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Collaborate 2 students book a2a2 updated edition

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Vocabulary E111 14 Reading

Starter Unit | Free time and hobbies p4 | © Present simple p6 | Ablog post: Thoughts for today p5
Wet ñ 4 Sport p4 | Adverbs of frequency p6
Personal possessions
come: Pe | p7 ® love, like, don’t mind, hate + -ing ps
have got p8

Unit 1 TV shows p11 | © Present continuous p13 | Tweets: Mad about TV p12
p14 Present simple and present continuous p15] @ An online article: Welcome
What are you Making movies Adverbs of manner p15 | to Studio Ghibli - the Japanese Disney! pls
watching? p10
© @ Indian cinema pls

Unit review p20, Finished? p21

Unit 2 The weather p23 | © Past simple p25 | Diary extracts: The Oregon Trail p24
p27 | © The legend of El Dorado p138
ances Useful objects p26 | © There was/were

past p22

Unit review p32, Finished? p33

Unit 3 Adjectives of feeling p35 | © Past continuous: affirmative and negative p37 | A fable: The Monkey as King p36
What’s th Prepositions of movement p38 | Past continuous: questions p39 ®a Turkish fairy tale: The boy who

" a s er ® Past simple and past continuous P39 | found fear p42

PRq Địa @aAbee’s story p42

Unit review p44, Finished? p45, Unit review 1-3 p46

Unit 4 Money verbs p49 | © could p51] Anewasrticple:aA dpiffe erenrt life p50
THe beetthingell adjectives p51| (Y The best things in life are (nearly) free p139
lif f tui Caring jobs p52 | Comparative and superlative p53
® Too, too much, too many
© ote tee 2 (Not) enough + noun p53.

Unit review p58, Finished? p59

Unita 5eu Furniture chores p61 © (ot) as + adjective + as p63 | Amaga p63 | @ An 8zine article: Amazing encyclopaedia entry: 8 homes p62
Dr oa Suass Household p64 | (Not) + adjective + enough p65 | Life in an Inuit igloo p68

© @ Have to/don’t have to @ Living in ager p68

Unit review p70, Finished? p71

Unit 6 Accidents and injuries p73 | © Should/shouldna’ntd must/mustn’t p75 | An online article: Dangers at the beach p74
Hidden Parts of the body p76 | © Zero conditionaanld first conditional p77 | €8Small but deadly p140

danger p72

Unit review p82, Finished? p83, Unit review 4-6 p84

Unit 7 Communication and @© Present perfect: affirmative and negative p89 | A magazine article: Smartphones andus p88

Geteonnectedlpee technology ps7 Will/won’t, may and might p91 | @ An article: One morning in the
p Getting around p90 | Infinitive of purpose p91 | hi-tech capital of the world p94

® Hello, robots! p94

Unit review p96, Finished? p97 @ Present perfect for experience p101 | Online comments: Teenagers taking
Unit 8 Exceptijoobns aalnd qualities p99 © Reflexive pronouns p103 | the world by storm p100
Mienerteriiost Phrasal verbs: achievement 102 | Indefinite pronouns p103 Y Philo Farnsworth: a big influence on

enters’ P:

the small screen p141

Unit review p108, Finished? p109 © Going to p13] An events guide: What’s on at the Waterside p112
p113 | @A travel article: Festival de Jerez:
Unit 9 Musical instruments p111 | Willand goïng to p115 | a flamenco heaven p118
p114 | ® Present continuous for future p115 | ® The Schuhplattler p118
Sh and genres
ee yourmoves | Dance styles Present simple for future


Unit review p120, Finished? p121, Unit review 7-9 p122

reference_p12: ulture projects p128-137 LIL p138-141 Pronun: n p142-143 Irregular verbs p144

Aconversation Speaking and pr‹ Apersonal profile p9 Project Verb and noun phrases p4

Making vocabulary cards p7

Aguided tour p14 | Asking for and giving Adescription ofa Mini culture project: a storyboard Using real examples pll

Aradio Contractions: be p16 | celebrity p17 | for anadvert p128 | Listening for specific
programme @ Everyday English p142 How to write a storyboard p128 | information p14
Understandinnegw words

from context p19

Talking about your An account ofa The history project: amuseum Word families (1) p23

p26 | weekend p28 | journey p29 | display p30 | Categorising p26
/,/d/ and ñd/ p142 How to give feedback p30
@ Everyday English p28

Aradio phone-in p38 | Telling an anecdote p40 | Astory p41 | Mini culture project: acomic strip p130 | Personalising. p35
Word stress in
adjectives pl42 How to makea comic strip p130 | Using your previous
@® Everyday English p40
knowledge p38

Phrasal verbs p43

Monologues p52 | Making requests p54 | Anopinionessay p55 | The social studies project: Similar words p49
Schwa at the end of a poster p56 | Identifying key information p52
p142 How to agree as a group p56
words p54
® Everyday English

Streetinterviews p64 | Discussing a photo p66 | Adescription of Mini culture project: a poster p132 | Using spidergrams p61
have: /f/ vs /v/ p142 | ahouse p67 | How to design a poster p132 | Answering multiple-choice

@ Everyday English p66 questions p64

Word families (2) p69

Aradio interview _ p76 | Making suggestions p78 | Ablog post p79 | The science project: an information Associating words with
/Nand/0/ P143 leaflet p80 | places p73
@ Everyday English How to work in groups p80 | Using pictures to predict

astory p76

Aradio interview p90 | Giving instructions p92 | Anarticle p93 | Mini culture project: a floorplan — p134 | Collocations ps7
The letter/ P143 How to design a 3D room plan p134 | Recognising opinions p90
@ Everyday English p92 Words that describe sounds p95

Atalk p102 | An interview p104 | Acompetition The design and technology project: Word formation: people
Intonation in questions p143 | entry p105 | atimeline p106 | words p99

® Everyday English p104 How to manage your time pl06 | Making notes p102

Adiscussion p114 | Making polite refusals p116 | Areview p117 | Mini culture project:a webpage —p136 | Stress patterns p111l
Sentence stress P143 How to design a webpage p136 | Distinguishing between
® Everyday English p116 different speakers p114

Referencing p119


X ? Verb and noun phrases :

l W E LCO M = | ; We often use verbs and nouns together tomake :
: different phrases. It’s a good idea to learn them
: together.

VOCABULARY © Free time and hobbies 5 Copy and complete the list with nouns from
this unit. Add more nouns for each verb.
© a 1 Match the words in the boxes to make Phrases.
i Verb Noun
play basketball

Sometimes more than one answer is possible. : 6
Listen, check and repeat. : 8
: make q
chat download go gofor hangout with : write :
listento make play read take write : ed :

abike ride ablog books/magazines ; 6 (W6Ef8SffTE) Compare with a partner. Add ;
cakes/videos friends an instrument ; new nouns from your partner’s list to yours. :
music online photos shopping songs n _

phat online at Use itt Complete the sentences with your

© 2 Listen and write the activities from Exercise 1. opinions about sports. Compare with a partner.
$.02 1 playaninebrumenk 1... iis my favouritÏ e sport to watch on TV

3) Useitt Put the activities in Exercise 1 in order for because....
you (1 = your favourite). Compare with a partner. 2... is my favourite sport to play/do because... .
3... isn’t a good sport to do/play on your own.
Sport 4 ...is great to play/do in winter/summer.

@ © 4 Match the words with the pictures. Which two
M so: sports are not in the pictures? Listen, check @ QM
© and repeat. & " True or false?

athletics basketball gymnastics hockey Rugby is popular in many countries, but it is the
rugby sailing swimming table tennis only sport in Exerc4istheat isn’t played at the :
volleyball windsurfing
Summer Olympic Games.

i gyrinaeties q Find another interesting fact about sports and
write a question for your partner to answer.



A blog post

® 1 Look at the photos in the blog Rosie Wilson
post. What do you want to know
about the people? Hi everyone! Today, my blog is
all about my hobbies, family and
2. Read and listen to the blog post. friends. I’m always busy! So,
Do you learn the information you what do | do?
wanted to know in Exercise 1?
| go swimming three mornings
3 Find words in the blog post a week. | always get up at 5.30
that mean: am “. It’s tough, but swimming
1 doinga lot of things busy is my favourite thing (after my

2. difficult blog — obviously!).
3 making you feel a bit angry
4 very bad My big brother, Dan
5 very good
He plays computer games and he
4 Read the blog post again and write sometimes reads magazines (computer
the names of the people. Who... game ones!). He plays football every
1 isabusy person? Rosie day with his friends, but he doesn’t
2 are Rosie’s brother and sister? leave the house! ©
3 likes computer magazines and
computer games? My annoying little sister, Nora
4 isnot a good singer?
5 are Sara and Fatima? She does her homework and
6 thinks Rosie’s blog is very good?
she often listens to music at the
same time. Does she sing too?
Yes, she does — but she’s
a terrible singer! @

5 mm Discuss the questions.

Are you like any of the people in Best friends forever:
Rosie’s blog? If so, who and why? Sara and Fatima @®@®@
| don’t see them during the week
2 Do you read blogs? because we don’t go to the same
Wh/ yWhy not? school. That isn’t a problem
because we usually hang out
3 What’s your favourite blog? together at the weekend. They
What’s it about? love taking selfies and they post
Snapchat stories every day!

What about you? Do you often read my blog? How do you
spend your free time? Let me know!


Jody | read your blog in my free time. It’s brilliant!


She does her homework.
Present simple He doesn’t leave the house.
Does she sing too?
rr Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

+ | | read your blog in my free time.
- | Wedon’t go to the same school.
3 Do you often read my blog?

Yes, | do. / No, | don’t.

đ Grammar reference p124

â 1 Write present simple sentences. Adverbs of frequency

1 Rosie / get up / at 5.30 am three mornings a week. Ri ‘osie is always busy.
D an sometimes reads magazines.
Rosie gets up at 5.30 am three mornings a week. N ora often listens to music when she does her homework.

Rosie usually hangs out with friends at the weekend.
2 Dan/not play / computer games. ® Grammar reference p126

3 Nora/not listen / to music when sh/edo / her

© Sara and Fatima / not see / Rosie during the 4 Add the adverbs of frequency from the table to
week. the diagram.
2 (ỆW6Ấ6SWTE) Are the sentences in Exercise 1
T (true) or F (false)? Discuss with a partner. Then >>.
check your answers in the blog post on page 5.

Đa:$05 Tự 100% 0%

Complete the post with the present simple form oe 2 3 4 never
of the verbs. Then listen and check.
vẽ @ 5 Write the sentences with the adverbs of
| like (like) my new school
©, 12... (not know) all the days he frequency in the correct place.
students in my class yet, court!
but | °... (sit) next to a boy 1 They go shopping at the weekend. (never)
called Jorge in my English
class. He’s sports mad. They never go shopping at the weekend.
He *... (play) basketball every day. On some
5... (not have) lunch — he’s on the basketball Œ + wWN My best friend is late for athletics club. (always)

We make cakes at the weekend. (sometimes)

| go for a bike ride after school. (often)

Do you take photos on your phone? (usually)

6 .. you ... (get) a lot of homework? Our teachers ’... 6 (se Write five true sentences for you. Use the
(give) us lots! | ®... (not do) it at home — 1°... (go) to words in the boxes and your own ideas.
homework club on Wednesdays. Some of the older
students '°... (help) us. They're nice. After homework @ (1 my best friend my mum/dad my teacher
club, I'''... (not get) home until about 6.30 pm. 1”...
(listen) to music and relax before dinner 6à. (_ always often never sometimes usually]
learn listento play take
( be do getup go



Personal possessions Making vocabulary cards

1 Match the words with the photos. Listen, check Make vocabulary cards to help you learn new
oe and repeat. words. Draw a picture on one side and write the :
? word on the other. Or write the wordinEnglishon ;
: one side and in your own language on the other.
bus pass camera headphones keys
laptop money passport phone
bec tablet 3 Make your own vocabucarldsafror ythe
portable charger tablet : words in Exercise 1. :

1 tablet 4 ỆW6f4S6EấfE) Test a partner. Show the

pictures or the words in your language on
your cards. Can your partner say the words

in English? :

5 Use itt Describe a possession from Exercise 1
in three sentences for your partner to guess.
Think about:

« when you use it « where you use it

« what you use it for.

luse it every day. 1 always keep it
in my bag. 1 use it to get to school.

Is it your bus pass?

“2 = A conversation

: `, ứ 6 LEDET. HUUISH club does Alex want to go to?.. 2
~< 70

© | () bề a codingclub_ b photography club

Pe © AT Listen again and choose the correct answers. 1 Emine goes to the... club.

a coding b(hotography

@ 2 Complete the sentences with words from 2 Alex... photos.
Exercise 1. a often takes b doesn’t often take
1 Ohno! Where are my keys? | can’t open the
door without them. 3 Alex has gota...

2 Danis always late. Can | borrow your... to a tablet. b laptop.
message him?
3 You can’t go to the USA without your.... 4 MrAdams... b knows Bill Gates.
a isagoodteacher.

5 Inher free time, Libby writes ...
a ablog. b computer programs.

4 |can’t take good photos on my phone. | need 8 WG Woice it!) Discuss the questions. 1 Do you go to any school clubs? Which ones?

Aone. 2 What is your ideal school club?

5 That music is very loud. Use your....


GRAMMAR IN ACTION 3 Use itt Write five sentences about someone both
you and your partner know. Use love, like, hate, and
Love, like, don’t mind, hate + -ing don’t mind.

4 Swap your sentences with your partner. Can you
guess the person?

What two things Have got ¬ He/She/It
does James hate? I/You/We/They
What three things
. does he love?

We’ve got two new cameras. | She?s got a new camera.

@ Ñ | love helping people. | haven’t got aplanofthe | Alexhasn’t got a plan
Emine likes using the new cameras. school. of the school.
Alex and Libby like writing computer programs. J Have you got your own Has he got his own laptop?
? | laptop? Yes, he has./
® Grammar reference p000 Yes, | have. / No, | haven’t. No, he hasn’t.
® Grammar reference p000
1 Write the sentences with the correct form
of the verbs. @ 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
1 Emine likes (meet) new people. have got.

Emine likes meeting new people. Alex hasn't got his own laptop. X

Alex doesn’t like (take) photos. Alex ...a tablet. /
Emine hates (use) her phone for photos. They ... a lot of laptops at coding club. ¥
uu + 02 M
uo + 0 M Libby ... her own computer. 4
Libby doesn’t mind (help) Alex.

Mr Adams loves (tell) stories. correct @se She ... much free time. X
Complete the blog post with the Complete the text with the correct form of have got.
form of the verbs in the boxes. Then listen and check.

love like not mind We 've got a new student in our class. Her name's Paola.
not like hate%#% What ?... we ... in common? A lot!
She 3... brown hair and blue eyes - just like me!
do getup help listen speak ‘... she ... any brothers and sisters? Yes, she °.... She
®... two annoying little sisters, just like me. She ”... any
Meet Jack. He’s my best friend! brothers.
fp, Jack © likes listening to music. We ®... the same trainers, phones and headphones! We
ee, Mic Lowry is his favourite band. both love playing table tennis.

We ®... any classes today because it's a holiday. | '°...
He # 4 2... early, especially Paola's phone number, and | hope she's free to practise
during the week. table tennis with me this afternoon.
He @@@:;... English, even in
our French class! 7 Use itt Ask and answer questions using have got to find
I 4... my maths homework. out more about your partner.
Jack “ 5... me.

Have you got any brothers or sisters?


WRITING @ 4 Rewrite the sentences with commas and
apostrophes in the correct places.
A personal profile œŒ + 02 1 Were from South Africa.
We're from South Africa.
1 Look at the photo. What does Ernesto like Whats your history teachers name?
That isnt my tablet.
© doing? Read his profile and check. Ive got a dog a cat three horses and a parrot!
© Ernesto Mendes My sisters dogs very noisy!

1 Hil ©) My name’s Ernesto Mendes and I'm 14 years
old. I'm from Vancouver in Canada. | live with my

mum and dad, three brothers, my grandma and my
cat. My cat's name is Tiger &. My best friends are
Joel, Anna and Ruby. 5 TASK :

2 My favourite free-time activity is Write your own personal profile
: ,PLAN :

gymnastics. I’m in a club and I

train every day. Training starts _ 15 Make notes for each paragraph. Š

at 6.00 am 2 andi it finishes ! 1; You, your family and friends

at 7.30. It’s tough, because | 2: Your favourite free-time activity
hate getting up early, but| love
« what it is and where you do it .
practising and I've got a brilliant coach.
+ how often you do it
3 | also like going for bike rides on my own. I've got
; Other free-time activities
a new bike and | usually go for a bike ride after
school before | do my homework. | haven't got + what you like doing on your own or with :
much free time, but | always hang out with my
friends at the weekend. We often go to Joel's place friends 2

« when and where you do the activities
because he’s got a swimming pool. WRITE :
@ t2 : 6 Write your profile.--~—~ =
2 Read Ernesto’s profile again and answer the
CHECKLIST Remember to include:
1 Where is Ernesto from? the information from Exercise 5

He's from Vancouver in Canada. I present simple, adverbs of frequency, love

How many brothers and sisters has he got? ! etc. + -ing and have got
W N Why does Ernesto get up early? ! * three paragraphs.

What does he like doing on his own? tI e JICHECK <[ = sun ane Gaaae& - 5
a b
What does he do at the weekend? I\ : 7 (W6HZBSWRTE) Swap your profile with :
© 3 Look at the Useful language box and find more \\ : a partner. Has it got the items in the 5
examples of commas and apostrophes in the CHECKLIST? What new information do you
profile. Match them with the correct use. learn about your 9 partner?

Useful language hư tt tt tt tt tt họi
:_We use apostrophes:

: « for contractions/ short forms: I’m

: + to show possession: My cat’s name is Tiger.

; We use commas to indicate a pause: / live with my mum
and dad, three brothers, my grandma and my cat.



Ầ >= YO §, Ican...
WATCHING? e © understand tweets, a guided tour and a text about

a Japanese film studio
write a description of my favourite YouTuber or
TV personality
understand how to use the present continuous and

oa present simple and adverbs of manner

talk about TV shows and making movies

use real examples, listen for specific information and
understand new words from context
make a storyboard for an advert.


e Before you watch, where do you watch TV shows?
e Watch and check. What did John Logie Baird build?
e How do you think TV changed the world?




it Match eight of the TV shows in the box with the
1.01 photos. Which four aren’t in the photos? Listen,

check and repeat.
| cartoon chatshow comedy cookery show

documentary drama gameshow
on-demand series realityshow seap-epera

sports show the news

soap opera

Match the sentences with TV shows from
Exercise 1.
| ‘So, first, put your potatoes in a pan and add

some salt.’ cookery show
‘They’re coming! We need to get out of here.’
‘Giant pandas are in danger. There are only
about 1,800 left in the wild’
‘We’ve got some really interesting guests for
you on tonight’s show.’

‘Can they score in the last minute? The crowd
can’t look... Oh no!’
‘Today’s headlines: Hurricane causes chaos.’

Listen. Which TV shows are the people talking Use it! Complete the sentences so they are true
about? for you. Compare with a partner. because...

€ comedy examples | love watching...
Using real My family often watches ...
My favourite TV showis...
My favourite character in... is...

Write the name of a particular show for Guess the correct answer. —

each type of TV show in Exercise 1.
Which country in the world watches the most TV?
Qycoutasorate Take turns to ask about your
partner’s TV shows. Can you guess what a Poland b USA c Japan
they are? Do you like the same shows?
Q Find an interesting fact about TV or TV
What type of show is it? shows. Then write a question for your
partner to answer.
It’s a sports show.


READING a Mad about TV @madabouttv
Apart from sleeping, the average teenager spends more

® 1 Look at the photos, pictures and title. time in front of a television than doing any other free-time
What do you think the tweets are about? activity! So ... are you watching TV right now? Where are
you watching it and who with? We want to know! Tweet us
and send us your photos. #madaboutTV
& (2. Read and listen to the tweets. Match the
dackLong @.JLo-0-0-ng
1.03 I'm learning about the history of TV in
week. So for homework, I’m travelling
people with the TV shows. watch the news about Neil Armstrong,
the moon.
1 Jack a acomedy media studies this
back to 1969 to
2 Holly b the news the first person on

3 Rory c_ anon-demand series

@ 3 (ØBfẨ) Choose the correct answer.
Which person...

Jack Holly Rory

ui + U001 likes different TV shows from his/her Mad about TV @madabouttv
friend? @JLo-0-0-ng Amazing! Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are
does media studies at school? walking on the moon. 530 million people are watching them
is with his/her friend right now? with you. We're over the moon too! #madaboutTV
hasn’t got an online device right now?
talks about a friend in a different Holly Bardsley @HBards
place? At the moment, I’m sitting in my bedroom with my best
friend @superfanz. We're watching our favourite on-demand
@ 4 Match the words with the definitions. series, Stranger Things, on my new tablet. We're super fans
Use a dictionary to help you. and this episode is sooo000 scary!

© average episode

season subscribe Mad About TV @madabouttv

1 one individual show in a series = @HBards Here’s a cool fact for you. More than 100 million
people around the world subscribe to Netflix and you're one
2. typical, normal of them. Do you want to know about the next season of
Stranger Things? “> Just ask us! Spoiler alert! !
3 aperiod in which a show appears #madaboutTV
regularly on TV
Rory Green @RoryG
4 arrange to pay and receive something I'm waiting for my favourite comedy to start, so I'm taking a

regularly selfie and I’m messaging my friend @laughingboi © at the
same time! He isn’t watching TV — he’s listening to music.
5 ức: ¡` Imagine you are watching a He doesn't like comedies.
famous event from history on the news.
Answer the questions and then compare Mad about TV @madabouttv
with a partner. @RoryG Believe it or not, if you're an average American
1 Where are you? teenager, you probably send about 128 instant messages a
2 Who or what can you see? day! #madaboutTV
3 How many people are there?
4 How do you feel? (Ôn: p21


GRAMMAR IN ACTION Watch video 1.2

Present continuous What are Ben and
Nick doing?
I He/She/It What two things is
_ the vlogger doing?
+ | ’'msitting in my bedroom. | He’s listening to music.
- | I’m not sitting in class. He isn’t watching TV. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are
walking on the moon.
096 Am | listening to music? Is Rory’s friend listening to music? We aren’t watching the news.
~ . Yes, | am. / No, I’m not. Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. Are you watching TV right now?
Where are you watching it?

® Grammar reference p124 ® Pronunciation p142

emai ais” © 4 Complete the phone conversation with

: We don’t usually use the present continuous with state 1.06
verbs like know, understand, like, love, prefer, remember.
the present continuous form of the verbs
in the box. Then listen and check.

© Do you understand me? NOT Are-you-understandimneg? đe give interview notdo
revise ring talk watch

1 Write sentences with the correct form of the present ROSA: What !are you doing right now, Toni?
continuous. TONI: 1%.to.y.ou.
1 Jack/ watch TV / with 530 million other people. ROSA: Ha, ha. Very funny. ?... you... forthe
Jack is watching TV with 530 million other people. TONI: maths test?
2 Jack / travel / to the moon this week. ROSA: No,I4...achat show. Why’... you... me?
3 Holly and her friend /sit/ in the library. Well, this maths homework °®... me
4 Holly and her friend / watch / an on-demand series TONI: problems.
right now. ROSA: If you”... anything important, can you
5 Rory /not watch / his favourite comedy at the moment. help me?
6 Rory and his fr/iche at n / ond line. Sorry, Rosa. | can’t talk now. They ®...
Ed Sheeran. I’ll call you back, OK? Bye.
2 Correct the false sentences in Exercise 1. Check your Great. Thanks a lot, Toni.

answers in the tweets on page 12. @ 5 Use itt Write questions using the present
3 Complete the blog post with the present continuous
1 you / watch / TV now?
form of the verbs.
2 what / your teac / doh/eatrthe
Hi guys! It’s Berat here again. moment?

This week I "m researching (research) He 5... 3 whe/ryoeur best friend / sit / in this
my favourite subject - TV! It’s for a a bit tired class today?
social studies project. I’m very happy (enjoy) this
because I *... (not do) it on my own. I (not feel) 4 your pare/nwtorsk / right now?
3... (prepare) a presentation with my 5 what / you / wear / today?
best friend Saul.
At the moment, Saul 4... (not talk) to me. I don’t mind! 6 W6f8Sfff) Take turns to ask and
(watch) a new online series and he °... (make) notes. I’m answer the questions in Exercise 5.
right now, so 1’... (have) a break. But we ®... really °... (me p21
project. It ... (give) us a lot to talk about and we "'...
nervous about the presentation.

That’s it for today. See you tomorrow &)


VOCABULARY AND LISTENING 3 Use itt Take turns to choose a job from Exercise
Making movies 1 and describe what you are doing. Can your
partner guess the job?
@ a 1 Match the words with the people and things in
the picture. Listen, check and repeat. I'm sittinign my chair. I'm talking to the
actors and I'm looking at the set.
© actor cameraoperator (digital) camera
costume director lights make-up artist A guided tour
4 Look at the photos. Where do you think you can
script set sound engineer see these things? What are they?

1 lights

( 5 Listen and choose Matt’s favourite film.

1.08 a Thor b Avatar c The Lord of the Rings

LEARN ai LEARN ¬—........... "

Listening for specific information
: When you need to listen for specific information,
: check what type of answer you need (a number,

G (W6EBSEWfE) Read the questions in
Exercise 7. What type of answer do you
think you need to listen for?

) 1.08 7 Listen again and answer the questions.
3 1 Where does Matt live?

@ 2_ Choose the correct word in each sentence. : 2 How many people visit film locations in
New Zealand each year?

1 It’s too dark. We need extrafightsY cameras : 3 Who is Clara?
; 4 Where do the students go first?
for this scene. : 5 How tall are some of the bigatures?

2 They’re building the direct/osret this week. : 6 What is Martin’s job?

It’s hard work! 8 GWeicelii)) discuss the questions.
a ore ` like to do this film studio tour? Why/
3 Wecan’t start filming- the main operator/
actor isn’t here. y not?

4 Whois writing the script/ lights? 2 What is on your dream film studio tour?

5 I’m not wearing that costume / camera. No way!

6_ We can't hear the voices very well. Where's the
make-up artist / sound engineer?


GRAMMAR IN ACTION 3 Use itt Rewrite the sentences to include a verb and
atime expression from the box. Use the correct
Present simple and present continuous

do/sometimes drive/now listen / never
not chat/ atthe moment watch-/always

What is he doing? 1 We/ sports shows at the weekend.
Describe two tips We always watch sports shows at the weekend.
__ he gives. They / their homework together.

Present simple Present continuous ub WN My parents / me to sports club.

More than 3 million people | Today, I’m visiting a film Lupita / to music on her phone.
visit locations for films here | workshop with my media I/ online.
every year. studies class.
Time expressions: adverbs} Time expressions: (right) Adverbs of manner

of frequency; every day/ | now, at the moment, today, If ’m not explaining things clearly, shout!
week, etc. this morning, etc. Talk quietly, please.
He’s working hard today.
® Grammar reference p124

© 1 Matt(ives)/ is living in Wellington. ©
© 2 Matt and his class wait/ are waiting for their

tour guide.
3 Martin works hard / is working hard today.
4 What does Martin do / is Martin doing at the

1 Choose the correct verb. ® Grammar reference p126

4 Write the adverbs for adjectives 1-10. Which ones
are irregular?

1 nice nicely 4 loud T good

2 fast 5 careful 8 easy

3 beautiful 6 happy 9 bad

` 5 Martin always use/sis using a digital camera ©(42 5 Use itt Write the questions. Use the present
for his photos. simple or continuous and the adverb form of the
1.09 Complete the text with the present simple or word in brackets.
. 1 you always/ make/ new friends? (easy)
Do you always make friends easily?
present continuous form of the verbs. Then you / speak / English today? (good)
listen and check.

Media studies ‘is (be) my favourite uk WN your maths teac/hexeplrain / everything? (clear)
subject at school. I”... (love) it! This you / read? (slow or quick)

week, we ® ... (study) the history of you / work / this term? (hard)
film. We‘... (learn) all about talkies,
CG] and lots more! 1°... (not know) G (W6f65ffTE) Ask and answer the questions
much about it. It°... (take) a long time
and a lot of people to make afilm. in Exercise 5.

Sorry! Time to go! My little brother ’... (make) a lot of @ Finished? p21
noise downstairs. I think he °... (watch) his favourite comedy
with my mum and dad. They all °... (love) it and they always
©. (laugh) a lot! 4s What"... you ... (do) at school this week?


SPEAKING 4 Comthp e dil aloe guestwie th the
Everyday English phrases.
Asking for and giving opinions 1 A: This actor is great, isn’t he?
B:...., I don’t 2 A: ...Doyou l.really like him. ike the show?
& ) 1 Listen to the conversation. Does Eva:
1.10 like the show? B: Yes, | do. ....
3 A: Come with us to the gym on
w What are you doing? B: Maybe, but I’m not sure. ...

ALEX: I’m watching the second episode of BEETTTTEYTEEEREIDGS2022262222axxản. :

this new comedy series. TASK
EVA: Butit’s lunch time.
Plan your own conversation
ALEX: |’m not having lunch today. Lunch

can wait.

EVA: Sowhatt?he.s.ho.w?

ALEX: 1|?...it!?... comedies? -@Z PLAN - ;
EVA: No,| don’t. I’m not*... them. 1°... documentaries :/ 5 Work with a partner. Decide on the

and dramas. i followingthings)
ALEX: Everyone’s watching this one. It’s really cool! , which shows you want to talk about
what you think of those shows
Why don’t you watch it with me? ý

EVA: lImnotsure. if you agree or disagree with
your partner
ALEX: | think y/ou'll really like it. ` what reasons you can give
EVA: OK. Let's see. for your opinions

ALEX: Well? What do you think of it?

EVA: Actually, it’s °... ! x) ===-=- a

© 2 Complete the conversation with phrases from the Useful : Ce eee Lo Le oe
1.10 I box. Then list in and check. `
eer ne “ener ve cc CHECKLIST Rememberto include:

Useful language 990949951 0000905901S8S850008N00UESNSUENOLED SEN ‘ e the present simple and present
A ; :
: What do you think of ...? i ‡⁄Ÿ continuous

“ » _ thevocabulafrroym this unit
: Do you like...? : « the Useful language and Everyday
{ :

: | like/love/hate/prefer watching ... : : : English phrases. 4

? Pm not really into it/them.i : Vs eae
ee \ } CHECK &
: It’s great/good/not bad/awful. b ie
Seeies a istiansns aebianaternrae aN .. \¡ 7 (W#6I668ỹE) Wowitrh aknother
- VỆ pair. Listen to their conversation
3 Look at the Everyday English box. How do you say these \: and write examples of language

Phrases in your language? ¥ they use from the CHECKLIST. What
;\ type of TVshow doeseach person
: ` Like? Z⁄

By English

Actually Its really cool!
Let’s see. Well?


WRITING My favourite YouTuber

A description of a celebrity By Lidia Suarez

â đ 1 Lookat the photo and discuss 1 Rosanna Pansino is my favourite
the questions. Then read Lidia’s YouTuber. She’s an American

description and check your answers. actor and author, but she’s
also got a YouTube cookery
1 Wh is ta he t woman holding? show — Nerdy Nummies. She
bakes fantastic cakes. | love
© 2 Why do you think she is famous? watching the show and trying
2. Match topics a-c with paragraphs 1-3. her recipes. She’s got more
a Why like this person than 10 million subscribers,
and every month her show re
@ b An introduction to the person and —_——
her show gets about 75 million views.
c Typical episodes in the show 2 Ineach episode, she explains how to make one of her cakes.
But they aren’t normal cakes! They're usually lalate
3 Read Lidia’s description again. Arethe ¡ i i es, films or
sentences T (true) or F (false)? objects from TV shows, Japanese anime, video: gain
books. This week, she’s making Batman cakes.
Rosanna Pansino... 3 jike her not just because she’s a great cook but because she
1 is from the USA. makes the videos herself, too. She uses her own computer,
2_ has a game show on YouTube. camera and lights. She always explains her recipes el
3 likestrying other people's recipes. they'r" e really easy to follow a ind the cakes taste great! mm
4 makes unusual cakes. ""..

Write a description of your favourite YouTuber or TV personality :

5 explains things well, but her recipes PLAN :

@ are difficult to follow. : AG Make notes about your favourite YouTuber or TV :
4. Find examples of and, but and or in : K personality. Use Lidia’s description to help you. :

Lidia’s description. Complete the | 1: who the person is what he/she does :
information in the Useful language box. : ¡ the number of subscribers/viewers i

Useful language ec cccccccccccccccccccccccesccee : \ 2: what the person does in each episode :
: We use ... to add similar information. 4 vn ih an. is eden a

: Weuse ... to contrast different information. oy SeoWiyilliKechisiperson.and) the shew/charne :

: We use ... when there is a choice of two or WRITE -===<---<--= == — 5 =~ ~~ :
: more things. 7 Write your description. SN :

_..ÖÖ- —................................. \ ề

5_ Choose the correct word.
© 1 Ryan Higa is my favouriteHi YouTuber CHECKLIST Remember to include: ‘ :

=: ec paee terns Ị
@nd)/ but| often -watch his videos. : * the correct present tenses and adverbs , ..
77 a 7:
2 | don’t like making cakes or / but| r y+ and, but and or. oe 5
© love eating them! ; .
I:I CHECK C--~_____ ++ -- :A

3 in prefer Watts comedies W 8 (W6EfBSffTE) Swap your descriptions with a partner. Have :

and / or soap operas? $ they got the items in the CHECKLIST? Who is their favourite
4 Lots of people love chat shows,and :®. _ YouTuber orTVpersonality?AWhy do tcehec y likee them?e ae
“Tp Ee ge eREEEES Relea pene

/ but | think they're boring,

@ Finished? p21


READI NG ¢ How many films does India produce a year?

›nline article

@ 681 Look at the photos. What kind of film can you see? Where does the name Bollywood come from?
What is happening in each photo? + How many different films can actors film at
nies J
(2 Read and listen to the article and check your answers. | (leScIuysibof ©

First, someone thinks of an idea for a film
and writers develop a script for the story.

Then they think about the characters.
What are the characters like? There are
good and bad characters, and a lot of
them are strong, independent girls. What
do they look like? They've all got big eyes
and colourful clothes, costumes and hair.

Next the script becomes a storyboard
with all the drawings and frames for the
film. In this photo, the artist is sketching
each scene beautifully, frame by frame,
on paper with a pencil. In the film Ponyo,
there are 170,000 frames. Imagine that!

After that, the artists Then the camera Next, actors record the
add colour to the operator shoots each dialogue, and the director
frame individually to show checks the recording with the
characters and they draw every movement that the images. Finally, it’s time to record
the background for each the sound effects, background
characters make. noises and theme music.

Do you like watching films? Why not try a Studio Ghibli film next time?


Z2) 0© 1-2 0Ð ees @ 5_ Read the article again. Put the steps in
. order (1-6).
a They prepare the storyboard and add drawings.
paderstanding mewawolds trem b Actors prepare the words for the pictures.
context : c Aperson thinks of an idea. 1
Don’t worryif you don’t understand some words in © d They record all the sound.
an article. First, try to get a general understanding ` e Artists add colour and camera operators shoot
of the article. Then guess the meaning of the new
Words. the frames.
f Awriter develops a script and characters.
3 Look at the highlighted words in the article.

Follow the steps below to try to guess the Read the article again. Answer the questions.
meaning. Then check in a dictionary. 1 Where is Studio Ghibli?
2 What does Studio Ghibli make?
« Look at the words before and after the
new word. Is it a noun, verb, adjective, 3 How long does it take to maakfeilm?
8 adverb?
4 What are the characters like in Studio
: + Think of similar words in your language. Ghibli films?

; + Look at any photos or illustrations to help : 5 What is special about the way the characters
: you understand.
6 What do the artists use to create the
: + See if there are other examples of the word
Ệ in the article.
7 —_ Answer the questions.
A4 (QW#6f66WfE) Writeyourownsentences :
with the new words. Take turns to read out The directors, artists and camera operators
each sentence, but don’t say the new word. in Studio Ghibli have a lot of patience. Why do
they need patience?
: Can your partner guess it? : 2 What are some situations in life when itis
important to have patience?
Are you a patient person or not? Give examples.

Spirited Away is a famous Studio Ghibli film.
The real-life location for the film is in...
a Taiwan b Tokyo c Seoul
@® Find three more interesting facts about

W& animated films. Choose your favourite fact
and write a question for your partner to



@ 4 Complete the sentences with the present simple
or continuous.

VOCABULARY 1 Theactor...the script at the moment. (not read)

© 1 The TV shows are wrong. Write the correct ones. 2 ... you usually ... friends after school? (see)
3 The students ... for their drama exam this

1 My little sister loves watching soap operas. week. (revise)

Her favourite character is Sponge Bob. 4 Simon always... TV after school. (watch)

2 Everyone’s talking about that new 5... you ... the set at the moment? (build)

documentary. It’s so exciting, and it’s only the 5 Rewrite the sentences with adverbs of manner.

second episode! &

3 They’re making pizza on the news tonight. 1 The children are talking in the library. (quiet)

4 Let’s watch this sports show about dolphins. œŒ + 0)M Are you writing in your notebooks? (careful)

5 Who are the guests on the soap opera tonight They are working out the answers. (easy)
and what are they talking about? The teacher is explaining the activity. (clear)
We’re working for our exams. (hard)
6 Only one person can win the car and the
money in this drama.

© 2 Read the definitions and write the TV and @ Complete Kim’s blog with the present simple,
continuous and adverbs of manner:
film words.

1 a person who films the action My friend Ava often‘... (come) to my place on Saturday
2 special clothes that actors wear in films
3 a person who changes the actors’ appearance afternoons and we 2... (listen) to music together. This
Saturday is different. My dad >... (drive) us to a film
: tie werstofaltilin premiere. There’s a lot of traffic, so we 4... (not move) °...
the place where they film a TV show or movie (quick). | usually ®... (write) my blog on Saturday evening in
my bedroom, but today | 7... (type) it 8... (slow) in the car on

6 the person who tells the actors what to do my phone!
and say.


@ 3 Complete the conversation with the present ; Vocabulary

continuous form of the verbs. : TV shows documentary reality show
: cartoon drama Soap opera
HASAN: Hey, Yusuf. Are you at home? ‡ chat show game show sports show
YUSUF: on-demandseries the news
Yes, |?... (watch) last night’s comedy

HASAN: music show. Where ?... (you cookery show
YUSUF: / call) from?
HASAN: : Making movies lights
YUSUF: I3... (stand) outside the
HASAN: house with Halima. We haven’t got our keys. ‡ actor make-up artist
Not my problem. Ring Mum. ‡ camera operator set
digital) camera sound engineer
We‘... (ring) you because Mum ®... (not costume
answer) her phone. Where are you?
1°... (sit) in the garden. It’s really nice out
here. The sun’... (shine), the birds °... (sing). ; Grammar

Yusuf, be quiet. Can you let us in, please? NOW! + Present continuous
? Present simple and present continuous
‡ Adverbs of manner

