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Chuyên Tiếng Anh - Chính Thức - 2020-2021.Docx

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NĂM HỌC 2020-2021

Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
(Đề thi gồm có 07 trang)
Thí sinh làm bài vào tờ giấy thi
Phần trắc nghiệm: Chỉ cần viết số câu và đáp án A, B, C, hoặc D
Phần tự luận: Viết đầy đủ theo yêu cầu của bài
(Thí sinh khơng được sử dụng bất cứ tài liệu gì.)
Hướng dẫn làm bài nghe:
Bài nghe gồm có 04 phần, mỗi phần thí sinh được nghe 02 lần. Mở đầu và kết thúc phần nghe có tín hiệu nhạc.
Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) có trong bài.

I. You will hear FIVE short conversations. Listen and choose the correct answer to each question. (5.0 points)
1: What was damaged in the storm?

2: What present does the man decide to take?



3: Which is the woman’s Jacket?



4: Which sport is not included in the price of the holiday?


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5: Which postcard will they send?




II. You will hear a woman asking some information at the department store. Listen and fill in the
numbered space with the missing information. (5.0 points)

 All women’s clothing is on: (6) ___________ floor

 Kitchen appliances are up on: (7) ___________ floor
 On the second floor, there are: (8) ___________, ___________
DVDs as well as all television and video equipment.
 Chairs, (9) ___________ and tables: are sold on the sixth
 Name of the store: (10) ___________

III. You will hear a radio presenter giving some information about an exhibition on global warming.
Listen and fill in the numbered space with the missing information. (5.0 points)
New exhibition on global warming
at the Science Museum - A Changing World

 The exhibition begins on (11) ___________
 The exhibition floors are covered with (12) ___________
 Display about the Arctic includes - a large block of ice
- several (13) ___________
 The exhibition posters were written by famous (14) ___________
 Short films - stories from people living in Australia, Brazil, Greenland
(15) ___________
 At the end of the exhibition you can send a message to a politician
or a friend.
IV. You will hear a part of a radio broadcast. Listen and choose the correct answer to each question. (5.0

16: What are the speakers mainly discussing?
A. How diamonds are created
B. How people search for diamonds
C. Why diamonds are so valuable
D. What makes the region rich in diamonds
17: According to the woman, what two forces combine to produce diamonds?
A. Gravity and heat
B. Pressure and time
C. Heat and pressure
D. Time and gravity
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18: Why does the woman talk about volcanoes?
A. To say that diamonds are often found near them
B. To claim that diamonds can be found inside volcanoes
C. To describe the last volcanic eruption in the area
D. To suggest that a local volcano may erupt soon.
19: Why does the man suggest that he can dig for diamonds in the local area?
A. The woman recently dug up a diamond.
B. The area is very geologically active.
C. There are some diamond mines nearby.
D. The region was once volcanically active.
20: What can be inferred about the woman?
A. She was the man’s teacher in the past.
B. She found the largest diamond in the area.
C. She has dug in many places in the regions.
D. She takes students on digs in the local area.
I. Choose the word, phrase or expression that best completes each sentence below. (15.0 points)

21: The pot is made ______ high temperatures.
A. withstanding
B. withstand
C. to withstand
D. withstood
22: ______ are forms of carbon has been known since the late eighteenth century.
A. That diamonds
B. Because diamonds
C. Diamonds
D. Diamonds, which
23: ______ Paul realize that he was on the wrong flight.
A. No sooner had the plane taken off than
B. It was not until the plane had taken off that
C. Not until the plane had taken off did
D. Only after the plane had taken off
24: Jack: “Do you have a minute please?”
Susan: “______.”
A. Well it is not as good as I think.
B. Yes, but you should be brief.
C. That’s just fantastic. Thanks.
D. Sorry. I left my watch home.
25: Accessing information from the World Wide Web ______ basic computer skills.
A. engenders
B. entails
C. arouses
D. accompanies
26: I wish you’d do the accounts. I don’t have ______ for numbers.
A. the heart
B. a mind
C. a head

D. the nerve
27: Peter: “Is it important?”
Tom: “______.”
A. Not on your life!
C. No worry, that’s nothing.
B. It’s ridiculous.
D. It can make the world go around.
28: On attaining maximum size, ______ by drawing itself out and dividing into two daughter amoebas, each
receiving identical nuclear materials.
A. the reproduction of the amoeba
B. the amoeba, which reproduces
C. reproducing the amoeba
D. the amoeba reproduces
29: Don’t let that old rascal take you ______ with his clever talk- none of it’s true.
A. along
B. in
C. about
D. down
30: British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as different as ______.
A. chalk and cheese B. cats and dogs
C. salt and pepper
D. here and there
31: It is essential that every student ______ to learn English at university.
A. had
B. has
C. have
D. to have
32: It was clear that the young couple were ______ of taking charge of the restaurant.
A. probable
B. possible

C. capable
D. able
33: He was turned down for the job because he is ______.
A. unqualified
B. qualifying
C. qualified
D. qualification
34: My little girl was really impressed by ______ vase.
A. a nice round old china
B. a nice old round china
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C. a nice china round old
D. a nice old china round
35: Do you think this room needs ______ up a bit?
A. be brightened
B. brightening
C. brighten
D. to brighten
II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (5.0 points)
36: About fifty years ago, there was quite a bit of __________ development, but the area has since gone into
decline. (INDUSTRY)
37: Everyone thinks Ben is a weatherman, but he's actually a __________. (CLIMATE)
38: __________ speaking, this machine is easy to use. (COMPARE)
39: A church service was held in __________ of the victims. (REMEMBER)
40: A good teacher is always __________ to their students' needs. (ATTEND)
III. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence below that needs correcting. (5.0 points)
41: The charity organization provides the poor with a lot of household furnitures.

42: The fish and chips that my mother is cooking in the kitchen taste delicious.
43: If the ozone gases of the atmosphere did not filter out the ultraviolet rays of the sun, life as we know it
would not have evolved on Earth.
44: Deserts mammals allow its temperatures to rise to what would normally be fever height, and temperatures
as high as 46 degrees Celsius have been measured in Grant’s gazelles.
45: No matter who angry he was, he would never resort to violence.
I. Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Choose the correct explanation. (5.0 points)
A. Laura liked the jumper Jane bought, but needs in a different size.
B. Laura asked Jane to buy another jumper.

C. Laura received two jumpers which were the same, so wants to
exchange one.
D. Laura wants to try to get the same jumper in a different colour.

47: The library will ______
A. change its opening hours next Friday.
B. have shorter opening hours until next Friday.
C. open again to students next Friday.
D. close on Friday and weekends.

We went on a bus sightseeing
tour of the city yesterday.
We didn’t stop anywhere but
saw more than you would on

A. Jo thinks there are better sightseeing tours than the one she took.
B. Jo regrets not having walked around the city to look at the sights.
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C. Jo is pleased with the number of things she saw from the bus.
D. Jo regrets having been on a bus sightseeing tour.

A. The writer is satisfied with the company.
B. The writer is not pleased with the company.

C. The writer is excited about his/her job.
D. The writer is excited about his/her position.


A. As this train is busy, all passengers must book before boarding.
B. There is no room for bicycles on this train when it is busy.
C. Passengers must book before bringing bicycles onto the train
at certain times.
D. Bicycles cannot be brought on to this train.

II. Read the passage below and choose the best option that fits each numbered space. (10.0 points)
Some famous places are disappointing: dirty, cramped, and a bit of a cliché. But there are others (51)
______, even though you've seen every television program ever made about them, are every (52) ______ as
wonderful as you'd imagined. The Grand Canyon is one of these and so, despite being next door to a main road,
is Stonehenge. Another is Venice which, in its entirety, (53) ______ a great work of art, each decaying aspect
revealing an unforeseen glimpse of water or startling architecture, each individual building or piazza (54) ______
an exquisite sense of proportion. I return to Venice every two years in the course of my work and on each of
these occasions I have found something (55) ______ to praise at. Alarm cries about how (56) ______ this can
last are sounded every now and then each time the water levels rise. But the fact that this city is (57) ______
into the sea seems to add to its romantic atmosphere. Far more serious is the depopulation, for it seems that
just about every week another family leaves. (58) ______ 1945 more than half the population of Venice has
moved to the mainland. The rich (59) ______ the great palazzos along the Grand Canal and visit every once in a
while, but leave the windows dark for the rest of the time. Mass tourism threatens (60) ______ structure of the
city. It is a sad victim of its own success.
51: A. then

B. those
C. these
D. which
52: A. portion
B. piece
C. bit
D. fragment
53: A. maintains
B. remains
C. keeps
D. retains
54: A. displaying
B. exhibiting
C. concealing
D. presenting
55: A. renew
B. new
C. newly
D. renewable
56: A. far
B. much
C. often
D. long
57: A. falling
B. floating
C. emerging
D. sinking
58: A. When
B. Until
C. Since

D. Before
59: A. hold
B. own
C. gain
D. master
60: A. a
B. an
C. this
D. that
III. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. (10.0 points)
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Madison Square Garden, a world-famous sporting venue in New York City, has actually been a series of
buildings in varied locations rather than a single building in one spot. In 1873, P.T. Barnum built Barnum’s
Monster Classical and Geological Hippodrome at the corner of Madison Avenue and 26th Street, across from
Madison Square Park. Two years later, the bandleader Patrick Gilmore bought the property, added statues and
fountains, and renamed it Gilmore’s Gardens. When Cornelius Vanderbilt bought the property in 1879, it was
renamed Madison Square Garden.
A second very lavish Madison Square Garden was built at the same location in 1890, with a ballroom, a
restaurant, a theater, a rooftop garden, and a main arena with seating for 15,000. However, this elaborate
Madison Square Garden lasted until 1924 when it was torn down to make way for a forty-storey skyscraper.
When the second Madison Square Garden had been replaced in its location across from Madison Square Park,
the boxing promoter Tex Rickard raised six million dollars to build a new Madison Square Garden. This new
Madison Square Garden was constructed in a different location, on 8th Avenue and 50th Street and quite some
distance from Madison Square Park and Madison Avenue. Rickard’s Madison Square Garden served primarily
as an arena for boxing prize fights and circus events until it outgrew its usefulness by the late 1950s.
A new location was found for a fourth for Madison Square Garden, a top Pennsylvania Railroad Station, and
plans were announced for its construction in 1960. This current edifice, which includes a huge sports area, a
bowling center, a 5,000-seat amphitheater, and a twenty-nine-storey office building, does retain the traditional

name Madison Square Garden. However, the name is actually quite a misnomer. The building is not located
near Madison Square, nor does it have the flowery gardens that contributed to the original name.
61: The main point of this passage is that Madison Square Garden ______.
A. is home to many different sporting events
B. was P.T. Barnum’s major accomplishment
C. has had a varied history in various locations
D. was named after and adjacent park
62: Which paragraph discusses the third location of Madison Square Garden?
A. The first paragraph.
B. The second paragraph.
C. The third paragraph.
D. The second and the third paragraphs.
63: According to the passage, Patrick Gilmore did all of the following EXCEPT that he ______.
A. named the property that he bought Madison Square Garden
B. made improvements to the property that he bought
C. purchased the property at the corner of Madison Avenue and 26th Street
D. sold the property to Cornelius Vanderbilt
64: The word “lavish” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. elaborate
B. modern
C. simple
D. outlandish
65: An “edifice” in paragraph 3 is most likely ______.
A. an address
B. a building
C. a competition
D. an association
66: How long did the second Madison Square garden last?
A. 11 years
B. 34 years

C. 45 years
D. 60 years
67: Which of the following would most likely have taken place at Rickard’s Madison Square Garden?
A. a balloon dance B. a tiger show
C. a basketball game
D. a theater production
68: Monster Classical and Geological Hippodrome was renamed Gilmore’s Gardens in ______.
A. 1874
B. 1875
C. 1879
D. 1890
69: Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Lots of flowers have been planted inside Madison Square Garden.
B. Madison Square Garden has been rebuilt for the fourth time.
C. The Madison Square Garden building is far from Madison Square.
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D. Madison Square Garden still has its original name.
70: What can be inferred about the current Madison Square Garden?
A. It is on Madison Avenue.
B. It is across from Madison Square Park.
C. It has incredible gardens.
D. It is above a transportation center.
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it. (5.0 points)
71: She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard.
 Hard ...............................................................................................................................................................
72: We may not be able to give the concert.

 The concert ....................................................................................................................................................
73: Betty spent all her life taking care of homeless people.
 Betty devoted ................................................................................................................................................
74: That rumour about the judge and the witness is absolutely false.
 There is .........................................................................................................................................................
75: Alan worked too hard at the office, and this led to his illness.
 Alan’s illness .................................................................................................................................................
II. Write a letter of about 80 - 100 words to an online company to complain about a set of tools you have
bought from that company. (10.0 points)
NOTE: You are required to sign your name as Minh Thu!
III. Write a paragraph of about 140 - 160 words to answer the question: “Why is Vietnam being an ideal
tourist destination?” (15.0 points)
=== THE END ===

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Họ và tên thí sinh:……………………………………………... Số báo danh:…………….....……..
Chữ ký giám thị 1:……………………….......… Chữ ký giám thị 2:……………………….......

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