S K L 01 0 8 4 5
Ho Chi Minh City, 2023
Tran Cao Long
Nguyen Anh Tu
Nguyen Dinh Hieu
– 18144035
– 18144059
– 18144017
HCM City, July, 2023
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................ix
PREFACE .............................................................................................................. xii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... xiii
Chapter 1: OVERVIEW ........................................................................................... 1
The urgency of the topic. ............................................................................... 1
Published domestic and foreign research results. .......................................... 2
Goal of the topic............................................................................................. 3
Tasks and range of the project. ...................................................................... 3
Tasks of the project. ................................................................................ 3
Range of the project. ............................................................................... 3
Research methods. ......................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2: THEORETICAL BASIS ......................................................................... 5
Metal cutting theoretical foundations. ........................................................... 5
Characteristics and role of metal cutting. ............................................... 5
The fundamental tool actions during cutting. ......................................... 6
Feed movement and quantity. ................................................................. 7
Extra movement and cut depth. .............................................................. 7
Milling technology theoretical underpinnings. .............................................. 7
A summary of milling processing techniques......................................... 7
Milling tool types. ................................................................................... 9
Technology capabilities for milling. ..................................................... 11
Machined part surface roughness. ............................................................... 12
Theories. ................................................................................................ 12
The influence of surface roughness. ..................................................... 13
Criteria for evaluation. .......................................................................... 15
Symbols and callouts for surface roughness on drawings. ................... 18
Choosing the Surface Roughness. ........................................................ 22
Surface roughness factors. .................................................................... 22
Surface roughness generation method. ................................................. 23
Surface roughness evaluation method. ................................................. 23
Vibration during the cutting process. ........................................................... 23
Overview of cutting vibration. .............................................................. 23
Vibration types and causes.................................................................... 23
Vibration reduction solution. ................................................................ 25
Creating an integrated dampening system for cutting tools. ....................... 27
An Overview of the Damping Cutting Tool. ........................................ 27
Milling technology with dampers cutter handle ................................... 28
Optimization method ................................................................................... 35
Taguchi method .................................................................................... 35
ANN_GA method ................................................................................. 37
HANDLES ON DETAILED SURFACE GLOSS .................................................... 39
Experiment conditions ................................................................................. 39
Cutting conditions ................................................................................. 39
Length of cutter ..................................................................................... 40
CNC machine VM750 .......................................................................... 41
Experiment procedure .................................................................................. 41
The meaning of the parameters: ............................................................ 41
Investigate the influence of L on the surface gloss of the workpiece:.. 42
Investigate the influence of l on the surface gloss of the workpiece: ... 42
Investigate the influence of ∅ on the surface gloss of the workpiece: . 43
Investigate the influence of R on the surface gloss of the workpiece:.. 43
Investigate the influence of d on the surface gloss of the workpiece: .. 44
Investigate the influence of h on the surface gloss of the workpiece: .. 44
Damping cutting tools and damping cores ........................................... 45
Workpieces. ................................................................................................. 48
Measuring instrument. .......................................................................... 49
Cases for experimentation............................................................................ 51
Experiments process and Results. ................................................................ 53
Measuring and comparing surface roughness results ........................... 53
Optimization method ............................................................................ 61
The peak, peak to peak and RMS values in vibration analysis ................... 73
Peak value ............................................................................................. 73
Peak to peak value ................................................................................ 73
RMS ...................................................................................................... 75
Measuring equipment and working principle ....................................... 77
Conclusion on the vibration analysis metrics of milling tool ...................... 80
Conclusion. ............................................................................................... 84
Further research direction. ....................................................................... 84
REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 85
Figure 2.1: Technology system [7] .......................................................................... 5
Figure 2.2: Basic movement of tool when milling. [7] ............................................ 7
Figure 2.3: Reverse milling [8] ................................................................................ 8
Figure 2.4: Forward milling [8] ............................................................................... 9
Figure 2.5: Cylindrical milling cutter. [9] .............................................................. 10
Figure 2.6: Angle milling cutter. [9] ...................................................................... 10
Figure 2.7: Disc milling cutter. [9]......................................................................... 10
Figure 2.8: End milling cutter. [9] ......................................................................... 10
Figure 2.9: Milling process capabilities. [9] .......................................................... 11
Figure 2.10: Types of undulations on the detailed surface. [10]............................ 13
Figure 2.11: Effect on wear resistance. [10] .......................................................... 13
Figure 2.12: Effect on fatigue strength of parts. [10]............................................. 14
Figure 2.13: Effect on corrosion resistance. [10] ................................................... 14
Figure 2.14: Effect on corrosion resistance. .......................................................... 15
Figure 2.15: Surface profile [10]............................................................................ 16
Figure 2.16: Surface profile [10]............................................................................ 16
Figure 2.17: Surface roughness note definitions. (EN ISO 1302) [11] ................. 18
Figure 2.18: How to Read Surface Texture Requirements. [11] ........................... 19
Figure 2.19: Texturing on contour lines that depict surfaces. [11] ........................ 20
Figure 2.20: Dimensional feature - surface texture required [11]. ........................ 20
Figure 2.21: Indication of geometrical tolerances [11] .......................................... 21
Figure 2.22: cyclindrical feature extensions lines [11] .......................................... 21
Figure 2.23: Surfaces with cyclindrical and prismatic symmetry [11] .................. 22
Figure 2.24: Crop angle influences stability. [12] ................................................. 30
Figure 2.25: Insert fragment types. [12] ................................................................ 30
Figure 2.26: Large teeth step cutting tools. [12] .................................................... 31
Figure 2.27: Medium tooth step cutting tools. [12] ............................................... 31
Figure 2.28: Small teeth step cutting tools. [12] .................................................... 32
Figure 2.29: Face milling general guidelines. [13] ................................................ 32
Figure 2.30: Forward milling and reverse milling. [13] ........................................ 33
Figure 2.31: The cutting edge of inserts. [14] ....................................................... 34
Figure 2.32: Insert rake angle. [14]........................................................................ 34
Figure 2.33: Inserts fragment cut angle. [13] ........................................................ 35
Figure 2.34: Diagram for static problem. [15] ....................................................... 36
Figure 2.35: ANN_GA optimization method [17] ................................................ 38
Figure 3.1: Recommended cutting condition of inserts ......................................... 40
Figure 3.2: Length of tool holder and cutter. ......................................................... 40
Figure 3.3: CNC machine VM750. ........................................................................ 41
Figure 3.4: Damping cutting tool ........................................................................... 45
Figure 3.5: Insert APMT1135PDER parameters. .................................................. 46
Figure 3.6: Damping compliance........................................................................... 47
Figure 3.7: Custom damping compliance holder ................................................... 47
Figure 3.8: Damping cutting tool assembly ........................................................... 48
Figure 3.9: Experiment samples. ........................................................................... 49
Figure 3.10: Mitutoyo SJ-201 roughness meter. ................................................... 50
Figure 3.11: Mitutoyo SJ-201 roughness meter. [19] ............................................ 50
Figure 3.12: Definitions for parameters of damping compliance. ......................... 51
Figure 3.13: Measuring Ra value. .......................................................................... 53
Figure 3.14: Results after measuring. .................................................................... 53
Figure 3.15: Comparision of normal tool and damping compliance 1 to 4. .......... 55
Figure 3.16: Comparision of normal tool and damping compliance 5 to 8. .......... 56
Figure 3.17: Comparision of normal tool and damping compliance 9 to 12. ........ 57
Figure 3.18: Comparision of normal tool and damping compliance 9 to 12. ........ 58
Figure 3.19: Comparision of normal tool and damping compliance 17 to 20. ...... 59
Figure 3.20: Comparision of normal tool and damping compliance 21 to 25. ...... 60
Figure 3.21: Analyze Taguchi Design. .................................................................. 61
Figure 3.22: Choosing factors. ............................................................................... 62
Figure 3.23: Choosing response data. .................................................................... 63
Figure 3.24: Main effect for means ....................................................................... 63
Figure 3.25: Input and target variables .................................................................. 64
Figure 3.26: Neural Network/Data Manager ......................................................... 65
Figure 3.27: Import Input Data .............................................................................. 65
Figure 3.28: Import Target Data. ........................................................................... 66
Figure 3.29: Create new neural network. ............................................................... 66
Figure 3.30: Prepare data and function for new neural network. .......................... 67
Figure 3.31: Training network. .............................................................................. 68
Figure 3.32: Neural network training regression. .................................................. 69
Figure 3.33: Fitness function code. ........................................................................ 70
Figure 3.34: Optimization setup in Matlab ............................................................ 70
Figure 3.35: ANN_GA method results .................................................................. 70
Figure 3.36: Comparison surface roughness of optimal damping tool and normal
tool. ............................................................................................................................ 71
Figure 4.1: Waveform chart of peak values ........................................................... 73
Figure 4.2: Waveform chart of peak to peak values .............................................. 74
Figure 4.3: The formula of RMS values ................................................................ 75
Figure 4.4: Waveform chart of RMS values .......................................................... 76
Figure 4.5: Waveform chart of RMS values of velocity ....................................... 76
Figure 4.6: Waveform chart of RMS values with critical level ............................. 77
Figure 4.7: Milling cutting tool deformation measurement model........................ 78
Figure 4.8: Dynamox TCas vibration and temperature sensor .............................. 79
Figure 4.9: The chart of peak to peak values of acceleration on axial .................. 80
Figure 4.10: The chart of peak to peak values of acceleration on radial ............... 80
Figure 4.11: The chart of peak to peak values of acceleration on horizontal ........ 81
Figure 4.12: The chart of peak to peak values of displacement on axial axis ....... 82
Figure 4.13: The chart of peak to peak values of displacement on radial axis ...... 82
Figure 4.14: The char of peak to peak values of displacement on horizontal axis 83
Table 2.1: Surface roughness parameter values (ISO 12085:1996) [10] ............... 17
Table 2.2: Standard values of Ra and Rz. [10] ........................................................ 18
Table 2.3: Surface roughness value according to the dimensional accuracy grade.
[10] ............................................................................................................................ 22
Table 3.1: Experiments conditions......................................................................... 39
Table 3.2: Parameters of damping compliance when changing L variable value. 42
Table 3.3: Parameters of damping compliance when changing l variable value. .. 43
Table 3.4: Parameters of compliance when changing Ø variable value. ............... 43
Table 3.5: Parameters of compliance when changing R variable value. ............... 44
Table 3.6: Parameters of compliance when changing d variable value. ................ 44
Table 3.7: Parameters of compliance when changing h variable value. ................ 45
Table 3.8: Basic component of high-speed steel [18] ............................................ 45
Table 3.9: High-speed steel heat treatment [18] .................................................... 46
Table 3.10: Chemical compositions and mechanical properties of SS400 steel. .. 48
Table 3.11: All damping cases dimensions. ........................................................... 52
Table 3.12: Surface roughness for each cases. ...................................................... 54
Table 3.13: Average surface roughness of normal cuttin tool. .............................. 55
Table 3.14: Parameters and surface roughness of compliance 1 to 4. ................... 55
Table 3.15: Parameters and surface roughness of compliance 5 to 8. ................... 56
Table 3.16: Parameters and surface roughness of compliance 9 to 12. ................. 57
Table 3.17: Parameters and surface roughness of compliance 13 to 16. ............... 58
Table 3.18: Parameters and surface roughness of compliance 17 to 20. ............... 59
Table 3.19: Parameters and surface roughness of compliance 13 to 16. ............... 60
Table 3.20: Parameters of optimized damping cutting tool. .................................. 71
Table 3.21: Surface roughness of optimized damping tool and normal tool ......... 71
Độc lập - Tự do – Hạnh phúc
Học kỳ 2/ năm học 2023
Giảng viên hướng dẫn: ThS. Lê Bá Tân
Sinh viên thực hiện: Trần Cao Long
Nguyễn Anh Tú
MSSV: 18144035 Điện thoại: 0974101422
MSSV: 18144059 Điện thoại: 0362619574
Nguyễn ĐÌnh Hiếu MSSV: 18144017 Điện thoại: 0335644970
Tên đề tài:
Khảo sát khả năng giảm chấn của cán dao phay với mơ hình conxol gắn ngược
2. Các số liệu, tài liệu ban đầu:
- Sử dụng phần mềm MATLAB cho tối ưu hóa
- Sử dụng dụng cụ đo độ nhám bề mặt
- Sử dụng cán dao BAP300R C20-20-160-2T
- Vật liệu phôi: SS400
3. Nội dung chính của đồ án:
- Tổng quan về cơng nghệ phay và chất lượng bề mặt
- Chế tạo mơ hình cán dao phay
- Lắp ráp thực hiện và đo lường độ bóng bề mặt
- Tổng hợp số liệu và báo cáo
4. Các sản phẩm dự kiến
- Mơ hình thực tế
- Báo cáo phân tích dữ liệu
5. Ngày giao đồ án: 15/03/2023
6. Ngày nộp đồ án: 15/07/2023
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Việt
Trình bày bảo vệ: Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Việt
7. Ngơn ngữ trình bày: Bản báo cáo:
(Ký, ghi rõ họ tên)
(Ký, ghi rõ họ tên)
(Ký, ghi rõ họ tên)
Our forefathers have advised us to "drink water, recall the source," which is a
reminder to always consider the conception and upbringing of our parents from
conception to adulthood, from the beginning of time. beneficial to the community and
the family. I'd like to begin by thanking my parents for giving me life and raising me
in a way that allowed me to develop into the person I am today.
Without the help of others around them, no one can prosper in this world. I would
not have had the knowledge required to finish my studies if it weren't for academics
who are dedicated to instructing and sharing useful information. after four years of
study, a strong thesis is required for graduation.
Our team would like to express its profound gratitude to Mr. Le Ba Tan for his
guidance, support, and safety. He did not hesitate to take the time to revise and make
ideas when I encountered difficulties when conducting the study so that I could
complete this project as successfully as possible.
Next, we would like to extend our profound gratitude to Mr. Tran Minh The Uyen
and Mr. Dang Minh Phung for giving the tools necessary for me to complete the
experiment successfully.
In order to complete the machining and testing procedure, our team would like to
extend its heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Nguyen Van Mang in the Vocational Practice
workshop for supplying the equipment.
Without mentioning the faculty office instructors who created the best environment
for us to complete this project, it would be difficult to talk about it.
Finally, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the companies who
sponsored this project—911 Group, VPIC Company and G.A. Consultants Company.
So that you can share your expertise and encourage the next generation to contribute
to your family and community, I wish you continuing good health, happiness, and
Tran Cao Long
Nguyen Anh Tu
Nguyen Dinh Hieu
Within the confines of this topic, the group focuses on creating the damping tool
structure, giving the parameters, and generating the damper. A collection of data is then
produced by measuring the damper and using statistical software to examine the
experimental results. Choosing the best tool and calculating actual and hypothetical error
Design goal: Lower production costs while keeping enough design detail to create a
tool holder that can smooth out milling cuts made using damper tools.
The group's graduation project is: " THE SURVEY DAMPING ABILITY OF THE
a damping tool during machining and then comparing the results with a normal tool,
under the guidance of ME. Le Ba Tan
Project work:
- Structural design of damping mechanism and milling cutter.
- Provide a set of structural parameters by statistical model.
- Crafting and experimenting.
- Measure and analyze results.
- Test for error
Implementing this project has improved the team's understanding of surface tolerances,
material theory, applying mathematics to engineering models, knowledge of
fundamental concepts and machine building technology, understanding of engineering
mechanics, and practicing effective teamwork. Each team member will benefit greatly
from this information in their future employment, and it will boost their confidence in
the workplace.
Chapter 1: OVERVIEW
The urgency of the topic.
As we enter the fourth industrial revolution, the precision mechanical processing sector
is required to meet ever-stricter accuracy standards while also maintaining high levels of
efficiency and product quality. Products. As a result, precise machining faces numerous
difficulties. If high speed machining is necessary during the machining process to ensure
productivity and each cut has a relatively large thickness, this results in a lot of vibration
and noise, which can easily damage the cutting tool and make it difficult to ensure the
surface quality.
There is always a lot of vibration and noise while mechanical processing is being done,
especially milling machining. The machine operator frequently opts for the strategy of
reducing the machining process parameters n: spindle speed (rpm), Vc: cutting speed
(m/min), fz: tooth feed amount (mm/tooth), and t: depth of cut (mm) in order to primarily
lessen this vibration and noise. The productivity of the machining process suffers from
such a drop in process parameters. Therefore, by including dampening instruments into
the mechanical processing process, this research article will assist in offering solutions
to combat vibration while assuring process parameters and maintaining productivity. [1]
Additionally, processing with end mills makes it simple to meet technical specifications
for insert shape, gloss, product roughness, and requirements for cutting equipment as
well as cutting process parameters. too high, as it is not necessary to have a long tool
shank length when machining in accordance with the outer profile; rather, the CNC
machine's axis will handle movement when processing the outer profile, and the length
of the machining profile depends on the machine shaft's maximum allowable
displacement. It is exceedingly challenging to create a high-gloss finish with milling
cutters that have long shanks because as the shank gets longer, Consequently, as the
stiffness declines, vibration and noise are also produced. and have a direct impact on the
product's form, gloss, and machined surface quality.
Stemming from the above reasons, our group has deeply researched, researched and
Published domestic and foreign research results.
There have been numerous studies on the impact of technological aspects on the quality
of details in general, but the group's focus here is on the impact of the tool on surface
gloss, specifically:
- Subject: Clarence W. de Silva, Vibration Damping, Control, and Design, April
5, 2007. [2]
- Application of Taguchi method in optimization of end milling parameters by
J.A. Ghani, I.A. Choudhury, H.H. Hassan – University Malaysia. [3]
- Subject: "Study on the effect of cutting mode on surface roughness when
machining on CNC milling machines" by Truong Thi Ngoc Thu - University of
Da Nang. [4]
Advantages: Determine the effect of cutting mode on surface roughness with
independent variables (S,t)
State the influence relationship of cutting mode (S,t) to surface roughness.
Disdvantages: In particular, additional contributing factors like tool wear, various
processing materials, and technological system stiffness are not taken into account when
determining research outcomes, which are only evaluated under specified experimental
- Thesis "Experimental study on the properties of self-excited vibration and the
influence of feed rate on its growth during metal cutting with the help of
computer" by Ngo Duc Hanh - University Thai Nguyen Industrial Engineering.
Advantages: Identify types of vibration and causes of vibration on machine tools.
Disdvantages: There is no optimal method to minimize the vibrations that occur when
machining on machine tools.
- Subject: "Research to improve the surface quality of machine parts when
finishing milling" by Hoang Trong Hieu - University of Da Nang. [6]
Advantages: There is a sufficient theoretical basis for the phenomena occurring during
Comment in detail on the direct relationship between cutting speed and feedrate and
the workpiece's surface.
Disadvantages: Have not changed the machining parameters, perform experiments on
a certain parameter.
In addition to these research areas, the majority of surface quality tests have been
carried out by well-known global brands like Mitsubishi, Hutscom, Tungaloy, and
Walter. These tests are typically conducted on standard materials and under ideal
machining conditions, so the outcomes are quite ideal. Of course, these studies also serve
their commercial objectives and parameters. It is simple to notice in manufacturer
catalogs and at trade shows where they are showcasing their technology.
However, no investigations on the impact of dampening tool holders on the surface
gloss of facet milled parts have been published.
Goal of the topic.
- An overview study of damping technology in metalworking.
- Fabrication and experimentation of milling cutter shank with integrated damping
system on detail surface gloss when changing internal parameters of damper shank on
C45 steel material in Vietnam and comparing with normal cutting tool.
- Explain which variables affect surface quality when a damper shank with an
integrated damping system is used.
Tasks and range of the project.
Tasks of the project.
The research direction contains the following duties, starting with the topic's title and
its stated purpose:
- A theoretical framework for understanding metal cutting, the quality of machined
surfaces, and the variables that influence these qualities.
- The causes of vibration, how vibration affects machining quality, and possible
strategies to eliminate vibration are all covered in the theory of vibration in machining.
- Creation of a milling cutter shank with a built-in dampening system.
- Set up the experimental procedure.
- Experiment:
Prepare workpieces, 2 types of shank (regular and damping) and inserts.
Prepare machines, tools and test cutting to check whether the technology
system is ok, is the cutter well mounted?
Process data, make graph and compare, analyze and evaluate the results.
Range of the project.
The following describes the study's scope due to time and resource constraints:
- The sample was milled in the mechanical workshop using CNC milling machine
Doosan VM750
- The test was conducted on only one end mill cutter BAP 300R C20-20-2L1601135 19E13 and BAP 300R C20-20-2L150- 1135 19E13 from Mitsubishi.
- Use insert: APMT1135PDER-HT from DESKAR.
- Only use SS400 steel for the test, and only concentrate on analyzing the results
of modifying the damping core's internal design parameters to the surface gloss
while using the same cutting parameters recommended by the manufacturer.
Where: fz = feed rate = 0.15mm/tooth
Vc = cutting speed = 200mm/min
t = depth of cut = 0.75mm
Research methods.
- Experimental comparison in manufacturing.
- Milling and measuring gloss on the surface of SS400 steel material.
- Use damping end mill (BAP 300R C20-20- 2L160-1135 19E13) and a normal
end mill (BAP 300R C20-20-2L150-1135 19E13) with diameter of Dc = 20 mm.
- Experiment on CNC milling machine Doosan VM750 in the mechanical
- Utilizing Matlab and Minitab to optimized damping compliance parameters using
Taguchi and ANN_GA method.
- Measure surface roughness with Mitutoyo SJ-201 handheld roughness meter.
- Create a table of the findings and a graph comparing the roughness of surfaces
milled using a regular cutting tool and a damping cutting tool under the same
milling settings.
- Comments and conclusion.
Metal cutting theoretical foundations.
Characteristics and role of metal cutting.
There are several metal cutting technologies available today: casting, forging, rolling,
welding... but these methods mostly produce billets or primitive products, frequently
with low precision and gloss.
Metal cutting machining is required to improve the gloss and precision of the items in
accordance with the technical requirements.
Metal cutting is a technological technique that makes mechanical products with the
shape and size of surface gloss... from an original workpiece by cutting off the metal
layer in the form of chips.
The machining is done at room temperature (both before and after the heat treatment
process). It produces more gloss and accuracy than welding, casting, forging, and hot
Turning, milling, planing, drilling, boring, boring, broaching, and grinding are the basic
metal cutting procedures.
Cutting machining accounts for 30% of mechanical machining workloads and may
account for more in the future.
A technological system is the collection of equipment required to execute the cutting
process, which includes: Machine Workpiece - Fixture - Cutting Tool.
Cutting tool
Figure 2.1: Technology system [7]
The machine is in charge of supplying the necessary energy for the cutting operation.
During the part machining process, the jigsaw is in charge of determining and
maintaining the precise relative position of the tool, the machine, and the work piece.
The tool is in charge of immediately cutting the "excess metal" layer off the component
using the machine's energy given by relative motions.
The cutting process is focused on the work item. All cutting process outcomes are
represented on the work piece.
The fundamental tool actions during cutting.
Each metal cutting machine has a unique path of relative motion between the tool and
the component. There are three kinds of movement:
The main motion is: (primary cutting motion) The cutter's fundamental movement
through the cutting tool or work piece. It might be rotation, round-trip translation, or a
mix of the two...
The rotation of the workpiece on the chuck is the major movement while turning. The
circular motion of the milling cutter, drill, and grinding wheel is the major movement
when milling, drilling, and grinding; and the reciprocating and up-and-down
reciprocating action of the tool is the main movement while planning and cutting...
The movement of the tool or work piece that is related with the primary movement that
makes up the cutting process is referred to as tool motion.
The movement of the feed might be continuous or intermittent. This movement is
typically performed in a direction perpendicular to the primary movement, more
- The feed movement during turning is the horizontal - vertical movement of the
tool table when cutting.
- Milling is the horizontal-vertical-vertical movement of the workpiece-carrying
- The horizontal (vertical) movement of the table and the up and down movement
of the tool head while grinding.
- The transverse (vertical) reciprocating motion of the table or the axis of the
grinding wheel while grinding.
- When drilling, the drill bit moves downward.
Extra motion is defined as any movement that does not directly create the chip, such
as forward and backward motion (without cutting into the workpiece).
Figure 2.2: Basic movement of tool when milling. [7]
We utilize two quantities to characterize the primary motion:
- The relative displacement per unit time between the cutting edge and the workpiece
(or the relative displacement per unit time between a point on the workpiece surface and
the cutting edge) Number of revolution n (or number of double strokes) in time unit.
Feed movement and quantity.
It is the distance between the cutting edge and the part in the direction of the tool feed
movement after a unit of time, one revolution of the workpiece, or a double stroke. The
feed rate might be circular, minute, or any other value.
The feed rate s in turning is the amount of tool movement along the work surface per
rotation of the workpiece (mm/round).
The feed amount s while planning and cutting is the amount of displacement of the tool
or table following a double stroke of the table (or tool) - mm/double stroke.
It is possible to compute the feed rate after one tooth (mm/tooth), the feed rate after one
revolution of the tool (mm/rotation), and the feed rate after one minute of tool operation
(mm/min) for multi-blade instruments such as milling cutters.
Extra movement and cut depth.
The amount of metal removed following a cut (or the distance measured perpendicular
to the toolpath between two adjacent machinable and unmachinable surfaces).
The cutting mode refers to the combination of parameters such as cutting speed
V, depth of cut t, and feed rate S.
Milling technology theoretical underpinnings.
A summary of milling processing techniques.
Milling is a metalworking technique that involves the use of a cutter with numerous
cutting blades. The tool's circular motion is the primary movement, while the table's
horizontal, vertical, and vertical movements are the feed movement.
The milling cutting speed is computed using the formula:
π. D. n
(m/min) [7]
- D: Diameter of milling tool (mm).
- N: Number of revolutions (rpm).
One of three criteria determines the amount of feed used in milling:
- The tooth feed amount (Sz) is the displacement of the component when one
milling cutter tooth (1 cutting edge) enters the metal; the unit is mm/teeth.
- The feed rate (Sv) is the displacement of the component when the milling cutter
turns one revolution. It is represented by Sv and is measured in millimeters per
- The minute feed rate (Sm) is the displacement of the component after one minute,
represented by Sm and measured in mm/min.
Thus, the relationship between the above feed rates is as follows:
Sm = Sv.n = Sz.Z.n [mm/min]. [7]
- Z: number of teeth (number of blades) of milling tool.
- n: number of revolutions of tool in one minute.
When milling, there are two options:
- Forward milling occurs when the forward motion of the workpiece corresponds
with the rotational direction of the tool.
- Reverse milling is the direction of motion of the workpiece against the rotation of
the tool
Figure 2.3: Reverse milling [8]
Figure 2.4: Forward milling [8]
The thickness of the cutting component changes from amax to zero during forward
milling. The milling cutter presses the workpiece against the machine table. Because
there is no slippage during feeding, the surface shine is higher than with reverse milling.
The impact of the cutter with the big component. Finishing material. Back-milling allows
for less impact, less machine and tool damage, and is ideal for rough milling.
The Benefits of Reverse Milling implies that the length of the cutting grows from amin
= 0 to amax, as a result, the cutting force grows slowly, avoiding collision; the force acting
in the forward direction has the function of stimulating between the nut and the lead
screw of the machine table, which does not create or induce vibration.
The drawbacks of reverse milling are the process through which the cutting thickness
of a new tooth is determined at the start amin = 0, As a result, there is a sliding issue
between the cutting edge and the machined surface, resulting in poor surface smoothness
and tool wear. Quick wear. As a result, reverse milling is limited to roughing.
The Benefits of Forward Milling is that when the fresh cutting edge enters the break,
there is no slippage, and the blade thickness ranges from amax to amin. As a result, the tool
wears less and has a longer life, and the surface smoothness is excellent.
The downside of forward milling is that there is a collision while cutting, the cutter is
brittle, and the vibration is high...Because of the cutting force in the feed direction, the
contact between the lead screw and the table nut is discontinuous...
When we cut with a thin blade, the modest impact force has little effect on the vibration.
Milling tool types.
Milling cutters, unlike turning tools, contain several cutting edges. These cutting edges
can be incorporated into the tool body or made separately as chamfer teeth. The cutting
edge can be placed on the cylinder face, the end face, or both. Milling cutters are
classified into the following types based on the insert shape, blade location, and
Figure 2.5: Cylindrical milling cutter. [9]
Figure 2.6: Angle milling cutter. [9]
Figure 2.7: Disc milling cutter. [9]
Figure 2.8: End milling cutter. [9]
- Cylindrical milling cutters have the cutting edge positioned on the tool's
cylindrical face. Straight tooth milling cutters and inclined tooth milling cutters are the
two types of cylindrical milling cutters. Straight tooth milling cutters are milling cutters
with the primary cutting edge oriented parallel to the tool axis. Inclined tooth milling
cutters feature a primary cutting edge that is created by angling the tool axis.
- Face end mills are milling cutters with the cutting edge placed on the tool's face.
End face milling cutters can have solid teeth or connected teeth.
- End mills can have two to eight cutting edges.
- Milling cutter with a disc.
milling cutter with an angle
For gear processing, there are also Inserts-defined milling cutters, keyway milling
cutters, and modular tooth roller milling cutters.
A back angle should be present on milling cutters α from 10 to 200 with a cutting angle
ranging from 60 to 900 degrees. When milling soft materials, it is best to use a big milling
cutter α angle, as well as a reduced cutting angle δ.
Technology capabilities for milling.
Milling can process a wide range of surfaces, but we will just look at two here: flat and
keyed surfaces. Only gear milling will be covered in the next chapter (gear machining).
Horizontal planes, vertical planes, and inclined planes are the milling machine's
machined planes. Cylindrical insert mills, end mills, end mills, or disc mills can be used
to manufacture various sorts of planes. End mills are more commonly utilized in large
series manufacturing than cylindrical Inserts milling cutters for the following reasons:
Figure 2.9: Milling process capabilities. [9]
- Enables the use of large-diameter cutters capable of cutting a wide plane,
increasing production.
- Because the tool mandrel does not need to be as lengthy, the stiffness of the tool
shaft is improved, allowing the cutting mode to be improved.
- Because many cutting blades are in touch with the workpiece, the cutting process
is more fluid.
- Enables the use of several tools to machine various surfaces at the same time.
- It is simple to produce several types of chiseled cutters.
- Easier sharpening of cutters.
Disc or end mills are commonly used to machine grooved or tiny tread surfaces.
Keyway and keyshaft machining precision is frequently required to assure the fitting
qualities of keyed or keyed joints.
The keyway can be machined with a three-sided disc milling cutter or an end mill,
depending on the key type.
A three-sided disc milling cutter may be used to mill a keyshaft after cutting the two
sides using two disc milling cutters and then using a key cylinder milling cutter. Profile
milling cutters are also widely used to manufacture key hubs.
Machined part surface roughness.
After milling, the surface of the item is frequently not perfectly smooth but includes
undulations. The surface has several forms of undulations. The following sorts of
undulations can be detected by magnifying a portion of the surface:
Aberration in the form of massive optical inserts causes the undulation with height h1.
The undulation has a height h2, which is the height of the surface wave.
The surface roughness is represented by an undulation of height h3. These are tiny
surface undulations with an extremely short standard length l.
The following relative ratio between step pi and height hi can be used to distinguish
between wave and surface roughness:
= 0 ÷ 50 ; Wavelength:
= 50 ÷ 100.