Tải bản đầy đủ (.docx) (14 trang)

Form of customer promotion

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (123.5 KB, 14 trang )

1. Sampling
M rketer u e v riet o con umer-oriented le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion tool to ccompromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just li h the objectives just th the objectives just e objective ju t
di cu ed We will di cu h the objectives just ow th the objectives just e e v riou le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion tool re u ed nd ctor m rketer mu t
con ider in u ing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just em, beginning with sampling. beg them, beginning with sampling. inning them, beginning with sampling. with the objectives just mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling.
Sampling involve v riet o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rocedure wh the objectives just ereb con umer re g them, beginning with sampling. iven ome qu ntit o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct or
no ch the objectives just rg them, beginning with sampling. e to induce tri l S mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. i g them, beginning with sampling. ener ll con idered th the objectives just e mo t effective w to g them, beginning with sampling. ener te tri l, beginning with sampling.
lth the objectives just oug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just it i l o th the objectives just e mo t expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just en ive A
le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion tech the objectives just nique, beginning with sampling. mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. i often u ed to
introduce new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct or br nd to th the objectives just e m rket However, beginning with sampling. mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. i u ed or e t bli h the objectives just ed promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct
well Some compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie do not u e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. or e t bli h the objectives just ed promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct , beginning with sampling. re oning them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just t mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le m not
induce ti fied u er o compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eting them, beginning with sampling. br nd to witch the objectives just nd m ju t g them, beginning with sampling. o to th the objectives just e firm’ current cu tomer , beginning with sampling.
wh the objectives just o would bu th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct n w Th the objectives just i m not be true wh the objectives just en ig them, beginning with sampling. nific nt ch the objectives just ng them, beginning with sampling. e (new nd impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roved)
re m de in br nd
M nu cturer o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. ed-g them, beginning with sampling. ood promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct uch the objectives just
ood, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just e lth the objectives just c re item , beginning with sampling. co metic , beginning with sampling. nd toiletrie re
h the objectives just e v u er o mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. ince th the objectives just eir promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct meet th the objectives just e th the objectives just ree criteri or n effective mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m:
1 Th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct

re o rel tivel low unit v lue, beginning with sampling. o

mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le do not co t too much the objectives just

2 Th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct re divi ible, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just me n th the objectives just e c n be broken into m ll
or demon tr ting them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e br nd’ e ture nd benefit to th the objectives just e u er

mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le ize th the objectives just t re dequ te

3 Th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e c cle i rel tivel h the objectives just ort, beginning with sampling. o th the objectives just e con umer will con ider n immedi te promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e or will not
org them, beginning with sampling. et bout th the objectives just e br nd be ore th the objectives just e next promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e occ ion
Benefits and Limitations of Sampling: and Limitations and Limitations of Sampling: of Sampling: Sampling : S mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le re n excellent w to induce tri l th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide
con umer with the objectives just ri k- ree w to tr new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct A m jor tud b th the objectives just e Promotion M rketing them, beginning with sampling.

A oci tion (now known th the objectives just e *r nd Activ tion A oci tion) ound th the objectives just t th the objectives just e v t m jorit o con umer
receiving them, beginning with sampling.
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le eith the objectives just er u e it rig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just t w or ve it to u e ometime l ter S mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. g them, beginning with sampling. ener te much the objectives just
h the objectives just ig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just er tri l r te th the objectives just n dverti ing them, beginning with sampling. or oth the objectives just er le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion tech the objectives just nique
Getting them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eopromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le to tr promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct le d to econd benefit o mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. : Con umer expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erience th the objectives just e b r nd
directl , beginning with sampling. g them, beginning with sampling. ining them, beginning with sampling. g them, beginning with sampling. re ter promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just reci tion or it benefit Th the objectives just i c n be promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticul rl impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort nt wh the objectives just en
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct’ e ture nd benefit re difficult to de cribe th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just dverti ing them, beginning with sampling. M n ood , beginning with sampling. bever g them, beginning with sampling. e , beginning with sampling. nd
co metic h the objectives just ve ubtle e ture th the objectives just t re mo t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just reci ted wh the objectives just en expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erienced directl Th the objectives just u , beginning with sampling. m rketer in
th the objectives just e e indu trie often u e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le
w to introduce con umer to th the objectives just eir new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct For ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le, beginning with sampling.
J ck in th the objectives just e *ox, beginning with sampling. one o th the objectives just e m jor t- ood re t ur nt ch the objectives just in in th the objectives just e We tern reg them, beginning with sampling. ion o th the objectives just e Unite d St te , beginning with sampling.
u ed 0Free Fr d 1 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion to g them, beginning with sampling. ive con umer th the objectives just e opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ortunit to mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le it new French the objectives just rie
(Exh the objectives just ibit 16–13) Ne rl 75 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent o th the objectives just e re promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ondent in th the objectives just e PMA urve indic ted th the objectives just e h the objectives just ve promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just ed
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct th the objectives just e did not norm ll u e fter tr ing them, beginning with sampling. ree mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le Th the objectives just e tud l o ound th the objectives just t mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le re
even more likel to le d to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e wh the objectives just en th the objectives just e re ccompromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nied b coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on
Wh the objectives just ile mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le re n effective w to induce tri l, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e br nd mu t h the objectives just ve ome unique or upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erio r
benefit or
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m to be worth the objectives just wh the objectives just ile Oth the objectives just erwi e, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just led con umer revert b ck to
oth the objectives just er br nd nd do not become repromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just er Th the objectives just e co t o
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m c n be recovered
onl i it g them, beginning with sampling. et number o con umer to become reg them, beginning with sampling. ul r u er o th the objectives just e br nd t ull ret il promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice

Anoth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o ible limit tion to mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. i th the objectives just t th the objectives just e benefit o ome promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct re difficult to g them, beginning with sampling. ug them, beginning with sampling. e
immedi tel , beginning with sampling. nd th the objectives just e le rning them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eriod required to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just reci te th the objectives just e br nd m require upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l ing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e
con umer with the objectives just l rg them, beginning with sampling. er mount o th the objectives just e br nd th the objectives just n re fford ble An ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le would be n expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just en ive kin
cre m th the objectives just t i promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romoted promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just reventing them, beginning with sampling. or reducing them, beginning with sampling. wrinkle but h the objectives just to be u ed or n extended promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eriod
be ore n effect re een
Sampling Methods and Limitations of Sampling: One b ic deci ion th the objectives just e le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion or br nd m n g them, beginning with sampling. er mu t m ke i h the objectives just ow th the objectives just e
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le will be di tributed Th the objectives just e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. meth the objectives just od ch the objectives just o en i impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort nt not onl in term o co t but l o

bec u e it influence th the objectives just e t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e o con umer wh the objectives just o receive th the objectives just e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le Th the objectives just e be t mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. meth the objectives just o d g them, beginning with sampling. et th the objectives just e
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct to th the objectives just e be t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ro promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ect or tri l nd ub equent repromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e Some b ic di tribution meth the objectives just od
include door-to-door, beginning with sampling. direct-m il, beginning with sampling. in- tore, beginning with sampling. nd on-promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ro ch the objectives just e Door-to-door mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. in wh the objectives just ich the objectives just
th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct i delivered directl to re idence, beginning with sampling. i u ed wh the objectives just en it i impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort nt to control wh the objectives just ere th the objectives just e
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le re delivered For m n e r new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er were u ed to ch the objectives just ieve m
di tribution o mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le
uch the objectives just b u ing them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ol b g them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. with the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l me g them, beginning with sampling. e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rinted on th the objectives just em long them, beginning with sampling. with the objectives just th the objectives just e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le
However, beginning with sampling. le th the objectives just n h the objectives just l o U S h the objectives just ou eh the objectives just old now ub cribe to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rint new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just reduce th the objectives just eir
v lue
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. meth the objectives just od or m rketer wh the objectives just o w nt m di tribution o th the objectives just eir mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le
S mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just th the objectives just e m il i common or m ll, beginning with sampling. lig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just tweig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just t, beginning with sampling. nonpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eri h the objectives just ble promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct A m jo r dv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e
o th the objectives just i meth the objectives just od i th the objectives just t th the objectives just e m rketer h the objectives just control over wh the objectives just ere nd wh the objectives just en th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct will be di tributed nd
c n t rg them, beginning with sampling. et th the objectives just e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ecific m rket re M n m rketer re u ing them, beginning with sampling. in orm tion rom
g them, beginning with sampling. eodemog them, beginning with sampling. r promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just h the objectives just ic t rg them, beginning with sampling. et m rketing them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m uch the objectives just Niel en’ PRIZM to better target their sample M to better t rg them, beginning with sampling. et th the objectives just eir mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le
m iling them, beginning with sampling. In- tore mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. i incre ing them, beginning with sampling. l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r, beginning with sampling. e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eci ll or ood promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct ince con ume r g them, beginning with sampling. et to
t te th the objectives just e item nd th the objectives just e demon tr tor c n g them, beginning with sampling. ive th the objectives just em more in orm tion bout th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct wh the objectives just ile it i being them, beginning with sampling.
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just led Alth the objectives just oug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just th the objectives just i mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. meth the objectives just od c n be ver effective, beginning with sampling. it c n l o be expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just en ive nd require
g them, beginning with sampling. re t de l o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l nning them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. well th the objectives just e coopromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er tion o ret iler
On-promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ere
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct i tt ch the objectives just ed to noth the objectives just er item, beginning with sampling. i noth the objectives just e r common
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. meth the objectives just od ( ee Exh the objectives just ibit 16–14) Th the objectives just i promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rocedure c n be ver co t-effective, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticul rl or
multipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct firm th the objectives just t tt ch the objectives just
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le o new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct to n exi ting them, beginning with sampling. br nd’ promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. e A dr wb ck i
th the objectives just t ince th the objectives just e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le i di tributed onl to con umer wh the objectives just o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e th the objectives just e item to wh the objectives just ich the objectives just it i tt ch the objectives just e d, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le will not re ch the objectives just nonu er o th the objectives just e c rrier br nd M rketer c n expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nd th the objectives just i mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. meth the objectives just od b
tt ch the objectives just ing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le to multipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le c rrier br nd nd including them, beginning with sampling. mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le with the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct not m de b th the objectives just eir
compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n
Event mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just become one o th the objectives just e te t-g them, beginning with sampling. rowing them, beginning with sampling. nd mo t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r w
o di tributing them, beginning with sampling. mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le
M n m rketer re u ing them, beginning with sampling. mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m th the objectives just t re promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rt o integ them, beginning with sampling. r ted m rketing them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m th the objectives just t

e ture event , beginning with sampling. medi tie-in , beginning with sampling. nd oth the objectives just er ctivitie th the objectives just t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide con umer with the objectives just tot l en e o br nd
r th the objectives just er th the objectives just n ju t ew t te o
ood or bever g them, beginning with sampling. e or tri l ize o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. ed-g them, beginning with sampling. ood promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct Event
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. c n t ke promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l ce in tore
t v riet o oth the objectives just er venue uch the objectives just concert , beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just orting them, beginning with sampling.
event , beginning with sampling. nd oth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l ce
Other Methods and Limitations of Sampling: of Sampling: Sampling Th the objectives just e our mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. meth the objectives just od ju t di cu ed re th the objectives just e mo t common, beginning with sampling. but
ever l oth the objectives just er meth the objectives just od re l o u ed Sever l compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie l o u e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eci lized mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le di tribution ervice
compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie Th the objectives just e e firm h the objectives just elpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just th the objectives just e compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n identi con umer wh the objectives just o re nonu er o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct or u er o
compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eting them, beginning with sampling. br nd nd developromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ropromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ri te promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rocedure or di tributing them, beginning with sampling.
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le to th the objectives just em M n colleg them, beginning with sampling. e
tudent receive mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck t th the objectives just e beg them, beginning with sampling. inning them, beginning with sampling. o th the objectives just e eme ter th the objectives just t cont in t ri l ize o uch the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ro duct
mouth the objectives just w h the objectives just , beginning with sampling. tooth the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just te, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just e d ch the objectives just e remedie , beginning with sampling. nd deodor nt

Th the objectives just e Internet i et noth the objectives just er w compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie re m king them, beginning with sampling. it promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o ible or con umer to mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le th the objectives just eir
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct , beginning with sampling. nd it i dding them, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ole new level o t rg them, beginning with sampling. eting them, beginning with sampling. to th the objectives just e mix b g them, beginning with sampling. iving them, beginning with sampling. con umer th the objectives just e opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ortunit
to ch the objectives just oo e th the objectives just e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le th the objectives just e w nt Sever l compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie offer web ite wh the objectives just ere con umer c n reg them, beginning with sampling. i ter to
receive ree mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le or promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct th the objectives just t intere t th the objectives just em Exh the objectives just ibit 16–15 shows the homepage from the h the objectives just ow th the objectives just e h the objectives just omepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just g them, beginning with sampling. e rom th the objectives just e
web ite o M TownOffer com promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romoting them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le nd oth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l offer it m ke v il ble
to con umer Th the objectives just e ervice k con umer qu li ing them, beginning with sampling. que tion on promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct u g them, beginning with sampling. e th the objectives just t c n be u e d b
m rketer to t rg them, beginning with sampling. et th the objectives just eir mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le nd oth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l offer more effectivel
M rketer l o u e v riou orm o oci l medi
w to di tribute mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le For ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le, beginning with sampling. Spromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lend
u ed F cebook to di tribute mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ocket- ize promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just r orm o it weetener Th the objectives just e compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n u ed
eng them, beginning with sampling. g them, beginning with sampling. ement d to direct con umer to th the objectives just e Spromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lend Mi t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just g them, beginning with sampling. e, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ere th the objectives just e could ig them, beginning with sampling. n upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just or 0fir t
look1 t th the objectives just e new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct nd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide th the objectives just e compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n with the objectives just in orm tion bout th the objectives just em elve Spromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lend l o
u ed it F cebook promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just g them, beginning with sampling. e to olicit v lu ble eedb ck rom con umer wh the objectives just o received th the objectives just e mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le
2. Couponing

Th the objectives just e olde t, beginning with sampling. mo t widel u ed, beginning with sampling. nd mo t effective le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion tool i th the objectives just e cent -off coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on
h the objectives just ve been round ince 1895 shows the homepage from the , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just en th the objectives just e C W Po t Co t rted u ing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just enn -off coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on to ell it new
Gr promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e-Nut cere l In recent e r , beginning with sampling. coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on h the objectives just ve become incre ing them, beginning with sampling. l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r with the objectives just con ume r , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just
m expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l in th the objectives just eir expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lo ive g them, beginning with sampling. rowth the objectives just mong them, beginning with sampling. m nu cturer nd ret iler th the objectives just t u e th the objectives just em
le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion
incentive Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on re th the objectives just e mo t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion tech the objectives just nique th the objectives just e re u ed b ne rl ll th the objectives just e
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. ed-g them, beginning with sampling. ood firm
Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on di tribution nd u e or con umer promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. ed g them, beginning with sampling. ood (CPG) in th the objectives just e United St te incre ed
ig them, beginning with sampling. nific ntl during them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e recent rece ion th the objectives just e number o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on di tributed re ch the objectives just ed record 332
billion in 2515, beginning with sampling. with the objectives just 3 3 billion being them, beginning with sampling. redeemed A th the objectives just e econom recovered, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e numbe r o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on
di tributed declined to 357 billion in 2515 shows the homepage from the , beginning with sampling. with the objectives just 2 4 billion being them, beginning with sampling. redeemed According them, beginning with sampling. to NCH M rketing them, beginning with sampling.
Service , beginning with sampling. compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n th the objectives just t tr ck coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on di tribution nd redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ttern , beginning with sampling. over 95 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent o
con umer in th the objectives just e United St te u e coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on nd 13 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent
th the objectives just e lw
u e th the objectives just em wh the objectives just en th the objectives just e h the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just
Th the objectives just e ver g them, beginning with sampling. e ce v lue o th the objectives just e 357 billion CPG coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on di tributed in 2515 shows the homepage from the w $1 79, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ile th the objectives just e ve r g them, beginning with sampling. e
v lue or th the objectives just e 2 4 billion redeemed w $1 42 However th the objectives just e ver g them, beginning with sampling. e ce v lue o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on redeemed or
non ood CPG w 25 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent h the objectives just ig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just er th the objectives just n or ood promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct
Adding them, beginning with sampling. more uel to th the objectives just e coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lo ion o th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ever l dec de h the objectives just been th the objectives just e v t number o
coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on di tributed th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just ret iler th the objectives just t re not even included in th the objectives just e e fig them, beginning with sampling. ure In ome m rket , beginning with sampling.
number o g them, beginning with sampling. rocer tore m ke m nu cturer ’ coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on even more ttr ctive to con umer b doubling them, beginning with sampling.
th the objectives just e ce v lue
Advantag es and Limitations of Sampling: and Limitations and Limitations of Sampling: of Sampling: Coupons and Limitations of Sampling: Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on h the objectives just ve number o dv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e th the objectives just t m ke th the objectives just em promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r
le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion tool or both the objectives just new nd e t bli h the objectives just ed promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct Fir t, beginning with sampling. coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on m ke it promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o ible to offer
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice reduction onl to th the objectives just o e con umer wh the objectives just o re promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice- en itive Such the objectives just con umer g them, beginning with sampling. ener ll promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e
bec u e o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ile th the objectives just o e wh the objectives just o re not concerned bout promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice bu th the objectives just e b r n d t ull v lue
Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on l o m ke it promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o ible to reduce th the objectives just e ret il promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct with the objectives just out rel ing them, beginning with sampling. on ret iler or
coopromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er tion, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just c n often be promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on re g them, beginning with sampling. ener ll reg them, beginning with sampling. rded
econd onl to mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling.
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l tech the objectives just nique or g them, beginning with sampling. ener ting them, beginning with sampling. tri l Since coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on lower th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct, beginning with sampling. it re duce

th the objectives just e con umer’ promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erceived ri k oci ted with the objectives just tri l o new br nd Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on c n encour g them, beginning with sampling. e repromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e

fter initi l tri l M n new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct include cent -off coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on in ide th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. e to encour g them, beginning with sampling. e repromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e t
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e
Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on c n l o be u e ul promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l device or e t bli h the objectives just ed promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct Th the objectives just e c n encour g them, beginning with sampling. e nonu er
to tr br nd, beginning with sampling. encour g them, beginning with sampling. e repromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e mong them, beginning with sampling. current u er , beginning with sampling. nd g them, beginning with sampling. et u er to tr new, beginning with sampling. impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roved
ver ion o br nd Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on m
l o h the objectives just elpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just co x u er o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct to tr de upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just to more expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just en ive
br nd Th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct c teg them, beginning with sampling. or wh the objectives just ere coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on re u ed mo t i di promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o ble di promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er , beginning with sampling. ollowed b cere l, beginning with sampling.
deterg them, beginning with sampling. ent, beginning with sampling. nd deodor nt Some o th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct c teg them, beginning with sampling. orie wh the objectives just ere coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on re u ed th the objectives just e le t re
c rbon ted bever g them, beginning with sampling. e , beginning with sampling. c nd , beginning with sampling. nd g them, beginning with sampling. um
*ut th the objectives just ere re number o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem with the objectives just coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on Fir t, beginning with sampling. it c n be difficult to e tim te h the objectives just ow m n
con umer will u e coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on nd wh the objectives just en Re promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on e to coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on i r rel immedi te; it typically takes it t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ic ll t ke
ever l month the objectives just to redeem one A tud o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ttern b Inm n nd McAli ter ound
th the objectives just t m n coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on re redeemed ju t be ore th the objectives just e expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ir tion d te r th the objectives just er th the objectives just n in th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eriod ollowing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e
initi l coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on dropromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just 32 M n m rketer re ttempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ting them, beginning with sampling. to expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just edite redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion b h the objectives just ortening them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e time
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eriod be ore expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ir tion Th the objectives just e ver g them, beginning with sampling. e leng them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just o time rom i ue d te to expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ir tion d te or CPG coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on
in 2515 shows the homepage from the w 6 3 week , beginning with sampling. with the objectives just th the objectives just e time being them, beginning with sampling. long them, beginning with sampling. er or con umer ood promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct th the objectives just n or non ood
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct However, beginning with sampling. coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on rem in le effective th the objectives just n mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. or inducing them, beginning with sampling. initi l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct tri l in
h the objectives just ort promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eriod
A promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem oci ted with the objectives just u ing them, beginning with sampling. coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on to ttr ct new u er to n e t bli h the objectives just ed br nd i th the objectives just t it i
difficult to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just revent th the objectives just e coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on rom being them, beginning with sampling. u ed b con umer wh the objectives just o lre d u e th the objectives just e br nd R th the objectives just er th the objectives just n
ttr cting them, beginning with sampling. new u er , beginning with sampling. coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on c n end upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just reducing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n ’ promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rofit m rg them, beginning with sampling. in mong them, beginning with sampling. con umer wh the objectives just o
would promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rob bl promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct n w However, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e c n h the objectives just elpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ret in u er
Oth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem with the objectives just coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on include low redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion r te nd h the objectives just ig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just co t Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oning them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m
expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just en e include th the objectives just e ce v lue o th the objectives just e coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on redeemed promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lu co t or promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduction, beginning with sampling. di t ribution, beginning with sampling. n d
h the objectives just ndling them, beginning with sampling. o th the objectives just e coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on Fig them, beginning with sampling. ure 16–3 h the objectives just ow th the objectives just e c lcul tion u ed to determine th the objectives just e co t o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oning them, beginning with sampling.
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m u ing them, beginning with sampling. n FSI ( ree t nding them, beginning with sampling. in ert) in th the objectives just e Sund new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er nd coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on with the objectives just
ce v lue o

$1 55 A c n be een rom th the objectives just e e fig them, beginning with sampling. ure , beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e co t o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oning them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m c n be ver h the objectives just ig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just M rketer
h the objectives just ould tr ck coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on co t ver c re ull to en ure th the objectives just eir u e i economic ll e ible
Anoth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem with the objectives just coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion i mi redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion, beginning with sampling. or th the objectives just e c h the objectives just ing them, beginning with sampling. o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on with the objectives just out
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e o th the objectives just e br nd Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on mi redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion or r ud occur in number o w , beginning with sampling. including them, beginning with sampling.
redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on b con umer or promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e or ize not promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ecified on th the objectives just e coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on; it typically takes
redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion b tore m n g them, beginning with sampling. er nd empromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lo ee with the objectives just out th the objectives just e ccompromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n ing them, beginning with sampling. le o th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct; it typically takes promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rinting them, beginning with sampling.
o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on b crimin l wh the objectives just o ell th the objectives just em to uneth the objectives just ic l merch the objectives just nt , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just o in tu rn re deem th the objectives just em; it typically takes n d online
r ud, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ereb promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just h the objectives just on coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on re promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduced nd di tributed online Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on r ud nd mi redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion
co t m nu cturer n e tim ted $5 shows the homepage from the 55 million e r in th the objectives just e United St te lone M n m nu cturer
h the objectives just old firm in th the objectives just eir promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just olic to not promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ret iler or que tion ble mount or u promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just iciou t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on
ubmi ion However, beginning with sampling. ome compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie re le g them, beginning with sampling. g them, beginning with sampling. re ive, beginning with sampling. nd th the objectives just i ffect th the objectives just eir promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rofit m rg them, beginning with sampling. in
M rketer mu t llow cert in promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent g them, beginning with sampling. e or mi redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion wh the objectives just en e tim ting them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e co t o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oning them, beginning with sampling.
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m W to identi nd control coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on mi redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion, beginning with sampling. uch the objectives just impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roved coding them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. re being them, beginning with sampling.
developromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ed, beginning with sampling. but it till rem in promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem M n ret iler re tig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just tening them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just eir promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just olicie reg them, beginning with sampling. rding them, beginning with sampling. Internet
coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on For ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le, beginning with sampling. W lm rt will not ccepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t Internet coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on unle th the objectives just e h the objectives just ve v lid expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ir tion
d te, beginning with sampling. remit ddre , beginning with sampling. nd b r code

Coupon Dis and Limitations of Sampling:tribution Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on c n be di emin ted to con umer b number o me n , beginning with sampling. including them, beginning with sampling.
ree t nding them, beginning with sampling. in ert in Sund new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er , beginning with sampling. direct m il, beginning with sampling. new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er (eith the objectives just er in individu l d or
g them, beginning with sampling. roupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on in coopromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er tive orm t) , beginning with sampling. m g them, beginning with sampling. zine , beginning with sampling. on promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. e , beginning with sampling. nd online Di tribution th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just
new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er ree t nding them, beginning with sampling. in ert (FSI ) i b r th the objectives just e mo t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r meth the objectives just od or delivering them, beginning with sampling. coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on to
con umer , beginning with sampling. ccounting them, beginning with sampling. or more th the objectives just n 95 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent o ll coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on di tributed An FSI i
multipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just g them, beginning with sampling. e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rinted dverti ing them, beginning with sampling. booklet th the objectives just t cont in con umer promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. ed-g them, beginning with sampling. ood coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on offer delivered
with the objectives just new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er (u u ll in Sund edition ) FSI c n l o be delivered in direct-m il promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. e long them, beginning with sampling.
with the objectives just loc l ret iler d or c n be coopromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er tive booklet uch the objectives just RedPlum or Sm rtSource well
book done b compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie For ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le, beginning with sampling. Procter & Gamble uses its own P&G brandSAVER FSI booklet G mble u e it own P& Gamble uses its own P&G brandSAVER FSI booklet G br ndSAVER FSI booklet ER FSI booklet
e ch the objectives just month the objectives just in new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just out th the objectives just e countr (Exh the objectives just ibit 16–16)

Th the objectives just ere re number o re on wh the objectives just FSI re th the objectives just e mo t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r w o delivering them, beginning with sampling. coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on , beginning with sampling. including them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just eir
h the objectives just ig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just -qu lit our-color g them, beginning with sampling. r promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just h the objectives just ic , beginning with sampling. compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just etitive di tribution co t , beginning with sampling. n tion l me-d circul tion, beginning with sampling. m rket
electivit , beginning with sampling. nd th the objectives just e ct th the objectives just t th the objectives just e c n be compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just etition- ree due to c teg them, beginning with sampling. or exclu ivit (b th the objectives just e FSI
compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n ) Price or ull-promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just g them, beginning with sampling. e FSI re currentl bout $6 to $7 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er th the objectives just ou nd, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just m ke FSI
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion ver efficient nd fford ble *ec u e o th the objectives just eir m -m rket promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e l mong them, beginning with sampling. con umer nd
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just redict ble di tribution, beginning with sampling. coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on di tributed in FSI re l o trong them, beginning with sampling. elling them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oint with the objectives just th the objectives just e ret il tr de
Th the objectives just e incre ed di tribution o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just FSI h the objectives just , beginning with sampling. h the objectives just owever, beginning with sampling. led to clutter promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem Con umer
re being them, beginning with sampling. bomb rded with the objectives just too m n coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on , beginning with sampling. nd lth the objectives just oug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just e ch the objectives just FSI promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ubli h the objectives just er offer promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct exclu ivit
in it in ert, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just i dv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e m be neg them, beginning with sampling. ted wh the objectives just en th the objectives just ere re th the objectives just ree in ert in Sund promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er Redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion
r te o FSI coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on h the objectives just ve declined rom 4 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent to under 2 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent nd even lower or ome promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct
Th the objectives just e e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem re le ding them, beginning with sampling. ome m rketer to look t oth the objectives just er w
o delivering them, beginning with sampling. coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on th the objectives just t will re ult
in le clutter nd h the objectives just ig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just er redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion r te , beginning with sampling. uch the objectives just direct m il on b impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l h the objectives just nding them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just em out or
di promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just en ing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e electronic ll in ret il tore Fig them, beginning with sampling. ure 16–4 h the objectives just ow th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent g them, beginning with sampling. e o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on delive re d
th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just meth the objectives just od oth the objectives just er th the objectives just n FSI
Couponing Trends and Limitations of Sampling: Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on continue to be th the objectives just e mo t effective le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion tool or influencing them, beginning with sampling.
con umer ’ promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e deci ion , beginning with sampling. evidenced b th the objectives just e 3 billion th the objectives just t re redeemed e ch the objectives just e r b U S
con umer Th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul rit o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on reflect th the objectives just e ct th the objectives just t th the objectives just e re w or th the objectives just e ver g them, beginning with sampling. e h the objectives just ou eh the objectives just old to
ve con ider ble mount o mone e ch the objectives just e r Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on u e h the objectives just rem ined h the objectives just ig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just even fter th the objectives just e recent
rece ion; it typically takes ne rl 85 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent o con umer u e coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on on reg them, beginning with sampling. ul r b i nd ome u e th the objectives just em ver
h the objectives just e vil In ct, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e term extreme coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oning them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just been coined to de cribe th the objectives just e ctivit o combining them, beginning with sampling.
h the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ing them, beginning with sampling. kill with the objectives just coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on u e in n effort to ve much the objectives just mone
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o ible wh the objectives just ile h the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ing them, beginning with sampling. Th the objectives just e TLC
network till ir re lit h the objectives just ow titled Extreme Coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oning them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just ocu e on h the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er wh the objectives just o ve l rg them, beginning with sampling. e
mount o mone b u ing them, beginning with sampling. coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on (Exh the objectives just ibit 16–17)
Th the objectives just e incre ed u e o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on l o reflect th the objectives just e ct th the objectives just t more coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on re being them, beginning with sampling. di tributed b
m rketer wh the objectives just o re u ing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just em
w to compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ete g them, beginning with sampling. in t lower-promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just riced compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just etitor
well promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just riv tel bel tore br nd 33 Wh the objectives just ile con umer re u ing them, beginning with sampling. more coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on , beginning with sampling. th the objectives just ere re till number o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem
cing them, beginning with sampling. m rketer in u ing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just em Th the objectives just e ver g them, beginning with sampling. e U S h the objectives just ou eh the objectives just old i till b rr g them, beginning with sampling. ed with the objectives just ne rl 3, beginning with sampling. 555 coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on

promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er e r nd con umer redeem le th the objectives just n 2 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent o th the objectives just e h the objectives just undred o billion o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on di tributed
Concern over th the objectives just e co t nd effectivene o coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on h the objectives just ve led ome m rketer to cut b ck on th the objectives just eir u e
nd/or ch the objectives just ng them, beginning with sampling. e th the objectives just e w th the objectives just e u e th the objectives just em For ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le, beginning with sampling. m rketer h the objectives just ve reduced th the objectives just e dur tion promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eriod, beginning with sampling. with the objectives just
expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ir tion d te o th the objectives just ree month the objectives just or le becoming them, beginning with sampling. more common M rketer re l o moving them, beginning with sampling. to g them, beginning with sampling. re ter
u e o multipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le-item promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e requirement or coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on , beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticul rl or g them, beginning with sampling. rocer promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct wh the objectives just e re ne rl

45 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent o th the objectives just e coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on u e th the objectives just i t ctic De promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ite th the objectives just e g them, beginning with sampling. rowing them, beginning with sampling. entiment mong them, beginning with sampling. m jo r m rkete r th the objectives just t
coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on re inefficient nd co tl , beginning with sampling. ver ew compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie re likel to b ndon th the objectives just em entirel However, beginning with sampling.
compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie
well th the objectives just e coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on indu tr re looking them, beginning with sampling. or w
to impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rove on th the objectives just eir u e
M n m rketer nd ret iler re looking them, beginning with sampling. to th the objectives just e Internet
medium or di tributing them, beginning with sampling. coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on Sever l
compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie now offer online coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oning them, beginning with sampling. ervice uch the objectives just Cox T rg them, beginning with sampling. et Medi l o offer con umer th the objectives just e
opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ortunit to cce coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on online, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just VER FSI booklet lpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just k com Th the objectives just e web ite m ke th the objectives just e me coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on n d
offer v il ble to con umer th the objectives just t come in th the objectives just e VER FSI booklet lpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just k direct-m il envelopromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e Anoth the objectives just er orm o online
coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oning them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just t h the objectives just become ver promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r over th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t 15 e r i th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just de l nd di count offered
b compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie uch the objectives just Groupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on nd Living them, beginning with sampling. Soci l
Th the objectives just e be t-known compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eting them, beginning with sampling. in th the objectives just i promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ce i Groupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just w ounded in 2558
in Ch the objectives just ic g them, beginning with sampling. o nd i r promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just idl expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nding them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just out th the objectives just e world Groupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on’ orig them, beginning with sampling. in l ound tion w th the objectives just e d il
de l wh the objectives just ereb it offered di counted de l or v riou promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct nd ervice on it web ite, beginning with sampling. Groupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on com, beginning with sampling.
th the objectives just t h the objectives just d to be promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just ed th the objectives just t d to t ke dv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e o th the objectives just e di count Th the objectives just e offer would rem in v il ble
onl i cert in number o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eopromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le g them, beginning with sampling. reed to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e it However, beginning with sampling. Groupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on no long them, beginning with sampling. er u e tipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ing them, beginning with sampling.
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oint model nd th the objectives just e de l it offer re now on rom th the objectives just e t rt Con umer c n join th the objectives just e ite or ree nd, beginning with sampling.
once reg them, beginning with sampling. i tered, beginning with sampling. receive e-m il notific tion o di counted de l being them, beginning with sampling. offered in th the objectives just eir m rket re e ch the objectives just
d Exh the objectives just ibit 16–18 h the objectives just ow h the objectives just ow Groupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on’ model work or both the objectives just con umer nd merch the objectives just nt
Anoth the objectives just er w to di tribute coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on th the objectives just t i g them, beginning with sampling. rowing them, beginning with sampling. r promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just idl i th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just mobile m rketing them, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ereb coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on
re ent directl to mobile promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just h the objectives just one M rketer re u ing them, beginning with sampling. v riou oci l medi promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l tform uch the objectives just F cebook, beginning with sampling.
Twitter, beginning with sampling. nd In t g them, beginning with sampling. r m nd re l o working them, beginning with sampling. with the objectives just compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie uch the objectives just Cellfire th the objectives just t di tribute coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on to

mobile device o con umer wh the objectives just o ig them, beginning with sampling. n upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just or it ervice Mobile coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on h the objectives just ve become promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticul rl
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r mong them, beginning with sampling. millenni l nd oung them, beginning with sampling. er g them, beginning with sampling. ener tion o con umer , beginning with sampling. di cu ed in Dig them, beginning with sampling. it l nd Soci l
Medi Per promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ective 16–1
3. Premiums and Limitations of Sampling:
Premium re
le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion device u ed b m n m rketer A promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium i n offer o n item o
merch the objectives just ndi e or ervice eith the objectives just er ree or t low promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice th the objectives just t i n extr incentive or promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just er M n
m rketer re elimin ting them, beginning with sampling. to
nd g them, beginning with sampling. immick in vor o v lue- dded promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium th the objectives just t reflect th the objectives just e qu lit o
th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct nd re con i tent with the objectives just it im g them, beginning with sampling. e nd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o itioning them, beginning with sampling. in th the objectives just e m rket M rketer promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just end over $4
billion e r on v lue- dded promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium incentive t rg them, beginning with sampling. eted t th the objectives just e con umer m rket Th the objectives just e two b ic t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e
o offer re th the objectives just e ree promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium nd th the objectives just e el -liquid ting them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium
Free Premium Free promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium re u u ll m ll g them, beginning with sampling. ift or merch the objectives just ndi e included in th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. e or
ent to con umer wh the objectives just o m il in reque t long them, beginning with sampling. with the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roo o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e In/on-promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. e ree promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium
include to , beginning with sampling. b ll , beginning with sampling. tr ding them, beginning with sampling. c rd , beginning with sampling. or oth the objectives just er item included in cere l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. e , beginning with sampling. well
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le o one
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct included with the objectives just noth the objectives just er P ck g them, beginning with sampling. e-c rried promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium h the objectives just ve h the objectives just ig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul e v lue nd c n promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide n
extr incentive to bu th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct However, beginning with sampling. ever l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem re oci ted with the objectives just th the objectives just eir u e Fir t, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e re
i th the objectives just e co t ctor, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just re ult rom th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium it el
rom extr promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. ing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just t m be
needed Finding them, beginning with sampling. de ir ble promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium t re on ble co t c n be difficult, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticul rl o r dult m rket , beginning with sampling.
nd u ing them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oor promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium m do more h the objectives just rm th the objectives just n g them, beginning with sampling. ood
Free m il-in promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium offer require th the objectives just e con umer to end in more th the objectives just n one promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roo o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e nd th the objectives just u
c n encour g them, beginning with sampling. e repromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e nd rew rd br nd lo lt *ut m jor dr wb ck o m il-in promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium i

th the objectives just t th the objectives just e do not offer immedi te rein orcement or rew rd to th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just er, beginning with sampling. o th the objectives just e m not promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide
enoug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just incentive to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e th the objectives just e br nd Few con umer t ke dv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e o m il-in promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium offer
th the objectives just e ver g them, beginning with sampling. e redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion r te or th the objectives just em round 2 to 4 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent

Free promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium h the objectives just ve become ver promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r in th the objectives just e re t ur nt indu tr , beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticul rl mong them, beginning with sampling. t- ood ch the objectives just in
uch the objectives just McDon ld’ nd *urg them, beginning with sampling. er King them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just u e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium offer in th the objectives just eir kid ’ me l to ttr ct ch the objectives just ildren
McDon ld’ h the objectives just become th the objectives just e world’ l rg them, beginning with sampling. e t to m ker on unit b i , beginning with sampling. commi ioning them, beginning with sampling. bout 75 shows the homepage from the 5 million
to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er e r or it H promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just Me l (Exh the objectives just ibit 16–19) M n o th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium offer u ed b th the objectives just e t- ood
g them, beginning with sampling. i nt h the objectives just ve cro -promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l tie-in with the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r movie nd c n be ver effective t g them, beginning with sampling. ener ting them, beginning with sampling.
increment l le McDon ld’ neg them, beginning with sampling. oti te movie tie-in de l with the objectives just number o tudio , beginning with sampling. including them, beginning with sampling.
Dre mWork Anim tion SKG nd Pix r Anim tion Studio , beginning with sampling. well Di ne McDon ld’ u e movie tiein
th the objectives just e b i or m n o it H promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just Me l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion
One o th the objectives just e te t-g them, beginning with sampling. rowing them, beginning with sampling. t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e o incentive offer being them, beginning with sampling. u ed b m rketer i irline mile , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just h the objectives just ve
liter ll become promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l currenc U S irline m ke more th the objectives just n n e tim ted $2 billion e ch the objectives just e r
elling them, beginning with sampling. mile to oth the objectives just er m rketer Con umer re now ch the objectives just oo ing them, beginning with sampling. credit-c rd ervice , beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just h the objectives just one ervice , beginning with sampling.
h the objectives just otel , beginning with sampling. nd m n oth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct nd ervice on th the objectives just e b i o mile g them, beginning with sampling. e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium or m jo r requent-fl er
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m uch the objectives just Americ n Airline ’ AAdv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m or United Airline ’ Mile g them, beginning with sampling. e Plu promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m
Exh the objectives just ibit 16–25 h the objectives just ow h the objectives just ow Americ n Airline promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romote th the objectives just e v lue o AAdv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e mile
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l
incentive th the objectives just t compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie c n offer to h the objectives just elpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ttr ct nd ret in cu tomer
Self Sampling:-Liquidating Premiums and Limitations of Sampling: Sel -liquid ting them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium require th the objectives just e con umer to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just
ome or ll o th the objectives just e co t
o th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lu h the objectives just ndling them, beginning with sampling. nd m iling them, beginning with sampling. co t Th the objectives just e m rketer u u ll promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e item u e d
el liquid ting them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium in l rg them, beginning with sampling. e qu ntitie nd offer th the objectives just em to con umer t lower-th the objectives just n-ret il promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice Th the objectives just e
g them, beginning with sampling. o l i not to m ke promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rofit on th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium item but r th the objectives just er ju t to cover co t nd offer v lue to th the objectives just e
con umer
In ddition to co t ving them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. el -liquid ting them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium offer ever l dv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e to m rketer Offering them, beginning with sampling.
v lue to con umer th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct c n cre te intere t in th the objectives just e br nd nd g them, beginning with sampling. oodwill th the objectives just t
enh the objectives just nce th the objectives just e br nd’ im g them, beginning with sampling. e Th the objectives just e e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium c n l o encour g them, beginning with sampling. e tr de upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort nd g them, beginning with sampling. in in- tore
di promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l
or th the objectives just e br nd nd th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium offer Sel -liquid ting them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium re often tied directl to th the objectives just e
dverti ing them, beginning with sampling. c mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ig them, beginning with sampling. n, beginning with sampling. o th the objectives just e extend th the objectives just e dverti ing them, beginning with sampling. me g them, beginning with sampling. e nd contribute to con umer r nch the objectives just i e
building them, beginning with sampling. or br nd For ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le, beginning with sampling. Ph the objectives just ilipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just Morri offer We tern we r, beginning with sampling. outdoor item , beginning with sampling. nd oth the objectives just er t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e o
M rlboro g them, beginning with sampling. e r th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just it M rlboro Countr c t log them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just rein orce th the objectives just e cig them, beginning with sampling. rette br nd’ promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o itioning them, beginning with sampling.

th the objectives just eme
Sel -liquid ting them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium offer h the objectives just ve th the objectives just e me b ic limit tion m il-in promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium : ve r low redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion
r te wh the objectives just ich the objectives just c n le ve th the objectives just e m rketer with the objectives just l rg them, beginning with sampling. e upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l o item with the objectives just log them, beginning with sampling. o or ome oth the objectives just er br nd
identific tion th the objectives just t m ke th the objectives just em h the objectives just rd to di promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o e o Th the objectives just u , beginning with sampling. it i impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort nt to te t con umer ’ re ction to
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium incentive nd determine wh the objectives just eth the objectives just er th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erceive th the objectives just e offer
v lue Anoth the objectives just er opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion i to u e
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just remium with the objectives just no br nd identific tion, beginning with sampling. but th the objectives just t detr ct rom th the objectives just eir con umer r nch the objectives just i e-building them, beginning with sampling. v lue

Contes and Limitations of Sampling:ts and Limitations of Sampling: and Sweeps and Limitations of Sampling:takes and Limitations of Sampling:

Conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke re n incre ing them, beginning with sampling. l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r con umer-oriented promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion m rketer promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ent
over $2 billion on th the objectives just em e ch the objectives just e r Th the objectives just e e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion eem to h the objectives just ve n promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e l nd g them, beginning with sampling. l mour th the objectives just t uch the objectives just
cent -off coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on l ck Conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke re exciting them, beginning with sampling. bec u e, beginning with sampling. one expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e rt h the objectives just note d, beginning with sampling.

m n con umer h the objectives just ve 0promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ot o g them, beginning with sampling. old t th the objectives just e end o th the objectives just e r inbow ment lit 1 nd th the objectives just ink th the objectives just e c n win th the objectives just e big them, beginning with sampling.
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize being them, beginning with sampling. offered 34 Th the objectives just e lure o weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke nd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion h the objectives just
l o been influenced b th the objectives just e
0in t nt-million ire ndrome1 th the objectives just t h the objectives just derived rom h the objectives just ug them, beginning with sampling. e c h the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize g them, beginning with sampling. iven b m n t te lotterie in
recent e r M rketer re ttr cted to conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke
w o g them, beginning with sampling. ener ting them, beginning with sampling. ttention nd
intere t mong them, beginning with sampling. l rg them, beginning with sampling. e number o con umer
Th the objectives just ere re difference between conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke A conte t i promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion wh the objectives just ere con umer
compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ete or promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize or mone on th the objectives just e b i o kill or bilit Th the objectives just e compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n determine winner b judg them, beginning with sampling. ing them, beginning with sampling.
th the objectives just e entrie or cert ining them, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just entr come clo e t to ome promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just redetermined criterion (e g them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just icking them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e
winning them, beginning with sampling. te m nd tot l number o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oint in th the objectives just e Supromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er *owl or NCAA b ketb ll tourn ment) Conte t
u u ll promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e incentive b requiring them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roo o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e to enter or n entr orm th the objectives just t i
v il ble rom de ler or dverti ement Some conte t require con umer to re d n d or promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. e or

vi it tore di promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l to g them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just er in orm tion needed to enter M rketer mu t be c re ul not to m ke th the objectives just eir
conte t too difficult to enter, beginning with sampling. doing them, beginning with sampling. o mig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just t di cour g them, beginning with sampling. e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion mong them, beginning with sampling. ke promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ro promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ect in th the objectives just e
t rg them, beginning with sampling. et udience
A weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke i promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion wh the objectives just ere winner re determined promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urel b ch the objectives just nce; it typically takes it c nnot require promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roo
o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e
condition or entr Entr nt need onl ubmit th the objectives just eir n me or th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize dr wing them, beginning with sampling. Wh the objectives just ile
th the objectives just ere i often n offici l entr orm, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just ndwritten entrie mu t l o be promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ermitted One o rm o
weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke i g them, beginning with sampling. me, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just l o h the objectives just
ch the objectives just nce element or odd o winning them, beginning with sampling. Scr tch the objectives just -off c rd with the objectives just
in t nt winner re promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l tool Some g them, beginning with sampling. me occur over long them, beginning with sampling. er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eriod nd require
more involvement b con umer Promotion wh the objectives just ere con umer mu t collect g them, beginning with sampling. me promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just iece re promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r
mong them, beginning with sampling. ret iler nd t- ood ch the objectives just in
w to build tore tr ffic nd repromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e
*ec u e th the objectives just e re e ier to enter, beginning with sampling. weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke ttr ct more entrie th the objectives just n conte t Th the objectives just e re l o e ier
nd le expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just en ive to dmini ter, beginning with sampling. ince ever entr doe not h the objectives just ve to be ch the objectives just ecked or judg them, beginning with sampling. ed Ch the objectives just oo ing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e
winning them, beginning with sampling. entr in weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke require onl th the objectives just e r ndom election o winner rom th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ool o ent rie
or g them, beginning with sampling. ener tion o number to m tch the objectives just th the objectives just o e h the objectives just eld b weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke entr nt Expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ert note th the objectives just t th the objectives just e co t o
mounting them, beginning with sampling. weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke re l o ver promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just redict ble Compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie c n bu in ur nce to indemni th the objectives just em nd
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rotect g them, beginning with sampling. in t th the objectives just e expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just en e o w rding them, beginning with sampling. big them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize In g them, beginning with sampling. ener l, beginning with sampling. weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just re ent m rketer with the objectives just
fixed co t, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just i m jor dv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e wh the objectives just en budg them, beginning with sampling. eting them, beginning with sampling. or promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion
Conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke c n involve con umer with the objectives just br nd b m king them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct
relev nt or b connecting them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize to th the objectives just e li e t le, beginning with sampling. need , beginning with sampling. or intere t o th the objectives just e t rg them, beginning with sampling. et udience M rketer
often look or cre tive th the objectives just eme or conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke th the objectives just t will c promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ture th the objectives just e ttention nd intere t
o con umer nd g them, beginning with sampling. ener te entrie , beginning with sampling. well excitement, beginning with sampling. over new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct For ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just en
Unilever introduced it new Axe Apromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ollo line o men’ g them, beginning with sampling. rooming them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct , beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e br nding them, beginning with sampling. tr teg them, beginning with sampling. beh the objectives just ind
th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct line w developromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ed round th the objectives just e emerg them, beginning with sampling. ing them, beginning with sampling. re lit o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ce touri m nd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion o
tron ut
h the objectives just eroe Apromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ollo i th the objectives just e n me o th the objectives just e th the objectives just ird h the objectives just um n promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ceflig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on ored b NASA, beginning with sampling.
th the objectives just e U S g them, beginning with sampling. overnment g them, beginning with sampling. enc th the objectives just t i re promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on ible or th the objectives just e n tion’ civili n promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ce promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m Th the objectives just e g them, beginning with sampling. lob l I MC
c mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ig them, beginning with sampling. n u ed to introduce th the objectives just e Apromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ollo promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct line included conte t offering them, beginning with sampling. con umer ch the objectives just nce to

win flig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just t on th the objectives just e L nx uborbit l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l ne wh the objectives just ich the objectives just will l t bout one h the objectives just our, beginning with sampling. re ch the objectives just n ltitude o 64 mile , beginning with sampling.
nd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide weig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just tle ne expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erience o bout five minute be ore de cending them, beginning with sampling. b ck to E rth the objectives just (Exh the objectives just ibit
To build on th the objectives just e h the objectives just ero th the objectives just eme, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e t g them, beginning with sampling. line or th the objectives just e conte t w 0Le ve m n Come b ck h the objectives just ero1 wh the objectives just ich the objectives just fit
well with the objectives just th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o itioning them, beginning with sampling. o Axe
br nd th the objectives just t g them, beginning with sampling. ive oung them, beginning with sampling. men confidence th the objectives just e c n u e to m ke

th the objectives just em elve more ttr ctive to women Th the objectives just e ctu l conte t to win one o th the objectives just e coveted L nx flig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just t , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just
w promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romoted in 65 countrie nd 45 shows the homepage from the l ng them, beginning with sampling. u g them, beginning with sampling. e , beginning with sampling. required conte t nt to g them, beginning with sampling. o to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eci l web ite to
compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lete n tron ut promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rofile det iling them, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just th the objectives just e h the objectives just ould be ch the objectives just o en * ed on th the objectives just e number o vote
received rom th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ublic, beginning with sampling. over 155 fin li t were ch the objectives just o en rom round th the objectives just e world to ttend th the objectives just e Axe Apromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ollo
Spromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ce Ac dem nd g them, beginning with sampling. o th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just th the objectives just ree d
o tr ining them, beginning with sampling. nd te ting them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just t included in- promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ce imul tion
exerci e Twent - our men won ticket to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ce; it typically takes 22 winner were ch the objectives just o en rom th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ce c dem
compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just etition, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ile th the objectives just e 22nd nd fin l ticket w
w rded to U S re ident in weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke th the objectives just t w
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rt o tie-in with the objectives just th the objectives just e Supromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er *owl, beginning with sampling. nd one rom UK n tion l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion
Th the objectives just e n ture o conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke , beginning with sampling. well th the objectives just e w th the objectives just e re depromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lo ed, beginning with sampling. i ch the objectives just ng them, beginning with sampling. ing them, beginning with sampling. m n
compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie re delivering them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just em online r th the objectives just er th the objectives just n th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just tr dition l entr orm th the objectives just t re ubmitted vi
th the objectives just e m il or dropromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ed in n entr box M rketer re u ing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e Internet or th the objectives just eir conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke
bec u e o it co t-efficienc , beginning with sampling. immedi te d t collection c promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just bilitie , beginning with sampling. nd bilit to keepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just con ume r
eng them, beginning with sampling. g them, beginning with sampling. ed Promotion re being them, beginning with sampling. de ig them, beginning with sampling. ned to en ure n eng them, beginning with sampling. g them, beginning with sampling. ing them, beginning with sampling. con umer expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erience b m king them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just em
more entert ining them, beginning with sampling. nd inter ctive nd l o developromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ing them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize th the objectives just t re not onl l rg them, beginning with sampling. er but more
cu tomized nd expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erienti l-b ed 35 shows the homepage from the A number o compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie re l o integ them, beginning with sampling. r ting them, beginning with sampling. u er-g them, beginning with sampling. ener ted
content into th the objectives just eir conte t , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just re often promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romoted on th the objectives just eir F cebook promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just g them, beginning with sampling. e Conte t th the objectives just t rel on
crowd ourcing them, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ereb con umer enter ide
nd th the objectives just e re voted on b oth the objectives just er re becoming them, beginning with sampling.
incre ing them, beginning with sampling. l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r For ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le, beginning with sampling. Frito-L h the objectives just run cre te- -ch the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just conte t or Dorito
well L ’

promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ot to ch the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ile S muel Ad m h the objectives just run conte t king them, beginning with sampling. con umer to cre te crowd ourced beer, beginning with sampling.
nd Arizon *ever g them, beginning with sampling. e USA h the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rodded th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ublic to cre te new iced te fl vor 36
Problems and Limitations of Sampling: with Contes and Limitations of Sampling:ts and Limitations of Sampling: and Sweeps and Limitations of Sampling:takes and Limitations of Sampling: Wh the objectives just ile th the objectives just e u e o conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke continue to
incre e, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just ere re ome promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem
oci ted with the objectives just th the objectives just e e t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion M n weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke
nd/or conte t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion do little to contribute to con umer r nch the objectives just i e building them, beginning with sampling. or promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct or ervice
nd m even detr ct rom it Th the objectives just e weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke or conte t often become th the objectives just e domin nt ocu r th the objectives just er
th the objectives just n th the objectives just e br nd, beginning with sampling. nd little i ccompromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just li h the objectives just ed oth the objectives just er th the objectives just n g them, beginning with sampling. iving them, beginning with sampling. w
ub t nti l mount o mone nd/or
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize M n promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ert que tion th the objectives just e effectivene o conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke Some
compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie h the objectives just ve cut b ck or even topromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ed u ing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just em bec u e o concern over th the objectives just eir effectivene n d
e r th the objectives just t con umer mig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just t become depromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just endent on th the objectives just em
Anoth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem with the objectives just conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke i th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion in th the objectives just em b h the objectives just obb i t wh the objectives just o ubmit
entrie but h the objectives just ve no re l intere t in th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct or ervice *ec u e mo t t te m ke it illeg them, beginning with sampling. l to require
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e
qu lific tion or weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke entr , beginning with sampling. con umer c n enter m n time
th the objectives just e wi h the objectives just
Entr nt m enter weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke numerou time , beginning with sampling. depromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ending them, beginning with sampling. on th the objectives just e n ture o th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize nd th the objectives just e
number o entrie llowed Th the objectives just ere re numerou web ite on th the objectives just e Internet uch the objectives just
weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just dv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e com
th the objectives just t in orm con umer o ll th the objectives just e conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke being them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just eld, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e entr d te , beginning with sampling. e tim ted
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rob bilitie o winning them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. h the objectives just ow to enter, beginning with sampling. nd olution to n promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just uzzle or oth the objectives just er in orm tion th the objectives just t mig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just t be
needed Th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just re ence o th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ro e ion l entr nt not onl de e t th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o e o th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion but
l o m di cour g them, beginning with sampling. e entrie rom con umer wh the objectives just o eel th the objectives just t th the objectives just eir ch the objectives just nce o winning them, beginning with sampling. re limited Exh the objectives just ibit
16–22 h the objectives just ow promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just g them, beginning with sampling. e rom th the objectives just e web ite Conte t*ee com, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide con umer with the objectives just in orm tion on
conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke nd h the objectives just ow to enter th the objectives just em
Numerou leg them, beginning with sampling. l con ider tion ffect th the objectives just e de ig them, beginning with sampling. n nd dmini tr tion o conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke 37
Th the objectives just e e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion re reg them, beginning with sampling. ul ted b ever l eder l g them, beginning with sampling. encie , beginning with sampling. nd e ch the objectives just o th the objectives just e 5 shows the homepage from the 5 t te h the objectives just it own rule
Th the objectives just e reg them, beginning with sampling. ul tion o conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke h the objectives just h the objectives just elpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ed cle n upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just th the objectives just e bu e th the objectives just t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l g them, beginning with sampling. ued th the objectives just e indu t r or

m n e r nd h the objectives just impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roved con umer ’ promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion o th the objectives just e e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion *ut compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie mu t till be
c re ul in de ig them, beginning with sampling. ning them, beginning with sampling. conte t or weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke nd w rding them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize 38 Mo t firm u e con ult nt th the objectives just t
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eci lize in th the objectives just e de ig them, beginning with sampling. n nd dmini tr tion o conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke to void n leg them, beginning with sampling. l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem , beginning with sampling. but
th the objectives just e m
till run into promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem with the objectives just th the objectives just em i th the objectives just e re not dmini tered promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ropromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erl M rketer re not th the objectives just e
onl one wh the objectives just o encounter promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem with the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion ; it typically takes con umer wh the objectives just o win conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke
often le rn th the objectives just t th the objectives just ere m be unexpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ected t x con equence bec u e th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize re tre ted income b
th the objectives just e Intern l Revenue Service M n o th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize offered in conte t nd weepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t ke g them, beginning with sampling. o uncl imed
bec u e con umer do not w nt to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t xe b ed on th the objectives just eir ce v lue
5. Ref Sampling:unds and Limitations of Sampling: and Rebates and Limitations of Sampling:
Re und ( l o known reb te ) re offer b th the objectives just e m nu cturer to return promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ortion o th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice, beginning with sampling. u u ll fter th the objectives just e con umer upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lie ome promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roo o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e Con ume r re g them, beginning with sampling. ene r ll
ver re promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on ive to reb te offer , beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticul rl
th the objectives just e ize o th the objectives just e ving them, beginning with sampling. incre e Reb te re u ed b
m ker o ll t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct , beginning with sampling. r ng them, beginning with sampling. ing them, beginning with sampling. rom promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. ed g them, beginning with sampling. ood to m jor promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just li nce , beginning with sampling. c r , beginning with sampling. nd compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just uter
oftw re
M rketer often u e re und offer to induce tri l o new promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct or encour g them, beginning with sampling. e u er o noth the objectives just er br nd
to witch the objectives just Re und offer c n l o encour g them, beginning with sampling. e repromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e M n offer require con umer to end in
multipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roo o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e Th the objectives just e ize o th the objectives just e re und offer m even incre e th the objectives just e number o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e
g them, beginning with sampling. et l rg them, beginning with sampling. er Some promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. ed-g them, beginning with sampling. ood compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie re witch the objectives just ing them, beginning with sampling. w rom c h the objectives just re und offer to coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on or
c h the objectives just /coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on combin tion U ing them, beginning with sampling. coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on in th the objectives just e re und offer enh the objectives just nce th the objectives just e likelih the objectives just oo d o repromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e t
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e o th the objectives just e br nd For ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le, beginning with sampling. Exh the objectives just ibit 16–23 h the objectives just ow coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on re und offer u ed b Pennzoil th the objectives just t
c n be redeemed on th the objectives just e next oil ch the objectives just ng them, beginning with sampling. e
Evaluating Ref Sampling:unds and Limitations of Sampling: and Rebates and Limitations of Sampling: Rebates and Limitations of Sampling: c n h the objectives just elpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just cre te new u er nd encour g them, beginning with sampling. e br nd witch the objectives just ing them, beginning with sampling. or
repromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e beh the objectives just vior, beginning with sampling. or th the objectives just e c n be w to offer tempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just or r promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice reduction Th the objectives just i offer c n
influence promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e even i th the objectives just e con umer il to re lize th the objectives just e ving them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. o th the objectives just e m rketer c n reduce promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice or
much the objectives just le th the objectives just n i direct promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice-off de l i u ed
Some promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem re oci ted with the objectives just re und nd reb te M n con umer re not motiv ted b
re und or reb te offer bec u e o th the objectives just e del

nd th the objectives just e effort required to obt in th the objectives just e ving them, beginning with sampling. Th the objectives just e do not
w nt to be both the objectives just ered ving them, beginning with sampling. c h the objectives just reg them, beginning with sampling. i ter receipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t nd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roo o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e, beginning with sampling. filling them, beginning with sampling. out orm , beginning with sampling. nd m iling them, beginning with sampling.
in th the objectives just e offer 45 A tud o con umer promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion ound neg them, beginning with sampling. tive rel tion h the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just between th the objectives just e u e o
reb te nd th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erceived difficultie
oci ted with the objectives just th the objectives just e redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roce 41 Th the objectives just e tud l o ound
th the objectives just t con umer promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erceive m nu cturer
offering them, beginning with sampling. reb te to ell promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct th the objectives just t re not ring them, beginning with sampling. well
Nonu er o reb te were promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticul rl likel to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erceive th the objectives just e redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roce
too compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lic ted nd
to u promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ect m nu cturer ’ motive Th the objectives just i impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lie th the objectives just t compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie u ing them, beginning with sampling. reb te mu t impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just li th the objectives just e
redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roce nd u e oth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l element uch the objectives just
dverti ing them, beginning with sampling. to ret in con umer
confidence in th the objectives just e br nd
Wh the objectives just en m ll re und re being them, beginning with sampling. offered, beginning with sampling. m rketer m find oth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l incentive uch the objectives just coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on
or bonu promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck more effective Th the objectives just e mu t be c re ul not to overu e reb te offer nd con u e con umer
bout th the objectives just e re l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice nd v lue o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct or ervice Al o, beginning with sampling. con umer c n become depromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just endent on
reb te nd del th the objectives just eir promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e or promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e onl br nd or wh the objectives just ich the objectives just reb te i v il ble M n ret ile r
h the objectives just ve become di ench the objectives just nted with the objectives just reb te nd th the objectives just e burden nd expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just en e o dmini tering them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just em

However, beginning with sampling. de promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ite th the objectives just e compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l int con umer nd ret iler m h the objectives just ve bout th the objectives just em, beginning with sampling. m rketer re unlikel
to elimin te th the objectives just e u e o reb te
th the objectives just e re ver effective promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion tool A well-promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romoted, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just ig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just -v lue
reb te c n incre e le ig them, beginning with sampling. nific ntl , beginning with sampling. nd elimin ting them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just em c n h the objectives just ve neg them, beginning with sampling. tive impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ct on le , beginning with sampling.
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticul rl in promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct c teg them, beginning with sampling. orie wh the objectives just ere con umer h the objectives just ve come to expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ect th the objectives just em M rketer l o recog them, beginning with sampling. nize
th the objectives just t th the objectives just e c n ccompromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just li h the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erceived promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice reduction mong them, beginning with sampling. con umer wh the objectives just o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l n to redeem th the objectives just e reb te
but never do o nd ctor th the objectives just e redempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion r te into th the objectives just eir promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ricing them, beginning with sampling. tructure
6. Bonus and Limitations of Sampling: Packs and Limitations of Sampling:
*onu promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck offer th the objectives just e con umer n extr mount o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct t th the objectives just e reg them, beginning with sampling. ul r promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice b promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roviding them, beginning with sampling. l rg them, beginning with sampling. er
cont iner or extr unit (Exh the objectives just ibit 16–24) *onu promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck re ult in lower co t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er unit or th the objectives just e con ume r

nd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide extr v lue well more promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct or th the objectives just e mone Th the objectives just ere re ever l dv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e to bonu
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion Fir t, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e g them, beginning with sampling. ive m rketer direct w to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide extr v lue with the objectives just out h the objectives just ving them, beginning with sampling. to g them, beginning with sampling. et
involved with the objectives just compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just lic ted coupromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on or re und offer Th the objectives just e ddition l v lue o bonu promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck i g them, beginning with sampling. ener ll
obviou to th the objectives just e con umer nd c n h the objectives just ve trong them, beginning with sampling. impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ct on th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e deci ion t th the objectives just e time o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e
*onu promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck c n l o be n effective de en ive m neuver g them, beginning with sampling. in t compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just etitor’ promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion or
introduction o new br nd * lo ding them, beginning with sampling. current u er with the objectives just l rg them, beginning with sampling. e mount o it promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct, beginning with sampling. m rketer c n
often remove th the objectives just e e con umer rom th the objectives just e m rket nd m ke th the objectives just em le u cepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tible to compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just etitor’
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l effort *onu promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck m re ult in l rg them, beginning with sampling. er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e order nd vor ble di promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ce in th the objectives just e
tore i rel tion h the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just with the objectives just ret iler re g them, beginning with sampling. ood Th the objectives just e do, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just owever, beginning with sampling. u u ll require ddition l h the objectives just el promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ce
with the objectives just out promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roviding them, beginning with sampling. n extr promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rofit m rg them, beginning with sampling. in or th the objectives just e ret iler, beginning with sampling. o th the objectives just e m rketer c n encounter promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem with the objectives just
bonu promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck i tr de rel tion h the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just re not g them, beginning with sampling. ood Anoth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem i th the objectives just t bonu promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck m
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e l
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rim ril to current u er wh the objectives just o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rob bl would h the objectives just ve promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just ed th the objectives just e br nd n w or to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotionen itive con umer wh the objectives just o m not become lo l to th the objectives just e br nd
7. Price-Off Deals Deals and Limitations of Sampling:
Anoth the objectives just er con umer-oriented promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion tech the objectives just nique i th the objectives just e direct promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice-off de l, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just reduce th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice o
th the objectives just e br nd Price-off reduction re t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ic ll offered rig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just t on th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. e th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eci ll m rked promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck , beginning with sampling.
h the objectives just own in Exh the objectives just ibit 16–25 shows the homepage from the T promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ic ll , beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice-off r ng them, beginning with sampling. e rom 15 to 25 shows the homepage from the promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent off th the objectives just e reg them, beginning with sampling. ul r promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice, beginning with sampling.
with the objectives just th the objectives just e reduction coming them, beginning with sampling. out o th the objectives just e m nu cturer’ promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rofit m rg them, beginning with sampling. in, beginning with sampling. not th the objectives just e ret iler’ Keepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e
ret iler’ m rg them, beginning with sampling. in during them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice-off promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion m int in it upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort nd coopromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er tion
M rketer u e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice-off promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion or ever l re on Fir t, beginning with sampling. ince promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice-off re controlled b th the objectives just e
m nu cturer, beginning with sampling. it c n m ke ure th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l di count re ch the objectives just e th the objectives just e con umer r th the objectives just er th the objectives just n being them, beginning with sampling. kepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t
b th the objectives just e tr de Like bonu promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck , beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice-off de l u u ll promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just re ent re dil promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rent v lue to h the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e r , beginning with sampling.
e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eci ll wh the objectives just en th the objectives just e h the objectives just ve re erence promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oint or th the objectives just e br nd nd th the objectives just u recog them, beginning with sampling. nize th the objectives just e v lue o th the objectives just e
di count 44 So promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice-off c n be trong them, beginning with sampling. influence t th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oint o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e wh the objectives just en promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ri on re
being them, beginning with sampling. m de Price-off promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion c n l o encour g them, beginning with sampling. e con umer to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e l rg them, beginning with sampling. er qu ntitie , beginning with sampling.
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just reempromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ting them, beginning with sampling. compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just etitor ’ promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion nd le ding them, beginning with sampling. to g them, beginning with sampling. re ter tr de upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort
Price-off promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion m not be vor bl received b ret iler , beginning with sampling. ince th the objectives just e c n cre te promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ricing them, beginning with sampling. nd
inventor promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roblem Mo t ret iler will not ccepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. e with the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ecific promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice h the objectives just own, beginning with sampling. o th the objectives just e mili r X

mount off th the objectives just e reg them, beginning with sampling. ul r promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice mu t be u ed Al o, beginning with sampling. like bonu promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck , beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice-off de l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rim ril to
reg them, beginning with sampling. ul r u er in te d o ttr cting them, beginning with sampling. nonu er Fin ll , beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e Feder l Tr de Commi ion h the objectives just reg them, beginning with sampling. ul tion
reg them, beginning with sampling. rding them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e condition th the objectives just t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice-off l bel mu t meet nd th the objectives just e requenc nd timing them, beginning with sampling. o th the objectives just eir u e

A promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r v ri tion o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice-off promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion i th the objectives just e bu one/g them, beginning with sampling. et one ree de l uch the objectives just th the objectives just e offer or Purin
*ene ul dog them, beginning with sampling. ood h the objectives just own in Exh the objectives just ibit 16–26 Th the objectives just e e t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rice promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion re n effective w to
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide extr v lue or con umer nd encour g them, beginning with sampling. e th the objectives just em to m ke multipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct
8. Loyalty Prog rams and Limitations of Sampling:
One o th the objectives just e te t-g them, beginning with sampling. rowing them, beginning with sampling. re o le promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion i th the objectives just e u e o lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m ( l o re erred to
continuit or requenc promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m ) Americ n Airline w one o th the objectives just e fir t m jor compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie to u e lo lt
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m wh the objectives just en it introduced it AAdv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e requent-fl er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m in 1981 Since th the objectives just en requenc
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m h the objectives just ve become commonpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l ce in number o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct nd ervice c teg them, beginning with sampling. orie , beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticul rl tr vel
nd h the objectives just o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just it lit , beginning with sampling. well
mong them, beginning with sampling. ret iler VER FSI booklet irtu ll ever irline, beginning with sampling. c r rent l compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n , beginning with sampling. c ino , beginning with sampling. nd h the objectives just otel
ch the objectives just in h the objectives just ome t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e o requenc promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m Americ n Airline h the objectives just more th the objectives just n 75 million membe r in it
AAdv nt g them, beginning with sampling. e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m, beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ile M rriott Intern tion l h the objectives just enli ted more th the objectives just n 25 million bu ine tr veler
into it Rew rd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m Th the objectives just e lo lt m rketing them, beginning with sampling. re e rch the objectives just firm COLLOQUY’ bienni l repromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort on th the objectives just e copromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e
o U S rew rd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m h the objectives just owed th the objectives just t in 2515 shows the homepage from the con umer h the objectives just eld 3 3 billion member h the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just in cu tomer
lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m , beginning with sampling. wh the objectives just ich the objectives just w
26 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent incre e in ju t two e r
M n promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ck g them, beginning with sampling. ed-g them, beginning with sampling. ood compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie re l o developromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ing them, beginning with sampling. lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m Pill bur , beginning with sampling. Ne tlé, beginning with sampling. Kr ft, beginning with sampling. Gene r l
Mill , beginning with sampling. nd oth the objectives just er h the objectives just ve recentl introduced continuit promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m th the objectives just t offer con umer th the objectives just e opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ortunit to
ccumul te promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oint or continuing them, beginning with sampling. to promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e th the objectives just eir br nd ; it typically takes th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oint c n be redeemed or g them, beginning with sampling. ift nd
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rize Supromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erm rket were mong them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e fir t ret iler to developromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just c rd-b ed h the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m nd
more th the objectives just n 7, beginning with sampling. 555 o th the objectives just em now h the objectives just ve lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m th the objectives just t offer member di count , beginning with sampling. ch the objectives just nce to
ccumul te promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oint th the objectives just t c n be redeemed or rew rd , beginning with sampling. new letter , beginning with sampling. nd oth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eci l ervice Lo lt
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m re l o u ed b v riet o oth the objectives just er ret iler , beginning with sampling. including them, beginning with sampling. depromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rtment tore , beginning with sampling. h the objectives just ome center , beginning with sampling.
book tore , beginning with sampling. nd even loc l b g them, beginning with sampling. el h the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just M n promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eci lt ret iler uch the objectives just con umer electronic tore
l o h the objectives just ve l unch the objectives just ed lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m For ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le, beginning with sampling. *e t *u l unch the objectives just ed it Rew rd ZM to better target their sample one promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m in 2553, beginning with sampling.

nd th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m h the objectives just g them, beginning with sampling. rown to include more th the objectives just n 7 million member
Th the objectives just ere re number o re on wh the objectives just lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m h the objectives just ve become o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r M rketer view th the objectives just e e
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m
w o encour g them, beginning with sampling. ing them, beginning with sampling. con umer to u e th the objectives just eir promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct or ervice on continu l b i nd
w o developromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ing them, beginning with sampling. trong them, beginning with sampling. cu tomer lo lt M n compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie re l o re lizing them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort nce o
cu tomer retention nd under t nd th the objectives just t th the objectives just e ke to ret ining them, beginning with sampling. nd g them, beginning with sampling. rowing them, beginning with sampling. m rket h the objectives just re i building them, beginning with sampling.
rel tion h the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just with the objectives just lo l cu tomer 46 Frequenc promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m l o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide m rketer with the objectives just th the objectives just e opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ortunit
to developromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just d t b e cont ining them, beginning with sampling. v lu ble in orm tion on th the objectives just eir cu tomer th the objectives just t c n be u ed to better
under t nd th the objectives just eir need , beginning with sampling. intere t , beginning with sampling. nd ch the objectives just r cteri tic
well to identi nd tr ck compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n ’ mo t
v lu ble cu tomer Th the objectives just e e d t b e c n l o be u ed to t rg them, beginning with sampling. et promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ecific promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m nd offer to
cu tomer to incre e th the objectives just e mount th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e nd/or to build trong them, beginning with sampling. er rel tion h the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just with the objectives just th the objectives just em M n
m rketer find it more co t-efficient nd effective to communic te with the objectives just th the objectives just eir cu tomer th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just th the objectives just eir
lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m th the objectives just n th the objectives just roug them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just m -medi dverti ing them, beginning with sampling.
A requenc promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m become more common, beginning with sampling. m rketer will be ch the objectives just lleng them, beginning with sampling. ed to find w
to u e th the objectives just em
me n o differenti ting them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just eir promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct, beginning with sampling. ervice, beginning with sampling. bu ine , beginning with sampling. or ret il tore According them, beginning with sampling. to th the objectives just e recent tud
b COLLOQUY, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e ver g them, beginning with sampling. e Americ n h the objectives just ou eh the objectives just old belong them, beginning with sampling. to 29 lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m but i ctive in onl 12 o
th the objectives just em 47 It h the objectives just been rg them, beginning with sampling. ued th the objectives just t m n o th the objectives just e lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m developromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ed b m rkete r re re ll h the objectives just ortterm promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion th the objectives just t over-rew rd reg them, beginning with sampling. ul r u er nd do little to developromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just long them, beginning with sampling. -term lo lt 48 A tud b
lo lt m rketing them, beginning with sampling. firm ound th the objectives just t 66 promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ercent o con umer
th the objectives just t di count re th the objectives just e m in re on th the objectives just e
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just te in lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m Th the objectives just i tud l o ound th the objectives just t m n con umer dropromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just out o lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m

bec u e o th the objectives just e leng them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just o time it t ke to ccumul te rew rd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oint 49 M rketer mu t find w
to m ke
th the objectives just eir lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m more th the objectives just n ju t di count or requent-bu er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m Th the objectives just i will require th the objectives just e c re ul
m n g them, beginning with sampling. ement o d t b e to identi nd tr ck v lu ble cu tomer nd th the objectives just eir promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e h the objectives just i tor nd th the objectives just e
tr teg them, beginning with sampling. ic u e o t rg them, beginning with sampling. eted lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion
Some compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie h the objectives just ve lre d beg them, beginning with sampling. un m king them, beginning with sampling. ch the objectives just ng them, beginning with sampling. e in th the objectives just eir lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m to m ke th the objectives just em mo re

promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e ling them, beginning with sampling. to member nd encour g them, beginning with sampling. e more promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urch the objectives just e For ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le, beginning with sampling. number o compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie inclu ding them, beginning with sampling.
M c ’ , beginning with sampling. AT& Gamble uses its own P&G brandSAVER FSI booklet T, beginning with sampling. Rite Aid, beginning with sampling. Expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just edi , beginning with sampling. N tionwide, beginning with sampling. nd ExxonMobile now promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just te in th the objectives just e Plenti lo lt
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m th the objectives just t i opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er ted b Americ n Expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just re nd llow h the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er to e rn promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just oint with the objectives just multipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le ret iler
(Exh the objectives just ibit 16–27) A number o compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie h the objectives just ve l o m de ch the objectives just ng them, beginning with sampling. e in th the objectives just e w rew rd re e rned in th the objectives just eir
lo lt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m Sever l irline uch the objectives just Americ n, beginning with sampling. Delt , beginning with sampling. United, beginning with sampling. nd South the objectives just we t now b e rew rd on
th the objectives just e mount o mone promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ent or irline ticket r th the objectives just er th the objectives just n mile flown In e rl 2516, beginning with sampling. St rbuck m de
ch the objectives just ng them, beginning with sampling. e to it M St rbuck Rew rd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m nd cu tomer now e rn rew rd t r b ed on th the objectives just e
mount o mone th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just end t th the objectives just e coffee ret iler Previou l cu tomer e rned one t r promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er
tr n ction no m tter h the objectives just ow much the objectives just mone th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ent
9. Event Marketing
Anoth the objectives just er t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e o con umer-oriented promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion th the objectives just t h the objectives just become ver promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r in recent e r i th the objectives just e u e
o event m rketing them, beginning with sampling. It i impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort nt to m ke di tinction between event m rketing them, beginning with sampling. nd event
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on or h the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just , beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e two term re often u ed interch the objectives just ng them, beginning with sampling. e bl et th the objectives just e re er to different ctivitie Event
m rketing them, beginning with sampling. i t promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e o promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion wh the objectives just ere compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n or br nd i linked to n event or wh the objectives just ere th the objectives just emed
ctivit i developromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ed or th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o e o cre ting them, beginning with sampling. expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just erience or con umer nd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romoting them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct or
ervice M rketer often do event m rketing them, beginning with sampling. b
oci ting them, beginning with sampling. th the objectives just eir promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct with the objectives just ome promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r ctivit
uch the objectives just
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just orting them, beginning with sampling. event, beginning with sampling. concert, beginning with sampling. ir, beginning with sampling. or e tiv l However, beginning with sampling. m rketer l o cre te th the objectives just eir own event to
u e or promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just urpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o e For ex mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le, beginning with sampling. Pepromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just iCo h the objectives just cre ted n irreverent br nd im g them, beginning with sampling. e or it
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r Mount in Dew br nd b
oci ting them, beginning with sampling. it with the objectives just ction promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort Extreme promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort re bout
noncon orming them, beginning with sampling. li e t le rom cloth the objectives just e to mu ic, beginning with sampling. nd oung them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just eopromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le re promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ond to br nd th the objectives just t m ke n
uth the objectives just entic connection nd become promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rt o th the objectives just e ction promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort communit In 2555 shows the homepage from the , beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e br nd r i ed it
involvement with the objectives just ction promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort to new level wh the objectives just en it bec me ounding them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rtner o th the objectives just e Dew Tour, beginning with sampling.
five-event erie th the objectives just t e ture compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just etition in nowbo rding them, beginning with sampling. *MX , beginning with sampling. nd ree t le motocro nd
k tebo ding them, beginning with sampling. (Exh the objectives just ibit 16–28) From n event m rketing them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ective, beginning with sampling. n impromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort nt promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rt o th the objectives just e Dew Tour
i th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ortunitie
oci ted with the objectives just th the objectives just e v riou event Th the objectives just e e inclu de cu tom rt, beginning with sampling.
inter ctive di promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l , beginning with sampling. th the objectives just lete utog them, beginning with sampling. r promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just h the objectives just e ion , beginning with sampling. loung them, beginning with sampling. e wh the objectives just ere n c n h the objectives just ng them, beginning with sampling. out nd inter ct with the objectives just th the objectives just eir

vorite extreme promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort th the objectives just lete , beginning with sampling. nd th the objectives just e promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ling them, beginning with sampling. kitch the objectives just en wh the objectives just ere th the objectives just e c n tr v riou Mount in
Dew fl vor , beginning with sampling. well oth the objectives just er promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct An event promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on or h the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just i n integ them, beginning with sampling. r ted m rketing them, beginning with sampling. communic tion
ctivit wh the objectives just ere compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n developromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ctu l promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on or h the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rel tion with the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticul r event nd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rovide
fin nci l upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ort in return or th the objectives just e rig them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just t to di promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l
br nd n me, beginning with sampling. log them, beginning with sampling. o, beginning with sampling. or dverti ing them, beginning with sampling. me g them, beginning with sampling. e nd be
upromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just orter o th the objectives just e event Event m rketing them, beginning with sampling. often t ke promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just l ce promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rt o compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just n ’
promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on or h the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just o ctivitie uch the objectives just concert , beginning with sampling. th the objectives just e rt , beginning with sampling. oci l c u e , beginning with sampling. nd promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just orting them, beginning with sampling. event Deci ion nd
objective or event promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just on or h the objectives just ipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just re often promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rt o n org them, beginning with sampling. niz tion’ promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ublic rel tion ctivitie nd re
di cu ed in Ch the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ter 17
Event m rketing them, beginning with sampling. h the objectives just become ver promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ul r promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rt o th the objectives just e integ them, beginning with sampling. r ted m rketing them, beginning with sampling. communic tion promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rog them, beginning with sampling. r m
o m n compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie
th the objectives just e view th the objectives just em excellent promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l opromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ortunitie nd w to oci te
th the objectives just eir br nd with the objectives just cert in li e t le , beginning with sampling. intere t , beginning with sampling. nd ctivitie Event c n be n effective w to connect

with the objectives just con umer in n environment wh the objectives just ere th the objectives just e re com ort ble with the objectives just receiving them, beginning with sampling. promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just romotion l me g them, beginning with sampling. e
Moreover, beginning with sampling. con umer often expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just ect compromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just nie to be promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rt o event nd welcome th the objectives just eir promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just rticipromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just tion
th the objectives just e m ke th the objectives just e event more entert ining them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. intere ting them, beginning with sampling. , beginning with sampling. nd exciting them, beginning with sampling. M rketer c n u e event to di tribute
mpromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just le
well in orm tion bout th the objectives just eir promotion tools to accomplish the objectives just roduct nd ervice or to ctu ll let con umer expromotion tools to accomplish the objectives just e rience
th the objectives just eir br nd

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