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Collaborate 2 workbook a2a2 updated edition

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| Annie Cornford






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ISBN 978-84-9036-098-9 Workbook 2

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Starter Unit Welcome! p4
Unit 1 What are you watching? p8

Unit2 Out of the past p16
Unit3 What’s the story?
Exam tips
Unit4 The best things in life are free p32
Unit5 Dream houses
Unit6 Hidden danger p34

Exam tips p42
Unit7 Get connected p50
Unit8 High-flyers p58
Unit9 Show your moves
Exam tips p68
Grammar reference and practice
Vocabulary extra p76
Listening scripts ps4
Exam practice p86
Irregular verbs p106




STARTER A blog post
3 Read Pablo’s blog post. What’s his best friend’s
favourite activity?


VOCABULARY AND READING Home- News BỊ — -litcve i Q

Free time and hobbies My friends and their hobbies ú À

1 Match six of the phrases in the box with the photos..,. Hi there, Pablo here! Today my blog
is about two of my friends and their

1 chat online Carla lives in an apartment in our
3goshopping 4go for a bikeride 5 hang out with building. We go to the same school,
friends 6makecakes 7makevideos 8 play an but we aren’t in the same class. Carla
loves riding her bike, so she usually
instrument 9readbooks 10 read magazines cycles to school. I don’t cycle when
11 take photos 12 write a blog the weather’s bad, but I like cycling
with her in the summer. Carla also
plays hockey and does gymnastics —
she’s very sporty!
Nico is my best friend — he’s Italian.
He speaks Italian at home with
his family, but he doesn’t speak
Italian with me. He plays volleyball
in our school team on Wednesday
afternoons and Saturday mornings.
On Sundays, we often do his
favourite free-time activity: making
pizzas! His dad's a chef in a pizzeria,
so Nico knows a lot about pizzas —

and I like eating pizzas a lot!

Sport Read the blog again. Circle) the correct answers.

2 Put the letters in the correct order to make 1 Carla and Pablo(9)/ don’t go to the same school.
sports words. The first letter is given. 2 Pablo cycles / doesn’t cycle to school every day.

beatl nnetsi _ tabletennis 3 Carla’s very good / bad at sport.

ou WN t brgyu Bo Do wii 4 Pablo’s best friend speaks / doesn’t speak Italian.
ctsahielt a 5 Pablo likes making/ eating pizzas.

isagiln S Guess the correct answer. ;

cehoky h Marathon runners often lose height when they Ẹ

nmaysgtsci g ; tun arace. On averaamgareath,on runner is
byvlelalol v : lcm/5cm/10cmatsthhe oendrotf aerrace.

¬ saabblltek b ® Find another interesting fact about running.
` Then send a question in an email to a
© oO AN wsigmimn s classmate or ask them it in the next class.

swnfiurngdi Ww


GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY personal possessions
Present simple
4 . co.

Find the ten personal possessions in the
1 Ei Complete the sentences with the present simple photos in the wordsearch. Tick (VY) the photos when
form of the verbs in the box. you find the words.

go make play notsee write

1 Max plays ___ computer games every day.
2 Lena’s friend to a different school.
3 We
41 our friends on Sunday evenings.
5 Martha my blog two or three times a week.

videos of her pets.

2 EXE Write questions about Pablo’s blog and answer TN OHM CHS AL JN
them. Then check on page 4. A Z7 Q S5 0 1 BC DS 6H
1 when / Pablo / cycle with Carla ?
When does Pablo cycle witi h Carla? 2 BURRNOALSHSS 4

Pablo cycles with Carla in the summer.
2 what sports / Carla / do?


3 where / Nico’s fath/ eworrk ? EF MW Y R PS A OH G

4 what/ Nico/ know a lot about ? FK S C€C P A S S PO R T


Adverbs of frequency T —E YN JS AN W S L E6

3 > ESES Put the words in order to make sentences. DS K LHQLODA EOD E
1 computer/ often /1 / magazines/ read
Loften.read computer magazines. BUS PAS S$ PNMOV
2 never/ hock/ eheyr / Iris/ late / cla/ iss /sfor

3 takes/ photos / great / alwa/ yPasul

4 sometimes/ next / Molly / to / friend / sits / her

5 music/ you / listen /Do/to/ usually /?




A conversation ©: ESES Complete the questions and short
answers with the correct form of have got.
1 [i Listen and Gircle)the correct
1 A: ___Have you got. your
answer. own computer?

Hannah meets Mrs Hayes at the B: Yes, have.
shops / sports club / bus stop.

V2. EXES Listen again. Tick (V) the activities that Hannah and 2 A; ______Jack_______his
S.01 Joe do. own keys?

Gymnastics | Athletics |Photography| Play video B: Yes, 2
class club club
Hannah v 3 Ai Enzơ and Lou
Joe B: No, a French mother?

4A] theright
phone number for you? any
a3 Listen again. Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)? B: No .

_ 1 Mrs Hayes likes doing sport atthe weekend. — ƑF_ 5A we

2 Joe goes to athletics club on Saturday maths homework today?
B: Yes,
3 The gymnastics class is one ana dhalf hours. 6A: your mum a

4 The school’s photography club is once a week. new laptop?

5 Joe likes writing video games. B: Yes,

6 Hannah does her homework at the weekend. § EXE9 Circle)the correct options to

Love, like, don’t mind, hate + -ing complete the email.

4 Ziữï¡ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the eee

verbs in the box.
Hi Leo,
be help play speak use write
1@e god/ ’s got some exciting news. We
1 Susiehates bøing late for class, so she always 2"ve got/ haven't got new neighbours and there’s
a girl called Jessica - she’s my new friend. ? Have
arrives early. we got/ We have got a lot in common? Yes, we
‘haven't/ have! She’s my age and she §’s got/
2 Harry doesn’t mind football, but it’s not his ’ve got long dark hair, just like me. She loves
favourite sport. Slisten / listening to music and singing, and she
T's got/ hasn’t got her own band - so cool! She
3 Ilove English, so | often phone my English ® haven't got/ hasn’t got any sisters or brothers
cousins. but | don’t mind °to share / sharing my annoying
little brothers with her! Jessica and | love/
4 Do you like headphones when you listen to hate hanging
music? out together
5 Bella loves her blog. It’s really good and we
all read it. See you soon!
6 Good friends don’t mind you when you’ve
gota problem.


WRITING 3 E_EiEi Read the profile again. Underline one

A profile example of...

1 Read Bruna’s profile of her brothers. When are 1 ’s for possession 3 ’sfor is

they all free to hang out together? 2 ’sfor has 4 commasina list

4 EiZïi Rewrite the text with contractions,
apostrophes and commas in your notebook.

eee My friend Mason has got a big family. He has got two
brothers two sisters and 35 cousins. They all live in
ARCHIVE FOLLOW the same street! In Masons house there are a lot of
pets. They have got two dogs three cats four rabbits
Hi! My name’s Bruna and and a parrot! They have got a big house and a big
this profile is about my garden so there is lots of space!
two brothers. We’re from
Sdo Paulo, in Brazil. My “`... EEE .
brothers are called Victor : TASK
and Lucas. Victor’s 9
years oldiand!Luicasitsil2> : WBrIitLeANa profile ofa friend or a family member -
Tm l4.

/ 5 F2 Choose a friend or family member

2 Lucas is mad about football, like lots of q ñ and make notes for each paragraph. 0
people in Brazil! He trains on Mondays, 1 His/Her family and friends :
Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays! He never t , : , a ñ
minds getting home late because he just loves i 2Q... acy :
i + what it is and where he/she does it :
playing. Victor's favourite free-time activity is I: + how often he/she does it b
" mẽ... :
swimming. He’s got a great coach and he gets u _ - -
up early for lessons with her in the pool at the W « what he/she likes doing on his/her own
sports centre.

3 Lucas and Victor also like playing table tennis, \ i or with friends :
and we all love doing that together. We’ve + when and where he/she does the :
got a table tennis table in our garage and we ty activities :
often have a game on Sundays, when we’re all ov 9
free. I sometimes find Lucas annoying but he’s > WRITE s
usually good fun, and Victor is OK. Have you : Si? 0
got brothers and sisters? What are they like? : - 5
+ 7=! CHECKLIST Remember to include: \ :

t «the information from Exercise 5 \¿
«the present simple, adverbs of frequency, | h
2 EEN Read the profile again. Are the sentences i 2 love, like, etc. + -ing and have got ! :
T (true) or F (false)? I: + three paragraphs. /R
1 Lucas and Victor have got one sister. T ! : me

2 Lucas does part of his football training at \ : CHECK 4=========== ¬ b
the weekend. \ : 7 Read your work again. Have you included :

3 Lucas never gets home late from training. Ne all the items in the CHECKLIST? š

4 Victor pretafbleeternns is to swimming. isc Sung n2

5 Bruna doesn’t play table tennis with her có 06868880 V70 7) UỢN gu



1 W H AT 4 Complete the text about Elena’s

family with the words in the box.

AR ¬ YO U chatshows comedies cookery shows )
dramas on-demandseries soap operas


TV shows

1 Complete the words with the missing vowels.

londemand series 7S p p r—~

2 sp rts sh_w 8th n ws

3d c m nt ry 9c m dy

4 di —m— 10 ¢__k_ry sh_w My parents enjoy watching TV
1 dramas_, especially when they are true
5 g_m_ sh_w i sh_w stories from history. They both like
6 ch_t sh_w 12 r__t_ty 2 Withfamous chefs, too.

2i €rcle)the correctoptions. My dad also enjoys? on
1 Whatis the first prize on the TV drama /@ame show)this week? late-night TV. They make him laugh, but

2 Dan loves food, so he watches all the sports / cookery shows. | don’t think his favourite shows are funny14

3 Adele is talking to some other guests on tonight’s soap opera/ Bị My me bói /R ĩ
chat show: with interesting celebrities talking about

4 We always laugh a lot at the new drama / comedy on their latest films, and | sometimes watch
Channel4 because it’s really funny. them with her. My grandma enjoys her
favourite ° because she
5 Sam watches the news / an on-demand series to learn about knows all the characters and is interested
world events. in their lives. | usually prefer

6 Now they use computers to make documentaries / cartoons. 6 toregularTV
They don’t draw them by hand. programmes because | can watch them
when | want to. | love that!
3 Match the definitions with TV shows in Exercise 1.

1 a programme about a subject, like history or nature G1) - ea erent 658860808 v6
2 information about real worldevents

3 information about tennis, football, basketball, etc. “TS...
Blue Peter, the oldest

4 an animated story, usually for younger people children’s TV show in the world,
ipabout40)/60))e0 years oll

5 a programme in which you answer questions and wina prize? q ce interesting fact oe a

6 aprogramme about real people in their ordinary lives TV show in your country. Then
send a question in an email toa
classmate or ask them it in the
next class.


READING Channel1 Sport @channel1sport
It’s the day of the UEFA Champions

'1 EX Read the tweets. Which tweeter isn’t very happy?.. WE League Final, and you can see it live

on our sports show from eight o’clock
tonight or later on demand from 11!
i Read the tweets again and check the meaning More than 4 billion people watch
of these words in a dictionary. Then complete the football on TV. Are you one of them?
sentences. Tweet us and tell us: are you watching

billion corapetiter fact live support | or doing sport right now?

1 Gina’s not a_competitor_, she’s watching the event Ricardo Pérez @RPerez
on TV today. | want to watch basketball on TV
today, but my sister’s here with her
2 There’saninteresting = _ about on-demand friend. They’re sitting in the living
shows in this article. room and watching a really bad
comedy show! So I’m watching my
3 More than 2 people watch the World Cup series in the kitchen on a tiny tablet!
final on TV. That's more than 2,000 million peoplel

4 The game's on - all the action is
happening now.

5 Which team on tonight’s game show do you Amy Mount @aMount

? I’m sitting in my friend’s house and
we’re waitfiorntghe big final to begin
3 ESES Read the tweets again and answer the questions. on Channel 1. We love watching sport

1 At what time can people watch the UEFA Champions on TV. We often play football too,

League Final live? but today we’re eating snacks and
supporting our team.
at eight o'clock
2 What doesn’t Ricardo want to watch?

3 Where is Amy today? Channel1 Sport @channel1 sport
Right now on Channel 1, we’re looking
4 What sport does Amy like playing? at the Olympics with a documentary
about its history. Here’s an interesting
5 What can people watch on Channel 1 at the moment? fact: around 3.5 billion people watched
the Rio Olympics! But what do you
6 Where is Antonio today?
think - do more people watch the
- Olympics or the World Cup Final? Which
iE. Answer the questions with your own ideas. other sports are good to watch on TV?
1 Do you prefer doing sport or watching it on TV? Why?
( y& > Antonio Gonzalez @toni2020
9) | think cycling’s a great sport to
watch on TV, but today I’m standing
giấu at the side of the road watching the
_ 1⁄4“... competitors in my country’s famous
three-week event: the Vuelta a Esparia!
2 Do you ever watch sports live? Which ones? They’re doing a very long part of the
race today: over 200 km in one day!


GRAMMAR IN ACTION 4 Write questions and short answers with the

Present continuous present continuous.

1&3 Gircle the correct options. 1 you / cycle /to school? (VY)
1 In my school, we learning / Ge learning) how to edit
videos. Are you cycling to school? Yes, lam.
2 Leni is making / is makeing clothes for the school
production. 2 we/ listen / to the instructor? (X)
3 Helena and Jez are watch / are watching their
favourite programme. 3 she / wai/ tfor the next episode? (V)
4 Who is sitting / is siting next to you in class today?
5 My brother isn’t eating / not eating much at the 4 they / enj/oythe programme? (X)

moment. 5 you / send / a message to a friend? (x)

6 Are you waiting/ You waiting for the news to begin? 6 |/h/eyolu?p(VW)

2 Complete the sentences with the present
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
5 Complete the email with the correct present
1 She _'s chatting_ (chat) to her friends online. continuous form of the verbs in the box.

2 He (prepare) his history learn lookforwardto prepare
presentation. take use netuse work write

3 We (wait) for the school bus.

4 He (make) a video about @e0

5 They (not cry); they Hi Uncle Dom,
Mum tells me you've got a new camera and that
6l (not watch) anything;I you want to give me your old one because you
| aren’tusing_ it. Great! | hear it’s better than
the one |? at the moment, so
3 EXEN Put the words in the correct order to make 13 this email to say thank you!
questions. Then match them with the answers in . you
Exercise 2. photos now with your lots of great
new camera?
a those / crying / are / Why / boys /?
Whyare those boys crying? 16 a presentation for my media
studies class with a classmate at the moment.We
b onthe comput/ eAnrita / doi/ nWhgat / is /?
O0 0O(0C U) &) & a lot about taking photos in black
and white - it’s interesting! We ” on

a series of winter photos. So | ® the
new camera very much!

c you / there / all / Why / standing / are /? Thanks again and see you soon,

d park / doing / the / Amir / What / is / in /?

e Why/ late / working / is / tonight / Paul /?

f you / What / watch/ iarne /gon TV /?



Making movies

1 EX Complete the crossword. Use the clues. 2 £3 Match 1-6 with a-f.
1 She’s a top make-up
iS 2 a isa famous film
= artist director.
2 You can take b and she can change
hundreds of photos () actors’ appearances.

3 The sound engineer () c when the lights go out.

4 Steven Spielberg () d iswearing big
5 The studio goes headphones.

dark e with a digital camera.

A guided tour

L 1 3 EXEN Listen to a girl on a tour of

te | LTI a soap opera set and answer the

Down 1 In which city do they film the
1 Marius is writing the ... for his
soap opera?
documentary project. How many families are in the
2 Where are they building the ... for the soap opera?
What is the street in the soap
new soap opera? opera called?
4 The best... in The Hunger Games is Josh
a4 ESES Listen again and €irclet)he correct answers.
6 A... artist called Lucy is making that non 1 What is the name of the soap opera?

young woman look older. a Best Mates b Teenlife Time of Our Lives
7 The... is just sitting in her chair and
2 One of the main actors is called...
telling us what to do.
9 I can take great photos with my new a JamieJohnson b Tom Bridges c Lauren Thomas

digital... 3 The soap opera is about... .

Across a teenagers’ lives b apostman cc aschoolin Sydney
3 Please move those... . They’re shining in
4 There are ... houses in Clifton Street.
my eyes.
5 I’m wearing a gorilla ... and I’m getting a 15 b 20 c 100

very hot! 5 There are... actors in the soap opera.
Asound ... knows when the actors are
too quiet or too loud. a 10 b 50 c 60
10 I’m hoping to be a camera... when |

leave school. 5 ESESES Answer the questions.
1 Which series do you like?

2 What are the most popular soap operas in your country?


GRAMMAR IN ACTION Adverbs of manner
Present simple and present continuous
4 _ Underline and correct one mistake in.. |

1 EX Complete the table with the time expressions in the each sentence.

box. 1 My mother isn’t a slowly driver. slow

(- always atthemoment today everyday 2 Their little brothers are playing happyly.
this afternoon rightnow never every week eevee ey»

3 Our parents teach us to say ‘thank you’ ni|ce.

Present simple Present continuous ——___#
always 4 Be carefully! That camera is very expensive!

5 You’re doing your homework very good at
the moment.

6 She’s playing the guitar beautiful now.

2 Complete the sentences with the present simple or
present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 She _'s waiting (wait) for her favourite TV show to

2 Actors (love) taking selfies with their fans.

3 Itusually (take) days to learn the words of
a script.

4 We (watch) the news together at the

BỊ (not come) here very often.

6 They (make) a new episode every week.

j Put the words in the correct order to make 5 ESES Choose the correct adjectives. Then
sentences and questions.
1 download / internet / Do / always / from / you / the/ ‘hte the sentences with the adverb
films /?
1 My brother writes very well (good /
Do you always downlfilomsafdrom the internet? bad). | enjoy reading his stories.
2_drama/ good / "m/ the /a/ momentT/V / watching/ at

3 outside/ eat / somet / si ummmere/sWe / lunch / our/ 2 Leila speaks very (loud / quiet).
the /in I can’t hear what she’s saying sometimes.

4 talks / actor/ sto / sound engine/etrhe / The/ never 3 That film starts_ (slow / fast). The
5 you / list/ teeancheir /nyogur / now/ ri/gAreh/ t to /? beginning is really boring.

6 now/ taking/ Sydney / guided tour /a/ My /is/ sister/ of
4 Kitty is singing really (loud/
quiet). You can hear her in the street!

5 You work (ea/ sharyd). That’s
why you do well in your tests.

6 This book ends (good / bad). |
don’t like the ending at all.


WRITING 4 & Complete the sentences from the description
and match them with the rules (a-c).
A description of a celebrity
1 He’s an Australian comedian, YouTube
1 ES Read the description. Why can you watch Mason
Millerson videos with your parents? personality, singer, writer actor. ()

2 He talks about ordinary, everyday things ...
he makes them special. O

3 His stories are... never horrible
offensive. ()
My favourite comedian
By Matias Giménez a We use but to contrast different information.
iL Mason Millerson is my
b We use or when there is a choice of two or more
favourite comedian. He's things.
an Australian comedian,

YouTube personality, singer, c We use and to add similar information.
writer and actor. His comedy videos have
got over 2 billion views and he has over : TASK
15 million subscribers. ‘ Write a description of your favourite comedian or
In each video, Mason is really funny and very
original. You can watch his videos on YouTube. comedy actor
In them, he just speaks to the camera in a very
natural way and you're laughing all the time. : PLAN
Sometimes I laugh so much that I cry! He talks
about ordinary, everyday things like eating dinner : 45 ©srs Make notes about your favourite comedian
with family or waiting for a train, but he makes or comedy actor. Use Matias’s description and
them special. 1 the questions below to help you.
I really like Mason Millerson because he's got a J
great imagination. His stories are funny, but they Ị 1: Introduction
are never horrible or offensive so it's OK to watch
Mason's videos with your parents. I think he's great! J ý + Whois the person? + What does he/she do?
Ị + How many followers on Twitter or YouTube
2 ES Read the description again and answer the f
È subscribers has he/she got?
1 Where is Mason from? b 2: Typical videos or films
2 How many people watch Mason’s YouTube videos + What does the person do in his/her videos
C or films?
regularly? | + What is the person doing at the moment?
3 What sometimes happens when Matias watches 4
Mason’s videos? ‘\

a 3: Why do you like this person and his/her videos
ey or films?

FR a ca ---~_
+ 6 ©ESESES Write your description. SS N
: CHECKLIST Rememberto include: ‘i
Match the start of each paragraph (a-c) with the ti + three paragraphs 1
topics (1-3). { + the correct present tenses and adverbs Ị
a In each video, Mason is... ()
I› «and, but and or. 4
b | really like Mason Millerson because... O i: at
|; CHECK 9955 =
c Mason Millerson is my favourite comedian. ()

1 anintroduction to the person and his videos ¥ 7 Read your work again. Have you included the
2 what the person’s videos are usually about \ items in the CHECKLIST?
3 why | like this person . \
SS eee Temes CPs ⁄4 96/9/9999



VOCABULARY OO000000 G 9 about animals in Africa.
on some of these game shows.
1 Match 1-8 with a-h.+> WN 5 n on TV or online?
| don’t like cookery shows but he doesn’t think it’s funny.
We're listening to the matchaun m 0 children’s cartoons.
Disney is famous for on our favourite sports show.
Dad’s watching a comedyo N sma life in the 1500s.
Ava’s watching the documentary because | hate cooking.

| love historical dramas about
You can win a lot of money
Do you usually watch the news

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

actor cameraoperator costume digitalcamera director lights
make-up artist script set sound engineer

1 The is filming the pandas up close and getting some great shots.

2 Carlos learns the words by reading his many times.

3 Does a TV news reader wear normal clothes or a_ 2

4 The movie tells everyone what to do and how to do it.

5 It can be very hot when you work under bright studio ø

6 The for my favourite series is a street in New Zealand.

7A changes people’s appearances for movies.

8 The _ knows when the actors are speaking very quietly.

9 The who plays the son is only six years old.

10 | can make great home videos with my new


3 Complete the conversation with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

AYAZ What? (you / do)?

EIlIPII (write) an email to my uncle. He? (work) ona film set
at the moment.

AYAZ Wow!?* (h/ feilm) any famous actors?

ELIF No, he isn’t. He > (travel) with the film crew and actors and he ®
(cook) their food. He’s a chef.

AYAZ_ That’s cool. So why’ (you / send) him an email?

uie 18 (hope) he can come to my birthday party and cook something good for me!


4 Complete the sentences with the present simple or CUMULATIVE GRAMMAR
present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
6 Complete the conversation
mu | (write) to my friend in Ankara ith the missi
right now. | (email) her every
wit the missing wor! NS:
tiönth: Circle) the correct options.

2 We usually (watch) the news on , :
TV, but today we (listen) to it in
tH€'€Sf, BD .
your holiday?

3 Henry (save) his pocket money DAN We? agreattimeherel.
at the moment because he (need) : with my friends and their
a new bike. family in their summer apartment.

4 you (look) ANA That’s* . What do you think of it?
for my sister? She usually (sit) DAN It’s® and there’sa pool.
over there.
5 Ourmum (not go) to work on ANA pee 6 tung

swimming every

Fridays but she (work) today. Ey
6 My friends (swim) in the sea DAN Well, my friends Tess and Rob

today, but I’m not. | (prefer) every morning before breakfast.

swimming pools. ANA. Great!

7 forSSiiUssiei?@Sh7Shé_ OU —— Ngụagg. (wai) DAN Yeah, but actually I° eating
something first.
Se ——————————einl
(not arrive) late.

8 | (cook) pancakes for breakfast ANA Really?

at the moment. | often (make) DAN I'malways° when |
them at the weekend. 20) up!

5 Gircle) the correct options. ANA So when do you breakfast?

1 Please be quiet/ quietly! Your baby sister is DAN Well, that’s breakfast time for me - when |

sleeping. ° up.

2 Sandra is avery nice / nicely girl, in my opinion.

3 The children are watching Frozen2 and eating ice 1a Enjoyyou b Areyouenjoying ¢ You enjoy
creams happy/ happily. 2 a have b has c ’re having

4 | always speak lo/ ulouddly, but Grandad still can’t 3 a ’mstaying b stay c staying

hear me. 4 a nice b nicily c nicely
b beautiful c beautifuly
5 When we work quick / quickly, we sometimes make 5 a beautifully b Goyou c Doyou go
b are swiming ezeulin
mistakes. 6 a Areyougo b ’mpreferring c 'mprefer
6 He answered the questions good/ well in the test. #' :8USWITIS
b hungry c hungryly
7 Our music teacher plays the guitar beautiful / 8 a prefer b wakes c wake
beautifully. 3 b eat usually c usual eat
Ằ . - 9 a hungrily b gets c get
8 Catalina is wearing a very pre/tprtetytily costume ; :
lin the show. 10 a ’mwaking

11 a usuallyeat

12 a ’mgetting


2 fO UT O F 4 — the email with words from


TO: Geri

FROM: Calum


The weather What's the weather like where you are?
Here it’s lovely and'__ sunny and I’m
1 Find 12 more weather words in the word snake. sitting under a tree, with a sun hat and
fog Veo, gƯVf|nVWar, và sunglasses on. There’s no rain, so the fields
are very 2 [like $
Win avi goện Sdn, tst oi weather - about 20°C is fine, but 35°C is
Jn6 ywets very 4 and not great for me!
+ le)th t options. We usually get a lot of > days
2 i Grete) SSOUSEECRNCNS: in Scotland so it’s often very wet but not
1 We’ve got winter coats because it is a old)/ warm day. this year. Actually, | can’t wait for the winter,

2 Be careful, don’t run! The paths are hot/ icy. with somenice° weekends
i ate for skiing.
3 It’s not great to go skiing in rainy/ snowy weather.
3 š Speck soon,
4 The bus driver can’t see the road. It’s very windy/ foggy today. Calum

5 A:lsit raining now? B: No, but its we / clt oudy.

6 Trees sometimes break in very windy/ warm weather. 5 Write the noun forms of the

3 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then-- adjectives.
1 rainy ral
match them with the photos a-f.
2 cloudy
( foggy snowy stermy sunny wet windy )
3 icy
4 sunny
5 windy
6 snowy
7 foggy
8 stormy

Guess the correct answer.

The Sami people live in the

1 It’s dangerous to go surfing in__ stormy_ weather. : far north of Seay Sweden,

2 We can’t have a picnic today. The grass is vep finland and RussiaiLanguaee experts
X: 8 % :... say that the Sami have at lea8 s/ 1t8 /
because of the rain. O : : 180 words for snow and ice.

3 It’s and they are lost because they can’t see. O as | | :
. : SW Find another interesting fact l
4 Ona day, they wear their hats, gloves . about the Sami people. Then: :

and scarves. () BI... a
send a question in an email to a

5 This weather is perfect for going sailing. L) classmatelonaskthenitintthe :

6 It’s so don’t forget your sunglasses! () next class. :



Diary extracts

1 ES Read the text and diary extracts. What did Ollie and Jack
find on their journey?

Looking for treasure

In 2010, an American man hid a big box full of treasure somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. His name is Forrest Fenn
and he was over 80 years old at the time. Fenn is an art expert, and he had a lot of old and very expensive objects. He

filled his box with jewellery, diamonds and gold, then buried it in a secret place in the mountains. Why did he do that?

He wanted to give families a reason to enjoy time in nature. In his opinion, children spend a lot of time on computers and
need to do more outdoor activities. The result? Thousands of people are looking for Forrest Fenn’s treasure. Below are
diary extracts from two young treasure hunters.

OOee( Đếếcbèebócb
Ollie’s diary: 10th December 2018
We're on holiday in Yellowstone National | aclcs diary: 19th December 2018
Time to go home, but the roads
SN are closed and there's deep snow
everywhere. We're staying ina small hostel

because it’s not possible to camp Inthis
weather. It’s very cold and there's no wi-fi
here. And the worst thing is, we didn’t find
any treasure! | don’t think this was a good
idea after all!
Park and we're looking for buried treasure = yo b00050
with our parents. They planned this trip because bu
they wanted us to enjoy hiking and camping in the H
winter. Jack and | just want to find the box! Forrest
Fenn wrote a 24-line poem with clues about where to
find it. He shared the poem on Instagram, so we know
the box is somewhere in Wyoming or Colorado - two
of the BIGGEST STATES in the USA!

2 [SEN Read the text and diary extracts again and EES Read the text again. Are the sentences T (true)
check the meaning of these words in a dictionary. or F (false)?
Then complete the sentences.
1 Forrest Fenn hid expensive jewellery and
clues bury hides jewellery gold in a box.
secret treasure
2 He hid the box because he doesn’t want
_ That __jewellery _ shop sells beautiful earrings, people to find it.
necklaces and bracelets.
3 The boys’ parents didn’t go with them.
M That dog is making a hole in the ground to 4 Fenn’s clues are on the internet.
the ball! 5 The boys can’t get home because of the

w She usually _her diary under her bed at weather.
night. 6 Jack enjoyed hunting for treasure.

& Grandma keeps her diamond ring ina ESESES Answer the questions with your own ideas.
place in her house. 1 What outdoor activities do you do?

a They found a pirate ship under the sea with lots of
in it.
2 Do you like the idea of this ‘treasure hunt’? Why/
a n | always read the carefully when I’m Why not?
doing a crossword puzzle.


GRAMMAR IN ACTION 4 Eiữi Underline and correct one mistake in each

Past simple sentence.

1 Ei Complete the sentences with the past simple 1 Henry seed photos of the pioneers yesterday.
form of the verbs in brackets.
1 The boys hiked (hike) for nine days.
2 We didn’t enjoyed the bus journey.
2 They (take) Fenn’s clues with them. 3 Did you found a good tour guide last week?

3 They (enjoy) listenintgo the poem 4 | did went out in the stormy weather.
about the buried treasure. 5 They stoped for food and drink.
6 Did she be late for class yesterday?
4 The adults and children (read) the
clues carefully. | 5 EXES Complete the conversation with the correct
past simple form of the verbs in the box.
5 Some people (write) diaries about
their journey. become decide travel not have

look after return ride see stay write
6 Actually, the diary extracts (be) very

2 §SE3 Complete the questions with the words in the
box. Then match the questions with the answers in
Exercise 1.

did (x2) write hike were enjoy

a What did the adults and children
read carefully?
b How long did the boys for?

€ the diary extracts boring?

d What did they listening to? IWAN 1! Did you see __ the TV
DARIA documentary about Dervla Murphy last
e What they take with them? IVAN night?

f What did some people ? DARIA No, | didn’t. Who is she?
3 ESES Write questions and short answers in the past An amazing traveller and travel writer. In
simple. 1963, she? to cycle from her

1 you / havea good holiday, Tina? (Y) home town in Ireland all the way to India.
And in those days, people * _the
Did you haavgeood holiday, Tina? Yes,|did. kinds of bikes we have now!

2 you / swim in the sea? (X) + she her bike all

3 you all/ go in the pool? (V) the way to India?

Yes, she did, and she > there for

4 your friends / like the food? (V) ayear. She ® Tibetan refugee
children there and when she’
5 Tomas / take lots of photos? (V) home, she ®
She quickly° her first book.
6 Susie / want to come home? (X) writer - there a famous travel
her. Dervla 7° are more than 20 books by
when she was all over the world
drive a car! younger, but she still can’t



Useful objects

1 Put the letters in the correct order to make
words for useful objects.

rrroim mirror

¬ ¬ ¬ _ mpla
w nN ¬ So t(â ơI + U2 M









upc O4 Listen to a radio programme about a volcanic
2.01 eruption. Tick (/) the words you hear.

14 htbtuhosor fork() scissors() comb(_} jewellery(_}

2 Match the photos with six words from Exercise 1. museum[_) schools(_} mirror (_) lamp(_}

M5 Listen again and complete the sentences.
2.01 1 Sam works at a_history museum _ in London.

2 The volcano destroyed two cities in

3 Inthe , archaeologists found

a lot of everyday objects buried in the cities.

4 In one of the cities they found a baby’s

5 One man died when a rock hit him on the

3 Where do you usually find the objects in Exercise 6 Under his body they found a purse with money
1? Some words can go in more than one category. anda
Complete the sentences so they are true
Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom
knife hairbrush blanket for you.
1 I'd like / | wouldn’t like to visit the ruins of

Pompeii and Herculaneum because

2 I'd like / | wouldn’t like to visit Sam’s display in
London because


GRAMMAR IN ACTION 4 ESE Complete the email with some, any, a or an.
There was/there were
E3 Gircle the correct options.
1 Chere was)/ There were a team of archaeologists in TO:Lily

Naples FROM: Tom
2 There was/ There were some kitchen furniture in

Hi Lily!
the exhibition.
How are you? Just a quick email to tell you about our:‘iiï3
3 Was there / Were there any travellers in the storm?
4 There wasn’t/ There weren’t any information about trip to Brazil! Yesterday there was '___a___ big m7.
so we had a day of culture. We walked around the city
the objects. and there was2 fascinating museum called

5 Was there/ Were there a school in Herculaneum? the Museum of Tomorrow, so we decided to go in. It’s

6 There was/ There were some old books in the box. 3 science museum in Rio, but 4
7 There wasn't/ There weren’t any clothes in the ruins.
architect from Spain designed it. There were *
2 §3EN Put the words in the correct order to make
amazing exhibitions about our planet and there was
sentences and questions. very interesting information about it, too.
1 wasn’t/ rain / month / There/ any/ last There weren't ” postcards in the museum shop
but there was ® interesting little book, so |
There wasn't any rain last month. bought you that! Hope you like it!
2 display / an / Tyhere / the / weren’t/ interesting/
Speak soon,
in / things Tom

3 people /exhib/ tiherte i / to he n / at / man/ Wyere /? 5 E3E9 Look at the two museum displays and
complete the texts with there was(n’t) / were(n’t),
a, an, some or any.

4 old/ baby / with / an /woman / There / a / was '_There was _ an interesting
5 there/ box / Was /any/ the /jewellery /in /? display with objects from
6 Naples/ hundre/ wdesre / in / tourists / There/ of a Roman kitchen at our local

museum. 7?
some wooden bowls and
3 knives and

3 ES Match 1-6 with a-f. forks: but there weren't :
1 There were some _ spoons. There was metal
a interesting display of water bottle. There was also ¢ very old
bread — over a thousand years old, in fact. Yummy!
b information about
2 Was therea L) Herculaneum? My a‘ favourite display had lovely

3 There weren’t any O c useful objects in the objects from a woman's
kitchen? bedroom. There was
7 old mirror and
4 There was an (} d womenin the team. 5 gold jewellery.

5 Was there any O e Roman bowls in the lis was probably
TS € DỊ person. !9 a beautiful necklace and a
6 Werethere any } bracelet too, but '1 any earrings. And
f mirorinthewomans there was a comb with 12 human hair in it!


