Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development
Protecting productivity, incomes and trade through
improved health surveillance of Vietnam’s plantations
Date: 4 September 2008
Table of Contents
1. Institute Information ____________________________________________________ 3
2. Project Abstract________________________________________________________ 4
3. Executive Summary ____________________________________________________ 4
4. Introduction & Background ______________________________________________ 4
5. Progress to Date _______________________________________________________ 6
5.1 Implementation Highlights _____________________________________________ 6
5.2 Smallholder Benefits__________________________________________________ 6
5.3 Capacity Building ____________________________________________________ 6
5.4 Publicity ___________________________________________________________ 6
5.5 Project Management __________________________________________________ 6
6. Report on Cross-Cutting Issues ___________________________________________ 7
6.1 Environment ________________________________________________________ 7
6.2 Gender and Social Issues ______________________________________________ 7
7. Implementation & Sustainability Issues _____________________________________ 7
7.1 Issues and Constraints_________________________________________________ 7
7.2 Options ____________________________________________________________ 7
7.3 Sustainability________________________________________________________ 7
8. Next Critical Steps _____________________________________________________ 7
9. Conclusion ___________________________________________________________ 7
10. Statuatory Declaration ________________________________________________ 7
Institute Information
Project Name
Protecting productivity, incomes and trade through improved health
surveillance of Vietnam’s plantations
Vietnamese Institution
Forest Protection Research Division, Forest Science Institute of
Vietnamese Project Team
Dr Pham Quang Thu
Australian Organisation
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Office of the Chief
Plant Protection Officer
Australian Personnel
Dr Ian Naumann
Date commenced March 2008
Completion date (original)
June 2010
Completion date (revised)
Feb 2010
Reporting period
5 months to August 2008
Contact Officer(s)
In Australia: Team Leader
Dr Ian Naumann
+612 6272 3442
Director, SPS Capacity Building
+612 6272 5835
Department of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry
Office of the Chief Plant
Protection Officer
In Australia: Administrative contact
Dr Ian Naumann
+612 6272 3442
Director, SPS Capacity Building
+612 6272 5835
Department of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry
Office of the Chief Plant
Protection Officer
In Vietnam
Ass. Pro. Dr. Pham Quang Thu
84 4 836 2376
Head of Forest Protection Research
84 4 838 9722
Forest Protection Research Division
, Forest Science Institute of Vietnam
Project Abstract
Executive Summary
Progress during the first 6 month reporting period has been in accordance with the project Logframe.
Highlights include:
• Development of Forest Health Surveillance database and field forms
• Preparation for travel to Vietnam to deploy database and assess collections
• Development of baseline survey and draft questionnaire; and
• Procurement of equipment.
Key challenges during the next 6 months include fine tuning the database and training FSIV staff in its
use, accessing and identifying relevant forestry pest specimens in Vietnamese collections, and preparing
for the upcoming training workshop to be held in Australia in early 2008.
The rapid expansion of Vietnam’s forest coverage, provides opportunities for new international
export markets for timber products. However, it also represents new and increased risks from
forestry pests. Comprehensive surveillance and a database of pest and disease records are critical
to detecting incursions, managing outbreaks of pests and diseases, and producing pest lists.
This project aims to establish a forest pest and disease database and reference collection, provide
training on pest surveillance and risk assessment, and establish a network of observation centres
supported by linkages with relevant national and regional organisations. The project outputs will
support forest pest detection and management, as well as provide the expertise and records to
underpin market access opportunities.
Key achievements during the reporting period include:
• Development of Forest Health Surveillance database and field forms for distribution to
regional centres
• Preparation for travel to Vietnam to deploy database and assess collections
• Development of baseline survey and draft questionnaire
• Procurement of equipment.
Introduction & Background
Project objectives and outputs expected are as follows:
Objective 1 To establish a forest pest and disease database and reference collection.
Output 1.1 Operational specimen-based forest pest and disease database.
Output 1.2 Identify key pests and diseases for each of the main plantation species grown in
Vietnam; reference material of these pests and diseases assembled.
Objective 2 To provide training on forest health surveillance, damage assessment, pest risk analysis,
collection, preservation, identification and curation and to increase awareness and understanding of forest
health surveillance among stakeholders.
Output 2.1 Surveillance training program for staff from regional research centres.
Output 2.2 Monitor awareness, knowledge, attitudes and practices of key stakeholder groups
towards forest health surveillance in Vietnam.
Output 2.3 Extension material produced detailing symptoms and management options for key
pests and diseases.
Objective 3 To establish and equip a pilot network of observation centres based on FSIV regional centres
supplemented by provincial Departments of Crop Protection.
Output 3.1 Network of suitably equipped surveillance centres established at 3 regional centres
throughout Vietnam.
Output 3.2 Ongoing Forest Health Surveillance and Static trapping Programs initiated in each
regional centre.
Output 3.3 Forest Health Guide developed from existing data and data collected during training.
Objective 4 To create linkages between Forestry, Agriculture and Quarantine agencies within Vietnam
and with regional and international organisations.
Output 4.1 Joint training in surveillance and diagnostics for FSIV and MARD.
Output 4.2 Information routinely exchanged between MARD and FSIV.
Objective 5 Manage and report on the project.
The approach and methodology to achieve these objectives and outputs includes:
• Developing and deploying a Forest Health Surveillance database, incorporating existing material
from FSIV collections and records and incorporation of new FHS records.
• Accessing and identifying relevant material in existing insect collections in Vietnam.
• Providing practical training in forest health surveillance skills in Australia and Vietnam supported
by training materials.
• Preparing extension material and Forest Health Guide for FSIV staff and tree growers.
Progress to Date
1. Implementation Highlights
• Preliminary database design completed and plans prepared for deployment.
• Plans for baseline survey, assessment of collections, and procurement of equipment completed.
Objective 1
Output 1.1 Operational specimen-based forest pest and disease database
• Database development and planning workshop held.
• Database field form prepared.
• Documentation to accompany field forms currently being prepared.
• Plans made for travel to Vietnam to deploy database, provide initial training, and assess
Output 1.2 Identify key pests and diseases for each of the main plantation species grown in Vietnam
• Preliminary pest list collated from available resources.
Objective 2
Output 2.2 Monitor awareness, knowledge, attitudes and practices of key stakeholder groups towards
forest health surveillance in Vietnam.
• Plans for baseline survey and draft questionnaire in place.
Objective 3
Output 3.1 Network of suitably equipped surveillance centres established at 3 regional centres throughout
• Equipment purchased or ordered for provision to regional centres. It is anticipated that items will
be delivered progressively to Vietnam commencing in October 2008.
Refer to the attached Progress Report Logframe for further details.
2. Smallholder Benefits
The stakeholder survey was developed with consideration for assessing the current knowledge and future
requirements of smallholders with respect to forestry pest and disease issues.
3. Capacity Building
Principal capacity-building activities will commence during the visit to Vietnam in October and with the
workshop in Australia in February 2009. Preparations for both activities are underway.
4. Publicity
No major significant publicity has occurred during the past 6 months.
5. Project Management
Delays in the signing of the contract between DAFF and Queensland DPI&F caused delays in initiation of
some project activities.
Ms Wendy Lee, Office of the Chief Plant Protection Officer (OCPPO), DAFF has assumed project-
officer responsibilities for the project in Canberra, in support of Dr Naumann.
Communication between project staff in Australia and Vietnam has been good. Canberra- and Brisbane-
based staff have held several teleconferences and one face-to-face meeting (31 July 2008). Brisbane- and
Hanoi-based staff work together by email; exchanges have facilitated planning for the database, base-line
survey and travel to Vietnam.
Report on Cross-Cutting Issues
1. Environment
There have been no major (negative) environmental issues associated with the Project to date.
2. Gender and Social Issues
There has been no opportunity to assess gender or social impacts in the project to date.
Implementation & Sustainability Issues
1. Issues and Constraints
• To date, there have been no major issues or constraints affecting the overall planned objectives
and outputs. Minor problems have arisen following delays in signing of contract between DAFF
and DPI&F, causing some delay in preparation of travel documents and equipment procurement
2. Options
Nothing to report at this stage.
3. Sustainability
Nothing to report at this stage.
Next Critical Steps
Next critical steps in the project are:
• Fine tuning database, installing the database on FSIV computers and providing training in data-
entry and the production of reports.
• Accessing and identifying specimens from FSIV, MARD and NIPP insect collection is Hanoi.
• Preparing materials and activities for training workshop in Australia.
At this early stage the project is progressing well overall, with most planned activities either complete or
well-advanced. The visit to Hanoi in October will be critical to the project with the deployment of the
database and inclusion of existing records. After this visit the extent and value of existing collections will
be better understood.
Statutory Declaration
The CARD contract is a lump sum outputs based contract. CARD does not require institutions to submit
receipts (although they need to be retained by institutions for accounting and taxation purposes). CARD
does need to be assured that the inputs detailed in the Contract Schedules have been delivered. The
statutory declaration below is to be used to provide this assurance.
Project Progress Against Proposed Objectives, Outputs, Activities And Inputs
Project Title: Protecting productivity, incomes and trade through improved health surveillance of Vietnam’s plantations
Vietnamese Implementing Institution: Forest Protection Research Division, Forest Science Institute of Vietnam:
Narrative Information
Information Required
Objective 1
To establish a forest
pest and disease
database and
reference collection.
Database developed and
being used by project
participants; voucher
specimens routinely added
to collection and
collection maintained.
Training gives
confidence to use and
maintain database
and reference
Project objective still relevant.
No need to modify logframe.
Output 1.1
forest pest and
disease database.
Forest pest and disease
database developed, tested
and being used
operationally by FSIV
Specimens can be
identified reliably.
Output still relevant and achievable.
Activity 1.1.1
Development of
forest health database
for Vietnam:
development and
Database suitable for
forest health surveillance
data developed.
Planning/training meeting
takes place.
Compatibility can be
achieved between
forest health
surveillance database
and National
• Database development and planning
workshop held in Brisbane on 31 July
2008, attended by Ian Naumann,
Simon Lawson, Judy King, Manon
Griffiths and Suzanne Brangwin
(UniQuest Pty Ltd). Decision to base
database on existing QDPI&F Forest
Health Surveillance database,
modifying fields to suit Vietnamese
• Database field form prepared and
forwarded to FSIV staff in Vietnam
for confirmation of suitability to
Vietnamese situation. Following
modification as required, field forms
to be translated into Vietnamese for
distribution to field stations.
• Documentation to accompany field
forms currently being prepared.
Activity 1.1.2
examination and
validation of existing
forestry collections in
Existing collections
examined and validated by
QDPI&F and other
international experts.
Existing collections
are sufficiently
representative of
pests and diseases to
provide reasonable
basis for planning
diagnostic training.
Plans for travel to Vietnam to deploy
database, provide initial training, and
assess collections.
• Airfares for Judy King and
Manon Griffiths booked for 18-
27 October 2008.
• Internal DPI&F travel forms
prepared and submitted.
Activity 1.1.3
On-going entry of
records into forest
health database.
Additional taxonomic,
spatial and temporal data
added to database.
undertaken by staff
of regional centres.
Not addressed during current reporting
Output 1.2
Identify key pests
and diseases for each
of the main
plantation species
grown in Vietnam;
reference material of
these pests and
diseases assembled.
Target list of key pests
and diseases developed for
future training workshops
and production of
extension material.
Reference collections
Pest and diseases are
tractable for
diagnostic training
given facilities in
Output still relevant and achievable.
Activity 1.2.1
Identify key pests
and diseases based on
narrative data from
field staff data and
existing records.
List includes organisms to
account for most known
damage and outbreaks.
Narrative data from
field staff can be
Preliminary pest list collated from
available resources including:
• ACIAR project Acacia and
Eucalypt pest lists
• MARD forestry pest lists
• GBIV database records.
Activity 1.2.2
Establish voucher
collections of key
pests and diseases at
FSIV, Hanoi.
Reference collections
meet modern curatorial
Appropriate facilities
(e.g. space and
climate control)
available for storage
of pest and disease
Not addressed during current reporting
Objective 2
To provide training
on forest health
surveillance, damage
assessment, pest risk
analysis, collection,
identification and
curation, and to
increase awareness
and understanding of
forest health
surveillance among
Vietnamese participants
trained in surveillance
techniques and
identification of key pests
and disease and awareness
and understanding of
benefits of surveillance
enhanced among
Turnover and
movement of staff
prevents acquisition
and utilisation of
required skills.
Comprehensive pest
lists may not be
achievable within the
time frame of the
Project objective still relevant.
No need to modify logframe.
Output 2.1
Surveillance training
program for staff
from regional
research centres.
Training workshops in
Years 1 (Australia) & 2
(Vietnam) delivered for
total of 70 Vietnamese
participants selected
for training.
Output still relevant and achievable.
Activity 2.1.1
Surveillance Training
Workshop 1
Representatives of FSIV,
Hanoi and two regional
centres participate in
training workshop
covering key pests and
diseases (in Australia).
Training in Australia
is relevant to
Vietnamese forest
Training workshop dates confirmed for
16-26 February 2009.
Preliminary workshop program prepared.
Output 2.2
Monitor awareness,
knowledge, attitudes
and practices of key
stakeholder groups
towards forest health
surveillance in
Enhanced awareness and
knowledge, more
appropriate responses
from key stakeholders.
Survey results are not
confounded by desire
among stakeholders
to please. Survey
during final year of
project reflects
durable changes in
Output still relevant and achievable.
Activity 2.2.1
Baseline survey of
knowledge, attitudes
and practices among
key stakeholders.
Responses from all major
stakeholder groups.
Key stakeholders
participate in survey.
Plans for baseline survey and draft
questionnaire in place.
• Questionnaires for Tree
growers and FSIV regional
staff prepared and forwarded to
Vietnam for translation.
• Correspondence with
Vietnamese project leader in
preparation for distribution of
surveys to regional centres and
tree growers.
Objective 3
To establish and
equip a pilot network
of observation
centres based on
FSIV regional centres
supplemented by
Departments of Crop
Pilot observation centre
network established &
equipped appropriately
according to regional
Regional centres
have resources to
undertake on-going
Project objective still relevant.
No need to modify logframe.
Output 3.1
Network of suitably
equipped surveillance
centres established at
Pilot regional surveillance
network operational.
Output still relevant and achievable.
3 regional centres
throughout Vietnam.
Activity 3.1.1
Equipment purchased
and provided to
regional centres.
Research centres equipped
with necessary apparatus
to enable surveillance and
trapping activities to be
Appropriate facilities
and resources for
housing and
maintenance of
Equipment purchased and provided to
regional centres.
Laboratory equipment
• Metal insect cabinet – obtained
second hand and prepared for
shipping to FSIV Hanoi.
• Wooden insect storage boxes
(21) – packaged and prepared
for shipping to FSIV Hanoi for
distribution to regional centres.
• Magnifying lamps (4) –
purchased for shipment to
FSIV Hanoi and regional
Laboratory consumables
• Pins, points, micropins ordered
from Australian Entomological
Supplies for use during
Vietnamese visit in October.
Field equipment
• GPS units – purchased to be
delivered to Vietnam during
October visit.
Digital camera and macrophotography
equipment - prices sought from suppliers.
Output 3.2
Ongoing Forest
Health Surveillance
and Static trapping
Programs initiated in
each regional centre.
Appropriate facilities
and equipment
available for
collection, rearing
and storage of
Output still relevant and achievable.
Activity 3.2.1
Ongoing Forest
Health Surveillance
Program initiated in
each regional centre.
Following surveillance
training workshops a
surveillance program
established for each region
during Year 2.
Regional centres and
SFEs maintain
commitment to plan
after end of project.
Not addressed during current reporting
Activity 3.2.2
Establish static traps
at each of the
regional centres.
System provides early
detection system for
exotic forest pests
established in each
regional centre and
trapping carried out for at
least one block period
during Year 2.
Traps effective for
major pest groups in
Equipment procurement:
• Intercept panel traps and lures
– ordered from APTIV to be
delivered direct to FSIV.
• Lures to be ordered following
training workshop to limit
problems with storage
requirements (to be kept
Output 3.3
Forest Health Guide
developed from
existing data and data
collected during
Forest Health Guide
includes: all significant
pest and disease species,
diagnostic information
(illustrations, text), and
information on hosts and
phenology. Complete and
translated into Vietnamese
by end of Year 2.
Printed medium
suitable for
diagnostics of all
significant pests and
Output still relevant and achievable.
Activity 3.3.1
Assembly of data,
including field
Field images suitable for
publication available.
Images can be
obtained for key
Not addressed during current reporting
Objective 4
To create linkages
between Forestry,
Agriculture and
Quarantine agencies
within Vietnam and
with regional and
Linkages established
between MARD and FSIV
regional centres and SFEs.
Linkages persist
beyond life of
Project objective still relevant.
No need to modify logframe.
Output 4.1
Joint training in Key officers from MARD Key staff available. Output still relevant and achievable.
surveillance and
diagnostics for FSIV
and MARD.
and FSIV participate in
training in Vietnam.
Activity 4.1.1
Joint training in
surveillance and
diagnostics in
Training includes risk
information available
to undertake credible
risk analysis.
Not addressed during current reporting
Output 4.2
Information routinely
exchanged between
Pest and disease
information consistent
with ISPM 8 exchanged
between MARD and
Output still relevant and achievable.
Activity 4.1.1
On-going entry of
data to forest health
Records provided
electronically to National
Phytosanitary Database
achieved between
forest health database
and National
Not addressed during current reporting
Activity 4.1.2
Vietnam reports on
invasive forest
species to regional
invasive species
Credible report on
invasive species present in
Vietnamese plantations
provided to meeting of
Vietnam sends
delegate to APFISN.
Not addressed during current reporting
Objective 5
Manage and report
on project
Six monthly and annual
reports provided.
Reports accepted by
CARD Program
Project objective still relevant.
No need to modify logframe.