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English for special purpose discussion report topic out of home advertising

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<b>A. INTRODUCTION...3</b>

<b>B. CONTENT...3</b>



2.1. Create brand awareness & recognition...4

2.2. Driving demand & interest:...5

2.3. Influencing purchase decisions:...6

2.4. Building brand image & associations:...7


<b>3.1. Advantages of OOH Advertising:...8</b>

<i>3.1.1. High Reach & Frequency:...8</i>

<i>3.1.2. Location Targeting...9</i>

<i>3.1.3. Strong Brand Awareness...9</i>

<i>3.1.4. Creativity & Impact...10</i>

<b>3.2. Disadvantages of OOH Advertising...12</b>

<i>3.2.1. High Cost:...12</i>

<i>3.2.2. Limited Interactivity...13</i>

<i>3.2.3. Short Message Lifespan:...14</i>


4.1. McDonald's: "Weather-reactive McCafe" campaign...15

4.2. Google: "Make the Most of Summer"...16

4.3. Samsung: Galaxy Note Bending Billboard...17

<b>C. CONCLUSION...20</b>

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Advertising serves as the vital link between brands and consumers, adapting continuously to the changing media landscape and consumer behaviors. Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising, amidst the digital revolution, remains a robust and impactful form of promotion. In this presentation, we explore the aims and challenges of OOH advertising, aiming to uncover strategies for leveraging its power to enhance brand visibility and connect with audiences effectively. Let's delve into the dynamic world of OOH advertising and its role in today's marketing landscape.

<b>B. CONTENT</b>


Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising refers to any form of advertising that reaches consumers when they are outside their homes. It encompasses a wide range of formats, including billboards, transit ads, street furniture (such as bus shelters and benches), digital signage, and more. OOH advertising targets consumers in public spaces, where they are commuting, shopping, socializing, or simply going about their daily activities.

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consumer behavior while individuals are on the move or engaging with their surroundings outside the confines of their homes. OOH advertising offers unique opportunities to reach diverse audiences in high-traffic areas, making it an essential component of comprehensive marketing campaigns.


<b>2.1. Create brand awareness & recognition</b>

Brand awareness is a marketing term for the degree to which consumers recognize a product by its name. Ideally, consumers' awareness of the brand may include positive perceptions of the qualities that distinguish the product from its competition.

Advertising is how businesses showcase their products and brands. Through advertising, consumers will be provided with information about the product such as attributes, benefits of the product, or can promote special programs that the product is applying such as promotions to contribute to raising consumers' awareness of the product and the brand.

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Usually, brands will create unique ads, blending new elements, thereby making a difference for their brand. This, in turn, helps businesses make a better impression in the minds of customers and makes it easier for customers to identify the brand

From attracting attention to consumers, making consumers have a good look and impression through advertising, the products and brands of the business will from there receive customer recognition and promote the revenue and sales of that product of the brand..

<b>2.2. Driving demand & interest: </b>

Advertising can contribute to changing consumer thinking and behavior. Importantly, it can stimulate and increase consumer demand for the advertised product. Attractive ads make the product more attractive too. When an ad is curious enough to stimulate consumers to want to test that product, that's when the ad has successfully created demand for customers. Simply understood that before, customers had absolutely no need to buy or use the product, but after seeing the advertisement about that product, immediately, customers wanted to try to experience the product as advertised.

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Advertising also makes customers love the product more. Consumers tend to love products advertised in unique ways that impress them, which is why they choose one brand over another. Therefore, businesses need to consider focusing on advertising content to achieve this goal.

<b>2.3. Influencing purchase decisions:</b>

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has a profound impact on consumer purchasing decisions. By being displayed in prominent locations on streets and in central points, OOH creates clear awareness of products and services. The continuous presence of these advertisements not only increases the chance for consumers to learn about the products but also creates a positive impression of the brand. The creative messages and captivating imagery in OOH advertising stimulate the desire and longing to own the products or use the services. When consumers see these ads, they often feel excited and eager to learn more, even to make an immediate purchase.

Placing OOH advertising in reputable locations and commercial environments can build trust and a positive impression of the brand. This, coupled with positive reviews from other consumers, helps consumers feel more confident in their purchasing decisions.

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In summary, Out-of-Home advertising is not just a marketing tool but also a significant factor in influencing consumer purchasing decisions, creating awareness, stimulating desire, and building trust in the brand and products.

<b>2.4. Building brand image & associations:</b>

OOH ads strategically placed in high-traffic areas serve as constant reminders of brands and products, enhancing consumers' brand awareness and consideration during their purchasing journey. By leveraging captivating visuals and compelling messages, OOH ads have the power to evoke emotions and establish connections with consumers, shaping their preferences and inclinations towards the advertised products. The immediate accessibility of OOH ads encountered while consumers are on the move prompts spontaneous actions, such as visiting a store or making a purchase, driven by the persuasive content and urgency conveyed in the ads.

Moreover, OOH ads succinctly communicate the unique value propositions of brands, reinforcing their relevance and desirability in the minds of consumers, ultimately influencing their purchase decisions. Even when consumers are not actively engaged in

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shopping, OOH ads subtly infiltrate their subconscious, shaping their perceptions and preferences over time, thus impacting their future purchasing behavior.


<b>3.1. Advantages of OOH Advertising:</b>

<i>3.1.1. High Reach & Frequency: </i>

There is no shadow of doubt to say that OOH Advertising is the top choice when it comes to size of reach. A study from Nielsen shows that almost 80% of people will notice OOH advertising on a weekly basis.

As being placed in high-traffic areas, such as highways, city centers, and public transportation, with eye-catching visuals, OOH advertising can reach a large and diverse audience within a short amount of time.

Moreover, unlike online ads that can be blocked or ignored, OOH ads are part of the physical environment, provide round-the-clock exposure, making them particularly effective for building brand recall and reinforcing marketing messages.

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<i>3.1.2. Location Targeting</i>

OOH advertising can be highly targeted, allowing businesses to reach specific demographics or geographics with their messaging. By strategically placing ads in specific locations, businesses can ensure their ads are seen by the audiences most likely to be interested in their offerings.

For example, a real estate developer might choose to advertise their new luxury homes in an upmarket neighborhood with high foot traffic, reaching the exact audience they’re looking to attract.

<i>3.1.3. Strong Brand Awareness</i>

OOH has the benefit of being a mass media channel with a large audience reach, making it a useful media channel to develop brand recognition and a good fit for new service and product launch campaigns.

Consumers' perceptions of brands can be strengthened and brought together with the aid of outdoor advertising. Throughout the consumer journey, out-of-home (OOH) uses components including images, colors, slogans, and logos to establish a strong impression and brand memory.

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OOH is always present in a fixed location (billboard channel) day after day, so customers can see ads at any time that passes through that location, unlike other types of media which have some temporal and spatial limitations. Additionally, OOH campaigns typically last for a long time—at least three months—so media outlets can easily leave viewers with recurrent impressions in their minds.

This also clarifies why, despite their immense fame, firms allocate a portion of their annual budget for out-of-home advertising (OOH) since it helps them stay visible and encourages consumers to give them a second glance.

In addition to providing brands with a means of connection with consumers, outdoor advertising opens up new channels for businesses to collaborate and grow. The sight of the brand in large numbers on the street will draw the interest of directors, businessmen, and other individuals from companies and enterprises looking to grow their partnerships.

<i>3.1.4. Creativity & Impact</i>

OOH is on the move. It’s growing faster than any other traditional advertising platform, and it is breaking through the clutter. One of the key reasons is OOH’s

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unparalleled creativity. Within the bounds of the law, outdoor advertising offers businesses a blank canvas on which to express their creativity.

Marketers have always relied on OOH to drive consumers “from the big screen to the small screen” – from OOH displays to mobile phones. But lately, we are starting to see things move in the opposite direction, from small phone screens to OOH’s big, bold, beautiful canvas. Throughout the consumer journey, people are ‘looking up’ from their devices and experiencing the real world in real life. When they do, they engage with the real thing – the creative power, impact, and engagement of OOH advertising.

These days, there are a growing number of enhanced and comprehensive outdoor advertising options available, along with numerous prime deployment locations, which let businesses communicate their messages in a unique, imaginative, and efficient manner. This is a benefit that gives companies more options when running brand marketing efforts. Each form varies depending on the goal of each brand, as do the features, expenses, and methods of execution.

An interesting point is that around the outdoor advertising locations, most of them are supermarkets, shopping centers, retail stores,... and many people have come to shop after a period of exposure to certain advertising images. There are two main reasons: One

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is that they have known the brand before and still continue to use it; second, you don't know the brand and feel curious, new, and want to try it out.

Think about how a brief statement on a highway bulletin can reach a large audience. Street furniture aimed at certain communities can serve as a means of reinforcing this, since it will increase frequency and convey a message that is more pertinent to that community. Long dwell times in bus interiors can enhance this even more by presenting a call to action and a more thorough benefits message via a readily scannable QR code while the passenger is seated. This is just one example of how marketers may improve their mix by combining various market audience format message combinations from the wide array of OOH formats.

<b>3.2. Disadvantages of OOH Advertising</b>

<i>3.2.1. High Cost:</i>

Out-of-home (OOH) advertising can indeed be expensive, despite offering some advantages like high visibility and reaching a broad audience. Here's a breakdown of why:

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 Space rental costs: Similar to renting an apartment in a popular area, billboard space in high-traffic locations like busy highways or city centers comes at a premium. Advertisers are willing to pay more to reach a large number of potential customers.

 Production and Installation: Large-scale OOH formats like billboards and transit wraps require significant materials and labor for production and installation. These costs can add up quickly.

 Limited Flexibility: Once your OOH ad is up, it's typically not easy or cheap to change the message or visuals. This is unlike digital advertising where you can update content readily. This lack of flexibility adds to the upfront cost commitment.

<i>3.2.2. Limited Interactivity</i>

OOH advertising is limited in interactivity for a few key reasons:

 Physical Constraints: Traditional OOH formats like billboards, bus ads, and posters are static displays. They lack the touchscreens or QR code capabilities that allow for two-way communication in digital advertising.

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 Passive Consumption: People typically encounter OOH ads while on the go -commuting, walking down the street, or waiting at a bus stop. They're not actively seeking information or primed for immediate interaction.

<i>3.2.3. Short Message Lifespan:</i>

OOH advertising has a short message lifespan due to a combination of factors related to how people consume information in public spaces:

 Fleeting Attention: People encountering OOH ads are typically on the move – driving, walking, or waiting. They have a limited window, often just a few seconds, to process the message before their attention shifts elsewhere. This necessitates crafting clear and impactful messages that can be grasped quickly.  Information Overload: Public spaces are bombarded with visual stimuli – traffic

signs, buildings, other people, and competing OOH ads. Complex messages with lengthy details get lost in the noise. People simply don't have the cognitive capacity to absorb a lot of information from a single OOH ad.

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 Limited Space: The physical size of OOH formats restricts the amount of information that can be displayed effectively. Billboards or bus signs simply don't have the real estate for lengthy explanations.


<b>4.1. McDonald's: "Weather-reactive McCafe" campaign</b>

To promote the cold drinks available on its McCafé Iced menu and target consumers this Summer, McDonald’s launched a weather reactive digital OOH campaign.

This McDonald's campaign in the UK is a fun digital OOH example featuring dynamic content. The campaign featured two of McDonald's frozen drinks, “Strawberry lemonade” and the "Millionaire's Frappe."

The campaign used weather data to advertise seasonal drinks. When the temperature rose above 22 degrees Celsius - a temperature that was likely to make a cold drink more tempting to passersby the relevant campaign creative played on the digital signage.

