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Collaborate 3 students book a2b1 updated edition

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CAMBRIDGE English for Spanish Speakers

Collaborate STUDENT'S BOOK
with eBook
3, an ees | Samantha Lewis Daniel Vincent

_Updated Edition


Vocabulary Grammar Reading
Starter Unit Feelings P4 | Present simple and present continuous p6 Amessage onan app ps
Welcome! p4 Music P4| with adverbs of frequency
P7 | Present simple for future p6

Past simple ps

Unit1 Describing people p11 @ Past simple and past continuous with Anarticle: The man who taught himself p12
Be inspired p10 Phrasal verbs p14 | when, while and as p13 | tosee
Pp. 15 | @ An article: The boy who brougenht t liligg}ht
pes eae. Used to to Freetown p18
® Local heroes p18

Unit review p20, Finished? p21

Unit 2 Visualandperformingarts p23 | ® Present perfect with regular and A magazine article: What do you see? p24
Music and theatre p26 | irregular verbs p25 | Rubbish, pasta or art?
Whatis art?ie p22 PW Art: Changing our lives for the better p138
® @ Present perfect with already, just, still p27,

and yet
Unit review p32, Finished? p33
p35 | Can, could, will be able to
Unit 3 Communicating p38 | ® Present perfect with for/since p37 | Anarticle: No more language lessons? p36
Spread the Collocations with say and tell @A magazine article: Languages in danger p42
THÍ 34 and How long...? p39 | © other worlds, other words p42
@ Present perfect and past simple p39

Unit review p44, Finished? p45, Unit review 1-3 p46
Unit 4 Health and fitness p52 | ® Quantifiers p51 | Online FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions p50
Healthy body, > Healthy eating Should, shouldn’t and ought to p53 | &% Technology and fitness p139
healthy mind p48

Unit review p58, Finished? p59

Unit 5 Planet Earth p61 The first conditional p63 | Anews story: Can we save our oceans? p62
Natural environments p64 The second conditional p65 | @Ajournal: Wednesday 24 October-
no snowstorm p68
Š b Take action nowl p68

Unit review p70, Finished? p71

Unit 6 Making things p73 | ® Present simple passive p75 | Anewsstory: Teen’s banana skin invention p74
thnhoifdFEttta Materials and containers p76 @ Past simple passive p77 A when lions attack... get creative! p140

box p72

Unit review p82, Finished? p83, Unitreview 4-6 p84 p89 89 | AA folfolkk taltea:le: AA priprincessa, ffarmer an d

Unit. 7 Fesetsivtalivals p 87 | ® Past ast peprefrfect
Music festivals and live music p90 p91 | a bridge of birds p88
wenden antag Reported statements @A trablvog:eOlllie in China p94

eee b @A monkey buffet p94

Unit review p96, Finished? p97 behaviour p99 @canjcan't p01 | A report: Dangerous journeys
School p102 | Beallowed to p101 | to school p100
Unit8 Attitude and
ne @dave to, must and need to
to school poe p103 BY crowing up and giving back p141

Unit review p108, Finished? p109

Unit9 Travel p11 @Be going to and present continuous A magazine interview: Holidays of p112
Travel phrasal verbs p114 | for future p113 | the future
ae no Future continuous p113 | @A webpage: Volunteer abroad

P (® Relative pronouns and relative clauses p115 | conservation programmes: Costa Rica plls
® @one world, one culture? p118

Unit review p120, Finished? p121, Unit review 7-9 p122

Grammar reference p124-127 M projects p128-137 CLIL p138-141 ation p142-143 lrregular verbs p144

STARTER Feelings

W = L CO M = | @` a 3 Replace the emojis in the sentences with the
H words in the box. Then listen, check and repeat.

VOCABULARY angry bered embarrassed
excited nervous upset
1 bored

1] Match the words with the photos (1-6). Then Help! He’s talking about his favourite @)
sọ listen, check and repeat. computer game again! I’m so@.

@ app device emoji
screen socialmedia video chat
Oops! Clothes disaster this morning.
1 app One red sock, one pink sock. Ifeel 63 &

Andi's <3) with me. I forgot to reply to @)

his text.

@) Feeling @4) before my presentation.

Wish me luck!

Video chat isn’t working - again!
Feeling @. ©)

© 2 Use itt Choose the correct words to complete This birthday boy is feeling @) . Party at
my house tonight!

the questions. Then ask and answer with a


1 What's your favourite screen (@pp)on your LEARN TO LEARN

2 Which emo/ jscrieen do you use the most in Recording vocabulary

messages to your friends? : Recording new words with example sentences
3. Which devi/ scoceial media sites do you use? : can help you to remember them. ;

4 How often do you use video chat/ device? 4 W6t8E6WTE) Record the words from

© Guess the correct answer. Exercise 3 with example sentences. Then

What was the most popular emoji in 2017? read your sentences to your partner. Don’t
a © be củ? say the word in your example sentence. Can
your partner guess your words?

$ Find another interesting fact about emojis. 1 always feel...
Then write a question for your partner to. when the weekend starts.
‘Excited’! Ệ


A message on an app

® 1 Look at the photos and answer the questions.
1 What can you see?
2 How do you think the people feel?

3 Which is more difficult? Skateboarding or making a robot?

G ome(2. Read and listen to the messages. What do Dylan and

Izzy do at their summer camps every day? Dylan
© Hey, Dylan! How’s tech camp?
Are you having fun?Izzy

What do you do every day? It’s brilliant. I’m never bored here. Read the conversation again. Write
D (Dylan) or | (Izzy).
In the morning we usually study computer languages, and
in the afternoon we learn how to write apps. But we don’t Who...
always do the same thing. Today we’re building robots! 1. thinks their camp is always

That sounds cool! Itis, but it isn’t as easy as it looks! W n interesting D
Ibet. has an important event soon
u k sometimes falls over
needs help with a project
There’s a competition tomorrow. I’m excited but suggests a different way to
also a bit worried. My robot isn’t working very communicate?
well. Anyway, how’s skateboarding camp?
Match the words and phrases in bold
I’m having the time of my life. I’m learning lots of in the conversation with the meanings
newtric I ak lwasys.feel nervous befoIrdeo one, and (1-5).
Isometimes feel embarrassed when I fall over. ế,3

clever, fun acts tricks
Oh, don’t be upset! I feel upset when my robot falls over! (3) wWwn | believe that’s true.
a little
Listen, have you got any photos of you on a b enjoying myself a lot
your skateboard? I’m making an app for social not late
media. I need some cool photos to put on it.
No.I hardly ever take photos. 5 -— Discuss the questions.

Which summer camp do you think is
more interesting?

OK, don’t worry. Anyway, got to go. The next class is starting 2 Are summer camps popular in your
and everyone’s waiting for me. country?

You’re never on time! Listen, we always 3 Howcana summer camp help you?
use this messaging app to talk. Next time
let’s do a video chat. Good idea! Bye!
Bye! Good luck with your robot!


Present simple and present continuous :
with adverbs of frequency usually do during
__ the day?

@ Present simple Present continuous

+ | |need some cool photos. The next class is starting.

- | We don’t always do the same thing. My robot isn’t working very well.

2? | What do you do every day? Are you having fun?

a ne ee ee eeee ee Frequency --------------2---2--22-22---en-en-e -n-ne-e n-eee +

never hardly ever sometimes often usually always

® Grammar reference p124 Ô

eae eg 22s een een rn HERE ree NE . 3 Use it! Write sentences about your

: Adverbs of frequency usually go before the main verb, P artner with the time expressions.ví

: but after be. : inthe evening at the weekend

: lalwaysgetupearly. |amnever late. : when it’s sunny at the moment

& | Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct places in the. . You often go to the park at the weekend.

sentences. +
1 Iclean my computer screen. (hardly ever) Present simple for future

| hardly ever clean my computer screen. 4 Write sentences in the present
2. Doyou feel nervous when you speak English? (sometimes) simple with the words in the box.

3 Avideo chat is as good as a face-to-face conversation. Portiigj/rại bự tệ VHIPHGSNHI VUIOE
(never) the future (F)?

4 Ifeel bored if Im not with my friends. (usually) 1 thefilm /at21.00W n

5_Idon'tuse social media. (often)
6 New skateboard tricks aren’t easy to do. (always) The film starts at 21.00. Fu b
the tra/isonon
© (2 Complete the message with the present simple or we / on holiday next Monday
|/ breakfast / at 7 am every day
& $04 present continuous form of the verbs in the box. |/ my grandparents / every weekend

Then listen and check. 5 Use it! Ask and answer the questions
with a partner.
call (x2) do have have learn 1 What time does this lesson finish?
make notbelieve sing 2 When does the next school holiday
> e
\ Hi Anna! How’s it going? ‘Are you having a good holiday?
Guess where 1... from? Summer camp! 13...an 3 What day of the week is your
amazing time here. During the day, we‘... sports and birthday on next year?
in the evening, we 5... songs by the fire. Oh, and guess
a what! We ©... our own food every day, sol’... how to
cook! I’m sure you ®.., me, but it’s true! Anyway, my
friends *... me. Speak soon! Bye!



@ Music

/ © 1 Match the words with the photos (1-10). Then
& S.05 .listen, check and repeat.

bass DJ drums fans folk heavy metal

jazz keyboard rap reggae r i
1 keyboard Dyý

© 2. Listen to the music and write the words from

` $06 Exercise 1.

1 bass A conversation

\ @ 3 Copy and complete the table with the words LEARN TO LEARN cccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen, :
from Exercise 1.
¡ Contextualising vocabulary
Types of music | folk ; Listening to words in context helps you to
Instruments { understand and remember the meaning of new
People : words.

4 W§6A55WấTE) Add two more words to each :A 7 Listen to the conversation. Which words
row in Exercise 3. Can your partner guess your & °°" from Exercise 1 do you hear? What do they
extra words? say about them?

5 Use itt Read the questions and make notes. M8 Listen again and choose the correct answers.
1 How often do you listen to music? S.07 1 Most children at the hospital like pop / rap
2 What are your favourite types of music and
instruments? music.
3 Is the music you listen to different from the 2 Alot of the children feel excited/ nervous
music that your parents like? Why?

about hearing themselves on the radio.
® 6 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5. 3 Onthe radio, the children talk about their

How often do you listen to music? hobbies / families.
4 Sometimes doctors / bands give concerts in
I listen to music every day when I get
home from school. What about you? the hospital.

9 Wi6fff` Discuss the question.

Would you like to be a DJ in a children’s hospital?
Why / Why not?



Past simple listen to on her
way to school?
What’s her
\_ favourite music?

é Regular verbs Irregular verbs

+ | | played lots of music. They gave a concert.

- | They didn’t want to be in hospital. They didn’t speak to me.

2? | Where did you work last summer? What did you do? SD)

® Grammar reference p125.

Complete the sentences about your ® 3 Rewrite the
paragraph in the
© summer. Use the past simple form of past simple but
the verbs in the box. change one piece of
2 getup go have learn listen information. Read
play see work your paragraph to
a partner. Can they
1 | didn't go to the beach on holiday. guess what you
2 |... football in the park with my changed?

© friends. Matias got up at 7 oclock ...

| .. how to play the drums. Matias gets up at 7 o’clock to go to school. First, he gets
| .. at a swimming pool. dressed and then he has breakfast. He has cereal and toast.
| .. to music every day. He doesn’t have juice or coffee. Then he cleans his teeth
|... late every day. and puts on his coat. He doesn’t walk to school. He goes by
| .. a party at my house. bus. He meets his friends outside school and they listen to
| .. my friends every day. music before school starts.
onoau + wnU)
aA na +> 04 Use itt Write questions in the past simple with you.
® 2_ Write questions about the activities in 1 Where/ go/on your last holiday?
Exercise 1. Then ask and answer them Where did you go on your last holiday?
with a partner. Find three things that What/ do/ last weekend?
were the same about your summer. Who / see yesterday?
Did you go to the / have breakfast yesterday morning?
beach last summer? / listen to music last night?
/ use a computer yesterday?
Yes, | did. Me too.

® 5_ Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4.

Where did you go on I went to Barcelona.
your last holiday?


WRITING © 3° Match a-d with paragraphs 1-4.

A review of an app a Good things c_ Introduce the app

1 Which apps do you use every day? Compare b General opinion d Bad things
your list with a partner.
© 4 Complete the phrases in the Useful language box.

ITEm..-- 66

¡ _lE's great because3....
‡_ In my!..., there are °... with it.
= Over| thainklitl’s,®....

> |would definitely’...


© 2. Read Sophia’s review. Does she recommend + Write your own review of an app
this app?
© 1 Instagram is a popular social media app. All

my friends have it and they use it every day. Go 5 Choose an app that you use. Think about
Last week, I downloaded it on my phone. I was
very excited. 3 7 these things.
It's great because it’s free and very easy to
use. I am now following all my friends and ‘ f how to introduce it :
all my favourite celebrities. I'm interested in : bộ the good things about the app
photography, so it’s a great way to look at
amazing photos and upload my own photos and \y the bad things about the app
videos. I usually post one photo a day, but I often your general opinion
spend about two hours each day on Instagram.
In my opinion, there are a couple of problems : WRITE =====-="S) 0
with it. I get bored with food photos. I don’t Write your review. ì
follow people who post photos of their meals. ° A= :
People sometimes post negative comments ° ( l
or bad photos of people. That's not cool and it
makes me angry. ý CHECKLIST Remembetro include: i :
Overall, I think it's a great app and I would
definitely recommend it. ‘) «the present simple, present continuous Le
: and adverbs of frequency yi :
«vocabulary from this unit 4 9

lệ 5 _ Usefullanguage phrases a ,
¡; * four paragraphs. ⁄ ;
I: (eon ==” i
ụ 7 (W6HfBSRRTE) Swap your review with a :
: partner. Have they got the items in the :
aN CHECKLIST? Would you like to use the
+ Sapp they reviewed?

3 an ee i



¢ understand texts about inspiring people
© interview someone
e write a competition entry

understand how to use different past tense forms
describe people and use phrasal verbs
identify opposites, take notes and identify cause
and effect
give a presentation.


¢ Before you watch, what do you think an entrepreneur is?
e Watch and check. Which businesses are mentioned?
e Can you invent a new business? What is it?




Describing people

oO | Match the adjectives in the colour wheel with the
definitions. Then listen, check and repeat.

Someone who...

E r is relaxed and doesn’t worry calm

@ nO PWN helps other people

is happy K9 012.)

feels they can do something well

LỄ cai ¬ makes good decisions

understands what other people are

wants to be successful

œ is naturally good at something

9 likes being with other people

10 does a lot of exercise

11 doesn’t get angry when things take a long time

12 makes you feel you want to do something. 6 seit! Write three adjectives to MS.
2 Lookat the adjectives for your favourite colour. Do they a
describe you and say why. Then write
describe you? Why / Why not? three adjectives to describe your

Ñ đ\ 3 Listen and write an adjective from Exercise 1 to describe partner,
“02 each person. sociable: I'm sociable because| love
making friends and being with people.

LEARN TO SHAN DYN cee sccccccccscccccecceccssscvssesessveee, Ẫ @@ 7 Tellyour partner your answers from
Exercise 6. Do they agree? Did your
: Opposites + partner choose the same adjectives
ì as you?

: When you learn a new adjective, write down the opposite. i
: This will help to expand your vocabulary. i

4 Match the words from Exercise 1 with the opposite @œmm s.. S20029 2225k 22252 ky”

words. &
Guess the correct answer.
anxious grumpy impatient insensitive
lazy shy silly unambitious unhelpful : : Some people in Japan believe

¬ . your ... inflyuouer n percsonealsity.
uninspiring unsociable untalented
h a bloodtype b height c shoesize

1 calm - anxious Find another interesting fact

about what can influence your
5 @eottasonare Test a partner. You say a word. They > © personality. Then write a question :
say the opposite. Q : ro

for your partner to answer.



© An article

The man who W: sometimes say that a person who cannot
see is ‘as blind as a bat’, but bats actually
have an amazing ability to ‘see’ the world.
himself to see The inspiring Daniel Kish lost his sight when
he was a baby, but he learned to use sound to
become more independent.

When he was growing up, his : travel through the air until they hit : the technique to other blind people.
friends all rode bikes to school. : something. The bats then listen to : He inspires them to use echolocation
Daniel wanted to be active like : the sound waves as they bounce off : so they can enjoy activities such as
his friends, so he decided to teach : the object and return to them with : mountain biking, climbing, camping
himself to cycle by riding next to a : information. Using this technique, : and cooking, just like he does.
wall. Soon he was cycling to school. : called echolocation, Daniel knows .
: theh size, position and Bsohraapse of an :
One day, a clever friend was : object so he can ‘see’ it in his head.
watching Daniel on his bike when : Daniel believes anyone can train
he realised something incredible: : their brain to learn echolocation.

Daniel was using his ears to ‘see’ : While he was studying at university,
objects around him. As Daniel : he planned an echolocation training
cycled, he was making clicking

sounds with his tongue. Bats make : programme. Now, he travels around
similar sounds, and the sound waves : the world giving talks and teaching

@1 Which of the five senses is most 4 Copy Copy and complp ete the table with words from the article.eT)

important to you? Why? Verb Noun Adjective

© (2. Which of the things in the box do you ‘believe belief believable
1.03 . . : 2, inspiration inspiring
think the blind man in the text uses activate so active
to ‘‘sseeee’’?? Read, l:isten and check your h
answers. see 4c sighted

brain dogs ears hands nose amaze independence |5..
sounds sticks tongue amazement 6.

© ©: 3 Read the article again and answer the Write sentences about Daniel with words from Exercise 4.
questions. Compare your sentences with a partner. Are they similar
1 Whyis the phrase ‘as blind as a bat’ or different?
2 What information can Daniel find 6 voice it!) Discuss the questions.
out about an object using sounds? 1 Do you think Daniel Kish is inspiring? Why / Why not?
3 What does Daniel do now? 2 Do you know any inspiring people? Why are they
4 What free time activities does inspiring?
Daniel do?
(PB tivisnear p21


GRAMMAR IN ACTION with } h video 1.2
Past simple and past continuous “=
when, while and as tư did a Ae vlogging?
How does he describe
\ thc

(When he was growing up, his friends all rode bikes to school.
As Daniel cycled, he was making clicking sounds with his tongue.
While he was studying at university, he planned an echolocation training programme.
One day, a clever friend was watching Daniel on his bike when he realised something incredible.

® Grammar reference p125. ® Pronunciation p142 @

© 1 Choose the correct wordsto £3 Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of
complete the sentences. 107 the verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.

1. What did you do / were you ©

doing when | called/ was eo5$o
calling you?

were you doing; called

2. As they were leaving / left Elvis Ingersoll, a 14-year-old 6... (help) the man to na
the phone was ringing/ from California, ‘was working cross the street. Elvis A
(work) in his family’s restaurant andtheoldman
fang: » Z7

one day when suddenly, it... 7... (not know)
3 He did/ was doing his
(start) to rain. Elvis >... (look) that people in the restaurant
technology project when out of the window when he‘... 8... (take) videos of them while
his computer broke/ was (see) an old man walking across —_they®... (cross) the street, Later,
breaking. the street without an umbrella. thousands of people ®... (share)
4 \|didn’t see/ wasn’t seeing Immediately, Elvis >... (run) videos of the helpful teen and the
Tom while | played / was outside with an umbrella and old man online.
playing football.
5 She was sleeping / slept
when | was arriving /

` ni arrived home.
2_ Write sentences with when,
@¿ Use itt Complete the questions with the past simple or past
© as or while. continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Then write two more

1 My broth/ eeart /| arrive questions to ask your partner.

home 1 What did you see (see) as you were going (go) to school this morning?

My brother was eating 2... it... (snow) when you ... (wake up)?

when | arrived home. 3 What... you... (talk) about when you ... (see) your friends last

2 She/ arrive at the party/ week?

we leave 4 What... you ... (do) when you ... (get) home from school yesterday?

3 My friend / listen to music/ 5 What...you ... (think) about while you ... (eat) breakfast this

Isleep morning?

4 The/ wyalk to school/ bus
drive past a 5 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4.

5 Mymum/ read / my dad (@ rinisnea? pan

cook dinner


VOCABULARY AND A radio programme
Look at the photo.
@: LISTENING What do you think
the man’s special
Phrasal verbs talent is?

Replace the underlined phrasal LEARN TO LEARN PM... .

Q@ai verbs with the correct form of the
definitions (a-h). Then listen, check

© and repeat the phrasal verbs.


In the school holidays, most Taking notes
teenagers *hang-out spend time Writing down keywords while we listen can help us
relaxing with their friends, but Ben remember what the listening was about.
volunteers at a children’s summer

camp. He takes care of the cọ 4 Listen to the radio H
programme about a th Oey. :
children. ‘I get on with the other : Henry Fraser and ~ & aw wy
volunteers,’ he says. ‘It’s a great
experience.’ ; take notes. Then ⁄⁄ / be
compare your 2 đc 22g, ‡
B ; notes with a The acc, - :

@ ‘| really “look up to my best friend, : partner. Whose Sees :

Emma. Her mum is in a wheelchair, ì notes are Ki Ệ
so she depends on Emma for many ị clearer? Why? Ve seer the Weider
things, like cooking, cleaning and *% :

having a shower. Emma is also
busy with schoolwork. | don’t know 1,09 5, Listen again and choose the correct answers.
how she ‘deals with everything, 1 Henry hit his head because ...
but she never “gives up. She’s
really positive. When I’m feeling a_ the water wasn’t deep

sad, she always ®cheers me up.’ b he was running.

———— 2 After the accident, at first Henry...

a look after a needed help with some things

b make me feel happier b needed help with everything.

c manage to do 3 Henry paints pictures of ...

d have a good relationship with a animals and people

e need Emma’s help b animals, people and things.

f spendtime-relaxing 4 Jeremy looks up to Henry because he...

8 admire a_ is positive about a difficult situation
b paints with his mouth.
@ h_ stop trying
2 Use itt Write true and false sentences 6 G voice it!) Discuss the questions.
about your friends and family with 1 How do you think Henry felt after the accident?
the phrasal verbs from Exercise 1. Can 2 Why do you think he didn’t give up?
your partner guess which sentences 3 Do you think Henry is inspiring? Wh/yWhy not?
are false?



Used to

+ | He used to be a in 81.10 3 Complete the conversation with the correct
form of used to or the past simple and the verbs
to be afraid of? Al EX: in brackets. Then listen and check.
What do you want to be when you’re older, Mia?
\_ Is James still afraid? | MIA: | used to want (want) to be a tennis player, but

rugby player.

© - | Henry Fraser didn’t use to be an artist. now | want to be a scientist.

? | What did he use to be? ALEX: Why ?... (change) your mind? about
( eee & MIA: 13... (see) a really interesting programme science,
science on TV. 1‘... (not pay) attention in | was
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of ALEX : but now | love it. What about you?
used to and the phrases in the box. MIA: [want to be an English teacher, but when
ALEX: younger| had a different idea.
beveryactive liveinthe-countryside
play with Lego™ hate vegetables co Really? What was that?
like coffee build things 15... (change) my mind all the time. One day|
8... (want) to be a photographer, the next a singer,
1 Now my grandparents live in the city, but they
then a painter...
Well, we have lots of time to decide!

uséd to live in the countryside. @ 4 Use itt Write sentences about what you used
to do when you were younger. Think about the
2 1..., but now | drink it every day. - things in the box.
games and toys food and drink
3 These days, Caroline doesn’t do much holidays primary school
exercise, but she....

4 |..., but now | have a salad for lunch every day.

5 A:;...when you were little? When | was younger, | used to build things
B: Yes,| loved it. 1... all the time. with Lego™,
Compare your sentences with a partner. Ask
‘O) Cet it THkhesbensioeo mae mnie ein : @: more questions to find things you had in

: To make questions, we use did+ use to + infinitive. :
Did you use to walk to school? /

Did-you-used-to-walkto-school2 When I was younger, 1 used
2. Write questions with used to. Then ask and to build things with Lego™.

answer your questions with a partner about Really? Me too! What did you use
when you were ten. to build? I used to build castles.

@ Finished? p21


SPEAKING © 3 Match the phrases in the Everyday English box
with the uses (1-4).
pod .
Interviewing someone We say this when we:
think someone did a good thing
1 Inyour opinion, what is a hero? Listen to the tell someone it’s OK to startw n
111 conversation. Is Sam’s opinion the same as yours? agree with someone
introduce a problem.

chv 14

Everyday English

JARED: Hey, Sam. !... for Go ahead. Good for [her]!
the school magazine? ’m with you there. The thing is...
JARED: Sure.Go ahead. „ốc la <5 89ã0828285E,30375.5058/2/918187376) 506),

?..., who's your hero and why? : TASK
SAM: nà
My friend, Elena. Last month she saved a
JARED: little boy at the swimming pool. Plan your own interview

SAM: Really?3... what happened? : PLAN :
we 4 Workin pairs. Decide who interviews who
JARED: He was playing with a ball when he fell in : Kn and plan your conversation. Think of a :
the water. The thing is, Elena isn’t a great :/ hero you both have. ‘
swimmer, but she jumpedinandpulledhim iRtỘ : :
+ \ Í-4E1 ;
out. What is this person like? :
Good for her! *...,in your opinion, whatisa 7 Ny Why do youthink this person is a hero? h


SAM: |used to think all heroes were famous. Now : SPEAK-===== q
| think when someone does something § sự Practise the conversation. i `
brave they’re a hero. +: / ftEVractiadRemembentelnelider
` :
JARED: malI’m witÌ h you there. 5 °..., Sam. Thanks! \;4

Ni * past tenses and used to i

I: Pea © (2. Complete the conversation with the phrases
111 from the Useful language box. Then listen i * vocabulary from this unit !
and check. + ¢ Useful language and Everyday English phrases. ⁄ yy


vy, G fỆ§61A56fAïE) Work with another pair.
: Canyoutellus...? i 7 KO eee Listen to their conversation and write
examples of language they use from the
: That all... :i CHECKLIST. Is their hero similar to yours?
Wh/ yWhy not?
: Can |ask yoa ufew questions...?

One more thing... `

First of all...


A letter to a magazine

1 Personally, I think Anoka help people around the Anoka should win
Primrose Abeyrathne world. For me, her most
because she really
should win the next exciting project is called
‘Make It Green Again. cares œbout the
‘Inspiring person’ For this project, Anoka environment
made Sri Lanka's first
competition. Let me digital environmental and does
explain why she's so music video because she so much

inspiring. wanted people to think to help.
2 In 2004, Anoka was living about the environment.

in Sri Lanka when a 3 In my view, Anoka is an.

tsunami destroyed lots of inspiring person because

the coast, so she decided she's ambitious, talented
to start a project to plant and helpful. I look up to
thousands of new trees to
protect the coast for the her because she used to
future. Now she organises be ca normal schoolgizl
projects with other young
people to take care of and now she’s changing
the environment and
the world. In my opinion,

® 1 Do you know any inspiring teens?
What inspiring things do they do?

2. Teen Magazine is having a competition Write your own letter to a magazine

@ to decide its next ‘Inspiring person’. PLAN
Read Luke’s letter. Who does he want
to win and why? i 5 Think of an inspiring person. What inspiring things :
\y do they do? Why should they win the competition? :
3 > Match questions a-c with paragraphs
WRITE ----7 77777P SN > ` ‘5 3
© 1-3.
4 al 6 Write your letter. \ 5
a Why should this person win the

© competition?b Who should win the competition? an CHECKLIST Remembetro include: ` :
*) * past tenses and used to ! 3
c What inspiring things does this Ỷ +. vocabulary from this unit h 5

person do? a: Useful language phrases ⁄ :
i; ° three paragraphs. Zš z
4 Complete the phrases in the Useful E Tư. :
language box. Then check in the IS IS Ái... ộ
competition entry. i 7 (ۤ6/ASSRATE) swap your competition entry witha :
Ý partner. Have they got the items in theCHECKLIST? :
Useful language anemia: ‘ Read your classmaetntery’asnd decide who is the :

?- vu | PRỈHR2¿y 3,,.me, pot ~~. most inspiring. :

IhÂ%sz sú jie ph sions 7

@ Finished? p21




An article

@ a Do you know where Freetown is? How do Who is your hero? Why?
you think life in Freetown is different from e Which heroes are mentioned? What did they do?
where you live? e What type of personality do you need to bea

Read and listen to the article and check your ‘hero’?
answers from Exercise 1.
d Hefound objects in the street.

© : Read the article about Kelvin again and put e Hewent to asummer camp.
the events in order. f The lights in his community didn’t always

a He built a radio station. work. 1

b He made a battery.

c He played music on the radio.


SN n=


Can you imagine life with no TV? : battery so that his family and neighbours had
What about life without a computer, | lights at night.
or music or even lights? : When Kelvin was at secondary school, he
: participated in a summer innovation camp.
Kelvin Doe is an inspiring young man from
Freetown, Sierra Leone. When he was growing | Students had to think of a way to deal with a
up, the electricity in his neighbourhood didn’t
always work, so the lights only used to come on : problem in their community. Radio is important
once a week, : in Sierra Leone and Kelvin knew that his
‘community would be proud of their own radio
As a boy, Kelvin was interested in how things : station. So, while he was there, Kelvin built a
worked and he used to get excited about | radio station. He played music on the radio and
making things. While he was hanging out with
his friends, Kelvin used to find materials in the : when he wasn’t playing music, he interviewed
street and make useful things from them.

: people about life in Freetown. His radio show
His mum used to get tired of finding pieces of " was very popular because Kelvin gets on well
rubbish everywhere, but he made some amazing
: with everybody and was good at talking to
things. He used old electronic items to repair
broken TVs and radios. At 13, he even made a | [E2EDEbUCEDIOGEILCS]bIIDIBDOEIS|SEI3SET2 Ỹ
: he believes that when you focus on something, i
» you can do anything.


LEARN TO LEARBN .................` 1© 5 Choose the correct prepositions to use with the

adjectives from the text.

? Cause and effect 1_ interested on (in)

: Identifying the cause (why something happened) 2 good in/at
3. tired for/ of
: and the effect (what happened) can improve your 4 proud of/ in
: reading comprehension. :

© : 4 Use the language in the boxto complete the : 5 excited for/ about

:: causes with their effects. ( @ 6G Complete the questions with the adjectives+:¬-

build a radio station make-abattery : from Exercise 5. Then ask and answer them
not behappy_ people like his radio show : with a partner.

repair broken things : 1 What are you excited about doing next week?

1. The lights in Freetown worked only once : 2" What types of Websites are you... in?
3 Which subject are you ... at?
: a week, so Kelvin made a battery.

ìS 2. Kelvin’s family didn’t have much money, 4 What do you get ... of doing?
so he.... 5 Whatare you most.... of?

; 3 Kelvin left rubbish everywhere, so his ị@ T €wie it! Discuss the questions.27
7 mum

4 Kelvin knew radio was important in > 1 How did)Kelvin show solidarity towards his
Sierra Leone, sohe.... ị .
5 Kelvin was good at talking to people, so.... a :
2 Which adjectives would you use to describe

Kelvin? Why?

What could you do to help your community?

Guess the correct answer.

The four main languages that people speak
in Sierra Leone are: Mende, Temne, Krio and....

a Spanish b French c English

q Find another interesting fact about

Sierra Leone. Then write a question for
your partner to answer.

>>) Mini culture project p128



© a Choose the correct words. & 3 Complete the text with the past simple or past
When | have problems with my homework, | continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

ask my brother. He’s very helpful/ ambitious.

2 I’ve watched all her films. | want to be just like T11... (play) tennis yesterday with Anna

her one day - she’s so calm / inspiring. when a dog?... (run) onto the court. It 3...
3 When I’ve got lots of things to do | feel patient / (chase) the ball and ¢... (pick) it up in its
mouth. As Anna‘... (run) after it, the
stressed. My mum says | need to relax more.

4 My best friend is very sens/isebnslitieve. He dog °... (drop) the ball and’... (jump) on

always plans things very carefully. her. As 1°... (go) to check she was OK, I
5 He has the most amazing voice. He’s so °,,, (see) she was smiling. It was her
cousin's dog!
talented / sociable.
4 Write sentences about Leo’s student life with used
6 My sister works very hard to get good marks at to or didn’t use to. Use the phrases in the box.

school. She’s very cheerful / ambitious.

7 He feels confident / active before exams ©

because he always prepares well for them.

@ 2_ Complete sentences 1-8 with the words in the share a flat with friends not have a job

box. Then match them with sentences a-h. not have any money get up late every day

cheerup dealwith dependon geton sometimes study in the afternoon
giveup hangout lookupto take care of

1 This is so difficult! ỉ
2 Your uncle’s a fireman? Wow! : Vocabulary
3 Do you take your cat on holiday with you? ; Describing people
# How:do;vou «s/s much homework! 2
5 Hey, do you want to ... after school? ; active confident sensible
6 ...! It’s Friday! No school tomorrow! ; helpful sensitive
7 Doyou ...with your sister? $ ambitious inspiring sðelable
8 Babies... adults for everything, don’t they? i esÌm

: cheerful patient talented

‡ Ph lverb

: PS V ten getonwith . lookup to
+ cheer up
a Sure, let's watch a movie! giveup take care of
: dealwith hang out

b Of course! She’s like my best friend.
; dependon

c No, silly! Our neighbours ... it when we’re away. F

d_ They do. But they’re really cute! aie
b . have h Rio : I kend + Past simple and past continuous with
e Yes, but| have homework to do all weekend. : when, while and as

f Don’t... ! You can do it. : used to

@ g I maa k lise t and do the most important things Ma ania e.t ttt tei ee tet teeet eet eaten eee eeeeeeeneeeeetll


= Yeah, he’s my hero. | really ... him


] FINISHED? _@ 2 Correct the phrasal verbs.
1 give up
1 Find nine more adjectives.
Q5 dial wit: h hang our.g 83Đ
ambitious take card of 8 5
‘So bet on with ae
cheek up 5.2

3 Follow the lines and write sentences about what the people were doing.

1 Jim was reading a book.



Compare the pictures. Write sentences about what
was different in the past with used / didn’t use to.
People didn't use to have mobile phones.

