more than two decades. Experts in
meteorology said that La Nina, a weather phenomenon, could be the cause of the blizzard. Millions of
crops failed, and livestock died in the snowstorm. Also, it caused enormous damage to the nation
electricity grid. The power cut happened in Fuzhou in about three weeks. There was no power or water
supply in Chenzhou for nearly two weeks. According to officials, it took five months to fully fix the
electricity grid.
6. When did the country experience its worst blizzard?
7. How many people died from the blizzard?

8. What could be the cause of the blizzard?
9. What died in the blizzard?
10. How long did Fuzhou experience the power cut?
Complete the conversation using the sentences in the box
A. Ah, it was a long time ago.
B. Good for you. What exactly did you learn in that
C. What is a tsunami, Ben? It sounds strange to me.
D. How tall is a tsunami?
E. Oh really? And when did it happen, Ben?
Mia: How was your science class, Ben?

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I learn Smart World 8

2023 - 2024

Ben: It was exciting, and I finished it last week.
Mia: (1)_______________________________________________________
Ben: It was about natural disasters like tsunami, earthquakes, avalanches and many more.
Mia: (2)_______________________________________________________
Ben: It is like a very large wave from the sea and often comes after an earthquake.
Mia: (3)_______________________________________________________
Ben: I don’t know. But the biggest tsunami in history was over 500 meters tall.

Mia: (4)_______________________________________________________
Ben: It was on July 9, 1958.
Mia: (5)_______________________________________________________
Ben: Yes, it was.
I. Read the emergency announcement. Fill in the gaps using the words from the boxes. There is one
extra word.
Sent: 23:14 May 30
What: A tropical storm
Where: Baytown City
When: From 7:50 June 1 to 23:00 June 4. A tropical storm from the ocean is getting stronger and will
soon become a (1) _____________ . We don’t expect any (2) _____________.
+ Make an emergency plan for your family.
+ Get a first aid kit and some (3) _____________ food.
+ Always stay (4) _____________ during the typhoon.
+ Do not walk or drive into flood waters.
+ Pay (5) _____________ to emergency information and alerts.
II. Write an emergency announcement about a typhoon. Write 80-100 words or more.


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