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KenhSinhVien.Net---22_mau_cv_cho_cac_vi_tri_tu_pho_phong ppt

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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietn am
Cell Phone:
Cell Phone:
• Mobile Ga m es/Ap plica tions Solution s
• IT Resear c h and Dev elopm e n t backgr oun d with stron g E-
Com m erc e and web based exp erien c e
• Selected to perform the B2B Ecomm e r c e website of INT VISION
betwee n the two cou ntries Vietnam and Korea. Name d
• Working as a Chief of the Mobile Game/Application Departm e n t
of FPT Mobile Inc.
• E-Com m erc e Mana ge m e n t
• MTP Progra m m e r (Japan)
• Leadership Skills
• Proficient in Vietna m e s e, and English
GAME , Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 200 6 - Pres e n t
Manag e r Game co m p a n y
• Mobile Ga m e/Applications Projects man a g e m e n t
• Train prog ra m m e r s and design ers in CMM Level 3, ISO 9001
• Report directly to Board of Man agem e n t abou t the
Gam e/Ap plication Market and objectives of the depa r t m e n t
• Pixel Art Designer for the the m e and cha ract ers of a new ga m e and
application for mobile phon es.
IT SOLUTION, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 2004- 2006
Proj ect Man a g e r , Out so u r ci n g E-Com m erc e Solu tio n
• Crea t ed and manag e d project documen t s, cost, an d time estimation.
Hum a n resou rce for ea ch project was outs our c e d by
www.Vidaltek.co m located in Texa s. Some importa n t projects are:

www.barst oolm a g .com , www.jobviet.com , www.horw a th dtl.co m …
• Work ed directly with Directo r of Vidaltek, Mr.Cu
Le( ) to get client requir e m e n t s .
• Resea r c h and write the project plan, including the mileston e
• Report ed directly to IT Solution Manag er and Director of
Vidaltek about projects including: Dea dline, Huma n Reso urc e,
Cost, Technic al Docu m ents, and Objective.
• Trained as a Progra m m e r using the new techn ology an d was
transfer r e d to Vidaltek
INT VISION, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 2002 - 2004
De si g n e r an d We bm a s t e r for th e Korea n E-Com m e r c e co m p a n y
• Design the HTML e- comm erc e website layout using Macrom e dia
• Trained Vietna m e s e en gineer s how to unde rstan d Korean softwar e
architect u r e and layout in English.
• Serve as a web m a st e r and made the websit e a prime sear ch in
Google, Yahoo, and Lycos.
• Update and collect data for the B2B website as a webm a s t e r .
• Follow up with the clients and report directly to Board of
Manag e m e n t
Industrial College No 4 , Ho Chi Minh
Bach elor of Scienc e, Inform a tion Tech nologi es and Softw are .
