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Unit 2 ta8 ilsw bài tập làm thêm by diên khánh

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Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

Lesson 1
1. amount /əˈmaʊnt/ (n): số lượng
An amount of + Danh từ không đếm được + Động từ chia dạng số ít: Một lượng ...
Eg: An amount of water has been polluted.
2. entertainment /ˌentərˈteɪnmənt/ (n): sự giải trí, tiêu khiển
entertain /ˌentərˈteɪn/ (v): giải trí
entertaining /ˌentərˈteɪnɪŋ/ (adj): thú vị, mang tính giải trí
entertainer /ˌentəˈteɪnər/ (n) người hoạt động lĩnh vực giải trí
Eg: He is a street entertainer.
2. facility /fəˈsɪləti/ (n): cơ sở vật chất
Eg: The hotel provides excellent facilities for children.
4. fresh /freʃ/ (adj): trong lành, mát mẻ
5. nature /ˈneɪtʃər/ (n): thiên nhiên
natural / ˈnæʧərəl/ (adj): thuộc về thiên nhiên
Eg: Our country is rich in natural resources.
6. noise /nɔɪz/ (n): tiếng ồn
noisy / 'nɔɪzɪ/ (a): ồn ào
noisily /ˈnɔɪzɪli/ (adv): 1 cách ồn ào
Eg: The children are playing noisily upstairs at the moment.
7. peace /pi:s/ (n): sự n tĩnh, sự hịa bình
Eg: War and Peace is a literary work by Russian author Leo Tolstoy.
peaceful /ˈpisfəl/ (a): yên bình
8. quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ (a): sự yên lặng, êm ả = quietness /ˈkwaɪətnəs/ (n)
quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ (adj): yên lặng
so sánh hơn: quieter than /ˈkwaɪətə/ (adj)
so sánh nhất: the quietest /ˈkwaɪətɪst/ (adj)

9. room /ru:m/ (n): căn phịng, khơng gian

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

make room for: dành chỗ cho, dành khơng gian cho việc gì
Eg: I was wondering if I could make room for a grand piano somewhere in my house.
10. vehicle /ˈvi:əkl/ (n): xe cộ
Lesson 2
11. spinning top /ˈspɪnɪŋ tɑ:p/ (n): trò chơi con quay
12. folk /foʊk/ (adj): thuộc về dân gian
13. herd /hɜ:rd/ (v): chăn giữ vật ni
herd /hɜ:rd/ (n): nhóm, bầy, đàn
Eg: A group of elephants is commonly called a herd of elephants.
14. hometown /ˈhoʊmtaʊn/ (n): quê hương
15. jump rope /ˌdʒʌmp ˈroʊp/ (v): nhảy dây
16. pick /pɪk/ (v): hái, lựa chọn
pick sb up: đón ai đó / pick sth up: đi lấy, nhặt món đồ nào đấy
Eg: I usually pick my daugher, Khanh Chi, up after school?
pick /pɪk/ (n): sự lựa chọn
picky /ˈpɪki/ (adj): kén chọn
17. tug of war /ˌtʌɡ əv ˈwɔ:r/ (n): trò chơi kéo co
Lesson 3
18. announce /əˈnaʊns/ (v): thông báo
announcement /əˈnaʊnsmənt/ (n): thông báo/thông cáo
Eg: The president made an unexpected announcement this morning.
19. People's Committee /ˈpi:plz kəˈmɪti/ (n phr): Ủy ban Nhân dân
Eg: Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee held a press conference to introduce Nha
Trang - Khanh Hoa Sea Festival 2023.
20. candied /ˈkændid/ (adj): tẩm đường, ướp đường

candy /ˈkændi/ (n): kẹo
21.eve /i:v/ (n): đêm trước, ngày hôm trước
22. take place /teɪk pleɪs/ (v phr): diễn ra, xảy ra
= happen / occur
Eg: The conference is scheduled to take place in June

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

EXERCISE 1 Complete the sentences using the given words.
A. amount
F. noise
K. hometown

B. entertainment
G. peaceful
L. tug of war

C. facilities
D. fresh
E. natural
H. quiet
I. vehicles J. herd
M. announcement N. take place

1. He married a girl from his ___________and they went back there to live.
2. ___________is a sporting event in which two teams pull at opposite ends of a rope until one
team drags the other over a line on the ground
3. You should eat plenty of ___________fruit and vegetables every day.

4. Everything is so quiet and ___________ in the early morning in the countryside.
5. Keep ___________! My father is sleeping in his bedroom.
6. Please tell me how to handle students who make___________in classroom
7. They heard an ___________on the loudspeaker saying that the store was closing in 10
8. Elections will now ___________on November the twenty-fifth.
9. I saw a ___________of cows grazing in the field yesterday.
10. He needs that___________of money to survive.
11. The films were bought chiefly for their___________value.
12. The hotel has special___________for welcoming disabled people.
13. It is important to preserve our country's ___________heritage.
14. The paths will separate cycles from motor ___________.
EXERCISE 2 Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in
1. I want a big garden because I need room to ____________vegetables.


2. Mai thinks the country is better because there is lots of ____________.


3. He likes the ____________atmosphere during her stay in the countryside.


4. Jane isn’t keen on playing ____________ sports. She enjoys doing indoor activities.
5. Swimming is one of the most ____________ teenagers’ hobbies in Nha Trang city

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

6. Hoi An ancient town is much more ____________.


7.There’s not much ____________ in the mountainous villages.


8. In my village, ____________people love to pick flowers and play folks games. YOUTH
9. My hometown is very ____________from the city.


10. I don’t like to run around during the day because the weather is usually ____________
and hot.


11. He is 60 years old, but remains ____________in the local community. ACTIVITY
12. They ____________ the death of their mother in the local paper yesterday.
EXERCISE 3 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.

1. There weren't ________ English books for each of us.
A. much

B. too much

C. enough

D. lots

2. Last month, she went to visit her old friends _____ her hometown.
A. in

B. from

C. on

D. at

3. I don’t like __________ with my friends in the evening because I am too busy.
A. hanging out

B. hang out

C. hangs out

D. to hanging out

4. They believe this little girl eats ________ fast food. That’s not good for her health.
A.too many

B. too much

C. enough

D. some

C. never plays

D. never play

5. They _____ volleyball with us.
A. play never

B. plays never

6. Why do you like to play spinning tops?
A. Because my cousin speaks English

B. Because it is boring.

C. Because I am sleepy

D. Because it is exciting.

7. Do they like to play tug of war?
A. Yes, definitely.

B. Yes, they often play games online for fun

C. Yes, they love travelling

D. No, they hate war.

8. Dien Khanh District ( Khanh Hoa province) is my_________ because it is the location
where I was born.

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

A. hometownB. town

C. folk

D. village

8. She wants to join a______ class in her free tim because she wants to make a shirt.
A. jewelry

B. piano

C. sewing

D. karate

10. The activity of running slowly as a form of exercise is called ________.
A. karate

B. dancing

C. jogging

D. knitting

11. Last summer, I went to Ho Chi Minh City with my father. I saw lots of ________ on the
A. spinning tops

B. vehicles

C. noises

D. sports

12. There's so much ______ in my village. There are lots of beautiful birds and flowers.
A. noise

B. fresh air

C. nature

D. pollution

13. There isn't any __________ in the country. There's nothing to do for fun.
A. entertainment

B. peace

C. room

D. fresh air

14. I prefer to live in the city because there are more public ______ such as sports centers and

A. room

B. facilities

C. nature

D. transportation

15. When I was in Daklak, I saw a ________ of cows in a paddy field.
A. pick

B. herd

C. jump

D. play

16. When you're in town could you ________ the books I ordered?
A. pick up

B. sell

C. borrow

D. forget

17. A game that two people hold a rope and one or more people jump over it is called ____.
A. tug of war

B. jump rope C. spinning tops

D. herd buffalo

18. My dad is sick because he smokes ________ cigarettes a day. He needs to quit smoking.
A. a little

B. too many

C. too much

D. enough

19. Do you want to go to the cinema with me? – Sorry, I don’t have ____ time.
A. few

B. little

C. much

D. many

20. They don’t have ________warm clothes for winter.
A. some

B. enough

C. few

D. much

EXERCISE 4 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.
1. This amount of money is out of most people's reach

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

A. deal

B. sum

C. count

D. discount

2. She believes living in the country is boring. There aren’t many things to do there.
A. uninteresting

B. exciting

C. sad

D. fantastic

3. My students love playing tug of war after school. They are very strong and smart. They
always win the game.
A. clever

B. bad

C. lazy

D. hardworking

C. dirty

D. clean

4. Many rivers in big city are polluted.
A. safe

B. secure

5. Hiền Lương Village Tết Festival is a free event for every one.
A. costly

B. expensive

C. unpaid

D. cheap

6. What are some good and bad things about each place?
A. attractive things

B.uncountable things

C. advantages

D. disadvantages

EXERCISE 5 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. I live in a small town. Iike living there because there is a lot of nature and fresh air.
A. bright

B. clear

C. clean


2.The two games, tug of war and soccer, start at the same time.
A. end

B. complain

C. begin

D. last

3. My cousin doesn’t like playing chess because it is boring
A. smart

B. interesting C. comfortable


4. Minh is a hard-working student. He always finishes the homework.

A. serious

B. easy

C. shy

D. lazy

5. Last week, when I came to Daklak province, I saw a herd of elephants going slowly in the




6. My close friend is so generous that he often pays for our drink.
A. mean

B. kind

C. nice

D. reliable

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

EXERCISE 6 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following

1. Anne: “Do you think we’ll have good weather?”
- Susan: “________”
A. No, I won’t

B. No, I hope

C. Yes, I hope so

D. Yes, I’m afraid

2. Anna: “I think we should recycle these bags. It will help protect the environment.”
- John: “________”
A. It’s rubbish. We shouldn’t use it.

B. I can’t agree with you more

C. Never mind

D. You can say that again

3: Mai is talking to Susan
Mai: “Our living standards have been improved greatly.”
Susan: “________”
A. Thank for saying so

B. Sure. I couldn’t agree more

C. No, it’s nice to say so

D. Yes, It’s nice of you to say so

4: Cynthia and Victor are talking about their plan:
Cynthia: “Hi, Victor. Do you think it’s possible for us to have a talk sometime today?”
Victor: “I’d love to, but________”
A. it's pretty tight schedule today.

B. I'm pretty tight schedule today.

C. it has a pretty tight schedule today.

D. I’ve got a pretty tight schedule today.

5: “What a boring lecture!”
A. Yes, it was dull, wasn’t it?

B. I don’t agree. It’s dull.

C. It’s interesting, wasn’t it?

D. I’m sorry not.

6: “Oh, I’m sorry! Am I disturbing you?
A. Sure, you’re a real nuisance!

B. No, never mind.

C. You’re such a pain in the neck!

D. No, you’re OK.

7: Mary and her friend, Ann, are in a coffee shop. Mary: “Would you like Match ice-cream or
Caramel with jam?” Ann: “________”

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

A. I like eating them all
C. It doesn’t matter

B. Yes, I’d love two
D. Neither is fine. They are good.

8: John and Mike are talking about Mike’s new car.
John: “________”
Mike: “Thanks. I’m glad to hear that.”
A. Where did you buy your car?

B. What a nice car!

C. Your car is new, isn’t it?

D. My car is very expensive.


Là những từ chỉ lượng bất định, có nghĩa một số lượng lớn người, vật hoặc sự việc
1. With countable nouns (Với danh từ đếm được, số nhiều)
MANY; A LOT OF; LOTS OF được sử dụng:
Eg: There are so many people here that I feel tired.
There are a lot of eggs in the fridge.
I saw lots of flowers in the garden yesterday.
2. With uncountable nouns (Với danh từ không đếm được)
MUCH; A LOT OF; LOTS OF được sử dụng
EX: I don’t have much time for night clubs.
Eg: Did you spend much money for the beautiful car?
3. Khi trong câu xác định có các từ “very, too, so, as.” thì phải dùng “Much, Many”.(Không
được dùng a lot of, lots of, plenty of)
Eg: There is too much bad news on TV tonight.
There are too many mistakes in your writing.
4. Very much thường được dùng trong câu khẳng định như một trạng từ, chứ không phải là từ
chỉ định lượng
Eg: Thank you very much

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

EXERCISE 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions
1. Don't eat too________ sweets.
A. much


C. a lot

D. a lot of

2. There _______ traffic on the street at rush hours.
A. are too many

B.is too much

C. are too a lot

D. are a lot of

3. He bought _______furniture for her new apartment which she has bought recently.
A. many

B. few

C. much

D. a few

C. much

D. a few

C. too much

D.too little

4. We didn’t spend __________money
A. many

B. some

5. There are _________people there.
A. too many

B. too a little

6. Do you know ________people in this neighbourhood.
A. much

B. a little

C. many


7. Did you take _______ photographs when you were on holiday.
A. some

B. either


D. many

C. much

D. any

8. We ‘ll hurry We haven’t got ________time left.
A. some

B. many

9. He got _______men friends, but he doesn’t know ________women.
A. lots of/ many

B. much/ many

C. many / many

D. many/ much

10. My mother has spent________money on this handbag.
A. a lot of

B. many

C. few

D. lots

11. I have so________ books that I cannot read them all.
A. many

B. much

C. little

D. few

12. My English teacher is an idol of________ students at school.
A. much

B. lot of

C. many

D. both

13. Nowadays, cyberbullying has been receiving________public attention.
A. few

B. much

C. many

D. lots

C. lots of

D. a lot

14. She planted________trees in the garden.
A. lots

B. plenty

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

15. They are ________ older than me.
A. many

B. plenty

C. much

D. lots of

Động từ HATE, LOVE, LIKE thường được theo sau bởi V-ing hoặc to-V
1. Cấu trúc Love/ Like + V-ing nhấn mạnh trải nghiệm chung, vào đam mê.
Dùng để nói về sở thích, đam mê cá nhân, mang tính lâu dài và hưởng thụ. Bạn làm việc
đó để có được niềm vui, sự thư giãn (dù việc đó có thể khơng đem lại lợi ích mà cịn gây hại
nhưng bạn vẫn thích).
Ví dụ: I like listening to music after stressful hours of work.
Việc nghe nhạc giống như một thói quen, sở thích. Cứ sau những giờ làm việc căng thẳng thì
người này lại thích tìm đến âm nhạc để thư giãn.
Eg: I like swimming (tơi thích bơi, đó là sở thích lâu dài chứ khơng phải bây giờ tơi mới
He likes playing video games (cậu ấy thích chơi điện tử).
I like the way he looking at me (tơi thích cái cách mà anh ấy nhìn tơi)
My father likes reading newspaper every morning.(bố của tơi thích đọc báo vào mỗi
buổi sáng)
2. Cấu trúc Love/Like ( /yêu/thích) + to-V nhấn mạnh nhiều hơn tới kết quả của hành

Nói về một sở thích nhất thời, bộc phát, khơng mang tính lâu dài. Nói về một việc mà bạn nên
làm vì cảm thấy nó tốt đẹp, đúng đắn, đúng theo lẽ thường và tiêu chuẩn xã hội cũng như
mang lại lợi ích cho bạn. Dùng để nói về sự lựa chọn giữa hai hoặc nhiều việc khác nhau. Bạn
thích việc này hơn việc kia (phần “việc kia” có thể lược bỏ nhưng người ta vẫn hiểu bạn đang
lựa chọn).
Ví dụ: It's hot these days. So I like to go swimming.
Phân tích: Vì trời nóng nên người ấy thích đi bơi.
Eg: I love to dance at the jazz club.

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

I hate to tell you, but Uncle Jim is coming this weekend.
I like to go to the cinema tonight
* Tương tự với HATE
5. Các công thức với cấu trúc PREFER
PREFER là một từ đi được với cả TO V và V-ing. Tuy nhiên, mỗi cấu trúc của PREFER lại
diễn tả ý nghĩa khác nhau, hoặc mang sắc thái khác nhau.
5.1 PREFER + N1 (+ TO + N2): thích cái gì hơn (hơn cái gì)
Eg: She prefers English books
I prefer cats to dogs.
I prefer this T-shirt to the one you were wearing yesterday.
5.2 PREFER + V-ing (+ TO + V-ing): thích làm cái gì (hơn cái gì)
Prefer V-ing to V-ing = prefer to do sth rather than (do) sth
Eg: They prefer playing badminton.
They prefer playing badminton to playing football
I prefer flying to travelling by car.
5.3 PREFER + TO V: thích làm cái gì hơn
Eg: Nam: I like to play video games.

Lan: I prefer to read comics.
I don’t like cities. I prefer to live in the countryside (hoặc I prefer living in the
5.4. PREFER + TO V + N1 + RATHER THAN (+ V-inf) + N2
Eg: They prefer to eat vegetables rather than meat.
They prefer to eat fruits rather than drink juice.
Nam prefers to live in Ho Chi Minh city rather than (live) in Ha Noi .
Eg: Airlines would prefer to update rather than retrain crews. (Các hãng hàng không muốn
cập nhật hơn là đào tạo lại đội bay.)
EXERCISE 1 Write true sentences about yourself
1. I like ______________________________________________________________.

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

2. I enjoy _____________________________________________________________.
3. I love______________________________________________________________.
4. I don't like__________________________________________________________.
5. I hate______________________________________________________________.
6. I prefer to___________________________________________________________.
EXERCISE 2 Choose the best option
1. John _________voleyball to football.


C.to prefer


2."Which one is wrong?"
A.Jane and Judy don't prefer talking to sleeping.
B.Jane and Judy prefer talking to sleeping.
C.Do Jane and Judy prefer talking to sleeping?
D.Does Jane and Judy prefer talking to sleeping?
3. Lan: "Which one does he prefer, watching TV or playing computer games?"
A.He prefers watching TV.

B.Yes, he does.

C.No, she doesn't. She likes voleyball. D.She wants to go out with her friends.
4. I prefer travelling by car_________bus.
A. by




5. She prefers_________
A. pizza to spaghetti

B. playing alone

C.sitting up here

D. watching TV

6. Tom prefers_________
A. horror films to western films

B. playing chess to playing football

C. hamburgers to spaghetti

D. sports programmes to chat shows

7. I_________watching TV to_________to the radio.
A. prefer / listen

B. prefer / listening

C. prefer / listens

D. prefers / listening

8. Lisa prefers _________to swimmimng.

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

A. sunbathe

B. to sunbathe

C. sunbathes

D. sunbathing

C. takes

D. to take

9. He prefers _________ a taxi to a bus.
A. taking

B. take

10. They prefer _________.
A. cake making to biscuit

B. biscuit to make a cake

C. making a cake to biscuit

D. make biscuit to cake

11. I prefer coffee _________ tea.
A. to

B. than

C. from

D. with

C. to

D. with

12. I prefer trains _________ cars.
A. from

B. than

13. Although I love relaxing on beaches, I think I prefer _________ in the mountains.
A. walk

B. walking

C. walked

D. being walked

14. They’d rather have lunch inside, but I’d prefer_________ outside in the garden

B. eating

C. to eat

D. being eaten

15. She is not a big fan of cars; she prefers _________ by train.
A. travelling

B. travel

C. to travelling

D. travels

EXERCISE 3 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
1. Mai was interested in reading English books.
→ Mai liked __________________________________________________________
2. There are many people in the big city.
→ There are lots_______________________________________________________
3. I like meat more than fish.
→ I prefer____________________________________________________________
4. I prefer playing the guitar to playing the piano.
→ I like playing the guitar_______________________________________________
5. I like watching films more than playing tug of war.
→ I prefer____________________________________________________________

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

1. Trạng từ chỉ tần suất được dùng để cho biết mức độ thường xuyên mà một sự việc xảy ra.
Trạng từ chỉ tần suất có thể đứng ở các vị trí sau:
2. Các trạng từ chỉ tần suất phổ biến trong tiếng Anh:

Trạng từ tần




ln ln



thường xun



70% Often/ Frequently






Ví dụ

Mary always arrives on time. (Mary luôn luôn đến
đúng giờ.)
I usually go for a run in the morning. (Tôi thường đi
chạy buổi sáng.)

thông thường, Normally, I wake up at 6 AM and start my day with
theo lệ
a cup of coffee.


Jim often eats at that restaurant. (Jim thường xun
ăn ở nhà hàng đó.)

đơi khi, thỉnh Sometimes, I like to relax and read a book. (Đôi khi,
tôi thích thư giãn và đọc sách.)
thỉnh thoảng
lắm, tùy lúc

Rarely/Seldom ít khi

We occasionally meet for coffee. (Chúng ta thỉnh
thoảng gặp nhau để uống cà phê.)
He seldom takes a day off from work. (Anh ấy ít khi
nghỉ làm việc.)

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199


Hardly ever



hầu như không I hardly ever watch TV. (Tôi hầu như không bao giờ
bao giờ
xem TV.)

Không bao giờ

They never miss their morning walk. (Họ không bao
giờ bỏ lỡ buổi tập đi bộ buổi sáng.)

3. Các trường hợp sử dụng trạng từ chỉ tần suất
3.1 Dùng để diễn tả mức độ thường xuyên của hàng động
Eg: John is always on time. (John luôn đúng giờ.)
He seldom works hard. (Anh ấy ít khi làm việc chăm chỉ.)
3.2. Trạng từ chỉ tần suất được dùng để trả lời câu hỏi với: “How often?” (Có…thường?).
Eg: How often do you go to the beach? - Never
4.Vị trí của trạng từ chỉ tần suất
4.1 Đứng sau động từ tobe
Eg: She is always late for school.

4.2 Đứng trước động từ thường:
Eg: I rarely remind him of his girlfriend.
4.3 Đứng giữa trợ động từ và động từ chính
Eg: I have never been abroad.
You should always check your oil before starting
4.4 Đứng ở đầu câu khi muốn nhấn mạnh
Eg: Usually the teacher gives us an assignment at the end of each lesson.
Một ngoại lệ đối với nguyên tắc này là trạng từ "enough" được đặt sau tính từ hoặc trạng
từ mà nó bổ nghĩa:
Eg: Would you be good enough to take my suitcase upstairs for me?
She drove slowly enough that I could keep up with her.

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

1. Cấu trúc: S + am/is/are + adj/adv + enough + (for sb) + to V
Eg: I am tall enough to play basketball.
She explained it clearly enough for me to understand.
2. Cấu trúc: S + V + enough + Noun + (for sb) + to V
Eg: I have enough time to do my homework
This car doesn’t have enough seats for 10 people

EXERCISE 1 Put the adverb in brackets into the sentences.
1. The film version is better than the original book. (seldom)
2. We sometimes go swimming in the lake.( sometimes)
3. Our friends must write tests. (often)

4. They go swimming in the lake. (sometimes)
5. The weather is bad in November. (always)

6. I read books as I prefer watching TV. (rarely)
7. We go to their place. (never)
8. John watches TV. (seldom)
9. I was in contact with my sister. (often)
10. She will love him. (always)
11. I eat vegetables and fruits. (always)
12. He listens to the radio. (often)
13. They read a book. (sometimes)
14. Pete gets angry. (never)
15. Tom is very friendly. (usually)
16. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
17. They are hungry after school. (often)

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

18. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)
19. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)
20. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)
EXERCISE 2: Choose the best option
1.Andrea lives next door so we _______see her.
A. never

B. often

C. rarely

D. seldom

2. Nancy and I (30%) _______ go out for coffee together.

A. never

B. usually

C. occasionally


3. We meet _______at the Annual General Meeting.
A. never

B. every day

C. yearly


4. My doctor _______
A. yearly check my health

B. checks yearly my health

C. checks my healthy yearly

D. checks me healthily

5. It (0%) _______.rains here in the summer.
A. never

B. sometimes

C. rarely

D. always

6. _______ we walk the dog along the beach every weekend.
A. sometimes

B. never

C. rarely

D. seldom

7. My sister _______two days of school in a row.
A. often has missed

B. has missed often

C. has often missed

D.have often missed

8. My boyfriend and I take vacations together quite _______
A. never

B. hardly

C. frequently

D. frequent

9. Andy (10%) _______gets to visit his cousins.
A. very frequently B. very rarely

C. very often


10.I don’t know about scientific research because I _______.
A. never went to college

B. went never to college

C. went to college never

D. always went to college

EXERCISE 3: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets
1. My brother (hardly ever/help) ______________me with my homework.

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

2. We (rarely/watch) ______________ football on TV.
3. You and Tony (never/play) ______________computer games with me.
4. You (usually/be) ______________ at the sports centre on Sunday.
5. The school bus (always/arrive) ______________at half past eight.
6. He( often/ clean) ______________my bedroom at the weekend.
7. He( sometimes/ be) ______________bored in the math lessons.

8. Our teacher( never/ be) ______________late for lessons
9. Mai ( usually/ do) ______________her homework in the evening.
10. Lisa( sometimes/ take) ______________ a bus to class.
11. You ( often/ watch) ______________ action movies?
12. My mother (never/ buy) ______________ fast food and she ( usually/ eat)
______________healthy food.
13. It (always/be) ______________ hot and sunny here in August.
14. It ( sometimes/ rain) ______________here in the summer.
15. John and I ( often/ go) ______________out for a drink together.
16. They ( always/ do) ______________their homework before going to school.
17. My aunt is a vegetarian. She ( often/ eat) ______________ fruits and vegetables.
18. My grandmother ( always/ go) ______________for a walk in the evening.
19. Tom( usually/ read) ______________ the newspaper in the morning.
20. She ( often/ help) ______________ her mother with the housework?
EXERCISE 4: Make sentences
1. Susie/be/always/kind/others.
2. They/not/often/sell/breads.
3. Usually/she/leave/early/but/she/stay/at work/today.
4. This/type/exercise/always/give/me/headache.

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

5. Marina/seldom/go/out.
6. Vegetarians/never/eat/meat.

7. He/be/rarely/see/home/holidays.
8. play/ football/ They/ Sundays/ often/ on
9. early/ up/ sister/ never/ Sundays/ on/ gets/ My
10. usually/ He/ goes/ to/ on/ Fridays/ the/ cinema
Khi các trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho các tính từ hoặc các trạng từ khác, chúng được đặt trước các tính
từ hoặc các trạng từ đó.
Eg: We had some really interesting news last night. John's been offered a job in
Australia. He's absolutely delighted.
I bought an incredibly expensive dress last week which fits me perfectly. But John says
I shouldn't wear it. He says it's too tight.
The baby crawled very slowly.
'The project was almost completely finished.'
'The load was being moved too rapidly."

Adapted by Trần Ngọc Diên Khánh – Giám đốc sản phẩm DTP Miền Trung – Mobile: 0905.384.199

EXERCISE 1 Adjective or Adverb
Choose the correct item:
1. He (correct, correctly) defined the terms. The answer sounded (correctly, correct).
2. She (quickly, quick) adjusted the fees. She adapted (quick, quickly) to any situation.
3. He measured the floor (exact, exactly). They proved to be (perfectly, perfect) (exact,

exactly) measurements.
4. The stillness of the tomb was (awfully, awful). The tomb was (awfully, awful) still.
5. It was a (dangerously, dangerous) lake to swim in. The man was (dangerous, dangerously)
drunk. The gas smelled (dangerously,dangerous).
6. She performed (magnificent, magnificently). It was a (magnificent, magnificently) beautiful
7. Her voice sounds (beautifully, beautiful). She sang the song (exact, exactly) as it was
written. We heard it (perfectly, perfect).
8. He was a very (sensibly, sensible) person. He acted very (sensible, sensibly).
9. Mike wrote too (slow, slowly) on the exam. He always writes (slow, slowly).
10. Talk (softly, soft) or don't talk at all. The music played (softly, soft).
11. Andrea knows the material very (good, well). She always treats us (good, well).
12. You must send payments (regular, regularly). We deal on a (strictly, strict) cash basis.
13. The mechanic's tools were (well, good). The foreman said that his work was (good, well)
14. She worked (careful, carefully) with the sick child. She was a very (careful, carefully)
15. He did not pass the course as (easy, easily) as he thought he would.
16. I find this novel very (interesting, interestingly). It was (interesting, interestingly) written.
EXERCISE 1 Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
