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Đồ án fabrication of damping models using magnetic fluids (ferrofluids) application for turning tool

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Ho Chi Minh city, July 2023





Student ID: 19143061


Student ID: 19143023


Student ID: 19143068

Advisor: ME. LE BA TAN

Ho Chi Minh City, July 2023





Student ID: 19143061


Student ID: 19143023


Student ID: 19143068

Advisor: ME. LE BA TAN

Ho Chi Minh City, July 2023


Independence – Liberty – Happiness

2nd Semester/ academic year: 2022-2023
Advisor: ME. Le Ba Tan
Author’s name: Nguyen Phuc Nam................ ID: 19143061

Phone number: 0985756517

Author’s name: Le Minh Tri ......................... ID: 19143023

Phone number: 0966144300

Author’s name: Pham Thien Quang ............... ID: 19143068

Phone number: 0921491179

1. Thesis:
- Thesis ID:
- Thesis title:

22223DT346 ...............................
Fabrication of damping models using magnetic fluids (ferrofluids)Application for turning tool. ......................................................................

2. Initial data, documents, and sources:
- Data on damping technology.
- Parameters about turning tool holder: S20R-MTJNR16, insert.
- Parameters of cutting mode when turning.
3. The main content of the thesis:
- Research and design a model to reduce the damper damping of the creeping fluid for
turning tool.
- Design and manufacture jigs for testing during turning.
- Using ANSYS software to conduct stress and displacement simulation of the model
mounted on the table.
-Design and manufacture 25 console beams to experiment for the vibration measurement
process and to select the best console to conduct turning experiment with creeping fluids.
- Measure vibrations from the following cases: original shank, shank with hole without
console, shank with console in 3 air environments, oil and water and the console handle
in a ferrofluid environment under the influence of a magnetic field.
- Measure the roughness, determine the best finished product to determine the

concentration and distance of the magnet to conduct vibration measurement and compare
with previous vibration cases.
4. Expected outcomes or products:
- Model of damper turning tool using ferrofluid.
- Model design drawings.
- Poster, project video.

- Report.
- Experiment video.
- Power point report.
5. Date of assignment for the thesis:


6. Deadline for submitting the thesis: 26/07/2023
7. Laguage used:

Defense presentation:


Vietnamese 
Vietnamese 



(Signature, clearly stating full name)

(Signature, clearly stating full name)

 Allowed to defend: ……………………………………………………
(Advisor‘s signature, clearly stating full name)



Project title: Fabrication of damping models using ferrofluids application for turning tool
Instructor: ME. Le Ba Tan
Student name: Nguyen Phuc Nam
Student ID: 19143061
Class: 19143CLA2
Student address: 34/1E, 19 Binh Hoa Street, Binh Hoa Commune, Thuan An
District, Binh Duong Province.
Phone number: 0985756517
Date of submission: 25/07/2023
Disclaimer: “I hereby declare that this thesis is my research and work. I do not copy
from any published article without citing the source. If there is any violation, I take

full responsibility”.

Ho Chi Minh City, July 26, 2023
(Sign with full name)


Grandparents have a saying "uống nước nhớ nguồn", the first word would like to
thank our parents. They giving birth and raising us to become useful people for society,
going through many hardships to be able to get to this day, it's been a long road with many
thorns and we must always keep in mind so that we don't depend on birth and upbringing.
On every step of life, it is impossible to have steady steps without the image of a
guide. Those are the people around us, always guiding us in the right direction. In the
process of studying at HCMUTE, thanks to the guidance of teachers, administrators,
officials and friends in the school, they have always helped, outlined the right paths,
equipped with additional knowledge. fully helpful in a methodical and considerate way to
be able to successfully complete the study process here.
Our team sends special thanks to Mr.Pham Son Minh and Mr.Le Ba Tan. Who
guided us wholeheartedly, helped us in the process of researching and completing the
project, did not mind the time, but helped us to correct our mistakes and correct and give
suggestions to be able to complete the project in a timely manner the best.
Our team would also like to thank Mr.Tran Minh The Uyen, who helped us complete
the model and provided the equipment to be able to complete the experimental process.
Besides, our team also thanks Mr.Truong Thanh Cong, who provided the processing
equipment, and gave advice to ensure safety and accuracy in operating and using the
Not to mention the teachers in the faculty office, who created the best conditions for
the team to complete the project.

Finally, I would like to send my best wishes to the teachers and staff in the school
so that they can continue to train people who are successful in study and work, who are
good citizens of the country and who are good characters. the most beautiful to create a
picture of the economic development of our country.
Student Performance
Nguyen Phuc Nam
Le Minh Tri
Pham Thien Quang



When machining metal, there are always small impacts with continuous frequency on
the tool, causing the phenomenon of resonant waves that easily cause vibrations to the tool.
This inadvertently affects the substandard turning surface quality. Besides, causing more
blade wear, leading to more financial loss in work. It is this that prompted us to investigate
the direction of a ferrofluid damping for these turning tool. Ferrofluid is a type of
nanomaterial with superparamagnetic properties as well as fluid-normal behavior.
Damping is one of the earliest and most potential uses of ferromagnetic fluids. It has many
advantages over conventional dampers, including reliability, flexibility and simplicity.
This report presents the basic principles required for the design of fluid damper devices.
this ferrofluid damper model has a console beam set of 25 cases, 5 ferrofluid concentrations
and a turning tool to be compared and summarized. The latest advances in ferromagnetic
fluid-based vibrational energy measurement are briefly explained. In addition, in this
report, we have proposed a new ferromagnetic liquid vibration absorber and experiments
have proved that it has a damping effect. Final, future research issues and directions related

to ferrofluid damping technology are presented…
Student Performance


PROJCET MISSION ........................................................................................................................ i
DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................. iv
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... v
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................................................ ix
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................xii
CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Reasons for choosing a topic ................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Research results in Viet Nam and the world .......................................................................... 1
1.3 Purpose of the topic ............................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Perform of the topic and the limitations of the topic ............................................................. 3
1.4.1 Perform of the topic ........................................................................................................ 3
1.4.2 The limitations of topic ................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Research methods .................................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BASIC ......................................................................................... 5
2.1 The concept of turning machining methods........................................................................... 5
2.2 Problems affecting damping in turning method..................................................................... 7
2.3 Damping methods for turning method ................................................................................... 7
2.4 The concept of magnetic fluid (Ferrofluid) ........................................................................... 8
2.5 Application of magnetic fluid ................................................................................................ 8
2.6 Surface roughness .................................................................................................................. 9
2.7 Vibration and damping in mechanical processing ............................................................... 10

2.7.1 Vibration during cutting ................................................................................................ 10
2.7.2 Damping during cutting ................................................................................................ 11
2.7.3 Damping during cutting by Console system ................................................................. 12
2.8 Sensor for measuring the vibration of the tool in cutting machining .................................. 12
2.8.1 Information of sensor .................................................................................................... 12
2.8.2 Feature ........................................................................................................................... 13
2.8.3 Some new concepts about measured sensor parameters ............................................... 13
FERROFLUID ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.1 Technical requirements for Jigs body for magnet design .................................................... 15
3.2 Survey of actual measurement of the machine table ........................................................... 15
3.3 Design Jigs body for magnet................................................................................................ 16
3.3.1 Jigs body ....................................................................................................................... 16

3.3.2 Detailed drawings and 3D models of the part ............................................................... 17
3.4 Selection of materials for crafting........................................................................................ 22
3.4.1 Performance requirements ............................................................................................ 22
3.4.2 Material identification ................................................................................................... 23
3.5 Stress test for Jigs body for magnet ..................................................................................... 24
3.5.1 Meshing the magnet jig pattern ..................................................................................... 24
3.5.2 Stress and deformation analysis of the fixture .............................................................. 27
TOOl ON SURFACE ROUGHNESS DETAILS ......................................................................... 37
4.1 Experimental procedures ..................................................................................................... 37
4.1.1 Turning tool and Console system.................................................................................. 37
4.1.2 Experimental workpiece................................................................................................ 38
4.1.3 Roughness measuring instrument ................................................................................. 39
4.1.4 Vibration divice ............................................................................................................. 40

4.2 Cases for testing ................................................................................................................... 41
4.2.1 Shock absorbing turning tool design ............................................................................. 41
4.2.2 Design Console beams .................................................................................................. 41
4.2.3 Magnetic fluid concentration and magnet distance ....................................................... 43 The concentration of the fluid is variable .............................................................. 43 Magnet distance ..................................................................................................... 45
4.3 TcA DynaLogger ................................................................................................................. 46
4.4 Overview of the experimental steps .................................................................................... 47
4.5 Specify the cutting mode ..................................................................................................... 53
4.6 How to select and filter data on the web .............................................................................. 53
CHAPTER 5: EXPERIMENT RESULTS/FINDING AND ANALYSIS ................................... 57
5.1 Step 1 Measure the vibration of the turning tool in different environments and compare .. 57
5.1.1 Result of Step 1 ............................................................................................................. 57
5.1.2 Conclusion of Step 2 ................................................................................................... 111
5.2 Step 2 Compare the vibration of the turning tool in different cases between 3 consoles 4,
17, 21........................................................................................................................................ 111
5.2.1 Result of Step 2 ........................................................................................................... 111
5.2.2 Conclusion of Step 2 .................................................................................................. 119
5.3 Step 3 Choose the console lowest vibration ...................................................................... 119
5.3.1 The results select the case that the console has lowest vibration in oil environment . 119
5.3.2 Result of Step 3: Compare roughness ......................................................................... 121
5.4 Step 4 Compare roughness................................................................................................. 121
5.4.1 Result of Step 4 ........................................................................................................... 121
5.4.2 Conclusion of Step 4 ................................................................................................... 123

5.5 Step 5 Compare the vibration of the turning tool in some specific cases .......................... 123
5.5.1 Result of Step 5 ........................................................................................................... 123
5.5.2 Conclusion of Step 5 ................................................................................................... 134

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................. 135
6.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 135
6.2 Futher research direction.................................................................................................... 135
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 136


Table 3.1: Chemical composition of AISI 1050 steel. ...................................................... 23
Table 3.2: Physical properties 1. ....................................................................................... 23
Table 3.3: Physical properties 2. ....................................................................................... 24
Table 4.1: Units of the Mitutoyo SJ roughness meter-201................................................ 40
Table 4.2: Console size summary table. ............................................................................ 43
Table 4.3: Table of experimental parameter Step 1 .......................................................... 48
Table 4.4: Table of experimental parameter Step 2 .......................................................... 49
Table 4.5: Table of experimental parameter Step 3 .......................................................... 51
Table 5.1: Table of additional values for Figure 5.1. ........................................................ 58
Table 5.2: Table of additional values for Figure 5.2. ........................................................ 59
Table 5.3: Table of additional values for Figure 5.3. ........................................................ 60
Table 5.4: Table of additional values for Figure 5.4. ........................................................ 61
Table 5.5: Table of additional values for Figure 5.5. ........................................................ 62
Table 5.6: Table of additional values for Figure 5.6. ........................................................ 63
Table 5.7: Table of additional values for Figure 5.7. ........................................................ 64
Table 5.8: Table of additional values for Figure 5.8. ........................................................ 65
Table 5.9: Table of additional values for Figure 5.9. ........................................................ 66
Table 5.10: Table of additional values for Figure 5.10. .................................................... 67
Table 5.11: Table of additional values for Figure 5.11. .................................................... 68
Table 5.12: Table of additional values for Figure 5.12. .................................................... 69
Table 5.13: Table of additional values for Figure 5.13. .................................................... 70

Table 5.14: Table of additional values for Figure 5.14. .................................................... 71
Table 5.15: Table of additional values for Figure 5.15. .................................................... 72
Table 5.16: Table of additional values for Figure 5.16. .................................................... 72
Table 5.17: Table of additional values for Figure 5.17. .................................................... 73
Table 5.18: Table of additional values for Figure 5.18. .................................................... 74
Table 5.19: Table of additional values for Figure 5.19. .................................................... 76
Table 5.20: Table of additional values for Figure 5.20. .................................................... 77
Table 5.21: Table of additional values for Figure 5.21. .................................................... 78
Table 5.22: Table of additional values for Figure 5.22. .................................................... 78
Table 5.23: Table of additional values for Figure 5.23. .................................................... 79
Table 5.24: Table of additional values for Figure 5.24. .................................................... 81
Table 5.25: Table of additional values for Figure 5.25. .................................................... 82
Table 5.26: Table of additional values for Figure 5.26. .................................................... 83
Table 5.27: Table of additional values for Figure 5.27. .................................................... 83

Table 5.28: Table of additional values for Figure 5.28. .................................................... 84
Table 5.29: Table of additional values for Figure 5.29. .................................................... 85
Table 5.30: Table of additional values for Figure 5.30. .................................................... 87
Table 5.31: Table of additional values for Figure 5.31. .................................................... 88
Table 5.32: Table of additional values for Figure 5.32. .................................................... 89
Table 5.33: Table of additional values for Figure 5.33. .................................................... 90
Table 5.34: Table of additional values for Figure 5.34. .................................................... 91
Table 5.35: Table of additional values for Figure 5.35. .................................................... 92
Table 5.36: Table of additional values for Figure 5.36. .................................................... 93
Table 5.37: Table of additional values for Figure 5.37. .................................................... 94
Table 5.38: Table of additional values for Figure 5.38. .................................................... 95
Table 5.39: Table of additional values for Figure 5.39. .................................................... 96
Table 5.40: Table of additional values for Figure 5.40. .................................................... 97

Table 5.41: Table of additional values for Figure 5.41. .................................................... 98
Table 5.42: Table of additional values for Figure 5.42. .................................................... 99
Table 5.43: Table of additional values for Figure 5.43. .................................................. 100
Table 5.44: Table of additional values for Figure 5.44. .................................................. 101
Table 5.45: Table of additional values for Figure 5.45. .................................................. 102
Table 5.46: Table of additional values for Figure 5.46. .................................................. 103
Table 5.47: Table of additional values for Figure 5.47. .................................................. 104
Table 5.48: Table of additional values for Figure 5.48. .................................................. 105
Table 5.49: Table of additional values for Figure 5.49. .................................................. 106
Table 5.50: Table of additional values for Figure 5.50. .................................................. 107
Table 5.51: Table of additional values for Figure 5.51. .................................................. 108
Table 5.52: Table of additional values for Figure 5.52. .................................................. 109
Table 5.53: Table of additional values for Figure 5.53. .................................................. 110
Table 5.54: Table of additional values for Figure 5.54. .................................................. 111
Table 5.55: Compare RMS value in Y-axis (Acceleration).. .......................................... 111
Table 5.56: Compare RMS value in Z-axis (Acceleration)............................................. 112
Table 5.57: Compare PP value in Y-axis (Acceleration).. .............................................. 112
Table 5.58: Compare PP value in Z-axis (Acceleration)................................................. 113
Table 5.59: Compare RMS value in Y-axis (Velocity).. ................................................. 114
Table 5.60: Compare RMS value in Z-axis (Velocity).. ................................................. 115
Table 5.61: Compare PP value in Y-axis (Velocity).. ..................................................... 115
Table 5.62: Compare PP value in Z-axis (Velocity).. ..................................................... 116
Table 5.63: Compare RMS value in Y-axis (Displacement)........................................... 117
Table 5.64: Compare RMS value in Z-axis (Displacement).. ......................................... 117
Table 5.65: Compare PP value in Y-axis (Displacement)............................................... 118

Table 5.66: Compare PP value in Z-axis (Displacement).. ............................................. 119
Table 5.67: The graph shows the results of selecting the console with the smallest

vibration... ........................................................................................................................ 121
Table 5.68: The result of measuring the roughness of the machined workpiece of the
turning tool without holes... ............................................................................................. 122
Table 5.69: Roughness measurement results 𝑅𝑎 (𝜇𝑚) ................................................... 122
Table 5.70: Roughness measurement results 𝑅𝑍 (𝜇𝑚) ................................................... 123


Figure 2.1: Turning machining method ........................................................................ 5
Figure 2.2: Turning tool ................................................................................................ 6
Figure 2.3: Turning with damping................................................................................. 6
Figure 2.4: Magnetic fluid (Ferrofluids) ....................................................................... 8
Figure 2.5: Surface roughness tester ........................................................................... 10
Figure 3.1: 3D design overview .................................................................................. 15
Figure 3.2: 3D fixture body drawing. .......................................................................... 16
Figure 3.3: Drawing of plate 1 .................................................................................... 17
Figure 3.4: Drawing of plate 2 .................................................................................... 17
Figure 3.5: Drawing of plate 3 .................................................................................... 18
Figure 3.6: Drawing of plate 4 .................................................................................... 18
Figure 3.7: Drawing of plate 5 .................................................................................... 19
Figure 3.8: Drawing of bottom plate ........................................................................... 19
Figure 3.9: 3D model of plate 1................................................................................... 20
Figure 3.10: 3D model of plate 2................................................................................. 20
Figure 3.11: 3D model of plate 3................................................................................. 21
Figure 3.12: 3D model of plate 4................................................................................. 21
Figure 3.13: 3D model of plate 5................................................................................. 22
Figure 3.14: 3D model of bottom plate ...................................................................... 22
Figure 3.15: Fixtures in the Ansys enviroment ........................................................... 25

Figure 3.16: Lower clamp plate in Ansys enviroment ................................................ 25
Figure 3.17: Fully complate model in Ansys enviroment ........................................... 26
Figure 3.18: Mesh for jigs ........................................................................................... 26
Figure 3.19: Simulate Ansys 1 .................................................................................... 27
Figure 3.20: Simulate Ansys 2 .................................................................................... 28
Figure 3.21: Simulate Ansys 3 .................................................................................... 28
Figure 3.22: Simulate Ansys 4 .................................................................................... 29
Figure 3.23: Simulate Ansys 5 .................................................................................... 29
Figure 3.24: Simulate Ansys 6 .................................................................................... 30
Figure 3.25: Simulate Ansys 7 .................................................................................... 30
Figure 3.26: Simulate Ansys 8 .................................................................................... 31

Figure 3.27: Simulate Ansys 9 .................................................................................... 31
Figure 3.28: Simulate Ansys 10 .................................................................................. 32
Figure 3.29: Simulate Ansys 11 .................................................................................. 32
Figure 3.30: Simulate Ansys 12 .................................................................................. 33
Figure 3.31: Simulate Ansys 13 .................................................................................. 33
Figure 3.32: Simulate Ansys 14 .................................................................................. 34
Figure 3.33: Simulate Ansys 15 .................................................................................. 34
Figure 3.34: Simulate Ansys 16 .................................................................................. 35
Figure 3.35: Simulate Ansys 17 .................................................................................. 35
Figure 3.36: Simulate Ansys 18 .................................................................................. 36
Figure 3.37: Simulate Ansys 19 .................................................................................. 36
Figure 4.1: Lathe Weiler Praktikant 160B .................................................................. 37
Figure 4.2: Turning tool S20R- MTJNR16. ................................................................ 38
Figure 4.3: Console damper. ....................................................................................... 38
Figure 4.4: Experimental workpiece. .......................................................................... 38
Figure 4.5: Roughness meter Mitutoyo SJ-201. .......................................................... 39

Figure 4.6: Viration divice. ......................................................................................... 41
Figure 4.7: Design drawing of damper turning tool. ................................................... 41
Figure 4.8: Design drawing of Console damper.......................................................... 42
Figure 4.9: Face turning during console machining .................................................... 43
Figure 4.10: Console Damper (Photo realistic) ........................................................... 43
Figure 4.11: Ferrofluid. ............................................................................................... 44
Figure 4.12: 5 ferrofluid mixtures. .............................................................................. 44
Figure 4.13: Magnetic fluid (no magnetic field). ........................................................ 45
Figure 4.14: Magnetic fluid (have magnetic field)...................................................... 45
Figure 4.16: Image of the TcA DynaLogger sensor. ................................................... 46
Figure 4.17: Specification of the TcA DynaLogger sensor......................................... 47
Figure 4.18: Mounting diagram when measuring vibration.. ...................................... 48
Figure 4.19: Sensor coordinate system. ....................................................................... 49
Figure 4.20: Compressor. ............................................................................................ 50
Figure 4.21: Mounting diagram when machining ....................................................... 50
Figure 4.22: Swarf remaining after hole machining.................................................... 51

Figure 4.23: Measure the roughness of the workpiece after machining. .................... 52
Figure 4.24: Position of the probe ............................................................................... 52
Figure 4.25: The parameter table defines the cutting mode ........................................ 53
Figure 4.26: Login on web.. ........................................................................................ 54
Figure 4.27: Choose where to find data on Dyna Predict (1) ...................................... 54
Figure 4.28: Choose where to find data on Dyna Predict (2). ..................................... 55
Figure 4.29: Select quantity ......................................................................................... 55
Figure 4.30: Some parameters around the chart. ......................................................... 56
Figure 4.31: Representation chart of Radial (pink) ..................................................... 56
Figure 5.1 Comparison chart of RMS in X direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Acceleration) ................

............................................................................................................................. 57
Figure 5.2 Comparison chart of RMS in Y direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Acceleration) ................
............................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 5.3 Comparison chart of RMS in Z direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Acceleration) ................
............................................................................................................................. 59
Figure 5.4 Comparison chart of PP in X direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Acceleration) ............ 60
Figure 5.5 Comparison chart of PP in Y direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Acceleration) ............ 61
Figure 5.6 Comparison chart ofPP in Z direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Acceleration) ............ 62
Figure 5.7 Comparison chart of RMS in X direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Velocity) ................... 63
Figure 5.8 Comparison chart of RMS in Y direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Velocity) ................... 64
Figure 5.9 Comparison chart of RMS in Z direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Velocity) ................... 65
Figure 5.10 Comparison chart of PP in X direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Velocity) ................... 66

Figure 5.11 Comparison chart of PP in Y direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Velocity) ................... 67
Figure 5.12 Comparison chart of PP in Z direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Velocity) ................... 68
Figure 5.13 Comparison chart of RMS in X direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Displacement) 69

Figure 5.14 Comparison chart of RMS in Y direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Displacement) 70
Figure 5.15 Comparison chart of RMS in Z direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Displacement) 71
Figure 5.16 Comparison chart of PP in X direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Displacement) .......... 72
Figure 5.17 Comparison chart of PP in Y direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Displacement) .......... 73
Figure 5.18 Comparison chart of PP in Z direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in air (Displacement ) .......... 74
Figure 5.19 Comparison chart of RMS in X direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Acceleration)75
Figure 5.20 Comparison chart of RMS in Y direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Acceleration)76
Figure 5.21 Comparison chart of RMS in Z direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Acceleration)77
Figure 5.22 Comparison chart of PP in X direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Acceleration) ........ 78
Figure 5.23 Comparison chart of PP in Y direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Acceleration) ........ 79
Figure 5.24 Comparison chart ofPP in Z direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Acceleration) ........ 80
Figure 5.25 Comparison chart of RMS in X direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Velocity) ......
............................................................................................................................. 81

Figure 5.26 Comparison chart of RMS in Y direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Velocity) ......

............................................................................................................................. 82
Figure 5.27 Comparison chart of RMS in Z direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Velocity) ......
............................................................................................................................. 83
Figure 5.28 Comparison chart of PP in X direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Velocity) ..................
............................................................................................................................. 84
Figure 5.29 Comparison chart of PP in Y direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Velocity) ..................
............................................................................................................................. 85
Figure 5.30 Comparison chart of PP in Z direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Velocity) ..................
............................................................................................................................. 86
Figure 5.31 Comparison chart of RMS in X direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Displacement)
............................................................................................................................. 87
Figure 5.32 Comparison chart of RMS in Y direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Displacement)
............................................................................................................................. 88
Figure 5.33 Comparison chart of RMS in Z direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Displacement)
............................................................................................................................. 89
Figure 5.34 Comparison chart of PP in X direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Displacement) ..... 90
Figure 5.35 Comparison chart of PP in Y direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Displacement) ..... 91
Figure 5.36 Comparison chart of PP in Z direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in water (Displacement ) .... 92
Figure 5.37 Comparison chart of RMS in X direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Acceleration) 93


Figure 5.38 Comparison chart of RMS in Y direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Acceleration) 94
Figure 5.39 Comparison chart of RMS in Z direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Acceleration) 95
Figure 5.40 Comparison chart of PP in X direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Acceleration) .......... 96
Figure 5.41 Comparison chart of PP in Y direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Acceleration) ................
............................................................................................................................. 97
Figure 5.42 Comparison chart ofPP in Z direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Acceleration) ................
............................................................................................................................. 98
Figure 5.43 Comparison chart of RMS in X direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Velocity)....... 99
Figure 5.44 Comparison chart of RMS in Y direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Velocity)..... 100
Figure 5.45 Comparison chart of RMS in Z direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Velocity)..... 101
Figure 5.46 Comparison chart of PP in X direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Velocity) ................. 102
Figure 5.47 Comparison chart of PP in Y direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Velocity) ................. 103
Figure 5.48 Comparison chart of PP in Z direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Velocity) ................. 104
Figure 5.49 Comparison chart of RMS in X direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Displacement) 105
Figure 5.50 Comparison chart of RMS in Y direction between default turning tool,

turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Displacement) 106
Figure 5.51 Comparison chart of RMS in Z direction between default turning tool,
turning tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Displacement) 107
Figure 5.52 Comparison chart of PP in X direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Displacement) ........ 108

Figure 5.53 Comparison chart of PP in Y direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Displacement) ........ 109
Figure 5.54 Comparison chart of PP in Z direction between default turning tool, turning
tool with hole and turning tool with hole, console in oil (Displacement ) ....... 110
Figure 5.55 Compare RMS value in Y-axis (Acceleration) ..................................... 111
Figure 5.56 Compare RMS value in Z-axis (Acceleration) ..................................... 112
Figure 5.57 Compare PP value in Y-axis (Acceleration) ......................................... 113
Figure 5.58 Compare PP value in Z-axis (Acceleration) ......................................... 113
Figure 5.59 Compare RMS value in Y-axis (Velocity)............................................ 114
Figure 5.60 Compare RMS value in Z-axis (Velocity) ............................................ 115
Figure 5.61 Compare PP value in Y-axis (Velocity)................................................ 115
Figure 5.62 Compare PP value in Z-axis (Velocity) ................................................ 116
Figure 5.63 Compare RMS value in Y-axis (Displacement) ................................... 117
Figure 5.64 Compare RMS value in Z-axis (Displacement) .................................... 117
Figure 5.65 Compare PP value in Y-axis (Displacement) ....................................... 118
Figure 5.66 Compare PP value in Z-axis (Displacement) ........................................ 119
Figure 5.67 Parameter information sheet .................................................................. 119
Figure 5.68 Compare the vibration of the turning tool under different environment
conditions RMS Y-axis (Acceleration) ............................................................. 123
Figure 5.69 Compare the vibration of the turning tool under different environment
conditions RMS Z-axis (Acceleration) .............................................................. 124
Figure 5.70 Compare the vibration of the turning tool under different environment

conditions PP Y-axis (Acceleration) ................................................................. 124
Figure 5.71 Compare the vibration of the turning tool under different environment
conditions PP Z-axis (Acceleration) .................................................................. 125
Figure 5.72 Compare the vibration of the turning tool under different environment
conditions RMS Y-axis (Velocity) .................................................................... 125
Figure 5.73 Compare the vibration of the turning tool under different environment
conditions RMS Z-axis (Velocity) .................................................................... 126
Figure 5.74 Compare the vibration of the turning tool under different environment
conditions PP Y-axis (Velocity) ........................................................................ 126

Figure 5.75 Compare the vibration of the turning tool under different environment
conditions PP Z-axis (Velocity) ........................................................................ 127
Figure 5.76 Compare the vibration of the turning tool under different environment
conditions RMS Y-axis (Displacement)............................................................ 127
Figure 5.77 Compare the vibration of the turning tool under different environment
conditions RMS Z-axis (Displacement) ............................................................ 128
Figure 5.78 Compare the vibration of the turning tool under different environment
conditions PP Y-axis (Displacement)................................................................ 128
Figure 5.79 Compare the vibration of the turning tool under different environment
conditions PP Z-axis (Displacement) ................................................................ 129
Figure 5.80 Acceleration in Y-axis on Basic tool (DynaPredict) ............................. 129
Figure 5.81 Acceleration in Y-axis on Best Roughness (DynaPredict) ................... 130
Figure 5.82 Acceleration in Z-axis on Basic tool (DynaPredict) ............................. 130
Figure 5.83 Acceleration in Z-axis on Best Roughness (DynaPredict) ................... 131
Figure 5.84 Velocity in Y-axis on Basic tool (DynaPredict) ................................... 131
Figure 5.85 Velocity in Y-axis on Best Roughness (DynaPredict) .......................... 131
Figure 5.86 Velocity in Z-axis on Basic tool (DynaPredict) .................................... 132
Figure 5.87 Velocity in Z-axis on Best Roughness (DynaPredict) .......................... 132

Figure 5.88 Displacement in Y-axis on Basic tool (DynaPredict) ........................... 133
Figure 5.89 Displacement in Y-axis on Best Roughness (DynaPredict) ................. 133
Figure 5.90 Displacement in Z-axis on Basic tool (DynaPredict) ........................... 134
Figure 5.91 Displacement in Z-axis on Best Roughness (DynaPredict) .................. 134


1.1 Reasons for choosing a topic.
Since ancient times, the technological development of the mechanical sector has grown
exponentially as one of the key scientific and technical areas of each country, contributing
an important role to the development of the economy and society. Knowledge of
mathematics, physics, chemicals and principles of engineering or manufacturing materials
are fundamental foundations of mechanical engineering. They're applied to making
machines and equipment for human activities. Machines such as lathe machines, milling
machines, CNC machines, etc. were created to serve production processes in mechanical
factories. By the way, one of the main technologies of the mechanical industry, has
flourished in the past. Viet Nam is a developing country funded by foreign companies with
production lines for bicycles, auto parts, motorbikes, motorbikes, etc. the spare parts have
machining details by means of a lathe. Therefore, it takes a lot of time and effort to produce
the details through standard means.
Damping for turning is one of the best ways to improve the details when it is convenient.
Therefore, the study of the deflagration effects of ferrofluid media was made to discover
newness compared to other deflagration methods. In this paper, the solution to this problem
is considered through the use of magnetic liquid ferrofluid with a permanent magnet.
Ferrofluid has light mobility due to fluid mobility and therefore, be most sensitive to the
effects of external force. Therefore, such a magnetic substance can act as a dispersing
element of the absorbent. Its movement inside the body of the absorber under the influence
of external fluctuating inertial force leads to a slight dispersion of the fluctuating energy.

So, this work is a necessity to help us better understand other effects on processing comfort
vibration and to understand the practical applicability of this method. From that we can
derive application in processing to achieve the standard.
So, this topic is a need for a better understanding of the different aspects of impact, so
the process is convenient but not clear.
Starting from such a need, we choose the topic: “Fabrication of damping models using
ferrofluids application for turning tool”.
1.2 Research results in Viet Nam and the world.
In the field of mechanical processing, the study of factors affecting machining
quality such as technological systems, external components, materials, cooling... is one of
the most important requirements. of metal cutting technology in each country. This
requirement is becoming more and more urgent when new generations of tool, cutting
machines, and processing materials are increasingly changing significantly... When it
comes to machining quality, surface gloss is one of the most important requirements of the
machining process. For hole turning, especially deep hole turning, it is very difficult to
achieve high gloss because when the hole is deeper, the tool must be fixed. Then the
stiffness decreases and hence the vibration also generates more and directly affects the
roughness of the machined surface.
Currently, there have been quite a few studies on the influence of cutting methods,
cutting parameters, technology systems on surface roughness during machining on
universal machines as well as CNC machines. However, there are few studies on the effect
of damping tool shank (a new technology in cutting machining) on the surface gloss of
details, because this technology has not been popularized in Vietnam. Therefore, it is very

necessary to investigate it because the surface gloss of mechanical parts is very demanding,
so damping technology is increasingly used in machining.

Some of the latest research on damping turning tool were conducted in Japan. In a
2019 study, researchers used a dynamometer to measure cutter force and applied a damper
shank during the cutting process. The results show that. The use of a damper shank reduces
the cutting force significantly and increases the durability of the cutter.
This study has made important conclusions about optimization of the cutting
In addition, a number of studies in the US and Europe have also studied the damper
shank in cutting machining. Research by European scientists shows that damping tool
holders can reduce vibrations and process faster, thereby improving production efficiency.
In these studies, The scientists mainly focused on the use of new materials and improved
design solutions to minimize the vibration of the the tool.
As in [1] a team of researchers at the University of Stuttgart in Germany have make
project. The study was published in the Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference
on Vibration Engineering and Control. The study investigated the effectiveness of a threelayered shock-absorbing system in reducing vibrations and shocks. The system consisted
of a rubber sleeve, a metal spring, and a plastic insert. The researchers conducted field tests
on the system using a variety of power tools. The results of the study showed that the threelayered shock-absorbing system was effective in reducing vibrations and shocks by up to
70%. The researchers concluded that the system could be a valuable tool for reducing
fatigue and injury in workers who use power tools.
As in [2] researchers from the University of Lorraine in France investigated the
effects of using plastic compliant dampers in turning operations. The researchers found
that the dampers were able to reduce the peak surface roughness by up to 48%, and they
also increased the tool life by up to 50%. The researchers attributed the improvement in
quality and stability to the fact that the dampers helped to dampen the vibrations and shocks
that were generated during the turning process. These vibrations and shocks can cause the
tool to chatter, which can lead to poor surface finish and premature tool wear. The use of
plastic compliant dampers is a simple and effective way to improve the quality and stability
of turning operations. The dampers are relatively inexpensive and easy to install, and they
can provide significant benefits in terms of improved surface finish, tool life, and
1.3 Purpose of the topic.

- An overview study on damping technology in metalworking and cutting.
- Fabrication and experimentation of turning tool default with integrated damping
system and magnetic field on detail surface gloss when changing internal
parameters of damper shank on CT38 steel material in Vietnam and comparing with
default turning tool.
- Make comments on which parameters optimize the surface quality when using the
damper shank with integrated damping system inside the turning tool core.


1.4 Perform of the topic and the limitations of the topic.
1.4.1 Perform of the topic.
Starting from the title of the topic and the above purpose, the research direction includes
the following tasks:
- Factors to be considered include the theoretical system of metal cutting, the quality
of the surface after the machining process and the factors affecting the quality of the
machined surface.
- Research on vibration in the machining process including learning about the causes
of vibration, the effect of vibration on the quality of the machining process and
recommending solutions to reduce vibration in the machining process. labour.
- Design and manufacture of turning tool holders with integrated damping system.
- Set up test procedures.
- Experiment:
• Prepare the workpiece, 2 types of shank (normal shank and consol damper
shank) and insert piece for each shank.
• Prepare machines, handles, sensors to measure and determine the vibration
in each turning tool in different cases including: normal turning tool shank,
damper shank without consol, damper shank with inner consol 3 medium:
air, water, vegetable oil.

• Prepare machines, knives and test cutters to test the technology system,
check the stability of the jigs.
• Carry out cutting test on the same material for a type of turning tool handle
with different damping system changes (changing the distance between the
magnet and the handle, changing the percentage of iron powder) in
- Data collection.
- Process data, chart and compare, analyze, and evaluate results.
1.4.2 The limitations of the topic.
Due to limitations in terms of time and equipment, the scope of the study is as follows:
- Samples were cut on a milling machine in the Vietnamese workshop of Ho Chi
Minh City University of Technology.
- The test was conducted on only one type of boring tool shank S20R- MTJNR16.
- Using an insert fragment type: TNMG160404 R04.
- Only conduct the test on CT38 steel material.
- Only focus on studying the influence when changing the design parameters of
consol and ferrofluid inside the gut of the damper shank to the surface gloss of the
part with the same cutting parameters (𝐹𝑧 , 𝑉𝑐 , t) set by the manufacturer. proposed
1.5 Research methods.
- Manufacturing, experimental comparison.
- Turning and measuring roughness on CT38 steel material surface.
- Experiment on lathe in Viet Duc workshop of Ho Chi Minh City University of
