· Serial Designation : D 195 - 27
These spcciftcations arc issued under the fi xed designation D 19S; the li nn\
number indicates the yenr of original adoption as sLandar<;l or, in the case of rcvi!lion,
the ycnr of last reviliion. · ·
1. These specifications cover { to ll-in., 1~; to 2}-in., and 2~ to Scope.
3~-in. size broken slag to be used in the construction of a. bituminous
macadam base in which the bituminous material is applied by the
penl!tmtion method and which is to be covered with any type of
surface course.
The 2~- to 3~-in. size is intended for use as a first course, which
will !Je penetrated with bituminous material, when a base of over
3~· in. is dt'.sirerl.
The J!· to 2~-in. size is intended for use as a second cour:-.c which
is to be penetrated with bituminous material.
The ~ to I ~- -in. size is intended to fill the surface voids when a
sheet asphalt or a fine-graded bituminous concrete is to ue placed
directly upon it. This ma terial can be omitted when a coarse-graded
bituminous concrete or a binder course is to bt: laid directly upon
the base.
2. The broken slag shall be air-cooled blast-furnace slag and General
shall consist of angular fragments reasonably uniform in density ~ht.aracter
and quality, and reasonably free from thin, elongated or glassy " ItS.
pieces, dirt or other objectionable matter.
3. The weight per cubic foot of each size specified shall not he Weight.
less than 6.'5 lb.
4. The coarse slag when tested by means of laboratory screens 21 to 3!-in.
shall conform to the following requirements: ~t~o 2!-in.
(a) Passin~ 34-in. screen... . . .......... ... not Jess than 95 per c:enL Size,
Total passing 2!-in. scrcr.n............ •notmoretbnn 15 "
(b) Passing 2t-in. screen . . ................ not less tban 95 per cent
- - - - - Total passing ll-in. screen........ . . . ..not more than 15 "
1 Under W11o standatditation pr~ure of the Society, these specifical.iuns arc•under the iurisdic ·
tion ullhc A.S.1'. M. Comm itt~e D-• on Ro" d And PAvin~rJMnterials.
! to 1!-in. 5. The intermediate size slag when tested by means of labora-
tory screens shall conform to the following requirements:
Passing 1!-in. screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . not less than 95 per cent
Passing l-in. screen...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 to 75 "
Passing !-in. screen ....................... not more than 15
Methods of 6. Weight per Cubic Foot.-The weight per cubic foot shall be
Testing. determined in accordance with the Standard Method of Test for
Unit Weight of Aggregate for Concrete (Serial Designation: C 29)
Sampling. of the American Society for Testing Materials.!
7. The method of sampling shall conform to the Standard Methods
of Sampling Stone, Slag, Gravel, Sand and Stone Block for Use as
Highway Materials, Including Some Material Survey Methods
(Serial Designation: D 75) of the American Society for Testing
Materials. 2
NoTE.-The test values for quality of slag incorporated in these specifications
are suggested as the lowest safe requirements. It is not expected, however, that
the limits for size and quality will be applicable to all conditions.
1 Seep. 120.
'Seep. 473.