Markt h e l e t t e r A, B, C , o r Do n y our a n s w e r s h e e t t o i ndic at e t h e w or d w h o s e u n d e r l i n e
d partdiffersfromtheotherthreeinpronunciationineachofthefollowingquestions.
1.A.remedy B.expectancy C.sensor D.renewable
2.A.process B.discussion C.stress D.assistance
3.A.police B.attract C.signal D.discuss
4.A.purchase B.contain C.suggest D.reflect
eachof thefollowingquestions.
5. Dreamsarecommonlymadeupofeithervisualandverbalimages.
6. Johncomposesnotonlythemusic,butalsosingsthesongsfor themajorBroadwaymusicals.
7. Evenonthemostcarefulpreparedtrip,problemswillsometimesdevelop.
Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C , o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e c o r r ec t a n s w e r t o e a c h o f thefoll
8. Anewschool .Theyhopetofinishbuildingitnextmonth.
A. isbeingbuilt B.hasbeenbuilt C.isbuilt D.wasbuilt
9. Weobject yourleavingdinnertotakephonecalls.
A. for B.on C.to D.with
10. Thisshirtis thatone.
A. abitlessexpensive B.asmuchexpensiveas
C.notnearlyasexpensiveas D.muchfarexpensivethan
11. Pleasetakeallpersonalbelongingswithyou leavingthetrain
A. when B.what C.whom D.which
12. Itis stillunclear theMayorwillaccepttherecommendationsoftheCity Council.
A. yet B.about C.before D.whether
13. ThePTA
parentsa n d t e a c h e r s w h o s u p p o r t t h e s c h o o l b y f u n d r a i s i n g a n d o t h e r activities.
A. whichgroupof B.thatisagroupof
C.itisagroupof D.isagroupof
14. Weareconsideringhaving forthecomingNewYear.
A. redecoratedourflat B.toredecorateourflat
C.ourflattoberedecorated D.ourflatredecorated
15. InVietnam,twoormore mayliveinahome.
A. generations B.generous C.generalizations D.generators
16. Inaformalinterview,itisessentialtomaintaingoodeye withtheinterviewers.
A. contact B.touch C.link D.c o n n e c t i o n
17. Thesmall, farmso f N e w E n g l a n d w e r e n o t a p p r o p r i a t e f o r t h e M i d w e s t .
A. self-supporting B.self-supported
C.supportingthemselves D.theysupportthemselves
18. Toomanyfactoriesdispose theirwastebypumpingitintoriversandthesea.
A. out B.of C.away D.off
19. Weexpectedheratninebutshefinally atmidnight.
A. turnedup B.cameoff C.cameto D.turnedout
Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C , o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e m o s t s u i t a b l e r e s p o n s e t o compl
eteeachof thefollowingexchanges.
20. “CanIcarrythesesuitcasesintotheroomforyou?”-“ ”
A. Youcan't,Ithink! B.No,youcan’t.
C.Yes,youcan. D.Canyou?That’sverykind.
21. A:“Ithinkitisagoodideatohavethreeorfourgenerationslivingunderoneroof.B:“
A. It’snottrue B.That’swrong
C.Icouldn'tagreemore D.Idon’tagree
Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e w o r d ( s ) C L O S E
S T i n meaningtotheunderlinedword(s)ineachofthefollowingquestions.
22. Theyaregoingtosufferalotofcriticismforincreasingbusfarebysomuch.
A. getinto B.standinwith C.comeinfor D.put
23. Roger’s Thesaurus,a collection ofEnglish wordsandphrases, was originally
arrangedb y theideas theyexpressratherthanbyalphabeticalorder.
A. unless B.insteadof C.restricted D.aswellas
Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e w o r d ( s ) O P P O S I T
E i n meaningtotheunderlinedword(s)ineachofthefollowingquestions.
24. “Thetableistooheavyformetomovealone.”
A. light B.easy C.old D.bulky
25. Thebreadfruitdoeswellinhotandhumidclimates.
A. arid B.watery C.soaked D.moist
Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C , o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e s e n t e n c e t h a t i s cl o s e st i n meaning
toeach of thefollowingquestions.
26. Westayedinthathoteldespitethenoise.
A. Despitethehotelisnoisy,westayedthere.
B. Westayedinthenoisyhotelandwelikedit.
C. Nomatterhownoisythehotelwas,westayedthere.
D. Becauseofthenoise,westayedinthehotel.
27. EverybodythinksthatFrankstolethemoney.
A. EveryonewassuspectedtostealFrank’smoney.
B. Frank’smoneywasthoughttobestolen.
C. EveryonesuspectsFrankofstealingthemoney.
D. Franksuspectseveryoneofstealingthemoney.
28. Myfamilydoesn’tnormallygointotownbycar.
A. Myfamilyisusedtogoingtotownbycar.
B. Myfamilyisnotusedtogoingtotownbycar.
C. Myfamilyusedtogototownbycar.
D. Myfamilydidn’tusetogointotownbycar.
MarktheletterA,B, C,orDon youranswersheet toindicatethesentencethatbest combineseach pairof
29. Hewantedtogivetheballapowerfulkick.Heusedthetopofhisfoot.
A. Hegavetheballapowerfulkicktousethetopofhisfoot.
B. Usingthetopofhisfoot,hekickedapowerfulball.
C. Whathewantstodoisgivetheballapowerfulkickandusethetopofhisfoot.
D. Heusedthetopofhisfoottogivetheballapowerfulkick.
30. Wedidn’twanttoswimintheriver.Itlookedverydirty.
A. Wedidn’twanttoswimintheriver,wherelookedverydirty.
B. Wedidn’twanttoswimintheriver,whichlookedverydirty.
C. Wedidn’twanttoswimintheriver,inwhichlookedverydirty.
D. Wedidn’twanttoswimintheriver,thatlookedverydirty.
ReadthefollowingpassageandmarktheletterA,B,C,orDon youranswersheet
Fashion is no longer something that is just made of cloth or leather. These days it has
becomesomethingthatneedsbatteriesandisoftenconnectedtotheInternet.Whenitc o m e s t o high-
techf a s h i o n , i t m i g h t b e ( 3 1 )
toy o ur w r i s t o r r e s t i n g o n t h e b r i d g e o f y o u r
nose,anditisdoingalotmorethanjust(32) youl o o k s t y l i s h .
Googlew a s o n e o f t h e f i r s t t o burst o n t h e s c e n e wi t h a f a s hi o na bl e i t e m t h a t was a l s o v e r y
(33) . GoogleGlass, which looks like glasses, allows wearers todo alls o r t s
o f things, from seeing information in a simple viewer to simply saying out loud, “Take a
picture.”Whatyouareseeinginthepicturethatwillbetaken,(34) GoogleGlass heard
youthroughi t s m i c r o p h o n e a n d h a s a b u i l t -
the answer in the tiny screen displayed before one eye. Google Glass uses
31. A.fastened B.joined C.attached D.placed
32. A.making B.doing C.performing D.causing
33. A.attractive B.functional C.durable D.capable
34. A.therefore B.although C.so D.because
35. A.show B.beshown C.find D.befound
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicatethecorrectanswertoeachof thequestionsfrom36to42.
TheI n t e r n e t : C h a n g i n g E v e r y t h i n g
Let’s do a little experiment: Take five minutes, and find some information about
Angola.How did you get your information? How much information were you able to get?
Chancesare,you probably just went online and typed the word “Angola”. You were probably
able to find outallsortsofthings.ThisexperimentshowsushowusefultheInternetis.
Over the last 20 years, the Internet has changed the way that we live, work, and study.
Thebiggest change has been the way that we access information. Twenty years ago, you would
haveneeded an encyclopedia to learn about Angola. If you had wanted information, you would
havehad to get out of your chair, open your encyclopedia, and look up the word “Angola”.
Today allyou need is about five seconds and you’ll have the exact same information. This
technologymakesworkalot faster andmoreefficient.
It has also made information storage a lot easier and neater. Twenty years ago, offices
hadpapers and files all over theplace. If you wanted tofind a file, you had to open a d e s k
d r a w e r and find the right piece of paper. Today, many of us keep our files in cloud storage.
Cloudstorage is a technology that lets people store files on the Internet. All you have to do is to
Another big change is communication. These days more and more people are working
fromhome. People have “home offices”. They just do their work at their house and e-mail it to
Some people don’t like these changes.Theysay that life is too convenient these days, and
itis making people lazy. However, most people think that even if this technology makes us a
littleeasier, it still has more benefits than disadvantages. In the end, it doesn’t matter what we
think.TheInternethas changedallofourlivesforever.
36. Ifyouusecloudstorage,whereareyourfiles?
A. OntheInternet B.Inyourdesk
C.Onanairplane D.Onyourcomputer
37. WhydosomepeopledislikethechangesthathavecomefromtheInternet?
A. TheythinkthattheInternetmakeslifetoostressful.
B. TheythinkthattheInternetmakespeopletoosmart.
C. TheythinkthattheInternetistoohardtouse.
D. TheythinkthattheInternetmakespeoplelazy.
38. Whatdoestheword“chances”inparagraph1mean?
A. Probably B.Probablynot C.Definitely D.Definitelynot
39. Theword“they”inparagraph5refersto .
A. Computers B.People C.Opinions D.Changes
40. Allo f t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t h e b e n e f i t s o f u s i n g t h e I n t e r n e t i n c o m m u n i c a
t i o n E X C E P T that .
A. peoplecansende-mailtoeachotherveryquickly
B. theInternetcanmakecommunicationbetweengreatdistancesmoreconvenient
C. theInternetkeepshugeamountsofdataincloudstorage
D. thesocialnetworkmakescommunicationmoreinteresting
41. Whatisanotherwayofsayingthelasttwosentencesofthepassage?
A. TheInternetischangingallthetime.
B. TheInternetischangingthewaythatwethink.
C. Somepeoplesaythattheydon’tliketheInternet,buttheyactuallylikeit.
D. Nomatterwhatwethink,theInternetischangingourlives.
42. AllofthefollowingcanbeinferredfromthepassageEXCEPTthat .
A. encyclopediawasagreatsourceofknowledge
B. somepeopledon’tliketheInternetbecausetheyarelazytolearn
C. filesinanofficeusedtotakealotofspace
D. wecangetinformationaboutanysubjectbyusingtheInternet
ReadthefollowingpassageandmarktheletterA,B,C,orDon youranswersheet
toindicatethecorrectanswertoeachof thequestionsfrom43to50.
Do you think you are smarter than your parents or grandparents? According to James
Flynn,a professor at a New Zealand university, you might be. Over the course of the last
century, IQtest scores of people in some countries have got increasingly better - on average,
three pointsbetter for every decade that has passed. This trend of improving scores is known as
“the Flynneffect,”andscientistswanttoknowwhatisbehindit.
IQ tests and other similar tests are designed to measure general intelligence rather
thanknowledge.Flynnk n e w t h a t i n t e l l i g e n c e i s p a r t l y i n h e r i t e d f r o m
o u r p a r e n t s a n d p a r t l y t h e result ofour environment and experiences,but
thei m p r o v e m e n t i n t e s t s c o r e s w a s h a p p e n i n g too quickly to be
explained by heredity. So what happened in the 20thcentury that led to highertestscores?
Scientists have proposed several explanations for the Flynn effect. Some suggest that
theimproved test scores simply reflect an increasedexposuret o t e s t s i n g e n e r a l .
Because we t a k e somanytests,welearntest-
born larger, healthier, and with more braindevelopment than in the past. Another possible explanation is a
change in educational styles -
This could prepare people to do the kind of problem-solving that intelligence testsrequire.
solvingskills.Thismay betrue forthe first decade ofhis tests,w h e n I Q s c o r e s i n many
countries increased. However, in recenty e a r s , I Q t e s t s c o r e s i n s o m e
c o u n t r i e s h a v e begun to decline. Data from Norway, the Netherlands, Australia, and
Great Britain have
Whilescientistsaren’tsurewhatiscausingthisdecline,theythinktechnologyi s dramatically
changing the way that we learn and get information. For example, people are nowable to access
all kinds of information easily using online resources like Google or Wikipedia.The danger is
when they start to rely too much on these sources of information, and not do
anythinkingf o r th e m se l v e s. L i f e s t y l e c h a n g e s t h a t c o m e w i t h m o d e m t e c h n o l o g y m a y a l s o h a
negativeeffe ct onintelligence,s u c h asvideoga m e s andtelevisionmakingpe opl e le sss o
c i al . So while the world may have got smarter over the 20thcentury, improving technology
andchanginglifestyles maysoonreversethattrend.
Note:h e r e d i t y ( n ) = t h e p r o c e s s b y w h i c h f e a t u r e s a n d c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a r e p a s s e d o
n t o y o u fromyourparents throughyourgenes
43. WhatbestdescribestheFlynneffect?
A. awaytomeasureintelligence
B. anincreaseinIQtestscores
C. awayofteachinguniversitystudents
D. anexplanationforwhypeoplearelesssmart
44. TheFlynneffectisprobablytheresultof .
A. heredity B.ourenvironmentandexperiences
C.takingfewertests D.m e m o r i z i n g inf orm a ti on
45. IQtestevaluateour .
A. knowledge B.environment C.intelligence D.memories
46. Theword“exposure”inparagraph3isclosestinmeaningto .
A. beinginfluencedbysomething
B. attentionfromnewspapersorTV
C. theactofmakingsomethingpublic
D. theamountoflightreceived
47. Whodoestheword“others”inparagraph3referto?
A. babies B.scientists
C.peopleingeneral D.peoplewhotaketests
48. Thewriterusesvideogamesasanexampleofhow .
A. wearebecominglesssocial
B. technologyincreasesproblem-solvingskills
C. peopledon’tthinkforthemselves
D. countriesarebecomingmoretechnologicallyadvanced
49. Whichsentencegivesthemainideaofthepassage?
A. Thistrendofim proving scoresisknownas ‘”t he Flynne ff e c t, ” andscientistswan
t t o knowwhatisbehindit.
B. Becausew e t a k e s o m a n y t e s t s , w e l e a r n t e s t -
t a k i n g t e c h n i q u e s t h a t h e l p u s p e r f o r m better.
C. However,inrecentyears,IQtestscoresinsomecountrieshavebeguntodecline.
D. Lifestylechangesthatcomewithmodemtechnologymayalsohaveanegativeeffectonintelligen
50. Whichstatementwouldthewriterprobablyagreewith?
A. Peopletodayaremoreintelligentineveryway.
B. Peopletodayhavefewerproblemstosolve.
C. Peopletodaydon’ttakeenoughtests.
D. Peopletodayusecomputerstoomuch.
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C
11. A 12. D 13. D 14. D 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. D
21. C 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. B
31. C 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. B 36. A 37. D 38. A 39. B 40. C
41. D 42. B 43. B 44. B 45. C 46. C 47. B 48. A 49. D 50. D
5.C→both 6.A→notonlycomposes 7.B→carefully
Markt h e l e t t e r A, B, C , o r Do n y our a n s w e r s h e e t t o i ndic at e t h e w or d w h o s e u n d e r l i n e
d partdiffersfromtheotherthreeinpronunciationineachofthefollowingquestions.
1.A.longevity B.immune C.nutrition D.p r e s c r i p t i o
2.A.disease B.leisure C.physical n
3.A.elegant B.argument C.compassion D.comfortabl
4.A.beneficial B.conservative C.experienced e
eachof thefollowingquestions.
5. Nationalparksincludinglandforanimalgrazing,aswellaswildernessareaswithscenic
6. Ducksarelesssusceptibletoinfectionthanotherstypesofpoultry.
7. Marysaidherfriendsthatshewouldneverwalkaloneintheforestafterdark.
Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C , o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e c or r e c t a n s w e r t o e a c h o f thefoll
8. Bythe20thofthismonth,I hereforexactlytwoyears.
A. willhavebeenworked B.willwork
C.willbeworking D.willhaveworked
9. Weareworried thecurrentsituationofenvironmentalpollutioninourcountry.
A. of B.about C.on D.at
10. Totalweightofalltheantsintheworldismuchgreaterthan .
A. allhumanbeings B.allhumanbeingsisthat
C.thatofallhumanbeings D.isofallhumanbeings
11. anyonewishto access theinformationon
A. If B.Should C.Whether D.Asthough
12. BettycanspeakFrench thanNancy.
A. asfluently B.fluently C.morefluently D.mostfluently
13. BillaskedTom .
A. whereishegoing B.whereheisgoing
C.wherehewasgoing D.wherewashegoing
14. What viewsdoAmericansandAsianshaveaboutloveandmarriage?
A. tradition B.traditionally C.traditionalism D.traditional
15. Morocco’s industryprovides the thirdlargestsource ofrevenuefor
A. tour B.touring C.tourism D.tour’s
16. Ididn’tenjoythisbookonhowtosucceedinbusiness.Itwasn’tvery .
A. welltyped B.poorlywritten C.goodwritten D.wellwritten
17. Membersofmyfamilysharethe .
A. homework B.hometown C.household D.housework
18. Theweatherwasfine,andeveryonewas thecoast.
A. goingfor B.makingfor C.joiningin D.seeingabout
19. “We’db e t t e r ifwewanttogetthereintime.”
A. takeup B.turndown C.speedup D.putdown
Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C , o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e m o s t s u i t a b l e r e s p o n s e t o compl
eteeachof thefollowingexchanges.
20. Peter:“ ”-Dick:“Sorry,Brianisnother.”
A. CanIleaveamessagethen? B.CanItakeamessagethen?
C.CanIspeaktoBrian,please? D.Wouldyouliketoleaveamessage?
21. Diana:“Ididn’tknowyoucouldplaytheguitarsowell.Yourtunewaslovely!”
-Peter:“ ”
A. You’rewelcome.
B. Iboughtitnearmyhouse.
C. Youmustbekidding.Ithoughtitwasterrible.
D. Youtoldakid.Iwasplayingbetterthanthat.
Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e w o r d ( s ) C L O S E
S T i n meaningtotheunderlinedword(s)ineachofthefollowingquestions.
22. AccordingtoFreud,dreamscanbeinterpretedasthefulfillmentofwishes.
A. attainment B.performance C.conclusion D.c o m p l e t i o n
23. Myeldersisterfailedherfinalexam,whichdepressedmyparents.
A. embarrassed B.satisfied C.pleased
D.disappointedMarkt h e l e t t e r A , B , C o r D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e w o r d
( s ) O P P O S I T E i n meaningtotheunderlinedword(s)ineachofthefollowingquestions.
24. Namesofpeopleinthebookwerechangedtopreserveanonymity.
A. reveal B.conserve C.presume D.cover
25. Duringthefive-decadehistory,theAsianGameshavebeenadvancinginallaspects.
A. holdingat B.holdingback C.holdingby D.holdingto
Markt h e l e t t e r A , B , C , or D o n y o u r a n s w e r s h e e t t o i n d i c a t e t h e s e n t e n c e t h a t i s c l o s e s t i n meanin
gtoeach of thefollowingquestions.
26. Yourrefusaltoattendthepartymadeeveryonesad.
A. Everyonefeltsadattendingtheparty.
B. Everyonefeltsadwhenyourefusedtoattendtheparty.
C. Yourattendanceatthepartymadeeveryonefeelsad.
D. Youmadeeveryonesadaboutyourrefusaltohavetheparty.
27. Whomadeyouworksohardyesterday?
A. Whoforcedyoutoworksohardyesterday?
B. Whydidyouworksohardyesterday?
C. Whatmadeyouworksohardyesterday?
D. Howcouldyouworksohardyesterday?
28. Despitehisinexperienceinthefield,Johnappliedforthejob.
A. Johnwasunabletodothejobbecausehewasinexperienced.
B. Johnappliedforthejobbecausehehasexperienceinthefield.
C. Johndidnotapplyforthejobbecauseofhisinexperienceinthefield.
D. Johnappliedforthejobeventhoughhehadnoexperienceinthefield.
MarktheletterA,B, C,orDon youranswersheet toindicatethesentencethatbest combineseach pairof
29. Transportationhas bee n ma dem ucheas ier tha nks t o the i n v e n t i o n ofc a rs . H o w e v e r , c
arsarethegreatestcontributorofair pollution.
A. Althoughtheinventionofcarshasmadetransportationmucheasier,carsaret h e greatest
B. Howevereasiertheinventionofcarshasmadetransportation,itiscarsthatareamong
thegreatestcontributors ofairpollution.
C. Thei n v e n t i o n o f c a r s h a s m a d e t r a n s p o r t a t i o n m u c h e a s i e r , b u t c a r s a
r e a m o n g t h e greatestcontributorsof airpollution.
D. Althoughtheinventionofcarshasmadetransportationmucheasier,peopleusecarsto
contributeto thepollutionofair.
30. Allthehomesoftheresidentshadbeendamagedbytheflood.TheyweregivenhelpbytheRedCross.
A. Theresidents,allofwhosehomeshadbeendamagedbytheflood,weregivenhelpbyth
eRed Cross.
B. Theresidents,alloftheirhomeshadbeendamagedbytheflood,weregivenhelpbytheRedCross.
C. Theresidents,alltheirhomeshadbeendamagedbytheflood,weregivenhelpbyth
e RedCross.
D. Theresidents,allwhosehomeshadbeendamagedbytheflood,weregivenhelpbytheRed
ReadthefollowingpassageandmarktheletterA,B,c,orDon youranswersheet
Citiesa r e k n o w n t o h a v e l i v e s o f t h e i r o w n , a n d p h o t o g r a p h e r s a r e a b l e t o ( 3 1 )
some of it. Whether taking shots of people
walking on a crowded street or time-lapse shots ofcarsd r i v i n g a t n i g h t , t h e ( 3 2 )
photosc a n b e b r e a t h t a k i n g . B e c a u s e m a n y o f t h e shotst a k e n a r e o f m a n -
wouldn’t be found in nature photography. Photos can show the wonder of
a childstaring at a fountain as water shoots upward in the sunlight. They can also show the
sadder side,sucha s a c a m p o f h o m e l e s s p e o p l e l i v i n g i n t e r r i b l e p o v e r t y . ( 3 4 )
ofw h a t t h e y
show, there is always beauty to be found, even if it is beauty in something that is showing
anugly truth.
31. A.capture B.catch C.seize D.see
32. A.causing B.mentioning C.involving D.resulting
33. A.practice B.action C.play D.work
34. A.Regardless B.Dueto C.Without D.Unaware
35. A.edge B.outline C.line D.d e s c r i p t i o
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicatethecorrectanswertoeachof thequestionsfrom36to42.
The American southwest is full of deserts. If you ever go there, you might get to see a
Sometimes, stones in the southwestern desert move by themselves. Wind doesn’t seem
topush them. People and animals don’t touch them. However, these stones still move.
Sometimesthey travel more than a hundred meters. They always leave atrailin the sand behind
them. Thisisusefulbecausewecanlookatthetrailandfigureouthowfarastonehasmoved.
Howisthispossible?Howcanstonesmoveallbythemselves?Scientistshaveb e e n studying this
for years. People have offered all kinds of theories.O n e o f t h e
e a r l i e s t t h e o r i e s was that wind pushes the stones. That theory isn’t correct, because
some of the stones weighmore than 300 kilograms. When it seemed like there was no logical
explanation for the sailingstones, people started coming up with crazier ideas. Some people
said that aliens were movingthestones,andotherssaidthatclever peoplewereplayingajoke.
Finally, in 2013, a scientist came up with an explanation for the sailing stones. This
scientistnormally studies weather on other planets, and when he heard about the sailing stones,
hebecame interested in them. He found out that ice forms on the bottom of the stones.
Toprovehis theory,the scientist did an experiment.Heput a rock inh i s f r e e z e r a n d
l e t some ice form on it. Then, he put sand and a little water in a tray. Finally, he put his frozen
rockon top of the sand. When he blew on the rock, it moved. Even when he blew very gently,
he hadnoproblemsmoving therock.
Here is something interesting about the sailing stones. Curious people visit the desert in
thesouthwest to see them. A lot of those people don’t like to hear the scientific explanation for
thesailingstones.Manypeopleprefertofeel thatthestonesarestillamystery.
36. Whatwasthefirsttheoryaboutthesailingstones?
A. Peoplewereplayingajoke.
B. Windpushedthem.
C. Iceformedonthebottomsofthestones.
D. Alienswerepushingthestones.
37. Whatkindofworkdidthescientistdobeforehestudiedthesailingstones?
A. Helookedforlifeonotherplanets.
B. Hestudiedweatherindeserts.
C. Hesoldfreezers.
D. Hestudiedweatheronotherplanets.
38. Whyisitusefulthatthestonesleaveatrail?
A. Wecanknowhowfastthestonestraveled.
B. Wecanknowwhoismovingthem.
C. Wecanknowhowheavythestonesare.
D. Wecanknowhowfartheytraveled.
39. Theword“trail”inparagraph2isclosestinmeaningto .'
A. aroad B.arail C.apath D.adistance
40. Theword“that”inparagraph4refersto .
A. stonesailing B.iceforming C.thebottom D.anexperiment
41. Whatdoesthelastparagraphtellus?
A. Somepeopleprefertobelievethatthesailingstonesarestillamystery.
B. Manypeopledon’tbelievethescientist’stheoryaboutice.
C. Fewerpeopleareinterestedinthesailingstonesbecausetheyarenotamysteryanymore.
D. Manyscientistshavedifferentexplanationsaboutthesailingstones.
42. Whatcanbeinferredfromthescientist’sexperiment?
A. Thelightwindcanmoveverysmallrocks.
B. Sandandwaterinatraymakesrocksmove.
C. Theexperimentinthefreezerisfardifferentfromtherealsituation.
D. Thefrictionbetweenthestonesandtheiceissmall.
ReadthefollowingpassageandmarktheletterA,B,C,orDon youranswersheet
toindicatethecorrectanswertoeachof thequestionsfrom43to50.
When a popular book gets made into a movie, there will always be a debate about
whetherthe novel or film is better. The filmmakers always have to consider certain things: do
they wantto follow the book closely to please dedicated readers, or do they want to change
parts of thebook if they don’t translate well on-screen? No matter what they do, there will
always be peoplewho feel the movie will never be as good as the book, people who will love
the movie withouteverreadingthebook,andpeoplewhoenjoyboth.
The vampire seriesTwilight,by Stephenie Meyer, became so popular that movie
companieswanted to produce it for the big screen. MostTwilightfans were excited about seeing
characterssuch as Edward and Bella “come to life,” but there were other fans who did not trust
the moviescript. They assumed the scriptwriters would change parts of the story to make it
seem moreinterestingasamovie.
By the time the firstTwilightmovie was released, millions of people had read the
series.Manyo f t h e s e p e o p l e w e n t o n t ow a t c h t h e film,w h i c h m a d e $ 3 5 . 7 m i l l i o n j u s t o n i t s o p e n i
day. While many fans and critics liked it and said the movie more or less followed the
book’sstoryline, some fans were not impressed. One change that angered them was that certain
soundeffects were added to the movie, such as a “whooshing” sound when the vampires
jumped. Thiswasnotmentionedinthebook,andmanyfansfeltthatitwastoodistracting.
Those who liked the movie said that they enjoyed the light mood and excitement. This
wasvery different from the book. The writing inTwilightis dark and gloomy, like many
vampirenovels. The movie, however, added moreenergyto the story and more personality to
thecharacters. For example, many characters in the book are portrayed as being quiet, and
theyspend most of their time at school. But in the movie, the characters are cooler and funnier -
onescene evenshowsthem going surfingtogether.Thedirectorof the
firstmovie,CatherineHardwicke, thought it was important for the characters to be believable.
She wantedthemtohaveawidevarietyofemotions,sincetheseriesisfor,and about,teenagers.
In the end, the films were considered a success, even if there were both happy and
unhappyfans. It’s a great accomplishment to make films that are watched by millions of people,
and youcan’texpecttobeabletopleaseeveryoneallofthetime.
43. Whatisthemainideaofthefirstparagraph?
A. Ittakesalongtimetomakebooksintomovies.
B. Filmmakersprefertomakemoviesoutofpopularbooks.
C. Peoplewillalwayscomparemoviestothebooks.
D. Manypeoplewillseeamoviewithoutreadingthebook.
44. Whydoesthepassagesayfanswereexcitedtoseethemovie?
A. toseehowthestorywouldchange
B. toseewhichactorswouldplaytheirfavouritecharacters
C. toseerealpeopleactingoutthestory
D. toseeifthemoviewouldbebetterthanthebooks
45. Thepassagediscussesvam pire s jumping .
A. asanexampleofasoundeffect
B. asanexampleofachangethatdispleasedfans
C. becauseitwasaspecialeffectandnotreal
D. tosayhowscarythemoviewas
46. ThebookTwilightisdescribedasvery .
A. exciting B.serious C.fun D.funny
47. Accordingtothepassage,whatwasNOTchangedforthemovie?
A. storyline B.mood C.characters D.soundeffects
48. Theword“energy”inparagraph4isclosestinmeaningto .
A. thepowertodrivesomething B.attentiontosomething
C.theabilitytobeveryactive D.themagicalpower
49. Theword“them”inparagraph4referstothe .
A. directors B.actors C.characters D.fans
50. Whatbestdescribesthispassage?
A. acomparisonofabookandamovie
B. areviewofamovie
C. anintroductionofabook
D. adiscussionofhowbooksaremadeintomovies
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C
11. B 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. C 16. D 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. C
21. C 22. D 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. B 27. A 28. D 29. A 30. A
31. A 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. B 37. D 38. D 39. C 40. B
41. A 42. D 43. C 44. C 45. B 46. B 47. A 48. C 49. C 50. A
18.makefor= đivề(hướngnào)
35.outline(n) =đườngnét,hìnhdáng;theoutlineofabuilding=hìnhbóngcủamộttồnhà