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ĐỀ 1
1. Doctors _____ an answer to AIDS yet.
A. have found

B. found

C. haven't found

D. hasn't found

2. Do you mind _____ up?
A. wash

B. washing

C. washed

D. to wash.

3. He _____ to give up smoking since last week.
A. was trying

B. have tried

C. has tried

D. tried.

C. to walk

D. walking.

4. He enjoys _____ in the rain.
A. walk

B. walks

5. Would you like _____ to my party?
A. come

B. to come

C. coming

D. came.

6. I do not mind _______ you my opinion.
A. tell

B. to tell

C. telling

He was the first forward _______ a

A. score

B. to score

D. told

goal in yesterday's match.

C. scoring

D. scored

8. We come to congratulate you_______ your success.
A. on

B. at

C. with

D. about

9. Although she had prepared carefully ______ the oral test, she did not succeed
______answering all the questions.
A. for/in

B. on/with

C. at/with

D. to/at

10. Walking and golf increased in _________ during the 1980s.
A. popular

B. popularity

C. popularize


11."Don’t shout", I said to Jim.
A. I told Jim don't shout

B. I told to Jim not to shout

C. I told Jim not to shout

D. I said to Jim don't shout.

12. Linh can’t go out with us to see a movie now because she’s ____ meal.
A. preparing

B. making

C. arranging D. keeping

13. I’m responsible for cooking dinner as my mother usually works ____.
A. lately

B. early

C. later

D. late

14. I usually ____ my younger sisters when my parents are away on business.
A. pick up

B. take care of

C. look for D. take charge of

15. To Hoa, her father is the greatest person in the world and he always sets a good ____
for her.
A. role

B. behaviour

C. example D. action

II. Choose the suitable word to fill in each plank.

Statesmen define a family as a group of individuals having a common dwelling and related
by blood, adoption or marriage, (16)___ includes common-law relationships. Most people
are born into one of these groups and (17) ___live their lives as a family in such a group.
Although the definition of a family may not change, (18)___relationship of people to each
other within the family group changes as society changes. More and more wives are
(19)___paying jobs, and, as a result, the roles of husband, wife and children are changing.
Today, men expect to (20)___. for pay for about 40 years of their lives, and, in today ‘s
marriages (21)___. which both spouses have paying jobs, women can expect to work for
about 30 to 35 years of their lives. This mean that man must learn to do their share of
family tasks such as caring for the children and daily (22) ___chores. Children, too,

especially adolescents, have to (23) ___with the members od their family in sharing
household tasks. The widespread acceptance of contraception has meant that having
(24)___is as matter of choice, not an automatic result of marriage. Marriage itself has
become a choice. As alternatives (25)___common-law relationships and single-parent
families have become socially acceptable, women will become more independent.
16. A. which

B. that

C. what

17. A. must

B. need C. would D. will

18. A. a

B. any

C. some

D. it
D. the

19. A. taking

B. making

C. keeping

D. performing

20. A. live

B. work

C. hope

D. ask

C. with

D. to

C. house

D. household

21. A. in

B. for

22. A. home

B. family

23. A. carry

B. deal

24. A. time

B. families

25. A. similar to

B. like

C. cooperate
C. happiness
C. such as

D. combine
D. children
D. or else

III. Read the passage and choose the correct answers.
In June 1859, when a Swiss businessman, Henry Dunant, arrived in the small town of
Solferino on the evening of June 24, he witnessed the Battle of Solferino. In a single day,
about 40,000 soldiers on both sides died or were left wounded on the field. Henry Dunant
was shocked by the terrible scene of the battle, the suffering of the wounded soldiers, and
the lack of medical attendance and basic care. He completely abandoned the original intent
of his trip and devoted himself to helping with the treatment and care for the wounded. He
succeeded in organizing relief assistance by motivating the local population to aid without
discrimination. Back to his home in Geneva he called for the development of international
treaties to guarantee the neutrality and protection of those wounded on the battlefield as
well as medics and field hospitals.
On August 22, 1864, the conference was held with Representatives of 12 states signed
the Geneva Convention and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was
founded. It is one of the largest and most respected humanitarian and non-state

organizations in the international system. Its efforts have provided aid and protection to
victims of wars for over a century. Such victims include war wounded, prisoners, refugees,
civilians, and other non-combatants. The Red Cross is the oldest and most honored
organization and one of the most widely recognized organizations in the world, having
won three Nobel Peace Prizes in 1917, 1944, and 1963.

26. The text is about _______
A. a Swiss businessman, Henry Dunant
B. the Battle of Solferino
C. the establishment of the Red Cross
D. those who were wounded on the battlefield
27. Which sentence is not true?
A. Henry Dunant was very appalled when he saw the terrible aftermath of the battle.
B. After the fight the soldiers on both sides were taken good care of.
C. Soldiers on both sides died or were left wounded on the field.
D. There were near-total lack of medical attendance and basic care for wounded soldiers at
that time.
28. Henry Dunant ______
A. did nothing for the wounded soldiers
B. went on his trip
C. donated a lot of money to the wounded
D. devoted himself to helping the wounded soldiers
29. According to the first paragraph
A. Henry Dunant failed to ask for contribution of the local people
B. the local people refused to help the wounded soldiers because of discrimination
C. the local people helped the wounded soldiers without discrimination
D. Henry Dunant provided the wounded soldiers with relief assistance by himself
30.Which does not refer to the International Committee of the Red Cross?

A. It was founded on August 22, 1864.
B. It is a humanitarian and non-state organization.
C. It has won three Nobel Peace Prizes
D. Its members come from 12 states.


ĐỀ 2
1. Your car is different _____ mine.
A. to

B. in

C. from

D. for

2. I found English very _____.
A. amusing

B. amused

C. amuse

D. to amuse

3. Her _____ include swimming and reading.
A. interests

B. interesting

C. interested

D. interest

4. Great Opera _____ of the world can be heard at the Sydney Opera House.
A. sing

B. singings

C. singers

D. to sing

5. English is the _____ language on one- fifth of the land area of the world.
A. office

B. official

C. officer

D. officially

6. English tends towards _____.
A. simple

B. simplicity

C. simplier

D. simply

7. He looks _____ today than yesterday.
A. good

B. well

C. better

D. goodly

8. There is a _____ difference between the north and the south.
A. region

B. regional

C. regionally

D. regioner

9. He went to a seaside resort because he was keen on _____.
A. windsurf

B. windsurfing

C. to windsurf

D. to windsurfing

10. The teacher told the boys to stop _____.
A. to make

B. played

C. playing

D. being played

11. In my family, my father always takes charge of doing the ____ lifting.
A. strong

B. hard

C. heavy

D. huge

12. With the Gema XTI binoculars, users can____see objects that are more than 100
meters away.
A. ease
B. easy
C. easily
D. easier
13. Mr. Brennel _______ positions in various areas of the company before he became
A. occupation
B. occupational
C. occupying
D. occupied


14. The award-winning film Underwater Secrets promotes awareness_____ ocean
pollution and its effects on our planet.
A. of
B. to
C. from
D. with
15. Ms. Suto claims that important market trends become ______with the use of data
A. predict
B. prediction
C. predictable
D. predictably
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
In the last few weeks I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more
exciting than work at home, read the newspapers, and watch television. I had begun
feeling bored with this and so, last weekend I thought I would do something different. I
phoned several of my friends and we decided to go to London for the day. I was really
excited as I hadn't been to London since I was ten. We decided to go by coach as this was
the cheapest means of transport. In London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we
wanted to see some of the famous buildings. After the tour, we bought some sandwiches
and ate them in a small park. In the afternoon some of us went shopping and the others
went to the theatre. We met up again at 6.30 pm and went to a small restaurant in Sotho.
The meal was really good, but unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected.
We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got there just two minutes
before our coach left.

16. According to the passage the writer __________.
A. usually spends his weekend at home.
B. went to London with some of his friends.
C. has lived in London for ten years.
D. feels bored with his life.
17. He felt so excited about going to London because__________.
A. he hadn't been there before.
B. he hadn't been there for ten years.
C. he went there ten years ago.
D. he hadn't been there for a long time.
18. Why did they decide to go by coach?
A. Because it was available.
B. Because they wanted to start early.
C. Because other means of transport were more expensive.

D. Because it was one of the most efficient means of transport.
19. Which of the following is true?
A. They all went shopping before going to theater.
B. They made a sightseeing tour of London and then had lunch.
C. They had lunch in a small restaurant.
D. They left the city at 6:30 p.m.
20. It can be inferred from the text that __________.
A. they nearly missed the coach because of the meal.
B. they didn't enjoy the meal in the restaurant very much.
C. the coach had already left when they got to the station.
D. they missed the coach and had to take a taxi back.
V. Choose the suitable word to fill in each plank.
James Cook was born in England ….(21) …. 1728. His parents …. (22) …. poor farm

workers. …. (23) …. James was18, he found a job on a coastal ship. He worked …. (24)
…. ships until he was 27 years old, and …. (25) …. he joined the navy. He fought …. (26)
…. Canada in a war against France. In 1768 King George III made him the …. (27) …. of
a ship and …. (28) …. him to the Pacific. He was away …. (29) …. nearly three years
when he …. (30) …., he was a national hero.
21. A. in

B. at

C. on

D. during

22. A. are

B. be

C. were

D. was

23. A. while

B. when

C. because

D. during

24. A. in

B. on

C. for

D. under

25. A. then

B. but

C. when

D. if

26. A. at

B. in

C. to

D. against

27. A. monitor

B. captain

C. principal

D. director

28. A. got

B sent

C. send

D. sending

29. A. in

B. since

C. for

D. during

30. A. got

B. came

C. returned

D. arrived


ĐỀ 3
I. Choose the best answers.

1. - I never like seeing movies. – Really? …………
A. Neither do I
don’t, too

B. So do I

C. I don’t neither


C. being

D. with


2. I’m not used…………spoken to like that.
A. to be

B. to being

3. You should pay ______ to what the instruction is saying.
A. attendance

B. intention

C. convention

D. attention

4. My friends usually enjoy my ______ of humor.
A. sense

B. kind

C. means

D. form

5. - Mother: “Could you do me a favor?” - Kate: “______.”
A. No, thanks. I’m fine

B. Yes, that’s kind of you

C. Yes, sure

D. Yes, thank you

6. Practising ______ English anywhere you can is a way to better your speaking skill.
A. speak

B. speaking

C. to speak

D. for speaking

7. It's so kind …………you to help me.
A. at

B. of

C. for

D. to

8. We take ____ in doing the washing-up, cleaning the floor and watering the flowers.
A. turn

B. out

C. around

D. turns

9. The winners are the first ones ______ a fire.
A. make

B. makes

C. making

D. to make

10. Children may drink or eat chemicals and drugs ______ they look like soft drinks and
A. until

B. because

C. although

D. so that

11. Is there anything wrong _________ you? You look upset and agitated.
A. in

B. about

C. of

D. with

12. I have worked non-stop __________ 5 hours.
A. yesterday

B. for

C. since

D. already

13. I had no difficulty _________ on with the job of developing a comprehensive test ban
A. to get

B. getting

C. at getting

D. on getting

14. He ____________ head of marketing department yesterday.
A. is made

B. is being made

C. had made

D. was made

15. A road to school ____________ next month.
A. is going to widen
D. is widened

B. is going to be widened

C. is going to widened

II. Choose the suitable word to fill in each plank.
John Lennon, (16)________ member of the Beatles, (17) ________ murdered just before
11 p.m (18) ________ the 8th December 1980, outside his home in New York City. He
had just got out of a car, and was walking to the entrance (19) ________ a voice called
"Mr Lennon". Lennon turned and (20) ________ five times. The killer threw his gun
down, and stood there smiling. Lennon was (21) ________ to hospital in a police patrol
car, but it was (22) ________ late. The killer was 25-year-old Mark Chapman from
Hawaii. Earlier the same evening he had asked Lennon for his autograph. (23)
________ fact, he had been hanging around outside the apartment building for several

days. Chapman was a (24) ________ of the Beatles and Lennon, and had tried to imitated
him in many ways. It is (25) ________ that he even believed he was John Lennon.
16. A. a

B. one

C. the

D. an

17. A. was

B. were

C. are

D. is

18. A. on

B. in

C. at

D. into

19. A. while

B. after

C. before

D. when

20. A. shoot

B. were shot

C. is shot

D. was shot

21. A. ran

B. run

C. rushed

D. rush

22. A. much

B. more

C. and

D. too

23. A. In

B. At

C. for

D. About

24. A. man

B. woman

C. fan

25. A. said

B. talked

C. spoke

D. boy
D. told

III. Read the following passage and choose A, B, C, or D to fill in the gaps:
A young man from Germany named Levi Strauss arrived in California in 1850. He went
there to sell things to the miners. He saw that the miners needed strong pants, so he began
to make them. He used cloth that people made tents from. He put rivets on the pockets to
make them strong because the men put rocks in their pockets. These pants were very
strong and lasted a long time. The pants became very popular immediately. Later Mr.
Strauss started making jeans from cotton cloth from Nimes, France. People called this
cloth denim. Denim was popular in the fifteenth century. Christopher Columbus used
denim for the sails of his ships. Sailors in Genoa, Italy, wore denim pant. The words

“jeans” comes from the word “Genoa”. Mr. Strauss made the first jeans in the United
States, but the idea and the kind of cloth came from Europe. The names came from France
and Italy. Jeans were always blue until recently. People used indigo to dye them. Indigo is
the oldest dye in the world. Most jeans have blue threads going across and white threads
going up and down. These two colors make denim look different from other kinds of cloth.
26.The word denim comes from the name of a city in………………………
A. France

B. India

C. Italy

D. Germany

27.The word jeans is from the name of a city in……………………….
A. France

B. The United States

C. Italy

D. Germany

28. Levis Strauss went to California to………………………………
A. sell things to miners

B. look for gold

C. make jeans

D. be a sailor

29. Rivets………………………………..
A. made goods sails

B. make tents strong

C. come from Genoa

D. make the pockets of jeans strong

30. Cloth is made from thousands of…………………………………..
A. tents

B. sails

C. factories

D. threads


1. We’re never owned ………………… independent cat as this one.
A. a more than

B. such an

C. a so

D. as much an

2. The visitors found the story very _____.
A. amuse

B. amused

C. amuses

D. amusing

3. The little village is very quiet and _____
A. peace

B. peacefully

C. peaceful

D. peaceless

C. more happier

D. happily

C. failure

D. to fail

4. Julia sings _____ than Susan does.
A. more beautiful

B. beautifullier

C. more beautiful

D. more beautifully

5. He is today _____ than yesterday.
A. happier

B. more happily

6. Do not give up because of _____.
A. fail

B. to failing

7. Paster, whose _____ of a cure for a rabies made him _____ was a French scientist.
A. discover/ famous
discovered/ famous

B. discovery/ fame

C. discovery/famous


8. In the world today there are more than 350 _____ people speaking English as their first
or native language.
A. millions

B. thousand

C. billion

D. million

9. I am out of work. I get _____ every week but isn't much.
A. benefit unemployment
benefit unemployed

B. unemployment benefit C. employment benefit D.

10. Peter finds it boring to watch _________ TV all __________ time.
A. the/Ø

B. Ø/the

C. the/a

D. Ø/a

11. ________, one of the most preferred places to visit would be the Cairo and the Giza
A. When traveling
are traveling

B. When somebody travels

C. On travelin



12.You should pay more attention to ________
A. the teacher is explaining
C. what to explain

B. what the teacher is explaining
D. what is the teacher explaining

13. Although he has listened to the explanation carefully, ________
A. he cannot master the problem


C. without mastering the problem D.

but he cannot master the problem
which makes him not master the problem

14. His mother had him and his sisters ____ the housework yesterday.
A. done B. do

C. did

D. does

15. ________ if you want to go to the match.
A. You had better reserve your seat today
B. Reserving your seat today
C. When you reserve your seat today
D. To reserve your seat today
II. A. Read the passage carefully and choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate the
correct answer to each of the following questions:
If you invite an American friend to join you to have dinner in a restaurant, phone the
restaurant first to find out if you need a reservation to avoid a long wait for a table. To
make a reservation, just give your name, the number of people in your group, and the time
you plan to arrive. When you invite someone to dinner, you should be prepared to pay the
bill and reach for it when it arrives. However, if your companion insists on paying his or
her share, do not get into argument about it. Some people prefer to pay their own way so
that they do not feel indebted, and those feelings should be respected. In most American
restaurants, the waiter or waitress’s tip is not added to the bill. If the service was adequate,
it is customary to leave a tip equal to about 15% of the bill. In expensive restaurants, leave
a bit more.
16. When you invite an American friend to have dinner in a restaurant ___________.
A. a reservation is not necessary
B. you should make a reservation
C. there are always many tables available for you
D. you always have to wait for a long time
17. To make a reservation, you ______________.
A. just give your name, the time you arrive and how many persons there are in your group
B. have to give your address, the time you arrive and how many persons there are in your

C. just give your name, the time you arrive and your address
D. just give your name, the time you arrive and your telephone number
18. When you invite someone to dinner, you ______________.
A. let him to pay himself
B. should prepare to pay the bill
C. give the bill to him
D. share the bill with him
19. If your companion insists in paying his share, _______________.
A. do not agree
B. it will be impolite
C. you should let him pay as he expects
D. you should get into argument with him
20. In most American restaurants, _______________.

A. the tip is added to the bill
B. the tip is about 15% of the bill
C. you should not give the tip to waiters or waitresses
D. waiters and waitresses never get the tip
III. Choose the suitable word to fill in each plank.
I have always wanted to go fishing. Last summer, I went on a trip to Taiwan. (21)
________the last day of my vacation, I went fishing on a beautiful lake. Unfortunately, I
didn't catch (22) ________ fish, and I got bored. I decided to go (23) ________. When I
stood up, my wallet fell (24) ________ my pocket and into the water. It had all my money,
my passport, my plane tickets- everything. I (25) ________ into the lake to look (26)
________it, but I didn't find anything. The next morning, I wasn't able to leave the hotel. I
had (27) ________money to pay the bill and no plane ticket or passport to go home. So
what did I do? I called my boss and asked (28) ________some money. I have (29)
________had (30) ________a terrible experience.

21. A. at

B. on

22. A. any

B. a C. an

23. A. swim

B. swam

C. swimming D. to swim

24. A. out of

B. out

C. of

25. A. jump

B. jumping C. to jump D. jumped

26. A. for

B. after

C. into

D. out

27. A. any

B. much

C. some

D. no

28. A. - B. for

C. in

D. during
D. some

C. after

D. into

D. to

29. A. ever

B. still

C. never

D. just

30. A. so

B. too

C. also

D. such


ĐỀ 5
1. ‘What about Mike?’
‘He said he __________not sure whether he __________ attend the ceremony’
A. did / could

B. does / can

C. was / could

D. was / can

2. No sooner ________ the rain _________.
A. had we started than / came B. we started when / came C. did we start that / came D. we
had started that / would come
3. Nothing _______I do seems to please her.
A. which

B. that

C. who

D. whom

4. The teacher looked __________ at his naughty students.
A. anger

B. angry

C. angrily

D. angered

5. “Let’s some have drink now.” _ “ ……………… ”
A. Yes, let’s drink

B. Yes, we drink

C. Yes, we do

D. That’s a good idea

6. What is the name of the girl …………..bicycle was stolen.
A. whose

B. who

C. which

D. When

7. We are fond ………..folk music
A. in

B. at

C. with

D. of

8. Women struggle for a real ……………...between male and female.
A. equal

B. equally

C. equalize

D. equality

9. In many cases, pointing at people …………….impolite.
A. are considered to be

B. is considered to be

C. is considered of being

D. considers being
10. Her new cellphone is different from ……………
A. him

B. his

C. he

D. his one is

11. Ann, _____ children learn very well, is our math teacher.
A. who

B. whose

C. which

D. that

12. My father is fond of _____.
A. finishing

B. fished

C. fishes

D. to fish

13. If you don’t study harder, you will surely fail the next exam
A. Unless you don’t study harder, you will surely fail the next exam
B. Unless you study harder, you will surely fail the next exam
C. Unless you study harder, you won’t surely fail the next exam
D. Unless you don’t study harder, you won’t surely fail the next exam

14. The company specializes in ______ promotional items to help companies

advertise their brand.
A. personally

B. personalized

C. personality

D. personalizes

15. “Are you interested in learning English?” said Ann
A. Ann asked me if I am interested in learning English
B. Ann asked me if I was interested in learning English
C. Ann asked me that I was interested in learning English
D. Ann asked me if you were interested in learning English
In the 20th century, magazines have been a major growth area of popular publishing.
Specialist magazines cater to every imaginable field and activity. In the United Kingdom,
over 12,000 periodicals, magazines, bulletins, annuals, trade journals, and academic
journals are published on a regular basis. There are some 40 women's magazines and over
60 dealing with particular sports, games, hobbies, and pastimes. Although some US
magazines, such as The Saturday Evening Post, has succumbed to competition of
television, many continue "to have enormous international circulations, The Reader's
Digest over 16 million, The National Geographic over 10 million. For many people,
magazines have been the most available and widely used form of continuing education,
providing information about history, geography, literature, science, and the arts, as well as
guidance on gardening, cooking, home decorating, financial management, psychology,
even marriage and family life.

Until the rise of television, magazines were the most available form of cheap,
convenient entertainment in the English-speaking world. Radio served a similar function,
but it was more limited in what it could do. Magazines and television, however, both
address the more powerful visual sense. During the third quarter of the 20th century,
coincident with a dramatic rise in the popularity of television, many general-interest,
especially illustrated magazines went out of business. The shift in attention of a mass,
audience from reading such magazines to watching television has been a major factor in
this decline, but it is an implicit tribute from television to the older genre that its programs
are generally organized in a single format and content.
16. From the passage, it can be inferred that ______.
A. movies have replaced magazines

B. the author is fond of magazines

C. almost all magazines are printed in English






17. According to the passage, which of the following magazines is no longer printed?
A. The Saturday Evening Post
C. The Nation

B. The Reader's Digest

D. The National Geographic

18. The passage implies that magazines ______.
A. are less visual than radio
C. influence television programs

B. put television out of business
D. have a limited range of subjects

19. The passage mainly discusses ______.
A. the rise and fall of the radio business
the 20 century

B. the growth and decline of magazines in

C. magazines and continuing education

D. the decline of international circulation

20. What does the author say about mass audiences?
A. They have little influence on communications in the 20th century.
B. They have gone out of business.
C. They get information about gardening and psychology from radio.
D. They have shifted their attention from magazines to television.
Choose the suitable word to fill in each plank.

Steven Spielberg was born in Ohio. He is one of the most (21) ________filmmakers in
recent times, and in his (22) ________he has earned millions (23) ________ dollars. He
has been making movies (24) ________ 1961. His first film was a war movie, Escape to
Nowhere, (25) ________ was made when he was only 13. He studied English literature at
California State University and then worked in the television division (26)
________Universal Studios in Hollywood for seven years. In 1975, he made the movie
Jaws, which (27) ________very successful, and (28) ________ him rich and famous.
Since then, he has made more than 30 movies, including the box- office hits Close
Encounters of the Third Kind, Indiana Jones, ET, and Jurassic Parkura. He has also
directed (29) ________serious movies, like Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan, and
he has produced a lot of hit movies. In 1994, he formed a new Hollywood studio,
Dreamworks. Recently, Dreamworks has been (30) ________Microsoft to produce
interactive computer games and videos.
21. A. success

B. unsuccess

C. successful

22. A. job

B. career

C. work

23. A. of

B. in

C. work

D. about

24. A. ago

B. for

C. since

D. in

C. whose

D. which

25. A. who

B. whom

D. unsuccessful
D. profession

26. A. in

B. at

C. into

D. near

27. A. were

B. is

C. are

D. was

28. A. to make

B. made

C. makes

D. make

29. A. some

B. much

C. more

D. most

30. A. worked B. work

C. to work

D. working


ĐỀ 6
1. I'd rather _____ at home than _____ to see that film.
A. stay/ to go

B. staying/ going C. to stay/ to go

D. stay/ go

2. He was surprised _____ her action.
A. for

B. with

C. to

D. at

3. He feels like _____ in a big city.
A. live

B. to live

C. living

D. lives

4. They are trying to look _____ new jobs.

A. after

B. at

C. for

D. forward

5. They are looking forward _____ Tet holiday.
A. to have

B. having

C. to having

D. have

6. He looked at me_____.
A. angry

B. angrily

C. anger

D. angryly.

7. We haven’t seen him ................we left school
A. for

B. since

C. when

D. While

8. My bicycle..................last night
A. stole

B. was stolen

C. has been stolen D. is stolen

9. I’m returning to England .....................the end of this term
A. on

B. in

C. at

D. for

10. If you ................more slowly, he might understand you
A. speak

B. spoke

C. to speak

D. Speaking

C. did you

D. didn’t you

11. You gave him my address,.............?
A. don’t you

B. doesn’t you

12. My family live.................... We always concern to one another.
A. happy

B. happily

C. happyly

D. happiness

13. I cannot come out this evening. I have got some homework _____ by tomorrow.
A. to finish

B. finish

C. finished

D. finishing

14. I don't know the meaning of this word. ________ I borrow your dictionary?
A. Should

B. May

C. Will .

D. Must

15. Jenny often ____ jeans and T-shirt at school but she ____ a gorgeous dress today.
A. wears - is wearing B. is wearing – wears C. wear - is wearing



II. Read the passage, then choose the correct answer.
The Siamese crocodiles are believed to be extinct in the wild. They are an endangered
animal. It is speculated that there are only about two hundred Siamese Crocodile left in the
wilderness. Most of the Siamese crocodiles in the wild are in remote areas of Thailand and
Cambodia. Unlike other species of crocodiles, the Siamese crocodiles are quite

inoffensive. They are a low threat to humans. Unless, they are being attacked first, they are
not likely to attack you.
One of reasons why crocodiles are endangered is the destruction of their habitat. Many
swamp areas are converted into farming area. Furthermore, crocodile's skins are very
valuable. Many of crocodiles were hunted for their skin and meat. Global warming also
contributes to the cause of endangering crocodiles, because the weather and climate play

significant roles in determining the sex of the crocodiles. If the weather is 31.6 degrees
Celsius, male crocodiles will be produced. Female crocodiles are produced at lower
Efforts are made to save the Siamese crocodiles. Comparing to other endangered animals,
it is easier to save them. Because they lay a lot of eggs, it is easy to breed them. Like other
species of crocodiles, the sex of the Siamese crocodiles is determined by the temperature
in the stage of development.
16. The Siamese crocodiles ________
A. became completely extinct years ago and none of them exist in the wilderness
B. are always ready to attack anyone who get near them
C. can be found in swamp areas in Thailand and Cambodia
D. are very dangerous because they are offensive
17. The second paragraph is about _______
A. the reasons why the Siamese crocodiles have become extinct
C. the causes of global warming
crocodiles for food




hunting the Siamese

18. Which is not mentioned in the second paragraph as a cause of the Siamese crocodiles'
A. Habitat destruction

B. Farming areas C.

Illegal hunting

D. Global warming
19. Which sentence is true?
A. Crocodile's skins cannot be used.
B. People cannot eat crocodiles' meat.
C. Temperature has an effect on determining the sex of the crocodiles.
D. There are many factors that determine the sex of the crocodiles.
20. We can learn from the last paragraph that _______
A. the Siamese crocodiles are being protected from extinction
B. saving the Siamese crocodiles from extinction is very difficult
C. the Siamese crocodiles lay very few eggs.
D. temperature does not affect other species of crocodiles
III. Choose the suitable word to fill in each plank.

We are slowly (21)………the earth. The seas and rivers are (22)……….dirty to swim in.
There is so much smoke in the air that it is (23)………to live in many of the world’s cities.
In one well-known city, for example, (24)………gases from cars pollute the air so much
that traffic policeman (25)……wear oxygen marks.We have cut (26)………so many trees
that are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world. As a result, farmers in part of
America can’t grow (27)……….to eat. In certain countries in Asia there is too little rice.
Moreover, we do not take enough care of the countryside. Wild animals are quickly
(28)……..For distance, tigers are rare in India now because we have killed too many for
them to survive.We must act now before it is too (29)……….to do anything about us. Join
us now. Save the earth. It is (30)………important to ignore.

21.A. destroy

B. destroyed C. destroying

22.A. so B. so that.
23.A. healthy

C. very

D. too

B. unhealthy C. healthful

24.A. poisonous B. poison

C. poisonously

25.A. have to

B. may

C. should

26.A. down

B. up C. off

27.A. much

B. enough

28.A. disappeared
29.A. lately

D. healthily
D. poisoned
D. will

D. into
C. many

D. a lot

B. disappear C. disappearing

B. later

30.A. so B. so that

D. to destroy

C. too

C. latest

D. to disappear

D. late

D. very


ĐỀ 7
1. My sister likes _____ and _____.
A. dance/sing

B. to dance/singing

C. dancing/singing



2. This school _____ ten years ago.
A. be built

B. is built

C. was built

D. built

C. reading lamp

D. reading lamps

3. There is a _____ on the table.
A. lamp reading

B. read lamp

4. While I _____ TV, my sister _____ to music.
A. was watching/ listening

B. watched/ listened

C. was watching/ was listening

D. was watching/ listened

5. Here is the address to _____ you should write.
A. which

B. whose

C. whom

D. who

6. Who _____?
A. was this book written

B. wrote this book by

C. was this book written by

D. this book was written by

7. Bad cough! You _______
A. had not better smoke

B. had better not smoking

C. had better not smoke

D. had better not to smoke

8. I have no time. I ________ leave now. My parents are waiting for me.
A. should not

B. needn't

C. might

D. have to

9. By the time we _________ at the campsite, our friends _________ for us for more than
two hours.
A. will arrive / has been waiting

B. would arrive / was waiting

C. arrived / had been waiting

D. arrive / will wait

10. Either your shoes or your coat ________ on the floor.
A. is always

B. are always

C. have always been D. is always being

11. She looks confident and happy. She _______ well on the test.
A. can't have done

B. should have done

C. needn't do

D. must have done

12. This is a “no smoking” office.
A. Smoking is not banned in this office.
B. It's OK if you smoke in this office.
C. There is not smoke in this office.
D. You are not allowed to smoke in this office
13. Sally decided not to do her homework and went to the nightclub.
A. Sally not only did her homework but also went to the nightclub.

B. Sally went to the nightclub instead of doing homework.
C. Sally neither went to the night club nor did her homework.
D. Sally either went to the night club or did her homework.
14. Our friends ____ for the fashion show now.

A. is preparing

B. are preparing


D. prepare

15. If I lend you the money you need, _______ it back next month?
A. you will give

B. will you give

C. you would give

D. would you give

16._______ in my seventies and rather unfit, I might consider taking up squash.
A. Were I not

B. Was I not

C. Weren't I D. If I am not

17. After seeing a movie based on a novel, _______.
A. many people want to read the book
B. the reading of the book interests many people.
C. the book was read by many people
D. the book made many people want to read it
18. Many young people are fond of _____ football and other kinds of sports.

A. play

B. to play

C. playing

D. played

19. Helen asked me ______ the film called 'Star Wars'.
A. have I seen B. if I had seen

C. have you seen

D. if had I seen

20. Bill Gate, ______ is the president of Microsoft Company, is a billionare.
A. who

B. whose

C. whom

D. that

II. Read the passage and choose the correct answers.
Greenhouse gases refer to the atmosphere gases that cause greenhouse effect. Some of
these gases happen naturally, while others are caused by human activities. Carbon dioxide,
methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, and water vapor are some examples of greenhouse gases.
Greenhouse gases act like a natural blanket to the earth. They keep the temperature of the
earth warmer and longer. Greenhouse gases cause many environmental and ecosystem

Because the temperature of the globe is warmer, the glaciers and polar ice caps begin to
melt. As a result, sea levels have risen. The studies also show that floods and droughts are
more severe. There are also more reports of extreme weather, like hurricane Katrina. There
will be more tidal wave and beach erosion on the coasts.
Many species of plants and animals also face the danger of extinction from global
warming, because they will not be able to adapt to the change in the weather and climate.
For instance, the rises in sea level can increase the salinity of freshwater across the globe.
Many species of freshwater fish and plants will be affected by this change. It is estimated
that over a million species of plants and animals will be extinct by 2050.
21. The first paragraph_______
A. is about the effects of greenhouse gases
