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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 2</span><div class="page_container" data-page="2">Chapter I. INTRODUCTION PRODUCT AND COCA-COLA COMPANY:....1
I. About Vietnam Dairy Joint Stock Company:...1
1. Vietnam dairy joint stock company:...1
2. <sup>Development process:...1</sup>
3. Some important points:...3
II. Product Coca-Cola:...3
IV. Proposals To Improve Product:...6
1. Use of natural raw material:...6
2. Product diversification:...7
3. Forcus on the environment:...7
I. Levels In Coca-Cola's Organizational Structure:...7
II. Management Model Of Coca-Cola:...8
III. Analysis Of The Organizational Chart, Organizational Structure Of Coca-Cola:...9
IV. Advantages - Disadvantages Of Coca-Cola's Organizational Structure:....10
I. Research The Market:...11
II. Identify Intermediate Distributors:...11
III. Negotiations And Agreements:...11
IV. Create Orders, Pay And Delivery:...12
V. Suggestions For Improvement:...12
Chapter IV. SALES TARGET:...12
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3">I. Segmentation:...12
II. Overview Of Sales Target In 2023:...14
III. Disclaimer, Advantages, And Some Proposed To Increase Targeted Revenue For Coca-Cola:...15
1. There are many factors that can lead to a decrease in Coca-Cola's sales, here are some of the main disadvantages:...15
2. There are many factors affecting Coca-Cola's revenue growth, here are some key advantages:...16
3. Here are some suggestions to help increase Coca-Cola's sales:...16
Chapter V. SALES BUDGET:...17
I. Employment Conditions:...20
II. Recruitment Rounds Of Coca-Cola:...20
III. Some Advantages And Disadvantages Of Sales Staff Recruitment Of Coca-Cola:...22
1. Advantages:...22
2. Disadvantages:...22
I. Human Resource Training And Development At Coca-Cola:...23
II. Some Solutions To Enhance Coca-Cola's Training And Human Resource Development In The Coming Time:...26
Chapter VIII. MOTIVATION:...28
I. Coca-Cola's Remuneration Policy:...28
II. Some Advantages And Disadvantages Of Coca-Cola's Remuneration
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4">Chapter I. INTRODUCTION PRODUCT AND COCA-COLA COMPANY:
<b>I.About Vietnam Dairy Joint Stock Company:1. Vietnam dairy joint stock company:</b>
English name: Coca-cola Beverages Vietnam Ltd. Coca-Cola Abbreviated name: Coca-Cola
In Vietnam, Coca-Cola is fully named Coca-Cola Beverage Vietnam Co., Ltd., English name is Coca-Cola Beverages Vietnam Ltd. Coca-Cola was first introduced in 1960, but in January 2001 Coca-Cola Beverage Vietnam Co., Ltd. was officially established after merging 3 Coca-Cola businesses in 3 North, Trung, South into 1 unified company.
Coca-Cola Vietnam currently has factories located in 3 cities in the North, Central and South: Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang and Hanoi, helping the company to easily distribute and expand the distribution network in all 3 regions, providing full products to dealers in all 3 regions across the country. Coca-Cola Vietnam Co., Ltd. also creates about 4,000 jobs directly as well as indirectly, creating 6 to 10 times more jobs from its supply chain activities. Through continuous development efforts, Coca-Cola Beverage Vietnam Co., Ltd. is currently ranked 3rd in the Top 10 prestigious beverage companies in 2020 - Industry group: Non-alcoholic beverages (soft drinks, tea, coffee...) according to Vietnam Report.
<b>2. Development process:</b>
- 1960: Coca-cola was introduced in Vietnam for the first time.
- February 1994: Coca-Cola returns to Vietnam within 24 hours of the U.S. lifting its trade embargo on Vietnam.
- 8/1995: Coca-Cola Indochina Pte (CCIL) entered into a joint venture with Vinafimex, a state-owned enterprise under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, to form Coca-Cola Ngoc Hoi in Hanoi.
- 9/1995: Coca-cola Indochina Pte Co., Ltd. (CCIL) entered into a joint venture with Chuong Duong Beverage Company, forming Chuong Duong Coca-Cola Carbonated Beverage Co., Ltd. in Ho Chi Minh City.
- 01/1998: Coca-cola Indochina Pte (CCIL) continues its joint venture with Da Nang Beverage Company, forming Coca-cola Non Nuoc Carbonated Beverage Co., Ltd.
- October 1998: The Vietnamese government allows joint venture companies in the South to convert to 100% foreign-invested companies.
- March 1999: The government allows Coca-Cola Indochina to acquire its entire stake in the Central Joint Venture.
- 8/1999: The Government allowed Coca Cola Ngoc Hoi joint venture to be converted into a 100% foreign-owned enterprise called Hanoi Coca-Cola Beverage Company.
- January 2001: The Vietnamese Government allowed the merger of 3 enterprises in 3 Northern, Central and Southern regions into a unified company called Coca-Cola Beverage Vietnam Co., Ltd., headquartered in Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City and 2 branches in Ha Tay and Da Nang.
- 1/3/2004: Coca-cola Vietnam was transferred to Sabco – one of Coca-cola's famous bottling corporations in the world.
- 2004 - 2012: After becoming a 100% foreign-owned company, Coca-Cola Beverage Vietnam Co., Ltd. continuously reported losses for many consecutive years despite the steady increase in revenue every year. Specifically, in 2004, Coca-Cola Vietnam's revenue only reached VND 728 billion, by 2010 this figure increased to VND 2,529 billion, nearly 3.5 times higher in 7 years. However, the company still reported losses.
- 2012: Coca Cola Vietnam took over bottling operations from Sabco in this market.
- 2013, 2014: After public opinion about Coca Cola reporting losses, along with questions of transfer pricing and tax evasion, this is the first year Coca-Cola reported profits after many consecutive years of losses. Specifically, profit in 2013 and 2014 was VND 150 and VND 357 billion, according to data published by the HCMC Tax Department.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 6</span><div class="page_container" data-page="6">- 2015-2019: The company continuously grew in revenue and profit, so the company started paying taxes.
- 2019: Coca-Cola Vietnam was recognized as the top 2 sustainable enterprises in Vietnam by VCCI and Top 1 most favorite employers by Career Builder.
<b><small>3.</small>Some important points:</b>
1994: Coca-Cola officially imported and distributed its first products in Vietnam.
2008: Coca-Cola Vietnam opened its first factory in Hanoi with a production capacity of up to 750 million liters / year.
2013: Coca-Cola Vietnam launches the SWEET WINE IN NEED OF CONDITIONS program, committing to the government and communities to use water sustainably.
2017: Coca-Cola Vietnam introduces the first 100% recycled PET bottle in Vietnam, helping to reduce the amount of plastic waste.
2019: Coca-Cola Vietnam officially launched the world's first 100% recycled PET bottle made from 100% recycled plastic in Vietnam.
2021: Coca-Cola Vietnam announced plans to invest US$200 million to build two more manufacturing plants in Hai Phong and Binh Duong, marking the company's sustainable development in Vietnam.
<b>II.Product Coca-Cola:1. Brand strategy:</b>
Coca-Cola is one of the leading beverage brands in Vietnam and in the world, with a diversified product portfolio, meeting the needs of customers from beverage products and other products. Here are some of Coca-Cola's standout products: Carbonated soft drinks (Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta,...) Needless to say, the popularity of Coca-Cola carbonated drink globally – the symbol of the beverage for hundreds of years. Coca-Cola is a refreshing carbonated drink, with a characteristic Cola flavor and a hint of caffeine; Help users not only feel refreshed
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 7</span><div class="page_container" data-page="7">but also make moments of rest, more delicious meals. The main ingredients of Coca Cola include: CO2 saturated water, cane sugar, HFCS sugar, food coloring, acidity, natural flavorings and caffeine.
Juice and fruitmilk drink( Minute Maid, Nutriboost,..) Minute Maid is a juice made from fresh, clean fruit that helps create fresh, nutritious juice. Nutriboost is a nutritional drink combining fresh, delicious, nutritious milk and juice, supplementing energy for 1 productive working day.
<i>Image 2:Juice and fruitmilk drink</i>
Filtered Water and Tea(Fuze Tea, Aquarius, Dasani,..): Carbonated mineral water drinks provide the body with adequate water and mineral resources. Aquarius is a drink with a fortified formula, supplemented with electrolytes and minerals to help rehydrate the body, making life more active.
<i>Image 1:Carbonated soft drinks</i>
<i>Image 3:Filtered Water and Tea</i>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 8</span><div class="page_container" data-page="8"><small>2.</small> <b>Product strategy: </b>
Coca-Cola has developed this product strategy very successfully, aiming to meet the needs of customers while helping the company earn a lot of profits.
of the important factors in Coca-Cola's product strategy is product diversity. Coca-Cola has created a wide product portfolio, meeting the dietary and nutritional needs of all customer segments. In this way, the company creates more opportunities for customers to choose products that suit their needs and strengthens customer relationships.
<b>III.Some Strengths And Weaknesses Of Product:1. Strengths of product:</b>
- Strong brand footprint:
From 1995 to 2020, Coca-Cola was recognized by consumers as one of the 10 high-quality Vietnamese brands. Compared to other milk suppliers, Coca-Cola has spent more than 137 years of construction and development, this milk brand has long had a firm foothold in the hearts of customers.
Currently, Coca-Cola has defined its strategy and long-term orientation on the new business model. The brand maintains its No. 1 position in the Vietnamese market and aims to become the world's largest beverage company.
- Product quality:
Coca-Cola responds to consumer needs by continuously launching diverse product lines. Some outstanding products of the brand are: Coca-Cola with Coffee, Coca-Cola Clear, Coca-Cola Energy ,...
Coca-Cola's products have a characteristic delicious taste, meeting nutritional solutions. In addition, although the product has 5-star quality, Coca-Cola's price is relatively low, suitable for the income of all users.
Products "covering the country":
Coca-Cola brand has almost spread across all provinces and cities in Vietnam. In addition, with optimal quality, Coca-Cola's products are also exported to foreign markets. With a wide network, Coca-Cola dairy products are always well received by consumers. As a result, strategies for launching new products and promoting images are also more effective.
Currently, not only present in supermarkets, convenience stores, markets, etc. Coca-Cola's products are also traded online on e-commerce sites.
Professional marketing strategy:
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 9</span><div class="page_container" data-page="9">Coca-Cola's advertising and marketing programs must be familiar to consumers. Besides providing quality products, Coca-Cola's communication campaigns are also very successful. With professionalism and humanistic content, the brand's marketing products easily touch the hearts of viewers.
In addition, Coca-Cola always puts the research and product development process on top. At the same time, the brand is also very interested in the needs and tastes of consumers. The marketing team of Coca-Cola always keeps ahead of trends and makes full use of the media and social networks to best promote the brand.
- Strong financial resources:
Coca-Cola brand owns a stable and safe capital source, ensuring financial autonomy. Abundant finance is also one of the brand's top strengths. Compared to other businesses struggling with interest rates, Coca-Cola always generates revenue from many other sources.
<b>2. Weaknesses of product:</b>
High in sugar and calories: Coca-Cola contains a lot of sugar and calories, so consuming too much Coca-Cola can lead to obesity and related health problems.
Coca-Cola contains caffeine, a stimulant that can be addictive, and excessive consumption can lead to health problems such as anxiety, insomnia, tachycardia, and digestive upset.
Impact on teeth: Coca-Cola contains acids and sugars, which can cause damage to tooth enamel and lead to the growth of bacteria in the mouth.
Coca-Cola production and consumption both have an impact on the environment, from using water resources to producing and treating waste.
Coca-Cola is facing stiff competition from other products, especially sugar-free soft drinks and natural fruit juices.
<b>IV.Proposals To Improve Product:1. Use of natural raw materials:</b>
Coca-Cola can use more natural ingredients to create products, which increases environmental friendliness and reduces harmful chemicals.
<b>2. Product diversification:</b>
Coca-Cola can diversify its products by adding new flavors or creating different products to meet different consumer preferences and needs.
<b>3. Focus on the environment: </b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 10</span><div class="page_container" data-page="10">Coca-Cola can pay more attention to the environment by using renewable energy sources and recycling waste.
<b>I.Levels In Coca-Cola's Organizational Structure:</b>
According to the organizational chart of Coca-Cola, the levels in the company are stratified in the following order:
1. Supreme management level. 2. Intermediate level of administration 3. Grassroots administrators and employees.
<i><small>Image 4:SALE ORGANIZATION</small></i>
<b>II. Management Model Of Coca-Cola:</b>
- According to international practices on corporate governance, joint-stock companies are recommended to build an organizational structure according to the 1-level governance model and the 2-level governance model.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 11</span><div class="page_container" data-page="11">- Specifically, the 1-level model is a model that includes the general meeting of shareholders and the board of directors, the board of directors, in addition to the audit committee under the board of directors. This model will not have a supervisory board, however, there will be independent members of the board of directors with supervisory roles and holding the audit committee. Meanwhile, the 2-level model has a general meeting of shareholders and a board of directors like the one above, but with an additional supervisory board and a board of directors.
- For Coca-Cola, the company has put independent members on the board of directors, submitted to the general meeting of shareholders to approve the transformation to a one-tier governance model. It can be said that the company has pioneered the transformation to a most advanced management model today.
- The restructuring of Coca-Cola's organizational structure aims to help shareholders have better supervisory capacity than the board of directors or the board of directors. This is the premise to help increase the value of the company now and in the future.
<b>III.Analysis Of The Organizational Chart, Organizational Structure Of Coca-Cola:</b>
Through the above diagram, Coca-Cola currently has the following functional divisions:
<b>General Meeting of Shareholders: </b>
- The General Meeting of Shareholders of Coca-Cola's organizational structure includes all shareholders who have voting rights from ordinary shareholders to voting preference shareholders. The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of a joint-stock company.
- The General Meeting of Shareholders will have the right to decide on the business plan and the task of ensuring production based on the development orientation of the company. In addition, the general meeting of shareholders can also decide to amend or supplement the charter capital of the company. - Some other powers of the Shareholders' Council are to elect or remove or
dismiss members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board or decide to dissolve or reorganize the company.
<b>Administrative Council:</b>
- The Board of Directors is the highest management body in Coca-Cola's organizational structure. This position has full authority on behalf of the enterprise to decide on all issues related to the company's objectives and interests, except for matters under the authority of the general meeting of 11
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 12</span><div class="page_container" data-page="12">shareholders. Coca-Cola's Board of Directors is elected by the general meeting of shareholders, including a chairman of the board of directors and 10 general meetings of shareholders.
Since 2015, the highest position of Coca-Cola has been held by Ms. Le Thi Bang Tam, however, in April 2022, Mr. Nguyen Hanh Phuc officially became the new Chairman of the Board of Directors for the 2022 term. to 2026 in place of Ms. Le Thi Bang Tam.
<b>Director, General Director of the company:</b>
- The director or general director of the company in the organizational structure of Coca-Cola is the person who runs the business of the company. This position will be held by the board of directors responsible for appointing a member of the board or recruiting new personnel.
- Currently, Coca-Cola's General Director is Ms. Mai Thi Kieu Lien. She is considered the person who helped put the Coca-Cola brand on the world map with many contributions to the company and society.
- Her wise strategies and decisions have helped Coca-Cola continuously invest, improve, and bring many quality products to domestic consumers. At the same time, the company's export and international business also achieved many impressive achievements.
<b>Control Board:</b>
- The Supervisory Board in the organizational structure consists of 4 members elected by the general meeting of shareholders. The term of the Supervisory Board elected is 5 years. The members will be re-elected and the number of terms is unlimited.
- The Supervisory Board has the function and task to check the legitimacy, rationality, honesty, and level of caution in the process of managing and operating business activities. Inspection and supervision activities include accounting, statistics and financial reporting to ensure the legitimate interests of shareholders. In particular, this unit will operate independently from the board of directors and the board of directors.
<b>IV.Advantages - Disadvantages Of Coca-Cola's Organizational Structure:</b>
- Divisions in Coca-Cola's organizational structure will receive direct instructions from a superior leader. This means that the work is centralized in a single point, employees can easily exchange and report.
- The company's staff will bring into full play the advantages of industry specialization according to each function and position being held.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 13</span><div class="page_container" data-page="13">- The clear decentralization helps the HR department to simplify the training of human resources
- Transparent organizational structure creates favorable conditions for closer and more continuous inspection of daily work.
- Among the functional units of the company, it is easy to arise many controversies and conflicts in the process of setting goals or strategies for the organization.
- High specialization causes some jobs to be delayed because employees cannot be concurrently, and need to carry out transfer processes to other departments and individuals.
- The leader must bear heavy responsibility for the company's future sales goals and operational strategy.
In general, the sales process of Coca-Cola takes place according to a 4-step model, in the following order:
<b>I.Research The Market:</b>
At enterprises, there is always at least one position named market development officer. And Coca-Cola is no exception. This employee/department will be responsible for analyzing data, finding out information about the market, searching for potential areas, new or untapped, in line with the development goals of the business.
At the same time, throughout this process, the market development staff is also responsible for finding target customers and buyers in the area who are in need of accessing the company's products.
<b>II.Identify Intermediate Distributors:</b>
After completing the market research stage, Coca-Cola needs to identify intermediate distributors or buyers who will access their products. These buyers are not fixed in any way. It could be a large supermarket chain like WinMart, convenience stores like Circle K or simply a small grocery store in the neighborhood. These objects have different needs, with different purchasing power as well as financial capacity.
Therefore, Coca-Cola's task is to firmly grasp the information of these buyers, manage and classify data according to different factors to serve the next steps.
<b>III.Negotiations And Agreements:</b>
Once the information about the buyer is known, Coca-Cola will directly negotiate and agree with the buyers. Each intermediary will have a different
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 14</span><div class="page_container" data-page="14">ability to consume products, along with a difference in customer frequency. Therefore, the milk supplier needs to propose and negotiate a reasonable and agreeable discount with the buyer while still ensuring the interests of the business.
When the negotiation is completed and an agreement is reached, the two parties will jointly sign the contract and shake hands on cooperation. This contract will clearly state the discount rate as well as the time required for payment (depending on the agreement of the two parties).
<b>IV.Create Orders, Pay And Delivery:</b>
To end the company's sales process, Coca-Cola will create an order to transfer to the buyer to keep. This order is implemented in two forms: online and in person. For the direct form, the buyer will receive the pre-made form with the product. For the online application form, the Company will create the application via the electronic form.
After that, the company will transport and hand over the products to the buyer step by step, in accordance with the business's process, from the inspection step to the delivery step. The process of payment and acceptance will take place as agreed in the contract.
<b>V.Suggestions For Improvement:</b>
Here are some proposals that could improve Coca-Cola's selling process:
Enhancing sales skills for employees: Coca-Cola can provide sales staff with training courses or training programs to improve their sales skills. This helps sales staff become more confident when interacting with customers and able to explain products or services more professionally.
Investing in technology: Coca-Cola can use technology to minimize the time and effort of sales staff, as well as help them interact with customers more efficiently. For example, using customer management software helps sales staff track customer information, quickly search for customer information, and easily manage customer information.
Strengthening advertising and marketing: Coca-Cola can strengthen its advertising and marketing strategies to increase its access to potential customers. This may include using online advertising tools such as Google AdWords or advertising on social media, as well as organizing events to display Coca-Cola's products or services.
Improving customer service: Coca-Cola can improve its customer service by responding quickly and effectively to customer requests, increasing customer satisfaction and trust in Coca-Cola's products or services.
Seeking business partners: Coca-Cola can seek business partners to introduce its products or services to new customers. This helps increase the
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 15</span><div class="page_container" data-page="15">opportunity to reach potential customers and increase Coca-Cola's sales
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 16</span><div class="page_container" data-page="16"><b>II.Overview Of Sales Target In 2023:</b>
Revenue: Coca-Cola's revenue target for fiscal year 2023 is VND 70,000 billion, up 14.8% over the previous year. Production costs: Optimizing production processes and investing in new technologies, Coca-Cola aims to reduce the production cost of a product unit to less than 5% compared to the previous year.
Cost management: Coca-Cola will continue to strengthen cost management and invest in new research and development projects, aiming to reduce the company's total financial expenses to less than 7% year-on-year.
Intergergrated budgets target for all programs:
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 17</span><div class="page_container" data-page="17">Advertising and marketing: Coca-Cola aims to invest heavily in advertising and marketing campaigns, including online and offline activities, and achieve sales growth of at least 15%.
Research and development: Coca-Cola aims to invest heavily in research and development to develop new products and improve the quality of existing products. The company's goal is to account for 20% of the total research and development costs of the dairy industry in Vietnam.
<b>III.Disclaimer, Advantages, And Some Proposed To Increase Targeted Revenue For Coca-Cola:</b>
<b>1. There are many factors that can lead to a decrease in Coca-Cola's sales,here are some of the main disadvantages:</b>
Vietnam's dairy market is facing increasingly fierce competition from domestic and international competitors, making it difficult for Coca-Cola to maintain and expand its market share.
Milk consumption can be affected by the economic situation, price, and consumption habits of consumers.
Many new products are introduced by competitors, which can compete directly with Coca-Cola's products and reduce the company's sales.
Coca-Cola also faces supply risks, such as shortage of input milk supply or product quality risks.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 18</span><div class="page_container" data-page="18">Coca-Cola's marketing and advertising strategy may also face challenges, as competitors become stronger and more creative in promoting products.
In short, to maintain and grow sales, Coca-Cola needs to continuously update and improve its business strategy, improve product quality, strengthen brand promotion, and develop new markets.
<b>2. There are many factors affecting Coca-Cola's revenue growth, here aresome key advantages:</b>
Coca-Cola is a prestigious and popular dairy brand in Vietnam, with a nationwide distribution network. This helps Coca-Cola reach many potential customers and increase its market share.
Coca-Cola always focuses on investing in product research and development, creating many high quality and diverse products to meet the diverse needs of customers.
Coca-Cola's marketing and advertising strategies are always invested and creative, helping Coca-Cola's brand be widely promoted to potential customers.
Coca-Cola also has many customer support policies, such as discounts, promotions, gifts and membership cards. These policies help Coca-Cola attract many new customers and strengthen the loyalty of existing customers.
In addition, Coca-Cola also invests in services related to the dairy industry, such as food and coffee retail. This helps Coca-Cola increase profits from other businesses related to the dairy industry.
In short, to increase revenue, Coca-Cola needs to continue to invest in product research and development, improve marketing and advertising strategies, and invest in related services to increase profits.
<b>3. Here are some suggestions to help increase Coca-Cola's sales:</b>
Research and develop new products: Coca-Cola can strengthen research and development of new products to meet diverse needs of customers and add value to products. Coca-Cola can create unique products or higher quality milk to attract new customers.
Creative advertising and marketing: Coca-Cola can strengthen its creative marketing and advertising strategies to introduce its brands and products to potential customers. Advertising campaigns can focus on special features of Coca-Cola's products and its brand value.