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Serial Designation: D 161 - 27
These spccilica t iom; arc issued under the fixed designation D I6 I; lhc finn!
number imlicut.es the year u[ original adoption as standard or, in the 1:ase o[ revision,
the ycnr of ia.st revision.
l ssUY.u AS 'l'ENTATIV" , 1923; /\ooPTJm IN /\MENDEn Fo~tM, 1927.
Scope. 1. 'J'hcse specifications cover slag aggregate to be used in the con-
struc tion or a bitum inous concrt:le wearing surrace constructed by lite
Gone ral mixing method.
Chur ncttr-
lst ic•. 2. The broken slag shall be air-cooled blast-rurnacc slag and
shall consist of angular f ragments reasonably uniform in density and
Weight. qmtlit.y, and reasonably free from thin, donga tcd or glassy pieces,
Slag dirt or olher objectionable matter.
A gg r eg a t e
0 to ~ -in 3. The weight per cuhic foot shall lw not less than 70 lb.
Siz.,, 4. The slag aggregate is that portion of the product of the crusher,
which, when tested by means of laboratory screens, shall confonn
to the rollowing requirements:
Pns:;ing !·in. screen .... • ............... , ........ 9J to 100 per cent
P assing l -in. l;Creen ..•....... ....... ......... . .. 0 to 75 "