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Unit 8 english10 reading moi linh

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English lesson plan for grade 10 School year: 2023- 2024`

Week: 29 Preparing date: 18/03/2024

Period:78 Teaching date: 23/03/2024

Lesson 3: Skill: Reading

*By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:

1. Knowledge:

- Gain an overview of online and in-person learning.
- List vocabulary related to learning styles

2. Competence:
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
- Develop presentation skills - Actively join in class activities.

3. Qualities:

- Understand more about the advantages and disadvantages of online and face-to-face learning,
therefore, students can make use of the strong points of each method
- Be ready to use different ways to study;
- Develop self-study skills.

- Teacher: Grade 10 textbook, laptop, projector / TV/ pictures and cards.....
- Students: Text books, studying equipment….

- Computer connected to the Internet.



- Aims:
- To activate students’ prior knowledge and vocabulary related to the topic.
- To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with teammates
- Content: To have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed

atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson.
- Outcome: Student’s answers
- Organization: Teacher’s instructions …

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Đài Linh Nguyen Thi Loi High school

English lesson plan for grade 10 School year: 2023- 2024`
+ Greeting + Asking question: WHICH GROUP IS FASTER?
Minigame :
- T gives instructions. Keys: Self-study
Rules of the game: 1. Online
- Each group receives some definitional 2. learning
vocabulary. Face-to-face
- The teacher will give suggestions about 3. online learning
definitions or images Blended
- After 10 seconds, each group chooses a 4. learning
definition and raises their hands quickly.

The group that is correct and quick will
receive a gift.
1. Look at the picture :

2. You can learn anytime and anywhere.
3. Look at the two pictures:

4. Vietnamese
meaning: Phương pháp học tập kết hợp

- T checks answers and gives the gift
- T leads into a new lesson

Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Đài Linh Nguyen Thi Loi High school

English lesson plan for grade 10 School year: 2023- 2024`


- To lead in the reading skills
- To help students use key language more appropriately before they read
- To develop reading skills for general information.

* Content:
- Task 1: Look at the photos and answer the questions. (p.89)
- Vocabulary.
- Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases to complete the steps of finding the
main idea of a passage.
- Task 2: Read the texts. What are the two students talking about? Choose the correct


- Task 3: read the texts again and decide who mentions the following by putting a tick
(✓) in the correct box (p.90)

* Outcome: Answers
* Organization:


* T leads Ss into the lesson by TASK 1. WORK IN PAIRS. LOOK AT THE
showing the pictures p.89 and asks PHOTOS AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS.
them some questions:

- Ss work in pairs and answer the

- T calls some Ss to share the
answers with the whole class.

- T checks and corrects if Ss
spells or pronounces the words/
phrases incorrectly.


1. Where is the girl in the picture a?
2. How is she learning?
3. Where are students in picture b?

4. Are they facing the teacher? /Are they taught

in person?


Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Đài Linh Nguyen Thi Loi High school

English lesson plan for grade 10 School year: 2023- 2024`
1. at home, in front of a computer
2. online learning
3. in the classroom
4. yes/ face-to-face learning


- Teacher introduces 1. Distraction (n) : Sự mất tập trung
vocabulary. 2. Exchange (v) : Trao đổi
3. Focus (n) : Tập trung
- The teacher explains the 4. High-speed (adj) : Tốc độ cao
meaning of new words using 5. Internet connection: Kết nối mạng
many different techniques
(images, translation,...).

- The teacher asks students to
look at the picture or look at
the meaning of the letter E and
guess the meaning of the word.

- The teacher calls some

students to read new words.

- The teacher asks students to
write in their notebooks.

- T asks Ss read and fill `FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH SUITABLE

in the blanks with suitableWORDS OR PHRASES TO COMPLETE THE
or phrases to complete the stepsPASSAGE.
repetition identify First and last summarize
of finding the main idea of

a passage.

- Ss do the task as required. How to find the main idea of a passage?
- T calls some Ss to give the

answer and explain

- T checks if the answer is

correct or incorrect.

Keys :

1. Identify
2. summarize
3. first and last

4. repetition

Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Đài Linh Nguyen Thi Loi High school

English lesson plan for grade 10 School year: 2023- 2024`
- T asks Ss to open the book, TASK 2: READ THE TEXTS. WHAT ARE
read through the texts quickly THE TWO STUDENTS TALKING ABOUT?
and tell the main idea of the CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER. ( page
texts. 90)
- Ss do the task as required
- T calls some Ss to give A. Ways of helping students
the answer and explain which B. Ways of learning
sentence gives themthe C. How to enjoy learning
- T checks if the answer is Key:
correct or incorrect. B. Ways of learning

- T asks students to read through TASK 3: READ THE TEXTS AGAIN AND
the sentences and underline or DECIDE WHO MENTIONS THE
highlight keywords in each FOLLOWING BY PUTTING A TICK (✓) IN
- T let Ss work independently

and find the correct answer. Key:
1. Kim
- After 5 minutes, call students 2. Laura
to stand up to answer the 3. Kim
question and explain the 4. Laura
question 5. Kim

- T checks the answers and 6. Laura
asks students to write them
down in their notebooks

Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Đài Linh Nguyen Thi Loi High school

English lesson plan for grade 10 School year: 2023- 2024`


- Check students’ understanding about the reading passage
- To help some students enhance presentation skills

- To practice team working
- To give students authentic practice in using target language

* Content:

Task 4: Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

Students can debate and give personal opinions.

* Organisation:

Teacher’s Student’s activities Content

- T gives instruction. TASK 4: WHICH WAY OF

- T lets Ss work in groups, discuss the LEARNING IS BETTER? WHY?

question and give explanation.

- T calls some Ss to present their answers in - Online learning offers the

front of the whole class. flexibility of studying at your

- T gives feedback and comments. own pace and convenience,
without the need to commute

to a physical location…

- Face-to-face learning provides

the opportunity for immediate

feedback, real-time interaction

with instructors and peers, and

a more structured and social

learning environment…

4. WRAP-UP & HOME WORK (3’-5’)
The teacher asks students to talk about what they have learned in the lesson.
- Do exercises in the workbook

- Prepare the next part which is speaking

Ngày ….., tháng…. Năm 2024

Ký duyệt của GVHD chuyên môn Giáo sinh soạn

Lê Thị Trinh Nguyễn Thị Đài Linh
Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Đài Linh Nguyen Thi Loi High school
