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Unit 1 done

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Unit One
Warm-up. Pair work.
Look at the following pictures and answer these questions.
1. What are these places called?
2. What do people go to shopping centres or ATM booths for?
3. How can people pay for things they buy?

Picture 1.

Picture 2.
Comprehension Check
Cash, card or mobile phone?


Right now, retailers need to get to grips with the dawn of contactless payment.
In the past week, there has been a raft of announcements and news on alternative payment methods.
Technologists everywhere are still convinced that they can come up with something better than cash for
smaller transactions.
The alternative method that retailers must consider in the immediate future is contactless payment. A few
stores in London have gone live with the Barclaycard Business contactless payment system already, more
than 1,000 other sites have signed up to use it, and 3,000 consumers have registered their interest in the
system’s OnePulse contactless card.

A recent YouGov survey commissioned by an ATM operator highlighted that consumers have fraud
concerns about contactless payment. Yet, similar surveys of online shopping also tend to highlight significant

fraud fears, while the number of people and volume of their online transactions continues to grow.
In the longer term, the techies are still betting on the mobile phone becoming the new wallet. PayPal has
gone live with a mobile payment system already. Others are still very much a work in progress; such as the
payment system dubbed GPay which Google has filed a patent for.
Another, PayForIt, is a mobile payment scheme for transactions under £10 that all five major mobile network
operators have signed up to. At present, it is only really being used to pay for mobile phone content.
However, the plan is to expand this, so consumers can make payments to online retailers when they access
their sites via mobile phone.
If this seems far-fetched, just take a look at some of the retailers that have registered for .mobi Internet
domains – a type of web site address that highlights the fact that the site has been optimised for viewing on a
mobile device.
It is good practice to buy any domain that may pertain to your brand. However, it is interesting to note that
innovative retailers such as Amazon and Tesco have already secured domains that will allow them to launch
mobile-optimised sites, should they wish.

KEY WORDS AND PHRASES (appearing in the order of the text)
get to grips with sth (vph): bắt đầu nắm bắt, tìm hiểu
the dawn of sth (nph): buổi bình minh/ sự khởi đầu/ ra đời của…
contactless payment (nph): thanh toán trực tuyến/ trên máy
a raft of sth (nph) : số lượng lớn/ rất nhiều…
come up with (vph) : tìm thấy/ đưa ra (sáng kiến, ý tưởng…)
immediate future (nph): tương lai trước mắt
go live with sth (vph): đang triển khai/ thực hiện/ lên sóng
in the longer term (prephr): về lâu dài
techies (German) (n): những người giỏi kỹ thuật
a work in progress (nph) : công việc đang triển khai

file a patent for sth (vph): nộp hồ sơ đăng ký bản quyền sáng chế/ sở hữu trí tuệ
far-fetched (a) : cịn xa, cịn lâu mới đạt được
mobile-optimised (a): được tối ưu hóa cho điện thoại di động


Task 1. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? Write T or F in each blank.

1. _____ The Barclaycard Business contactless payment system is already being used in London.
2. _____
Contactless payment systems carry a greater fraud risk than online shopping.

T It is likely that mobiles will be increasingly used for making payments.
3. _____

4. _____
In fact, phone bills have been paid on mobile phone for some time.
5. _____
Major retailers are not prepared for mobile-optimised shopping.

Task 2. Who does this? Find a suitable subject (people/ things) in the text for the sentences below.

1. ………………….. can invent a new form of payment instead of paper money.
consumers are able to pay by OnePulse card.

2. 3,000

ATM operate
3. ………………….
has had a YouGov survey done lately on contactless payment.

The techies are not sure if the mobile phone can become a new wallet.
4. ………………….
5. ………………….
is one of many powerful online payment systems nowadays.

Task 3. Fill in the summary below with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS taken from the text.
PayForIt is a mobile payment service that has been in use by all five big mobile network (1)…………………
phones bills on the smart phone. They also wish to
in the UK. Their customers can already pay (2)
retailerswhenever they do online shopping. By now, some retailers have had their own .mobi
pay to (3) online
(4) …………………….., which means that shoppers can view the goods on sale right on their mobile (5)


Task 1. Listen to Kate, a sales assistant in a TopTech branch. She is giving Antonia Gomez some
advice on how to update her mobile technology.
Listen TWICE and then fill in the gaps in the sentences below. There is ONE WORD or A NUMBER
for each gap.


Characteristics of the SuperMobs 360 3G phone:
1. This phone is GSM and GPRS enabled, so you can enjoy ________,
location -base
2. You can also browse the Internet because it’s __________
internet __________.
access the database at your office if you want to download customer orders.
3. You have to __________
8 hour
4. The battery may last as long as _________
5. With the GPS on your phone, it’s easy to _________



nó dễ dàng hơn sd bàn phím đầy đủ tthay vì các phím nhỏ trên

Characteristics of the Silver Lite A2:
tbcaamf tay
6. It’s much easier to use a _________
keyboard than the tiny keys on a hand-held device.
wireless broadband.
7. The laptop has _________
8. It is also __________
so you can access the Internet in a coffee shop, on a train or at an


9. You can use it wherever you are because it has all the _________
applicationsyou need for your work.
10. Among the lightest laptops on the market, it weighs merely ________
2,5 kg ________.
Task 2. 3 Listen to John, another sales assistant, introducing to Antonia about GPS and
GeoMarketing. You listen TWICE.

Decide if the following statements are True or False. Write T or F in each blank.
1. _____
Most smart phones are GPS enabled so it is possible to locate where their users are.

2. _____
GPS also assists retailers: They can track what businesses and services the users are near.
F GeoMarketing is an advanced application that assists only the retailer.
3. _____

4. _____ Pizza lovers can locate a pizza shop near them without registering as a member of that shop’s
5. _____
The actual location of the mobile device can be calculated within 60 meters.

Passive Voice
Passive sentences are very common in technical writing when we are more interested in facts, process, and
events (actions) than in people (doers).
S + be (is, was, is being, have been…) + P2 (Past Participle)

The past participle of regular verbs ends in –ed (looked, painted, worked)

The past participle of irregular verbs has different forms (been, cut, found…) and needs learning by

1. We use the Present Passive to talk about facts or processes that occur regularly.
E.g. Public Data Networks are designed for data transmission.
2. We use the Past Passive to talk about past events.
E.g. Automatic exchange was invented by Almon B. Strowger.
Task 1. Make sentences from the table below. In some cases, you can make both an active and a
passive sentence. No 0 has been done for you.

You expand the central exchange.
Or The central exchange is expanded.






The junction circuits use



SPC exchanges

both areas



the central exchange






in the local area





directly to a GSC


An open-wire line


the subscriber

to the DP

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
2. …………………………………………………………………………….................
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
4. …………………………………………………………………………….................
5. ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Task 2. Use the appropriate forms of verbs in brackets to complete the sentences below.
are set up
1. In the trunk network, all non-local calls (set up) _______________

via a GSC and the main network.

2. India’s first earth station (build) was
in Arvi towards the end of the 1960s and seven others
quickly followed in Delhi.
3. Local Area Network (define) is_____________
as a transmission and switching system that (provide)
devices located on a single site.

4. To reduce the number of cables, the local network usually (divide) _____________
into three parts.
been carried out with different solutions in most industrialized countries.
5. Recently, tests (carry) have

Task 3. Change the following sentences below into the Passive Voice.
1. Telecoms companies normally set up all non-local calls via a GSC.
All non local calls are normally set up by telecoms compamnies

2. A machine has dug up the road in my neighbourhood in order to lay a TV cable.
3. BSky Group placed two new exchanges near their old exchanges in Camden Town last month.
4. The RSS switches the call to the designated cabinet.
5. All five major mobile network operators have signed up to PayForIt, a mobile payment scheme for
transactions under £10.


Sentence Building
Exam advice for building up a complete sentence from given words

- Add more words, do not omit any. Keep the words’ position unchanged.

- Base on the time expressions to decide what verb tense to use:
+ Adverbs of Frequency (always, usually, sometimes, never….) are the signals
of the present simple tense.
+ Last…, …. ago are signals of the past simple tense.
+ Next… is the signal of the future tense.
+ Just, already, for, since, for the last…, for the past… are signals of the
present perfect tense.

- Add to be if necessary, never add other verbs.

- Add articles (a, an, the) where necessary.

- Add prepositions (in, on, at, for…)

- Add –s/ es to plural nouns.

- Add possessive adjectives before nouns (my/ your/ her/ his/ …) or change
pronouns into possessive adjectives.

- Use the correct structure basing on the given verbs.
E.g. To allow + sb + to V(inf)
A number of + plural noun

- Use relative pronouns which/ that/ who to produce complex sentences.

- Add comma (,) if necessary.
Task 1. Build up simple sentences from the given words or word phrases.
1. There/ be/ great / increase/ number / subscribers/ during/ last ten years/.
2. Centre/ be designed/ handle/ 300 / simultaneous/ calls/ 2,500 subscribers/.
Center was designed handle 300 simu
3. Number/ subscribers/ be protected/ against/ calls/ subscribers/ outside/ group.
4. It / necessary/ find/ way/ link up/ subscriber/.
5. communications networks/ can/ classified/ public communications network/dedicated communications
network/ mobile communications network/.
Task 2. Build up complex sentences from the given words or word phrases.

1. Mobile app/ computer program/that/ designed to run/ mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet


2. Consumer/ still/ wait/ for/ widespread use/video phone/ first/ demonstrate/ 30 year/ ago.
3. first/ computer/ be built/ fifty year/ ago and it/ only in the last thirty/year/ that their influence/ affect/
4. When/ computer/ turn on, / it/ search/ instruction/ memory.
5. If /computer system/ not/ work properly/ information/ stored on it/ become/ inaccessible.
Task 1. Individual/ group work.
Answer the questions below, referring to the text.
1. What is contactless payment?
2. Can you name some moneyless payment services mentioned in the text?
3. What forms of payment are now available in Vietnam?
4. What can you do with your ATM card?
5. Do you prefer paying in cash or by credit card? Why?
Task 2. Roleplay.
One of you is a sales assistant and the other is a customer who has just come in the shop to buy a
mobile phone.
Make use of the hints in the language box below and role-play the situation. The conversation would last 2-3
minutes, including the Hello and Goodbye.

- I want/need a phone that/ which can…
- I’d like to buy/ have a phone….
- I can only pay …. for it.
- How long is the guarantee?
- Can I pay by card/ in cash?
- I’d go for it./ I’ll think more about it…

+ What brand would you like/ are you
looking for?
+ How would you like your phone?
+ How about this…?
+ This one can do selfie very well…
+ OK. No problem/ Certainly…

Further guidance
Let’s imagine a real-life situation. In this setting, you have to decide who will speak first, the customer or the
seller? What will you say to start the conversation?


During your conversation, you should ask and answer about at least four points:
- The brand of the item you wish to buy
- The price
- The guarantee
- Payment method
To end the conversation/ purchase, you (customer/ seller) should say something before leaving the shop or
seeing the customer off.

Task 1. Translate the following passage into Vietnamese.
The rise of mobile payments technology truly began in 2014 when Apple Pay hit the market. At the time, it
was the only major mobile wallet out there. But in the last two years, mobile wallets have flooded the market
with offerings such as Samsung Pay, Chase Pay, Android Pay, Microsoft Wallet, Walmart Pay, and Kohl's
Pay. Each of these offers unique benefits to the user and encourages customers to form shopping habits
around them. And so far, they seem to be succeeding. BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research
service, finds that mobile payment volume will reach $75 billion this year. That figure should swell to $503
billion by 2020 thanks to advancements in mobile payments technology.
A small percentage of people have used mobile payments. In late 2013, just 6% of US adults said they had
made a payment in a store by scanning or tapping their smartphone at a payment terminal. That percentage
will go up to 8% this year.
Task 2. Translate the following passage into English.
1. Sự phát triển mạnh mẽ của thương mại di động trong những năm qua đã mang đến những thay đổi lớn cho
cơng nghệ thanh tốn di động.
2. Mọi người luôn mang theo điện thoại di động. Vậy tại sao chúng ta không sử dụng thiết bị này như một
cơng cụ thanh tốn nhanh chóng và thuận tiện ở bất kì đâu?


3. Dự đoán đến năm 2025, 75% các giao dịch thanh tốn sẽ được thực hiện mà khơng cần sử dụng tiền mặt.
4. Mọi người sẵn sàng sử dụng các thiết bị thông minh và thẻ ngân hàng hơn là mang theo tiền mặt.
5. Điều này đồng nghĩa với việc gia tăng các ứng dụng thanh toán di động và ngân hàng di động.
1. Translate the following passage into English.
When the first mobile phones were introduced, their only function was to make and receive calls, and they
were so bulky that it was impossible to carry them in a pocket. Later, mobile phones belonging to the Global
System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network became capable of sending and receiving text
messages. As these devices evolved, they became smaller and more features were added, such as multimedia
messaging service (MMS), which allowed users to send and receive images. Most of these MMS-capable
devices were also equipped with cameras, which allowed users to capture photos, add captions, and send
them to friends and relatives who also had MMS-capable phones. A mobile phone with advanced features
similar to a computer is called a smartphone, while a regular mobile phone is known as a feature phone.

2. Write definitions for the words in italic.


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