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Ta7 global success sb

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HOÀNG VĂN VÂN (Tổng Chủ biên) - NGUYÊN THỊ CHI (Chủ biên)

HOANG VAN VAN (Téng Chủ biên) - NGUYỄN THỊ CHÍ (Chủ biên) diệt L


(Bản in thử)


Book Mạp 2 -‹äẴẼ xu Page

UNIT 2: HEALTHY LIVING.................................... 38
UNIT 5: COMMUNITY SERVICE................. 50
ReviewT1............................................... 70
UNIT 4: MUSIC AND ARTS.............................. 82
UNIT 5: FOOD AND DRINK.................................... 102
UNIT 6: A VISIT TO A SCHOOL.......................... T14

Review2 s2 144
UNIT7: TRAFFIC..................................................

UNIT 8: FILMS................................................


Review5............ “s2

UNIT 10: ENERGY SOURCES ;¡¡.iieoceenoaoaanoe



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Tiếng Anh 7 - Global Success được Nhà xuất bản Giáo dục Việt Nam

tổ chức biên soạn theo “Chương trình Giáo dục phổ thơng: Chương
trình môn Tiếng Anh” (từ lớp 3 đến lớp 12) ban hành theo Thông tư
32/2018/TT-BGDĐT ngày 26 tháng 12 năm 2018 của Bộ Giáo dục và

Đào tạo, nối tiếp bộ sách tiếng Anh bậc tiểu học (Tiếng Anh 3, Tiếng Anh 4,
Tiếng Anh 5), và Tiếng Anh 6. Sách được biên soạn theo đường hướng giao

tiếp, giúp học sinh sử dụng ngữ liệu (ngữ âm, từ vựng, ngữ pháp) để phát

triển năng lực giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh thông qua bốn kĩ năng nghe, nói,
đọc, viết.

Tiếng Anh 7 - Global Success lấy hoạt động học là trung tâm, học sinh là
chủ thể của quá trình dạy học, trong đó tâm lí lứa tuổi của học sinh trung học
cơ sở, các đặc điểm văn hoá của Việt Nam, của các nước nói tiếng Anh, và của
các nước trên thế giới được đặc biệt coi trọng.

Tiếng Anh 7 - Global Success được biên soạn xoay quanh bốn chủ điểm
(Theme) gần gũi với học sinh: Cộng đồng của chúng ta (Our Communities),

Di sản của chúng ta (Our Heritage), Thế giới của chúng ta (Our World) và Tầm
nhìn tương lai (Visions of the Future). Mỗi chủ điểm gồm ba đơn vị bài học
(Unit) tương ứng với ba chủ đề (Topic). Sau mỗi chủ điểm là một bài ôn tập
(Review), tập trung vào rèn luyện kiến thức ngôn ngữ và phát triển kĩ năng

ngôn ngữ học sinh đã được học.

Tiếng Anh 7 - Global Success được biên soạn dựa trên cơ sở lí luận hiện

đại về biên soạn sách giáo khoa ngoại ngữ trên thế giới, đặc biệt là những
kinh nghiệm thực tiễn của việc dạy tiếng Anh cấp trung học cơ sở ở Việt Nam,
với sự hợp tác chặt chẽ về chuyên môn và kĩ thuật của Tập đoàn xuất bản
Giáo dục Pearson.

Nhóm tác giả rất mong nhận được những ý kiến đóng góp của các em học
sinh, các nhà giáo, các bậc phụ huynh và đông đảo bạn đọc quan tâm để sách
được hoàn thiện hơn.

Các tác giả

BOOK MAP Speaking
Talking about the
Unit 1: _Reading benefits of hobbies
Reading for specific
HOBBIES information about

Unit 2: Reading for general and Talking about how to deal
specific information with some health problems

Unit 3: Reading for specific Talking about the
COMMUNITY information about reasons why students
SERVICE community activities join different community
at a school activities

Unit 4: ARTS Reading for specific Talking about a musical
MUSIC AND information about performance at one’s school
a traditionarlt form

Unit 5: Reading for general and Talking about a popular
specific information food or drink
Unit 6:
AVISITTO traditional food

ASCHOOL Reading for specific Talking about one’s school
information about a
famous school

4 Tiéng Anh7

Listening for specific Writing a paragraph Vocabulary:
information about about one’s hobby - Hobbies
one's hobby - Verbs of liking and disliking
Listening for specific Writing a paragraph of Sounds: /a/ and /3:/
information about some advice Grammar:
some advice about to avoid viruses Present simple
healthy habits Vocabulary:
- Healthy activities
Listening for specific Writing an email about - Health problems
information about community activities Pronunciation:
some community one did last summer Sounds: /f/ and /v/
activities and their Grammar:
benefits Simple sentences
Community activities
Sounds: /t/, /d/, and /1d/
Past simple

Listening for specific Writing an informal Vocabulary:
information about letter of invitation Music and arts

street painting Writing a paragraph Pronunciation:
Listening for specific describing eating habits Sounds: /f/ and /3/
information about Writing a paragraph Grammar:
eating habits about an outdoor activity Comparisons: like, different from,
Listening for specific at one’s school (not) as... as
information about
school activities Vocabulary:
Food and drink
Sounds: /p/ and /3:/
some, a lot of, lots of

Vocabulary: place
Schools, school facilities,
and school activities
Sounds: /tf/ and /d3/
Prepositions of time and

Book Map

Unit 7 Reading for general Talking about obeying

TRAFFIC and specific traffic rules

Unit 8 information about
FILMS traffic rules

Reading for specific Talking about a film
information about
one's favourite film

Unit 9 Reading for specific Talking about a festival
FESTIVALS information about an that someone joined
AROUND unusual festival


REVIEW 3 Reading for specific Talking about the
information about advantages and
Unit 10 types of energy sources _ disadvantages of
different energy sources

Unit 11 Reading for general Talking about why a
TTHREAVEFLULTIUNRGE IN) || MT Khoan || wotberowe

Unit 12 Reading for specific Talking about a country

ENGLISH- information about

SPEAKING a countr y



6 Tiếng Anh 7

Listening for Writing a paragraph Vocabulary:
general and specific about traffic - Means of transport
information about problems - Road signs
traffic problems in Pronunciation:
acity Sounds: /at/ and /e1/
- Itindicating distance
- Should / shouldn't

Listening for specific Writing a paragraph Vocabulary:
information about a about a film - Types of films
film - Adjectives describing films
Sounds: /1a/ and /ea/
Connectors: although / though and

Listening for specific Writing an email to Vocabulary:
information about a describe a festival - Types of festivals
festival - Festival activities
Stress in two-syllable words
Yes / No questions

Listening for specific Writing a paragraph Vocabulary:
information about about how to save Types of energy sources

how to save energy energy at home Pronunciation:
at home Writing a paragraph Stress in three-syllable words
Listening for specific about the Grammar:
information about advantages ofa Present continuous
some future means future means of Vocabulary:
of transport transport Future means of transport
Listening for specific Writing a diary entry Pronunciation:
information about a about a tour of a city Sentence stress
tour of a city Grammar:
- Future simple
- Possessive pronouns
People and places in English-speaking
Rising and falling intonation for questions

Book Map

+ Reading about a hobby
Vocabulary + Talking about the benefits of hobbies
+ Hobbies + Listening about one’s hobby
+ Verbs of liking and disliking + Writing a paragraph about one’s hobby
Sounds: /a/ and /3:/ Everyday English
Talking about likes and dislikes

Present simple

8 Listen and read. «3

Ann: Your house is very nice, Trang.

Trang: Thanks! Let’s go upstairs.
I'll show you my room.
Ann: | love your dollhouse. It’s amazing.
Did you make it yourself?
Trang: Yes. My hobby is building dollhouses.

Ann: Really? Is it hard to build one?
Trang: Not really. All you need is some
cardboard and glue. Then just use a bit
of creativity. What do you do in your
free time?
Ann:| like horse riding.

Trang: That's rather unusual. Not many
people do that.

Ann: Actually, it’s more common than
you think. There are some horse riding
clubs in Ha Noi now. | go to the
Riders’ Club every Sunday.

Trang: ld love to go to your club this Sunday.
| want to learn how to ride.

Ann: Sure. My lesson starts at 8 a.m.

8 Tiéng Anh7

8 Read the conversation again Ai
and write T (True) or F (False).

1. Trang needs help with
building dollhouses.

2. Trang uses glue and
cardboard to build
her dollhouse.

3. To build a dollhouse, you
need to use your creativity.

4. Ann goes to a horse riding
club every Sunday.

5. Ann's lesson starts at 8 p.m.

8 Write the words and phrases Work in pairs. Write the hobbies
from the box under the correct from 3 in the suitable columns.
pictures. Then listen, check,
and repeat.3>

building dollhouses riding a horse Add some other hobbies to
collecting teddy bears collecting coins each column.
making models gardening

(@ENMG Find someone who...

Work in groups. Ask your
classmates which hobbies
they like. Use the question
‘Do you like ...?’.
Write the students’ names in
the table below. Which hobby
is the most popular?
Find someone who likes...

riding a horse | —___
building dollhouses ————-
collecting teddy bears
collecting coins
making models

Unit 1- Hobbies

á& A CLOSER LOOK 1 8 Look at the pictures and say the
sentences. Use suitable verbs of
liking or disliking and the
-ing form.

Complete the word webs below
with the words from the box.

dolls jogging coins
swimming yoga


Can you add more words?

Lọ] Remember!
Common verbs of liking and

disliking are like, love, enjoy,

and hate (not like). We often use
the -ing form after these verbs.

‘Example:| like gardening.
She hates watching TV.

8 Complete the sentences, using
the -ing form of the verbs from
the box.

go play collect do make

1. My dad has a big bookshelf because
he loves old books.

2. My sister likes camping at
the weekend.

3. My best friend hates
computer games.

4. Does your brother like models?

5. My mum enjoys yoga every
day to keep fit.

10 Tiéng Anh7

Pronunciation 8 Listen to the sentences and

/a/ and /3:⁄ pay attention to the underlined
. parts. Tick (“) the appropriate

Listen and repeat. Pay attention sounds. Practise the sentences.(3?

to the sounds /2/ and /3:/.44 1. My hobby is collecting dolls.
: -
Pel learn
amazing curt 2. | go jogging every Thursday.
yoga 3. My cousin likes getting up early.
collect 4. My best friend has thirty pens.
column 5. Nam enjoys playing the violin.



The present simple

Lọ] Remember!

We use the present simple for:
- something that is a general truth.

Example: The sun rises every morning.
- something that happens regularly in the present.

Example: She goes swimming three times a week.
- timetables or programmes.

Example: The cooking lesson starts at 9 a.m.

oO Match the sentences (1 - 5) to the correct uses (a - c).

1. My sister usually cooks dinner. .
2. The train leaves at 10 a.m. a. atimetable / programme

3. The Red River flows through Ha Noi. b. a regular action

4. My yoga class starts at 6 a.m. every Tuesday. c. a general truth
5. We sometimes watch TV on Sundays.

Unit 1- Hobbies

8 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple form of the verbs.

1. My brother and | (make) a new model every month.

Pa BỀN Whats Lan(do)____in her free time?

| (have) a drawing lesson every Tuesday.

Mark (not like) doing judo.

_____ your English lesson (start) at 6 p.m.?

8 Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

My family members have different hobbies. My dad (1. enjoy) gardening.

He (2. spend) two hours in our garden every day. My mum and sister

(3. not like) gardening, but they love cooking. They (4. go) toa

cooking class every Sunday. Their lesson (5. begin) _ at 9 a.m. 1 (6. not enjoy)

cooking, and | cannot cook very well.

8 Write complete sentences, using the given words and phrases.
You may have to change the words or add some.

1. sun / set / in / west / every evening.

2. Trang and Minh / play/ basketball / every day / after school?

3. flight / from / Ho Chi Minh City / not arrive / 10:30.

4. our science teacher / start / our lessons / 1p.m. / on Fridays.

5. you / make / model / at / weekend?

8 (EMS sentence race
Work in groups.

4. Read the verb the teacher writes on the board.

2. Take turns to make a sentence with the verb, using the present simple.

3. Get one point for each correct sentence. The group with the most points wins.

12 Tiếng Anh 7


Everyday English

Talking about likes and dislikes

8 Listen and read the dialogue below. Pay attention to the questions
and answers. (6%
Mi: Do you like reading books?
Ann: Yes, very much, especially books about science.
Mi: What about painting? Do you like it?

Ann: No, | don't. I’m not interested in art.

8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about what you like and don’t
like doing.

All about your hobbies

8 Answer the questions. Fill in column A with your answers.

- How much free time do you have a day? - What do you not like doing?
- What do you like doing every day? - What do you love doing in the

summer/ winter?

Amount of free time per day: Amount of free time per day:
Thing(s) you like doing every day: Thing(s) he / she likes doing
Thing(s) you don't like doing:
Thing(s) you love doing in every day: _——
Thing(s) he / she doesn't like doing:
the summer:
Thing(s) he / she loves doing in
Thing(s) you love doing in
the winter: the summer:
Thing(s) he / she loves doing in
the winter:

8 Now interview your friend, using the questions in 3. Write his / her
answers in column B.

8 Compare your answers with your friend’s. Then present them to the class.

| have one hour of free time a day, but my friend Lan has only about 30 minutes.
| like listening to music every day, and Lan likes it too. | don't like exercising,
but Lan does.

Unit 1- Hobbies

C8SKLLSGIO 7 2) 8 Read the text again. Complete

Reading each sentence with no more
than THREE words.
oO Work in pairs. Look at the picture
and discuss the questions below. 1. Gardening belongs to the group
1. What can you see
in the picture? 2. Gardening teaches children about
flowers, fruits, vegetables, _-
2. In your opinion,
what is good 3. Gardening makes children become
about gardening? and responsible.

8 Read the text about gardening. 4. Itis an activity that everyone in the
Match each word in column A family can
with its definition in column B.
5. The author and her mother usually
People divide hobbies into four big groups: garden for a day.
doing things, making things, collecting
things, and learning things. Gardening Speaking
belongs to the most popular group -
doing things. Work in pairs. Match each

Gardening is one of the oldest outdoor hobby with its benefit(s).
activities. It has something for everyone, One hobby may have more
even for children. Gardening teaches than one benefit.
children about flowers, fruits, and
vegetables. They can also learn about ¬ a. develops your
insects and bugs. When gardening, 1. collecting creativity
children learn to be patient and take on
responsibility. They learn to wait for the stamps c. reduces stress
plants to grow to maturity. And if they
don’t water their plants, their plants will . making S helps your hands
die. This teaches them valuable lessons _ models and eyes work
about responsibility. well together
Gardening is also good because everyone
in the family can join in and do something Work in groups. Ask one another
together. My mum and | love gardening. the following questions. Then
We usually spend an hour a day in our present your partners’ answers
garden. It really makes us happy, and to the class.
we love spending time together. 1. What is your favourite hobby?
2. What are its benefits?
1. outdoor a. avery developed form Example:
2. patient b. happening outside My friend Mi’s favourite hobby is
3. responsibility collecting stamps. It helps her be
c. the duty of taking care more patient.
4. maturity of something
5. valuable
d. very helpful

e. able to wait fora
long time

14 Tiéng Anh7

‘Ei. Writing
9 Writing tip
@ Look at the picture. What hobby
is it? Do you think it is a good You can use a mind map
hobby? Why or why not? to organise ideas: for youl

©} what is your hobby? Fill in the

blanks below.

1. My hobby: 2. Started:
—— ago

8 Listen to an interview about 5. | share my
Trang's hobby. Fill in each blank hobby with:
in the mind map with ONE word
or number. «7+

1. Her hobby 2. She started her 4. To do my hobby
is: building hobby: | need:
years ago
5. Benefits:
3. She shares her
hobby with: Now write a paragraph of about
her 70 words about your hobby.
Use the notes in 3. Start your
4. To do her hobby paragraph as shown below.

Trang needs: My hobby is

. Benefits: a) cardboard and
She becomes glue to build
more patient the and

b) to make
some dolls

Unit 1- Hobbies


Vocabulary Grammar

Oo Complete the sentences with 8 Use the present simple form
appropriate hobbies. of each verb to complete the
| have a lot of coins from different
countries. My hobby is s
Each of my best friends has his or
her own hobby. Mi (1. love)
She loves judo and goes to the drawing. She can spend hours
judo club every weekend. Her hobby drawing pictures every day. Mark
is (2. have) a different hobby.

He loves making models of small He (3. enjoy) playing sport.
cars and planes. His hobby is | (4. not like) playing sport.

My sister spends one hour in the | like reading books because | can
garden every day. Her hobby is learn many things from them.
However, there (5. be) one
hobby we share. It (6. be)
Minh is a good footballer. He plays cooking. We all(7qgo) — — tothe
football with his friends every day.
His hobby is ự same cooking class. Our class
(8. begin) at 9 a.m. on Sundays.

Write true sentences about you Change the following
and your family members. sentences into questions and
negative ones.
iL Hike
= My dad enjoys . This river runs through my home town.
3. My mum doesn't like ?
4. My grandmother loves
. My drawing class starts at 8 a.m.
My grandfather hates every Sunday.

. They enjoy collecting stamps.

. | do judo every Tuesday.

. My brother loves making model cars.

16 Tiéng Anh7

‘Loa ñmmism


Work in groups.

8 Brainstorm some interesting
and easy-to-do hobbies.

8 Choose a popular one among teens
and discuss its benefits.

8 Create a poster about this hobby.
Find suitable photos for it or draw
your own pictures.

4) Present the hobby to the class. Try
to persuade your classmates to
take ït up.

Now|! can... v vv | vvv

+ use the words related to hobbies and verbs of liking / Unit 1- Hobbies
disliking to talk about different hobbies.

+ pronounce the sounds /a/ and /3:/ correctly.
+ use the present simple tense.
+ talk about likes and dislikes.
+ read about a hobby.
+ talk about the benefits of hobbies.
+ listen about one’s hobby.
+ write a paragraph about my hobby.


Vocabulary + Reading about acne
+ Talking about how to deal with some
+ Healthy activities
+ Health problems health problems
Pronunciation + Listening to some advice about
Sounds: /f/ and /v/
Grammar healthy habits
+ Writing a paragraph of some advice
Simple sentences
to avoid viruses
Everyday English
Asking for and giving health tips

@ Kosa ey Gas)

Let’s go out!

8 Listen and read. «8»

Mi: This is a nice picture, Mark.
Mark: That's my dad and | boating at Yen So Park.
Mi: | also see a lot of people exercising there.
Mark: Yes, it’s a popular place for people in my neighbourhood.
Mi: Outdoor activities are good for our health. My family often goes
cycling in the countryside. It’s quiet, and there's a lot of fresh air.
Mark: |t sounds interesting.

Mi: Yes, it’s lots of fun. We also bring fruit, water, and a lunch box
with us.
Mark: I'd love to join you next time.
Mi: Sure. Bring along a hat and suncream.

Mark: Why suncream?
Mi: It’s really hot and sunny at noon, so you might get sunburn.
Mark: | see.

What are Mark and Mi talking 8 Complete each sentence with
about? a word from the conversation.

Health problems 1. In the picture, Mark and his father

. Healthy activities are

Sports and games . The people in Mark’s neighbourhood
love to go to the
Write a word or phrase from the
3. Mi's family often goes cycling
box under its picture.
boating suncream lunch box - | don’t want to get sunburn.
sunburn cyclin ~Weara atand use
. Activities like running and cycling are
| Ay 8 good for our

© GEIB 600/ bdad for health?

Work in groups.
Each student names two daily
activities. The class decides
whether each activity is
good / bad for health. Give a
reason if possible.

A: | walk to school.
B: | think it’s good for your health.
A: | rarely eat breakfast.
C: It's not good. Breakfast is very

important. It gives us energy for
the day.

Unit 2 - Healthy Living

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