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Assignment 2 1651 Advanced Programming Merit

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BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title

Unit 20: Advanced Programming

Submission date


Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date


Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name

Tran Duc Long

Student ID




Assessor name

Le Viet Bach

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature
Grading grid






 Summative Feedback:

 Resubmission Feedback:


Lecturer Signature:

Assessor Signature:


Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7


Scenario analysis .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7


Scenario ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 7


Diagram ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8


Implementation ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10


Code............................................................................................................................................................................................ 10


Tree Code................................................................................................................................................................................ 11


Product Code .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14


Fruit Code ............................................................................................................................................................................... 15


Medicine Code ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16


Wood Code ............................................................................................................................................................................. 17


IHarvestStrategy Code ............................................................................................................................................................ 18


FruitHarvestStrategy Code ..................................................................................................................................................... 19


MedicineHarvestStrategy Code .............................................................................................................................................. 20


WoodHarvestStrategy Code ................................................................................................................................................... 21

3.1.10. Main menu Code .................................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1.11. Plant menu Code .................................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.1.12. Harvest menu Code ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
3.1.13. Growth menu Code ................................................................................................................................................................ 29
3.1.14. Validate Code.......................................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.1.15. Main program Code ................................................................................................................................................................ 34

Program screenshots.................................................................................................................................................................. 35

3.2.1. Flow 1: Plants and growth trees ................................................................................................................................................. 35
3.2.2. Flow 2: Plants and harvest trees ................................................................................................................................................. 42

Discussion....................................................................................................................................................................................... 50


Range of similar patterns ........................................................................................................................................................... 50


Usage of pattern......................................................................................................................................................................... 53


Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 54

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Tree Class Diagram image ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 2: Class Library Structure image .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3: Console App structure image .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4: Tree class code image ................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 5: Tree class constructor image ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6: CountTime function image ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 7: Growing tree methods images .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 8: GetTreeStatus method image .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 9: Product abstract class image ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 10: Fruit class image ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 11: Medicine class image ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 12: Wood class image .................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 13: IHarvestStrategy interface image ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 14: FruitHarvestStrategy class image ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 15: MedicineHarvestStrategy class image ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 16: WoodHarvestStrategy class image .......................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 17: MainMenu class image ............................................................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 18: MainMenu class methods image 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 19: MainMenu class methods image 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 24

Figure 20: PlantMenu class image ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 21: PlantMenu methods image ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 22: HarvestMenu methods class image ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 23: HarvestMenu methods class image ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 24: GrowthMenu class image ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 25: GrowthMenu print menu method image ................................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 26: Validate class image ................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 27: InputInterger method image ................................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 28: InputDouble method image..................................................................................................................................................... 33

Figure 29: ValidateHarvestAmount method image .................................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 30: Program class image ................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Figure 31: Running program Flow 1 image 1 ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Figure 32: Running program Flow 1 image 2 ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Figure 33: Running program Flow 1 image 3 ............................................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 34: Running program Flow 1 image 4 ............................................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 35: Running program Flow 1 image 5 ............................................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 36: Running program Flow 1 image 6 ............................................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 37: Running program Flow 1 image 7 ............................................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 38: Running program Flow 1 image 8 ............................................................................................................................................ 41
Figure 39: Running program Flow 1 image 9 ............................................................................................................................................ 42
Figure 40: Running program Flow 2 image 1 ............................................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 41: Running program Flow 2 image 2 ............................................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 42: Running program Flow 2 image 3 ............................................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 43: Running program Flow 2 image 4 ............................................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 44: Running program Flow 2 image 5 ............................................................................................................................................ 47
Figure 45: Running program Flow 2 image 6 ............................................................................................................................................ 48
Figure 46: Running program Flow 2 image 7 ............................................................................................................................................ 49
Figure 47: Running program Flow 2 image 8 ............................................................................................................................................ 50

1. Introduction
This Assignment represents a follow-up to our ongoing investigation of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Design Patterns.
Our objective is to showcase the utility and efficiency of these concepts in software development by selecting a real-life scenario,
creating a class based on a relevant class diagram, and exploring various Design Patterns. This process is geared towards equipping
us with valuable knowledge and skills that will undoubtedly influence our future pursuits in the realm of software engineering.

2. Scenario analysis
2.1. Scenario
A farming family in a small village is preparing for the planting season. They have been growing trees for many years, but they
have not had a way to take care of and come up with harvesting methods for the trees they grow. They heard that there was
software on the playstore developed by the development team from GWSoft that could help them monitor their crops, plan
irrigation and fertilization, and monitor yields and supply. harvesting methods.
The family farmer decided to use garden management software provided by GWSoft. They look for a software that can meet
their needs, such as tracking multiple crops from which to harvest products from the crops.
The farmer's family was very satisfied with the software after using it. It helps them monitor their crops easily. They can irrigate
and fertilize more effectively. And they can track their productivity in more detail. Most importantly, the application offers
harvesting methods including:
Fruit harvesting method, medicinal leaf harvesting method and wood harvesting method. With the fruit harvesting method,
the software will check and harvest the number of fruits on the tree based on the user's wishes. When the number of fruits on
the branches is not enough for the user to harvest, the software will suggest ways to help the tree grow and grow more fruits.
The method of harvesting tobacco leaves will be similar to the method of harvesting fruits, however the number of leaves
harvested will not exceed a certain threshold because it will make it difficult for the plant to grow if harvested too much. much.

At the same time, the software will give suggestions on how to care for the tree so that it has more leaves, to help farmers
harvest later.
With the wood harvesting method, the software will provide methods to harvest wood with the best yield. When the tree is
not tall enough to harvest the correct amount of wood the user desires, the software will also provide care instructions to help

the tree grow in height and have more wood.
Using the above software has not only helped farmers in managing the plants in their gardens, but it has also helped them
harvest products from their crops more effectively.

2.2. Diagram
My team used the Strategy pattern to implement this scenario. Below is the class diagram of the project:

Figure 1: Tree Class Diagram image

Class Tree: This is a basic class with attributes such as fruits, leaves, name, Weight, and HealthStatus. ). In this class there are
methods such as GetTreeHealth() to get health information, Fertilizing() to fertilize, UpdateTreeStatus() to update the current
state of the tree, absorbCO2() to absorb CO2, and Watering() to Sprinklers.
Class Fruit, Wood, Medicine classes are considered products of the tree. They inherit from an abstract class Product and have
methods like use() to use the product. Specifically:

Class Fruit: Has attributes such as taste).
Class Wood: Has properties such as hardness, color, and makeFurniture() method to create wood furniture.
Class Medicine: Has attributes such as usage, medicineType, and makeProduct() method to produce medicine.

Interface IHarvestStrategy: This is part of the Strategy design pattern, allowing my project to define different harvesting
strategies for product types. There are three specific strategies:

FruitHarvestStrategy: Fruit harvesting strategy.

WoodHarvestStrategy: Wood harvesting strategy.
MedicineHarvestStrategy: Medicine Harvesting Strategy (Tobacco Leaves)

Each strategy has a Harvest(Tree, amount) method to harvest corresponding to the type of product from the tree. A tree can
harvest both fruit, wood and leaves.
Enum HealthStatus: This is an enumeration that defines the possible health states of the plant such as Good, LackFertilize,
LackWater, LackCO2, and Bad.
The diagram also has solid arrows from product classes to Product indicating inheritance relationships, and dashed arrows
from HarvestStrategy to Product indicating that the harvest strategy uses products.

3. Implementation
3.1. Code
Based on the giving class diagram above, I have created all classes that necessary for the project as shown in the image below:

Figure 2: Class Library Structure image

In the diagram given above, the main class that the program will interact with most is the Tree class. On top of that, the class
diagram also contains product abstract classes which are implemented by the Fruit class, Medicine class, Wood class.
Furthermore, the image also shows the harvest strategy interface, which also be implemented by the Fruit harvest strategy,
Medicine harvest strategy and Wood harvest strategy. The classes have been created in the image based on the attributes and
names contained in the diagram class.

Furthermore, to interact with all the class as in the class library above we use console app which has structure as illustrated in
the image.

Figure 3: Console App structure image

I separate the program's main menu into four menus, in which the main menu will play the most important role. It contains

vital information about plants and products and is a bridge linking menus together. Each menu has a specific function that
serves the purpose corresponding to that menu's name. Specifically, the tree growing menu will provide methods to grow
trees, more specifically, the method of initializing tree objects. For tree growing methods, it will contain functions that help
increase the value of the tree. And the harvest menu will contain strategies to help users harvest products from previously
created trees. To prevent input data from being entered incorrectly by the user, we have created a validate class that contains
validation methods to prevent the program from encountering errors during use. Last but not least is the program class where
it has the main function of the program.

3.1.1. Tree Code
The image below illustrates the properties of Tree class, along with the enum HealthStatus as described in the class diagram

Figure 4: Tree class code image

To begin with, the HealthStatus describes multiple health states a tree can have. Furthermore, private fields that a tree can
store include its name, weight (which can be used to collect wood weight), health status (which indicates how healthy the tree
is), and fruit count (which indicates how many fruits the tree has). The Name property has a private setter to guarantee that it
is set only during object initialization, and it has public properties to access these attributes. Furthermore, the image also shows
the basic constructor of tree class with no required parameters.

Figure 5: Tree class constructor image

Furthermore, the image above describes a constructor of tree class with some parameters such as fruits, leafs, name, height
and healthstatus to assign given data to a newly created tree.

Figure 6: CountTime function image

On top of that, the function above as shown by the image describes the CountTime function, which is used as a time limit to

increase the practicality of the method since each tree development will take some time in real life.

Figure 7: Growing tree methods images

Additionally, the images above are methods simulating growth actions of a tree. They update the trees attributes based on the
passage of time and print the current tree status using the GetTreeStatus method.

Figure 8: GetTreeStatus method image

Another method illustrated by the image above is GetTreeStatus, which returns formatted string outlining the characteristics
and condition of the tree along with all of its data. Based on predetermined criteria, the UpdateTreeStatus method assesses
the tree's properties and establishes its health state. The relevant HealthStatus enum value is returned. Every time it is called,
this procedure updates the tree status automatically.

3.1.2. Product Code

Figure 9: Product abstract class image

The image above describes the abstract class Product, which is implemented by fruit, medicine and wood class. The Product
class serves as a blueprint for other classes to inherit from, it contains an abstract method named “Use". The “Use" abstract
function is part of the Product class, which acts as a model for other classes to follow. The "Use" method needs to be
implemented by every class that derives from the product class. Although all the subclasses use the same function, each one
has a unique implementation that encourages customization and flexibility.

3.1.3. Fruit Code

Figure 10: Fruit class image

The image above describes the Fruit class with its property, constructor and some functions similar to the class diagram. In
order to be able to utilize the same "Use" method with other product classes, such Medicine and Wood, the fruit class is
inherited from the abstract class Product. Furthermore, this fruit class possesses unique characteristics that characterize the
fruit's taste, such as flavor. Every fruit contains additional methods like MakeGift and Consume, and when initialized by default,
it has a sweet flavor. By invoking Consume and MakeGift, the overridden use method from the Product class emulates the use
of a fruit. Specifically, the MakeGift function prints a message to the console to mimic the use of fruit to create gifts, and the
Consume method prints a message to the console to mimic the process of consuming fruit.

3.1.4. Medicine Code

Figure 11: Medicine class image

Similarly, the medicine implements the Use function of Product abstract class and has constructor and property same as
described in the class diagram above. To indicate the drug kind and usage, the drug class has two attributes: MedicineType and
Usage. Furthermore, this class provides three constructors that enable the generation of medical objects with various
parameter combinations. By using the MakeProduct method, the usage method is overridden from the Product class to
simulate drug usage. The MakeProduct method, in particular, prints the appropriate message on the console while simulating
the process of manufacturing medicine from leaves.

3.1.5. Wood Code

Figure 12: Wood class image

The image above illustrates wood class with attribute and function same as mentioned in the class diagram above. In order to
express the qualities of wood, the Wood class is a subclass of the Product class that has three properties: Hardness, Color, and
Quantity. In addition, three constructors are offered, enabling the creation of wooden things with various parameter setups.
Like the Fruit and Medicine classes, the Use function is overridden from the Product class. By using the MakeFurniture method,
which replicates the usage of wood to create furniture and prints the appropriate message to the console, it mimics the use of

wood. The Burn technique prints a message to the control panel and mimics building a blaze with wood.

3.1.6. IHarvestStrategy Code

Figure 13: IHarvestStrategy interface image

The code that is provided outlines the architecture of an interface called IHarvestStrategy. This interface is intended to act as
a template for a collection of strategies that are designed to capture various harvesting techniques from a tree. In particular,
the interface declares a single method called Harvest, which must be implemented by every class that implements it.
By accepting two parameters, a Tree object representing the arboreal source and a numerical value denoting the desired
quantity of the harvest. The Harvest method is anticipated to streamline the harvesting process. This method's return type is
an array of Product instances, indicating a broad nature that includes a variety of harvestable product kinds. This design
promotes modularity and flexibility within a larger harvesting system by adhering to the concepts of encapsulation and
Through the use of this interface, programmers can produce many harvesting strategy implementations, all contained in a
concrete class. These classes would enable a modular and extensible design by offering particular behaviors for harvesting
various product categories.

3.1.7. FruitHarvestStrategy Code

Figure 14: FruitHarvestStrategy class image

The code that is being provided outlines a technique called fruit collecting from a tree. Two parameters are needed for this
method: a Tree object that represents the fruit's arboreal source and a numerical number that indicates the amount of harvest
that is sought.
The first algorithm subtracts the desired quantity from the extant count to determine how many fruits are still on the tree after
harvest. A console message explaining the inadequacy and causing the return of an empty list of Products is displayed if the
"remain" variable has negative value, which indicates that there is not enough fruit in the reservoir. On top of that, an internal

mechanism called UpdateTreeStatus will update the tree status when the "remain" variable is acceptable. Additionally, useful
messages are written in the console to document the successful harvest. Furthermore, a collection of Fruits that implement
the products abstract class are produced by this method. The console is used to report on the amount of fruit that has been
collected, the number of fruits that are still on the tree, and the tree's current health.

3.1.8. MedicineHarvestStrategy Code

Figure 15: MedicineHarvestStrategy class image

The code that is being shown demonstrates a way for gathering medicinal leaves from a tree called called
MedicineHarvestStrategy. Two parameters are needed for this method, which includes a Tree object that represents the source
of medicinal leaves and a number that represents the required number of leaves to be collected in grams.
Initially, the algorithm calculates the remaining quantity of leafs on the tree after the harvest by subtracting the specified
amount with tree leaf weight amount and store it to "remain" variable. If the resultant value is negative, denoting an
insufficient quantity of leafs, a console message is displayed, signaling the inadequacy and leading to the return of an empty
list of Products. This signifies that there are not enough leafs in the tree for the intended harvest. In contrast, if a satisfactory
quantity is available, the tree's leaf count is updated, and its health status is recalculated through the invocation of the
UpdateTreeStatus method.
A dark yellow foreground enhances the visual appeal of the console output during user interaction. Next, logging informational
messages on the quantity collected, the number of leaves still on the tree, and the tree's present state of health is done. In
addition, the process produces a set of Products, that is, instances of the Medicine class, which correspond to the collected
medicinal leaves. When the method is finished, the console color is returned to its initial state to ensure a consistent display.
