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Nói Tiếng Anh 5 revision for final oral test ôn tập cuối kỳ Mở Hà Nội

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1. What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are reading books and cooking. I like reading novels and my
favourite genre is detective novel.
2. How much time do you spend on your hobbies?
I usually spend my leisure time reading books and cooking. I read books
on my day-off or before going to sleep. Almost everyday I cook for my
family. I usually cook the Vietnamese traditional dishes.
3. What hobbies are suitable for men and women?
There are so many hobbies for men and women that they can do
individually or even perform as a team. Hobbies for men are playing
games, playing sports,… Hobbies for women are cooking, knitting,
4. What are new hobbies in VN?
Some new hobbies in VN are Photography, Sewing, Cycling, Collecting and
1. Do you like traveling?
Yes, I really like traveling. It's a very interesting way to learn about new
cultures and explore new places.
2. Why do many people like traveling?
In my opinion, people travel to meet different cultures, Travel to learn and
Travel to relax.
3. Where do you want to travel?
If I have a chance, I want to travel to all provinces and cities on Vietnam. I
want to explore the beautiful scenery, know more about the customs and
food of each place
4. When do people usually have holidays?
In Vietnam, there are many holidays in a year. Such as Tet holiday, Hung
Kings Commemoration Day, Reunification Day and International Labour

Day, Independence Day or Summer holiday.
1. Do you like music?

Yes, Definitely yes, I am a big fan of music, especially pop and techno, and
to be honest I can listen to music every time even when I study or do
2. What type of music do you often listen to?
I’m not completely into any type of music specifically, I listen to the music
that fit my mood. If I’m happy, I will listen to pop or hip hop. When I work
out, I will blast EDM or songs with fast tempo. And if I’m sad, I will just
listen on repeat to jazz.
3. What type of music is popular for young people?
I think the most popular music genres among young people in Vietnam
are western pop and rock music. Lots of people are also into K-pop, that’s
pop music from Korea.
4. Why do people like listening to music?
In my opinion, listening to music makes people feel at peace when they
need to relax. Certain types of music, like Lofi, help people concentrate
when I'm working. They also need to listen to upbeat music while
exercising as well. It pumps them up and motivates them to push through
a hard workout.
1. What is the weather like today?
Although it is autumn, the weather today is still sunny and hot, the
temperature is up to 31 degrees C
2. What season do you like best?
The weather is ideal because it is not too cold nor too hot. Then the
coldish northwesterly wind, which blows gently, thrills everyone with the

breath of Autumn. The leaves of the trees turning yellow or red put a
gorgeous coat of colours on nature.
3. What is your father’s job?
4. Do you prefer going out with your family or your friends?
Sometimes I want to go out with my friends because we have a lot of
think in common and easy for us to find interesting topics to talk about.
But when I’m going out with my family, I can feel the love from them,
which makes me feel safe and comfortable
1. Where are you from?
I come from Soc Son, a suburban district of Hanoi
2. Were you born in a large or a small family?

I were born in a nuclear family with my parents and my siblings.
3. Who is important to you in your family?
Every member of my family is important to me, but perhaps the most
important is my mother. My mother is both a mother and a close friend of
mine, she always cares, loves and shares with me in life
4. How often do your family members eat out together?
My family usually goes out to eat on weekends or holidays. We often choose
restaurants with spacious spaces, close to nature, and enjoy local specialties.
Task 2:
1. Pleasure

5. Business

2. Forgotten

6. Allow

3. Successful

7. Cautious

4. Habit

8. Professional

Task 3:
CRIME “Discuss TWO main reasons why people commit a crime"
People commit crimes for various reasons. These various reasons got to do
with social, economic reason. The combination of these factors is behind a
person who commits crimes.
To start with, people commit crime because of social reasons. The social
reasons are poor parenting skills, peer influence, drugs, and education failure.
Poor parenting skills includes when children are neglected or abused. Also,
when there are parents who have a permissive or a neglecting style of
parenting. Education is a big part of committing crimes. Education is
important because it will let you know the right from wrong in life. Lack of
school gives an anti-social development. Also, when don’t have any education,
it’s going to be hard for you to find a job that would pay you good or to find a
job that you like. Its helps people overcome any situation. These social reasons
trigger people to commit crime.
In addition to social reasons there are also economic reasons for people to
commit crime. Some of these reasons are poverty and lack of job. There are
people who have a large family to maintain but do not have enough money to
do so. There are some people who cannot find jobs. This will drive a person to
steal. People don’t have to do illegal things in order to maintain their family
people can try to get government benefits. If people cannot afford their kids

what they want can drive their kids to go and steal what they want. Lack of jobs
can get people to get aggressive. It also makes people to take the wrong
direction. There are people that do drug trafficking or do illegal jobs for
someone else such has kidnapping, committing murder, and so on.

In conclusion, People commit crimes for social and economic reasons. It is
crucial to stay away from crime. The world is completely blind in separating
needs from desires. Even if people have less money for survival, they must be
happy with it instead of willing to contour yourself in the pool of crime.
The internet has revolutionized the way we shop. Because of the numerous
advantages and benefits, more and more people these days prefer buying
things online over the conventional method of going into stores. However,
online shopping has both pros and cons.
Better Prices the biggest perk. Cheap deals and better prices are available
online, because products come to buyer direct from the manufacturer or seller
without involving middlemen. Plus, it's easier to compare prices and find a
better deal. Many online sites offer discount coupons and rebates, as well.
Another advantage of online shopping is convienience. People can shop
anytime from anywhere, even from their bed at 3:00 am. Just open the mobile,
select the product, make the payment. People don’t have to stand in long
waiting lines and make the payments.
Online shopping comes with disadvantages. Negative Environmental Impact of
Packaging and Gas is a big problem.
Having the purchase packed in several layers of plastic and cardboard
packaging and delivered right to people's front door is good for them but not so
great for the environment. Moreover, Shipping Problems and Delays are bad

There's no way to ensure that buyer 'll get their hands on their purchase in time
unless they pick it up from a store. Items get lost, detoured, damaged, or
delivered to the wrong address more often than they can imagine.
In conclusion, online shopping brings people both advantages and
disadvantages. However, we cannot deny the greater benefits that it brings.
LANGUAGE “Discuss THREE reasons why young people should study
English nowadays”
English is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism.
Learning English is important for socializing and entertainment as well as
work. Following is 3 reasons why studying English is so important.
Firstly, English is the Language of International Communication. English may
not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the official language of
53 countries and spoken by around 400 million people across the globe. Being
able to speak English is not just about being able to communicate with native

English speakers, it is the most common second language in the world. If people
want to speak to someone from another country, then the chances are that they
will both be speaking English to do this.
Secondly, English is the Language of Business. English is the dominant business
language, and it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if
they are to enter a global workforce. Research from all over the world shows
that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in English
and many international companies expect employees to be fluent in English.
Lastly, Speaking English gives you Access to a World of Entertainment. Many of
the world’s top films, books and music are published and produced in English.
Therefore, by learning English people will have access to a great wealth of
entertainment and will be able to have a greater cultural understanding.
In conclusion, although learning English can be challenging and timeconsuming, we can see that it is also very valuable to learn and can create many

HEALTH “Discuss the reasons why staying healthy is more important than
having much money”
Some people believed that health is more important than money, I also have the
same concept as them.
Firstly, health is more important than wealth because if you are physically fit,
you will have a sense of well-being. That means that you will feel happy. Wealth
does not necessarily do the same. Many people think that having more money
will solve all their problems. On the contrary, it has been found that being
wealthy can actually rob you of your peace of mind. Rich people suffer from
more stress, anxiety, suspicion and unhappiness.
Besides that, wealth is of no use without health. Without good health, no
matter how much one spends on material things, that person will not be able to
enjoy them to the fullest. For example, a person who is unwell would not be
able to eat everything he wants to even though he could afford to buy the most
expensive food. A person who is bedridden will not be able to enjoy vacations
in exotic places even if he owned a private plane. Therefore, health is more
important than wealth as wealth is useless without health.
Another point in favour of health is that if you were healthy, you would be able
to gain wealth. The reverse is not possible. If a person is healthy, he would be
able to find work or carry out investments that could eventually make him
wealthy. However, for a person who is wealthy but ill, even the best medical
care that money can buy may not guarantee the return of that person's health.
This fact alone is sufficient to support the view that wealth is less important
than health.

In a nutshell, health is indeed more important than wealth for the reasons
explained above. Of course, the ideal situation would be to have both health and
wealth. But if people had to choose, pick the one that gives them the greatest
amount of happiness.

MEDIA “Discuss THREE most notable REASONS why media is important to
young generation nowadays”
Mass media, including TV, radio, newspapers have a great influence on people
and especially on the younger generation. It plays an important role in shaping
the opinions and position of the younger generation.
the first reason is Broaden connection and understanding of the world. Youth
can learn and appreciate different perspectives and worldviews to better
understand the world around them and build up their knowledge on a range of
topics. With so many ideas shared across a number of platforms, they can
discover areas of interest and use the platforms in an educational capacity.
Secondly, About Citizenship. Teenagers who are exposed to and take an interest
in news media are more likely to be interested in major social and political
issues. Media can encourage them to become more involved as citizens in their
Lastly, about Health and lifestyle. Teenagers can also pick up important health
promotion messages from social media and other media. This might include
messages aimed at preventing youth depression and suicide, promoting
positive, respectful relationships, or encouraging healthy eating and lifestyle
In conclusion, media plays an important role in young generation nowadays.
