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"Listening "

istening Task T:
Listen to six people speaking. Circle the best response — a, b, or c.
There is an example
File nghe tai: />
Example Speaker.

ca» Yes, I’d like that.

b) No, I didn’t like it.
c) Lliked it a lot.

1. Speaker 1. 4. Speaker 4.
a) And what did you do next? a) Ứm really worried.
b) Didn’t you have one before?
c) Did you go to Naples? b) It’s OK, don’t worry about it.

2. Speaker 2. c) I like reading books.
a) Neither do I. 5. Speaker 5.
b) I didn’t either.
a) I’ve got my umbrella.
c) No, I haven’t. b) OK, let’s start walking.
c) It’s there, next to the bus stop.
3. Speaker 3. 6. Speaker 6.
a) To get some envelopes.

b) It wasn’t open. a) Oh no, is she OK?
c) It was quite expensive.
b) School finished on Friday.
c) What’s our homework?

Listening Task 2
Listen to four short conversations and circle the correct answer — a, b, or c.
There is an example.

Example: Tom is going to:
a) buy a book.
borrow a book.
c) borrow some money.

45 46

FERMAT Số 6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội tq FERMAT © S66A1 tid khu Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Ha N6i
Email: Education
Education Điện thoại: 0917830455 Điện thoại: 0917830455 Email:

1. What did Sam do at the weekend? 3. What will they eat at the picnic? Tr
a) Stayed at home. a) Sandwiches.
b) Went to a football game. b) Sandwiches and cake. a) He doesn’t like sports at all.
c) Went to see a doctor. c) Sandwiches and fruit. b) He doesn’t play a sport but wants to.
2. Jack’s mum is going to: 4. Ben does not like: c) He already plays too many sports.
a) check his homework. a) comedy films.
b) help him with homework. b) horror films. Listening Task 4
c) cook dinner. c) action films.
Listen to Sara talking about her weekend, and read the sentences. Circle the correct answer -
‘True’ or ‘False’ - next to each sentence.

There is an example.


Sara went to a zoo with her dad. False

Listening Task 3 1. Sara travelled by car. True False
2. The weather was windy and cold.
Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. Circle the correct answer - a, b, or c. 3. They had a drink at the café. True False
4. There were three baby elephants.
There is an example. 5. Sara’s favourite animal is a lion. True False
6. Sara bought a picture of a lion.
Example: Mary has recently: True False
a) watched a basketball game.
b) bought tickets for a basketball game. True False
c) joined a basketball class.
True False
1. How does Mary describe her teacher?
a) He is a tall man.
b) He is not very helpful. Reading Task 1
c) He is good fun. PARTA
2. Other people in the basketball team: Read the sentences. Circle the best option — a, b, or c to complete each gap. An example has
a) are from different countries. been done for you.
b) are all Mary’s old friends.
c) are all 11 years old. Example:
3. Ben and Mary are:
Please don’t — our dog is afraid of loud sounds.
a) older than Emily. shout

b) the same age as Emily. b) speak c) run
c) younger than Emily.
4. Where did Ben and Mark meet? 1. After school, we are going to all the rubbish from the playground.
a) At basketball practice.
a) throw b) collect c) complete
b) At school.
c) At summer camp. 2. The train was really busy and many did not have a seat.
5. What is different about Mark?
a) He became better at basketball. a) visitors b) drivers Cc) passengers

b) He is now much taller. 3. There is going to be a big storm this weekend - let’s pack our

c) He cut his hair. a) sandals b) raincoats c) sun hats

ma FERMAT 6. Which is the best description of Ben? 4. If you your money for some time, you can buy something nice later.

47 ‘f4a FFEERRMMAATT 526A1Hểi thú Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, HàNội 48

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a) save b) spend c) give Example: Ahmed is writing to:
a) his mum
5. Can you hearthis___? Is ita child crying? c) picture b) his friend.
c) teacher
a) sound b) smell
6. Mark is ____ that he will not pass the test — he did not study much. 1. Last week, Ahmed went to:
b) interested c) worried
a) excited a) a language class.

7, We need some cough medicine — can you go to the ? b) Spain.
c) see his parents.
a) bank b) post office c) chemist 2. Ahmed can speak:
8. The children got dirty playing outside — they need to___ their clothes. a) French.
b)buy c) put on b) Italian.
a) change c) Spanish.
9. Driving too fastis__- you can have an accident. 3. Ahmed wants to learn the new language because of:
b) difficult c) different a) a holiday
a) dangerous b) his parents.
10. The teacher explained it to me really well and now itis. c) his friend.
b) clear c) glad 4, Why was Ahmed late?
a) happy a) He got on the wrong bus.
b) He got off at the wrong stop.
Reading Task 2 c) He missed his bus.
5. At the beginning of the class__ spoke Spanish.
PARTA a) all the students
Read the text and answer the questions. Circle the correct option: a, b, or c. An example has b) none of the students
been done for you. c) some of the students
6. How did Ahmed feel at the beginning of the class?
Hiya Sofia, a) Excited.
Hope you are ok. I started a new language course last week — I’m going to learn Spanish. I can b) Bored.
c) Nervous.
already speak French and I can understand simple Italian. But I am really excited to learn 7. During the next class, Ahmed will learn about:
Spanish, because my parents and I are going to Spain next summer. I hope to speak some a) families.
Spanish then! b) friends.
I was a few minutes late for my first class because I got off the bus at the wrong stop. I had to c) travelling.
To start with, I was a ask bit three nervous people because for directions. | didn’t know anyone. But the teacher was really 8. The homework is to:
helpful. Other students were really friendly as well — some of them didn’t speak any Spanish a) write some words.
b) write some sentences.
either, and others knew a few words. During the first class, we learnt how to say a few simple c) write a short text.

things about our families.
Next week, we are going to learn about travelling. I have some homework - I need to write the
names of my favourite countries in Spanish. I think I’m going to include your country!

Lots of love,

49 50

sed Fr ERMAT S66A1 tidu kin Ngsoc Khénh, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi ị ig FERMAT $6641 tiéu ki Ngọc Khánh, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi
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EguUucotie' ceucotien

Part B Reading Task 3
Read the text. Circle the best option: a, b, or c to complete each gap. An example has been Read the three texts. Answer the questions by writing the correct letter: A, B, or C.
done for you. An example has been done for you.

Dear Ahmed! Text A
Hi Jack,
It is so nice to 0) from you! I’m so glad to hear that you are learning a new language.
I'm going to drive to the concert so I could pick you up about 6pm. Anna is not coming soI
Iam very well. We have a new dog - Max. He is 1) _____three months old, and needs to go have an extra ticket — can you ask your sister if she wants to come?
out a
the day. When I’m not at school, I 3) _ take Max out in the garden every two Matt
lot 2)
hours. We usually go out at 4, 6 and then 8 pm.
Max is a very smart little dog. I have taught him a few tricks, for example 4) _ — to catch a Text B

ball in the air. Max sleeps in my bedroom — sometimes he 5) in the middle of the night VALID TICKET

and tries TOMMY RICHMAN BAND ces
to come into my bed. Mum says that he should sleep in the kitchen, 6)__ I want him to stay PLUS SPECIAL GUESTS: DJ BLACK
Saturday 4" December 2017 =. ‘
with me. =.
Start time: 19.00
Anyway, I hope that you are 7) your language course. Maybe we can speak Spanish eS:
next time you come to visit me? Write to me soon!

— ——

i General Admission: £28.50 —
Sofia This event is for over 18s only =

Example: hear b) see c) write `.
1. a) even
2. a) before b) only . c) then Tommy Richman back in the UKI
c) during After a 2 month long tour in the United States, the brilliant.
3. a) have to b) after Tommy Richman and his band are back in the UK. The opening concert will take place on 4th
, if you want to see this
4. a) where b) can’t December at one of the capital’s biggest venues, The Palace.
5. a) sleeps c) musin’t
b) when The tickets are selling really fast, so make sure you get yours quickly
6. a) because c) how great jazz musician live in London.
7, a) enjoying b) wakes up
c) stays
b) if Which text ...? Text
b) explaining c) but
¢) teachi:ng Example: E has been writi ten by Matt 2 A

8. a) both b) together c) two 1. says what time the concert starts?

2. says what kind of music Tommy Richman plays?

ON oO D fF Ww. tells us who is going to the concert?

. tells us the price of the tickets?

. mentions where the concert will take place?

. gives an opinion about Tommy and the band?

. says that only adults can go to the concert?

. contains an invitation?

wa FERMAT 5ố6A1 Hểu khi Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội > 52

EGUCOTIEN Điện thoại: 0917830455 Email: FERMAT 56A1 Hổi khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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DE SO 2—- DE VONG LOAI QUOC GIA HIPPO 2021 - HIPPO 3 example Reading Task 2
Reading Task 1 READING Read the text and answer the questions. Choose the correct option: a, b, or c. An example
Read the sentences. Choose has been done for you.
has been done for you. the best option —a, b, or c to complete each gap. An To:
Subject: How are you
Example: Please don’t — our dog is afraid of loud noises.
c) run Hi Sammy!

Coat b) speak
How are you? I hope that you are feeling better, and will be back to school soon.
1. Is there a why you didn’t finish your homework on time? Today, during the biology lesson, we learnt a lot of interesting things about elephants. Have
c) notice you ever seen one in a zoo, or on TV? Did you know that they need very little sleep? Elephants
a) question b) reason in the wild sleep for about two hours a day. And sometimes, they don’t go to sleepfor as long
as two whole days!
2. If you need a to the cinema, you can come with me and my dad.
c) tour Also, African elephants know whether a person is a man or a woman just by hearing them
a) lift b) path speak! They don’t even need to see them, it’s enough that they hear their voices.
[also learnt that elephants can move pretty quickly when they want to. They can run as fast
3. Remember to empty your before you put your jeans in the wash. as 25 kilometres per hour. But they don't like to be hurried.
c) pockets The teacher gave us some homework. It is to find out lots of information about another wild
a) tights b) wallets animal. We need to bring it to school on Monday. I think I’m going to work on it on Friday

4. There’s not much this time of the day, so the car ride shouldn't take long. afternoon, because I want to do other things at the weekend.
c) traffic
a) passenger b) motorway On Sunday, my uncle Jim is coming to visit. He is a pilot, and he recently travelled to South
America! He usually comes to have dinner with us every two weeks, but I haven't seen him
5. Ineed some help this task please. , c) meaning
for two months because of his work. He usually brings me little surprise gifts, for example
a) completing b) happening
chocolates or books. Since it was my birthday last week, uncle promised me a small robot. I’m
6. The word ‘brilliant’ means the same as c) modern really excited about this.
Do you think you will be back at school on Monday? Do you need some help with
a) unusual b) awesome homework? I can’t visit, but I can call you and tell you what the homework is. Just send me an
email or a text.
7. Did eat my slice of cake? I cannot find it anywhere.
b) somebody c) sometimes Your friend,
a) somewhere

8. The weather outside is quite - we should go for a walk.
b) pleasant c) glad Example: Mike is writing to:
a) pleased a zoo keeper.
his school friend.
9. When will you visit your grandmother? c) finally
c) his school teacher.
a) immediately b) already

10. I might be able to help you my next break.

a) during b) between c) among

53 ‘Gra FERMAT S26A1iiểi khu Ngọc Khánh, Bá Đình Hà Nội CC 7 7 7 54

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11. Where did Mike learn about elephants? I didn’t know all these things about elephants. I’d 22) do some reading about them. I
need to think about which animal I want to write about for my homework. I don’t know much
a) at a zoo. about wild animals, 23) for penguins. I watched a TV programme about them last week,
and it had lots of information. Do you think 24) in our class will be interested in
b) from TV. penguins?
25) , thanks for your offer, but the teacher is going to email me the homework. And my
c) at school.
12. Wild elephants usually sleep for: dad offered 26) help me with the work, so I should be OK!

a) two hours each day. See you on Monday!

b) two days at a time. Bye,
c) twice a day. Sammy
13. Mike says that elephants are very good at:
Example: C2 for b) to c) from
a) talking. b) for c) when
b) listening. 19. a) since b) must c) will
c) seeing. b) wait c) last
14. According to Mike’s email, are elephants fast? 20. a) need b) sooner c) faster
b) except c) until
a) Yes, if they need to be. 21. a) stay b) anywhere c) anyone
b) Enough c) Instead
b) No, they always move slowly. 22. a) better b) then c) to
c) Yes, when people hurry them up.
15. Mike is planning to do his homework: 23. a)along
a) on Friday.
b) at the weekend. 24, a) anytime
c) on Monday.
16. Mike is going to see his uncle Jim: 25. a) Anyway
a) in a few days.
b) in two weeks. 26. a) that

c) in two months. Reading Task 3
17. The birthday present from uncle Jim is: Read the three texts. Answer the questions by choosing the correct letter: A, B, or C.
An example has been done for you.
a) sweets.
b) a surprise. Text A

c) a toy. Hi Miriam,
18. Mike is offering to:
I've decided to take a weekend photography course.

a) email his friend again. You know I've always wanted to learn how to take
b) visit his friend at home. good pictures! It starts next Saturday, at the college in
c) help his friend with homework. the city centre. My mum paid for it and said it wasn’t
very expensive, but I’m not sure exactly how much it
Part B costs.
Read the text. Choose the best option: a, b, or c to complete each gap. An example has been I thought that maybe you’d like to join me? I know that
done for you. you also love taking photos! Let me know. You can get
more information from their website. If you decide to
Dear Mike! sign up, you need to call them.
Speak soon!
Thanks (example) _____ your email. I’ve been really bored at home 19) ____ I had my
accident at the football game. Eve
My foot is getting better, so I think I 20)_____ be back to school next week. I really can’t
21) , because I’ve been at home for over two weeks now! It’s not fun anymore.

55 56

s1 FERMAT _ S6'6A1 tigi khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội FERMAT © Sé6A1 tiéu khu Ngoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Ha Nội
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Text B HIPPO 3 Use of English Test
I completed a one day photography course last month. The teacher was very helpful, and gave
us lots of useful advice about taking good pictures. 1. Choose a, b or c to complete the sentences.
But I thought that the group was too big. There were 30 students, and only one teacher. I
didn’t get to ask him all my questions. 35.1 have a party next Saturday.
Also, we spent the whole day in the classroom, and I really wanted to take some pictures of
animals and the countryside, so that wasn’t good. a) will b) am going to c) may

So, if you want to take a short course, this one is OK. 36. Even they are no longer together, they still love each other.

Fred, York
a) thought b) tough c) though
37. someone’s stuff is punishable.

Text C a) Steeling b) Stealing c) Steal
Magic photography course 38. You have time left until the end of the game.

30 hours of learning with our photography teachers for only £55! a) a little b) a few c) few
Suitable for all ages (get 20% off if you are under 18 years old).
39. Thelecture_ — heralot.

a) boring b) is boring €) is bored

What you'll learn: 40. a) Did / see you b) Have / see my dictionary? I need it now.
e how to take amazing photos that impress your family and friends c) Have / seen
e how to photograph in different scenarios, for example family portraits, 41. On our trip to Canada, we visited
gardens, University of Toronto and
wildlife, and much more Lake Ontario.

e how to take better photos with your smart phones and cameras a) - / the / the b)-/-/the c)-/the/-

If you are interested, complete a form on our website, and our staff will call 42. My grandpa has a lot of cute, white on the farm.

you back. a) gooses b) geese c) goose
www.magicphotography.co.org 43. Can you buy a of bread for the family dinner?

a) slice b) head c) loaf

Which text ... Text 44, her illness, Sofia went to school.

a) Despite b) Because c) Though

Example: was written by Eve? A 45. Manny can’t go on the trip today because he a cold.

27. gives good and bad points about the course? a) is having b) has c) has had

46. You walk on the grass - it’s not allowed!

28. invites another person to take the course? a) mustn’t b) don’t have to c) shouldn’t

29. includes the course price? 47. Jamie off the bus and into the supermarket.

a) was getting / walked b) got / was walking c) got / walked

30. was written by a person who did a course? 2. Decide if the sentences are correct (a) or incorrect (b).

31. describes the shortest course? 48. I haven’t seen you in a long time!

32. says that the course includes taking pictures outside? a) Correct b) Incorrect

33. says that you can join by calling the company? 49, My brother won’t borrow me his guitar.

a) Correct b) Incorrect

34. says that the course has a discount for young people? 50. The police are coming at the crime scene.

a) Correct b) Incorrect
51. My wife is scientist.

a) Correct b) Incorrect

52. I have always been interested in sports.

a) Correct b) Incorrect

57 58

e94 FERMAT Số6A1tiểi khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội tea FERMAT © Sé6A1 tid khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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53. Do you mind if I use your pencil?

54. a) Correct b) Incorrect 61. What was the weather like during the 63. How will the girl get to her music class?
I wasa)iwCabtrrcehdilng a movie when mum was reading a book. hoolliidday? a) She wilil walk.
b) Incorrec b) She will take a bus.
a) hot and sunny c) Her dad will take her
Candidate Booklet - Listening - HIPPO 3 best response — a, b, or c. You have one
File nghe: b) wet and rainy 64. A painting is NOT a good present
Listening Task 1 played. You will hear the recording twice. c) cloudy but pleasant because:
62. What will the woman do next?
Listen to six people speaking. Choose the a) it’s too expensive.
a) watch TV b) it’s too boring.
minute to b) go for a walk c) it’s too late to get one.
read the questions before the recording is c) sit in the garden

Example Speaker.

| Ne, ' Tung fee Listening Task 3

| ) Ge , nLke lL Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. Choose the correct answer — a, b, or c.
c) 1 iked ít a lot. You have one minute to read the questions before the recording is played. You will hear the
55. Speaker 1. 58. Speaker 4. recording twice.

a) All the time. a) Do you need help?

b) No, it was late. b) Here you are. Example: David says that Jane looks:
a) great.
c) That’s all right c) I didn’t.
lo, _
56. Speaker 2. ‘59, Speaker 5. :
a) He already has. a) That’s right. c» re
| `. tr
| b) No, " didn’ txeallys 65. Why is Jane tired? 68. How will the friends travel?
bushi dete a) She works too hard at school. a) by bus
b) She went to bed late. b) by car
ce) Mes, iaaia Dar one., 6) No‘preblem, c) She has health problems. c) by train

57. Speaker 3. ØlBpEakeuri ; 66. On Sunday, the friends are going to: 69. What time do they agree to meet?
a) do their homework together. a) 7.45
| a) RES) lee Hộ a): Lope yomate something.
b) visit another friend. b) 9.15
b) Yesyewwills by Mowtwerweny: weleomts: c) go ona trip. c) 9.30
c) Yes, we have. c) [can make some tonight. 67. What is Jane worried about? 70. David asks Jane to bring: -
a) the weather a) a map.
| Listening Task 2 b) her clothes b) a camera.
c) the food €) a picnic blanket

Listen to four short conversations and choose the correct answer - a, b, or c. You have one

minute to read the questions before the recording is played. You will hear the recording

Example: The boy is going to:
a) buy a book.
orrow a book.
c) borrow some money

59 60

| zzđ FƑEINIMMAYTT. 566A1 Hểi khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội toa FERMAT — Sé6A1 tiéu khu Ngoc Khanh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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Listening Task 4 Reading Task 1 ĐỀ SO 3- DE MAU VONG CHUNG KET QUOC GIA
Listen and answer the questions. Choose A for true or B for false. Read the text and
You have one minute to read the questions before the recording is played. You will hear the circle the best option Reading gap — a, b, c, or d.
to complete each
recording twice.

Example: B-False ‘Barcelona’
The talk is about after school activities. B-False Spain is the most popular country 0)___ by British tourists, and one of its largest cities,
71. The art club is on Monday afternoon. A-True B-False Barcelona, is a very exciting city break 1)__. It is the capital of Catalonia, a region with its
72. You need to complete a form to join the poetry club. A-True B-False
73. On Tuesdays, there will be a football club. A-True B-False own distinct language, character, customs and history.

74. The photography club is free. A-True B-Fals The city has many 2)___ for visiting tourists, including amazing architecture and ‘Las
75. The tennis club is on Thursday. A-True
76. The discussion club starts at 2.30 p.m. A-True . Ramblas, a popular street in the city centre. Barcelona has many museums which are 3)____

in some of the

nicest streets in the city. Football fans can visit the ‘Football Club Barcelona Museum’ 4) _

people who are 5)__ in culture can go to the ‘Palau National’, which shows the city’s best

Barcelona is also a great city to keep 6)___ as it has a walking track along which you can
visit one of the most 7) fountains in the world, the ‘La Placa Catalunya’. This is a great
place to 8)__after a full day of sightseeing. When you are tired of walking, you can also
take a boat trip to see the city from a different 9)— _.

Fashion is important in Barcelona and you can visit many top designer stores in the city and

go back to the UK dressed in the 10)___ fashion.

Whatever you want to do on your holiday, you’re sure to have a great time in Barcelona!

Example: a) travelled €visited c) departed d) arrived
1, a) plan b) aim c) destination d) point
Đà a) hobbies b) sports c) hotels d) attractions
3. a) located b) traced c) stored d) lived
4. a) while b) if c) as d) then
Ds a) interested b) popular c) known d) attracted
6. a) happy b) fit c) close d) going
1: a) frequent b) common c) wet đ) beautiful

8. a) sleep b) calm c) relax 4) lie down
9. a) perspective b) opinion c) fact . d) element
10. a) early b) late c) latest d) most likely

61 62

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Reading Task 2 1. In paragraph 1, the underlined word ‘certain’ means the same as:
Read the text and answer the questions below. Circle the correct option, a, b, c, or d.
a) sure
Eat Well to Work Well b) specific
(Para.1) Scientists have said for many years that having a healthy diet is one of the most c) known
important ways to keep our bodies fit and well. Recently, they have discovered that some d) proven
foods are especially good for our minds. Eating certain foods at certain times really can help to 2. Many people do not eat breakfast because they:
keep our brains fit and healthy. a) want to lose weight.
(Para.2) In today’s busy world, many more of us skip breakfast we rush for the bus or b) can’t afford it.
train. This leaves our bodies (and our brains!) without important energy for the first part of the c) are trying to save time.
d) don’t like the choices available to them.
day. Because 3. In paragraph 2, the best word to complete the gap is:
we don’t eat at night when we sleep, missing breakfast adds to the length of time we spend a) as
without food. Research shows that missing the first meal of the day can make us up to 20% b) like
less c) due to
efficient at work or school. Most importantly, eating breakfast:
d) however
¢ improves our concentration 4. According to the article, eating breakfast:
¢ helps us solve problems

¢ boosts our memory. a) makes us up to 20% less efficient.
b) gives us only short-term energy.
(Para.3) Dr Gavin Armitage, a psychology researcher, says that recent changes in lifestyle are c) adds to the problems of obesity.
having a big effect on what we eat. ‘Many people are using energy bars and energy drinks đ) boosts concentration.
instead of having a good breakfast. These are OK to have once or twice a week when you are 5. What has changed people’s eating habits?
in a hurry, but the energy they give only lasts for a short time. People who eat a balanced, a) The price of food.
healthy breakfast get a steady supply of energy. for the whole morning.’ b) The way we live.
(Para.4) The Japanese are famous for working hard, at school and in their jobs. So what’s c) Research in psychology.
their secret? One answer is their diet. Japanese food has a really good balance of all the things d) Concerns over the nutritional content of food.
we need to keep fit and well. The Japanese diet, and the nation’s health, has improved as the 6. In paragraph 3, the underlined word ‘steady’ means the same as:
country has become richer. a) safe
So what's the perfect breakfast to keep you active and working hard all morning? Well, why b) regular
c) good
d) limited
try a traditional Japanese-style breakfast of steamed rice, soup, and various side dishes
7. Dr. Gavin Armitage thinks that energy bars and drinks:
including a) have some benefits.
grilled fish and omelette? What have you got to lose, apart from your tiredness? b) are as good as a proper breakfast.
c) are bad for us.
For more information on healthy eating, click here.
Example: People have understood the connection between health and food: d) represent an important source of nutrients.
8. In paragraph 4, the best word to complete the gap is:
a) for a long time.
a) two
b) for a short time.
b) double
c) only because of new research.
c) both
d) because of public pressure.

d) either

63 64

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a Education Dién thogi: 0917830455 Email:

9. According to the text, the best thing about the food in Japan is that it is: Text B - Transport in Copenhagen, Denmark
a) tasty.
The Copenhagen Metro is a fast train system, open 24 hours each day, 7 days a week (24/7).
b) healthy. , it is actually quite short, only 20.4-kilometre long. It has just 2 tracks, the M1 and M2,
c) easy to prepare.
d) cheap. and was completed in 2007. It is very modern and uses driverless trains. The metro has 22
10. Nowadays, a typical Japanese diet:
a) is healthier than before. stations, of which nine are underground. In 2016, the metro carried 61 million Passengers.
b) is less healthy than before.
c) is as healthy as before. Copenhagen is also known as one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world. 45% of all
d) includes more fast-food than before. people travel to work, school or university by bicycle. The city has many cycle tracks. These
11. According to this text, people should: tracks are often separated from the main traffic lanes and sometimes have their own signal
a) eat less. systems, which allow cyclists to set off a few seconds before cars.
b) spend more money on food.
c) eat the right food at the right time. Text C - Transport in Madrid, Spain
d) drink more water with their meals.
12. This text is: The Madrid Metro is one of the largest train systems in the world. It is now the second largest
a) a leaflet. in Western Europe; it has over 287 kilometres of track. Only the London Underground is
b) a letter. bigger.
c) a work of fiction.
d) an online article. Less than 1% of all city journeys are made by bike. Pollution levels are so high that Madrid

Reading Task 3 had to take __. The city limited the number of cars on the road and even offers free public
A) Read the three texts and answer the questions below by indicating which text each
question transport. Madrid has also started a public bike hire scheme. The new bicycles are electric,
relates to: A, B, or C. which means you get that extra push to help you around the hilly city.

Text A - Transport in Berlin, Germany Which text describes... Text
The U-Bahn isa fast rail system used in the city of Berlin. Most of the system is underground,
but some sections operate ‘in the air’ high above ground level and other sections are at street Example: the second biggest train system in Western Europe? Cc
level. The U-Bahn has the fifth longest track in Europe. The city has many ‘combined’ stations
¬ . a very small train system?
that serve the bus, train, UBahn and ferries at the same time, so it is easy to move from one
form of transport to_____ N Y. a city where almost half of the commuters use bikes?

Berlin also has a highly developed bike lane system. It is a city with more than one million B Y. a system that uses tracks that are high up?
inhabitants and has one of the highest rates of bicycle commuting in the world for a city of its
size. There are around 1,500,000 bike rides every day, which is approximately 13% of total ©Œ o oO e nk. public transport people don’t pay for?
traffic. The city of Berlin aims to increase the number to 18% of city____ by the year 2025.
. a system that gives cyclists an advantage over cars?

. a city where not many people use bicycles?

. a system where 4 types of transport meet?

. a system that uses trains without drivers?

65 66

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B) Now answer the following questions by circling the correct option. 2. Write one word to complete each sentence.

9. In Text A, paragraph 1, the best word to complete the gap is: 1. Please don’t a word to anyone.
a) walking
b) different 2. Fred is having second about getting married.

c) another 3. He is not sure if now is the time to get married.
d) second
4. He says he’s a lot of pressure from his girlfriend, Gina.
10. In Text A, paragraph 2, the best word to complete the gap is:
a) population 5. She wants him to up his mind one way or the other.
b) traffic
6. If she leaves him, it will him right.
c) cars
7. They had a big the other night.
d) pollution
11. In Text B, paragraph 1, the best phrase to complete the gap is: 8. They so much noise that someone called the police.

a) However 9. He’s looking to spending some time on his own.
b) Therefore
c) As a result 10. I don’t know if Gina will be for him when he gets back.
d) For example
12. In Text C, paragraph 2, the best word to complete the gap is: 3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
a) notes 11. The plane landed a few moments ago.
b) a break The plane has
c) arisk
d) action 12. I’ve been playing the guitar for three years.
I started
HIPPO 3 Writing Test

13. After the start of the match, you'll hear a lot of noise.
1. Why I love my city. (Write about 80 words.) When the match

14. This is my first time in the United States.


15. Would you like me to get you a drink?

16. I last saw Naomi in February.


17. intend to email Paul this evening.

67 68

wa FERMAT Số6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Dinh, Hà Nội FERMAT _ S866A1 tiéu khu Ngoc Khanh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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18. I thought the film looked familiar. ĐỀ SỐ 4- DE VONG CHUNG KET QUOC GIA HIPPO 2020
I thought I
Reading Task 1

19. The police questioned Oscar winner Scott Dawson last night. Read the text and choose the best option to complete each gap — a, b,c, or d. An example
two weeks. has been done for you.
Oscar winner Scott Dawson in southern last
night. for two Hi John, .

20. No one has seen Damon’s fiancée Amy Wings for How are you? You will 0)___ guess where I have just got back from. A holiday in Costa

Damon’s fiancée Amy Wings Rica!

weeks. You know, the country in Central America.

4. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense. My parents 1) this location on the Trip Advisor website. The reviews said it was the best

21. My family (buy) some land France recently. place in the world to take children. Most visitors gave it a four or five star 2)___ on the
website. That suggested it would be 3)__, because five stars is the highest mark a place
22. My car broke down when I (drive) home from work. can get.

23. Unless he (sell) more, he won’t get much money. We 4)___ at the main airport in the capital, San Jose. Our hotel was approximately 10

24. The car won't start. If you get in, Tom and I youa push. (give) kilometres away from the airport. Dad wanted to take a bus to get there, but my mum5)
to go on public transport. She said she was too tired, so we took a taxi instead.
After we checked into the hotel, we had a quick supper and went to sleep, as everyone was
25. It has been raining for the last two hours so the game (cancel) really 6)__ after the long journey.

26. I can’t come. I (have) piano lessons at that time. The next day we woke up early and went for a walk through the rainforest. We walked on

27. John (be) an idiot. He doesn’t usually behave like that. rope bridges. Because they are quite dangerous, you are 7)___ to go on them without a

28. The train for Paris (depart) at 7.50 every morning. guide. At first, I felt a litle bịt 8) — and thought about staying behind, but the guide

29. However, that train (leave) at 8.15 because of the protest. convinced me to give it a go.
It was a really 9)__ holiday — we never stopped sightseeing and doing new things. There
30. These questions (not be) difficult? Or...?
was so much to do that I can’t tell you everything in this email, but we can 10)___ when we

get back to school.

Yours Dave

Example: a) sometimes OG) never c) always d) rarely
1. a) discovered b) realised c) knew d) acquired
2: a) count b) score c) view d) gain
3. a) average b) amusing c) annoying d) amazing
4. a) departed b) flew c) arrived d) settled
5. a) refused b) suggested c) recommended
6. a) relaxed b) patient c) exhausted d) attempted
Us a) told b) allowed c) forbidden d) incredible
8. a) terrific b) successful c) anxious d) reserved
9. a) working b) calming c) keen d) ashamed
a) work out b) catch up c) get on d) active
10. d) go off

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FERMAT.. 526A! Hổi khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội a FERMAT _ Sé6A1 tigi khu Neoc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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ie Education Điện thoại: 0917830455 Email:

yr | mm

Reading Task 2 (Oscars). During filming, fourteen different horses were used as the main horse character Joey,
because they needed to show him aging. Four horses played the other main horse character,
Read the text and answer the questions below. Choose the correct option, a, b, c, or d. An Topthorn. Up to 280 horses were used in the battle scenes.
(Para.10) To date, Sir Michael Morpurgo has written over 300 works in 25 languages. They are
example has been done for you.
in 55,000 libraries around the world.
War Horse by Michael Morpurgo

Sir Michael Morpurgo is an English writer who is mostly known for children's novels such as Example: The text above is a part of:
a) a biography.
War Horse (1982). are very popular and he is famous for his "magical storytelling". In his b) a news story.
(Para.2) His books his characters’ relationships with nature and often uses powerful settings, c) a letter.
books, he describes I. He often shows people coming together and helping each other in times d) an instructional text.
such as World War
11. According to the text, Michael’s books:
of crisis. In The Wreck of the Zanzibar (1995), , a small community on an island a) are usually non-fiction.
struggles to survive in cold winter conditions. b) are mostly about magic.
When he was a child, Michael was sent away from his home to boarding school. He was only 7 c) often describe people working together.
years old. The school was very strict, which he did not enjoy. He also missed his family a lot. d) always avoid the subject of war.
He later described his unhappy experiences at boarding school in his novel The Butterfly Lion.
12. Which is true about Michael’s education?
Michael then went to King's School, a school in Canterbury, Kent, where he felt less homesick a) He was schooled at home.
b) He made his parents proud with his grades.
than at his previous school. c) He didn’t enjoy his time at school.
Michael and his brother were brought up by his mother and a stepfather, who was not d) He never went to university.
encouraging to his sons. He was disappointed that his sons didn’t do as well as he expected at
13. In paragraph 2, the best phrase to complete the gap is:
school, and called Michael "a bear with very little brain." His stepfather decided Michael a) for example
b) of course
should join the army, and sent him to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Michael quickly c) however

d) still
realised that a soldier's life was not for him, and left after nine months.
14. Which is true of Michael’s step-father?
(Para.5) Michael then studied at university before becoming a teacher. It was not until he was a) He was very supportive of Michael.
teaching in Kent that he discovered his as a writer. b) He said Michael was as strong as a bear.
c) He wanted Michael to have a military career.
(Para.6) Michael got married at the age of 19. In 1976, Michael and his wife Clare bought a d) He left the family to join the army.

farm and established the charity Farms for City Children. He wanted to introduce the 15. In paragraph 5, the best word to complete the gap is:
countryside to children brought up in cities. The programme involves the children spending a a) words
week at a countryside farm, during which they take part in real work. About 85,000 children b) talent
have taken part since it was set up, and the charity now has three farms. Morpurgo has c) function
d) job
to the charity as his greatest achievement in life.
War Horse was changed into a stage play by Nick Stafford. It was first shown at the National

Theatre, London, on 17 October 2007. The horses were played by life-sized horse puppets
made by a company in South Africa. The puppets were so good that many children thought
they were real horses, and they found the play really entertaining and not at all scary.

The play was supposed to be on in the theatre for 16 weeks. However, due to popular demand
the show was moved to the New London Theatre in the West End on 28 March 2009. It finally
closed in the West End after eight years, having been seen by 2.7 million people in London
and seven million worldwide. It was the National Theatre’s most successful production.

In 2011, War Horse was adapted into a British film directed by the famous American director
Steven Spielberg. The film was nominated for many awards, including six Academy Awards

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16. Michael opened Farms for City Children to: Reading Task 3
a) help the children of farmers. A) Read the three texts and answer the questions below by indicating which text each
b) make extra money from the farm. question relates to: A, B, or C.
c) grow food for his children.
d) give children a break from the city. An example has been done for you.
17. In paragraph 6, the best word to complete the gap is: image - noun a picture
a) suggested
b) referred Text A
c) called
d) nominated The Sheep Pig first published in 1983, with illustrations by Mary Rayner. When Farmer
This book was baby pig) at the fair, he is amazed that Fly, his sheep-dog, welcomes him as
18. Which is true about the play War Horse? Hogget pups. Fly names the piglet Babe and teaches him all he needs to know about
a) It had puppets made in the UK. wins a piglet (a animals.
b) It used real horses on stage. one of her own watches his 'mum' round up the sheep, he decides he would love to try too.
c) Children really enjoyed it. the farm and its
d) Some children were scared by the puppets. GAP_____ Babe

19. How long was the play on at the theatres? However, his legs are too short and he is far too fat to run around after a flock of sheep. He
a) 16 weeks.
b) 8 years. then tries a different tactic: politely asking the sheep to form an orderly line! The sheep are so
c) A shorter time than expected. surprised to be treated with respect that they happily agree. And Farmer Hogget soon notices
d) A longer time than expected.
that Babe has a great way of dealing with them!

20. Why did the film use so many different horses to play Joey?
a) So that the horses didn’t get too tired. One of Dick King-Smith's best-loved stories, this wonderful book is full of humour. The short
b) The story takes place over a number of years.
c) The horses looked like the other main horse, Topthorn. chapters make it ideal for very young readers, and it will be especially enjoyed by young
d) The director was unhappy with some of the horses. animal

21. In paragraph , the best word to complete the gap is: lovers.
a) spread
b) contained Text B
c) placed That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown
d) available One day they are attempting to launch themselves into space from the kitchen when one of the

22. What is the main purpose of this text? Queen's servants knocks at the door. He demands Emily give Stanley away in GAP ___a
a) To entertain.
b) To inform. brandnew teddy bear.
c) To persuade.
Emily refuses, but the Queen keeps asking. The queen keeps sending her servants to try and
d) To explain. convince the girl to accept the bear and give up the rabbit. In the end the naughty Queen
for Stanley to be stolen, but soon discovers that you can't make someone else's toy your own.
In :

the end, Emily rescues Stanley. But first, she suggests that the Queen has some adventures

with a brand-new teddy to make him into a 'real toy of her own’.
With a really funny text and lively illustrations, this fantastic picture book was a deserving
winner of the 2006 Nestle Gold Award. A real treat for any child who has a much-loved toy of

their own.

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Text C 32. In Text B, the best phrase to complete the first gap is:
a) support of
The Arrival b) apology for
In this unusual book, we follow a young man as he packs his bags and leaves his family to go
and start a new life in another country. During his journey, he finds it difficult to c) addition to
communicate, find somewhere to live, and find a job and enough food. He is also learning the
stories of other d) exchange for
immigrants. The story ends with his family joining him. They all look forward to a happy 33. In Text C, the best word to complete the first gap is:
This is a classic, wordless novel full of wonderful pictures. But even without any words, its a) watches
images perfectly show what it means to leave your country and your family, and start a new b) seems
life in a new country. The book is beautifully illustrated with black and white drawings. It also c) believes
has a dreamlike atmosphere in which nothing is what it GAP 1) , and domestic d) plans
appliances (for example fridges and kettles) change into strange creatures. 34, In Text C, the best word to complete the second gap is:
a) choose
Children and adults of all ages will be charmed by this moving story. It is also a wonderful b) admire
opportunity to look at themes of immigration, loneliness, and language in the classroom. c) benefit
d) realise
For younger readers, this is a book that will GAP 2)__ from being read together with an
HIPPO 3 Writing Test
1. The things that I waste my time on... (Write about 80 words.)

This is because they can explain what it might feel like to find oneself in an alien country
without knowing the language. There are a few dark images in the book, so it's definitely for
children old enough to have a conversation with an adult about why those images might be

Which text... . Text

Example mentions the name of the author? A

23. describes an animal with a special skill?

24. has a character who has very good manners?

25. describes a book which won a prize?

26. talks about a child who teaches an adult a lesson?

27. tells you when the book was first available?

28. describes the most serious of the three books?

29. recommends a book for grown-ups as well as kids?

30. explains how the book could be used in schools?

B) Now answer the following questions by choosing the correct option.

31. In Text A, the best word to complete the gap is: 2. Put the verbs into the correct form.
a) As
b) If 1. If you press the green button, the machine (start).

c) But
2.1 (train) to be a supermarket manager.
d) Besides
3. Nobody (think) she will win the Eurovision contest.

75 76

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4. [hear you’ve got a new job. How (you/get) on? 28. Why are you smelling my shoes? Did I step into something?
(lost) it. 29. Why do you look at me like that? Do I look funny?
5. Mulan can’t find her key. She 30. These questions have been easy.
(shave) it.
6. Tawamba had a beard. Now he doesn’t. He (go) home.
(have) tea, please.
7. Was Lee here when you arrived? No, he
evening? No, I’m free.
8. Would you like tea or coffee? I
(wash) the car.
9. (you / do) anything tomorrow

10. Why do you need the bucket? I
3. Insert the missing word where necessary.

11. Our TV was broken but my father managed to it.

12. I really love travelling and, when I visit cities, I like to go

13. Ants, bees, flies are all .

14. Milan isin _- north of Italy.

15. Mount Everest was first climbed in 1953.

16. When I go shopping with the family, we go by. so we can put things in

the back seat.

17. What is the name of that thing that you use to take a dog for a walk? You mean a

18. When we got to the stadium we realised that the game had been

19. 1am so happy that I am going on a school__ to Paris with my classmates.

20. If something is unusable it means that you can’t it.

4. Correct the incorrect sentences and tick the correct ones.
21. It’s not true. I do like football.

22. Why are you worried? What do you think about?

23. She was practicing the piano for ten years.

24. Oh, I love your new hairstyle. Did you dye your hair?

25. The people over there look funny.

26. When you reach the park go straight ahead.

27. Mohammed is always leaving the door open.

77 78

wa FERMAT | 8é6A1 tiéu khu Neoc Khanh, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi sø4 FERMAT 5ố6A1 Hểổi khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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Read the text and answer the questions below. Choose the correct option, a, b, c, or d.
Reading Task 1 Julia Donaldson
Read the text and choose the best option to complete each gap — a, b, c, or d.
My name is Julia Donaldson and I am a British author of many picture books and children’s
More than half of girls aged 12-16 don't play any sports books. I grew up in a tall Victorian terraced house in London with my parents, grandmother,
aunt, uncle, younger sister Mary and our cat, named Geoffrey after my great-grandfather. We
According 0) ___ new research, more than half of teenage girls 1)__ they do not play pretended that Geoffrey was really a prince, and Mary and I would argue about which of us
would marry him.
sport at all. Results out today also show that 1 in 3 girls drop out of sports around age 12. I studied Drama and French at Bristol University, where I met Malcolm, a guitarplaying
So why is this happening? Girls say they drop out of sports for several 2)___. 28 percent of medic. Malcolm and I are now married. Before we had our family, we used to go busking
those who stopped playing sports said they did so because they thought they weren't good together. Busking means performing music in public places, where people give you small
enough, and 25 percent said they didn't feel 3)__ to keep playing. Not thinking of sport as amounts of money. I wrote special songs for each country; the best one was in Italian, about
a priority also seemed to be a reason for two fifths of girls aged 12-16, who said focusing on pasta.
schoolwork and studying took the 4)__ of sport. (Para. 3) The busking GAP) ___a career in singing and song writing, mainly for children’s
television. I became an expert at writing to order on such subjects as guinea pigs, window
Two fifths of teenage girls don't feel 5) ___ their parents actually want them to play sports, cleaning and horrible smells. I had some very unusual requests from the TV producers. For
example, they’d ask for a song about throwing a piece of crumpled up wrapping paper into
backed up by the 6) ______ that more than 1 in 10 parents said that they are not sure if the bin!
participating in sport is as important for girls as it is for boys. (Para. 4) I also continued to write “grown-up” songs and perform them in clubs and on the

radio. I have recently released two CDs of these songs. One of these, sung by Malcolm and
As well as speaking to girls, the researchers spoke to adults too. They 7) that 15% of called Cochon Blues, was played as one of my choices when I was on the Radio 4 programme,
adults think girls should concentrate on doing well at school and getting good grades 8)
than focusing on playing sport. And just under a quarter of parents said they believe that girls Desert Island Discs. Each week a guest, usually somebody well known, is asked to choose
are less likely to become professional athletes than boys.
eight recordings, a book and a luxury item that they would take if they GAP)__ to be taken
9) _____, the research also showed that more than six in 10 adults know that sport is to a desert island. As part of the programme, they discuss their lives and the reasons for their
important for girls. They also 10) _____ that it helps to improve skills such as confidence, (Para. 5) One day, one of my television songs, A Squash and a Squeeze, was made into a book.
Axel Scheffler, a very talented illustrator, produced the drawings for the book. Whenthe book
dealing with stress, and social skills. was first published, I really enjoyed holding it in my hand. GAP) ____ songs, which kind of
disappear as soon as you've finished playing them, a book is an object you can take home with
Example: ‘© b) next c) in d) with you. This encouraged me to find some old plays I’d written for a school reading group. I
b) approve c) admit d) wonder showed them to some people, and since then I’ve had 46 plays published. I’m very proud of
1. a) refuse b) reasons c) issues d) excuses my plays and how they help children. Because most children love acting, plays are an
b) promised c) reminded d) informed incredible way to improve their reading skills.
2. a) suggestions b) spot c) area d) place My really big achievement was when I wrote The Gruffalo story, again illustrated by Axel. We
b) despite c) along d) if don’t work from the same office - he’s based in London and I live in Glasgow. But he sends me
3. a) encouraged b) excuse Cc) promise d) fact letters with lovely funny pictures on the envelopes! People think it’s tricky to work together
b) invented c) discovered d) explored when you rarely meet, but we often speak and exchange emails, and it seems to work very
4. a) move b) instead c) besides d) because well.
b) However c) Otherwise đ) Altogether (Para. 7) I also really enjoy writing verse, GAP) ____ it can be extremely difficult. I used to
9ì a) like b) deliver c) experience d) complain memorise poems as a child, and it means a lot to me when parents tell me their child can recite
one of my books. Funnily enough, I find it even harder to not write in verse, though I feel I’m
6. a) enquiry now getting the hang of it! The Giants and the Joneses is a novel for 7-11-year-olds, and I have
written three books of stories about a princess who appears from the mirror and tries to make
7. a) exchanged

8. a) rather

9. a) Therefore

10. a)realise


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the life of an eight-year-old girl super-fun. For teenagers there is a novel called Running on the 17. In paragraph 5, the best word to complete the gap is:
Cracks. a) Besides
When I’m not writing I am often performing, at book festivals and in theatres. I really b) Despite
enjoy getting the children in the audience to help me act out the stories and sing the
c) Unlike
songs. Malcolm almost always comes too, with his guitar, and it feels as if we’ve d) Except
18. Julia wrote her first play:
come full circle - back to busking.
a) after she had her first child.
Example: Julia Donaldson is:
ja writer. b) when she was still at school.
c) at the age of forty-six.
b) an illustrator. d) after her first book was published.
c) a university student. 19. Julia believes that plays help children to:
d) a university teacher. a) become better at reading.
11. As a child, Julia lived with Geoffrey, who was: b) improve their memory.

a) her grandfather.
b) a pet. c) increase their confidence.
c) her friend.
d) a prince. d) become better actors.
12. When did Julia get to know her husband? 20. What does Julia say about working with Axel?
a) When she was busking.
b) When she was a student. a) They prefer to speak rather than email.
c) At a music event.
d) At a work event. b) The distance between them is not an issue.
13. In paragraph 3, the best phrase to complete the gap is: c) It'd be easier to work from the same place.
a) made up d) They have never met face to face.
b) called for 21. In paragraph 7, the best phrase to complete the gap is:
a) moreover
c) went to
b) therefore
d) led to c) even though
14. Why did Julia write songs about unusual subjects?
d) otherwise
a) Because she really enjoyed it.
b) Because her employers asked for them. 22. In paragraph 7, the underlined phrase ‘to get the hang of it’ means the same as:
c) Because she had previous experience. a) try and get help with doing something
d) Because children found it funny. b) manage to avoid doing something
15. Cochon Blues is the title of: c) feel the enjoyment of doing something
a) a song. d) start to learn the skills needed to do something
b) a singer.
c) a music band.
d) a radio show.

16. In paragraph 4, the best word to complete the gap is:

a) were

b) be
c) would
d) was

igq FERMAT 81 82

Education S66A1 tiéu khu Noọc Khanh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội sa] FERMAT Số 6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
Điện thoại: 0917830455 Email:
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Reading Task 3 Which text does the following? Text
Part A) Read the three texts and answer the questions below by indicating which text each
Example Describes the sleeping pattern of a common pet. A
question relates to: A, B, or C.

Text A: Cats 23. Describes an animal that sleeps for the shortest time a day.
Did you know that cats dream? You may have guessed this if you have seen a cat twitch their
body and face while they sleep. They dream similarly to humans. 24. | Does NOT compare the animal to people.
GAP) ____ cats fall into deep, dreamy sleeps, they are known to be able to wake up instantly.
This is because in the wild, cats always have to be ready to run or fight. Cats are also 25. Says that grown up and young animals sleep differently.

nocturnal, 26. Says that the animal makes small movements when it sleeps.

meaning that they prefer to sleep during the day and be awake at night. In the wild, during 27. Says that the animal takes great care to create its sleeping area.
28. Says that the animal has lots of short sleeps across the day.
night is the best time to find food.
It's not unusual for adult cats to have between 15 and 20 hours of sleep per day. Don’t be 29. Says that the animal spends more time eating than asleep.

fooled into thinking cats sleep a solid 15-20 hours though. There is a reason why quick naps
are called ‘catnaps.’ A catnap usually lasts about fifteen minutes to half an hour and makes up 30. Mentions that the animal uses its intelligence.
a large chunk of a cat’s sleep pattern.
Part B) Now answer the following questions. Choose the correct option, a, b, c, or d.
Text B: Elephants
The world’s largest land animal only sleeps between three and four hours a day, and that 31, In Text A, the best option to complete the gap is:
sleeping is done at night, GAP 1) ____ the day free. Elephants need to be awake for a long a) Despite
period of time because their large size means that they have to eat a lot of food - they can b) Because
spend up to 18 hours feeding!
c) However
Elephants can sleep standing up and like tolean GAP 2)___ trees or termite mounds. Itmay
d) Although
look strange to us, but elephants don’t lay on their sides because their heavy weight might 32. In Text A, the underlined word ‘instantly’ means the same as:
crush their own organs! This is why baby elephants, who don’t weigh as much, are more
likely a) properly
b) very quickly
to sleep laying down on the ground. c) obviously
d) exactly
TEXT C: Chimpanzees 33. In Text B, the best word to complete the first gap is:
Chimps love comfort and will often use their hands and smart brains to make comfy nests to a) reserving
sleep in. In the wild, they will line their nests with leaves, or whatever they are lucky enough b) requiring
c) creating
to d) leaving
34. In Text B, the best word to complete the second gap is:
find, to make them extra comfy. Chimpanzees build their beds - called nests - in tree canopies a) against
using branches that they harvest from specific tree species. They spend about eight to nine b) away
hours a night on these platforms. c) among
Furthermore, chimps are quite picky when it comes to choosing the right spot to sleep in. This d) across
is because in the wild, they also have to think about staying safe from potential predators
(animals higher up in the chain that hunt for and feed on other animals). Chimps will also curl

up like humans while they sleep.

FERMAT 83 84

Education Số6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội FERMAT Số 6A1 tiểu khu Ngọc Khánh, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
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