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Lesson 14

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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">

<b>2</b> structural a / ˈstrʌktʃərəl / thuộc cấu trúc

<b>4</b> deep-seated a / ˌdiːpˈsiːtɪd / sâu kín, thầm kín

<b>5</b> circulation n / ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪʃən / sự lưu hành, sự lưu thông

<b>10</b> digitally adv / ˈdɪdʒɪtəli / kĩ thuật số

<b>11</b> manipulate v / məˈnɪpjəleɪt / thao tác, vận hành

<b>12</b> acquitted a / əˈkwɪtɪd / trắng án, khơng có tội

<b>13</b> sovereignty n / ˈsɒvrɪnti / quyền tối cao

<b>15</b> declaration n / ˌdekləˈreɪʃən̩ / sự tuyên bố, lời tuyên bố

<b>16</b> ingratiate v / ɪnˈɡreɪʃɪ:eɪt / nịnh nọt lấy lòng

<b>17</b> gratify v / ˈɡrỉtɪfaɪ / làm hài lịng, chiều lịng

<b>19</b> water-proof a / ˈwɔ:təpruːf / không thấm nước

<b>20</b> snow-white a / ˌsnəʊˈwaɪt / trắng như tuyết

<b>21</b> semi-final a / ˌsemiˈfaɪnəl̩ / bán kết

<i><b>II. Structures</b></i>

<b>1</b> get st over (to sb) = make st clear (to sb); làm cho ai rõ điều gì

in the event = when the situation actually

in the long run = down the road <sub>trong tương lai xa</sub>

<b>3</b> refuse + to V

deny + V-ing/ deny + that + mệnh dề

từ chối, khước từ, cự tuyệt làm gì phủ nhận làm gì

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 2</span><div class="page_container" data-page="2">

object + to + V-ing reject + N

phản đối, chống, chống đối loại ra, bỏ ra; đánh hỏng

<b>4</b> resort to st phải động đến ai, dùng tới ai/ cái gì

doing without (sb/ st) cố gắng xoay sở mà khơng có (ai/ cái gì)

fade in trở nên rõ ràng hơn hoặc to hơn (hoặc ngược lại)

<b>6</b> It never entered one's head that... = I never thought that...

tôi chưa bao giờ nghĩ rằng, biết rằng

<b>7</b> overlook one's mistake bỏ qua, tha thứ cho lỗi lầm của ai

<b>8</b> look sb up thăm, liên lạc với ai (sau một thời gian dài) take sb off copy giọng nói, cử chỉ hoặc hành động của ai đó

một cách rất buồn cười send sb off đuổi ra khỏi sân (thi đấu)

call sb up <sup>gọi điện, gọi vào đội tuyển quốc gia (thể thao), gọi </sup> nhập ngũ.

<b>9</b> put (st) into practice đưa cái gì vào thực tiễn

<b>10</b> come to the fore/ be to the fore/ be at the fore: giữ địa vị lãnh đạo, đóng vai trị quan trọng, trở nên quan trọng và được mọi người chú ý

<b>11</b> ingratiate oneself with sb commend sb for/ on st/ doing st

<i><b>III. Practice exercise 14</b></i>

<b>Question 1: At the 2015 Women in the World Summit, Hilary Clinton asserted that " </b> cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed".

A. deep-seated B. deep-seating C. seated-deep D. seating-deep

<b>Question 2: It's important that we </b> this message to young people.

<b>Question 3: Miss Diligent did nine hours </b> studying a day for het exam.

<b>Question 4: “At the start of the 19th century, the highest </b> newspaper in the United Kingdom was The Morning Post, which sold around 4,000 copies per day."

A. distribution B. coverage C. circulation D. sales

<b>Question 5: Marketing this new product will be expensive, but </b> it will be worth the money we spend on it.

A. at long last B. down the years C. in the event D. in the long run

<b>Question 6: The boys </b> that they had broken the window, but I'm sure they did.

<b>Question 7: Students should never </b> to violence to solve any problems.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3">

<b>Question 8: The novelty of married life seems to </b> if the couple involved don't have ways to renew their love.

<b>Question 9: It never </b> my head that such great Bulgarian rose festivals would be held in Hanoi, our capital city.

<b>Question 10: With all due respect, I think your comments are </b> .

A. short-sighted B. far-sighted C. single-minded D. single -handed

<b>Question 11: It is alleged that mothers and grandmothers spoil the children by </b> their mistakes. A. neglecting B. overlooking C. avoiding D. passing

<b>Question 12: Internet Service is the latest mode of </b> which helps us get required information directly through computers by opening the site.

A. communicate B. communication C. communicative D. communicator

<b>Question 13: Despite all the evidence, he wouldn't admit that he was in the </b> .

<b>Question 14: In 2006, the news agency Reuters withdrew from sale 920 pictures taken by a photographer </b>

because two images taken in Lebanon were to have been digitally manipulated. A. believed B. suggested C. announced D. recommended

<b>Question 15: He walked from the court as a free man, having been </b> of murder. A. unconvinced B. discharged C. liberated D. acquitted

<b>Question 16: Everyone laughed when he </b> the teacher so well.

A. looked up B. took off C. sent off D. called up

<b>Question 17: How did the framers put into </b> the idea of popular sovereignty expressed in the Declaration of Independence?

<b>Question 18: You can't wash this jacket in the washing machine - you need to get it </b> . A. dry-cleaning B. spin-dried C. spring-cleaned D. clean dried

<b>Question 19: Politicians </b> blame the media if they don't win the election. They are so predictable.

<b>Question 20: The new political party came to the </b> after the general election.

<b>Question 21: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is trying to </b> himself with US President Donald Trump an impress Australian voters.

<b>Question 22: She made no </b> to her illness but only to her future plans.

<b>Question 23: It is difficult to assess the full </b> of the damage caused by Hurricane Sandy one of the most destructive storms the U.S has had in quite some time.

<b>Question 24: I am trying to find a </b> watch for my mother and a doll with hair for my little sister.

A. water-proof/snow-white B. proofed water/white snowed C. proof water/ white snow D. water-proofed/snow-whited

<b>Question 25: Mr Nixon refused to answer the questions on the </b> that the matter was confidential.

</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4">

<b>Question 26: While the victory moves Vietnam, incredibly, a step nearer to the title, it sees Qatar fall at </b>

the semi-final stage for the second competition in AFC U23 Championship. A. successive B. success C. successfully D. successful

<b>Question 27: Peter </b> Rae and screamed “Get out of my sight".

<b>Question 28: He decided to buy some chocolate kept in an </b> container for his father. A. air tighted B. tight-air C. tight aired D. airtight

<b>Question 29: The politician tried to arouse the crowd, but most of them were </b> to his arguments.

<b>Question 30: - “Can you take the day off tomorrow?" - “Well, I'll have to get </b> from my boss.” A. permission B. licence C. allowance D. permit


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