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Siêu âm nâng cao đô độ chắc cổ tử cung trong chẩn đoán chuyển dạ sinh non bằng sử dụng chế độ e cervix

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Seu dm ndng ca do d cc ct cung

trong cn dodnchuyén da sinh non bang

sl dung chedo E-cervix"™ (Samsung Medison co Ltd, Seoul,


4! Young Kwon \ //

Professor (012218)
Opstetics and Gynecology
Eunpyeong St. Mary's Hospital | A
The Catholc University of Korea, Seoul, Korea

Sinh non ý

4 Nguyén ohn hang du ti vong chu sinh

4Benutl i

(hap tn thin in, do vn tke ch}

Viet Nam = Causos of Neonatal Mortality, 2005


InVit Nam, the man causeosf

penal deain t201h6 wser

frematuity 40.5 percent,

congenital anomalies

(222 percent and

bith asphyla and




Sinh non (

¢ Tid cdc tudng hop chuyén da tude37 hn

4 Nan 202, sinh non én he hil 10% (814%)

4 Til sinh non tng th 98% in 106% (2000 2044),

+ VietNam : 9% (2019. ct Kgu Unicef

+ Han Qube

19 TY 0 te tn ab a a a a a


CTC xda md

(chin mud)

Sinh non

Dar oct cng é
cha Woda chinh tong én dodnchuyén da sinh non

fams etl, NEJM 1996

4 11014//18404011//4404L) I » W6 Hh % 19

Lng cl Cain lá (win

1 54005975


Chu cic tun (CL cig nn

Tuoi thal ob chu ol ft cung nga céng nhd

Tie chuyén ce sinh non ty ph cng cao

y Khuyen cdo ISU0G 2022

CL$ 25mm & nguéng cosh dr bt du

can theo dyphdng sit non nhngphu nf mang

dotain uchbt,nu cay

Kdng (eve THC HAN TOT)

“Nu kt, nn su Am ng Am dg do C0 qu

é san Ide sinh non (ic 20 KHUYEN choc

Trong din sb chung,
CL. tl nqudng ct25 mm tbc24 un ob haya

1, trong du dodn sinh non tude 35 tn, voit sang
loc dong tnh la 41h nt ans Doin CW etl 200)

Neu cl dya vo CL o th Kndng thí in đượt 2°

phn cd nquy co sinh non ty phat
~ cn he cd tuong hp hdc dd tro sàn lự

sh non hon,

Dé chic od ti cung? >

+ Yu chun duo dnh iki Kham Am dao bg


+ Yut6 quan tong ca cis Bishop

lịni(IU Duy

(ihi(f(»lm 2-Ím liếm < Som

BHChic Thin Mứn

TwiheCTC Chiesa Tuyym Nitin

ljlltgitil — 3 4 Thip hm gin

Dé dan hbicTC vy

Kj tua chin dodn nh anh king xm ncn gi

oy hc bit 8d lg hod ihthê! (46 cing)

ola md Kt ob day md,

*hinéhnh kh cham

Hallo siéu dm dan hi ¢ |

SMDH mic bién dang SADH sng hién dang





Siéu dm dan hoi VW

Mc bien dang Sane

Lycnén dugc tao ra Lycrnén dune to ra bo ung

bang 4p stng am

Héting phan mm linh huột tà nguùi
SU A hdng tn dinh huang
Dit udtg ung cn
lye ite
CTC ctgy in dang md
Métquinh nh bn

‘tt lim

E-cervix™ (Samsung Medison Co, LÍ. 390|, À

Sldu dm dan hoi mie bién dang dyatrén ye ép tong
md chy sy thay did lng ca md duo to a

boi chyen dg sinh i cl dng mach

Ý KfOng phu thud qui sie am

¥ anh ol duoc foan bo CTC
ý phan tih ban dh lvong

Cac bude sium dan Ni CTC sir ung phén mém Es ani

1, Kh dng chuong tinh E ni! à tú đnh ni di chudn ca dt ung
2. Thunhan hn anh kniCTC cdng

oi yn du cb vt dng chup anki phn mém pth thi chuyen

dng (de chyén cng sé chyén inh mau xan)

4, atthude do Rl dé do mic bién dang

{} mel Gutnthging doc Kh CTC sb dung cing cy ROL2cém hay 4 im

2) sau kh xc nh dugc Kénh CTC, may sty dng tao ra mot hinh ban

nguyét bn kin om ung quant tong vii ngodi CTC,

4) td dm oa hip RO! vio4 gd ca CTC sao cho hp RO bao gh bàn

bokhuvyc CTC

Pamelor I(l/\ Murat vio
Elaby conrad
Aapreons to san htrogny wii the Cost maga) (nas
Hanes rao.
ene cei ltuu|

(moral os stness
Perantoonechaaracuian as; comely oo 100%
Entra sltnass band (oa va, <1) (comply har)

IOS E08 ra M0iJt4flIV(ÚUM0WMWAMI — lM01/@W

Conical nigh (ad soll a ton os

vag al ihe mace | a ot)

arid smcl a Hh alan 0

Avro sal lb iol0 ddd by

‘vonage saa th nla


pois in pl nd Patberget a. Am Obstet Gynecol 2021


¢5than do ddan NCTC kn bi nh hud bi cd yu im
sang co bn (NI, huet phchipsb Dop,pler dng

mach t cun, ng thal,

Seo] etal. Obstet Gynecol Si 2020

4 Cdn Een tin cy tt trong mv bo cd,

+ Chishtuongphadn tl CTCaii im 18-u2n2tlk)

Ldn quan Oi kg nguyco sinh rion tu phá (odds rat, 1.15; 96%

C1, 102-1030)

Pata ET etal. Am Obey att

Diagnostic accuracoyf cervical elaslogforr aprepdihctying

pretem delivery Systematic review and meta-analysis

‘esac nho

Cg ,4,, — nen ow (HN
on II.
ka as (MAI oom (64M,
wt wpa
‘ao On Vato (1149
tg (14
arnt t+ tits (NHA ki 00849
Wc (014M eta (AM
Get (LAN
fet MA at 094M,
II (W4 wa (00649,

AM) pt wa IIdM
(vt vty
nan) (up oyna ‘omy a

(MA fey

-e-‡- (NAM AM


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Sun Het al Scorsh Mei 2023

Standardization of measurement of cervical

elastography, its reproducibility, and analysis of baseline N2)(Mù
clinical factors affecting elastographic parameters

yuo Sol, MO, PR! Jee Sung MD, Won Joon Seong MD, PHO, Hyun Mi Kim, MO,
Hyun Soo Park, MO, Ph, MPH Hayan Kivon, MD’, Han-Sung Hwang, MO) Ph’ Yun Jung, MO’,
J Yun ko, MP, So oun Oh, HO, Oh Gr 200

CTC ngnnhung kc hau v 4 cing mo CTC
Dinghip bmg tungbinh Bicngcao

MillluntftenialFlastyraph My
Increase Preterm Delivery Prediction
Performance in Pregnant Women with

Short CeravProispxect:ive Study

Ayn So Pak yan kwon ug ok Kv, Kin) VW uy)
yo el, Sek Hog Jeon Shin 0 uu Cha,” YY
Han Sng Hang Ha Jeng) Geun Ch ano Kin,”
Sanyng h(a tora Sty of tran btn 09 ar.
T0 Neat ed

Background: Wiese whether thee difference in elastoprapic parameters

between pregwitnh anad wnithcoutipoentasneous preterm delivery (gPTD) in women wth

sor ceri (25mm) an examined theabof yastgrapic parametotpreedric
PTD in those women,

Mathods: Ce (WSHDA; Samsung Medison, Sed, Kore) eastogrwaaps hweyd to
examthie cnereia stan Eltopaphc paramweeetceomrpasred between pregnancies
withand without PTD, Diagnose perfof oelamstgarahlnc pcarameeters to prediPcDt

3] weeks bthalon and in combinatiowinth othr aamtwa ecomspare,with thaotf

) Ьeuseesseo.eeseeio..

Ress Atta of 130 women wereincde. Vian gsatnal ge (A) at examination vas
ded interquartile, 24289), and th prevalence of 7D was 0 (43),
Doth th elspa parameters and CL dint ho static dieece tween thse

whan without STD, Hower, tenon pts with cm (110) were ined
intheans thre was sonic ference between vo proups ia ay com index

(2X) thn 5,015 mfr the cervical ana (P05) whch sone of astgaple
parameters enetate by Cert When ALC anasswas perfomed in women with L215



i Ww Cervical length

+ preBM
+ Gestaatgeiatoshnort CL
7 + elastic conrastndex

NK Oat

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