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Advantage disadvantage structure

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Sentence 1: Suggested structures
- The practice/ trend of .... has been a topic of interest
- The topic of ... has gained traction/ gain a high level of interest in today’s
- Many hold the belief that ...
Sentence 2: Suggested structures
- This essay will elaborate the strengths and weaknesses of …
- While… can exert certain benefits, this also imposes many detrimental
drawbacks for…
BODY 1 (Advantages)
Topic sentence: Suggested structures
- On the one hand, … is beneficial to…. for many rationales.
- On the one hand, the idea of … is favourable to some extent.
- There are two main advantages of ...
Point 1 Introduction:
- Firstly, ....
- The first advantages of … is …
Point 2 Introduction:
- Secondly, ...
- The second advantages of … is …
- Another advantage of … is …

BODY 2 (Disadvantages)
Topic sentence: Suggested structures

- Nevertheless, I believe that this trend/ practice may constitute a number of
valid concerns.
- On the other hand, this trend/ practice may have two primary shortcomings.
- Despite the above-mentioned advantages, I believe that these activities/ this

idea might have their/ its downsides.
Point 1 Introduction
- The main one is ...
- The first drawback relates to ...
Point 2 Introduction
- Furthermore, ...
- In addition, …
- The second one relates to ...
Suggested structures
- In conclusion, while there are many advantages/ disadvantages regarding ...,
its/ their demerits are worth considering. It is recommended that...
- In conclusion, this trend might possess many advantages/ disadvantages.
However, the demerits/ merits of … should not be overlooked.

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