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Reading Task 1

Read the sentences. Circle the best option — a, b, or c - to complete each gap. An example has been done

for you.

Example: I usually have___at 7 o’clock in the morning.

Ca) breakfast b) lunch c) dinner

1. My favourite month of the yearis__

a) Saturday b) July c) Summer

2. Anna has a lot of pets, for example

a) toys b) rabbits c) flowers

3.1 am busy tonight, __ I can meet you tomorrow.

a) and b) but c) because

4,___ you help me with my homework, please?

a) Can b) Like c) Do

5.Mark__as a teacher in a school.

a) lives b) learns c) works

6. Ứm not feeling_ —— - I have a headache.

a) well b) bad c) sick

7. People usually keep their clothes in a

a) fridge b) bath c) wardrobe
8. Planes are
than cars.

a) faster b) slower c) the fastest

1 FERMAT 47 48

GU Education Số6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội ta FE RMAT Số6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Điện thoại: 0917830455 gua Education
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9.Aprilisa_ — month. b) spring c) summer 1. For breakfast, Tom drinks: 2. Tom leaves the house at:
a) winter a newspaper. c) reading a) milk. a) 7am.

10. Dad is busy,heis_ — b) painting b) fruit juice. b) 8am.
a) watching c) tea. c) 8.15 am

Reading Task 2- A 3. How does Tom get to school? 4. Tom doesn’t like:
a) By bus. a) fruit.

Read the text and answer the questions below. Circle the correct option, a, b, or c. An example has been b) By car. b) homework.
done for you. c) He walks. c) his sister.

My Day 5. In the afternoon, Tom ___ with his 6. Tom has:
friends. a) a brother, a sister and a dog.
My name is Tom. Usually I get up at seven o’clock. I brush my teeth
and get dressed. I have breakfast at half past seven. I eat some fruit and a) watches TV b) two brothers and a dog.
toast and drink some tea. b) eats dinner c) two dogs and a sister.
c) plays football
At 8 o'clock, I go to school. I catch the bus with my sister and the
journey onlytakes 15 minutes.

I start school at half past eight. Every day we learn maths, English and

science. I love maths, but I don’t like homework!

School finishes at 3 o’clock and I like to play football with my friends
after school. I always take my dog Max for a walk too.In the evening, I
have dinner with my family. At half past six, we watch TV or I play a game with my brother.
We go to bed at half past eight.

Example: Tom gets up at:

Oy o'clock

b) 8 o'clock

c) 9 o'clock

49 50

1 FE RMAT Số6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội fig FERMAT — Sé6A1 tiéu khu Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Ha N6i

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Reading Task 2 - B Reading Task 3 - A

| Read the text and fill in the gaps below. Circle the correct option, a, b, or c. An example has been done Read the three texts and answer the questions below. An example has been done for you.

| for you. Party A Party B
| (Example) Tom

How are you? I’m ok. We moved to a new house last week. The new house is much bigger Date: Friday 24th December

than our 1) house. My sister and I have 2) own bedrooms!

| London is very busy and noisy. We live near a big park. I like to play games or 3) my - Time: 7pm until 9pm

bicycle At: Café Nano End of School Year Party!
Tel: 07986 442 522 The teachers and students of Malaga High
there. There are many things to 4) here! Yesterday, we went to see London Bridge and Entry prices: £2 per child. £5 per adult. School invite you to our school party on
Food, drinks and party games!
Buckingham Palace. I was sad, because I didn’t see the Queen. , Thursday 11th July
6pm — 8.30pm
Mum says that it can be dangerous in the city, 5). everyone is friendly.
in the school gardens
Do you want to come to visit 6) ? I’m free every weekend. Let me know!

Maria :

Example: (3 b) Welcome c) Happy á Ẳ Parents and children are welcome!
b) old c) young
1. a) cold

Party C

2. a) your b) our c) their

3. a) walk b) ride c) run You are invited to

4 aide ee bee Maria’s 10th Birthday Disco!

5 a) and b) because c) but " Where? Maria’s house! 2 Market Street, Bristol.
b) me c) we
6. a) her When? 2pm — 5pm on Saturday 1st February. |

Music and dancing with DJ Sparky.

|| đi FERMAT 52641 tiểi khu Ngọc Khánh, Bà Đình, Hà Nội la FERMAT — S06A1 tei khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
fue Education Điện thoại: 0917830455 Email: Ạ Education Dién thoai: 0917830455 Email:


Which party... Party 2.

Example: is at Christmas? a) Please put your shoes on.
b) I like your shoes. Are they new?
1. is outside? c) Do you like my new shoes? Thank you. Yes, they are.

2. is at the weekend? a) Where can I buy a ticket? It’s in the city centre, next to the library.
b) Where is the cinema? He works in a bank.
3. is the longest? c) What book are you reading?
4. No, I’m too busy.
4. is in the summer? a) Does your Mum work in a school? It’s at three o’clock on Sunday.
b) What's your Dad’s job?
5. is in someone’s home? c) Do you have a job?
6. starts at six o’clock? a) Are you going to the shop?
b) What time does the shop open?
Reading Task 3 - B c) When are you going to the shop?
Choose the correct question to match the given answer. Circle the correct option, a, b, or c. An example a) What time is it now?
has been done for you. b) What about the weekend?
c) When is Ben’s party?

a) When’s your birthday?

How old are you? I’m twelve years old.
c) Where do you live?


a) Will you cook đinner?

b) Are you good at cooking? Yes, Iam. I love it

c) Do you cook every day?

if FERMAT © 866A1 tii khu Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi 53 54

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Listening Listening Task 2 />
Listening Task 1 Listen to four short conversations. Circle the correct answer — a, b, or c.
Listen to six people asking questions. Circle the best response — a, b, or c.
There is an example. There is an example.
Example Speaker. Example: Where are the speakers?

a) Fifteen pounds. a) At school.
b) At home.
At quarter past two. Cà In a shop.
1. When is the maths class?
c) From platform two. a) Before lunch.
b) At half past two.
1. Speaker 1. 2. Speaker 2. c) Before the English class.
a) lam. 2. What day are the speakers going to the cinema?
b) It is. a) Yes, lam. a) Friday.
b) Saturday.
c) Yes, please. b) Llike it. c) Sunday.
c) Yes, this evening. 3. Where is the jacket?
3. Speaker 3. a) In the wardrobe.
a) Me neither. - 4, Speaker 4. b) On the bed.
b) Me too. a) It’s brown. c) On the chair.
c) Both. b) I think so. 4, Jenny’s favourite colour is:
c) In the kitchen. a) black.
5. Speaker 5. b) blue.

a) I like English. 6. Speaker 6. c) green.
b) He’s quite tall. a) With my friend.
c) Maybe he will. b) In the classroom.
c) Next week.

55 56

zød FƑEFA MAT 5Số6A1Hểi khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội a FERMAT _ S66A1 tiéu khu Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Ha Néi
Điện thoại: 0917830455 Email:
Education Education Điện thoại: 0917830455 Email:

| Listening Task 3 Listening Task 4 />
Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. Circle the correct answer — a, b, or c. Listen to the teacher talking to a group of students, and read the sentences. Circle the correct
There is an example. answer - ‘true’ or ‘false’ - next to each sentence.
There is an example.
Example: Does Anna like the new house?
a) Yes, a lot.

C Đa little bit.

«Nit really, The teacher is talking about an English class True

1. Anna’s new house is:

a) big and it has a garden.

b) small and it has a garden.5: .1. The library is on the ground floor.. True False

c) big but it has no garden.

2. The new house has:
a) 2 bedrooms. , 2. The library is open from 9 am. True False

| b) 3 bedrooms.

c) 4 bedrooms. 3. The library closes late on Fridays. True False
3. Where is Anna’s bedroom?

a) Next to the bathroom. 4. There are 15 computers there. True False

b) Next to her parents’.

c) Next to her brother’s. 5. Students can’t drink in the library. True False

4. What's in the garage?

a) The car.

b) Old furniture. 6. Mr Patrick works in the library. True False
c) Bikes and old toys.

5. What does Anna need for her bedroom?

a) Blue paint for the walls.

b) A lamp for her desk.

c) Some pictures.

| 6. Sam is going to come to Anna’s house:

| a) at the weekend.

| b) on Friday afternoon.

c) on Friday evening.

FERMATT.. 5ố6A1 tiểi khí Ngọc Khánh, Ba Dinh, Hà Nội FERMAT 5ố6A1 Hểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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ĐỀ SỐ 2~ ĐỀ VÒNG LOẠI QUỐC GIA HIPPO 2021 9.Asheepis__ — than a horse. b) smaller c) the smallest
a) small

Reading Task 1

Read the sentences. Choose the best option — a, b, or c - to complete each gap. An example 10. Do you live ina house orina___?
a) flat b) floor c) wall
Reading Task 2- A
been done for you.

Example: Iusually have___ at 7 o’clock in the morning. Read the text and answer the questions below. Choose the correct option, a, b, orc. An

C) breakfast b) lunch c) dinner example

1. What are you doing __—s evening? has been done for you.

a) yésteiday b) tomorrow c) last My Life

2. The book wasnt very interesting — Ï was really— _ My name is Sammy. I live in the city of London in the UK. My school is not far from my
house, so I don’t need to go by bus. When the weather is nice and sunny, I ride my bike, and
a) interested b) boring c) bored
when it rains, I walk.

3. This jacketis too__- I’m sorry, we can’t buy it. Iam 9 years old. I also have a sister, who is 5. My cousin, Jack, is my best friend. He lives in a

a) favourite b) difficult c) expensive different part of the city. We don’t go to school together, but I see him every weekend. Jack
likes to play computer games, and I prefer to play football. But we still have fun together!

4. The weather is___ today. The sun is shining, and it’s nice and warm. My mum works as a teacher. She teaches at a university. All of her students are adults! Before,
she worked with teenagers, 15 and 16 year olds. My dad is a pilot. He travels to different
a) better b) worse c) well countries around the world. He always brings me little presents, for example sweets or funny
postcards. The best gift he got me was a little plane!
5.Ineedto___ my spelling before the test.

a) choose b) practise c) leave I am really interested in planes. But I don’t want to fly them. I want to learn how to build
them! But right now, I just paint them and hang the pictures in my bedroom.
6. How many friends canI_— to my party? Example: Sammy lives:

a) know b) remember c) invite in a city in the UK.

7.Itis important to____all questions from your teacher. b) in Ireland.

a) listen b) answer c) speak c) in the countryside.

8. If you don’t understand a word, you can ____ it in a dictionary. 11. On rainy days, Sammy: 12. Sammy’s sister is:

a) check b) carry c) write a) rides his bike to school. a) older.

b) walks to school. b) younger.

c) takes a bus to school. c) the same age.

59 60

a FERMAT _ S06A1 tigi khu Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Hà Nội ora FERMAT © Sé6A1 tigi khu Ngoc Khanh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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‘ Education Dién thogi: 0917830455 Email:

13. Sammy’s cousin: 14. Sammy’s mum teaches: Example(())i b) Welcome c) Happy
a) goes to the same school. a) children. b) at c) about
b) likes the same games. b) teenagers. 17. a) again b) and c) why
c) lives in the same city. c) adults. b) tallest c) quickest
18. a) but b) of c) from
15. What is Sammy’s favourite present 16. In the future, Sammy wants to: b) possible c) beautiful
from his dad? a) build planes. 19. a) biggest b) going c) need
b) paint planes.
a) sweets c) fly planes. 20. a) than
b) a toy
c) postcards 21. a) excited

22. a) will

Reading Task 2 - B Reading Task 3- A
Read the three texts and answer the questions below. An example has been done for you.
Read the text and fill in the gaps below. Choose the correct option, a, b, or c. An example


been done for you.

(Example) Andy! Title: ‘A dark evening.’ Title: ‘My friend Dolly’.
Type of film: horror film about Type of film: comedy with lots of jokes and
Did you see the programme 17) travelling on TV last night? I watched it with all my
funny situations.
family, 18) we all really enjoyed it. They visited Russia. Russia is one of the 19) Comments: good for families. I laughed
a lot. 1 hour 15 minutes.
countries in the whole world! ghosts.
Comments: not very scary, and not very Available at the cinema:
I learnt a lot of interesting facts about Russia. Did you know that people there speak more interesting. I didn’t enjoy it! 2 hours every Saturday and Sunday in February
20)_— thirty languages? I'd really like to go there one day. The capital city, Moscow, looked Ticket cost: £12 adults, £8 children
Available at the cinema:
really 21)___. Minimum age: 5 years and above

The next programme is on Tuesday, and it starts at 6 p.m. I think it’s 22)__ to be about How good is it?

China. You should watch it!

Jim 1st — 15th February

Ticket cost: £14 adults, £10 students

Minimum age: 18 years and above
How good is it?

61 62

lợi FERMAT © 5S66A1 tiểu khủ Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội si FERMATT. 5ố6A1 tếi khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
GẦN Educotion Điện thoại: 0917830455 Email: Education Email:
Điện thoại: 0917830455

FILM C 29.

Titles Bids mn Europe a) Who is your music teacher? No, he’s not.
Type of film: it teaches you about different birds. . No, I didn’t.
Very difficult.
Comments: great pictures, lots of interesting information. Only 60 minutes long. b) Do you like your music teacher? I'd love to!
4 c) Is that man your music teacher? No, thank you.
Available at the cinema: 2-6th February (Monday to Friday only!)5#
Ticket cost: £10 adults, £5 children
a) Where did you put the laptop?
Minimum age: 12 years and above b) Are you using the laptop?
c) Did you leave the laptop outside?
How good is it?’ 31.
a) When is your maths test?
Which film... Film b) How was your maths test?
c) Have you prepared for your maths test?
|1] Example: is about ghosts? A 32.
a) What would you like for your birthday?
| 23. is OK for young children? b) Do you like your birthday present?
c) Would you like to have a birthday party?
|||| 24. has the cheapest tickets? 33.
is only for adults? a) Do you want help with your homework?
| | 25. is only at the weekend? b) Are you busy this evening?
is the shortest in length? c) Ineed your help with the shopping.

1| } 26.

28. is good for people who like to laugh?

Reading Task 3 - B

Choose the correct question to match the given answer. Choose the correct option, a, b, or

c. An example has been done for you.

| Cie your-birthday?

b) How old are you? I’m twelve years old.

c) Where do you live?

s11 FERMATT. 56A1 Hổi khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội £3 64

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34. 45 . Arthur, favourite football club is West Ham, also likes Lazio.
a) Can you ride a bike?
b) Let me show you my new bike! a) which b) who c) whose

No, but Id like to 46 . Last week he brought the book to the library.

c) Is that a bike there, near the tree? a) up b) over c) back

Use of English Test 47 . Don’t worry. I help you with your luggage.

1. Choose a, b or c to complete the sentences. a) am going to b) will c) do

35. My friends football at the moment.

a) are playing b) are plaing c) is playing 48. . This is the ideal time practice.

36. There are many at the concert. a) for b) on c) to

a) people b) persons c) peoples 49. do you prefer, movies or cartoons?

37. Be careful! coffees are hot! a) Which b) What c) Whom

a) This b) These c) That 50. She her hand with a knife two days ago.

38. Pablo school in 2016. a) cutted b) cut c) has cut
a) had left b) leaved
c) left 51. How Coke do you drink per week?

39. You don’t need milk for that cake. a) many b) much c)-

a) many b) - c) much 52. your teacher, I am really proud of what you have done so far.

40. Your car is than mine. a) Like b) As c) As to

a) most expensive b) as expensive c) more expensive 53. . You don’t know how to drive, you?

41. What I watching right now? a) are b) don’t c) do

a) do b) am c) have 54 . A person who searches for things underwater using special equipment is a(n)___
42. It’s Mark’s problem, not b) ours c) your
a) diver b) diving man c) swimmer
a) our

43. He usually to messages really fast.

a) reply b) replies c) replyes

44. He doesn’t get with his new boss - they always argue.

a) off b) over c) on

65 eT 66

FERMAT Số 6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội #4 FERMAT Số 6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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Listening Listening Task 2 />
| Listening Task 1 Listen to four short conversations. Choose the correct answer — a, b, or c. You have one

|| Listen to six people asking questions. Choose the best response — a, b, or c. | You have one minute to read the questions before the recording is played. You will hear the minute to read the questions before the recording is played. You will hear the recording

recording twice. twice.
Example: : Where are the speakers? ?
Example Speaker.

a) at school
a) Fifteen pounds. b) at home
C sàn a shop
CĐat a quarter past two.

¢) From platform two. 61. The girl needs help with: 62. When are the friends going to meet?

55. Speaker 1. 56. Speaker 2. a) maths. a) later today
a) Half past eleven. b) English. b) on Saturday
| a) I’m almost ten. b) It’s on Tuesday. c) maths and English. c) on Sunday

| b) I'm better, thanks.

| jes Nas shemale. . lộ TURNGLER 63. Where is the phone? 64. Where are the speakers?

|| 57. Speaker 3. 58. Speaker 4. a) on the sofa a) in a café
a) I didn’t do it. b) on the floor b) ina garden
| a) I’d like one.

b) I'll have a biscuit. b) That’s good. c) on the table ¢) in a shop

| | c) Yes, me too! c) She'd like to. Listening Task 3 https://bitly/PremHippo2
| || Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. Choose the correct answer — a, b, or c.
Go. . Speakers . You have one minute to read the questions before the recording is played. You will hear the
59. Speakereo 5. a) I liked it too.
b) You’re welcome. recording twice.
c) Here you are i
|| a) It is open now. Example: Who is Greg?
| | b) It costs £8.
| new student

|| c) It’ It’s very close ,
| | b) a new teacher
c) a student’s parent


|| 67 68

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65. How old is Greg? 66. Where does Greg come from? ĐỀ SỐ 3 ~ ĐỀ MẪU VÒNG CHUNG KẾT QUỐC GIA
a) 13 a) Spain
b) 14 b) Germany Reading

©) 17 c) France Reading Task 1

Read the sentences. Circle the best option — a, b, or c to complete each gap. An example has

67. What languages does Greg speak? 68. What is Greg’s favourite hobby? been done for you.
a) German, French and Spanish a) reading books
b) Spanish and English b) playing sport Example:
c) watching films
c) German, French and English Please don’t - our dog is afraid of loud sounds.

C2 shout b) speak c)run

1. After school, we are going to__all the rubbish from the playground.

69. Greg’s favourite actress is: 70. Greg wants to work in a: a) throw b) collect c) complete

a) Penelope Cruz. a) cinema. 2. The train was really busy and many ___ did not have a seat.

b) Elena Enaya. b) hospital. a) visitors b) drivers c) passengers

c) Elena Anaya. c) school. 3. There is going to be a big storm this weekend — let’s pack our ___.

Listening Task 4 a) sandals b) raincoats c) sun hats

Listen and answer the questions. Choose A for true or B for false. You have one minute to 4. If you___ your money for some time, you can buy something nice later.
read the questions before the recording is played. You will hear the recording twice.
Example: a) save b) spend c) give

Sonia is calling about a shopping trip. B - False 5. Can you hear this__? Is it a child crying?

71. Sonia wants to buy Anna a present. A- True B - False a) sound b) smell c) picture

72. Sonia suggests lunch with Anna. A- True B - False 6. Mark is____ that he will not pass the test — he did not study much.

73. The café is next to the clothes shop. A- True B - False a) excited b) interested c) worried

74, Sonia had a salad at the café. A- True B - False 7. We need some cough medicine — can you go to the__?

75. Anna should take bus number 9. A- True B - False a) bank b) post office c) chemist

76. Sonia wants to meet at 11 o’clock. A - True B - False

69 easees or eEeTe EeeeSTreeEr EerrTErES erSSeS RS e8 5 ee SS reer eS ee e TE ee TSE ee ET TeS eT e T TEỨ 70

ig FERMAT S6°6A1 tiéu khu Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Ha N6i FERMAT _ $66A1 tiéu khu Ngoc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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8. The children got dirty playing outside — they need to___ their clothes. 1. Last week, Ahmed went to:

a) change b)buy c) put on a) a language class.
b) Spain.
9. Driving too fastis___- you can have an accident.
c) see his parents.

a) dangerous b) difficult c) different 2. Ahmed can speak:
a) French.
10. The teacher explained it to me really well and nowitis_ b) Italian.
c) Spanish.
a) happy b) clear c) glad

Reading Task 2 3. Ahmed wants to learn the new language because of:
a) a holiday
PARTA b) his parents.
c) his friend.

Read the text and answer the questions. Circle the correct option: a, b, or c. An example has 4. Why was Ahmed late?
a) He got on the wrong bus.
been done for you. b) He got off at the wrong stop.
Hiya Sofia, c) He missed his bus.
Hope you are ok. I started a new language course last week — I’m going to learn
Spanish. I can already speak French and I can understand simple Italian. ButI am really 5. At the beginning of the class__ spoke Spanish.
excited to learn Spanish, because my parents and I are going to Spain next summer. I a) all the students
hope to speak some Spanish then!

I was a few minutes late for my first class because I got off the bus at the wrong stop. I b) none of the students
had to ask three people for directions. c) some of the students
To start with, I was a bit nervous because I didn’t know anyone. But the teacher was
really helpful. Other students were really friendly as well — some of them didn’t speak 6. How did Ahmed feel at the beginning of the class?
any Spanish either, and others knew a few words. During the first class, we learnt how a) Excited.
to say a few simple things about our families. b) Bored.
Next week, we are going to learn about travelling. I have some homework — I need to c) Nervous.
write the names of my favourite countries in Spanish. I think I’m going to include your
country! 7. During the next class, Ahmed will learn about:
Lots of love, a) families.
Ahmed b) friends.
Example: Ahmed is writing to: c) travelling.

a) his mum 8. The homework is to:
a) write some words.
Co friend. b) write some sentences.

c) write a short text.

c) teacher

71 72

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Part B Reading Task 3
Read the three texts. Answer the questions by writing the correct letter: A, B, or C.
Read the text. Circle the best option: a, b, or c to complete each gap. An example has been An example has been done for you.

done for you.
Dear Ahmed! Text A

It is so nice to 0) from you! I’m so glad to hear that you are learning a new language. Hi Jack,
I’m going to drive to the concert so I could pick you up about 6pm. Anna is not coming so I
I am very well. We have a new dog — Max. He is 1) three months old, and needs to go have an extra ticket —- can you ask your sister if she wants to come?

outa Matt

lot 2) the day. When I’m not at school, I 3) take Max out in the garden every two Text B

hours. We usually go out at 4, 6 and then 8 pm. VALID TICKET

Max is a very smart little dog. I have taught him a few tricks, for example 4) to catch a _ TOMMY RICHMAN BAND
in the air. Max sleeps in my bedroom — sometimes he 5) in the middle of the night and
tries Saturday 4" December 2017

to come into my bed. Mum says that he should sleep in the kitchen, 6) I want him to stay Start time: 19.00 _
General Admission: £28.50.
with me. This event is for over 18s only.

Anyway, I hope that you are 7) your language course. Maybe we can speak Spanish 8)

next time you come to visit me? Write to me soon!

Sofia Text C i titty

Example: a) hear b) see c) write .... CƠ NGA ¬

ee =
ae „
1. a) even b) only c) then — 1."i TH al z ass “=1.

2. a) before b) after c) during | Tommy Richman back in the UK!
After a 2 month long tour in the United States, the brilliant Tommy

3. a) have to b) can’t c) mustn’t Richman and his band are back in the UK. The opening concert will take
place on 4th December at one of the capital’s biggest venues, The Palace.
4. a) where b) when c) how The tickets are selling really fast, so make sure you get yours quickly if

you want to see this great jazz musician live in London.

5. a) sleeps b) wakes up c) stays

6. a) because b) if c) but

7. a) enjoying b) explaining c) teaching

8. a) both b) together c) two

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ia FERMAT 5ố6A1 tiểi kh“ Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội AFERMAT — S66A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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Which text ...? Text Writing Test

Example: has been written by Matt?
1. says what time the concert starts? A 1. My best summer holiday. (Write about 60 words.)
2. says what kind of music Tommy Richman plays?
3. tells us who is going to the concert?
4. tells us the price of the tickets?
5. mentions where the concert will take place?
6. gives an opinion about Tommy and the band?
7. says that only adults can go to the concert?

8. contains an invitation?

2. Complete the text with a suitable word in each gap.

Are you looking for a perfect place for a holiday? Then Greece is a place for you. There

(1) a lot of towns with beautiful beaches. I like walking (2)

the beach early in the morning because I want to breathe (3)

fresh air. I usually dive (4) the sea right after

breakfast. You can also take a

(5) on a boat. There are also different water (6) you

can choose from. It’s best if you go with friends and spend some quality (7)

with them. You can go (8) a walk in the evening or

(9) some food in a restaurant and listen to some live music. And one last

thing, (10) a lot of photos while you are there.

gq FERMAT gq FERMAT 75 76
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3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. ĐỀ SỐ 4- ĐỀ VÒNG CHUNG KẾT QUỐC GIA HIPPO 2020

It was a beautiful winter morning and everything was (11) (cover) in snow. We (12) Reading

(walk) slowly through the forest when we (13) (reach) a pond in the Reading Task 1

middle of the forest, we (14) (put) on our skates and walked onto the ice. We (15) Read the sentences. Choose the best option — a, b, or c to complete each gap. An example
has been done for you.
(skate) for an hour when we (16) (hear) some strange sound. We quickly

took off our skates and put on our shoes and ran. I (17) (not think) we will ever go Example: Please don’t - our dog is afraid of loud noises.

there again. I (18) (see) my friend tonight and I (19) (tell) him that we

should pick a different place for skating. If we want to skate peacefully, we (20) Cashout b) speak c) run

(have to) find a place that is less spooky. 1. vi ou pass me that book? I can’t get it.

4. Decide if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I)

21. She has been to New York last year. a) Should b) Must c) Could

2. Ireally don’t like that food. I think it is

22. She is a very careful driver. a) horrible b) negative c) pleasant

23. If you need help, all you need to do is asked for it. 3. They are so happy. They are going to married.

24. She sings wonderful. a) get b) have c) go

25. Tell him I’ll show him the photos when he come. 4. we went, the people were friendly.

26. I don’t think he will come tonight. a) Over there b) Everywhere c) Somewhere

27. Did you do it already? 5. Do you know how to find our office or do you need 2

28. Did you tell him about the problem you had? a) entrances b) directions c) answers

29. See you on monday at 6 pm. 6. Please this book to the library before the end of the week.
30. He plays the drums very well.
a) return b) repeat c) receive

7. It’s not working, so put a sign on it saying it’s

a) broken b) repaired c) available

8. There is a new play tonight at the

a) cinema b) museum c) theatre

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gq FERMAT: Số 6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội FERMAT Số 6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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Education Điện thoại: 0917830455 Email:

9.Pleasebe_ when you use the electric fire. 11. Sarah thinks last weekend was:

a) complete b) careful c) useful a) excellent.
b) alright.
|| 10. This can’t wait till tomorrow - ithas to bedone____. ¢) terrible.

| | a) immediately b) usually c) probably 12. - What diid Sarahh thtihinnkk aabboouutt the the filfmilm th they saw ?

| a) It wasn’t long enough.
b) It wasn’t interesting enough.
| Reading Task 2 c) It was too short.
13. The Clearwater Shopping Centre:
| PART A a) opens at 10.00.
b) is near the park.
| c) is close to where Hanna lives.
14, Sarah thinks that clothes from Top Store:
| Read the text and answer the questions. Choose the correct option: a, b, or c. An example a) cannot be bought online.
b) can cost quite a lot
has been done for you. c) are not well made

| Hi Jane 15. If the clothes are expensive, Sarah thinks they should:
a) go to another shop
How are you? I hope you are well. I’m emailing you about meeting this weekend. We don’t
b) buy them anyway
want a repeat of last weekend. I know Sue said it would be an awesome film but it was so

c) look on the Internet.
boring. I should have read more about it. At least it wasn’t too long, and we had a good laugh 16. What are the friends going to eat?

aout th a) They haven't decided yet.
| How about we meet at the park at 10.00 on Saturday morning? We could meet Hanna and Sue b) Fish and chips
| c) Pizza
as well. It’s not far from the Clearwater Shopping Centre. There’s a new clothes shop there 17. Sarah thinks Jane:
a) won't like the band Starfish
called Top Store that sells some really fashionable items. b) will like the band Starfish.
c) might like the band Starfish.
However, I think it’s quite expensive. We could always just look at the things we like and then 18. Sarah wants Jane to:

| buy them later online for less. Then we can get some food. There are lots of restaurants. I a) contact one of the friends.
b) start answering her phone.
|| prefer pizza but Hanna likes fish and chips. I don’t know what Sue likes. Maybe she likes fish and chips as well. Let’s make a decision on Saturday.In the evening, I am
c) email her back.
not sure what to do. Not a film! Maybe we should go to a concert. I haven’t seen a band for a

long time. There is one called the Starfish in town on Saturday night, but I am not sure if you

| will like them. Do you have any ideas?

|| We need to tell Hanna and Sue. Can you get in touch with Hanna? She rarely answers

my phone calls. I will talk to Sue and let her know the time.

See you on Saturday
Your friend,


Example: Sarah is writing to:

c) her teacher.

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Part B Reading Task 3
Read the three texts. Answer the questions by writing the correct letter: A, B, or C.
Read the text. Choose the best option: a, b, or c to complete each gap. An example has been An example has been done for you.

done for you. Text A

Dear Dave, Hi Mike

It’s (example)___ to know that you are back home! You must go to the new cinema on Smith Square. The one

How was the holiday? I hope it was exciting. You 19)___ tell me all about it when I see you that opened last week. The seats are so comfortable, it has 6
next week.
screens and it was really cheap -only £7 each. I went on
My own holiday was 20)___. It was probably my best ever holiday. I can’t remember Tuesday to see The Long Day Out. It’s excellent. Brian Jones
is such a great actor.
21)___ I told you but I went with my family to Spain. There were so many things to do. It
was sunny 22)____ we could go swimming every day. There was also a beach with great The only problem is that it’s quite far out of town, so you

might need to get the bus or car to get there.
surfing, a very interesting zoo with lots of animals and an old castle. We were so 23)___ that
we were tired all the time but it was great fun.

There were lots of restaurants near the hotel. The food was great. In one restaurant the chef

24) the food in front of us. We could see him cooking it! He also 25) my little

brother to help him make the dessert, which was a real 26) . lLwasn’t expecting it.

See you soon.


Example: a) good b) glad c) happy Text B
19. a) need b) must c) would
20. a) brilliant b) horrible c) well-known There are so many cinemas in London it is hard to say which one is the best. There are 28 in
21. a)if b) that c) while central London and they vary in size, price and quality. The cheapest is the Prince Charles.
22. a) when b) until c) so Prices are from £1.50 up to £4. But the best, in my opinion, is the Genesis, where they have a
23. a)useful b) bored c) busy pizza restaurant and you can take your pizza into the film if you don’t finish in time.
24. a) explained b) ate c) prepared
25. a)included b) invited c) joined Katie, London
26. a) surprise b) normal c) mistake
Text C

Why not see your next film at The Grand on Regent Street? We have an award winning
cinema, with the largest screens in town and the most professional staff you will find
anywhere. We have to warn you that because we are the best, we can get very busy. We advise
that you order tickets in advance. Otherwise you might be disappointed. Normal tickets are

£15 for an adult and children aged 6 to 15 are half-price. We have a special offer on tickets on

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Ẫ Education Điện thoại: 0917830455 Email:

Which text ... Text Writing Test
1. My favourite person is... (Write about 60 words.)
Example: was written by Katie?

27. describes the least expensive cinema?

28. is an advert for a cinema?

29. is a suggestion to a friend?

30. includes a negative comment about the cinema?

31. is cheaper on certain days of the week?

32. includes a review of a film?

33. talks about how to get to the cinema?

34. suggests you should book before you go?

2. Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. Peter is a waiter. He (meet) people every day.

2. I will give you her number if I (find) it.

3. We (go) to a concert on 10th March.

4. He (always cry) and I can’t stand it any more.

5. My mom (sleep), so try not to make a noise.

6. He (cook) while I was learning.

7. Marry (fall) while she was dancing.

8. If Ihave enough money, I (buy) a jacket.

9. I decided to move to London. I (study) Engineering there.

10.1 (always want) to visit Egypt.

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a FERMAT © $66A1 tidy kin Ngoc Khanh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội sự FERMAT Số 6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
eS Educatio g Điện thoại: 0917830455 Email:
c Education Điện thoại: 0917830455 Email:

3. Insert the missing word in each space. 28. That’s John’s car, doesn’t it?

11. Dogs are very animals. They will never leave you. 29. ‘Thank you for the lift.’ ‘Don’t mention it.’

30. I prefer reading books than watching films.
12. The film is definitely worth

13. Ann hasn’t thrown the rubbish

14. down. Things will be better.

15. He cries all the time. He is so

16. We had a great weekend. How. you?

17. We haven’t been to the cinema months.

18. Robots are made metal.

19. There is in the fridge. We must go shopping for food.

20. You park here. It’s forbidden.

4, Correct the incorrect sentences and tick the correct ones.
21. The Pacific is the bigger ocean in the world.
22. It is much more colder here than in your country.
23. That shirt looks good on you.
24. Look at the child which is playing alone.
25. He is a very interested child.
26. Will you do mea favour, please?
27. On my opinion, he is crazy.

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