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The cover image shows the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao,
Spain. It was designed by Frank Gehry, a famous architect,
and is one of the most famous modern buildings in the world.
The museum is so beautiful that millions of visitors have come
to Bilbao to see it!
© Kristoff Bellens/Alamy


Close-up =.

Edward Alden



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“Text:16 Nerisha Penrose. (MAR 25, 2020). Wellness Experts On Their Best Self-Care Tips For Feeling More n Control. Retrieved from /> beauty/health-itness/a31780586/selfcare-routine-ideas/; 16 Glen John jones. (March 4, 2020). 6 EFFECTIVE HEALTH AND FITNESS TIPS FROM A VEGAN
PERSONAL TRAINER. Retrieved from http://www. wildelectricco/articles/6-effective-health-and-ftness-tips-from-a-vegan-personal-trainer, 16-17 Self-Care
Insiders: Wellness, Yoga& Skincare Wisdom from Matthew Milo. (n.d). Retrieved from https:/cultivatedmagazine.com/2019/01/17 /self-care-binder-wellness-
‘yoga-skincare-wisdom-from-matthew-mileo/; 17 Emily Laurence. (May 11, 2020). A Beginner's Guide to Cooking Plant-Based Meat. Retrieved from http://www.
‘wellandgood.com/cooking-plant-based-meat/; 28-29 Meet Our 2017 Grant Winners! (SEPTEMBE9R, 2018). Retrieved fromhttp://www nationalgeographic.
‘com/student-expeditions/get-inspired/storis-from-the-feld/summer-2017/2017-Grant Winners/; 28-29 Meet Our 2018 Grant Winnerst. (n.d), Retrieved from
/stories-from-the-field/summer-2018/2018-grant-winners/; 52-53 Shipwreck Hunter
Unearths Lost History and Treasures (n.d). Retrieved from />‘rsource=searchwvideo.


Unit 1 p4

Unit 2 p10
Unit 3 p16
Unit 4 p 22
Unit 5 p28

Unit 6 p 34

Unit 7 p40
Unit 8 p46
Unit 9 p52
Unit 10 p58

Unit 11 p 64

Unit 12 p70
Review 1-12 p76

X Your world

REACING scenivng tey infomation: mlipe choice wih one tert

1 Read the Exam Reminder. Tick the best way to Exam
Identifying key information
deal with multiple-choice questions. * With multiple-choice questions, read just the
a Read all the questions before looking at the text.
b_ Read each question, locate that information in the main part of the question first, underlining the
key words.

text, then read the answer options © Then find the part of the text that has the
¢ Read the question and all the options, then find answer.
* Compare that section to the options to find
the information in the text. the correct answer.

Binrtiongyomuorrelifecolour 1 Colours have an important role inour society. They Colour psychology suggests that there is a link
can create a certain atmosphere or influence decisions.
Ona personal level, they affect what we purchase, between our favourite colour and our personality.
what clothes we wear and how we decorate the spaces Ifyou like red, for instance, you are more likely
we live in. For this reason, some psychologists want to be confident and full of energy, but also quite
to understand the relationship between colours, our 40 competitive. Yellow is associated with a love of
mood and even our personality. learning and a need for order, whereas people who
Although various shades of the same colour can have a
wide range of effects, colour psychology puts them into love green are often loyal, caring and honest. Those
10 two main categories. Warm colours such as red, orange
who have blue as their favourite colour feel a need for
and yellow are believed to make people more energetic inner peace and truth. They tend to be more sensible
and enthusiastic, even aggressive sometimes. On the
and like to live their lives according to their beliefs.
other hand, cool colours like blue, purple and green
are associated with feeling calm, but also depressed. Our taste for colours changes a lot throughout our life
Although many psychologists are doubtful of colour
psychology, some studies show important evidence in While colour can have a strong influence on how we

its favour. For example, warm-coloured placebo pills are feel and act, these effects can vary a lot according to
personal, cultural and situational factors.
more effective than cool-coloured ones and areas with „ Colour psychologists suggest that people shouldn't
avoid any particular colour. On the contrary, they
blue-coloured streetlights report less crime. claim that, although it’s fine to have a favourite colour,
20 Colours are so connected to our well-being that we should try to bring at least a small amount of each

of the others into our lives, which would favour a
many believe they can be used to treat illnesses. better balance.
Several ancient cultures, including the Egyptians and
the Chinese, practised chromotherapy, or the use of psychologist (n): someone who studies people's minds and behaviour
colours, to heal. In this therapy, red is used to improve placebo (n): a substance with no chemical effects given to a patient
the flow of blood around the body, while orange is instead of a drug,
used to heal the lungs and to increase energy levels. well-being (n): when we are happy or comfortable
Blue is used to treat pain, whereas green provides a
calming effect.
Most of us have a favourite colour, which tends to
30 be reflected in our choices. According to a study by a
famous paint brand, 42% of men and 30% of women
prefer blue, The second favourite colours are red and
green, followed by orange, brown and purple. In
contrast, the least liked colouris yellow, preferred by
only 5% of us.

4 Unit 1 Your world

Vo ca b u | a ry feelings and people

2 Now complete the Exam Task. ‘11 Match the people in the photo with these

You are going to read an article about the adjectives.
relationship between colours and personality. For
questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) seal eee confident easy-going
which you think fits best according to the text.
1 According to the text, colours can have an This is one of my favourite photos because all my best

effect on friends are in it. On the left is Marcos: he’s good to

A the different roles we have in society. have around in difficult situations because he never
B_ what we decide to buy and wear.
C how the people around us are feeling. loses control or gets nervous. Then there's Camilla.
She's so nice and always thinks about others. In the
D_ what we do in our houses. back, you can see Mason: he's quiet around people he
doesn’t know, but he’s really funny too. Jess is next to
2 What does the second paragraph say about Mason. What | like about her is that she never doubts
colour psychology? herself. And then there's Ella: she never stops! She
always wants to do something fun. And that's me, Mia,
A Itis accepted by the whole medical taking the photo. What would people say about me? I
don’t take anything too seriously and I'm quite relaxed.
community. And | love my friends! They mean the world to me!

B Itdivides colours into many different groups. Marcos = —____ Camilla =
Mason =———————— Jess =
C Itstudies how colours affect your mood. Bien Fi P Mia =
D Research has proven it doesn’t work.
2 Replace the words in italics with these words.
3 In chromotherapy, who might blue be used to Then tick the sentences you agree with.
A_ someone who is feeling tired cose motherinlaw related siblings
B_ someone who can't concentrate
C someone who has got backache sister-in-law
D someone who is feeling anxious
1 It's hard when you have older brothers and sisters.
4 What did the paint study find out? 2 You don’t need more than two or three good
A Yellow is a very popular colour.
B Our favourite colour has little influence on friends.
our decisions.
C More people like purple than green. 3 You should treat your brother's wife just like a sister.

D_ One colour is a lot more popular than 4 You should always respect the elderly, especially if
you are in the same family.
5 According to the text, if you have a friend who
is organised and likes studying, their favourite 5 It’s important to get on well with your husband or
colour is more likely to be
wife's mumi:
: .;

C -green.
D blue.
6 What is recommended in the last paragraph?

A that we have a variety of colours in our lives

B that we should avoid certain colours
C that you should avoid having a favourite


D that we surround ourselves only with our

favourite colour

Unit 1 Your world 5

Gramma 1 jrccentsinpte anc'brecar neuen

4 Choose the correct option to complete the 4 Complete the email with the present simple or

sentences. Then listen and check your answers. the present continuous of the verbs in brackets.

‘Anne: What time’ does the game start /is the [aa
| From: Anusha
game starting? | To: Lucas

Jason: At seven. But we meet / we're meeting in Hi Lucas
the café at six How are you? | hope school (1) — — (go)
Ben: So, aman ‘tells /is telling his doctor, ‘I'm This week we (2)____ (celebrate) one of
addicted to Twitter!’, and the doctor * replies / my favourite festivals: Holi, the festival of colours! It
is replying, ‘Sorry, | don't follow you’. @) (represent) the victory of good
‘over evil. On the first day, there are lots of bonfires,
Emily: Ha hal 5 You always get / You're always but the fun really (4) (start) on
getting on my nerves with your silly jokes, | the second day. Participants traditionally
but that one’s not bad actually. (5)___ (throw) bright powders at friends

Sarah: True. Good to know your sense of humour

* improves / is improving, Ben!

Ling: __... and in this photo, ’ |try/ I'm trying to (and strangersl), and (6) (cover) each
talk to a local. He * doesn’t even listen / other with water. And the result is the mess you can
isn’t even listening! see in the photo! | (7) (smile), but
actually | (8) ___ (feel) really tired!
Josh: Your brother? takes / is taking fantastic | usually (9) (enjoy) Holi in my
hometown, but this year my friends and |
photos. They're so good. Mo E2 61. (stay) with my aunt in Delhi,
Isabella: Wow! The beach " gets / is getting much The festival here is much bigger! If you
(11) — (not do) anything next year,

wider now at low tide. why (12) you and your parents

Yeah. It's amazing that the moon "' controls / is
controlling the ocean tides, isn’t it?

Which person from Exercise 1 used ... ——————— (netcome) over and celebrate Holi
1. the present simple to mention a scientific fact? with us?
All the best
the present simple to indicate a repeated action? Anusha
a ˆ wn |gSS ouann
the present simple to indicate a scheduled event?
the present simple to tell a joke?
the present continuous to express what's

happening now?

6 the present continuous to say what's happening in

a picture?

7. the present continuous to talk about an

arrangement in the future?

8 the present continuous to talk about an annoying

9 the present continuous to describe changing and
developing situations in the present?

Complete the sentences with the correct tense
of the verbs have, think or see.
1 We__________ anew Maths teacher -
he's great!
|___what you mean now.
3 We __a party on Friday - do you
want to come?
41 a, of getting a new phone.

6 Unit1 Your world [execs

Listening cinpcesctenence Grammar 2 arices

4. Read the Exam Reminder. Are these sentences 1 Choose the correct options to complete the

true (T) or false (F)? sentences.
1. The answers in the recording follow the same order 1 An/The Indian teacher called Inderjit Khurana

as the questions. __ teaches the /- poor children at a train station.
2 You can write the answers in your own words. 2. In Nigeria, there is the /a school floating on a lake
3. There is no limit to the number of words in each
that can stay open even in the /- extreme weather
gap. — conditions.

_EEEES 3 Built with sustainable material and powered by

Understanding the task 2 /-colar onary the Greet ected erase

* Wit;h gap-fil tasks, you will lñisten to the considered the /- most environmentally friendly
information in the same order as the questions.

school in the world.
©. What you road and what you lesen to mighit ¥

be a bit different, but you should write exactly 4 The /- students at Carpe Diem school in the USA
learn on their own in small individual areas, but
what is said. there is a / an instructor to help them if necessary.

| © Think about what would complete the 5 At the Steve Jobs school in Amsterdam, students
sentence and write up to three words.
follow an / the individual plan which takes into
me ...ưaY ar consideration the /- interests and skills of each
Listen and complete the Exam Task.
pee ere:
6 The Sudbury schools in the USA have the /
You will hear a student called Annie talking about
a debating society. For questions 1-8, complete | a system in which the students decide their
the sentences with a word or short phrase. | timetable and have the / - complete control over

1 Annie explains that it is important to know what they learn.
2 Complete the gaps with a, an, the or - (ifno
about ___________to debate well.
2. She also believes that effective communication article is needed).
The other day, | was having '__ face-to-face
isa______in any type of work.
conversation and ?__ other person kept looking
| 3 Annie defines a debate as a(n) at their phone, 3 How about you guys? Is there
anything that annoys you in terms of ?__ social
| 4 The debaters find out the topic and are then
rane . media?

5. The judges consider how strong an argument
is, and also its ______, in order iS
to give points.
6 The masterclass in the first part of the session doing 5_— quick search on Google to check its
will cover the _______ of how to
| debate. true. Wake up, guys: * fake news is all around us!
7 ____wiill be given to every It’s not as bad, but | really don't like it when I'm
| participant at the end of the session.
| 8 Annie concludes by saying debating can tagged in” photo without permission.
make you more informed, communicative and ®__ best thing to do is to ask before you tag

°___ others.

That's '°___ hard one to beat, but | also hate it when

people make "jokes in '___ group chat that

‘only some of "?___ others will understand.

It annoys me when *__ people don't read other
people's comments and you get '°. same answer
loads of different times!

Unit 1 Your world 7

idioms and expressions; prepositions; checking the meaning: sentence

Use your English transformation

1 Find the mistakes and correct the sentences. ____ $NNNGGIIIDETE 4 Read the Exam Rei der. How many words can

you write in each sentence?
1 I've got to go now, but keep at touch, OK?
Checking the meaning
2. He's been away for two months now and he’s dying
for get back home. —— | © Read the first sentence carefully, thinking about

3 Tammy's not exactly a pature-at the violin, but she its meaning.

works hard. * Write between two and five words so that

4 I'm sorry: when | couldn't find my jacket, | the second sentence is as close as possible
to the first.
went red and you were the first person | met. * Check you have used the word given and that

5 Guess what? My parents gave our camping you have used the correct tense.
weekend e-green light!
Now complete the Exam Task.
6 Your essay is a bit confusing. | want your opinions

to be black er white.
7 My dog used to be really naughty, but after

a few lessons, he's as-geod as diamond.

For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence
Complete the sentences with the correct so that it has a similar meaning to the first
preposition. sentence, using the word given. Write between
two and five words.
1. | think one of the most important personal qualities 1 Andy and | share a lot of interests and opinions.
is to have a good sense humour.

2. Most of the books | read are just | HAVE
fun— not
because | have to. I WO ah se —— 2. I get so annoyed with rude people.
my spare time, | like to listen to podcasts. NERVES
4 I feel a bit nervous meeting new people.
problems than | Rude people really
5 | think it's better to laugh 3. Its in difficult times that some ‘friends’ show
take them too seriously. who they really are.
6 never spend money TRUE
free versions. apps — | just use the It's in difficult times that some ‘friends’

Now tick the sentences that are true for you. 4 Good friends also have arguments sometimes.

Complete the article with one word in each gap. | FALL

Friends for life Good friends also
Ihang'____with a lot of people, but my best 5 You always learn something interesting when
friend is definitely Juan. Actually, we don’t have that
much in 2 , but we both love computer you spend time with someone new.
games: sometimesit gets on my?_____ how OUT
good he is! You always learn something interesting when
you____ someone new.
He's not perfect, of course. From time to time, we 6 Luiza loves football so much that she goes to
*____"_ out, usually because of football.
Whenever his team loses, he ° red! He's matches every week.
gotno*________ of humour when it comes to
that topic, so of course | make a joke about it, just MAD
j„=== ín } buize —____football and |

s she goes to matches every week.

(8) Unit 1 Your world

Writi IG) using idioms and phrasal verbs; writing in an informal style; writing an informal emai

4 Read the Exam Reminder and choose the correct

option in the sentences below.

1 Informal emails should have a serious / friendly


2. Direct / Indirect questions and contractions are
common in informal emails.

1 Complete the phrases with one word. | Writing in an informal style
1 Kepins 1 ‘+ Emails to friends should have a friendly and
2 like skiing. I'm also ice skating, ... warm tone.
3 Iguessthatsit — now. * You should use informal language, such as.
4 Inmy time, ... contractions and direct questions.
5 fmma—d_ — _ cats,...
6 I'm not 5 Now complete the Exam Task. Write your email
natural at ...
in 140-190 words. Use the Useful Language on
2. Read the writing task below. Are the statements page 15 of your Student's Book.

(T) or false (F)? Writing an informal email
You have received this email from your English-

Your English teacher has arranged for you to write to
English-speaking friends. Write a letter to your new speaking friend, Ben.
friend introducing yourself and your family and talking
about your favourite pastimes. | | From: Ben
Subject: Feeling blue
1 You have written to this person before, || m
2. Your email will be friendly in tone. Thanks for your email. 'm feeling a bit lonely
3. You have to write about different topics. because I've fallen out with my best friend.
4 You don’t expect a reply. What's your best friend like? Do you argue
sometimes too? |
3. Read the notes and the model email. Replace the Oh, and I'm doing a project at college about
words in italics with the phrases from Exercise 1.

From: Maria | | teenagers around the world. Can you tell me
To: Kira where teenagers usually hang out in your
| | town, and what they do in their spare time?
Hi Kira Keep in touch
How are you? My name's Maria. I'm really excited
about having a friend from Australia! | 'Write your email.

I've got one sister. She's two years older than me and Notes
she's usually quite easy-going.
Í____® Ask about the reader and introduce yourself briefly.
My parents own a restaurant. They're really busy
| © Comment on the reader's family and describe
during the summer, so my sister and | help them out. | someone from yours.

What do your parents do? = + Talk about the other members of the family.

' When I'm not studying or helping in the restaurant, ‘* Mention your hobbies.
| like doing art. ?1'm not very talented at drawing, but ‘* End the email and sign off.
I'm getting better. > love cats, so that's what | mainly
draw! 4 | also love going ice skating. What about you?

Well, 5! haven't got any more news. * Please write

back soon.


Unit 1 Your world

2 Mysterious world

REACING sonia perereph topes mechng erence TP

† Read the Exam Reminder and number theRON Identifying paragraph topics
* Read the whole text quickly to get a good idea
sentences below in order.
Read the sentences, underlining keywords. of what it is about, then read each paragraph
Read the whole text quickly. more carefully. Write down the main points.
Read each paragraph carefully. * Read the sentences that have been removed,
underlining any key words.
Fit the sentences in the text. * Fit the sentences in the article, paying special
attention to the sentences before and after
Buried each gap.

treasure the victors may have taken these pieces from their
enemies, buried them to collect later but then never

1 Many people dream of discovering buried treasure, returned for them. Which (if any) of these theories is
but a few actually spend their free time looking for 0 correct, however, may never be known.
it. They head to fields and beaches holding a device The objects date from the seventh century, but we have

called a metal detector which makes a noise when it very few written records to tell us about life at this time.

locates metal under the ground. It’s a hobby which (6) ____ With this important discovery, historians and
archaeologists are hoping that they will learn a great
has become increasingly popular over the years. deal more about this period, allowing them to throw
light on what is often called the Dark Ages.
Most of the things these metal detectors find aren’t One thing we have already learned from the treasure

valuable. In July 2009, however, a man called is that some people living in Anglo-Saxon times must
‘Terry Herbert found the UK's largest ever hoard
have been very wealthy, and some were very skilled
10 of abandoned Anglo-Saxon treasure in a field in
50 craftsmen. (6) __ Unfortunately, we know little
Staffordshire. Initially, the landowner, Fred Johnson,
had tried to discourage Herbert from detecting there else about these people. Maybe one day we'll discover
as the field had already been searched by someone
else, (1) ___ He managed to persuade Mr Johnson more objects or written records that will throw more
to give him permission. Imagine the farmer’s
surprise, then, when Herbert returned to report that light on how they lived. Until then, all we can do is
he had found an Anglo-Saxon hoard! gaze in wonder at the most important discovery of its

Soon after the find was made, a security guard was kind for many years.
put in place and archaeologists were called in. treasure (7): collection of valuable items
20 (2) Such a huge hoard had never been found hoard (1): collection of something that has been hidden or saved
before. In total, they dug up 1,500 objects, almost all ‘weapon (n): an object that can be used to hurt people
of which were made of gold or other precious metals. hhorn (adj): the material made from the two hard parts that grow on

To find just one of these abandoned objects would the top of some animals’ heads
be exciting, so to find this number was absolutely treasure chest (n): a box used to store treasure
unbelievable. victor (0); he winner of a battleor competition

Unlike many other Anglo-Saxon finds, this treasure is
mostly connected with war. There are weapons and
parts of helmets, but surprisingly, all that remains is,
the precious metalwork; the parts made of wood or
20 horn appear to have been removed. (3) But
why did they bury so much treasure? One theory is
that it was buried as an offering to a god. Another
theory is that it was a treasure chest that was buri
but the owners never returned to dig it up. A third
theory focuses on the fact that these beautiful pieces
are associated with war. (4) So, after a battle,

10 Unit 2 Mysterious world

Now complete the Exam Task. mysteries; looking at

Matching sentences to gaps Vocabulary wrt eunss so
You are going to read an article about buried multiple-choice cloze

treasure. Six sentences have been removed from ‘11 Read the Exam Reminder. Are these sentences
true (T) or false (F).
the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the
1 You should read the whole text first
one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra 2 Only the words after the gap are important.
3 You should try to fit all the options in the gap.
sentence which you do not need to use.

A In the past, the winning side would often take Looking at words around a gap
* Read the whole text quickly.
the treasure of the defeated army. * Look at the words before and after the gap to
B_ They used complex methods to make beautiful
find out what type of word is missing.
* Try each option in the gap and cross out those
C But Herbert was not going to give up that
that do not fit.
2 Now complete the Exam Task.
D The first thing that struck them was how much
treasure Herbert had found. ae

E None of the pieces found are from women’s Multiple-choice cloze
For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide
clothing or jewellery. which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
F This is why we must rely on objects to
The Japanese Atlantis?
understand the history of the period.
G So, whoever owned these things did not try An underwater (1) ______ in the shape of a

to keep the objects whole; they were only pyramid, located off the coast of Japan, has
interested in the valuable parts. created controversy. Some researchers believe that
it is a (2) _____ result of earthquakes, common in
A piece of gold found in the Staffordshire hoard the area.

Masaaki Kimura, a Japanese marine geologist,
has a different (3) . He believes that the
pyramid is (4) _.. _—_, ruins of an ancient city

which sank about 2,000 years ago. According to

Kimura, there are many (5) _— that confirm

his ideas, including (6) — marks on the rock,

which are (7) — to have formed naturally.

While more dives are needed to investigate further,
the origin of the pyramid remains a (8) _-

1 A organisation C structure

B plan D system
2 A natural C daily

B plain D regular

SG C'stony

B solution D theory

4 A false C unnatural
B man-made D human

5 A signals C clues

B tips D guides
6 A unwanted C unacceptable
D unexplained

B unseen C unlikely
7 Arare D absurd

B unsure C quiz
D theory
8 A mystery
Unit 2 Mysterious world 11
B surprise

Grammar past simple and past making notes; multiple choice:
Listening sven questions
‘1 Choose the correct verb tenses.
Read the Exam Reminder and tick what you
1 When | was / was being a child, | lived / was living should do.
1 Only read the questions after listening to avoid
near an abandoned house.
One day, while my sister and | walked / 2 Don't stop if you can’t answer a question.
were walking past the house, we heard / were 3. Only mark an answer if you're absolutely sure, _
hearing a noise inside.
I decided / was deciding to go in and investigate, Making notes
while my sister stayed / was staying outside.
| went / was going up the stairs when a large dog * Read the questions before listening to the
interview to have an idea of what its about.
ran / was running past me and out of the door. While you're reading, identify what type of
| was so scared| fel/ lwas falling backwards, but information you're listening for.

then | started / was starting laughing. * Listen and make notes. If you miss anything,
When | left / was leaving the house, my sister still

waited / was still waiting by the door. keep going,
The strange thing was / was being that she
* After you finish listening, go back to the
didn’t see / wasn't seeing any dog coming out of
the house ... answers you didn’t get and choose the most
logical option.
2 Find and correct the takes.
Ruins at Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan
1 The poor man wasn't understanding a thing I was
He opened the door and stoped to listen for any
She was still holding the diamond necklace while
the police arrived, _
tt was looking like someone broke in through the
The whole story didn't seemed very likely to the

detective, —

Two of the boys were playing football when the
others were chatting.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verb in brackets.
1 The TV (turn) on mysteriously while
they thave) dinner.
My friend (show) me a star in his
telescope when a bright light (move)
across the sky.

A little girt (see) something in the
water while she (visit) Loch Ness with
hor family.
My father (look) for something in the
attic when a mouse (scare) him.
My dog (find) an old object while we
(play) at the beach.
My friend and | (cycle) in the woods
when we (hear) a strange noise

2) Unit2 Mysterious world XÕ Grammar reference 2.1, p163 in Student's Bool

Grammar used to, would, be used


Now listen and complete the Exam Task. ‘11 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
Multiple choice: seven questions
You will hear an interview about a mysterious city 1 The detective was used to ______ (solve)

in Asia called Mohenjo Daro. For questions 1-7, this type of case.
choose the best answer (A, B or C).
2. The Ancient Egyptians used to _____ (love)
1 In terms of size, Mohenjo Daro was
playing board games.
A much bigger than Vatican City today.
3 When | was a child, | would _____ (read)
B about the same size as the Egyptian lots of crime thrillers.
pyramids. 4 My grandmother stil hasn’t got used to

` phone. (talk) to the digital assistant on her
C smaller than most cities of the time.
5 When we were young, my brother and | used to
2. Professor Atkinson suggests that the Indus at (speak) in our own secret language.
Mohenjo Daro
A copied the idea of baths from the Romans. Complete the conversation with one word in

B used a lot more water than other each gap.

civilisations. ‘A: Do you remember those woods where we
C had a similar sewage system to other cities 1____to play as children?

at the time. B: Yes! You?____ always get lost and cry.
had to find you! What about them?
3 Why does Professor Atkinson believe Mohenjo \ to cry! Anyway, | read in the
Daro had a system similar to ademocracy? | A: Ididn’t?
A. There weren't any large buildings. news that a group of students on a trip found a
bag full of money there.
B There is evidence of elections taking place
there. B: It must be from a bank robbery. I'm sure the police
are used * dealing with this kind of
Its structure is very different from modern thing.
4 Apossible explanation for the end of Mohenjo ‘A: Not in that area. There are loads of journalists

Daro is there now.
A an illness that killed the residents.
B: The people in the vilage must be excited. They
B_ a geographical change. not used to getting that kind of
€ aconflict with another city.

5 Mohenjo Daro was discovered_ years
after its end, A: True. | can’t remember .. we use to
A 100 find stuff in those woods?
B 600
€ 4/000 B: Just rubbish. No bags of money, that’s for sure!

6 Why might they never discover the truth about Find and correct the mistakes.

Mohenjo Daro? 1. | would believe in these stories, but | don’t
A Their research hasn't explained anything. anymore.
B The structures are being destroyed by
2 He didn’t used to be so adventurous when he was
nature. younger.
€ Researchers are not taking enough care
3. Grandpa would told us all about the mysterious
with the city.
7 What does the Professor suggest in order to forest.

Protect Mohenjo Daro? 4 After so many years, the detective got used to
A build some walls again
B reduce the number of visitors people tetthim lies. _—____

© bury it again 5 The children are exhausted: they den‘tused to

staying up so late,
6 Werer‘tyou use to read a lot of mystery novels

when you were younger?

Unit 2 Mysterious world 13

Use your English pies ves worst; changing word word formation

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 3 Read the Exam Reminder. Are these sentences
these verbs. true (T) or false (F)?
” The words mystery and mysteriously are part of the
be come find look rely work same word family.

1 They never out who stole the priceless Poa pea te ausuies porsicle pes sais i
bracelet. 3X aes the the end endofof tthhee word.
2. Lots of strange things have been happening here letterto wo
lately, so | need you to into it. = i Gian aid Í
3 | love tryïng to ‘out who did it before |
get to the end of a crime novel. [ Changing wordsi
4 In this series, she on technology to solve
crimes. * You can prepare for word formation tasks by
learning more about word families. Make a
5 In 25 years as a detective, he had never note of the word family of new words you see.
across such a complicated case. © When doing the task, it helps to think about
6 Mysister really into board games. what type of word fits in each gap (verb, noun,
adjective or adverb).
For questions 1-6, read the article and decide * You may (also) have to add a prefix or suffix to
which answer (a, b, c or d) best fits each gap. the word, depending on its meaning in the text.

The Tunguska Meteor

On June 30, 1908, the residents of a small village in Ne low complete the Exam Task.
Siberia were having a normal day when suddenly they

saw a big ball of fire cross the sky and crash into the
When, years later, scientists finally reached the remote _ Word formation
area to look (1) __ the event, they saw the amazing
result of the impact: 80 million trees were lying on the Read the text below. For questions 1-8, use the
ground, over an area of 2,000 km”. While they were word in CAPITALS at the end of some of the lines
to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

searching the area, the researchers didn’t (2) _ across Where is Cleopatra?
any pieces of the object. They weren't able to work
(3) __ what happened at the time, leading to many The simple answer is everywhere: in
crazy theories. films and documentaries as well as in an
Scientists only (4) __ the mystery over a hundred years viewerSse tee BL, END)
later, in 2013, when they finally managed to (5) one Dĩ Tha lecomiyaie 2: NAME
of the existing theories: it was in fact an ice meteor that asking where Cleopatra is buried, that’s
melted before anyone got there. a much more complicated question.
They also were able to (6) __ to the conclusion that
the meteor was travelling at a speed of 54,000 km/h Decades of underwater explorations at
the site of ancient Alexandria have not
when it hit Earth. provided reliable (3) of what
1aon bfor cafe into happened to Cleopatra after her defeat
aia ae MRR Fey a it in 30 BCE, Aftsoemruch time, itis
* (4)_ — — thatwewilleverknowfor LIKE
3 aover bon cwnh dout sure where her final resting place is.
4 asolved b broke ¢ figured d answered Se eer heat = ideas
5 ashow b prove ctest dhold is ust one ofthe ri l——``” ` “MySIBS
6 ahave bmake draw d come questions surrounding the last pharaoh
of Egypt. Even her (7)
is unknown, despite her winning the
|_ hearts of two of the most (8)

men in Rome, Julius Caesar and Mark

14 Unit 2 Mysterious world

Writin Q using adjectives and adverbs; planning a story, writing a story

Learning REMINDER 4 Read the Exam Reminder. Which of these should

Using adjectives and adverbs you do?

* To make your story more interesting, use 1 Begin writing your story immediately to save time,
descriptive adjectives and adverbs to add drama_
2. Plan every detail of your story.
and suspense. This will help your reader create a
3. Describe the people and other elements of your
__ mental image of the events you're describing.
story; —
‘* Make sure you use adjeancd atdveirbsvceorresctly,
[ Planing estoy EE
__ especially when it comtoewsord order. * Make sure you spend some time planning your
+ Remember that -ed adjectives describe how story before you begin writing it.
someoneis affected ‘by something and -ing _ * Think about the main events in your story and
plan your paragraphs.
adjectives describe how somoer osonmetehing * Don't forget to use a lot of adjectives and
other descriptive language. |
affects others.
5 Now read and complete the Exam Task. Use the
8) ces dreicoiiecs optiFon te compete tie
Useful Language on page 27 of your Student's

sentences. Book. You can also use the expressions and ideas
1 She started looking for Milo on the ground floor,
from Exercise 1.
calling his name nerv/ noeruvoussly.
2 The dusty furniture was still in place, asif the ar N14
Writing a story
previous / previously owners were coming back.
Write a story which begins with this sentence:
3. The old wooden stairs made a loud / loudly noise
Julie opened the door slowly and went in without
every time she went up a step.
making a noise. (140-190 words)
4 She sudden / suddenly saw something that made
her blood freeze.

5. She screamed lo/ ulouddly, but then her eyes got
used to the darkness, and ...

6 She grabbed her cat and left that scary house as
fast/ fastly as she could.

2 Read the writing task and choose the correct words.

Write a story which begins with this sentence:
Marvin couldn't believe his eyes. (140-190 words)
1 Marvin was shy / shocked.

2 You can / cannot change the first sentence.

3 Your story will be about something unus/unoarmlal.

3. Read the notes and the model story. Circle the correct words. Notes
Begin with the sentence
Marvin couldn't believe his eyes. The (1) glass small/ small glass jar in front of him given and introduce the
was slowly disappearing! Marvin was a scientist in a laboratory, and he had main character.
(2) finally/ carefully discovered how to make things invisible! Describe the |
twas late at night and Marvin was in the laboratory (3) on his own / lonely. This background to the story.
experiment was his personal secret, and he didn’t want anyone else to find out. Introduce an event that
(4) Suddenly / Lately Marvin heard footsteps on the stairs outside. Someone was adds suspense to the
‘coming! He panicked. How could he explain why he was in the lab at this late hour?
Describe the unusual
And how could he hide his experiment?
Then, he remembered that he had discovered how to make things invisible. He event.
(6) quickly put/ put quickly a little of the magic liquid onto his science equipment
and everything disappeared, ‘| left my bag here,’ he said to the science student as End the story.
she entered the lab. Marvin (6) wondered/ imagined why the student was in the
lab at that time of night too. But he didn’t ind. Nobody knew about the incredible
secret that he (7) used to discover/ had discovered!

Unit 2 Mysterious world 15

3 Fit as a fiddle

Rea d IAG identifying key information; matching prompts to textM00 N

1 Read the Exam Reminder. Are these sentences 2 Now complete the Exam Task.

true (T) or false (F)? Matching prompts to text
You are going to read an article about tips for a

1 You should read the text first. healthy lifestyle. For questions 1-10, choose from
the sections (A-D). The sections may be chosen
2 You need to match only one question to each more than once.
section of the text. _
Which section mentions
3 The words in the text and in the questions will not 1 a suggestion to throw away unnecessary

be exactly the same. items? _
starting from your final objectives?
Identifying key information the need to use less technology?
the importance of resting well?
* In multiple matching tasks, you have to match doing exercise to concentrate better? _
the different sections of a text with a number a person who doesn’t stand up much?
of questions. avoiding comparisons?
the importance of not missing appointments?
* When doing a multiple matching task, it helps
to read the questions before reading the text 9 taking your time to look around you in the
and underline the key words morning?

* When reading the text, look for synonyms of 10 a choice when buying something?
the key words you underlined in the questions.
He also uses the phrase ‘You don’t have to be perfect,
Wellness tips you just have to be consistent’ when teaching his
clients the benefits of attending every class that
1 We spoke to four healthy lifestyle gurus about what they've scheduled, even if they’re not feeling like it.

they do to keep body and mind fit. As a vegan, Glen knows the importance of a balanced

A Dr Justine Grusso, Psychologist diet to get enough protein for his workouts, but also
Dr Grusso teaches and practises self-care when getting,

up. ‘It is so easy to be “on autopilot” and jump out of bed reminds his clients that other factors such as having
in the morning and rush into the day’, she says. Instead,
she spends a few moments outside to observe nature good quality sleep and recovering between sessions
around the house and to feel the ground under her feet. are just as important for your fitness.
Having this type of morning routine prepares us for the
day and sends a positive message to our body and mind: C Matthew Mileo, Yoga instruetor
10 that we are in control and worth taking care of.
Matthew always goes out for a walk with his dog in
At work, Dr Grusso spends most of the day sitting, so the morning and then exercises in the gym. His fitness
routine usually includes yoga, boxing or swimming. ‘I
she does short exercises like dancing and shaking her find that these three activities work best for me, as they
arms and legs to keep her body active. clear my mind and improve my concentration’, he says.
When teaching yoga, he always tells his students
B_ Glen John Jones, Personal trainer to avoid looking around the room and to focus on
themselves instead. That way, you're not comparing
Glen believes in something called ‘reverse engineering’. yourself to others or waiting for their approval.
This is when you picture yourself achieving a goal and
work back through each stage to understand how you'll
achieve that goal. ‘Connect the dots from where you

want to be, to where you are now and break it down into

stages.’ This approach helps you to see each workout as
20 part of an end goal, which is much more motivating.

16 Unit 3 Fit asa fiddle

Voca b u la TY health and fitness

1 Listen to six situations. Match the speakers Complete the text with these words.

(A-F) with the sentences (1-6). Who ...
1 has cut something out of their diet? health ñlnesses medicine _pain
2 is trying to lose weight?
patients recover stress treat

3 is doing yoga? — Unusual healing methods
4. is recovering from an injury? — Would you try one of these alternative therapies?
5. is about to have an operation? — Float tanks are where you lie in a closed pod in
6 is in pain? — body-temperature water, without any light or sound.
This treatment can help patients ' _from
Complete the conversation with the correct injuries and reduce stress, anxiety and other mental
word. The first letter has been given. 2
Ifyou suffer from 3 or anxiety, you might try
A: [really need to change my lifestyle before | end progressive muscle relaxation. It is thought to help
upinthe'e_ departmentat people in# and those who find it difficult to
hospitall You know all about ?Ý~—.——~— sleep.
and health: what do you do? People who practise nutritional healing believe that
B: Well,lgo *r— ——— —— every moming for and that eating the right foods such
at least ten kilometres and | have an exercise food is *
4b athome, but nothcanirneplgace as plenty of fruit and vegetables can improve people's

'going to the 5g _ _ every day to work out. Some doctors are now recommending cryotherapy to
their?______. It basically consists of exposing parts
eae Wow, that's a lot!
Yeah. But make sure you have a balanced of your body (or all of it) to freezing temperatures
¢d___ so your body has the energy for (120°C) for a few seconds to * sore muscles
all this, otherwise you might feel ill or and even improve sleep quality
experience others —of over
A: Got it, thanks!

ma ae . ee Se)

At home, he recotumrnimng eclenanindg insto an
enjoyable activity: prethpe aatmorspehere with some

music and candles, then as you clean, decide what

things you don’t need any longer and get rid of them.

Carissa believes in eating the best you can when you
can, depending on your routine. She also suggests
_ choosing plant-based products as an alternative to
_ too much meat in our diet. ‘The first question to ask
_ Yourissief ylouf're lookingfor an alternative that's as

althy as possible or if you want something that is

_ as close to tasting like meat as possible’, Carissa says.
_ Then start with recipes that you used to prepare with

‘Mesoatthat you keep toflavours you already love.
Carissa also recommends giving yourself at least two

‘onbre eaks-frhom o sociu al r media a day and using
this time to connect with your family.

Unit 3 Fit asa fiddle 17

Grammar 1 present perfect simple and present perfect continuous; for, since, lately already, yet and stil

11 Choose the correct option to complete the 4 Complete the article. Use one word in each gap

sentences. At sixteen, Tom has been running '___as
long as he can remember. He * always
1 I've already done / been doing 12,000 steps today, been sporty, but now he finds that running is his main
2 I've thoug/ hbeten thinking about joining a gym. exercise. ‘There are no excuses ~ you just put on your
tracksuit, warm up and off you go. You can go running
Do you want to come with me? whenever it suits you. |? even run in
the dark, with some reflective clothing so that people:
3. You haven't drunk / been drinking enough water can see me. Some people don't like bad weather,
lately. Would you like some now? but | don’t mind it. | have * run in snow,
wearing special shoes with spikes.’ Tom has
4 I've had / been having this exercise bike for ages, : pushing himself harder and has started
trail running recently. ‘I haven't been up a mountain
but never used it. Do you want it? $ „butlve”_——_ partinsome
hill running races and I'm really pleased with my
5 A: ‘How long have we run/ been running? progress.’ What's next for Tom? ‘| ®__
haven't done a half-marathon - that’s my next goal’.
An hour?”
B: ‘Um, no, just 10 minutes ...’
6 Have you felt/ been feeling pain or any other

symptoms recently?

2 Complete the sentences with the present perfect 5 Complete the second sentence using the preset
simple or the present perfect continuous form of
perfect simple or continuous of the verb in
the verbs in brackets.
brackets. Add for or since where necessary.

Ap all morning, and|
1. That gym opened two months ago.
f over one hundred pages
so far! (read) That gym
2 Pedro — nearly twenty
kiometres becausehe__———_ for two months. (be)
2 I started yoga last year.
hours. (walk) ‘ DĐ S = a LÍ
3. Francis OV ‘singe nine o'clock
this morning; he —— feurfilms. 3 Rowena learned to swim when she was three.
(watch) :
4 Maria to the avm for a few —— shewas

months; in fact, she __________ there 4 When did Anders start tennis lessons?
now. (go) How long
3 his new cooking show lessons? (have) —— tennis

for weeks; he five episodes 5 The acupuncturist started the treatment on my
already. (film)
6 lan since he was six and he back two weeks ago.
The acupuncturist
Et in three Olympic Games. two weeks. (treat)

3 Complete the conversations with these words.

already for lately sinee still_-yet

Have you been going to the gym ' ?
B: To be honest, | haven't been there 2

two months.
‘ve been feeling a lot of pain in my knee
3___we played volleyball the other day.
B: Oh, dear. Have you been to the doctor
4 _3

a 1. haven't reached my ideal fitness
level. talked about this. It takes time.

B: We've ®

18 Unit 3 Fit as a fiddle *D Grammar references 3.1 and 3.2, p163-164 in Student's Boo!

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