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Difficulties and challenges of the sales profession that you need to anticipate

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The sales profession is a popular, attractive and full of development opportunities,
so it attracts the attention of many young people. Choosing this profession, they
will have a good job with a very desirable income. However, the sales profession
also contains many difficulties and challenges that are not easy to overcome. In
this article, Ms. Uptalent will share with readers some of the difficulties and
challenges of the Sales profession that you need to anticipate if you want to be
successful in this profession.
Sales jobs
1- Sales pressure
A characteristic feature of the sales profession is that the salary is very low, the
monthly income of a sales person depends on commissions and sales bonuses.
Therefore, if you cannot sell products or do not achieve sales, your salary will be
very low, sometimes you will only receive a flat salary. If you continuously fail to
achieve sales volume, you will certainly be pushed into a difficult financial
Great pressure on sales is something that sales people have to face regularly.
Therefore, if you want to follow this profession, you need to have a spirit of steel
to withstand pressure. At the same time, you need to try to grasp customer
psychology well and be able to convince them to buy to achieve sales.
2- Resolve complaints
Not all sales transactions go smoothly. There will be times when you encounter
difficult customers or problems arise related to the product. Then you will have to
face complaints and complaints from customers.
Normally, businesses take into account the case of complaints from customers, so
they always prepare a detailed and methodical complaint handling process and
scenario. The sales job is to anticipate bad situations that may occur and handle
them satisfactorily. This helps businesses overcome communication crises, as well
as increase customer satisfaction and trust.
3- Get used to rejection
Another characteristic of the sales profession is that you will often encounter
customer rejection. There are many reasons why customers refuse. It could be that

the product is not suitable, the price is too expensive or customers don't like you.

It can be said that customer rejection is something that sales staff cannot avoid. So
to sell products you need to be patient. If the first time you make an offer the
customer refuses, continue making the offer a second or third time. Remember that
success only comes to those who persevere and overcome difficulties.
4- Manage emotions
As a sales professional, you will often face situations that make it difficult for you
to control your emotions. These could be customers' refusals, or worse, their rude
actions. In those situations, if you let yourself be controlled by your emotions, it
will be difficult for you to communicate tactfully and deal with customers.
