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st entirely handmade,
ter the garden!

Katherine Stannett

with Ingrid Wisniewska



Australia + Brazil + Canada + Mexico » Singapore « United Kingdom + United States


Reading Vocabulary Grammar Listening

reading for main ideas; | count listening to instruction:

‘multiple choice with gap fil
fone text
identifying the correct
All dressed Live well, study well: making friends; be yourself ‘answer; multiple choice
up p17 finding specific
information; multiple with five conversations

| matching

Getting | thinking about context; | technology; present continuous for future | choosing the correct
‘multiple choice with six | compound nouns; | plans and arrangements picture; multiple choice
technical |toxts doze ng with picture options

Lid = |reading for det nnaging screen time; how social media makes us feel `
food |be going to; will understanding what
Eat it up | multiple choice with to listen for; multiple
|one text ‘choice with one
p4! ‘ ‘conversation

Home sweet answering negative | houses and parts | present perfect simple; already, identifying details;
questions; multiple | of ahouse just; (not) yet; ever, never; for matching
home matching ‘and since; identifying what type
‘of word is missing: open cloze |
ps3 Live well, study welleat wall: food fort : improve your diet
| the purpose of a te places in a town | demonstratives; one and ones | listening for days, time:
City life multiple choice with six | and numbers: gap fil

Time to looking for phrases free-time activities | zero conditional; listening for examples;
|with the same meaning; | first conditional ‘matching
relax || multiple matching |
p77 study wel: get fit, feel well; exerciasned the brain 2
answer port; sports Is of obligation and istening for numbers,
Ready, multiple choice ‘equipment; sports necessity
people dates and prices; gap fi
steady, go!
|dealing with unfamiliar | jobs; choosing relative pronouns
of happiness
Good work! ‘words; multiple |the correct verb; the passive: present simple words that show a
matching, multiple-choice change; multiple choice
p101 4 doze listening for clues;

Live well, study well: finding happiness; multiple choice with five
Getting ‘finding words with transport(nouns) conversations
| opposite meaning;
therel multiple choice with
‘comparing words in
Right as rain the texts and option:
multiple choice with six |
p125 texts
Live well, study well: problem solving: learn from your mi
‘answers summarising places ‘ordering adjectives listening to how
What a parts of a text; multiple | countryside and speakers respond;
wonderful choice with one text | points of the ‘multiple choice with
‘compass ‘one conversation
world! 137

Review units 1-12 pp149-160 Communication activities pp171-172
Grammar reference pp161-170 Vocabulary reference pp173-181

Speakin: g Vocabulary Grammar Writin g

giving details about yourself; |family present continuous; writing the focusing on accuracy; completing

interview missing words; open cloze a form

— | giving a descriptioofna friend;; adjectivetso describe people [pest continuous ‘writing about personality;
including all the points; writing

jan email

talking about technology; adjectives to describe Prepositions; choostheicnorrgect _| important information; checking
discussion with a partner; ‘technology preposition; open cloze your work; writing a note

picture discussion | cooankd meiasunremgents | countable and uncountable nouns; _| using adjectives; using short
s ‘quantifiers forms, punctuation and
greetings; writing an email
‘ordering food in a restaurant;

describing a picture; picture
description and questions

describing your room; interview | furniture; verbs with possessives reasons and results; planning
prepositions; multiple-choice how to connect your ideas;
doze writing a story

giving directions; picture tourism, sightseeing and articles
discussion; answering questions | entertainment; prepositionosf
from the examiner movement

talking about free-time activiti ‘music; using prepositions: _| verb patterns; writing the correct | exp %
choosing a topic; topic discussion deciwhdichiannswgers are |verbform;opencloze ‘your ideas; writing an email

wrong; multiple-choice cloze

i + talking about sport; giving your _| parts of the body; health ‘can, could and may; should / shouldn't | descriabn ievnengt; using the
‘opinion; opinion task problems
correct tense; making notes;

writing an article

talking about jobs; using tenses advantages and disadvantages;
correctly; interview planning your time; writing 2
short essay

: travel; talking about advantages | transport (verbs) || the passive: past simple ‘conjunctions: before, after
and disadvantages; advantages
and disadvantages task and while; adding extra detai
‘writing a story

| talking about weather and ‘extreme weather; weather ‘superlatives; writing the correct describing atrip; using different
seasons; answering yes/no _| collocations; recognising
questions and giving more common phrasal verbs; ‘grammar words; open cloze tenses; ordering events and
| details; conversation task multiple-choice cloze adding interest; writing an article

‘animals; the environment adjectives ending -ing and -ed helping the environment;
structuring an essay; organising
_ RS eS RE er your ideas; writinga short essay

Irregular verbs p182 Speaking reference pp189-190 TE

Writing reference pp183-188

DEE eg

Who am |?


eae ea HUẾ

The people in this photo are all from one family

Can you find a mother, a father, a grandfather, a

grandmother, a son and a daughter?

Is your family big or small? How many people
are in your family?

fl Resdling se. —_—

Work in pairs. Look at the photos on page 7 and 5. Read the Exam Tip. Then read the questions
discuss the questions. in the Exam Task. Find the part of the text you
need to read for each question.
1 Where are the people?
2 Do you think they are in a cold place or a warm 6 Now complete the Exam Task.

place? Why? Ak —- Reading for main ideas

Look at the photos. Which of these activities do * It’s easier to understand a text if you can find
the most important information.
you think the people do on their boat?
* Read eaclt paragraph for the main idea.
* Underline key words in each paragraph that
P— refer to the main idea.

dive watch TV Multiple choice with one text
For each question, choose the correct answer.
swim 1 What do Ghislain and Emmanuelle study?

paint pictures take photos A people
B boats
3 Read the article on page 7 and check your C the sea
answers to Exercise 2. 2. Under the Pole is the name of
A anew film.
B a group of people.
€ ascientific project.
3. Why do Ghislain and Emmanuelle visit school
A to learn about new ideas
B to find people for their team
© to share information
4 The boat is their sons’ home because
A they travaellot.
B they love swimming.
C they are with their parents.
5 Whats their dog's special job?
A to find food
B to look for danger
© todo research


4 Which is the best description of the Bardout

1. Ghislain, Emmanuelle, Robin and Thomas live in

France, but they have got a boat in Greenland,
2 Ghislain, Emmanuelle, Robin and Thomas are from

France, but they live on a boat.
3. Ghislain and Emmanuelle live on a boat and their

children stay at home in France.


Ghislain Bardout and Emmanuelle Périé-Bardout are explorers and divers.
They are French and they have got a home in France. They are hardly ever

Cố CO cố ốc 6 0 00 en ona Casati
leaders of a team called Under the Pole. There are more than one hundred
peopl ees m ~ some people are scuba divers, some are scientists
and some are sailors. Ghislain and Emmanuelle want to explore the sea
They usually travel to cold seas and icy lands in parts of the world like
Greenland and Antarctica, but sometimes they go to warm places like
Hawaii and Tahiti

10 The Bardouts make films, take photos and write books about their adventures.

Sometimes they go diving under the sea ice and swim underwater, and

sometimes they travel across the land. When they return to France, they often

visit schools. They like telling students about their work.

Ghislain and Emmanuelle are also parents and their children always travel
with them. They have got two so~nRosbin, who is seven, and Thomas,
who is three. ‘The boat is their home,’ says their mum, Emmanuelle. ‘Our
children are happy to be where we are.” Of course, the boys are very good
Seem Og neue aur eed ed eee eee)
one more very important member of their team - their dog Kayak. Kayak
TA... sa...

Pree neat)
cic arene eee ee te
anor) eee
relarm to (9: go bxklo
m3. 1):

Jsi5:¡e10I 5. tse: eereon sn dim

Countries and nationalities 5 EED Listen and complete the table.
11 Complete the sentences. Use the words in
1. The Bardout family are from ___. They 1 Greenland | 21 June
2 Australia
area_— family. (French / France) 3 Bolivia
2 Crete isin ___. ttsa___ island. 4 China
(Greek / Greece)
3 Beijing isin ___.ttsa 5 Egypt
(Chinese / China)
4 Spaghetti isan ___ dish. It’s from 6 Ghana
(Italian / Italy) L7 Indonesia
5. Flamenco is a ————— danee. lts from 8 Kazakhstan

(Spanish / Spain)
& Tolyoisin__——_.ltsa 9 Poland
Japanese / Japan)
7 Samba is music. It’s from
- (Brazilian / Brazil)
8 Manchester isin ____. tsa
city. (British / Britain) In American English, we say and write the date i
this order: month - day ~ year.
2 Look at the nationality adjectives in brackets in We say: ‘I was born on June ninth, 2005."
Exercise 1. Write the words in the table. ‘We write: 06/09/2005 or June 9th / June 9.
In British English, we say and write the date in thi
order: day - month - year.
We say: ‘I was born on the ninth of June, 2005."
We write: 09/06/2005 or 9th June / 9 June.

3. Work in pairs. Can you think of any other 6 Write the twelve months of the year order.
nationality adjectives?
Which months are not in Exercise 5?
Numbers and dates
7 Look at the information in the online profile.
4 GED Listen to some facts about Greenland.
Complete the text.
Choose the correct options to complete the
information. PENPAL CLUB

Greenland Six factss about Name: Aisha Khan Nationality: Malaysian
@ 80% / 18% of Greenland is ice. Date of Birth: 30/10/07
@ The ice here is 17/ 7%% of.
world, Today's PENPAL CLUB member is ... Aisha!


My name's Aisha and I'm from !___. 'm
?___years old and my birthday is on

There are * people in my family: me, m
brothers Ashraf and Hilmi, my mum and my dad,
1 sailing, polar bears and ice cream!

every year
'® 220007 12/000

CHANTHTTEHF nsuvagueiekedeamornueeeruek

Present simple Adverbs of frequency

7. Look at the photo and read the text. Underline 5 _Read the sentences about the Bardout family. Then

the verbs. choose the correct words to complete the rule.
The Bardouts are hardly ever at home.
They sometimes go to warm places.aRONna
The children always travel with them.
The children in this photo live in Kerala. Kerala is in They often visit schools.
India. It rains a lot in Kerala. They usually travel to cold seas and icy lands.

These children don't walk to school ~ they go by boat. Adverbs of frequency go before / after main verbs
How about you? How do you get to school? Do you but before / after the verb be.
walk? Do you go by boat?
Write the adverbs from Exercise 5in the correct

0% never 100%

D2 Grammar reference 1.2, p161

2. Read the text again. Choose the correct option Question words
(‘or ii) to complete the rules.
a In the present simple, we add an “s' to the verb 7 Read the que: ns (a-f). Which question word
after mean oo em m6 N
i he, she or it ji |, you or they do we use for
b Tomake questions, we put before the
subject. 1 people?
i is/are ji does/do
things or ideas?
a specific time, e.g. 10.30 a.m.?

a reason?

a general time?
a place?

¢ To make the negative, we put before the 'What time does the library open?
main verb. When do you usually go on holiday?
i isn’t/ aren't ii doesn't/ don't Where do the children live?
Who sits next to you in class?
D® Grammar reference 1.1, p161 What does your friend do after school?
Why do we learn English?
3 Match the sentences (1-2) with the uses of the
D® Grammar reference 1.3, p161
present simple (a-b).

1. The children go to school by boat. Choose the correct word to complete the
2 Itrains a lot in Kerala,
We use the present simple ... questions.

a to talk about facts. 1. Where do/ does you come from?
2. What / Where do the children live?
b to talk about routine activities. 3. What time/ When is your birthday?
4 What / Why do you study English?
4 Complete the text with the present simple form
of the verbs.
1!___ (live) in Tokyo. It’s a very big city. Read the answers and write the questions.
Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.
12 _— (not / walk) to school, 1? Where do you usually go on holiday?
(go) to school by bus. After school, I¢ usually go on holiday to Turkey.
(read) in the library. 1° (love) books!
Mysister*____(not / go) to school. She's 2...
B: | usually get up at 7.30 a.m.
only two years old. She ?___(stay) at 3 A:
home and * (play) with her toys. B: | live in Madrid.
How about you? Where ?___ {you / live)?
%©___ {you /like) books? 4A ——
B: | usually do my homework after school

piper 9

cac. nh

listening to instructions; gap fill

1 GEIB Listen and choose the correct answers. 4 Read the questions (1-4). What kind of

1. What is the woman's surname?
a Suarez b Eswares information do you need to answer each one?
2 What is her address? Choose the correct words.
a 245Vidalno b 245Widaleno
adate aname aprice atime

3 What is her first name? When does the next course begin? =
a Isobel b Isabella What time do the lessons start? =
4 What is the man’s surname? Rone How much do the lessons cost?
a Curry b Carey 'Who is teach4ing the course? — — Exam Task.
5 What town does he live in? EZ. Now listen and complete the
a. Bristol b Bristle
6 What is his first name?
a Ted b Todd
EED Listen to six people and write the places Gap fil
or names. Check your answers with a partner. For each question, write the correct answer in the
1 : 4 gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a
2 2 5 time.
You will hear a teacher talking about a new
3 — 6 | photography course at her school

EXD Read the Exam Tip. Then listen to the Riverside College Courses
Place: Riverside College
instructions for the Exam Task. Are the sentences Course: Photography
true (T) or false (F)? Total number of lessons:
(1) —— lessons
1 You will hear a man speaking. Dates of course:
15th September to13th (2)
2. The talk is about photography lessons.

3. You need to listen and choose the correct answer,
a, bore.

Listening to instructions Time of lessons:
@) to 5.45 pum. Tue and Fri
* Before a listening task begins, you will hear | Total cost ofcourse: +
some important instructions. Teacher:
* The instructions may tell you who is speaking | ©) Mrs

and where the listeners are. Listen carefully as
this will help you understand the task
* You will hear the instructions and the listening
text twice.

SU aes
Site, Cambodia

SpeakinQ xe Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions

‘1 Work in pairs. Look at the photo. Then complete from Exercise 4. Try to give extra information.
Work in pairs. Complete the Exam Task.
the sentences with these words. Take turns to ask and answer questions.

five getup live school weekend Student A: Ask Student B the questions in the
Exam Task. Then listen and answer Student B's
1 |____in Seoul.
2 There are people in my family. questions.

3 I goto high in Seocho-gu. Student B: Turn to page 171.
4 |____athalf past six in the morning.
5 Atthe we usually get up late. Use the Useful Language to help you.

2 GED Read the Exam Tip. Match the extra Giving details about yourself
* When talking about yourself, don’t just answer
information in sentences a-e with the sentences
'yes' or ‘no’.
in Exercise 1. Then listen and check your answers.
* Give extra information or give reasons for your
We sor e2s8 Ggoo ttoo's 2 ccaaftée ffoorr bbrreaaakkfianswtt answer.
b Its. big city in South Korea
€ My lessons start at eight o'clock. * Practise talking about yourself with your friends
d_ I've got one sister and one brother.
@ like my school, but I get a lot of homework! in class.

3 Look at the answers from students in a speaking Interview
Where / live?
exam. Which sentence is correct, a or b? Brothers or sisters? If yes, how many?
1 a There is five people in my family. When / your birthday?
‘What / favourite subject at school? Why / like it?
b There are five people in my family,
2 a I getup at seven o'clock. What / do / in your free time? Why/ like these
b_ lam get up at seven o'clock.
3 a |'min secondary school three year. 1

b_ [min the third year at secondary school.
4 a I watch usually TVin the evening,

usually watch TV in the evening.
5 aI meet my frieantdtshe weekend.

b I meet at the weekend my friends.

4 Look at the sentences in Exercise 3.
Compiete the examiner's questions.
and check your answers.
1 How many 2
2 What time 2
3. Which year 2
4 What —?
5 When —— 2

Vocabulary in,

Complete the groups (1-4) with these words. Then Look at the family tree at the bottom of the
choose the correct words in sentences a and b.
page. Choose the correct words to complete
dad daddy grandad grandma
grandpa granny mum mummy the text.

grandmother, # 4 = The Leakey family is very famous. They are
” ^e BÀ grandfather, — c=—tS scientists and conservationists. Richard Leakey is
a conservationist. He lives in Kenya. His
father, __
‘wife / mother, Meave, is a scientist. Richard's
The people in † and 2 are parents / grandparents 2parents / sons, Louis and Mary Leakey, were also
b The people in 3 and 4 are parents/ grandparents. famous scientists. Richard has got two ? sons/ broth

Noase Read the descriptions and write the words for Jonathan and Philip. Louise and Samira are Richard’
family members.
“daughters/ aunts. Louise's husband/ uncle is.
1. This child is a boy: s Emmanuel. He is Belgian. Jonathan and Philip Leake
2 This child is,a girl: d_._____ are Louise's ‘nephews / uncles. Samira is Louise's
”sister/ aunt and she is Philip's ® cousin / niece.
A woman who is married: w —
Work in pairs. Make sentences about the peor
‘Aman who is married: h — in the family tree. Use these words.
He is your mother's or father’s broth a
She is your mother’s or fathers sister: a _ _ _ brother father grandfather grandmothe
This is your mother’s sister’ child: ¢
mother niece sister uncle

Mary is Samira’s grandmother.

RC) Write the names of four family members.
Tell your partner about them.

IÊElx:Iislaul:in orton a la cra seared

Work in pairs. Read the text. Tell your partner 5 Complete the telephone conversation with
what Yusuf and his sisters are doing today. the present continuous form of the verbs. Then
listen and check your answers.
Yusuf is studying English at college this year. Today,
he's working at home. He isn’t reading a book. He’s li: Hi Rosa. Where aré you?
writing a letter to his penfriend. His sisters are sitting 1) Git) in the garden.
in the kitchen. They aren't eating. They're listening to 3L (you /isten) to music?
music. What are you doing? Are you listening to music? No, 13_______ finish) my geography

Look at the text again. Then choose the correct Jordi: What*___(you/ study)
at the moment?
option to compiete the ruies. Rosa: We®____ (learn) about
Greenland. It's really interesting.
a We use the present continuous to describe Jordi: Cool. So, what ® ——Wew
actions that happen every day / are happening brother / do) today? Some kind of sport?
now. Rosa: No, not exactly. He ” ss

b We form the present continuous with the ver
be /do and the infinitive / ing form.

(not / play) football at the moment because he
With most verbs, (e.g. eat, see, watch) we add -ing hurt his foot. He*_______ (watch)
to the infinitive form: eating, seeing, watching. tennis on TV instead!
With verbs ending consonant, vowel, consonant
(eg. hit, shop, run) we double the consonant and 6 Read the Exam Tip. Then read the email in the
add -ing: hitting, shopping, running.
With verbs ending in -e (e.g. write) we lose the -e Exam Task. Think about what type of word should
and add -ing: writing.
go in each gap: a preposition, a verb, a question
[® Grammar reference 1.4, p161
word or a possessive adjective.

7 Now complete the Exam Task.

w w continuous form of the verbs. ‘Writing the missing words
* Read the text first to get the general idea
1 We're Greek, but we _____ (live) in Chile * Look at each gap. What type of word do you
until next September.

2 |____ (not/ do) my homework. think goes in the gap?
|___ (watch) a film. * Read the text again and fil in the gaps. Check
3 Mymum_ (work) in Turkey for a year
4 |____Gtay) with my aunt and uncle at your answers make sense.
* When you've finished, read the text again and

check your spelling.

the moment.
5 My parents ___ (eat) breakfast right now.
6 Are you on the phone? Who Open cloze
(you / talk) to?
For each question, write the correct answer.
Match the sentences in Exercise 3 with these
Write one word for each gap.
uses of the present continuous.
Hi Lucy!
a an action happening at the time of speaking How are you? (1)_____are you doing
today? | (2) staying with my
granny at the moment. She usually comes
b a temporary situation (3) _______ our house at the weekend,
but it’s (4) inhday today - she's
72- and there's a big family party. My uncle,
aunt and two cousins are here. My cousins
(5)_____ making Granny's birthday cake!


Learning FOCUS need to give

Focusing on accuracy in the correct

When you complete a form, you often

the following information:
* title (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss)

first name and surname

age and/or date of birth (DOB)
place of birth
home address

phone number

* email address
You must learn to write this information


w 1 Write the information (1-7) next to the corréct
©nean oo Nouwnuna
section (a-g).
31st October 2005

Malik Diop

Touba, Senegal

15, Rue d’Arcy, Dakar, Senegal

+221 775-5571-549

Mr 8

Title: —
First name & surname:
Dos: === help look after sea turtles and other.marine life
Place of birth:
b0 0 0122007

Home addres: _— — —¬
Phone number:
Email address:

2 EEE Listen to a conversation at a gym. and expilainwhy , you want totojjoïn our E

Complete the form with the correct information. Ti"tle: wMe iss
Membership Application °_..

Pid Home address: 15 Grove Roensad,

Fe Email address:
bìE29 Phone number:
ie Dest bith ate,

Read the advert about the volunteer project. "4d ::........................-.
Then answer the questions. Age: 17
1. Where is the project? Phone:
2 How long is it?
| want to join your project because | love swimming
3ˆ What new skill can you learn there?
the sea and I'd like to be a diver in the future. | thin
4 Read the form. What information has Sandy important to look after the sea and marine life and|
meeting new people!
NOT included? Why?

5 Work in pairs. Answer the questions using these Useful LANGUAGE
words. Expressing likes Expressing reasons
ee 790
| like + -ing form Iwant to... because...
1 Whicich h titittle showsDW that a we womanin is is married’ ? enjoy + -ing form My goal is to...
I| 'lmove%int+er-eisntgedfoi%rnm .. I ttohink its important
2 Which title shows that a woman is not married? Ilike i. because .. a helps me ..
3. Which title is used for a woman and doesn’t show
6 Work in pairs. Read the advert for a language
if she is married or not married? school. Discuss the questions. Use the Useful
4 Which title is used fora man and doesn't show if Language to help you.
1. Why do you want to learn English?
he is married or not married? 2 How can you practise English outside the

7 Complete the form with your own information.


Do you want to improve your English? First name: =
* Join our new four-week English language summer [lPre-intermediate
school Add
* Speak, read, listen to and write English for six DOB aes:
Nationality: —__ English:
hours every day! Address
* Meet other students from different countries Email
round the word, Ganson
* Have fun with English games, videos and songs! ]Beginner
Complete the application form with your details Eiliorredee'
and tell us why you want to learn English.
Reasons for learning



Friendships 4 Work in pairs. Read the Mind your Mind

one 5 formation. Discuss the questions.
1 Do you think the tips are useful? Why? / Why no
the average age we the number of 2. Which tip do you think is the hardest to do? Wh
start to understand friends we can ask 3. Which tip do you think is the most important? W
friendships for help
Mind your Mind

396 | 15
Be yourself
the average number the number of close You are at a new school and you don't
of friends we make in friends most people know anyonegIt’s time to make some new
our lives have friends ... but how?
* To find friends with similar hobbies and interest:

ask people what they're interested in.
* Join a club, but choose one that you'll enjoy.
* Remember, everyone is feeling nervous. Relax!
* Be yourself. Find people you feel comfortable

and like you for who you are.
* Remember, it doesn’t matter if you've got lots

of friends or just a few. True friends are what's

NRA 50 sous 150 5 Work in pairs. Write three more tips for makin:
the average time it takes
to make a new friend the number offriends. friends at a new school.

we have at one time PROJECT 1
Work in groups. Create a game or activity to.
help people make friends in a new situation,
| Think about:
| * ways to help people speak to each other
| * encouraging people to ask questions
* ways to help people have fun “
* encouraging people to be themselves and share whe

1 Look at the information. Read the statements. they are.
You can do the activity in the next lesson.
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? PROJECT 2
Create a presentation about how to make friends in
1. Most people make a new friend in under | new school or class.
60 hours. | Think about:
* ways to introduce yourself
2 We make nearly 400 friends in our lives. * topics to talk about, or not talk about
3 Most babies begin to learn about friendship © ways to spend time with new friends.
Include images and give examples. Give your
when they are six months old. | presentation in the next lesson.
4 Most people can ask 150 friends if they

have a problem
5 Most people have fewer than 20 good friends.

2 Work in pairs. Look at the information again and Useful LANGUAGE

think about you and your friends. We're going to (talk about/ play) ...
* Do the numbers surprise you? Usually / Often, people (talk about/ like to)
* Do you think its useful to read information like this? You should / ought to (be yourself/ join t club).
iscuss the questions with your partner. ‘You shouldn't (talk about / ask about)...
1. What makes a good friend? You need to (ask questions / talk to people).
2. What are some ways to make new friends? You can / could (say hello/ shake hands).
3 Do you think new friends are as important as old | think (you should talk about ... ) because ...

friends? Why? / Why not?

4. Describe one of your good friends.


H RÑearlirid seo cá««

41 Work in pairs. Think of a festival from your 3. Read the Exam Tip and Exam Task. Read the
country. Which of these things do you do? article again and complete the Exam Task.


Finding specific information
* In some exam tasks you have to match

questions with three texts.

'* Underline the key words in each question.

* Go back to the texts and look for the key worc

or similar,words.

‘* Check that the other texts are not the correct

wear traditional clothes eat special food ana 7 _

Multiple matching
For each question, choose the correct answer.

1. Which festival Nuri Josh Emike

A B o¢
is about getting
2 Whotalksaboutthe A B c
history of clothes?
3. Which festival is AB be
only one day?
| 4 Who describes AB ¢
| young girls and
5 Whichwriterwore A = B c
some traditional
6 Which festival is AB c
only in one place in
a country?
7 Whotaksabouta A B c

visit a special place wata cparhade

2 Work in pairs. Look at the photos on page 19.

Match the photos (a-c) with the countries (1-3).
Read the article quickly to check your ideas.
1 Trinidad

2 Japan

3 Spain


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