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Pacesetter elementary students book by strange derek hall diana

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sueljiA pườ. ure UÔjELiolU) 02ads ÁrenqeaoA Suoiqoun), quied sewuress PT eects]
52UI0i2/22012L| ple euiosay/oray 2o 8uiutteog jo uoisinay) go uorstnay L2
eanoge Sun Juana pian sear Suigueys
Buissnosig siamsue pue lemooy angry ayy anoge suoissaidxe pue uonepiosuoa
sajou Sunfeyy suonsenb yoyeur suruido BujAIO, squenpe Aouanbary unary
aanary 2ifeUUopsanb: Buos ø 8unaiduơ2) awuueisoud AY} USBI INE)
ayy Buissnosiq axe? 8 ul van oy Suns A.L49 sedÁI, suonipaid Sune) sa@safy] pup sigoy
SiOqO4 1O 201 eanoge JOU LOH eULOJUL susAuoUAs SuIputy 2]4!] ANOK Si sty
ay Buissnosiq 32oda2 t Suni Suikynuap AepAsang ouanbay
aureuuonsanb pưe 5un[oa2, aureuuonsanb Surssaidxg
2 01 Suipuodsey
+ 8uIssnosIc]

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seAr] 8uiBued2) api] ® 8URHAA +8unaiduio2, sapn SuyoTey pur saauaiog qsed Bussesdxq pure 1 UpJio9/p)no2 senysnowre
Á4©3sIt| 8b pur 1ayfojarofeq
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snoure) Sulssnosiq aimaid 8 woy, ajduiis sed
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sued 0} sana] 9 EUPHAA, Áø| 8UIÁJuap| sue ayy, Suonuaau
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ay) pue up'n — aanyry Buissnosiq spom Suidnoap, wy
49) 8UIU23Ƒ† tonguiioJu oytoads saniguenb Sqo{ ÁePIIoH|,
Asors 2Q8UI0UEoG yom Jo saoeid 3noqe Bunilel. Jo up/p isajonay
tUOn9U1JGJUL saAr] 8ui8ưet2,
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aun :Agjdajoy Sunsjduuo2, Apaniiod 0} Buio82g
2t BUIJRU2p]| SaAnsalpe. S224).
ajdoad Suiquiosaq Aseip 2 Susu, 8uos e 8u8a[duiø2) pur Suraisy “squanpe
asin uBredueo ® 10} Á1e|nqE2øA Aayouosseg Suny pue yum suosuedwos saAr] 8uiBưeu2,
Jasod BUNHAA, +QJ SutunsIr] Bunsiperd sjoadsns omy
Ø3 s2oed 3noqte Areip 2 Sunuyy, suotuido s;eidoad BuyoAoes ajdoad 8urreduuoo, 212 ‘fo fjoy
do 8UJAIO, LonieulojUl yarn dais
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pue voy /e/ zinb e Suuamsuy sannoaipe
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Sixe) BUIU9IBIA[ UMOF UI Sa2E|.| anieyiedns
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suonoe.tp BUIAAOIJO-† so + aanoalpe + sv
UORELU4OJtt 2taads saanoalpe

4i 8uIU3SF] aanerdiiog

3X@1uos 8uIÁnUiap| suonsaup
ur saqiqeiaduuy



L CSSD ysiug Burssnosiq TT 3230 8uIÁIuapJ maida 2BeniBtr| Lo
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OA punore tsiBuz† kì
ˆ_ autaads 8unisatto
AAØA21 JEIUUEIC) |Ø925 3e s83, 220 ote s

>wou [una |

ssujp ai 0} dug jooyss wig detU/0ieiBetp ‘Areinqeoon suonsuny Squiod reunures5 UOISIAZY S¿/-£¿ saBed
din e Sunuaserg 9 8unaiduuo2) e Bumjaqe] Jo uoisinay Jouoisinay gouorsinay 4€
B asnanpe 0 © yeuosiad
din jooyps daqsod e Buna, UIonetliojut saimord wioy 439) sannoalpy asodand uoI)epJ|osuo2,
BBulssnosiq. 4o Buikjauep] suonoipaid 8upie|A[ seanoelpe
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seAr] 8ui8ueu2) Areip 2 Suny 40J BUlU2SƑ] Bui\ynuap juatudinba pue 2718 3nodqe 8uniJ|_ (punua8) 410-J0Y “316
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te 8UI)UAA, aangoid, Sainseali anny soidwisig ay |.
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0} BABY suiods Bussniosiq B YIM UoRduOsep a3, 30) Sus ‘2up ur sanmigyssod ¥yBnotla pue 07 Saar Buisuey,
tr fey pete [4 BJO UoRduosep w8UItj2eiAJ sjeuniue eas anoge BuyyeL_ g* Buoy/pyo oy
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ut /§p/ ÁzeIp BUHUA@, UIØgluu4QJui sanianoe 5UnseBBns peau aAoY 1 UOp ‘7 aby,
Sipuiiue. Kay BuiÁjRU2p| Suidyauap] Busres-pun4 pas ay]
5fionutuoo as Suissnosiq 29lApE suonsipaid Sunpeya) ssenbes Suiyeyy o> nek pind

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10) BuIueog Apog ayy Jo sieu] qnoge Suse, :†eUoRguszsul
suoiisa5ãins pue. Buryoau5 oidoa SurAyauapy 2dIApe BUIAID
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suonsipaid Supe) Josennoalpy siuana ysed 3noqe.
ÁIos toigtIiGJU) 20/286
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Siuared aidoy Surdynuapy
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Buissnosiqy suonsanb Sunpyeyy
squane staypeds
ased Sussnosiq
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suojuido 1UöfteUu4olU 20J22dS puE snonuques saouiairedx2.
pur sioyeads 30J 8Uutưeos 3spd 2t].

2ido 8utÁJI903p| snoniunuoa. aBueys pue SO4N =
BurAynuap] qsed 21 sauioys Ayoods

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aBed v Suny go uoisinay Jo UOISIAdj .JO UOIsJAat|
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2uze8eu 0) Sus

2jqp- pur ajqi- wBulztuv8iC) gyeseuo 5uos e 8una|duuo2) aureuuonsanb ajge= pur 2jg~ ut sajna 2iJ pJnosa pue ay SaAir[ 8UiBuetJ2)
\pim Burpua spi0m Jo uonduosap s jaye seyo 8 0} Bulpuodsay Buipua sannaaipy sedkt Aqyeuosiag
Áaois Buiyquapy senja jenaxequioo anoge Surye). ayou! pup Jap
UO $58.25 PiOoM sear 8u/Buet) e BunUMA, woy sde8 Bui ajdoad Jo sadky_ auo30tsyejna sau
Aueip e 8UNUAA, UOfEtli4Qju ayjoads uoissituaid yeu 3UE9 AM J_
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UUØiLLi/Q/UIIJoads UOfetuiolu
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ø 8UnHẠA, 2Q; 8UIU2Sr] Auijeuosieg
su Buissnosiq tUONetiiojui 2fJads uonoy 2oua1s Juana jeouoystty saseiyd sary SusueyD

sourzedew lOnotLlaojti ou2eds 20ÿ 8UtUƯEoG, pure aoeds 'siaue.| eanoge Bupjey Aq pue anissed 20D],
Burssnosiq 4O 8UIU2tS] ajduuis yed ay)
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ios tlofiEn1Is/3xayuoa. uiBuo ain Aynuepi e Buiquosaq
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2u :Aejdajoy oxeuioyut eireuuonsenb sued aanany (uorsinas) 07 soAr] 8UiBuetj2
sadoasoioi| 2Jaeds Sunjoay5 3noqt 8uniIg_ suBjs ung
Buissnosiq Suniamsuy 808 2g pue jj/e4
suonoIpa.d' 320814 p2u 21.
suonsenb -ya asieatun au pur 22taisedxo saioÙ 8UneiaJ uoneusiojui oijinads .IOIIEI2OSSĐ P4OAA, Bune) 0) 3)90 aq
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Aquieys29 cou pure suear
(i/ pue /AAs/ Kiowa tuoi Banoge Sun AQ oy Burdynuep] 3x31 9 UỊ Se2U212121 2imiJ2 la :ôanang e1.
°BIš/ :Siaisnio Áxoys v Buyjar-2y) Aepijoy e jnoqe BurAjnuapy tiịno4 Jo suse} Burssaudxg 2iduins qsed ay BUNYINS LANG,
„_ 1UEUOSUOS) sana] e Buna, 8uose 8una|dtuo2), voneuuoyut pur ajduss ajied
auatiadxe jesouse 1uoni12Iđ} SSIqqO(| Buitpatuos saAr Susuey5
t0öpUoidj| qnoge Sune) 2utoads Bunjse45, op or Buisryay} quasaid ay | saoeld ÁpIIOE]
IOite4oj0I saangord pur syiods Ava feussoyul ue Appayp pue
3/mjn2 LạnØÁ jo oy BurAynavap| seoiAses pue tị suotutdo 8UIAID), a4 :ajduns aapied ap}iona
S023! 8UIeSn2S[C] Woy suonoIpaid Søhlios ÁEpIJol-† SBuIUp 338991 quasaid ayy 23 tị 2381|AA,
sainold ơi qnoge BumeL.
Aone spunos Surypqeyy Suppays pHOM snl zajduuts yoaysed
'seAr Bui8uetio) ay} UI Seo. SurziBojode quasaid ayy
pue 8uiureduioz)
au :Áe|d2|oy| Jaga :a|duIs 13aixad
SiU2A2 38921
qurejduios e 3noqe 8unie|_ 3U2saudl at.

8upieuu :Ás|da|oy| 'saouaisadxe,

seB|A Áøprlot pưe
shepijoy Burssnasiq, anoge Buryjey

c @¬% Are you ready? 446696554539635698646464s63) Ss.25.5668466/3.366e lees4SEssessesestie


English at school

1 Look at the pictures. Complete the dialogues with

words or phrases from the box.

hay Ill close

was won

Teacher What ?
Student What are you
Teacher Nothing, Mr Davis.
Student You are doing something.


Sorry, my

Teacher No, sorry. | your homework?

Student . It's at home.
Bring it tomorrow. Jim,
Teacher yours?

Yes, |____. Here you are.

Thank you.

| ae Teacher What happened? Did you win?
Student Yes, we___! We ____ three games
and___ them all.
Welldonl ____——_ before the


We____at the weekend but it

rainy yesterday so we practise last

Student I’msorry, | — the cassette. night.
______ the window. Is that 2 Listen. Check your answers in Exercise 1.
Student better? nw?
3 Listen to one more dialogue. Match it with
Yes, | . Thank you. one of the pictures.


English around you 4 a SP Work with a partner. Look at the signs. In
what places can you see them?
1 (2 Read the text. Put the verbs in the correct [A] [B|

form of the present simple or past simple.

Two thousand years ofEnglish Arrivals | |

To 1 is (be) an international [P]

language, rae where did it come from? Fs

-Two thousand rey ago the people of Britain

——* (speak) their own language but then

“people (arrive) from other countries and

othe langage'sowly * (change). The first b Match the signs above with these places.

people §#__ ==+=. (eome) from Holland and 1 onaroad 3 atanairport 5 onclothes
4 onaletter 6 inacinema
Germany about one ‘thousand five hundred years 2 ina shop
ago and —© —— (give) English words like
ec Do you know other English words like these?
‘book’ and ‘house’. People from the north of a
Make a list with your class.

Europe ” (arrive) next with useful words 5 a Dothe quiz.

like ‘leg’, ‘take’ and ‘sky’. The French arrived

about one thousand years ago and their words Can you remember in English ...

‘ (change) the language again. Finally, d 1 the names of five countties?
2. the dates of three friends’ birthdays?
about five hundred years ago, English ’ 3 the names of three vegetables?

(become) like the language we know today. 3 4 the names of six months of the year?

Millions of P people (spP eak) Engllẽ ish 5 the colours of the British flag?
now. A lot of people " (learn) it when

they "___(be) very young but many other

people © (study) English at school, like b: FR Work witha partner. Check youranswers:

you. Today, English '*. (be) everywhere, @ Find sixteen words in the puzzle below. Make a chart

for examplesin pop songs, in adverts, on TV like this. Write four words under each heading.

and on signs.

2 a Find the names of three countries in the text. œ ceadbr, S ov oll3e ⁄2
a oS ©
6b Write the numbers for ‘five hundred’, 3° SF- = S„
c ‘one thousand five hundred’ and ‘two thousand’.

Underline five words in the text which came & oe @ RS x £ .
3a from other languages. €
b 9° os s.
Sb Work with a partner. Name three 3 Ss = =
countries where people speak English. S 2n il Krone kì ©
Are there any words which are the same in e a
English and your language? Make a short list. oe
5 » Ng



Stop thief!

| BQ Listen. What’s happening: a car accident, a
street crime, or a street market?

- 2 «2 [BI Listen. where did the man go? Number
the places (/ to 6) in the right order.
i i
ƒ Hey! Stop! ... the bridge the park
Where did he go? the bus stop a
ll|illiIaillll' loi

the police station

4 the car park LÍ the post office Ì

the chemist [1 the river |

\ : the hospital LÌÏ theshoppingcentre |_|

\ the lake [1 the supermarket LÌ

b Work with a partner. Where did the man go?
Complete the red line on the map.

Ao \



Work it out: prepositions of movement Useful English Ki

3° Complete the phrases under the pictures. Use the Asking for and givin
words in the box. Excuse me, where's (the) ...7 It’s

_ ẾG— ae. x .rio. out of_- .--- 5 @ Listen and answer the questions. Use the
‘Useful English’ phrases and the pictures below to
im: | through the park Cathe corner help you. (You are here * in each picture.)

3 Tambus stop the park

5 the park _—_—_ the road 6 [I Listen. Follow the directions to different

places on the map on page 8. Start from * each
time. Write the names of the places you go to.
Lee oe

the street 7 Choose a place on the map: Write directions
to it from *. Do not write the name of the place.
4 a (BD Read this article from the local newspaper.
Where did the thief go next? Finish your red line Go across the street and go to the car park. Go into the
shopping centre and turn right. There is a door in front of
on the map. you. Go through it. What is the name of the place?
lhe police arrested a 22-year-old man at the scene
of a crime in West London yesterday morning, A 8 BL Work with a partner. Take turns.

young American student, Ms Chris Benson, lost her A Read out your directions slowly and clearly.
B Listen to As directions and find the right place.
bag with her purse and her passport in it. She was on
her way to the Park Street Shopping Centre. The man (Go along the street. Sorry, could >
| Turn left, turn right you repeat
pulled the bag from her hand and ran into the park. \_ that, please?
\.` and it’s on the left.yo / Cea 2o: — 2,
Ms Benson and a local student ran after him, but the
man disappeared into the crowds. 9 BQ Work in two teams (A and B). You are all
Police stopped two men ten minutes later, as they left
the car park in front of the sports centre. The police meeting some friends at a place in your town. Take
turns to give directions.
found the missing bag behind a large tree near the
A Tell team B how to get to the meeting place from the

sports centre. They questioned the two men and later
arrested one of them. centre of your town. Don't say the name of the place.
B_ Follow the directions to find out the right place.
‘Ym so happy to have everything back,’ said Ms
Benson, who only arrived in Britain last week. ‘It was IF necessary, say ‘Sorry, could you repeat that,
a big shock, but the police were very quick and please?’ or ‘Excuse me, could you say that again?’

b Where did the man go after he was near the

post office? Write three more sentences. Start

like this: He went along the river:

Two suspects

Comparing people

Suspect ___

White male.
Mục 2/-2 2. years old

Heights 1m 50 om (2)

Face: tong arid Tha, large nose, dark brew?)
YES, Small moth, possibly a moustache

Mair: dark brown, quite long, curly

Suspeot —

White Mate
Aze: Atz22 (ears d4 tổ)
He¿ h6: | bí 80 Án ~ Lm 89 Cà
Ấ06e: verdr thì, bige nose, dart
Í DQ Read the polihce officers’ notes about a :
brown or WIA eyres, small ouch
the men who took Chris’s bag. Look at the Hair: dort. rao, 4/462 Wray strougyt

pictures. Which two men are the main Height: 1m 88cm

suspects? Label the notes.

2 a EI The police showed Chris Benson the Work it out: comparative adjectives
pictures. Listen. Which man did she say took

her bag: A, B, C or D? 4 a Lookat the adjectives in Exercises 2 and 3.
b Listen and look carefully at the pictures again. Complete the chart.

Are these statements true (/) or false (x)? Aan Cc. i

1 Chad longer hair than A. L] asa Meira

2 Chada thinner face than A. LI Short adjectives long long__ than
3 Chad darkereyes.thamA L] (I syllable) large larger than

4 Chad curlier hair than A. LÌ thin thin than

c Match the sentences below with sentences I-3 Adjecti di Ì lí thị

tr Ti ee ey, Ee OL
in Exercise 2b. Write /, 2 and 3. ,
Longer adjectives cheerful more than
a As eyes were not as dark as C's. ie (2, 3.0r4 syllables) | dangerous | more than

Peon ene en TE

ce Ashair was notaslongasC’s. |_| Irregular adjectives | good better than

bad worse than

3 & Discuss the statements below about the two b Write complete answers to these questions.` a
Pieusicih one do:you'agree.witih;a‘or, bz? Why? ?
| a Ahas amore cheerful face than C. | Which is longer, July or February?
b Chasamore pleasant face than A.
2 Which is heavier, a pound (454 grams) or a kilo?
2 a A looks more suspicious than C. 3. Which is more exciting, a visit to the doctor or
b Cooks more dangerous than A.
a shopping trip?


Work it out: as + adjective + as 7 & Discuss and compare different places in your

Picture 1 Picture 2 town or area.

I Two cafes: which one has better
food/drinks/music? Which one is more
expensive/more comfortable?
Your school and:another school: which one is

larger/nearer to the centre of town? Which one

has better buildings?

8 BL Work with a partner. Do the quiz.

Match these sentences with the correct picture.

| BisnotashappyasA. 2 AisastallasB.

Make sentences about the men on page 10. Use
comparatives or as + adjective + as with the
words below.

| D'snose/large/B’snose 4 A/pleasant/C
2 C/tall/A 5° As hair/curly/
3. B's face/friendly/
B's hair
D's face 6 C/suspicious/B

Pronunciation: than, as ... as Writing: adiary
9 a Read the first part of Chris's diary for the day of
x:ữ 06. Ga [3] Listen-to the words than and as in this
chant. the crime near Park Street Shopping Centre.

But it isn’t as big as eight hundred and six Saturday 4th January
And it’s smaller than a thousand and ten. | decided to go shopping for the first
time here tn London this mornzng,
b Listen again and repeat the chant. and | had a real adventure! | got off
the bus at a stop near the hosprtal.

e [I Listen to the questions and answer them | was th front of the pokce station
in complete, short sentences. when a man stopped and asked me
the time. When | looked at my
Which number is smaller, eighteen or twenty-two? watch he
Eighteen is smaller than twenty-two.
What happened next? Finish Chris’s diary for
| aplane/a bicycle 3 television/car that day. Use verbs in the past simple.
2 anelephant/an ant 4 2°C/29°C Check your writing. Are the past simple verbs


. Bad news

ilo asa.Read the text sbšueisiekisel[MWHsifs Gab) Work witha partner Look at
you think the ‘bad news’ is? the pictures. Close your books and tell
b Listen and read, Check your guess. therstory,

Jane and Dave met at the local teenagers’ club in Oxford, the OK Club, @ After the visittoLondon
In the weeks after that, they went out together and they were really
happy. Then, one day, Jane’s parents had some bad news.

Jane's dad |'ve got a new job in London, so we're looking for a Jane We're moving in January, and I'm starting at a new
flat there. There’s a good school for you.
Jane Moving to London? I'm not leaving. all my friends! school there immediately. It’s a nightmare!
Jane’s mum We're all going to London this weekend, to look at
a flat near your new school. Carol London's a great city, Jane! Why are you so
igh Forget it! I'm not coming!
miserable? We can still come and see you. )

In January

Carol What's your new school like? Jane Bye, Dave. Write soon! Bye, Carol!
Carol Bye, Jane!
Jane it's called Park School, It’s bigger than our Dave See you! Keep in touch!
school and it’s more modern, but | didn’t like it or
the head teacher. She wasn’t as friendly as our
head teacher.

BD Pad Witte ediaryforoneorthe peopleiarthe 1 Look at the map on page 8. Write directions from
the bridge to:
story. What does he/she write about Jane’s move to
London, and about his/her feelings? Start like this: | the school 3 the music shop
On Monday, Jane's dad gave her some bad news ... 2 the police station 4 the lake

Set the pace 2 Whois sitting next to you? Compare yourself with

4 a Match the phrases from the story with their him/her. Write sentences.

meanings. Example

| Forget it! (picture 1) a It's terrible! Chris is younger than me.

2 It'sanightmare! (picture 2) b Write/Phone | older/younger/as oldas 4 more/notas artistic
2 taller/shorter/as tall as 5 more/not as
3 Keep in touch! (picture 4) soon! 3. heavier/not as heavy
interested in music
ce No!

b Listen and repeat. Vocabulary

+ Look at the unit again. Add all the new words for
directions, prepositions of movement, places in towns
Review and comparative adjectives to your vocabulary book.

Directions and prepositions of movement

Asking for directions ..., please? Freewheeling a
Excuse me, where's (the) ...?
How do | get to (the) ...? Look at the puzzle pictures and answer the questions.
Can you tell me the way to (the) Don’t use a ruler. Discuss your answers.

Common directions (with prepositions of movement) u A
Go across/along/into/out of/past/round/through ...
Turn left/right (at the corner) =. B (Eee

Describing location

It's on the left/right.

Comparative adjectives 2 _ Ki A

Adjective Comparative By
older than
Short adjectives old
(I syllable) nice nicer than
fat fatter than

Adjectives ending noisy noisier than

more interesting B
Longer adjectives interesting | * D €
(2, 3, or4 syllables) | better/worse
Irregular adjectives | good/bad | than

We use comparatives to compare two people or things. | Which of the two lines
Tom is younger than me. Greece is warmer than Britain.
is longer, A or B?
as + adjective + as
2 Which of the two
Things that are the same: Class B is as noisy as class A
circles is larger?
3 Whichiline is longer

A-C or B-D?


/ ‘Trees

= Superlatives

1 Where are the main forests in your country? What Work it out: superlative adjectives

do you know about them? Do you visit them? 3 a Lookat these trees. Which one of them is ...

2 a (D Read this tourist information. What is I the tallest? | Ì 3. the smallest? LÌ

Muir Woods? Why is it famous?
2 the thickest? | 4 themostcolourful? |_|

Muir Woods b Complete the chart below. Use the adjectives in
Exercise 2b.
[lilhe oldest trees in the
world are only a 40-minute Adjective | Superlative
drive from San Francisco,
California. They are in one Short adjectives tall the
of the most beautiful the _
forests in the United States: (I syllable) large
Muir Woods. thin the thinnest
Adjectives ending
Muir Woods is a forest of happy the happiest
giant redwood trees. Many in-y
of the trees are over 70
metres tall and the thickest Longer adjectives famous the
tree is 4.3 metres in (2, 3 or 4 syllables) | colourful | the

Some of these redwoods
are more than a thousand
years old. They are the
oldest living things in the
world, and they are
certainly the tallest!

b Which of these facts about Muir Woods does Irregular adjectives | good the best
the text give? Tick (VW) the correct statements. bad the worst

| The redwoods in Muir Woods are c Complete these sentences with the right
superlative forms.

the tallest living things in the world. Lal Mount Everest is the (high)
2 The redwoods in Muir Woods are
mountain in the world.
the largest trees in the world.
3 The trees in the forest are the oldest (Sf) EIm= The Pacific is the (large) ocean in
the world.
living things in the world.
4 Muir Woods is the most famous forest What was the (bad)
environmental disaster last year?
in the world.
5 Redwood trees are the most colourful The Beatles were the (famous)
pop group of the 1960s.
trees in the world.

People like trees for a lot of reasons. But every year an area of rainforest as as large as Belgium (30,500 km‘)
They give us ade in summer, fruit to big as England and Wales disappears.
eat, different colours to look at and a That's 151,000 km”. Large companies disappeared ina fire. Every day about
50 kinds of rainforest plants and
place for children to play. They also cut down the trees for valuable animals become extinct. Whole
hardwood and for wood for making systems of plant and animal life are
give birds and insects a place to live. paper. There are also forest fires. In disappearing forever.
But trees are also one of the most 1998 an area of the Amazon rainforest
valuable parts of the environment.
Why? Because they give us oxygen —

lean air. The world’s largest

rainforests (in Brazil, Africa and South

East Asia) supply about 80 per cent of

the oxygen for the world’s fresh air.

Rainforests also give us thousands of
valuable wild plants, One square

ilometre of rainforest sometimes
contains 250 different types of plants,

including 125 different trees! The:

plants and trees are valuable because
scientists use them to make a lot of

4a Before you read ‘Disappearing rainforests’, Useful English
Agreeing and politely disc
guess which six of these words and phrases are
in the text. Use your dictionary, if necessary. 6 QO Work with a partner, Answer the questions.

become extinct cars sh ai Use the ‘Useful English’ phrases.
oxygen shade smalle:
dicin °) thickest | Which is the most beautiful part of your country?
b GD Read the text. Check your guesses.
2 Which is the most interesting place to visit? Why?
5 Read the text again. Match the two parts of theseeoance Có ® 0 B —

sentences. 15
Rainforests produce about ...
One square kilometre contains
151,000 km? ¡s....
An area of rainforest as big as Belgium ...
About 50 different sorts of plants or animals

disappeared in a fire in 1998.
80% of the oxygen in the air.

disappear from the world’s rainforests every day.

hundreds ofvaluable wild plants.

an area as large as England and Wales.

Vocabulary: litter [BI Listen to part of a debate. The debate is

1 Look at the two classrooms at the end ofa day. Can ‘Dropping litter is anti-social’. There are four
students. How many agree? How many disagree?
you see the things below? Use your dictionary, if
b Listen again. Which things from Exercise | do
necessary. Tick (/) the boxes in column 1. the students mention? Tick (V) column 2.

1 2 i 2 Work it out: quantity phrases

old pencils |_| ice cream sticks |_||_| 4 a Look at the sentences from the debate. Add the

old paper bags LIL oldbustiekets L Ì_Ì words in bold to the list below. Put them in the
right places,

oldclothes 'Ì_ 7 plastic bottles [|_|
| A lot of people drop their sweet wrappers ...
apple cores JL] cola cans OO
Not many of the people in this class do that.
old magazines i | sweet wrappers | LÌ 2 None of those people think about all the other

2 a & Work witha partner, Compare the people in the centre of town at all. Theyre
students in 3H and 3R. Use some of the words selfish — all of them!
in the box.
100% the people
careful/careless - kind/unli most of the people
t/unpleasant _ responsible/imtespt
ish tidy/untidy 6 the people

Example on halfof __ the people the people
3H isn’t as careful as 3R. 3R is more careful than 3H. afewof J

b Are you more like 3H or 3R? Agree ona true 0% _ _ thepeople
description of yourselves. Does your teacher
agree with your description? b Write five sentences about your class.
Most of the class put their litter in the bin.


Comparisons with adverbs Work it out: more + adverb + than
and as + adverb + as
ĩ Read the text below. It is about an anti-litter 4 a Look at the text again. Find and underline two
campaign. Who wrote it: some students, a business
phrases with more + adverb + than, and two

or an environmental organization? phrases with as + adverb + as.
b Make four true sentences about you and your
2 Answer these questions. family. Use the verbs in the box with the

| Who do the litter collectors work for? phrases you underlined in the text.
2 What do the litter collectors do?
3 © Work witha partner. Look at the first two Ido my homework more carefully than my sister.
I don't watch TV as often as my brother:
questions in the text. Do you agree with the Writing: an anti-litter poster
answers? Why, or why not?
5 a Make a poster for an anti-litter campaign in
Clean Streets your school or town. Before you start, make a
list of things you can tell people to do.
Cleaning up your community
| What worries most people m==jm- The environment. Don't drop litter! Use bins.
about the world?
What worries people m=> Liter. b Write numbers to show the best order for the
things in your list: | = most important.
about their own-area?
c Use your list to make the poster.
What can we do about it? =m Everyone con help d Check the spelling of all new words.

we = make a Litter collectors
‘real difference. Every Shack Snack restaurant supports local

Take responsib ity environmental projects and looks after its local
environment. This is because every restaurant is part of
We are members of the Clean Streets Campaign.

This anti-litter campaign asks you to ... the town it is in. Watch out for our litter collectors —

> think more carefully than you do now about your people from our restaurants picking up all the litter they
litter habits in public places. Use public bins or take
litter home. find near their restaurant.

> recycle things as often as possible. Don’t throw 17
things away. If you can, use them in another way.

> use recycling centres more regularly than you do now.
Go once.a week.

> help us to improve our local environment as quickly
as possible. Join us today.

eS Ll —_

» New school

a Look at the title. Which five words in the box do you b Listen and read.
Check your guesses.
think are in the story? Use a dictionary, if necessary.

club disappear ora1
rks subjects tallest team

Ì .Jane*s first day at Park School At lunchtime Yes. My name’s Chris. Ten minutes later ˆ
Hi, Jem. Good holiday? } | Hello. Are you I'm from the States.
new here, too? My family is living in Jane l'm studying
Hi, Tony. London for the next

German and Spanish, too.
It was OK. two years.
Chris Oh, | hope we're in
‘the same class. You can
help me. | always get bad

marks. My parents think

it's because | spend too
much time on my music.

Jane You play the
guitar! Do you sing, too?
Chris Yes, | sing jazz.

Jane What do you think
of London, then?
Chris It’s the most
exciting city | know.
Jane Mmm. London’‘s OK
but | don’t like this school
as much as my last one.
Chris It's better than my

school in the States!

Jem Can we sit here? Tony We both play in the football team here. I’m the captain.
Chris Sure. Jane Football? I'd like to join a football team but ... Oh no!
Look at the time! Where's room 88?
Tony Are you new here?

Jane Yes, we are.


2 QR Work with a partner. Ten minutes of the LS Work in groups of four. Who is ...
conversation in picture 2 between Chris and Jane is
missing. Make up some of their conversation. Use | the tallest? 5 the healthiest?
these ideas. 2 the shortest? 6 the most athletic?
3 the oldest? 7 the most helpful?
Oxford Dave the OK Club 4 the youngest? 8 the funniest?
ife in London America
family 2 Match the sentences and the test results.
| | got all of the right answers.
Write a diary for one of the people in the 0/000
2 They gotnone of the right answers.
ff story. Write about the meeting in the canteen. 3 She got half of the right answers. 4/I00
| Example 4 We only got a few of the right answers.
Today Tony and | met two very nice girls. They... 50/100
5 He got most of the right answers.

Review Vocabulary

Superlative adjectives Look at the unit again. Add all the new words for trees
and forests, litter, waste and recycling, and personality
adjectives to your vocabulary book.

Adjective | Superlative

the shortest
Short adjectives short the widest Freewheeling " ne
(I syllable) wide the biggest
the heaviest [BI Listen to the first part of The best by Tina Turner.
the most modern Complete the missing words.
Adjectives ending heavy
in-y the best/the worst

Longer adjectives modern
(2,3 or 4 syllables)

Irregular adjectives | good/bad |

We use the superlative forms of adjectives when we
compare one thing with two or more others.

Quantity phrases

These phrases tell us how many there are.

0% 50% 100%

none notmanyof, halfof alotof mostof allof
of a few of

None of my friends are here. All of my friends are here.

more + adverb + than

We use more + adverb + than to compare the way people
do things: / laugh more loudly than my sister.

as + adverb + as Listen again. Sing the song.

We use as + adverb + as to say that people do things in the 19

same way: She plays football as regularly as | do.

ớ= Hol josid=a=y ..
Future plans

(Read ‘Summer work’. How many of the 2 What jobs do students do in the places in Exercise la
places in the photos are in the text? Tick (7) and in the text? Match the descriptions with the
the boxes.
a hotel places.

a farm = asummer camp | pick fruit at a hotel
organize activities at a swimming pool
a swimming pool | carry shopping ona farm
sell tickets at a supermarket

clean bedrooms at a summer camp
clean tables in a fast food restaurant
a fast food Œœ Ơi 0 Bị —
"sao ơø”

Summer work 3 Listen to some students talking about their

plans for the next holiday. Complete their sentences.
In Britain, the United States, Australia and Canada
it is quite normal for students (16 years old, and Niveets Umnyguing to a

older) to take jobs during their summer holidays phải Tế

Young people work part-time (four or five hours Tina and Jess lim goïng to wors with
a day) of full-time (eight hours a day) in Were going to work at

supermarkets, fast food restaurants, hotels, at ee
local swimming pools, and so on. They help I'm
with the work in many of these places when
adult workers want to take their family holidays As Listen again. Answer the questions.. .

with younger children. They can also earn some
money for their own social life during the


akon Who is going to work near a big city?

Who is going to start work after his holiday?

b How does the information in the text compare Who is going to work in another country? place?
with your country? Who is going to start work the next day?
Which students are going to work at the same

— Work it out: be going to (2)

Work it out: be going to (1) Zia Listen to the conversation again. Complete the

5a Complete the chart with parts of the verb be. sentences below.
Use Exercises 3 and 4 on page 20 to help you.

He/She/It Are you get the bus?
(not) goingto come.

: a, b or c to complete the rule. So are you the hat? wear
bŒ` le) to is one of the ways you can ...
about the past/tell a story. What hat? No, |’
Be going about what is happening now.
a talk about future plans.
b talk
c talk

c Make sentences with these words and phrases. Make the statements into questions.

Phil/not/work/in London Example
Niveeta/start work/at Snack Snack tomorrow He's going to work. — /s he going to work?
Tina and Jess/work/at a hotel
Richard/not/start his job before his holiday | You are going to stay.
Tina and Jess/not/work at a supermarket
C 0ABị — 2 They're going to leave soon.
` » 3 She's going to play her guitar.
Look quickly through the adverts for holiday
jobs. Which one is possibly for Snack Snack? RD Work witha partner. You want to go on
a two-day trip together next month, but you
b [EE] Listen to a phone conversation. Which job haven't got any money. Discuss these things.

are the two people talking about? | How are you going to make the money for the
trip? Where and for how long are you going to
ADWENTU! HELPERS work for it?
How are you going to prepare for the trip?
Do you enjoy working with children? What are you going to take with you?
Do you like sports: football, tennis,
3 What are your other plans for the trip?
climbing, swimming? b Change partners. Ask and answer about each

Adventure Camp has summer jobs for students, other’s plans.
late June to end August
9 & What are your real plans for next weekend
Mondays-Fridays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. or your next holiday? What are you going to do?
£3.80/hour, free lunch every day

Call Peter or Sue on 0180 946 879

YOUNG PERSON ¢4469¢9¢0090006000000 CLEANER WANTED
to work as assistant at local swimming pool
selling tickets, cleaning the changing rooms Fast food restaurant, town centre
and the pool 5 days/week, 8 hours/day, £5.50/hr.
8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. 1 hour for lunch break
£5.20/hour Telephone: 0180 085 867 Tel: 0180 550 579

