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Unit 12 getting started

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1. Knowledge: This lesson will present the vocabulary and grammar items to be
learn. Ss then practice listening and speaking with lexical items related to the topic
2. Competence:
- Give an overview of robots.
- Learn daily activities of robots.
- Cover the content of the conversation about robots by listening and reading.
- Recognize how to use adjective.
3. Character qualities: Ss are aware of talking about daily activities of robots.
II. Teaching adds: textbook, pictures, CD disk, cassette.
III. Procedure:
1. Warm up:
Aim - To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson and set
the scene for the dialogue
T. makes questions: - Do you have any toys?
- What toys do you like best?
- Do you have a robot?
- What can the robots do?
Ss answer the questions.
2. Pre – stage:
+ Aims: - To help students practice listening and speaking to check their

pronunciation, scan the dialogue for the information to tick true or false, complete
the sentences with the correct adjectives, develop their knowledge of vocabulary of
robot show.
Task 1: Listen and read
T asks students some questions:
- What do you think they are talking about?
- Do you think the robots can do everything like humans?
T asks students to give their answers.

T plays the recording twice for students to listen and read along
Task 2: Read the conversation again and tick true or false
T explain how to do the exercise and model first
T ask student to read the dialogue and do individually
T asks students to give their answers
T checks the answers
Answer key:
Task 3: Complete the following sentences, using the adjectives in the box.
T asks students to work independently to fill each blank with the adjectives given.
Ss complete and compare with their partners
T asks Ss to give their answers
Answer key:
Task 4: Match the following activities with the pictures
T asks Ss to look at the pictures first to see if they know the English words for them
T: then allows Ss to read the activities given and do the matching.
T: check the answers
Answer key:
4. Post stage:
Aim: To help Ss develop their speaking skill
Task 5: Game miming:

T: shows how to play the game
T: give example first:
A: What am I doing?
B: You are doing the dishes
A Yes, that right/ No, try again.
T: ask Ss to play the game in groups of 4
IV. Home work:
- Learn by heart vocabulary
- Practice the lesson again
- To prepare for the next lesson.

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