Đề thi thật tại Việt Nam ngày 08.01.2022
The table below shows the prices of a cup of coffee in 6 cities in Australia in 2010 and 2014.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where
relevant. Write at least 150 words.
A. per
B. and
C. four years later
The table ............................... the cost ...................................... cup of coffee in
............................... Australian cities ....................................... 2010
............................... 2014.
D. six
E. most remarkable
..............................., people had to pay significantly ...............................
F. boosted
for coffee in Sydney than in the other countries. In addition, the price of a
G. the only city
cup of coffee in Melbourne ............................... the ...............................
H. higher
rise ...............................
followed by
K. less
L. Canberra
M. compares
N. between
It cost 2.8 dollars for a coffee drink in Sydney in 2010, and an increase of
13.2% in selling price was recorded.......................................Melbourne,
placed second highest at the coffee price ..................................... , had the
............................... change of 20.8%, rising to 2.9 dollars. Brisbane sold
2.25 dollars for a cup of coffee and was .................................... with no price
O. experienced
Since 2010, Perth had ......................................its price by 7.1%, slightly higher
P. most notable
than the change in Adelaide. While people in Perth paid 2.25 dollars per
Q. over the given time
coffee drink, those in Adelaide paid 0.25 dollars .................................... in
2014. During the same period, the cheapest place to get coffee on the list
R. in both years
was ..............................., at a charge of only ........................................ initially,
S. 1.6 dollars
............................... an increase of 1 dollar higher later.
The table compares the cost per cup of coffee in six Australian cities between 2010 and 2014.
Overall, people had to pay significantly higher for coffee in Sydney than in the other countries. In addition, the
price of a cup of coffee in Melbourne experienced the most remarkable rise over the given time frame.
It cost 2.8 dollars for a coffee drink in Sydney in 2010, and an increase of 13.2% in selling price was recorded
four years later. Melbourne, placed second highest at the coffee price in both years, had the most notable
change of 20.8%, rising to 2.9 dollars. Brisbane sold 2.25 dollars for a cup of coffee and was the only city with
no price rise.
Since 2010, Perth had boosted its price by 7.1%, slightly higher than the change in Adelaide. While people in
Perth paid 2.25 dollars per coffee drink, those in Adelaide paid 0.25 dollars less in 2014. During the same
period, the cheapest place to get coffee on the list was Canberra, at a charge of only 1.6 dollars initially,
followed by an increase of 1 dollar higher later.
(195 words)
Bar Chart
Đề thi thật tại Việt Nam ngày 15.01.2022
The bar chart below shows the percentage of males and females aged 18-20 in a city who participated in
various activities in one month in 2015.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where
relevant.Write at least 150 words.
A. 10%
The bar chart .................................... the ......................................... of males and
B. less pronounced
females .................................... 18 ......................................... 20 taking part in
C. whereas
different activities in one month in .....................................
D. while
...................................., the most popular activity for young males was
a stark difference
football, ...................................... cycling was most favored by women. In
G. illustrates
H. additionally
addition, .................................... cycling, there was......................................... in
except for
the participation rates of males and females in all activities.
Cycling and swimming were more preferred by females than males. To be
K. between
more ...................................., about ......................................... of women
participated in swimming, ....................................... only 20% of
M. their male counterparts
.................................... took part in this activity in 2015. The difference
N. 2015
between the percentages in cycling was ........................................40% of
O. regarding other
females cycled in this month, higher than the figure for males by about
P. a third
Q. proportion
...................................., football attracted over 50% of men, which was
N. approximately
much higher than the figure for females, at ...................................... 14%.
R. by
...................................., the percentage of males participating in basketball
S. precise
was over 30%, ........................................ that of females. The similar
difference was witnessed in the figures for hockey, with over
.................................... of men and 3% of women taking part in this sport.
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of males and females between 18 and 20 taking part in different
activities in one month in 2015.
Overall, the most popular activity for young males was football, while cycling was most favored by women. In
addition, except for cycling, there was a stark difference in the participation rates of males and females in all
Cycling and swimming were more preferred by females than males. To be more precise, about a third of
women participated in swimming, whereas only one in five of their male counterparts took part in this activity
in 2015. The difference between the percentages in cycling was less pronounced. 40% of females cycled in
this month, higher than the figure for males by about 5%.
Regarding other activities, football attracted over half of men, which was much higher than the figure for
females, at approximately 14%. Additionally, the percentage of males participating in basketball was over
30%, threefold that of females. The similar difference was witnessed in the figures for hockey, with over 10%
of men and almost no women taking part in this sport.
(182 words)
Đề thi thật tại Việt Nam ngày 09.01.2021
The diagram shows how chocolate is produced.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where
relevant.Write at least 150 words.
The diagram provides a ............................... of how chocolate is produced.
A. fermentation
B. rectangular receptacle
……………………., the production of chocolate ................................ripe red
C. 350 degrees
cacao seeds undergoing various physical, ................................and
D. these sacks
……………………. processes under different temperature conditions to
E. recognisable
become liquid chocolate.
F. biological
G. overall
H. indigenous to
are broken into halves
prolonged exposure to
the sun
K. involves
L. breakdown
M. chemical
N. oval-shaped
O. taken away
P. upon being harvested
The process commences when ripe cocoa beans, which are
……………………. by their red pods, are harvested on cacao trees
……………………. South America, Africa and Indonesia ............................... ,
the ……………………. pods have their skins removed, and …………………….
so that the white cocoa beans can be collected. The beans are
thereafter sent to a ............................. where they are fermented. After the
……………………. process, the fermented beans are dehydrated by being
spread under a ............................... and then packaged in large sacks.
The process continues when ............................... are transported by train or
lorry to a factory. In the factory, the beans undergo a roasting phase at
……………………., after which they are sent to a relatively flat, cylindrical
grinder to be crushed, with outer shells being............................... The inner
part goes through a press with two rollers where it is pressed and liquid
chocolate is made as a result of this pressing phase.
The diagram provides a breakdown of how chocolate is produced.
Overall, the production of chocolate involves ripe red cacao seeds undergoing various physical, chemical
and biological processes under different temperature conditions to become liquid chocolate.
The process commences when ripe cocoa beans, which are recognisable by their red pods, are harvested on
cacao trees indigenous to South America, Africa and Indonesia. Upon being harvested, the oval-shaped pods
have their skins removed, and are broken into halves so that the white cocoa beans can be collected. The
beans are thereafter sent to a rectangular receptacle where they are fermented. After the fermentation
process, the fermented beans are dehydrated by being spread under a prolonged exposure to the sun and
then packaged in large sacks.
The process continues when these sacks are transported by train or lorry to a factory. In the factory, the beans
undergo a roasting phase at 350 degrees, after which they are sent to a relatively flat, cylindrical grinder to
be crushed, with outer shells being taken away. The inner part goes through a press with two rollers where it is
pressed and liquid chocolate is made as a result of this pressing phase.
(197 words)
Bar Chart
Đề thi thật tại Việt Nam ngày 16.01.2021
The graphs give information about average house prices in England and other parts of the world.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
A. overall
B. higher than
The bar charts …………………………. how much an ………………………….
C. double
house costs in England and its capital city – London, as well as
D. around
…………………………. the average house prices .......................................... different
E. average prices
areas of England.
F. comparing
…………………………., citizens living in the capital had to pay
G. far more
…………………………. for a house the
H. remarkable
…………………………. average house price .......................................... , a standard
significantly higher
by contrast
house in London cost the most, whereas the ………………………….
expensive one could be found in the North East.
K. North West
L. country’s
…………………………., the average price of a house in London was 20,000 £,
M. least
…………………………. than England’s average price, at around 13,000 £. The
N. and
difference in house value ................................... the capital
O. between
…………………………. the country became even more ...................................... in
P. illustrate
2013, when London citizens typically paid ...................................... 40,000 £ for
Q. in terms of costliness
a house, more than ...................................... the country’s average.
R. average
S. between
T. compared
U. in the 1990s
V. additionally
…………………………., houses in London stood at the top of the list. Next
came South East, South West and ..................................... , with figures at
…………………………. 31,000 £, 26,000 £ and 20,000 £ respectively.
…………………………., the most affordable housing was in the Midlands and
North East, with only around 10,000 £.
The bar charts illustrate how much an average house costs in England and its capital city – London, as well
as comparing the average house prices between different areas of England.
Overall, citizens living in the capital had to pay far more for a house compared to the country’s average house
price. Additionally, a standard house in London cost the most, whereas the least expensive one could be
found in the North East.
In the 1990s, the average price of a house in London was 20,000 £, significantly higher than England’s
average price, at around 13,000 £. The difference in house value between the capital and the country became
even more remarkable in 2013, when London citizens typically paid higher than 40,000 £ for a house, more
than double the country’s average.
In terms of costliness, houses in London stood at the top of the list. Next came South East, South West and
North West, with figures at around 31,000 £, 26,000 £ and 20,000 £ respectively. By contrast, the most
affordable housing was in the Midlands and North East, with average prices at only around 10,000 £.
(193 words)
Mix charts
Đề thi thật tại Việt Nam ngày 21.01.2021
The graphs below show the cinema attendance in Australia and the average cinema visits by different age groups from
1996 to 2000.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
A. witnessed a decline
The given graphs ............................................Australians’ cinema attendance
B. stabilized
according to age, ........................................ , and percentage of the
C. the start of the period
D. frequency
E. In regards to
Overall, ...................................... the four-year period, the number of
F. 10%
average visits decreased, yet the percentage of movie-goers had a
G. elders
……………………………… pattern. In addition, all the age groups
H. movie-goers
………………………………, in which ................................................... aged 50 and
above least favored the cinemas while people from 14-24 years old were
the most fondest.
Regarding cinema visits of all age groups, at ........................................ , 62%
of the population attended the movies. This figure then experienced a
a leap to
……………………………… growth in 1997, at which time it
……………………………… until 2000, despite a ................................................ drop to
……………………………… in 1999. The frequency of ................................................,
followed a similar
after ……………………………… 11.1 in 1997, ................................................... from 10.3
fluctuating trend
in 1996 to around 8.3 in the three last years.
oscillated rapidly
……………………………… the cinema visits according to age groups,
although this figure ............................................ in all the surveyed ages, the
trends ....................................... throughout four years. All movie-goers
visited the movies 10-15 times in 1996 .......................................... 1998. In
1997 and 1999, this figure .......................................... twice at 16-21 times
before ……………………………… to 13-18 times in 2000.
The given graphs illustrate Australians’ cinema attendance according to age, frequency, and percentage of
the population.
Overall, throughout the four-year period, the number of average visits decreased, yet the percentage of
movie-goers had a reverse pattern. In addition, all the age groups followed a similar fluctuating trend, in
which elders aged 50 and above least favored the cinemas while people from 14-24 years old were the most
Regarding cinema visits of all age groups, at the start of the period, 62% of the population attended the
movies. This figure then experienced a 10% growth in 1997, at which time it stabilized until 2000, despite a
minimal drop to 70% in 1999. The frequency of movie-goers, after a leap to 11.1 in 1997, witnessed a decline
from 10.3 in 1996 to around 8.3 in the three last years.
In regards to the cinema visits according to age groups, although this figure oscillated rapidly in all the
surveyed ages, the trends correlated throughout four years. All movie-goers visited the movies 10-15 times in
1996 and 1998. In 1997 and 1999, this figure peaked twice at 16-21 times before falling to 13-18 times in 2000.
(196 words)
Đề thi thật tại Việt Nam ngày 23.01.2021
The plans show the change of a small theater in 2010 and 2012.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
A. opposite
The plans ...................................... how much a particular theater has
B. overall
changed ………………………….. 2010 ........................................... 2012.
C. in the left rear corner
………………………….., a number of changes took place all over the layout
D. and
of the building, with some existing features being converted and
E. illustrate
………………………….. in the process ............................................ was the central
F. storage room
part, which remained relatively unchanged.
G. next to
H. the only exception
………………………….., the theater could be accessed from
………………………….. to the South, through which a cafe could be spotted
the bottom right corner
…………………………... ………………………….. the cafe lay a ticket office and
K. in the next two years
administration office to the other side ......................................, however, the
L. in the right corner
ticket office was relocated to ..................................... where the cafe had
M. doubled
been, while the administration office was moved to the back. This was to
N. the new hallway
make way for a new restaurant area …………………………...
O. the main entrance
The auditorium ..................................... saw no change whatsoever, although
P. in 2010
the stage in front had been nearly..................................... in size, with the
Q. behind
addition of a side hall ..................................... it. The old media room and
R. relocated
………………………….. had been moved to the top left and right side
S. in the middle
respectively, both of which could now be accessed from
…………………………... Finally, a new showers area was built
…………………………..the media room.
The plans illustrate how much a particular theater has changed between 2010 and 2012.
Overall, a number of changes took place all over the layout of the building, with some existing features being
converted and relocated in the process. The only exception was the central part, which remained relatively
In 2010, the theater could be accessed from the main entrance to the South, through which a cafe could be
spotted in the right corner. Opposite the cafe lay a ticket office and administration office to the other side. In
the next 2 years, however, the ticket office was relocated to the bottom right corner where the cafe had been,
while the administration office was moved to the back. This was to make way for a new restaurant area in the
left rear corner.
The auditorium in the middle saw no change whatsoever, although the stage in front had been nearly
doubled in size, with the addition of a side hall behind it. The old media room and storage room had been
moved to the top left and right side respectively, both of which could now be accessed from the new hallway.
Finally, a new showers area was built next to the media room.
(204 words)
Bar chart
Đề thi thật tại Việt Nam ngày 06.02.2021
The bar chart shows the percentage of small , medium, large companies which used social media for business purposes
between 2012 to 2016.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
A. small and medium
The bar graph .............................................. the proportion of small, medium
and large companies that maintained a presence on social media
B. in contrast
……………………………….. starting from 2012.
C. rise
D. most consistent users
……………………………….., the proportion of companies using social media
E. to
increased over ............................................., regardless of their size.
F. in 2016
……………………………….., large companies are the most active and
G. in a four-year period
……………………………….. of social media throughout the period.
H. a third
Among .......................................... , the period stretching
……………………………….. 2012 ..................................................... 2014 saw an
……………………………….. in social media usage. The figures for smaller
K. significant drop
companies began at just ............................................ 30 percent in 2012, then
L. fell by
……………………………….. to reach 35 percent ................................................... years
M. illustrates
later. The change is even more pronounced .............................................. ,
N. under
which began 2012 with roughly .......................................... , and ended the
O. overall
next two years with a one-fifth .......................................... in social media
P. rising trend
use. After both types of businesses suffered a .............................................. in
Q. the given period
2015 to around 30%, this .............................................. would then resume in
R. in medium-sized
the very final year, resulting in the recovery to around half
……………………………….. for both.
S. over half
T. the sole exception
……………………………….., large companies make extensive use of social
U. steadily increased
media, with figures almost always standing at ………………………………..
V. increase
four-fifths from 2012 to 2016 ............................................. to this was 2015,
W. two
where the media participation rate ............................................ nearly a third
X. approximately
to a record low of just ………………………………...
The bar graph illustrates the proportion of small, medium and large companies that maintained a presence
on social media in a four-year period starting from 2012.
Overall, the proportion of companies using social media increased over the given period, regardless of their
size. Additionally, large companies are the most active and most consistent users of social media throughout
the period.
Among small and medium businesses, the period stretching from 2012 to 2014 saw an increase in social
media usage. The figures for smaller companies began at just under 30 percent in 2012, then steadily
increased to reach 35 percent two years later. The change is even more pronounced in medium-sized
businesses, which began 2012 with roughly a third, and ended the next two years with a one-fifth rise in
social media use. After both types of businesses suffered a significant drop in 2015 to around 30%, this rising
trend would then resume in the very final year, resulting in the recovery to around half in 2016 for both.
In contrast, large companies make extensive use of social media, with figures almost always standing at
approximately four-fifths from 2012 to 2016. The sole exception to this was 2015, where the media
participation rate fell by nearly a third to a record low of just over half.
(216 words)
Bar Chart
Đề thi thật tại Việt Nam ngày 20.02.2021
The chart below shows changes in the number of international students in Australia in 2019 and 2020.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
A. consecutive
The bar chart ………………………………… the ..................................................of the
B. whereas
number of ………………………………… in Australia in two …………………………………
C. ranked
years starting from 2019.
D. reverse trend
Looking from ............................................... , Australia welcomed foreign
E. the latter
students the most from China ......................................... , India, Nepal and
F. rise and fall
Vietnam recorded the number of students
G. double
whereas the ........................................... was true for the other countries.
H. substantial
an overall perspective
In 2019, there were 182,325 Chinese students who chose Australia as their
overseas students
…………………………………, which was almost ................................................... that of
K. exceeding
India with 92,024 students. Nepal ........................................ third with 46,382
L. details
students studying in Australia, far ......................................... the figures for
M. in turn
Vietnam (22,204 students), Brazil (22,859 students) and Malaysia
N. destination
(21,736 students).
O. negligible
Despite a ................................................... decline to 167,568, China still
the former
……………………………………… of overseas students in 2020. At the same time,
Q. headed the list
India and Nepal, ........................................... , experienced an improvement in
R. by contrast
their figures with 108,049 students for ......................................... and 50,252
S. In addition
students for ............................................The number of Vietnamese students
T. growth
who opted for Australia went up to 23,268 ........................................ both
Brazil and Malaysia saw a .......................................... fall to 21,086 and 19,564
students …………………………………. .
The bar chart details the rise and fall of the number of overseas students in Australia in two consecutive
years starting from 2019.
Looking from an overall perspective, Australia welcomed foreign students the most from China. In addition,
India, Nepal and Vietnam recorded growth in the number of students whereas the reverse trend was true for
the other countries.
In 2019, there were 182,325 Chinese students who chose Australia as their destination, which was almost
double that of India with 92,024 students. Nepal ranked third with 46,382 students studying in Australia, far
exceeding the figures for Vietnam (22,204 students), Brazil (22,859 students) and Malaysia (21,736
Despite a substantial decline to 167,568, China still headed the list of overseas students in 2020. At the same
time, India and Nepal, by contrast, experienced an improvement in their figures with 108,049 students for the
former and 50,252 students for the latter. The number of Vietnamese students who opted for Australia went
up to 23,268 whereas both Brazil and Malaysia saw a negligible fall to 21,086 and 19,564 students in turn.
(190 words)
Đề thi thật tại Việt Nam ngày 25.02.2021
The table shows the export values of various products in 2009 and 2010.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
A. topped the table
The table ................................................. export values and changes of five
B. recorded
different products HK billion dollars over two
C. respectively
years, 2009 and 2010.
D. outdistanced
Overall, what ...............................................from the table is that there were
E. followed
F. the latter
G. stands out
……………………………………… in the export values except for two
……………………………………… namely clothing and manufacturing. To be
more specific, in 2010, telecommunity earnings ………………………………………
H. rank
that of equipment to ............................................. first on the list while
downward patterns
metals export values saw the .............................................. jump.
K. noticeable increase
The overall income from export ............................................... growth from 32
L. marginal rise
to 38.4 billion dollars. In 2009, equipment export values
M. upward trends
……………………………………… (10.3 billion), by
N. pronounced
telecommunity (7 9 billion). A year later, while the former witnessed a
O. a surge to
……………………………………… in its earnings to 11.6 billion, there was
P. categories
……………………………………… 12.7 billion in the figure for
Q. with respect to
………………………………………, registering a 61% increase. A much more
R. most striking
……………………………………… of 122% can be seen in the sales of metals as it
S. measuring
……………………………………… to 5.1 billion in 2010, doubling year-on-year.
T. illustrates
……………………………………… less........................................................... earnings,
clothing and manufacturing followed similar ………………………………………
with 1 and 1.5 billion falls .............................................. , representing 17% and
27% decreases respectively.
The table illustrates export values and changes of five different products measuring in HK billion dollars over
two years, 2009 and 2010.
Overall, what stands out from the table is that there were upward trends in the export values except for two
categories namely clothing and manufacturing. To be more specific, in 2010, telecommunity earnings
outdistanced that of equipment to rank first on the list while metals export values saw the most striking
The overall income from export recorded growth from 32 to 38.4 billion dollars. In 2009, equipment export
values topped the table (10.3 billion), followed by telecommunity (7 9 billion). A year later, while the former
witnessed a marginal rise in its earnings to 11.6 billion, there was a surge to 12.7 billion in the figure for the
latter, registering a 61% increase. A much more noticeable increase of 122% can be seen in the sales of
metals as it skyrocketed to 5.1 billion in 2010, doubling year-on-year.
With respect to less pronounced earnings, clothing and manufacturing followed similar downward patterns
with 1 and 1.5 billion falls respectively, representing 17% and 27% decreases respectively.
(195 words)
Đề thi thật tại Việt Nam ngày 27.02.2021
The plans show a student common room from five years ago and now.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
A. rectangular
The maps ...................................................... modifications made to the
B. around
…………………………………… of an unspecified student common room.
C. the addition of
……………………………………, the room has been .............................................................. ,
D. Overall
seeing great ....................................................... of the tables in the centre and
E. on the left-hand side of
small changes to some of the amenitie ...................................................... the
F. re-arrangements
G. replaced by
H. adjacent
Five years ago, most of the room area was …………………………………….…….
four sets of 7-piece.................................................... tables. However, in the
present day, two of them were .................................................... a 9-piece
K. placed around
…………………………………….……. table set, with the other two remaining
unchanged. The cabinet ......................................................... the map was
L. occupied by
replaced by a television, with three additional armchairs
M. next to
…………………………………….……. it. A new bench for laptops was arranged
N. between
…………………………………… one round table set ...................................................... the
O. depict
television area, and that bench was placed …………………………………….…….
P. major changes
the wall.
Q. renovated extensively
R. and
Other …………………………………… include …………………………………….…….
another microwave which was placed right …………………………………….…….
S. to the bottom right
the old one, and a drinks machine ................................................... the
corner of
refrigerator. The sink, the cupboard, and the bench, however,
T. layout
…………………………………….……. in the same location.
The maps depict modifications made to the layout of an unspecified student common room.
Overall, the room has been renovated extensively, seeing great re-arrangements of the tables in the centre
and small changes to some of the amenities on the left-hand side of the entrance.
Five years ago, most of the room area was occupied by four sets of 7-piece round tables. However, in the
present day, two of them were replaced by a 9-piece rectangular table set, with the other two remaining
unchanged. The cabinet to the bottom right corner of the map was replaced by a television, with three
additional armchairs placed around it. A new bench for laptops was arranged between one round table set
and the television area, and that bench was placed against the wall.
Other major changes include the addition of another microwave which was placed right next to the old one,
and a drinks machine adjacent to the refrigerator. The sink, the cupboard, and the bench, however, remained
in the same location.
(169 words)
Đề thi thật tại Việt Nam ngày 04.03.2021
The diagrams give information about changes in a student accommodation.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
A. witnessed
The diagrams ...................................................... how much a student
B. south
accommodation has changed from 2010 to the present.
C. southwest
……………………………………, the building ..................................................................... several
D. In general
changes all over its layout throughout ..................................................... The
E. converted
most .................................................modification was the
F. study-bedroom
G. northern
…………………………………… of the space used for the study-bedrooms. At the
same time, some other features have been …………………………………….…….
H. constructed
or removed to serve the new design.
In 2010, the center of the area was the main
K. the kitchen
building, to the .................................................... part of which lay a large hall
L. remained unchanged
and a bathroom ............................................ those rooms to the right side
M. ensuite bathroom
were a study-bedroom and a kitchen. Currently, the hall has been
N. located
…………………………………….……. to include the bathroom and a new
O. replaced
…………………….……. inside, while
social area.
has been enlarged and used as a
Q. remarkable
There used to be a living room and a study-bedroom in the
R. the period
……………………….……. part of the building. However, the living room
S. to the south
has been ...................................................... by a large study-bedroom in the
current design. Next to the building to the west, another study-bedroom
has been ...................................................... right beside the old
……………………………….. Finally, the garden ……………………….…….
of the building has been replaced by a parking area, while the northside
one …………………………….……..
The diagrams illustrate how much a student accommodation has changed from 2010 to the present.
In general, the building witnessed several changes all over its layout throughout the period. The most
remarkable modification was the extension of the space used for the study-bedrooms. At the same time,
some other features have been converted or removed to serve the new design.
In 2010, located at the center of the area was the main building, to the southwest part of which lay a large
hall and a bathroom. Opposite those rooms to the right side were a study-bedroom and a kitchen. Currently,
the hall has been expanded to include the bathroom and a new ensuite bathroom inside, while the kitchen
has been enlarged and used as a social area.
There used to be a living room and a study-bedroom in the northern part of the building. However, the living
room has been replaced by a large study-bedroom in the current design. Next to the building to the west,
another study-bedroom has been constructed right beside the old study-bedroom. Finally, the garden to the
south of the building has been replaced by a parking area, while the northside one remained unchanged.
(198 words)