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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">
STT NAME <sup>STUDENT </sup><sub>CODE </sub> <sup>RESPONSIBILITIES </sup> <sup>SCORE </sup> 1 Nguyễn Thị Minh Anh 205084564
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3">1. OVERVIEW ABOUT VINAMILK. ... 4
15. SELF – CONCEPT. ... 37
16. SELF-ESTEEM ... 38
19. SELF-EXTENDED ... 44
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4">1. OVERVIEW ABOUT VINAMILK.
Vinamilk was born on August 20, 1976. This is a company established on the basis of taking over 3 dairy factories, left by the old regime. Since then, when successively awarded the Labor Medal by the State, the title of Labor Hero in the renovation period... Vinamilk has built dairy farms in all parts of the country. Not only developing in the domestic market, Vinamilk also expanded its brand to New Zealand and more than 20 other countries, including the US. (nguồn?)
In addition, Vinamilk is also a pioneer brand to open the way for the high-end organic food market in Vietnam, with fresh dairy products that meet USDA standards in the United States.Vinamilk is a company with diverse industries such as dairy farming, production of animal feed, cultivation...
In 8 years, with many efforts, the company has successfully built 5 dairy farms and has plans to build 4 more farms next.Vinamilk is very focused on investing in technological equipment. All livestock barn systems are built by the company according to the most modern standards in the world. (nguồn)
To ensure the mastery of modern equipment, the company also regularly trains and develops human resources. The Directors and Heads of Departments were all sent by the company to learn practical experience from dairy farms in the US, Australia...
VINAMILK chooses the position of "international quality" to emphasize to international consumers that VINAMILK branded products have quality that meets international
standards and can compete with other brands. leading dairy in the world. This makes a very positive contribution to the promotion and introduction of VINAMILK branded products worldwide, referring to VINAMILK, in the minds of consumers as “Vietnamese products with international quality”… Vinamilk has highly paid attention to product quality control and management. We have therefore applied advanced management systems such as BRC and ISO 17025 to strictly and thoroughly manage all manufacturing stages including pre, mid and post production in order to ensure the quality and safety of Vinamilk's products. In addition, a product tracking system has also been applied to the product recall and the disposal process of faulty products in order to minimize the possible negative impacts on consumers and society.
Vinamilk is a Vietnamese company manufacturing and trading milk and various dairy products as well as related machinery and equipment. According to statistics of the United Nations Development Program, Vinamilk is the 15th largest company in Vietnam (2007). The special thing is that most of the products that Vinamilk provides to the market are attached under the brand name "Vinamilk" - voted as "Famous Brand" and one of the 100 strongest brands voted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. 2006.
Vinamilk is the leading company in the dairy processing industry and accounts for 75% of the dairy market share in Vietnam. Not only strongly distributing domestically with a network of about 183 distributors and nearly 94,000 sales points across 64 provinces and cities, Vinamilk dairy products are also exported to foreign countries such as the US, Poland, Germany, France, Canada, Southeast Asia, Philippines, Cambodia, Iraq...
Source: With preciousnatural nutrients and irresistible fresh taste, fresh cow's milk helps the whole family to be full of health and joy every day. Raw milk is rich in protein, fat and vitamins,
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 6</span><div class="page_container" data-page="6">and milk also contains high levels of calcium which is good for health. It can be said that fresh milk is a great gift for the health of the whole family.
With the aforementioned abundant nutritional content, each glass of milk has great significance to the health of each person. Drinking fresh milk every day helps you replenish essential vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, B vitamins, minerals and trace elements, the body will increase resistance, develop the nervous system and maintain metabolism.
Source: Over the past 40 years, Vinamilk has been accompanying millions of Vietnamese families, connecting them for generations. Each glass of milk in hand is an indispensable habit in the diverse culinary culture of each family. In response to that trust, Vinamilk always focuses on investing in modern production technology and constantly innovating, providing consumers with new nutritional solutions of international quality.
With fresh milk from an international standard farm system spread across Vietnam, Vinamilk's 100% premium fresh milk products are full of delicious and pure fresh milk from nature, providing high quality nutrition for the whole family.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 7</span><div class="page_container" data-page="7">Vinamilk 100% new premium products with Vitamin A, D3 and Selenium are a golden source of nutrition to help support immunity, strengthen resistance, keep the whole family happy and healthy and ready to do important tasks every day.
Considered as a premium fresh milk product, Vinamilk Fresh Pasteurized Milk ensures strict requirements in the production as well as processing process. The milk flow is provided by healthy cows from international standard farms spread throughout Vietnam. Vinamilk directly imports 100% of high-end purebred cow breeds from the US, Australia and New Zealand, where there is a long-standing and advanced dairy farming in the world. The Holstein Friesian 100% purebred breed of cows gives the world's leading high milk quality. Cows are rigorously selected, full pedigree in the last 3 generations to ensure purebred origin, abundant and high quality milk.
-Cow feed meets Global G.A.P standards, cow diets are set with optimal nutritional ratio according to international standards with 4 times per day, high quality grass ingredients imported directly from the US, so cows are guaranteed to always have the freshest meal. In addition, cows are cared for according to the process of applying state- -of the-art technology: cooling mist technology from Sweden and a soft rubber mattress system to help cows sleep well. Before milking, cows are thoroughly bathed and disinfected, listening to melodious symphonic music. All will make the cow most comfortable and pleasant, thanks to which milk is also more abundant and of better quality.
The cows are managed individually with electronic chips, electronic chips attached to the neck to help veterinarians always update accurate and continuous information about the health parameters of cows. Therefore, Vinamilk's cows are always guaranteed to have the best health and physical condition.
When milk arrives at the factory, Vinamilk uses modern UHT sterilization technology to help kill all harmful bacteria, yeast, mold while retaining maximum nutrients and natural taste of milk, helping Vinamilk's dairy products always delicious and quality within 6 months without using preservatives.
At Vinamilk, the fully self-contained automatic milking system is transported in a 4-6 degree Celsius pipeline to the production center, ensuring that milk always keeps its fresh taste. Milk samples are directly tested at the laboratory, samples that do not meet the preparation for rejection before being put into production and packaging.
• Function:
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 8</span><div class="page_container" data-page="8">Fresh milk is a familiar food that appears in the daily nutritional menu of many people, but do you understand all the benefits of fresh milk, gifts from nature? Let's explore the following 5 great effects from 100% Vinamilk fresh milk.
• Help strengthen bones
All human development stages from childhood to adulthood and age need to be supplemented with calcium to grow height, maintain strong bone system. Therefore, calcium supplementation must be done regularly and regularly every day.
Source: milk is one of the highest calcium -containing foods: every 100ml of 100% fresh milk Vinamilk contains up to 120mg of calcium. Therefore, just maintain the habit of drinking 3 glasses of fresh milk a day, our bodies have been provided with the necessary amount of calcium. In addition, the vitamin D3 ingredient is supplemented in 100% Vinamilk fresh milk as recommended by European EFSA to help the body easily absorb and metabolize calcium to the maximum.
• Easy and convenient energy provides
Fresh milk is an easy -to -use source of nutrition to help effectively provide energy, fat and protein. Fresh milk is an effective food source when you need to add energy for the body in lunch/ afternoon drivers or stressful working times. A glass of delicious, pure fresh milk both gives you a delicious feeling when enjoying and replenishing instant energy so that the body is ready to do well the daily tasks.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 9</span><div class="page_container" data-page="9">Source: Support immunity, increase resistance
Fresh milk is also a source of food rich in natural vitamins. When drinking fresh milk, the body is supplemented with essential vitamins in milk such as vitamin A, vitamin D, B vitamins and trace elements such as magnesium, phosphorus, selenium. As a result, the body will increase resistance, healthy immune system, develop the nervous system and maintain metabolism.
If you are hungry and want to have a stomach lining but afraid of gaining weight, fresh milk will be the right choice. Because, the fat taste of fresh milk will create a feeling of fullness. And even if you are dieting, the nutrients from milk are enough to help your body have a balance, without feeling tired. In particular, 100% Vinamilk fresh milk product is a great choice to provide energy for those who are still freaking out about weight.
• Beauty for the skin
Fresh milk has long been used to beautify in different cultures because they contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients for a healthy skin. In addition to drinking milk every day to preserve beauty and physique, women can also use milk to wash their face and mask about 2 times a week.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 10</span><div class="page_container" data-page="10">Source: With the above 5 reasons, surely anyone will pay more attention to the addition of natural fresh milk for themselves and the whole family.
Segment Demographic Psychographic Behavioural Geographic
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 11</span><div class="page_container" data-page="11">User status: First time users/ Long
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 12</span><div class="page_container" data-page="12">Source: khuc- - -thi truong cua-- vinamilk.html
Vinamilk has made great efforts to expand the company's brand to meet the needs of customers from babies, children, teenagers, adults and people with special needs. In addition to the main branded products as "Vinamilk", the company also owns the brand "Dielac" for the milk powder product line and "Vfresh" for the beverage.Currently, Vinamilk owns a product portfolio with a large number of product lines including: powdered milk and nutritious powder, sugar with sugar, water milk, yogurt and soft drinks. Vinamilk's marketing strategy for products includes:
Source: class="text_page_counter">Trang 13</span><div class="page_container" data-page="13">
• Innovating packaging and packaging design: Vinamilk has cooperated with Tetra Pak - one of the leading businesses in processing and packaging liquid food. • Provides improvements to increase the life of the product in distributing and
storing liquid foods without cooling.
• Vinamilk has developed environmentally friendly products by using the paper box provided by Tetra Pak for all dairy products and liquid beverages. • Improving milk quality: Vinamilk has spent a lot of effort to invest in the
development of dairy farming (from grass planting, building barns, preparing meals for cows, preparing veterinary medicine, to the construction of a factory , modern farm, ...).
• Price
According to Ms. Mai, Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director of Vinamilk, while the company's product quality is certified international standard, the price is much lower than foreign milk products. For example, the price of milk powder for children is only a third of other numbers on the market.
Because the current market is very competitive, if Vinamilk increases its price by half compared to other brands, the company's market will also be negatively affected. In addition, Vinamilk also said that the price increase of product will reduce the ability to buy consumers due to the average income per capita in Vietnam is still low compared to other countries.
In that situation, pricing is considered one of the important factors in Vinamilk's marketing strategy to compete with competitors.
• Distribution system (Place)
The wide distribution system plays a very important role in Vinamilk's marketing strategy. Over the past years, Vinamilk's distribution network has continued to be strengthened and developed strongly in the domestic and international market.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 14</span><div class="page_container" data-page="14">Source: Vietnam's dairy industry, there are two main distribution channels, namely traditional trade (distributors, wholesalers, retailers, consumers) and modern trade (distributors, supermarkets, people, people Consumption)
Currently, Vinamilk's domestic distribution system in these two models with more than 250 exclusive distributors and more than 200,000 retailers nationwide.
According to Viettelmobile (Military Telecom Corporation), construction unit and supplier, the system will support the sales management phase of Vinamilk's distribution systems such as transaction management, inventory management Warehouse, legal liability management and information management of each retailer. As a result, Vinamilk can track and update sales information of retailers every 2 - 3 hours. Moreover, this system is considered to be the homogeneous ERP system and the largest distribution system in Vietnam today.
• Promotion.
Understanding the importance of advertising in the promotional strategy, Vinamilk focuses on emphasizing unlimited creativity and they have achieved success. With the image of the cows dancing in the ads of Vinamilk, it has attracted many viewers, especially the children.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 15</span><div class="page_container" data-page="15">Source: addition to focusing on advertising strategies, Vinamilk is also aware of the importance of actions that bring sustainable value to society and the community. Therefore, many meaningful social activities have been conducted, the most typical is: "Vinamilk Scholarship Fund - Nurturing young Vietnamese talents", the milk fund "Vietnam is constantly developing". And the fund "One million trees for Vietnam".
The topics of sensation and perception are among the oldest and most important in all of psychology. People are equipped with senses such as sight, hearing and taste that help us to take in the world around us. Amazingly, our senses have the ability to convert real-world information into electrical information that can be processed by the brain. The way we interpret this information — our perceptions — is what leads to our experiences of the world.
Sensation is the awareness resulting from the stimulation of a sense organ, and perception is the organization and interpretation of sensations. Sensation and perception work seamlessly together to allow us to experience the world through our sensory receptors (our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin) but also to combine what we are currently learning from the environment with what we already know about it to make judgments and to choose appropriate behaviours.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 16</span><div class="page_container" data-page="16">
Perception is Customer perception refers to customers' opinions, feelings, and beliefs about your brand. It is critical for increasing customer loyalty and retention, as well as brand reputation and awareness.
Humans possess powerful sensory capacities that allow us to sense the kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, smells, and tastes that surround us. Our eyes detect light energy and our ears pick up sound waves. Our skin senses touch, pressure, hot, and cold. Our tongues react to the molecules of the foods we eat, and our noses detect scents in the air. The human perceptual system is wired for accuracy, and people are exceedingly good at making use of the wide variety of information available to them (Stoffregen & Bardy, 2001). The eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin sense the world around us, and in some cases perform preliminary information processing on the incoming data. But by and large, we do not experience sensation — we experience the outcome of perception, the total package that the brain puts together from the pieces it receives through our senses and that the brain creates for us to experience. When we look out the window at a view of the countryside, or when we look at the face of a good friend, we don’t just see a jumble of colours and shapes — we see, instead, an image of a countryside or an image of a friend (Goodale & Milner, 2006).
Vinamilk is a well-known dairy brand in Vietnam. It produces fresh milk from safe ingredients, following strict hygiene procedures. Then, its products are shipped to consumers around the world using cutting edge technology. This ensures that the milk is -of high quality and safe to eat.
• Sight: Vinamilk uses different colors to make your eyes feel cool. For example, the green tones in their products make you feel relaxed and the colorful cows on their products make you feel happy. The Vinamilk dairy cow image is associated with fresh milk and cows, so it is always the first thing people think of when they see it. This is why the Vinamilk brand is often associated with dairy products like milk and cheese.
• Sound: The commercial for 100% fresh milk Vinamilk used lively music and advanced animation effects to create an impression on audiences. The cows in the advertisements are always lively and fun, with a unique look that always makes a lasting impression. This advertising campaign quickly became popular and is still remembered by many Vietnamese people today.
• Taste: Vinamilk fresh 100% has many different flavors to choose from so that everyone can find what they like.
• Touch: Vinamilk's products are flawlessly planned, firm in hand, making a sense of closeness to clients.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 17</span><div class="page_container" data-page="17">Source: nghiem vang/sensory- - -marketing-nam bat- -tui-tien-bang-marketing cam- -quan-cho giao dien- - -ban hang.html- Absolute Thresh is the lowest level at which an individual can experience a sensation.At this point, an individual can detect a difference between “something” and “nothing” and this point would be that individual’s absolute threshold for that stimulus. For instance, one individual may sense the sound pitch at 20 cycles per second and the second individual may sense the sound pitch at 30 cycles per second. Absolute threshold for sound in case of these two individuals would be different.The senses are likely to become increasingly dull under conditions of constant stimulation and the absolute threshold increases.
Differential Threshold is the minimal difference that can be detected between two similar stimuliAlso known as the just noticeable difference (the j.n.d.)To measure the differential
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 18</span><div class="page_container" data-page="18">threshold for a stimulus, one commonly changes its intensity in very small amounts. An individual’s threshold exists when she/he first notices that the stimulus has changed. The difference between this value and the starting value is the just noticeable difference. Weber’s Law: The j.n.d. between two stimuli is not an absolute amount but an amount relative to the intensity of the first stimulusWeber’s law states that the stronger the initial stimulus, the greater the additional intensity needed for the second stimulus to be perceived as different. (“Vinamilk được đánh giá là thương hiệu sữa tiềm năng nhất toàn cầu theo báo cáo Brand Finance”)
Source: -sukien/1908/san pham- -thuong-hieu -vinamilk duoc- -chon mua-- nhieu nhat- - -taiviet nam- According to Nielsen Vietnam, Vinamilk has led the local market in terms of both volume and sales of both liquid milk and baby formula for 12 consecutive months, beginning in March 2018. Similar results from different market research reports published in the first 6 months of this year, is that this Vietnamese dairy brand continues to maintain its attractiveness to consumers. )
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 19</span><div class="page_container" data-page="19">
Source: among Vietnamese-youth.html- - There are several brands of liquid milk available in the market; interestingly “Vinamilk” is the top of mind brand in our recent research for both male and female, followed by “TH True Milk”. However, the runner-up brands for male and female are different. Male go for “Cô gái Hà Lan” with 12% while female chose “Fami” at 3rd place with 10%. (“Vietnam Market Research Report - Popular liquid milk among Vietnamese youth”)
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 20</span><div class="page_container" data-page="20">Source:( drinking behaviors- - -in- vietnam?fbclid=IwAR0c-4-DDN1jOTSPJAO5jsOvNBsYj3ZJPdO5bMFWNiWnJK8oTI3hMPYgWSY
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 21</span><div class="page_container" data-page="21">Source:( drinking behaviors- - -in- vietnam?fbclid=IwAR0c-4-DDN1jOTSPJAO5jsOvNBsYj3ZJPdO5bMFWNiWnJK8oTI3hMPYgWSY Milk is a nutrient-rich beverage that may benefit your health in several ways. It’s packed with important nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, potassium and vitamin D. Plus, it’s an excellent source of protein.
Milk is considered to be the source to provide the health and nutrition in Vietnam. We made the survey to over 700 responses in Vietnam to understand their drinking customs, favorite brands and purchase factors.
In the school year 2013-2014, the Fund donated 1.2 million glasses of milk to more than 13,000 children in 57 provinces and cities nationwide. Locations where Vinamilk organized and offered direct milk donation are:
Date Cities and provinces
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 22</span><div class="page_container" data-page="22">At the inauguration ceremony of one of the Vietnam's largest dairy factories, and also on the occasion of celebrating the 20th anniversary of the National Malnutrition Prevention Program, Vinamilk and the "Stand Tall Vietnam” Milk Fund donated 150 thousand packs of Vinamilk UHT 100% Fresh Milk "Immune system support" - which were the very first ones produced by the factory's modern production line - to Vietnamese children in 10 provinces that had the highest percentage of malnutrition in children under 5, with total value of VND 1 billion. On the opening day of the Vietnam Powdered Milk factory, Vinamilk's General Director signed to donate "10,000 tins of Dielac Alpha (powdered milk for young children)” at the value of VND 1 billion. These products which was also the very first ones produced by the factory's modern production lines, to the poor and disabled children via Vietnam Children Support Fund and Children Support Fund of Binh Duong province.
- In the school year 2013, the program was implemented to: • Grant 1,000 scholarships worth VND 1 billion.
• Celebrate the 10<small>th </small>anniversary of the "Vinamilk - Nurturing Vietnamese Young Talents" Scholarship Fund in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Training, and organize the "Shining Vietnamese Talents" playground for primary school pupils with the participation of more than 2,000 pupils.
- The implemented programs in the school year 2013 include: • Scholarshipgrants forpoorstudents in Ben Treprovince
- Vinamilk cooperated with Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin in Ben Tre province to grant scholarships 180 million to 280 orphans, disabled and poor students.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 23</span><div class="page_container" data-page="23">Source: Vinamilk'ssupport for flood victims in centralVietnam
In responding to the call of National Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front towards the northern central provinces affected by the typhoon No. 10 in 2013, during 12<small>th</small> -15<small>th</small> October, Vinamilk visited and presented gifts worth VND 2.3 billion in cash to those severely suffered from the typhoon in the provinces of Quang Tri, Quang Binh, Nghe An and Thanh Hoa. In December 2013, Vinamilk supported severely flooded areas in Quang Ngai Province with the total value of VND 250 million for people to repair their homes and stabilize their lives.
• Participation in the "Pink blood" campaign
In 2013, Vinamilk's staff from 12 operating units participated in blood donation campaign, with the total of 850 units of blood donated. At the same time, the trade unions at Vinamilk's operating units also participated in financial supporting for the treatment of disadvantaged people with illness, incurable diseases or fatal diseases at different locations and hospitals with the total amount of VND 956 million, which was partially extracted from Vinamilk's operational funds and partially from the contributions of all its officers and employees. In addition, Vinamilk also participated in supporting the "The fishing nets of love” Program for fishermen in Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) islands with the total amount of VND 300 million.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 24</span><div class="page_container" data-page="24">At present, all Vinamilk's factories have been established and are operating the energy management system pursuant to the ISO 50001:2011 standard. According to its plan in 2014, Vinamilk will have an exterior audit conducted on its implementation of this standard.
In 2013, Vinamilk conducted energy audits at three more factories, increasing the total number of factories that received an energy audit to nine.
As per the program's orientation in protecting energy resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Vinamilk has transferred to the use of clean and renewable energy resources such as CNG and BIOMASS to replace the traditional FO and DO oils.
Vinamilk's goal is to apply these energy resources to all its factories, in which:
Biomass fuel is used in factories that meet the requirements of ground area.
CNG fuel is used in factories where ground area is limited.
LIGHTING EQUIPMENT In 2013, Vinamilk completed a pilot project to increase the
effectiveness of energy consumption in lighting at Saigon Dairy Factory. This project included a design adjustment to optimize capacity and the use of energy saving lighting devices such as LED and Compact T5-T8 lamps. This helped to save up to 70% of the energy consumption in lighting compared with traditional high voltage lamps.