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Môn : Các vấn đề hiện đại trong Kỹ thuật máy tính
Đề tài : Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Họ và tên: Nguyễn Quang Huy
Lớp: K65K
Khóa: 65
Giảng viên hướng dẫn : Hoàng Gia Hưng
Hà Nội, ngày 29 tháng 11 năm 2023
Certainly, in the course of life, everyone has probably heard about Artificial
Intelligence (AI). With varying levels of interest, each person will have different
understandings and perspectives on it. Currently, AI is one of the rapidly
developing directions, attracting significant investment not only in Western
countries but also in Vietnam.
Intelligent systems with the ability to process vast amounts of information are
becoming daily assistants for businesses and organizations in decision-making and
guiding various aspects such as business strategies, marketing, recruitment,
training, policy-making, and more.
However, they also bring about many concerns regarding their exceptional growth
and the potential to surpass human management capabilities. Discussions about
artificial intelligence often revolve around the question: Is AI the future or the
apocalypse for humanity?
Humans are joining hands with artificial intelligence to make breakthroughs that change the game.
Humanity is increasingly craving the application of Science and Technology in
both daily life and production, driven by the unparalleled benefits that technology
brings. The profit derived from technology is invaluable. Artificial Intelligence
(AI) is no exception to this reality; it is receiving growing attention and
investment, almost unstoppable. The smarter it becomes, the greater the risk of
overshadowing human will and competing for dominance over Earth.
What is artificial intelligence(AI)?
According to Wikipedia, in computer science, Artificial Intelligence (AI),
sometimes referred to as machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by
machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans. The term
"artificial intelligence" is often used to describe machines (or computers) that
mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as
"learning" and "problem-solving."
Artificial intelligence is often portrayed in popular culture through films such as
Chappie (2015), A.I. (2001), Ex Machina (2015), or contentious products like
Google Assistant, Google AI AlphaStar, Google AlphaGo, and others.
The benefits and drawbacks of Artificial
Intelligence (AI)
Currently, people have successfully developed AI products with highly responsive
and accurate processing capabilities, leaving us amazed. Various AI applications
are in use today:
- Google: Applies AI in self-driving cars, data analysis, voice-based conversations,
and disease diagnosis (Deepmind Health).
- Facebook: Utilizes Artificial Intelligence for image recognition and detecting
fake news.
- Microsoft: Is working on an AI-driven cancer treatment project.
- SoftBank: Uses AI to manufacture the Pepper robot, capable of serving as a
Sophia - Robot using artificial intelligence that claims to destroy humanity
Artificial Intelligence has become an indispensable part of every nation's and
individual's life. It has turned unimaginable ideas into reality, from smart homes
and disease-diagnosing robots to military applications and unmanned vehicles. The
strong support from major tech companies has made the future of AI vast and
Commenting on artificial intelligence is undoubtedly going to develop much more
rapidly than we can imagine. Some advantages of using artificial intelligence
include the ability to operate autonomously and swiftly, as well as the capability to
learn and adjust data automatically (machine learning, deep learning, and smart
self-learning technologies).
Artificial Intelligence is particularly beneficial in the online business sector,
reducing costs and bridging the gap between the real and virtual worlds. Amazon
Go is a prime example where there's no need for a cashier.
Moreover, AI helps reduce costs and solve customer care problems, gather
information quickly, predict trends and the future, opening up a new field for
innovation and competition.
Classification of AI technology
- Reactive Machine AI Technology:
Reactive Machine is a type of AI technology capable of analyzing its own actions
and those of opponents to generate the most optimal strategies. A notable example
is Deep Blue, IBM's automated chess-playing program, which defeated the world
champion chess player Garry Kasparov. The AI technology in Deep Blue can
determine chess moves and predict the next steps. However, it lacks the ability to
store memories and cannot use past experiences for training in the future.
- AI Technology with Limited Memory:
This AI technology can self-identify unexpected cases and provide the best
processing directions, although its memory is limited.
- Theory of Artificial Intelligence:
This is a psychological term referring to AI technology's ability to think and learn
from the environment to apply knowledge to specific situations. However, this type
of technology is not yet feasible in practice
Self-Aware AI Technology:
This AI technology possesses self-awareness and even exhibits behavior similar
to humans. It can experience emotions and share joy and sorrow with users.
However, this technology is still not feasible in practical applications.
Reality of artificial intelligence in Vietnam
Vietnam has undergone significant development in the past 30 years of reforms,
transforming into an integrated, dynamic economy that attracts investment in the
region. In the context of international development and integration, along with the
strong advancement of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Vietnam has identified a
strategic focus on the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology – a
forefront sector predicted to be the most breakthrough technology industry in the
next 10 years.
Applying AI to diagnose and find treatment options helps shorten a lot of time
The Ministry of Science and Technology concentrates on providing advice and
direction to promote technological development, with a specific focus on allocating
resources for the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Additionally, it
continues to approve key science programs, supporting research and development
in AI technology, fostering collaboration among researchers, investors, and
businesses to stimulate research and application of artificial intelligence.
However, the workforce capable of understanding algorithms and creating AI tools
accounts for only 2-3%, while the majority, 70-80%, are users applying these tools
in specialized fields. Vietnam is actively working towards developing AI
technology, recognizing its potential as the most breakthrough technology industry
in the next decade. The Ministry of Science and Technology plays a key role in
advising and directing efforts to boost technological development, focusing
resources on AI development. It also supports pivotal science programs,
encouraging research and development