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Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (36.69 KB, 18 trang )

enum CommandType getCommandType(char * command) {
// Requirement 1:
char firstWord[MAX_LENGTH_COMMAND+1];
sscanf(command, "%s", firstWord);

if (strcmp(firstWord, "Add") == 0) {
return ADD;
} else if (strcmp(firstWord, "Edit") == 0) {
return EDIT;
} else if (strcmp(firstWord, "Show") == 0) {
return SHOW;
} else if (strcmp(firstWord, "Delete") == 0) {
return DELETE;
} else if (strcmp(firstWord, "Quit") == 0) {
return QUIT;
return INVALID;
// Requirement 2:
void getTitleFromAdd(const char* command, char* out_title)
sscanf(command, "Add [%[^]]", out_title);

void getDescriptionFromAdd(const char* command, char* out_description)
sscanf(command, "Add [%*[^]]] [%[^]]", out_description);

void getTimeFromAdd(const char* command, char* out_time)
sscanf(command, "Add [%*[^]]] [%*[^]]] [%[^]]", out_time);
// Requirement 3:
int checkTitle(char *raw_title) {
int titleLength = strlen(raw_title);
int i;

if (titleLength > 100) {
return titleLength;

if (isspace(raw_title[0]) || isspace(raw_title[titleLength - 1])) {
return 0;

for (i = 0; i < titleLength; i++) {
char currentChar = raw_title[i];
if (!(isalpha(currentChar) || isdigit(currentChar) || isspace(currentChar) ||
currentChar == ',' || currentChar == '.' || currentChar == '-' ||
currentChar == ':' || currentChar == '|' || currentChar == '/')) {
return i;

return -1;

// Requirement 4:
int checkDescription(char *raw_description) {
int descriptionLength = strlen(raw_description);
int i;

if (descriptionLength > 200) {
return descriptionLength;

if (isspace(raw_description[0]) || isspace(raw_description[descriptionLength - 1])) {
return 0;

for (i = 0; i < descriptionLength; i++) {
char currentChar = raw_description[i];
if (!(isalpha(currentChar) || isdigit(currentChar) || isspace(currentChar) ||
currentChar == ',' || currentChar == '.' || currentChar == '-' ||
currentChar == ':' || currentChar == '|' || currentChar == '/')) {
return i;

return -1;

int checkTime(char *raw_time) {
char datetime1[MAX_LENGTH_TIME+1];
char datetime2[MAX_LENGTH_TIME+1];

int i = 0;
while (raw_time[i] != '-') {
datetime1[i] = raw_time[i];
datetime1[i] = '\0';

int j = 0;
while (raw_time[i] != '\0') {
datetime2[j] = raw_time[i];
datetime2[j] = '\0';

int hh1, mm1, dd1, mo1, yyyy1;
if (sscanf(datetime1, "%d:%d|%d/%d/%d", &hh1, &mm1, &dd1, &mo1, &yyyy1) != 5) {
return atoi("1100") + hh1;

if (hh1 < 0 || hh1 > 23) {
return atoi("1100") + hh1;

if (mm1 < 0 || mm1 > 59) {

return atoi("2100") + mm1;

if (yyyy1 <= 0) {
return atoi("510000") + yyyy1;

int hh2, mm2, dd2, mo2, yyyy2;
if (sscanf(datetime2, "%d:%d|%d/%d/%d", &hh2, &mm2, &dd2, &mo2, &yyyy2) != 5) {
return atoi("1200") + hh2;

if (hh2 < 0 || hh2 > 23) {
return atoi("1200") + hh2;

if (mm2 < 0 || mm2 > 59) {
return atoi("2200") + mm2;

if (yyyy2 <= 0) {
return atoi("520000") + yyyy2;

int max_days;
switch (mo1) {
case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12:

max_days = 31;
case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:

max_days = 30;
case 2:
if ((yyyy1 % 4 == 0 && yyyy1 % 100 != 0) || (yyyy1 % 400 == 0))
max_days = 29;
max_days = 28;
return atoi("4100") + mo1;

if (dd1 < 1 || dd1 > max_days) {
return atoi("3100") + dd1;

switch (mo2) {
case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12:
max_days = 31;
case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:
max_days = 30;
case 2:
if ((yyyy2 % 4 == 0 && yyyy2 % 100 != 0) || (yyyy2 % 400 == 0))

max_days = 29;
max_days = 28;

return atoi("4200") + mo2;

if (dd2 < 1 || dd2 > max_days) {
return atoi("3200") + dd2;

if (yyyy2 < yyyy1 ||
(yyyy2 == yyyy1 && mo2 < mo1) ||
(yyyy2 == yyyy1 && mo2 == mo1 && dd2 < dd1) ||
(yyyy2 == yyyy1 && mo2 == mo1 && dd2 == dd1 && hh2 < hh1) ||
(yyyy2 == yyyy1 && mo2 == mo1 && dd2 == dd1 && hh2 == hh1 && mm2 < mm1)) {
return 0;

return -1;
//Requirement 6:
void getTitleFromEdit(char* command, char* out_title)
char* start = strstr(command, "title:[");
if (start != NULL)

start += strlen("title:[");
char* end = strchr(start, ']');
if (end != NULL)

strncpy(out_title, start, end - start);
out_title[end - start] = '\0';

void getDescriptionFromEdit(char* command, char* out_description)
char* start = strstr(command, "description:[");
if (start != NULL)
start += strlen("description:[");
char* end = strchr(start, ']');
if (end != NULL)
strncpy(out_description, start, end - start);
out_description[end - start] = '\0';

void getTimeFromEdit(char* command, char* out_time)
char* start = strstr(command, "time:[");
if (start != NULL)

start += strlen("time:[");

char* end = strchr(start, ']');
if (end != NULL)
strncpy(out_time, start, end - start);
out_time[end - start] = '\0';

// Requirement 7:
int getNumFromCommand(char* command)
char* start = strchr(command, '#');
if (start == NULL)
return -1;

int num = atoi(start);

if (num <= 0)
return 0;

return num;


// Requirement 8:
int getFieldFromEdit(char* edit_cmd) {
char* first_space = strchr(edit_cmd, ' ');
if (first_space == NULL) {
return 0; // No first space found

char* second_space = strchr(first_space + 1, ' ');
if (second_space == NULL) {
return 0; // No second space found

char* first_colon = strchr(second_space, ':');
if (first_colon == NULL || first_colon == second_space + 1) {
return 0; // No first colon found or empty field name

char field[20];
strncpy(field, second_space + 1, first_colon - second_space - 1);
field[first_colon - second_space - 1] = '\0';

if (strcmp(field, "title") == 0) {
return 1; // Field to be changed is "title"
} else if (strcmp(field, "description") == 0) {
return 2; // Field to be changed is "description"
} else if (strcmp(field, "time") == 0) {
return 3; // Field to be changed is "time"

} else if (strcmp(field, "status") == 0) {
return 4; // Field to be changed is "status"

return 0; // Invalid field to be changed
// Requirement 9:
enum Status getStatusFromEdit(char* edit_cmd)
char* first_space = strchr(edit_cmd, ' ');
if (first_space == NULL)
return IN_PROGRESS; // Khơng tìm th?y kho?ng tr?ng th? hai, m?c d?nh là In Progress

char* second_space = strchr(first_space + 1, ' ');
if (second_space == NULL) {
return IN_PROGRESS; // No second space found

char* colon = strchr(second_space, ':');
if (colon == NULL || colon == second_space + 1)
return IN_PROGRESS; // Khơng tìm th?y d?u hai ch?m ho?c khơng có chu?i c?n thay d?i, m?c d?nh là
In Progress

char status = *(colon + 2);

if (status == 'I' || status == 'i')
return IN_PROGRESS; // Tr?ng thái là In Progress
else if (status == 'D' || status == 'd')
return DONE; // Tr?ng thái là Done
else if (status == 'A' || status == 'a')
return ARCHIVED; // Tr?ng thái là Archived

return IN_PROGRESS; // Tr?ng thái không h?p l?, m?c d?nh là In Progress

//cau 10
void printAllTasks(struct Task * array_tasks, int no_tasks)

{int i;
for ( i = 0; i < no_tasks; i++)
// yêu c?u 11
void printTaskByNum(struct Task * array_tasks, int no_tasks,int num)

{int i;

for (i = 0; i < no_tasks; i++)
if (array_tasks[i].num == num) // ki?m tra trong c?u trúc task có num trùng v?i num c?a l?nh show
hay không
printTask(&array_tasks[i]); // in ra màn hình task c?a num
return; // ng?t vịng l?p
printf("Task with num %d not found.\n", num); // n?u khơng tìm th?y s? báo l?i
// yêu c?u 12
void printHeadTasks(struct Task * array_tasks, int no_tasks,int quan)
{int i;
if(quan <= no_tasks)
for( i=0;i{
if(quan > no_tasks)

// yêu c?u 13
void printTailTasks(struct Task * array_tasks, int no_tasks,int quan)

{int i;
int start = no_tasks - quan;
if(quan <= no_tasks)
for( i = no_tasks-1; i >= start; i--)
if(quan > no_tasks)
// yêu c?u 14
void printFilteredTasksByTitle(struct Task * array_tasks,int no_tasks, char * filter_title)
{int i;
int titleCheck = checkTitle(filter_title);
if(titleCheck != -1)
printf("Invalid title %i.\n", titleCheck);


for(i = 0; i < no_tasks; i++)


if(strstr(array_tasks[i].title,filter_title) != NULL )
// yêu c?u 15
void printFilteredTasksByDescription(struct Task * array_tasks,int no_tasks, char * filter_description)
{int i;
int descriptionCheck = checkDescription(filter_description);
if (descriptionCheck != -1)
printf("Invalid description %i.\n", descriptionCheck);
if(strstr(array_tasks[i].description,filter_description) != NULL)

// yêu c?u 16
void printFilteredTasksByStatus(struct Task * array_tasks,int no_tasks, enum Status filter_status)

{int i;
for( i = 0; i < no_tasks; i++)
if(array_tasks[i].status == filter_status)
// yêu c?u 17
bool addTask(struct Task * array_tasks, int no_tasks, char* new_title, char * new_description, char *
if (no_tasks >= MAX_NO_TASKS) {
return false;
int titleCheck = checkTitle(new_title);
int descriptionCheck = checkDescription(new_description);
int timeCheck = checkTime(new_time);
if(titleCheck != -1)
return false;
if (descriptionCheck != -1) {
return false;

if (timeCheck != -1) {
printf("Invalid time %i.\n", timeCheck);
return false;

strcpy(array_tasks[no_tasks].title, new_title);
strcpy(array_tasks[no_tasks].description, new_description);
strcpy(array_tasks[no_tasks].time, new_time);
array_tasks[no_tasks].num = no_tasks+1;
array_tasks[no_tasks].status = IN_PROGRESS;
return true;

// yêu c?u 18
bool deleteTask(struct Task * array_tasks, int no_tasks, int num)
// l?u ý quan tr?ng vì hàm bool ch? tr? v? true ho?c false nên khi ta thay ??i no_task sau khi xóa xong s?
ko ?c c?p nh?p ? main
// vd có 2 task sau khi xóa task a thì khi ta show all nó s? hi?n lên 2 task b
// ?? kh?c ph?c ta b?ng cách s? d?ng con tr?. ?i?u này cho phép b?n truy c?p và thay ??i giá tr? c?a bi?n
g?c trong hàm.
{int i;
if (num < 1 || num > no_tasks) // báo l?i n?u hàm in ra sai
return false;
for (i = num - 1; i < no_tasks - 1; i++) {
strcpy(array_tasks[i].title, array_tasks[i + 1].title);
strcpy(array_tasks[i].description, array_tasks[i + 1].description);
strcpy(array_tasks[i].time, array_tasks[i + 1].time);

array_tasks[i].status = array_tasks[i+1].status;

no_tasks--; //nó s? ?i ??n ??a chi l?u no_tasks và th?c hi?n phép tính gi?m ?i 1

return true;
// yêu c?u 19
int printWeekTime(struct Task * array_tasks, int no_tasks,char * date)
//t?o c?u trúc weektime
struct week
int num;
char week_title[MAX_LENGTH_TITLE+1];
char week_description[MAX_LENGTH_DESCRIPTION+1];
char week_time[MAX_LENGTH_TIME+1];
struct week *weektime[7][24];
return 1;


// Other functions
