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Mid Term Exam.docx

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Data transfer rate (bandwidth) is the actual speed data can be transmitted. False
Walls, floors, and large metal objects interfere with wireless signals. True
RAM is volatile storage. True
Data and information are NOT interchangeable terms. - True
App creation software includes tools like Adobe Photoshop. - False
Google Docs is an example of Software as a Service. - True
When you subscribe to software, no license is necessary. - False

8- Which would NOT be considered application software? – Windows 10
9- The most common computer port is the ________ port. - USB
10- ________ printers work by spraying tiny drops of ink onto paper. - Inkjet
11- The most common output device for soft output is a ________. - display screen
12- A(n) ________ is a computing device focused on offering a very thin, lightweight computing solution.
- ultrabook
13- In a computer, each ________ can represent a single character such as "G". - byte
14- Which of the following functions of a computer is mostly responsible for turning data into
information? - processing
15 -In every other node on the network, each node connected on the network can communicate directly
with every other node on the network. - a peer-to-peer (P2P)
16 - Business transactions take place between businesses and consumers. - B2C
17 - An example of Online collaboration and file sharing tools is ________. - All the answers are correct.

Describe the URL parts and give an example of a URL:
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) consists of several parts:

Scheme/Protocol: Indicates the protocol used to access the resource (e.g., http, https, ftp).
Host: The domain name of the server hosting the resource (e.g., www.example.com).
Port (optional): The port number at the host (e.g., :80 for HTTP).

Top level domain (e.g. .com , .gov)
Path: The specific path to the resource on the server (e.g., /folder/page.html).
Query (optional): A string of information appended to the end of a path to define content,
actions, or to pass data (e.g., ?search=query).

Example of a URL: :443/path/to/resource?search=query#section

List the advantages and disadvantages of networks:


Resource Sharing: Allows sharing of resources like printers, files, and internet connections.
Communication and Collaboration: Enables communication and data exchange between connected
devices and users.
Centralized Data Management: Centralizes data storage, making data management more efficient.
Cost Efficiency: Reduces cost by sharing hardware and software resources.

Security Risks: Networks can be vulnerable to unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyberattacks.
Maintenance: Requires regular maintenance and skilled personnel to manage the network.
Dependence on Network Functionality: Network outages can halt operations dependent on network
Cost of Setup: Initial setup of a network can be expensive and complex.

Convert the following numbers into binary numbers:

For the decimal number 45, the binary representation is 101101.
For the hexadecimal number 0xB2, the binary representation is 10110010.
Convert the following numbers into decimal numbers:

For the hexadecimal number 0x2C, the decimal representation is 44.
For the octal number 100, the decimal representation is 64.

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