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Ket objective students book

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An adopted book for USTH students

Content of the KET examination

The KET examination consists of three papers - Paper 1 Reading and Writing, Paper 2 Listening
and Paper 3 Speaking.

There are four grades: Pass with Merit (about 85% of the total marks); Pass (about 70% of the total
marks); Narrow Fail (about 5(% below the pass mark); Fail. For a Pass with Merit and Pass, the
results slip shows the papers in which you did particularly well; for a Narrow Fail and Fail, the
results slip shows the papers in which you were weak.

Paper 1 Reading and Writing 1 hour 10 minutes

(50% of the total marks)

There are nine parts in this paper and they are always in the same order. Parts 1-5 test a range of

reading skills and Parts 6-9 test basic writing skills. You write all your answers on the answer sheet.

Tasfi:Ty" •. . ••.•• Tasfi:Format Objective
Exam folder

. ReadlllgM;attfiil'lg 5 ' \ ii~.a~~it:cbfiV~·$;~t~tIc~~io~ight;~l~es.'; . ..~•

Part) ;. ···~btc~o~t~~rf~h~"'~rdsi~JompletefM~~,~~~te~.;<;·

I(ea~jflg MJ.dttpl~~hoice ~~i~;~4,·'J·l~~~~~on~1
Part 2 {A,ll or,C)

Re~ir:g·. ~{il~ipfe(hoice

.partj {~Bi~rq

,4;~O Jd~·i~O~$~·~v~~~;~efsfrom.~g~tQ~CQ~P'~t~~;co~versaUQn;

Matching .·~~E~~~~Y'Jet"~~\t~!lg~~&UOfl$o9~~t~~ffhiti{uptoZ30 words long:

Rlcght fWrong I

Doesn't say


Multiple choice EF1Q

(A. Bar C)

Reading Multiple choice g You Ch,)osjeUI~i:rgtJf~9(,qI~tl~tt5",1~IeI:eelght spaces in a short text.
Parts (A,BQf C)

Writing Word completion 5 WFl

Part 6

Writing Open doze 10 Vou ffll ten sp<.'lces in stich as a postcard with singlewords, WF2

Part 7 spelled cortectly.

Writing Information 5 Vou complete a set Of notes or a fOrm with information from one
Part 8 transfer
or two texts.

Writing Short message You write a short message. such as a note or postcard (ZS-35 words), WF 3, WF 5
Part 9 (5 marks) which includes threepit~tesof information,


Paper 2 Listening about 30 minutes, including 8 minutes to transfer answers

(25% of the total marks)

There are five parts in this paper and they are always in the same order. You hear each recording

• '. twice. You write your answers on the answer sheet at the end of the test.TaskTy~ ..
Task format
t' •

Listening Multiple choke S You answer five questio-f:l5 hy choosing the correct picture, word or
Part 1 (A,Bore)
number. There are tWo. speakers in each short cOflVersation.

Listening Matching 5 You mat€.h five questions with eight possible answers.
Part 2
There are two speakers.

listening Multiple choice 5 You answe(fivequestions about a conversation between two speakers. EFg
Part 3 (A, Bore)

Listening Gap fill 5 You complete fi'1le spaces in a set of notes. There are two speakers.
Part 4

Listening Gap fill 5 You complete five spaces in a set of notes. There is one speaker.
Part 5

Paper 3 Speaking 8-10 minutes for a pair of students

(25% of the total marks)

There are two parts to the test and they are always in the same order. There are two candidates and two
examiners. Only one of the examiners asks the questions.

I I TaskTy~ Task fOrmat

Speaking The examiner asks both 5-6minutes VO:u must give information aboutyours.elf. EF 5

Part 1 candidates some questions.

Speaking The candidates talk together 3-4minutes you: are given some material to help you ask EF 5

Part 2 to find out information. and~n~Wer questions.

, GO N TEN T 0 F THE K ET EX A MIN AT I 0 ~ 71

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