Tai Lieu Chat Luong
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Erik van der Linden Agrotechnology and Food
Sciences Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen,
The Netherlands
Anthony R. Bird Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation, Food Futures
National Research Flagship, and CSIRO Human
Nutrition, Adelaide, Australia
Charles Stephen Brennan Hollings Faculty, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK
Amparo Lopez-Rubio Australian Nuclear Science
and Technology Organisation, Bragg Institute,
Menai, Australia
Margaret Anne Brennan Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
David Julian McClements Department of Food
Science, University of Massachussets Amherst,
Amherst, USA
Sarah L. Buckley
Edwin R. Morris Department of Food &
Nutritional Sciences, University College Cork,
Highton, Australia
Allan H. Clark Pharmaceutical Science Division,
King‘s College London, London, UK
Vic J. Morris
Phil W. Cox School of Engineering-Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston,
Institute of Food Research, Colney, UK
Ian T. Norton School of Engineering-Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston,
Steve W. Cui Guelph Research Food Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Guelph, Canada
David E. Dunstan Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Melbourne, Victoria,
Amos Nussinovitch Faculty of Agricultural,
Food and Environmental Quality Sciences,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot,
E. Allen Foegeding Department of Food Science,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
Kunal Pal Department of Chemistry and Biology,
Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Michael J. Gidley Centre for Nutrition & Food
Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Allan T. Paulson Department of Chemistry and
Biology, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Liam M. Grover School of Chemical Engineering,
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK
Keisha Roberts Guelph Research Food Centre,
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Guelph,
Victoria A. Hughes Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Yrjoă H. Roos Department of Food & Nutritional
Sciences, University College Cork, Ireland
Stefan Kasapis School of Applied Sciences, RMIT
University, Melbourne, Australia
Simon B. Ross-Murphy Pharmaceutical Science
Division, King’s College London, London, UK
Sandra I. Laneuville Dairy Research Centre
STELA and Institute of Nutraceutical and Functional
Foods INAF, Laval University, Quebec, Canada
De´rick Rousseau School of Nutrition, Ryerson
University, Toronto, Canada
Ashok K. Shrestha Centre for Nutrition & Food
Sciences, University of Queensland, St. Lucia,
Peter J. Lillford CNAP-Department of Biology, The
University of York, York, UK
Alan M. Smith School of Chemical Engineering,
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK
Fotios Spyropoulos School of Engineering-Chemical
Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston,
Sylvie L. Turgeon Dairy Research Centre STELA
and Institute of Nutraceutical and Functional Foods
INAF, Laval University, Quebec, Canada
Johan B. Ubbink Nestle Research Centre Switzerland, Savigny, Switzerland
It has been a while since a book was put
together to address the issues of the physics and
chemistry of biopolymers in industrial formulations, including concise treatments of the relation
between biopolymer functionality and their
conformation, structure, and interactions. In
these intervening years, some materials and
concepts came to prominence while other ones
have changed in their appeal or application. As
ever, the industrialist is faced with the challenge
of innovation in an increasingly competitive
market in terms of ingredient cost, product
added-value, expectations of a healthy life-style,
improved sensory impact, controlled delivery of
bioactive compounds and, last but not least,
product stability. Proteins, polysaccharides and
their co-solutes remain the basic tools of
achieving the required properties in product
formulations, and much has been said about the
apparent properties of these ingredients in relation to their practical use. There is also an ever
increasing literature on the physicochemical
behaviour of well-characterised biopolymer
systems based on the molecular physics of glassy
materials, the fundamentals of gelation, and
component interactions in the bulk and at
interfaces. It appears, however, that a gap has
emerged between the recent advances in fundamental knowledge and the direct application to
product situations with a growing need for
scientific input.
The above statement does not detract from the
pioneering work of the forefathers in the field
who developed the origins of biopolymer
science. For example, there is no question that
the pioneering work on conformational transitions and gelation, the idea of phase separation
into water in emulsions, the development of
physicochemical understanding that lead to the
concept of fluid gels and the application of the
glass transition temperature to dehydrated and
partially frozen biomaterials has resulted not
only in academic progress but in several healthy
and novel products in the market place. Thus the
first phase of the scientific quest for developing
comprehensive knowledge at both the theoretical and applied levels of functional properties in
basic preparations and systems has largely been
accomplished. It is clear, though, that the future
lies in the utilization of this understanding in
both established and novel foodstuffs, and
non-food materials (e.g. pharmaceuticals) with
their multifaceted challenges. A clear pathway
for processing, preservation and innovation is
developing which is particularly important if
progress is to be made in the preparation of
indulgent yet healthy foods which are stable,
for example, in distribution and storage. This
requires a multi-scale engineering approach in
which material properties and microstructure,
hence the product performance are designed by
careful selection of ingredients and processes.
Examples of this can be found in the pioneering
work on fat replacement and the reliance on the
phenomenon of glass transition to rationalise the
structural stability and mouthfeel of a complex
Within this context of matching science to
application, one feels compelled to note that
a dividing line has emerged, which is quite
rigorous, with researchers in the structurefunction relationships of biopolymers opting to
address issues largely in either high or low-solid
systems. This divide is becoming more and more
pronounced, as scientists working in the highsolid regime are increasingly inspired by the
apparently ‘‘universal’’ molecular physics of
glassy materials, which may or may not consider
much of the chemical detail at the vicinity of the
glass transition temperature. By comparison,
their colleagues working on low-solid systems
are shifting their focus from the relatively
universal structure-function relationships of
biopolymers in solution to the much more
specific ones involving multi-scale assembly,
complexation and molecular interactions.
Sharing the expertise of the two camps under the
unified framework of the materials science
approach is a prerequisite to ensuring fully
‘‘functional solutions’’ to contemporary needs,
spanning the full range of relevant time-, lengthand concentration scales. This effort may prove
to be the beginning of a modernized biopolymer
science that, one the one hand, utilizes and
further develops fundamental insights from
molecular physics and the advanced synthetic
polymer research as a source of inspiration for
contemporary bio-related applications. On the
other hand, such modernized science should be
able to forward novel concepts dealing with
the specific and often intricate problems of
biopolymer science, such as the strong tendency
for macromolecular hydrogen bonding, thus
serving as an inspiration for related polymer
advances and industrial applications. Sincere
thanks are due to all our friends and colleagues
whose outstanding contributions within their
specialized areas made this a very worthwhile
Stefan Kasapis
Ian T. Norton
Johan B. Ubbink
Biopolymer Network Assembly:
Measurement and Theory
Allan H. Clark and Simon B. Ross-Murphy
King’s College London, Franklin-Wilkins Building, 150 Stamford Street, London, UK
A number of biopolymer systems can selfassemble to form networks and gels and the
assembly can occur by a variety of mechanisms.
In this chapter we consider the nature of
biopolymer gels and networks, the kinetics of
assembly, and their characterization by rheological methods. The necessary theory to explain,
for example, the complexities of gelation kinetics
is then described in some detail. Before reaching
this, we discuss the nature of network assembly,
and the character of gels and their gelation.
are important for synthetic polymer systems, but
are less relevant for biopolymers. Here, where
the solvent is water or electrolyte, we can also
introduce the term ‘hydrogel’. What is a Gel?
We have already defined a gel above as
a swollen polymer network, but unfortunately,
one of the major issues in chapters such as the
present one is that the term ‘gel’ means very
different things to different audiences. In this
respect, the widely cited 1926 definition by
Dorothy Jordan Lloyd, that ‘the colloidal condition, the gel, is one which is easier to recognize
than to define’ (Jordan Lloyd, 1926) is quite
unhelpful, since it implies that a gel is whatever
the observer thinks it is. Consequently we
commonly see such products described as
shower gels and pain release or topical gels.
Neither of these classes of systems follows
a rheological definition such as that of the late
John Ferry, in his classic monograph (Ferry,
1980). He suggests that a gel is a swollen polymeric system showing no steady-state flow; in
other words if subjected to simple steady shear
deformation it will fracture or rupture. Clearly
neither shower nor topical gels follows this rule;
1.1.1 Gels Versus Thickeners What is a Polymer Network?
Polymer networks are molecular-based
systems, whose network structure depends
upon covalent or non-covalent interactions
between macromolecules. The interactions can
be simple covalent cross-links, or more complex
junction zone or particulate-type interactions.
Figure 1.1 illustrates different types of polymer
network. Solvent swollen polymer networks are
commonly known as gels – un-swollen networks
Kasapis, Norton, and Ubbink: Modern Biopolymer Science
ISBN: 978-0-12-374195-0
Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc.
All rights Reserved
FIGURE 1.1 These diagrams illustrate three different
types of polymer network; note that the three figures are not
necessarily to scale.
indeed if they did, they would not be useful as
products. In fact, commercial shower gels, for
example, are simply highly viscous fluids
formed by the entanglement of (often rod-like)
micelles. For more rigorous definitions, at this
stage it is necessary to introduce some common
Most modern rheological experiments on
gelation (see below) employ oscillatory shear. In
the simplest form of this, a small sinusoidal
strain wave of frequency u (typically 103–10
s1) is applied to the top surface of a gelling
system (most likely constrained between parallel
metal discs) and the resultant stress transmitted
through the sample is measured. In general the
stress and strain waves differ in both phase and
amplitude, but using phase resolution, it is easy
to extract the in-phase and 90o out-of-phase
components. Then G0 is the storage modulus
given as the ratio of in-phase stress divided by
strain, and G00 is the loss modulus, the ratio of
90o out-of-phase stress to strain. There are other
relationships between these and common
experimentally determined parameters, as we
describe later, but for now we are interested only
in the storage – sometimes called elastic
component – of the modulus, G0 . For a perfect,
so-called Hookean elastic material, such as
a steel rod, G0 is effectively independent of the
oscillatory frequency. The constancy of G0 with
respect to frequency is then a useful definition of
a solid.
One rheological definition of a gel is therefore
a system that shows ‘a plateau in the real part of
the complex modulus’ – G0 – ‘extending over an
appreciable window of frequencies . they
are . viscoelastic solids’ (Burchard and
Ross-Murphy, 1990). A slightly later definition
accepts this, but extends it and the Ferry definition by identifying a gel as a soft, solid or solidlike material, which consists of two or more
components, one of which is a liquid, present in
substantial quantity (Almdal et al., 1993). They
therefore follow Ferry in accepting substantially
swollen polymer networks as gels. However,
according to them, a gel must also show a flat
mechanical spectrum in an oscillatory shear
experiment. In other words it should show
a value of G0 which exhibits a pronounced
plateau extending to times of the order of
seconds, and a G00 which is considerably smaller
than the storage modulus in this region. ‘Viscosifiers’
One of the problems in this area follows
directly from the overuse of the term gel – as we
outlined above, many viscous fluids are also
described as gels or hydrogels. These include
biopolymer solutions, whose properties are
determined all but exclusively by entanglements
of long chains, in this area typically represented
by solutions of the galactomannan guar. These
are analogous to solutions of common synthetic
entanglements involve reptation of chains (Doi
and Edwards, 1986). Rheologically there are
also a number of so-called structured liquids –
which can suspend particles and appear
solid-like – typically formed from liquid crystalline polymers or micellar solutions – and
usefully exemplified in the present context by
ordered solutions of the microbial polysaccharide xanthan (Richardson and RossMurphy, 1987b). To confuse matters, these have
been referred to, in the past, including by one of
the present authors as ‘weak gels’ (RossMurphy and Shatwell, 1993). We now reject this
term totally, both because of its anthropomorphic connotation, and for its lack of precision –
since they can show steady-state flow – in terms
of the Ferry definition above. Viscoelastic Solids vs. Viscoelastic
What then is the main difference between
solids and liquids? It is the existence of an
equilibrium modulus, i.e. a finite value of G0
even as the time of measurement becomes very
long (or the oscillatory frequency tends to zero),
usually referred to simply as the equilibrium
shear modulus G. This means that a gel has (at
least one) infinite relaxation time. Of course such
a definition is partly philosophical, since given
infinite time, all systems show flow, and in any
case, most biopolymer gels will tend to degrade,
not least by microbial action. However, this
remains an important distinction, and in subsequent pages we regard biopolymer networks
and gels as viscoelastic solids, and non-gelled
systems, included pre-gelled solutions, ‘sols’, as
viscoelastic liquids.
1.1.2 Brief History of Gels Flory Types 1–4
Historically the term gel follows from the
Latin gelatus ‘frozen, immobile’, and gelatin,
produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen from,
e.g. pigs, cattle or fish was probably recognized
by early man. Gelatin has certainly been used in
photography for almost 150 years, although this
is, of course, a shrinking market.
In 1974, Flory (Flory, 1974) proposed a classification of gels based on the following:
1. Well-ordered lamellar structure, including
gel mesophases.
2. Covalent polymeric networks; completely
3. Polymer networks formed through physical
aggregation, predominantly disordered, but
with regions of local order.
4. Particular, disordered structures.
In the present chapter, although we will not
discuss specific systems in much depth, type 3
gels are represented by ‘cold set’ gelatins, and
type 4 gels are represented by denatured protein
systems. Type 2 systems are archetypal polymer
gels. These are made up, at least formally, by
cross-linking simpler linear polymers into
networks, and their mechanical properties, such
as elasticity, reflect this macroscopic structure. Structural Implications
The structural implications of the above
should be clear – gels will be formed whenever
a super-molecular structure is formed, and
Figure 1.1 illustrates the underlying organization
of type 2, 3 and 4 gels. Of course this is highly
idealized; for example if the solvent is ‘poor’, gel
collapse is seen. Examples of each of these classes
include the rubber-like arterial protein
elastin – type 2; many of the gels formed from
marine-sourced polysaccharides such as the
carrageenans and alginates, as well as gelatin,
type 3; and the globular protein gels formed by
heating and/or changing pH, without substantial unfolding, type 4.
Of course, Figure 1.1 is highly idealized and
the nature of network strands can vary
substantially. For example, for the polysaccharide gels, such as the carrageenans, the
classic Rees model of partial double helix
formation (Morris et al., 1980) has been challenged by both small-angle X-ray scattering
(SAXS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM)
measurements, and it now seems likely that
aggregation of junction zones and intertwining
of pre-formed fibrils are additional contributory
factors. This is certainly an on-going controversy,
but one outside the remit of this chapter, except
for its implications for the kinetic processes
occurring during gelation. There are similar
variations for protein gels too. When heated
close to the isoelectric point, a coarse and
random coagulate network is commonly formed
but heating many globular proteins above their
unfolding temperatures under acid conditions –
say at pH 2 – results in fibrillar structures (Stading et al., 1992) that, at least at the nano-length
scale, resemble the amyloid structures seen in
a number of critical diseases such as Alzheimer’s
(Gosal, 2002; Gosal et al., 2002; Dobson, 2003).
This is now a very active area of research, but the
subject of a separate chapter in this volume
(Hughes and Dunstan, 2009).
used to raise a small metal sphere within a tube
containing gelling material, and then the time
taken to fall a fixed distance is registered
(Richardson and Ross-Murphy, 1981). Clearly as
gelation proceeds from the sol state, the rate of fall
decreases, and eventually the sphere does not
move any more. For low modulus systems there
are potential problems since the sphere may
locally rupture the gel and cut a channel through
it – so-called ‘tunneling’ – and in this limit the
method is more akin to a large deformation or
failure method. The converse method of monitoring the fall of a sphere above a melting gel (or
a series of such samples at different concentrations) is very commonly used to determine
‘melting temperatures’ (Eldridge and Ferry, 1954;
Takahashi, 1972), but again care must be taken to
ensure that true melting is involved rather than
localized pre-melt tunneling. Oscillatory Microsphere
A number of more traditional techniques have
been used for gel measurements. They often
have a major advantage in their low cost,
compared to commercial apparatus. On the debit
side, the actual strain deformation is sometimes
unknown or, at best, requires calibration.
Nowadays these approaches are less commonly
employed, as almost all labs possess at least one
oscillating rheometer, but they still have some
advantages – not least from the financial
The microsphere rheometer is just the oscillatory analogue of a falling ball system. A small
magnetic sphere is placed into the sample and
using external AC and DC coils, the sphere can
be positioned and made to oscillate with the
frequency of the AC supply. The maximum
deformation can be observed with a traveling
microscope, or alternatively tracked, for
example, using a position-sensitive detector
array. A number of different designs have been
published and used for measurements on
systems including agarose and gelatin gels, and
mucous glycoproteins (King, 1979; Adam et al.,
1984). The major limitation is that the measurement is very localized, so that again for some
systems local rupture and tunneling can occur
and then the modulus determined may not be
representative of the whole system. Falling Ball U-tube Rheometer
This is one of the simplest and cheapest
methods but, given a few precautions, it can still
prove useful. In its simplest form, a magnet is
In this very simple assembly, originally
designed by Ward and Saunders in the early
1950s for work on gelatin, the gel is allowed to
1.2.1 Traditional Methods for Gel
set in a simple U-tube manometer, one arm of
which is attached to an air line of known pressure, the other free to the air. Both may be
observed with a traveling microscope. The air
pressure exerts a compression stress in the
sample (stress and pressure both have units of
force/area), and the deformation of the sample
can be measured from the differential heights of
the manometer arms. The static (equilibrium
Young’s modulus) can be calculated directly
using the analogue of Poiseuille’s equation for
capillary flow (Arenaz and Lozano, 1998).
As well as cheapness, this apparatus has the
advantage that it becomes more sensitive for low
modulus systems, since the deformation
observed will be larger. However, in view of this,
great care must be taken that the deformation
induced is still in the linear region. The method
has recently been extended for use with gels
which synerese, by roughening the inner glass
surfaces and by using an oscillatory set up
(Arenaz et al., 1998; Xu and Raphaelides, 2005).
1.2.2 Modern Experimental Methods
Employing Oscillatory Shear
Nowadays the vast majority of physical
measurements on gels are made using oscillatory
shear rheometry (Ferry, 1980; Ross-Murphy,
1994; Kavanagh and Ross-Murphy, 1998). This is
because rheometers are far cheaper and ‘user
friendly’ than used to be the case. However, by
the same token, some published data are poor
and, just as seriously, the degree of understanding does not always appear to have kept
pace with the rate of data collection. One of the
major objectives of succeeding sections is to try
to modify this situation.
The essential features of a typical rheometer
for studying biopolymer systems consists of
a vertically mounted motor (which can drive
either steadily in one direction or can oscillate). In
a controlled stress machine, this is usually attached to the upper fixture. A stress is produced,
for example by applying a computer-generated
voltage to a DC motor, and the strain induced
in the sample can be measured using an optical
encoder or radial position transducers attached to
the driven member. In a controlled strain instrument, a position-controlled motor, which can be
driven from above or below, is attached to one
fixture, and opposed to this is a transducer
housing with torque and in some cases, normal
force transducers. Figure 1.2 represents a typical
controlled stress instrument. The sample geometry can be changed from, e.g. Couette, to cone/
plate and disc/plate, and the sample temperature
controlled. Such a general description covers
most of the commercial constant strain rate
instruments (e.g. those produced under the
names of TA Instruments, ARES series) and
controlled stress rheometers (e.g. Malvern Bohlin, TA Instruments Carrimed, Rheologica, Anton
Paar). In recent years the latter have begun to
dominate the market, since they are intrinsically
cheaper to construct, and they can provide good
specifications at lower cost. Most claim to be
usable in a servo-controlled (feedback) controlled
strain mode, and are widely used in this mode.
However, there are limitations here, as discussed
in detail below.
Controlled stress instruments are ideal for
time domain experiments, i.e. measuring creep,
whereby a small fixed stress is applied to a gelled
sample and the strain (‘creep’) is monitored over
time (Higgs and Ross-Murphy, 1990). The time
domain constant strain analogue of the creep
experiment is stress relaxation. In this, a fixed
deformation is quickly applied to the sample and
then held constant. The decrease in induced
stress with time is monitored. Few such
measurements have been discussed for
biopolymer systems and nowadays practically
all modern instruments appear to be used
predominantly in the oscillatory mode. Mechanical Spectroscopy
We have already introduced the storage and
loss moduli, G0 and G00 , but there are a number of
FIGURE 1.2 A typical controlled stress rheometer with parallel plate geometry.
other commonly used rheological parameters,
and all are interrelated (Ferry, 1980; RossMurphy, 1994).
For example, G*, the complex modulus is
given by:
alternative parameters, such as E0 and E00 , etc.
However, for biopolymer gels and networks, this
is relatively uncommon, and so we do not
discuss these further.
G ¼ ðG0 ị2 ỵ G00 ị2 Controlled Strain Versus Controlled Stress We mentioned above that the
majority of modern instruments are now of the
controlled stress type. However most usually
still generate results in the controlled strain form,
that is as the modulus components, G0 and G00 .
Strictly speaking, since stress is applied and the
strain is measured, then results should be
reported as the components of complex compliance J0 and J00 . However, most of the instruments
circumvent this by applying a stress, measuring
the strain, but in a servo- or feedback mode,
so that it appears that they are indeed controlling
the strain. For many applications and systems
this is acceptable, but for systems very close to
gelation, it is certainly not ideal. This is because
there is no sure way of controlling the feedback
when the system just changes from solution (sol)
to gel, and yet at the same time guaranteeing that
the strain remains very low. For such systems
there is a further advantage in a genuine
controlled strain technique, in that the mechanical driving head and the measurement
and the ratio:
ẳ tandị
In the early days of oscillatory rheometry the
phase angle, d, was an experimentally observed
parameter; nowadays instruments tend to hide
the experimental measurables, the phase angle
and the amplitude ratio, from the user.
Finally the complex viscosity, h), is given by:
h ¼
with u
here u
the oscillatory shear (radial) frequency;
is just 2p x the frequency in Hertz. Of
oscillatory measurements can also be
in tension/compression, leading to
transducer are completely separate assemblies –
the only link between them is the test sample and
geometry. Time Independent Systems Below
we describe a typical experimental regime to
collect the data in a form that is appropriate for
an exploration of the kinetic assembly of
biopolymer networks. However, since the overall outcome usually involves the conversion of
a biopolymer solution (sol) to a viscoelastic solid
(gel) it is useful to first understand the so-called
mechanical spectra of these two systems, and
their dependence on the experimental variables
of oscillatory frequency, shear strain deformation
(or shear stress, bearing in mind the caveats
above) and temperature. Frequency and Strain Dependence Biopolymer Solutions The mechanical spectrum of a liquid has the general form
illustrated in Figure 1.3. At low frequencies (note
the double log scale) G00 is greater than G0 but as
the oscillatory frequency increases, G0 increases
more rapidly than G00 (with a slope ~ 2 in the
log–log representation, compared to a slope of 1
for G00 ) and at some frequency there is a ‘crossover’. After this both G0 and G00 become much
FIGURE 1.3 The mechanical spectrum of a liquid from
the terminal zone to the start of the glassy region has the
general form illustrated here.
less frequency-dependent – we enter the
so-called rubbery plateau region.
Whether or not the cross-over region is
reached in the frequency window of conventional oscillatory measurements depends upon
the biopolymer concentration, relative molecular
mass (MW), and chain flexibility. For example
for a typical high MW viscosifier such as guar,
the G00 – G0 cross-over may occur for concentrations of say 2–3% w/w (Richardson and RossMurphy, 1987a), whereas for a more flexible and
lower MW biopolymer such as gelatin above its
gel melting temperature, the concentration
required may be above 25% w/w, and therefore
essentially outside the experimentally interesting
At the same time, the mechanical spectrum
measured will be essentially independent of the
amount of shear strain, out to say 100% ‘strain
units’ (i.e. a strain, in terms of the geometry of
deformation, of 1). Rheologists may express this
by saying that the linear viscoelastic (LV) strain
extends out to ca. 100%. Biopolymer Gels The mechanical
spectrum of a viscoelastic solid will, as we
already mentioned in the discussion of the
equilibrium modulus, have a finite G0 , with
a value usually well above (say 5–50 x) that of
G00 , at all frequencies, as illustrated in Figure 1.4
(Clark and Ross-Murphy, 1987; te Nijenhuis,
1997; Kavanagh et al., 1998; Kavanagh, 1998). In
this respect it shows some similarities with the
plateau region of the solution mentioned above –
such a plateau has been referred to, somewhat
imprecisely, as gel-like, for exactly this reason.
The strain-dependent behavior for biopolymer gels is more difficult to generalize, although
the LV strain is rarely as great as 100% (some
gelatin gels may be the exception here), and may
be extremely low – say 0.1% as less. At values
just greater than the LV strain, G0 and G00 may
show an apparent increase with strain. This is, of
course, largely an artefact of the experiment,
since G0 and G00 are only defined within the LV
FIGURE 1.4 The mechanical spectrum of a viscoelastic
solid has a finite G0 , with a value usually well above (say 5–
50 x) that of G00 , at all frequencies.
region. This is then followed by a dramatic
decrease, caused by failure – either by rupture or
fracture, sometimes macroscopic – as often
failure occurs at the geometry interface, especially if measuring in a disc plate (parallel plate)
configuration. Temperature Dependence
In this chapter we are not particularly interested in the temperature dependence of timeindependent systems, since we are essentially
concerned with the processes of self-assembly.
However, in the study of synthetic polymer
solutions and melts, this is of course of great
importance. Again, although it has little to do
with the formation of gel networks, many
biopolymer gels do show so-called ‘glassy’
behavior at high enough frequencies or low
enough temperatures, and the study of gels
under these conditions, perhaps induced by
measuring in highly viscous low MW solvents
such as saturated sucrose, is a very active area of
interest. This is discussed in further detail elsewhere in this book.
What the above does suggest, of course, is
the well-known effect in polymer materials
science, that high frequencies and low temperatures may be regarded as equivalent. This is
the basis of the principle of time–temperature
superposition (TTS). This is applied, for
example, in the characterization of low-water
gels, as mentioned above. Very often it works
well, but caution should always be applied. The
glass transition itself is related to polymer free
volume, and temperature discontinuities in said
free volume should make the approach invalid.
If we are to follow the principles outlined by
Ferry (Ferry, 1980) – one of the co-devisers of
the method, and its strongest protagonist – then
TTS should never be applied within 50 C of
a phase transition within the system. For
biopolymer gels, this should eliminate all TTS
approaches from –50 C to 150 C – i.e. more
than the whole regime of potential interest. In
fact TTS can work well within this region, but
should not be relied upon. Time-Dependent Systems The Kinetic Gelation Experiment
Clearly if we are, by some physical method
(say heating), converting a biopolymer solution
to a biopolymer gel, we will change the initial sol
mechanical spectrum (Figure 1.3) to the gel
spectrum (Figure 1.4). In a typical experiment,
following the progress of gelation using
mechanical spectroscopy, the oscillatory
frequency is kept constant – and ca. 1Hz (6.28
rad s1) – for convenience many workers use
a frequency of 10 rad s1 – and the strain is
maintained constant and low – say typically 10%
or less. The choice of frequency is always
a compromise – we need a high enough value
that a single frequency measurement does not
take too long – so we can collect enough data –
but not so high that instrumental artefacts begin
to appear. In our experience these can be seen
quite commonly for frequencies > say 30 rad s1.
The temperature regime employed must also
be carefully controlled, whether for heat-set, e.g.
globular protein or cold-set, e.g. gelatin, gellan or
carrageenan gels. A very common approach, not
least because the instrument manufacturers
supply it as an option, is to use a temperature
ramp – say heating from 25 C to 75 C at 1 C per
minute. The problem with this is, of course, that
no serious study can be made of the kinetics of
assembly, when the time-dependent assembly is
convoluted with the change in temperature.
Unfortunately many published data do employ
such a heating ramp approach. Although an
isothermal temperature profile can be difficult to
achieve, modern Peltier heating systems are
usually very fast to heat, cool and re-equilibrate.
Originally these were only available on
controlled stress instruments, but that limitation
has now been overcome.
FIGURE 1.5a Gelation Time Measurement Before
considering the different approaches to the determination of say gelation time, we consider the
expected self-assembly time profile. If we consider
the equilibrium gel modulus, the ideal profile is seen
in Figure 1.5a. Initially there is no response, but then
G rises very rapidly, even on a log scale, at or just
after the gelation time, before reaching a final
asymptotic level, and the behavior illustrated is
a simple consequence of the positive order kinetics of
self-assembly (cross-linking) and the requirement for
a minimum number of cross-links per ‘chain’ at the
gel point. We note that some phenomenological
models have neglected the pre-gel behavior, and
simply fitted the G (>0) versus t behavior to an
n-order kinetic model. From the data-fitting
viewpoint, this is quite acceptable, providing it is
appreciated that the underlying physics of selfassembly has been perverted.
The above scenario is, of course, complicated by the consideration that what is being
evaluated by the instrument is not G, but G0
and G00 . Both of these are finite even for
a solution, although the respective moduli
values may be very low. However, because of
the finite frequency effect, and the contribution
of non-ideal network assembly contributions,
both G0 and G00 will tend to rise before the true
gelation point, and something akin to
Figure 1.5b is usually seen. The flattening off of
Idealized profile for a gelation process,
showing how Mw and (zero shear) viscosity both become
infinite at the gel point, and the equilibrium modulus G
begins to increase from zero.
G00 is not something predicted from theory,
indeed some would expect a pronounced
maximum in G00 after gelation, but this is rarely
seen, except for some low concentration gelatin
gels. This asymptotic level G00 behavior has
been associated with the ‘stiffness’ of the
network strands.
FIGURE 1.5b Experimentally, G0 and G00 tend to rise before
the gel point, and close to the latter a cross-over is usually seen
(depending on frequency and the nature of the system).
Accepting for now that there is a definitive
gelation time, tgel, and that it is an important
parameter, how best do we establish its value?
There are a number of essentially empirical
approaches, and we discuss some of these here
(Clark et al., 1987; Kavanagh et al., 1998).
1. tgel is the time when G0 becomes greater than
some pre-defined threshold value. This is
a useful approach, albeit that the choice of
the threshold value is obviously arbitrary. It
needs to be in the very fast G0 increase
region, but above the noise level. This, in
turn, will depend upon the instrument and
the system being investigated, but is
typically in the range 1–10 Pa.
2. By linear back extrapolation of the G0 versus
time to a pre-defined level. This can work
well, but again is fairly arbitrary; normally
the level here will be lower than that
employed in method 1.
3. When there is a cross-over in G0 , G00 – i.e.
where G0 becomes greater than G00 . This is
a very common empirical approach in the
external literature, and has been used for
many years, for example when studying the
setting of acrylic paints. However, this crossover time will depend upon frequency, and
so is really just as subjective as the previous
methods. It also has limitations – for
example some globular protein solutions act
like charged colloids, so although G0 is low, it
is always above G00 . This means a cross-over
will never be seen.
The different approaches above may appear
somewhat capricious, but in practice, they can all
be useful even if, typically, they give tgel’s which
differ by say 50% or more. As we see later, the
real interest is in investigating, and understanding, the concentration dependence of tgel.
Here the concentration exponent can be such
that (on the required log scale) a 50% difference
in tgel is actually not so significant. The important
thing is that, somehow or other, a value for tgel
can be established, since this is an important
parameter in subsequent kinetic modeling. Chambon-Winter Method and
Applicability in Biopolymer Self-Assembly
Some 20 years ago, Winter and Chambon
(Chambon and Winter, 1985; Winter and Chambon, 1986) suggested an elegant method, which
despite its testing experimental requirements seemed
to furnish a more absolute criterion for determining
tgel, as that time when, in the mechanical spectrum
of a gelling system, both (log) G0 and G00 versus
log (u), first show the same power law exponent. As we mentioned above, for a sol well
before gelation, G00 and G0 will be proportional
respectively to the oscillatory frequency u, and
to u2. Well after the gel point, for a viscoelastic
solid (gel), both G0 and G00 become essentially
independent of frequency. In other words, the
respective slopes of a log (G0 , G00 ) versus log
(u) ‘frequency sweep’ will change from (2,1) to
In the Winter approach (Winter et al., 1986)
the time of congruency of slope, n, where
G0 fun ; G00 fun
FIGURE 1.6 The Winter-Chambon method. For kinetic
gelation, as time increases, the slope of G0 versus frequency
u decreases from ~ 2 to ~ 0, and that of G00 from ~1 to ~0. At
some point close to tgel, they will have congruent slopes.
corresponds exactly to the gelation time, tgel
(Figure 1.6).
The Winter-Chambon method for determining the gel point has become so popular that
it has almost replaced more classical definitions,
i.e. that the gel point is the conversion (or the
corresponding time) when the average molecular weight (relative molecular mass) Mw
becomes infinite (in other words where the
system first develops an infinite relaxation time)
and it is now assumed, almost without reflection, that the two must be identical. However it
might be more reasonable to say that there are
so-called dynamic and static gel points, the
former measured in a viscoelastic experiment,
and the latter in an equilibrium (e.g. light scattering determination of Mw) experiment (Trappe
et al., 1992). In practice the two may be very
close, but despite much effort it has not been
proven (nor may it be possible to prove) that
they are actually identical. This reflects the fact
that there are always problems in making
mechanical measurement on critical gels, connected with the strain dependence, the long
relaxation times involved, and also the effect of
entanglements, as we discuss below. This may be
simplified by new techniques such as particle
tracking, although these also tend to measure at
high strains and frequencies.
The precise value of the slope n where
congruency occurs can be calculated from
a number of theories and is usually around 0.7
(Chambon et al., 1985; Winter et al., 1986; te
Nijenhuis, 1997). In practice it is found that the
experimentally observed congruent slope lies
somewhere between 0.1 and 0.9, depending upon
the precise system. This range is, unfortunately,
very close to the extremes, viz. 0 and 1, given by
the G00 slopes. This suggests that congruency of
slope may not, of itself, be sufficient to identify the
gelation point/time. This is a point that is sometimes misunderstood – if the exponent n is close to
0, the spectrum is that of Figure 1.3 – which is well
past, and has little to do with, the critical gelation
profile described in the Winter-Chambon method.
11 Range of Viscoelastic Linearity Yet
another aspect of gel time measurement, and
arguably one of greater significance, is the effect
of finite strain on the tenuous mechanical system
close to gelation (Ross-Murphy, 2005). In performing the kinetic gelation experiment it is
usual practice to employ the smallest strain
consistent with obtaining reliable data. In principle this can be checked to be within the linear
viscoelastic region both before and after gelation
by stopping the experiment and performing a socalled strain sweep. However, as we discussed
above, many experiments are performed using
controlled stress instruments in their pseudocontrolled strain mode, and such instruments do
have more problems measuring a gelling system
where the properties are changing quite rapidly
within the oscillatory cycle, than when using the
‘controlled’ strain mode. This is because one
might expect that the linear viscoelastic strain of
the gelling system, rather than being constant,
would tend to change during the gelation
process, and would be a minimum just at the gel
point (Rodd et al., 2001). The overall conclusion
would appear to be that, even where, for
biopolymer self-assembly systems, a definitive
Winter-Chambon ‘gel point’ has been established, it may be impossible to equate this
precisely with tgel. Ginf and the Equilibrium Modulus For modeling the kinetics of network
assembly, another parameter, in addition to tgel,
is of value. This is, of course, the gel modulus.
However, which gel modulus? As we have
already hinted, what is really required is the
equilibrium modulus, G; what we have
measured is G0 (and G00 ), after a particular time,
and at a preset frequency and strain. Assuming
for the moment that the strain is sufficiently low,
that the system is linearly viscoelastic, we still
have the implicit effect of time and frequency.
Strictly speaking we need to extrapolate to zero
frequency, and very long (nominally infinite) set
up (or ‘cure’) times. Of course, if the system is
well into the gel state, G0 will be very largely
independent of frequency (although this needs
to be checked), so all that is required is to
somehow extrapolate the values obtained
during the cure experiment to infinite time, to
obtain the parameter we have called Ginf
(Kavanagh et al., 1998, 2000).
One approach is simply to appeal to empiricism, and we have found, in practice (Kavanagh
et al., 2000) that the form
G0 z Ginf expðB=tÞ
where t is the time in seconds, B is an empirical
parameter, and Ginf is the required value of G0 at
infinite time. As can be seen in Figure 1.7, this
form reproduces satisfactorily both the asymptotic limit as t / N and the required behavior
(technically a logarithmic singularity) that log G0
/ N, as t / tgel. Further thought reduces this
to the simple case where we plot log(G0 ) versus
1/t, and find the intercept on the 1/t ¼ 0 axis;
this seems to be a valuable aid (Clark et al., 2001).
Two comments are worth noting here. First,
very few workers make (or even appreciate the
significance of) this extrapolation, and just
assume G0 (after say 100 minutes of cure) is the
same as Ginf. This is risky, because only in
retrospect can we judge the validity (or otherwise) of this. Second, for some systems, and the
archetypal example is gelatin, it is almost
impossible to make such an extrapolation
anyway, because G0 never levels off. Instead
gelatin gels enter an apparent ‘log phase’ of
modulus growth, which is assumed to be due to
formation of new structures, perhaps via the
slow kinetic processes associated with the cis
proline ‘flip’ (Djabourov et al., 1985; Busnel et al.,
1989). Since this chapter is concerned with
generic issues, we mention this, but do not
discuss it further.
If we take a series of measurements of Ginf for
different initial biopolymer concentrations, and
plot in the form log(Ginf) versus log(C), several
features are immediately apparent (Clark and
Ross-Murphy, 1985; Clark et al., 1987); in fact, as
we shall see, they already reflect the underlying
‘percolation’ type assembly behavior, and
discussion of this behavior leads us naturally
into the theoretical part of this chapter. As
Figure 1.8 shows, at high concentrations, there is
an apparent (power law) dependence of log(Ginf)
versus log(C), whereas at lower concentrations,
log(Ginf) shows increasingly pronounced curvature, and at a particular concentration, appears
to vanish. This is the so-called critical gel
concentration, here denoted, C0.
1.3.1 Critical Gel Concentration
FIGURE 1.7 Extrapolation to Ginf using Eq. 1.5 (data
from Kavanagh, 1998).
That a biopolymer gel does have a critical gel
concentration seems, on the surface, obvious. It
is well appreciated that there needs to be
a certain concentration of the biopolymer present
before a contiguous gel can be formed. (Selfevident though this may appear to be, it is not
a power law behavior at high concentrations,
and a logarithmic singularity, at the same
concentration, and consequently with the same
C0. Many years ago, we conjectured that the
shapes of these two curves were essentially
congruent (Richardson et al., 1981), and in practice this often works quite well. However like
many such practical conjectures, theory shows
that this should not really be the case. Indeed, as
we discuss in detail below, fitting modulus
concentration and (reciprocal) gel time concentration data simultaneously can be extremely
testing, and usually requires sophisticated
multistage kinetic modeling (Clark et al., 2001).
FIGURE 1.8 At high concentration, there is an apparent
(power law) dependence of log(Ginf) versus log(C), whereas
at lower concentrations, log(Ginf) shows increasing slope,
and at the critical gel concentration, C0, the slope (on a log–
log plot) becomes infinite.
a feature of, for example, the fractal gel model we
discuss later.)
What then is the significance of C0, and what
does it tell us about the mechanisms of selfassembly? The answer to this, and the corresponding behavior of the gelation time, is the
subject of much of the remaining discussion. In
real terms, values of C0 vary from < 0.05% for
some microbial polysaccharides to > 10% for
certain more particulate gel systems. However,
despite this, the form of the scaled log G versus
log (C) or better still, from the generality viewpoint, versus log (C/C0) curve, remains the same.
1.3.2 Gelation Time
We have already discussed methods for the
determination of the gelation time, tgel, and its
significance in the experimental context. If, for
example, we repeat the type of plot seen in
Figure 1.8, but instead of plotting log(Ginf) we
plot log(1/tgel), the experimental data seem to
follow essentially the same behavior, with
1.3.3 Kinetic Modeling Flory-Stockmayer (FS) Model
The basic model for gelation is that of nonlinear or random step-growth polymerization
(or, to use old terminology, polycondensation)
which goes back to the classical work of Flory
and Stockmayer in the 1940s on covalently
formed, irreversible, networks (Flory, 1941, 1942;
Stockmayer, 1943; Stockmayer and Zimm, 1984).
This model, which in today’s terms we would
describe as percolation on an infinite dimension,
tree-like or Bethe lattice (Gordon and RossMurphy, 1975; Stauffer et al., 1982; Stauffer, 1985)
has proved of enormous value even though it
neglects many features, such as the pre-gel
formation of intramolecular links (cycles), which
‘wastes’ cross-links (Gordon and Scantlebury,
1968). Indeed it is fair to say that gelation in the
absence of cross-link wastage reactions is well
understood in terms of the Flory-Stockmayer
theory and the gel point can be used as a reference point for the consideration of the effects of
intramolecular reaction.
In the FS model, at the gel point, the species of
infinite molar mass has a tree-like structure
permeating through the whole reaction mixture.
The critical conversion occurs when there is
a non-zero probability that a randomly chosen
chain continues to infinity. Given the previously
mentioned random reaction (or equal reactivity)
of like functional groups or sites, the gel point,
and properties relating to the gelling system,
may be predicted quite generally, in terms of the
parameter a, representing the proportion of
reacted groups, and the gel point conversion, ac.
For example many properties can be related back
directly to the ratio a/ac,, although very close to
a/ac – in the so-called critical region – critical
fluctuations need to be taken into account. (The
extent of this critical region is governed by
criteria such as that of Ginzburg; evaluation of
the extent of the critical domain remains the
realm of the theorist but a practical guide is that
the upper limit is say 102 <¼ (a/ac) – 1 <¼ 101.
This has relevance later, when we discuss the
critical region in more detail.)
The original Flory-Stockmayer model was
developed to describe the formation of polymer
networks in the absence of a solvent, either
through the condensation reaction of monomeric
species or the cross-linking of pre-formed polymer chains. As Stockmayer demonstrated, this
model can be developed in kinetic terms
(Stockmayer, 1943) through a second-order
differential equation for the change of a in terms
of the fraction of unreacted sites (1 a), i.e.
ẳ K1 aị2
subject to the initial conditions a ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0. This
allows the degree of reaction a to be specified as
a function of time and properties of the network
calculated from it. For example, one version of
the model (Dobson and Gordon, 1965; Gordon
and Ross-Murphy, 1975) tells us that the gel
modulus is given by:
G ¼
aRTNe ðaÞ
Here Ne, which is a function of the degree of
conversion a, is the number of elastically active
network chains (EANCs) per biopolymer chain.
The parameter a is the so-called rubber theory
‘front factor’, RT is the usual gas constant term,
and Vmol is volume per mole of biopolymer
chains. Ne is zero before the gel point, so G ¼ 0
until the gel point, which occurs (Flory, 1941) at:
ac ¼
f 1
where f is the so-called network functionality, the
number of functional groups or attachment sites
available per primary molecule to form crosslinks. By substituting the appropriate expression
from Eq. (1.6) into Eq. (1.7), albeit ignoring the
various rate and other constants, we obtain G as
a function of time.
Figure 1.9 illustrates this result with the
dependence of both a and G on time plotted on
logarithmic time axes (Ross-Murphy, 2005). At
first glance, in the linear time axis plot, both
a and G look to have a quite similar pseudorectilinear relationship, albeit that there is a small
lag time, the gelation time, tgel, in the G (t)
1.3.4 Random Branching in Solution
The formation of highly solvated networks
which is characteristic of biopolymer selfassembly in solution requires development of
the Flory-Stockmayer model in a number of
directions. A principal change is that the
kinetic equations determining the reaction
extent must now be written in terms of the
concentrations of reacting functionalities and
in some cases cross-link reversibility must be
anticipated. Where cross-linking is believed to
occur irreversibly there is no longer the
possibility of ignoring wastage reactions such
as the formation of cycles as, in solution, the
absence of these would lead to some form of
network collapse: i.e. the formation of homogeneous gels with a finite critical concentration
The dependence of a and G on time plotted versus logarithmic time.
would be impossible. Extension of the FloryStockmayer approach along these lines has
been described in past literature by Gordon
and co-workers (Gordon, 1962; Gordon and
Scantlebury, 1964, 1966, 1968; Gordon et al.,
1975; Dusek et al., 1978) and their model is
described in outline below. In this description
their elegant mathematical approach using
probability generating functions is adopted, an
approach sometimes referred to as branching
or cascade theory.
The model starts by assuming the presence in
solution of a concentration C of molecular
species each of molecular weight M and each
bearing f equivalent reactive functional groups
or sites available for bonding. Assuming a totally
random cross-linking process which includes
also the possibility of intramolecular cross-linking within aggregates, i.e. cyclization, the state of
cross-linking of the system can be specified at
any time by the link probability generating
function (lpgf):
F0 qa qs qu ị ẳ
i ẳ 0;f j ¼ 0;fi
Pij qia qs qku
The subscript 0 of F0(qaqsqu) indicates the
zeroth or root generation of the tree, qa, qs and qu
are so-called ‘dummy variables’ and Pij is the
probability of a starting unit being subsequently
in a state where it has i cross-links to other units
through which it participates in the formation of
tree-like aggregates and an increase in molecular
weight. It also has j bonds which give rise to
cycles within the trees and, finally, k unreacted
sites (i ỵ j ỵ k ¼ f). Since the Pij are normalized,
average properties can be obtained over the
distribution represented by the Pij in the usual
way. Two quantities that are immediately
important and can be calculated in this way from
Eq. (1.9) are a and s, the fractions of functionalities present which are engaged in cross-links
and cycles, respectively. These are a ¼ < i >/f
and s ¼ < j >/f.
Another important generating function which
can be derived from F0 is F1, the ‘offspring’
probability generating function (subscript 1
indicating the first and subsequent generations)
which gives the probabilities of obtaining
various states of cross-linking and cyclization for
f – 1 of the functionalities of a unit, given that at
least one of the unit’s functionalities is already
engaged in an aggregate-forming cross-link.
This is:
extinction probability allows F0 to be re-written
in the form:
F1 qa qs qu ị
j k
iPij qi1
iPij (1.10)
a qs qu =
G0 qv q1v qs qu ị
Pij vqv ỵ 1 vị q1v ịi qs qku
i ẳ 1;f j ẳ 0;fi
i ¼ 0;f j ¼ 0;fi
where the denominator is required to normalize
the new distribution iPij. An important quantity
that can be derived from Eq. (1.10) is the average
number of cross-links emanating from a unit on
one generation to the next. This is:
g ¼ ðvF1 =vqa Þqa qs qu ¼1 ¼ hiði 1Þi=hii
where averages are again taken over the original
distribution Pij. When g ¼ 1 the aggregating
system becomes critical and the infinite gel
molecule referred to in the previous section first
appears. Where there is no cyclization present
this is equivalent to the Flory gel point criterion
ac ¼ 1/(f – 1) but this is not generally the case the
total conversion at the gel point being ac ỵ sc
(with ac > 1/(f 1) when sc s 0). After the gel
point g becomes greater than unity.
Another fundamentally important quantity
associated with the aggregation process which
allows statistical calculations to proceed through
the critical gel point is the so-called extinction
probability v. This is the probability that a bond
formed from a given unit gives rise only to
a finite number of higher generations, i.e.
becomes ‘extinct’. It follows from this definition
v ¼ F1 ðv; 1; 1Þ
since F1(v,1,1) is just the probability that all
bonds emanating from a unit into the next
generation become extinct and this is clearly
just the probability v that the bond to the unit
from the previous generation is itself extinct.
The extinction probability is equal to unity
up to the critical gel point then changes
abruptly after that, falling to lower values. The
where the i cross-links are now specified more
precisely in terms of whether they become
extinct (qv) or extend to the boundaries of the gel
(q1–v). A similar expression can be obtained from
F1 and written as G1.
The generating function G0 is essential for
calculating the shear modulus of the gel at any
stage of cross-linking beyond the critical point as
it allows the average number of elastically active
chains (EANCs) per repeat unit in the system
(Ne) to be calculated. The concept of the EANC
was introduced in the previous section and is
now defined more precisely as any sequence of
cross-linked units joining two units known as
‘ties’ where a tie is any unit which has at least
three non-extinct cross-links, i.e. is ‘tied’ into the
infinite gel molecule by at least three separate
paths to infinity. The quantity Ne is then equal to
half the average number of non-extinct crosslinks per unit present provided that the average
is calculated to exclude contributions from units
with only one or two non-extinct cross-links.
This average can be derived from Eq. (1.13) using
methods described elsewhere (Dusek et al.,
1978). The factor of 0.5 arises because each
EANC has two ends.
Once Ne is available, the gel modulus at any
time during curing and for any starting concentration C, can be calculated using Eq. (1.7)
though it is emphasized that for biopolymer gels
the front factor ‘a’ will not necessarily lie close to
unity. Early work by the present authors (Clark
et al., 1985) using an adapted version of the
Flory-Stockmayer model slightly less rigorous
than that described here strongly suggested that
for biopolymer gels, in general, ‘a’ could have
values much greater than one. This was interpreted in terms of the non-ideality of the EANCs
in biopolymer gels in the sense that they could
not be convincingly identified with the random
flight (‘entropic’) chains of ideal rubber theory.
Their average contribution to the gel modulus
was therefore likely to include enthalpic as well
as entropic contributions rather than pure
configurational entropy alone. This introduction
of a modified front factor was bought at the
expense, however, of losing the temperature
independence of the original ideal ‘a’.
It follows from the above that the central
problem of modeling the kinetics of network
building in solution using the random branching
approach is to determine the Pij as functions of
time. Everything else follows from these. As has
been described elsewhere (Gordon et al., 1968) in
more detail differential equations can be written
down for these and solved numerically on
a computer. Here only an outline of the procedure is given. What is involved is as follows:
starting with the simplest case of purely irreversible bonding the time differential of a given
Pij is composed of processes by which Pij units
are lost through conversion to Piỵ1,j or Pi,jỵ1 units
through cross-linking or cyclization involving
free functionalities and Pij units are gained from
Pi1,j or Pi,j1 units by the same processes. For
the cross-linking reactions, a rate constant ka is
introduced and a bimolecular second-order
reaction is envisaged between free sites on
reacting units. This necessarily introduces the
overall concentration C of units in the system as
the frequency of encounters of a unit with others
depends on concentration. For reactions of sites
to form cycles the situation is different with
a first-order intramolecular reaction being
considered, the rate of which is determined by
a rate constant ks and the number of free functionalities available on units in higher generations, to close rings. For a ring of a given size x
there is an additional x3/2 multiplicative factor
if one adopts the ideal random flight model of
polymer chains. This factor determines the
likelihood of two ring-closing functionalities
occupying the same region of space and, like the
original ideal front factor of unity, it is likely to
require modification for biopolymer systems.
The change in the probability Pij due to cyclization is summed over all possible ring sizes x the
ring size increasing as higher and higher generations are considered. Since an intramolecular
process is involved there is no explicit dependence on the concentration C.
Where cyclization processes are concerned it
should be noted that cycles are calculated to
form only within the sol fraction, or any extinct
sub-chains attached to the gel network, or within
regions of EANCs between ties. These crosslinks produce no increases in the gel modulus
and are genuine wastage processes. Quite elaborate calculations are involved to ensure this
restriction using the probability generating
functions G0 and G1 as described in detail elsewhere (Dusek et al., 1978). The gel molecule
actually contains many other cycles which do
contribute to the modulus but as has been discussed by, for example, Gordon and RossMurphy (Gordon et al., 1975) these cycles are
considered to form by second-order reactions in
the gel and to be part of the normal cross-linking
The differential equations defining changes to
the Pij can be extended (Gordon et al., 1966) to
include bond reversibility by introducing
a reverse rate constant k0 which is normally
assumed to be the same for both cross-links and
cycles. The differential equations are then solved
numerically on a computer for the Pij as functions of time assuming the starting conditions
P00 ¼ 1.0 and all other Pij ¼ 0. Input parameters
for the model are the concentration C, the
molecular weight M, the functionality f, front
factor ‘a’, the rate constants ka, ks and, if
reversibility is included, k0 . The Pij are used to
calculate a, s, g, v and the gel shear modulus G
as functions of time. Theoretical predictions of
gel times tgel are obtained as the time required for
g to reach unity. Long time limiting Ginf values
are determined in the reversible case as equilibrium values, or in the irreversible case by
extrapolation to infinite time using log G versus
1/t plots. A critical concentration C0 emerges
naturally in such calculations because, in the
irreversible case, intramolecular cyclization
overtakes cross-linking as concentration falls
and the condition g ¼ 1 eventually cannot be
realized or, in the reversible case, because bond
dissociation has a similar effect. The critical
concentration is obtained as the concentration at
which the gel time diverges to infinity. Ginf/
Gscale versus C/C0, tgel/tscale versus C/C0 and
G/Ginf versus t/tgel plots are then constructed as
master plots from the results to facilitate
comparison with experimental data from cure
experiments. The reduction factors Gscale and
tscale can be written explicitly in terms of ‘a’ and
the rate constants even if the master curves
themselves are not available in analytical form.
Comparison of the model with experiment is
discussed in the next section. Random Branching and Experiment
Previously, the present authors (Clark et al.,
1985, 1987) used the random branching model in
more approximate form than just described to
explain experimental modulus data for a range
of biopolymer gels. The focus was originally on
Ginf versus C data and, generally, both an irreversible and a reversible form of the model were
successful in describing this (Clark, 1993). Where
thermoreversible gels were concerned the
reversible model was obviously the more
appropriate and good fits to modulus-temperature data were obtained for pectin and gelatin
gels and sensible values for heats and entropies
of cross-linking extracted (Clark et al., 1994;
Clark and Farrer, 1996). When fitting was
extended to gel time versus concentration data,
or to reduced cure data (G/Ginf versus t/tgel),
neither model was particularly convincing,
however, both giving very similar and sometimes equally erroneous descriptions (Clark,
1993, 2000; Clark and Amici, 2003). Initially, it
was not clear how much this problem stemmed
from aspects of the gelling system being studied
as opposed to the approximations adopted in
doing the calculations. In the light of this, the
model described in the previous section has now
been adopted to provide as rigorous as possible
an ideal branching model for comparison with
experiment. The same basic assumptions are
involved as in the earlier models, but cyclization
is now calculated more correctly and a unified
approach adopted combining both cycle formation and bond reversibility. While it can be
shown that this new model includes the early
reversible model as a special case (when k0 /ks is
large), in fully irreversible form, it differs
significantly from the earlier highly approximate
wastage model (Clark, 1993).
Since one can now have more confidence in
the new random branching model as a reference
against which real system behavior can be
assessed it is interesting to see whether deviations between theory and experiment still take
the same form and whether, if still present, these
can be interpreted and provide better models
and understanding. An example of this
endeavor is now given based on previously
published studies (Kavanagh et al., 2000; Gosal
et al., 2004a, 2004b) of pH 2 heat-set b-lactoglobulin gels made by the present authors and
co-workers. Cure data from these provide a good
test for kinetic models as efforts were made to
step-change the temperature to the gelling
temperature (rather than a temperature ramp)
and modulus data are available at two temperatures and over a range of concentrations. The
type of measurements involved and the methods
used to extract experimental Ginf and tgel values
from them have already been described in this
chapter and are also made clear in the relevant
In the current exercise using the new model,
the published lactoglobulin data were fitted to
master curves using log-log plots and data
translation. Scale factors such as C0, Gscale and
tscale mentioned above were obtained in this way.
Theoretical master curves corresponded to the
simplest choice of f ¼ 3 for the functionality as
globular proteins are expected to have only
a small number of sites available for bonding.
Another reasonable choice of f such as five, for
example, would not have changed conclusions
radically. In the first instance, the master curves
considered were for the purely irreversible
model and parameters such as the front factor ‘a’
and the rate constants ka and ks were calculable
from the scale factors if required.
A comparison of theory and experiment for
a range of b-lactoglobulin data (batches of
protein and heating temperatures) appears in
Figures 1.10–1.12 for Ginf versus C, tgel versus C
and G/Ginf versus t/tgel data, respectively. While
Figure 1.10 shows that the limiting modulus–
concentration data can be adequately described
by the irreversible model, Figure 1.11 shows that
there are serious problems with the corresponding gel time data, the experimental data
FIGURE 1.10 b-lactoglobulin pH 2 gels: Ginf data
reduced to master curve form using irreversible branching
theory. Solid symbols are experimental, open symbols
represent the model. 75 C batch 1, C0 ¼ 6.0%, upper triangle;
75 C batch 2, C0 ¼ 5.1%, lower triangle; 80 C batch 1, C0 ¼
4.8%, square (Gosal, 2002), 85 C C0 ¼ 6.9%, filled circle
(Kavanagh, 1998). Theory f ¼ 3 model, open circle.
b-lactoglobulin acid gels: tgel data reduced
to master curve form using irreversible branching theory.
Solid symbols are experimental, open symbols represent the
model. 75 C batch 1, C0 ¼ 6.0%, upper triangle; 75 C batch
2, C0 ¼ 5.1%, lower triangle; 80 C batch 1, C0 ¼ 4.8%, square
(Gosal, 2002); 85 C C0 ¼ 6.9%, filled circle (Kavanagh, 1998).
Theory f ¼ 3 model, open circle.
showing a much higher power law dependence
on concentration than predicted by the theory.
These results are similar to what had been found
earlier (Kavanagh et al., 2000; Clark et al., 2001;
Gosal et al., 2004a) using the more approximate
random branching model but Figure 1.12 shows
a considerable improvement in the fit to reduced
cure data obtained for one particular batch of
lactoglobulin and heating temperature (a typical
dataset). The more rounded shape of the data is
now much better reproduced by the new, more
rigorous, random branching model and there is
much more superposition in the theoretical
master curves over the relevant C/C0 range.
However, there is still a significant difference
between theory and experiment in the slope of
the data close to the gel point (t/tgel ¼ 1) this
being particularly obvious when linear plots are
The deviations between the ideal model and
experiment for pH 2 heat-set b-lactoglobulin gels
are clearly significant and might seem discouraging, but their origin can be explored