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Pacesetter starter students book by strange derek hall diana

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Gcesü СЬЕГЕИЬЗП SITEET. O x f o r d 0 x 2 6 D P The authors and publisher are grateful to those who have given permission to
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English in Class Imperatives Classroom International
Pages 6-7 English you know language words

N e w friends Imperatives Introductions Countries Reading messages Identifying Writing about Introducing Saying phone
countries, phone yourself yourself numbers
1:' Countdown: T h e verb be Numbers O-IO numbers
numbers (singular) Writing messages Sentence stress in
Pages Phrases for greetings
8-13 The OK Club my, your warning and
apologizing /i:/

Looking around: The verb be Asking about Classroom Checking Identifying objects Asking about age Sentence stress in
countries, (plural) people and objects furniture and statements questions
У 2? classroom objects objects
Who? What? Asking about /е/ and /i:/
Pages The Top Twenty meanings of N u m b e r s 11—20
14-19 Indefinite article: words
The OK Club a/an


3 The living world have got Describing people Colours Checking Completing Writing Describing your Intonation in
Families Plural nouns and animals Animals statements information descriptions of family questions and
Pages The OK Club Adjectives Family members animals answers
20-25 Parts of the body Matching texts Identifying family Discussing a
and pictures members Writing a personal problem / э / in have
Finding information /ei/ and /ai/

A t home there is, there are Describing a Rooms Checking Understanding a Writing a Giving opinions W o r d stress in
house/rooms Furniture information and description description of Describing rooms questions and
Shirts and skirts: Prepositions of Clothes details your home answers
clothes place Expressing Identifying key
opinions information /и:/, /a:/ and /эо/
The OK Club Possessive 's

Pages Possessive
26-31 adjectives

The best of The present Expressing Food and drink Skimming a text Checking specific Describing a drink Asking about Word and
British: food simple likes/dislikes and to identify topic and general cooking and eating sentence stress in
, ,. and content information simple dialogues
What would you Countable and „ Ingredients Ordering food in a
like?: menus uncountable preferences Reading and using cafe N , /z/, / к /
nouns Prices a menu
The OK Club Talking about and
some and any ordering food Numbers 21-100


Consolidation Revision Revision of Revision o f Revision o f Identifying topics Identifying likes Completing notes Meeting people

grammar points functions vocabulary in a letter and dislikes
> IV Completing a Offering and
form accepting food
Pages 38-41 and drink
Writing a letter to
a friend


ceP Life and times: the Adverbs of Describing routines Music and dance Skimming a text Identifying context Writing about Interviewing a W o r d stress
lives of pop stars frequency Telling the time to identify topic routines pop singer /ж/ and /л/
Pages and content Finding specific
42-47 Carnival time: Present simple information Writing an advert Describing
London's carnival questions someone's routine
48-53 The OK Club Object pronouns Buying and selling

Imagine this...: Demonstratives: Describing objects Space travel Matching text and Identifying key Writing puzzles Discussing the /8/ and /0/
space travel this, that, these Expressing quantity pictures information purpose of objects
and those Shapes Writing a Word and
Clever inventions Matching description of an Describing the sentence stress
Quantifiers: a Useful things at descriptions with invention location of objects
The OK Club little, a few, and a home or work pictures
lot of

С&У That's amazing: can/'can't Expressing ability Names of Matching text Identifying context Writing a short Checking facts Word and
interesting facts must languages with pictures article sentence stress
Pages Agreeing and Checking specific Asking about can and can't
54-59 Do you want to Prepositions of disagreeing Sports and hobbies Finding and information ability
be a champion? time checking

Expressing Days of the week information Correcting and Making
The OK Club obligation completing arrangements
Matching titles information
w i t h paragraphs

Travelling: coral The present Describing w h a t is The weather Finding Identifying key Writing a Discussing /5/
reefs continuous happening Directions information information postcard
Holidays holidays
Having a Adverbs of "Talking about the
wonderful time manner weather Guessing meaning Identifying main Creating an Checking
...?; holidays from context message extended dialogue information

The OK Club Understanding Identifying a Asking about
mood speaker from spending habits
manner and main
Pages message Buying a present

ro? Diet and lifestyle The present simple Discussing Everyday actions Responding to a Completing a Describing Revising shop Word and
Pocket money and present lifestyles and Food questionnaire questionnaire spending habits dialogues sentence stress
Pages The OK Club continuous spending choices Numbers over 100
66-71 Per cent and Finding and Understanding Ordinal numbers
fractions checking meaning from
How much/many? Months and dates information context
Ordinal numbers
Checking specific

between numbers

Identifying context

Consolidation Revision Revision of Revision o f Revision o f Finding Checking Writing a survey Discussing sports
grammar points functions vocabulary information to information report activities

Typhoon Opal The past simple: Asking aliout and Extreme weather Orjjai Ч/1ПЦ and Undent! andinu Writing about a Л"»кн 1Ц at tt и it I wr.l wri* a n d w # r i
Survival be, have, go explaining past sequencing meaning from personal events Sentence stress
The OK Club events Adjectives to information context experience
The past simple: describe feelings Giving and
questions Giving reasons Identifying topic Ordering information explaining opinions
Why?/Because ... Adverbs of past
time Adverbs of Finding and Checking specific Re-telling a story
Adverbs of past manner checking information from memory
time information

Lost and found: an The past simple: Telling and Verbs for telling Making predictions Discriminating Preparing and Summarizing a story -ed endings
evening that went regular verbs completing stories stories and writing from pictures and between and writing short W o r d stress and
wrong reports written clues comparing stories Telling a story from
Sequencing words Expressing likes accounts o f events picture clues intonation
In the news: and dislikes in the Sequencing words
newspaper reports past Listening for main Roleplay: asking and
and specific answering questions
The OK Club Preparing information
newspaper reports Agreeing accounts
Dictation: from clues
completing a text
Giving opinions

Behind the The past simple: Talking about films Films Finding and Listening for Preparing and Sharing information

camera: irregular verbs Jobs organizing specific information writing a life about films
A Hollywood Talking about information history
Director Object pronouns someone's life Completing a text Asking and
(revision) Finding key points answering questions
The world of using a picture clue
silence: Jacques Matching headings
Cousteau w i t h paragraphs Giving opinions and
The OK Club Editing: adding new

Great journeys: The present Talking about the Jobs Ordering events Selecting relevant Writing a letter Sharing information /w/ and /v/
explorers continuous with future: plans information explaining future Sentence stress
future meaning Places in a t o w n Identifying locations arrangements Making future
On the town: a Suggestions and Travel and on a map Recording main arrangements
visit to London Shall we/Why arrangements exhibitions information
don't we ...? Discussing possible
The OK Club How about...? Time phrases Transferring specific plans and
Let's... information to a suggestions

Losing things I'll, Shall I, let me Making offers Personal property Skimming a text for Identifying key Completing a Making a phone call Word and sentence
used for offers Offers story from a about lost property stress
More mix-ups: Talking about key information information picture clue Ы , Ш and /z/
finding your Possessive possessions Giving an account of
property pronouns Finding and Checking past events
transferring information
The OK Club one and ones information to a Talking about
- s or -s' (revision) chart Transferring specific possessions
information to a

Pages chart Summarizing the
100-105 OK Club story

Consolidation Revision Revision of Revision o f Revision o f Completing a text Comparing Preparing and Phone-calls:
МЩ grammar points functions vocabulary from cues accounts o f events writing a mini catching up on news
and dialogues tourist guide and arranging to
Pages 106-109 Finding information meet
in a leaflet Completing texts
Identifying location Describing a tourist
from clues location

) English in class

Look at the pictures. Listen.

Good morning. Listen. Look at the example.

Don't look at the picture. Say it again, please. Thank you. W h a t does this mean?

Excuse me. I don't Yes, that's right. No, that's wrong. Goodbye!

H o w do you say these things in your language? 4 Match the instructions with the pictures.

3 a 135.1 Listen and write t h e number of t h e 1 W r i t e ... a [Щ
2 Read... b Qb

Example 3 Listen ... с ^

A- 8 4 Work with a partner. d а з

b Listen again and repeat.


English you know

a Match the pictures w i t h the English words.

1 лт тя 2 cafe Ш
cola •
computer •
doctor •
football •
hamburger •
pizza •
policeman •
restaurant •
sandwich •
taxi •
telephone •
television •
tennis •
train •
video •

b iSJ Listen and repeat the words.

Learn t o learn: using a vocabulary book Add these words to your
vocabulary book. Use the
Organize new words in a vocabulary book. in Exercise 2.


Food and drinfc sandwich Australia bank basketball
Britain Canada cassette
hamburger coffee cinema hotel Japan
sandwich lemonade museum park
secretary university volleyball
Picture dictionary

food and drinfc Mf language cafe


List and translation


New friends


1 а 1Ж! Listen.

Hello. My name's Kerry -
Kerry Walker. What's your name?

Hi. I'm from Britain. My name's Carol. Carol
Where are you from? Hill. This is Dave.

I'm from Australia

b Listen again and repeat. 4 X Write about yourself
LSI Listen and answer.
M y name's ... . I'm from . . . . What's your name?
My _

Work with a partner.

A Hello. M y name's ... What's your name?

В Hi M y name's .... Where are you from?
A Where are you from?

В I'm from .... And you?

A I'm from ....


Where are you from? The United States Britain
Brazil Poland
1 Match the people with the countries. Turkey
1 Steve
2 Shannon Spain
3 Levent
4 Magda
5 Eleni
6 Tina
7 Carlos


Jfc .



1^.1 Listen. Tick ( / ) the countries you hear. Work it out: the verb be (singular)

Argentina D Brazil D Britain • Canada О 5 X Complete the chart.

Greece • Hungary D Japan • Mexico D
Poland • Spain • Turkey • the United States • Short forms Long forms

3 R d Choose one of the people. Ask and answer. r_ 1 am
You _ You are
A Are you from Poland? He H e is
В No. She _ _ She is
A Are you from Brazil?
В Yes. 6 a H H Listen. Where are they from?
A You're Tina! b Listen again and repeat.
В Yes, that's right.

4 a X Write introductions.


This is Steve. He's from ...
b Write introductions for two other students,
с Read your introductions to the class.


Countdown! Listen and write the phone number.

Numbers 0-10 Useful English Is

l ^ i Listen and Phone numbers
repeat the numbers.
Say the numbers 648...2350 = six, four,
f r o m 1 t o 10. eight ... two, three, five, oh.

One ... two ...
1^-1 Listen and say the 391 1927 = three, nine, one ...
n u m b e r s f r o m 10 t o 1. one, nine, two, seven.

Ten ... nine ... eight... wd


4 fel L i s t e n a n d r e p e a t t h e p h o n e n u m b e r s .

Write five numbers. Listen and tick ( / ) Steve Co4-S Z3SO
the numbers you hear. ЯП 6S5Z
Lev/eriL 4-foO
Magda 63"7 S ЯП
TLna, 4-1 CoZ
Ccvl o s
Example 3 I Elenc ян oas3

I » I Co2. "7
Game 1
4-S4 з г я в

G 7

b Look at the picture. Play the game in groups. 5 R d Work with a partner,
Take turns to say the numbers. a Listen and answer.

A M y number's eight, three, seven ... four, one,
six, two.

В You're Magda.
A Yes, that's right.

b Write three numbers of your family or friends

A Say one number. Seven, two, three ... eight, si
four, oh.

В W r i t e the number. 723 8640

Take turns.

6 X Write these phone numbers in words.


971 0253 Nine, seven, one ... oh, two, five, three.

1 648 2359 2 989 2631 3 804 3066

10 Aa BbCc DdEeFf GgHhl iJ jКк LI M

How are you? 5 * Write a fax to Steve in Oxford.

Useful English 1Ж1 FAX MESSAGE Page 1 of 1

H o w are you? ' To:
[Fax number:.
I ' m fine, thanks. From:

I'm very well, thanks.
0 Щ Listen. W h o are the t w o people on the phone? ThanHs for
Carlos Eleni Levent Magda Shannon Steve Tina Нош are qou?
This is mq address:
A Hello

В Hi, is here.
A Oh, hi, ! Thanks for message.

H o w are you?

В fine, thanks. H o w are .

A very well.

2 Listen again. Complete the dialogue. Please lurito to me.

3 Q b Work w i t h a partner. Make a new dialogue.

4 Read the fax message. Complete the Pronunciation: fwj and Д/

sentences. 6 a I0S J L o o k a t t h e s e w o r d s : he, she, please.
Listen and repeat.
1 T h e message is f r o m .

2 His fax n u m b e r is .

3 T h e message is t o . 1^1 Listen and tick ( / ) the words with the
/г./ sound:

4 H e r n u m b e r is . w i t h I 1 read EH listen: i is LJ three ^ I m e

FRX MESSAGE Papel of 1 fel L i s t e n a n d r e p e a t t h e w o r d s w i t h t h e /1/

To: Tina Canto 638 0759 ЩЦ Listen and repeat these letters.
From: Sieve Benson В, C, D, E, G, R T , V
Dale: 3.3.2001

Dear Tina. e Say these letters.
Thanh qou for your fax message Нош are qou? This is mq
address: GB
7 Parh Road
Oxford 0X2 30P BlBlC
Mi) phone and fax numbers are: TV GET
Telephone: [018653 735 6924
Fax: [01865] 73S 0188

NnOoPpQqRr Ss T t UuVvWwXxYyZz

Pleased to meet you

a Look at the story. Write introductions for the five people.

Listen and read. Check your answers. I'm fine, thanks
How ...?
Hey, be careful!
Look out!

Thanks. ... It's
for the club.

I'm sorry.
I'm really


I'm Emma, Emma Starr. Review Negative
This is Jack Morris ... Don't say ...
and this is Ricky Sinclair!
Pleased to meet you. We're Say ...
new here. I'm Carol Hill. And
The verb be (singular)
this is my brother, Dave.

Long forms Short forms

I am I'm
You are You're
H e is He's
She is She's
This is

1 Q b Work w i t h a partner. Complete the dialogue.

A Hello. Г Magda. What' your name?

В Hi, . My name' Mary Lou. Г

the United States. Where


A from Poland. Oh, this Carlos.

from Spain.

Here's my number. 2 a X Write a short dialogue w i t h these sentences.
Phone me later.

I'm fine, thanks. H i , . . . ! H o w are you?
H o w are you? I'm fine, thank you. Hello

b Practise the dialogue with a partner.


Look at the unit again. A d d all the new words for
countries and numbers to your vocabulary book.


a Look at the pictures again. W h a t do these Find the names of ten other countries or 4-).
things mean in your language? M a k e a guess.
M E X I С 0)B H F A
1 Be careful! 3 I'm sorry. ENG LA ND U J U

2 Look out! 4 Pleased to meet you. G T К S N HR N P S
b 1^1 Listen and repeat. ERN FDVВ A LR
3 чь Practise the dialogue for
Work in groups,
picture 4. Take turns. С You are Jack. КA RG ENT I NA
A You are Emma. D You are Ricky.
В You are Carol.


J; Looking around

Where are they from?

1 W h o is he/she? W h o are they? a fel L i s t e n a n d check t h e r i g h t answers,
b 1^.1 Listen and repeat.
Write about the people.
He s James Bond.
They're the Simpsons. Example

Number one is James Bond. He's from Britain.

W h o are you? L o o k at t h e pictures. Play t h e gam<
in a group.

I'm from America You're Catwoman

That's right. Well done We're from Britair

W h o is he? You're Sherlock Holmes
and Doctor Watson.

W o r k it o u t : the verb be (plural)

Complete the sentences.

1 Bart and Lisa Simpson are from America.

They from America.

2 I ' m Carol and this is Dave. We_ from

C o m p l e t e t h e c h a r t w i t h t h e v e r b be.

from Argentina.

Correct the sentences.


She f r o m Japan. She's from Japan.

5 W h o are they? 1 We's from the 3 They's f r o m Polai

2 Where are they from? United States. 4 W h o r e this?

2 She from Hungary. 5 W h a t that?

America Britain Put the apostrophe (') in the right places.

Examples 1 Shes f r o m America. 4 W h o s she?

He's from Britain. They're from America. 2 Im from England. 5 Theyre from Frar
I don't know.
3 Whats that?

Your classroom 4 Ask about things in your classroom.

Learn t o learn: using a dictionary (1) What's this in E

W o r k w i t h a partner. Choose one box, A or B, don't know.
each. Use a dictionary and write the English
words for the things in your box.

Work it out: Who ...? or What...?

5 a • C o m p l e t e t h e questions w i t h Who's (Who

is) or What's ( W h a t is).

а Listen. Point to the things in your box


b Listen again. Repeat the things in your box.

Useful English Ш

What's this in English? Sorry, I don't know.
W h a t does this mean?

3 a Qb 3 this? 4 this?

b Work with a partner. Ask about the b Complete the rule.
с things in your partner's box.
A What's this in English? is for people. is for things.
В It's a pencil. What's this in English?
A It's a . . . 6 Q b Work with a partner. Ask and answer about
Write the words in the other box. people or things.

Complete the list on page 73 o f the Workbook. A What's this? A Right. ... Who's this?
В It's a chair. В She's Lisa Simpson.


The Top Twenty

Numbers 1-20

You are in a video shop w i t h a friend. Look
at the videos. Complete the dialogues.

Insect Man, please.

_ are you?

fel L i s t e n . R e p e a t t h e n u m b e r s o f t h e T o p re fifteen.
No, sorry, not

1 one 6 six 11 eleven 16 s i x t e e n eighteen.
2 t w o 7 seven 12 t w e l v e 17 s e v e n t e e n
3 three 8 eight 13 t h i r t e e n 18 e i g h t e e n You Two Brothers, please.
4 four 9 nine 14 f o u r t e e n 19 n i n e t e e n Woman How
5 f i v e 10 t e n 15 f i f t e e n 20 twenty you?
You We'
1^1 Listen and write the missing numbers. Woman OK, here you are!

Work with a partner. a / an

A What's number thirteen? 1 Look at the videos and read the sentences.
В N u m b e r t h i r t e e n is ... Two Brothers. 1 N u m b e r five is a b o u t a n insect.
2 N u m b e r sixteen is a b o u t a n animal.
Ask other questions. 3 N u m b e r seventeen is about a fish.
4 N u m b e r n i n e t e e n is a b o u t a b i r d .
A W h a t n u m b e r is ... M y Friends'!
В M m m ... It's number eighteen. 2 Look at the videos again. W h a t are they about?
A Good! Well done! an agent an English w o m a n a city a country
N u m b e r 6 is a b o u t
How old are you? N u m b e r 4 is a b o u t
N u m b e r 2 is a b o u t
1 Complete the dialogue. N u m b e r 2 0 is a b o u t

A H o w old are you? ^-^D Work with a partner. Ask and answer

m . H o w old are you? A What's number 1/2/3/ ... about?
В It's about a .../an ...
, too.

R ^ D A s k five o t h e r s t u d e n t s : How old are you?
Write the answers.

Examples fourteen.
Levent is fourteen und I'm fourteen, too - we're
Magda is fifteen and Gemma is fifteen - they're

16 Aa B b C c D d E e F f GgHhl iJ j К k L I Mn

Work it out: a and an b Complete the questions.

4 a L o o k at Exercises 1-3 again. W h e n do w e use a? Example _ right?
W h e n do w e use an? a student?
(I) Am I in this group? seventeen?
b W r i t e the words in the correct list. 1 (We) _ from France?
animal ant bag book boy elephant 2 (You) _
girl operation pen student table
3 (They)
4 (He)
5 (She) _

a an с W r i t e t h e r u l e f o r m a k i n g q u e s t i o n s w i t h be.

a game an insect

Complete the short answers.
Is he/she f r o m Japan? \/ Yes, he is. X No, she isn't.

с Check new words in a dictionary. Start a list of
animals in your vocabulary book.

this and that Gulliver's

fel L i s t e n a n d l o o k a t t h e p i c t u r e s f r o m
Travels. A n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s .


Yes, it is or No, it isn't.

2 Is this an insect? 1 Is she f r o m the U n i t e d States?
2 Are they from Argentina?
3 Is he f r o m Mexico?
4 Are they from Australia?

4 Q b Work with a partner. Look at the pictures in
Exercise 1 for 20 seconds.
A ( D o n ' t close y o u r book.) Is n u m b e r four an insect?
В (Close y o u r book.) Yes, it is./No, it isn't.

Pronunciation: /е/ and /i:/

5 a 1^1 Listen and repeat these words.

yes desk ten

3 Is t h a t an animal? 4 Is t h a t an elephant? b Listen and tick ( / ) the words with the /е/


Work it out: questions and short desk • coffee z pen • twelve •

answers with be he • three • friend me z

2 a Look at the questions. с 1^-1 Listen and repeat t h e other words,

XThat's a bird. He's from Poland. d Ш Listen and repeat these letters.
Is he f r o m Poland?
Is t h a t a bird? F L, M , N , S, X , Z

NnOoPpQqRr SsTt UuVvWwXx Y у Zz 17

Help! Fire!

1 W h a t is a kettle? Use your dictionary. Find a k e t t l e in t h e pictures.

2 .—.1 L i s t e n , r e a d a n d m a t c h .
W h o are they? Dave Carol Jane
1 the girl at the Coffee Corner in the O K Club
2 the new boy
3 his sister

Jack Carol, this is Jane. Jane, this is Carol ... Carol Help!

and that's her brother, Dave. They're new here
Jane Pleased to meet you, Carol. Jane Look! The kettle! It's on fire!

Dave It's OK! Don't worry! _


Set theршI е 1 Complete the sentences.

1 'Am right?"No, re wrong - sorry!

3 a Look at the pictures again. H o w do you say 2 'Where's your sister?'' isn't here.'
these phrases in your language? M a k e a guess.
3 ' L o o k at t h a t fish - is a shark?'
3 Help!
See y o u later! 4 Don't worry! 4 'Carol, re in group one.'

J Listen and repeat. 5 'Jack and Dave .. re in group two.

2 W r i t e a o r an.

4 Find responses to these phrases in the story. 1 example English book
1 Come to the club 2 student
this evening.
3 Write What's this? or What's that?
2 T h i s is Carol.
3 Coffee?
4 It's on fire!


Subject pronouns; t h e verb be

Positive Negative Questions

ЛI I'm (I am) I'm not A m I ...? Vocabulary
You're (You are) You aren't Are you ... ?
н к She's (She is) She isn't Is she ...? Look at the unit again. W r i t e all the new words for
He's ( H e is) He isn't Is he ...? things in t h e classroom, numbers 11-20 and animal
We're (We are) We aren't Are w e ...? names in your vocabulary book.
They're (They are) They aren't Are they ...?

Wh- q u e s t i o n s Freewkeeli'n3

W h o ' s . . . ? ( W h o is ... ?) Whoare...? W r i t e these numbers in the boxes.
W h a t ' s ... ? ( W h a t is ... ?) W h a t are ... ?

a or an: zero one four five eight

a a video a game Three numbers together are always fifteen:
an insect
an an animal

six + +

this or that? That's Jack. + + + +

This is Jane.

+ + two

+ + + +

+ ten +

?h'->- A a t g . I = fifteen ф = fifteen ^ = fifteen

•• • • •
• • • •


The living world

Colours black И green white
blue Я orange yellow
F i n d t h e r i g h t fish i n t h e a q u a r i u m . W r i t e t h e n u m b e r s .

Listen and repeat the colours. Work it out: have got (1)
L i s t e n . O n e fish is m i s s i n g o n t h e
cassette. W h a t c o l o u r is it? U n d e r l i n e s e n t e n c e s w i t h have got i n t h e t e x t
C o m p l e t e this chart. L o o k at the sentences ir
have got ' M y pets' again.

1^,1 Listen and w r i t e the numbers nine to fifteen Positive Negative
i n t h e b o x e s n e x t t o t h e o t h e r fish.
You have got I haven't got
2 m Read 'My pets'. Are the sentences true ( / ) It You

or false (X)? W r i t e / or X. It
We haven't got
MN( pe-ts I've got two green fish. Ilne^ have They
got yellow e-jes.
I have got an aquarium. •
I've got one verj small fish - it is
I've. 90t fifteen fifth in the aquarium. • blatfc and it has got a blacfc and
yellow tail.
I've got four red fish and three
I haven't got verj big fish in m-f
blue fish. • aquarium.

The two blue fish have got green

heads and orange tails.
