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Accumulative Report Introduction To English Language (0+2).Pdf

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<b>Course: Introduction to English Language (0+2)Major: English Language</b>

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3.1 Descriptions of the four important skills in english...8

3.2 Own experience in learning these skills...9




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<b>CHAPTER I: Introduction1.1 Background of Thu Dau Mot University</b>

Thu Dau Mot University was formerly regarded as the spearhead training institution of pedagogical of Binh Duong province under the name of Binh Duong Predatory College with the aim to provide professional lectures for the younger generations.Then, through the official decision from the central government and the Prime Minister Thu Dau Mot Universtisy was established and operated directlyunder the supervision and management of Ministry of Education along with The People’s Committee of Binh Duong ,through twelve years dedicated to training Thu Dau Mot university has gradually become a new model for other university moreover Thu Dau Mot University also meets the requirements of many well-known organizations such as MOET,AUN-QA,..etc.Currently,Thu Dau Mot University houses 775 staffs and lecturers along with eight faculties,departments and institutes alike and operate by the Board of Directors and University Council.Thu Dau Mot University has many training programs vary from Economics,Technology,Sciences to Humanities,English Language. However , amongst other Faculties and training program English language of the faculty of foreign languages that fascinate most college student a few words about faculty of foreign languages,the faculty of foreign languages in charge of training programs that are related to foreign languages in the meantime there three main training programs which are English,Korean and Chinese language

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<b>1.2 History of English </b>

Throughout the course of history English reflects much development through social unrests and political instabilities that affected greatly the way English peopleused their language.Through the Christianization of the Roman and invasion of the Norman that make English becoming greatly diversity in the form of vocabulary and grammar.The spread of English become the top priority when Great Britain define itself as a maritime power, the so called British Empire spread through all continent and colonized much of the land that resulted in different kinds of Englishused by the local.People tend to regard their language as superior over others due to the internal advantages.Moreover Languages can only become important is through a sequence of events that connect to that language these type of events may not favorably in terms of moral.However with powerful nations language can reflect the state of political,social and military strength to some extent,the spread ofarts and science breakthroughs also in favor of languages that are used most all over the world.Also English has the avantage of inflectional simplicity compare to others English goes further in eliminating the pronoun and reduces to the sign of comperative,plural and all personal endings,also the elements that make german difficult for people who uses it at a second language are eliminated in English which make it easier for everyone to learn and to master.Another advantage of English is gender differentiate compare to other languages such as German, Frenchwe can see that German has a different set of gender which is masculine,feminine and neuter as for English language the gender is relatively simple nowadays we can identify the gender of the noun thanks to the natural meaning of the nouns and the elements that contributes to the overall meaning of nouns


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<b>2.1 The importance of English on modern life </b>

We are currently living in a society that is so advanced called the 5.0 society, particularly in this society everyone is all connected in mass media and online platform such as facebook,twitter,..etc.Morover,the main language for exchanging information and knowledge is English so in another word English is the spearhead language to connect people around the world.In modern life we use English nearly everyday and anytime through our favorite shows,games,magazines,movies which means English plays an important role in our life as well.The world is moving at a fast pace that contributes more to the reasons why we must study English.KnowingEnglish will benefit us greatly in our jop we can find well-paid jop,even have the chance to go abroad and the availability to be promoted to a higher position

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<b>2.2 Academic programs</b>

The academic Programs of subject introduction to English linguistics is constructed and created according to important skills and knowledge at a basic in English of each individual currently study in the English Linguistics program also introduce to student the most basic foundation of English and skills such as teamwork,making plans,….etc.Moreover,this subject also equip students with important knowledge of four key skills of English which are:

listening,reading,speaking and writing hence the subject also provide substantial information about the important role and the application of English in real life context,students are allow to attend trip, discus with foreigner to evaluate the English language spoken by them.Moreover,enables student to create a plan and work so as to achieve highest result as possible.Also,the aim of this subject is to make student realize the importance and the implication of English,students have to imply the knowledge learn in this course into other course in the future.Students also be able to evaluate the use of English in some contextual situation that required understanding deeply in English.Finally,This subject is a core subject in the entire course in terms of necessity and the implication of English


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<b>2.3 Teaching and learning activities</b>

Teaching and learning activities of English linguistics are vary depend on the lecturer and also the course that students are obliged to enroll the important subjectthroughout the entire course, so students have the tendency to choose the date and the lecturer they want to study so that create a variety ways teach and conduct learning activities most subjects are purely theoretical that required students to carefully review the past lessons and doing homework while others required the ability to think and attend productively in class activities. Lecturers usually base onthe subject syllabus and the outline to design their plan for that day so if it is theoretical then a PowerPoint will be presented along with the lessons of that day in another case if the subject is purely practice then the lecturers will flexible change the way they teach to more exercises and more time for reading the coursebook for the students. Most of the time lecturers will schedule a mid-term exam and end of the course exam the ways to execute these type of exams also vary it could be a team project or it could be a small essay or it could even be a quick exam that involves knowledge in the past lessons. Through this paragraph we can see that the way lecturers teach and the way students learn is very vary and it depends on many factors

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<b>2.4 Job opportunities</b>

After graduation students in the bachelor of English linguistics will have more ability and opportunity to find well-paid jobs in education institute and also foreignlanguage they can even find a job as a teaching assistant or head lecture at the university they used to study. As for the field of English which is a very broad horizon graduated students can work in translation field as a translator for multination companies as well as international charity organizations, in education field students can work as a teacher or a teaching assistant and in the translation and interpretation major students can also work as an independent translator for books magazines, paper-based documents and films,…In my opinion based on my knowledge and my aim in this course I would like to choose the teaching assistant and translation and interpretation major.


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<b>2.5 Prospective goals </b>

Before taking this course I have taken into account all the possible obstacles that I may encountered during the time I study. But so far my decision has proven to be right because my foundation in English and my passion in this particular language has paved the way for me to choose so my prospective goals are clear. First of all, by pursuing this language I want to venture deeper to know further the English language, as in my opinion what I know in the past of English language is not enough and my future careers require more effort in the English language. Secondly, I choose English because that’s the subject that fits me most by studying English linguistics I will be able to communicate to some extent with the foreigners from countries that use English as a main language. Thirdly, I want to become a good interpreter because I want to use English and translate English

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<b>3.1 Description of the four skills listening,reading,writing,speaking according to the textbook</b>

The utmost reason for student to learn english is by developing and furthermore increasing the stability of four core skills in english which are

listening,speaking,reading,writing. Firstly,listening is the action of capturing soundthrough your ear and in English listening is a way to diffrentiate the mother tongue and foreign language as a whole moreover listening will greatly improve your listening comprehensive and gradually make you become better and well-equipped.Secondly,speaking is the act of creating the sound using the mouth and parts in it in English the act of speaking will improve speaker’s vocabulary also speaker are able to interact more with the naitive and non-native English speaker also practicing speaking a dialogue will furthermore gives you the ability to talk independently.Thirdly,reading is the act of read in your mind with or without creating the sound reading through skimmming and scanning methods will help you to know the mainpoints of the paragraph also the supporting ideas as well,this skill is especially crucial when deal with long and complex reading paragraph which largely involves the ability to comprehensive,acknowledge and critical thinking in IELTS test.Last but not least writing the last important skills of all four so writing is the act of moving your hand along the

notebook,paper,book,...etc,writing is especially important when expressing your idea through word and structure alike.But unlike the other skills writing needs a much more substancial grammar foundation not just mere words,so if you want to write well you must have a good and solid grammar foundation also coherent and link between words also important


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<b>3.2 Own experience in learning these skills </b>

Through my time studying English I have overcome some of the practical problems that lie in improving four core skills of so I personally have some advice or perhaps some recommendations that might prove useful in the long run. So we will talk about listening skill by listening I mean listen for the main point of a structure when you doing a listening test you should read thoroughly the gap and what they want you to do remember the missing words and how to spell them, thenwe have reading skill I personally using the scanning and skimming method because this method allows you to quickly read the main points summarize and digest the paragraph then we will use scanning to pin point and evaluate the answers when we start doing the questions. After that we have the speaking skill this typical skills causes problems because we have to speak so that we can pronounce accurately word and phrases I have one hint is that students should practice speaking ahead of the mirror also practicing speaking vowel sounds, diphthongs , …And finally the writing skill in order to improve this skill I highly recommend that you should plan in advance what you are about to write using outline method or mind-mapping also helpful for you to construct your writing in an abstract and cohesive way.

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So now we will move to my plan and aspiration while studying this course, if we study the introduction to English linguistics then when studying this specific course I would like to know deeper the root of the English linguistics moreover thehistory of this popular language, as well so this course is quite complex and more in theoretical aspect of English but also by attending this course we also have the ability to know more about English Language and improve our writing skill through small paragraph, also we can improve speaking skill through small presentation projects that are given to us by the lecturer that is just for the course but If broader the entire English linguistics program, I have high hope that I will achieve greater result I will study according to the semester programs that are presenter and qualified by the university and I will slowly get used to the way eachsubject is presented and categorized and not just study, I will also attend more activities organized by foreign languages clubs and tesc or tdmu English speaking club through these clubs I will be able to improve my English and trial by fire through various competitions


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As a mater of fact that English is increasingly growing to become the most used language in the world. Moreover,English is regarded as the number one language in trade,knowledge,politics,.etc so the study of English is by far the most importantto students in English linguistics program.Learning English is not just simply learn simple things and do questions but leaning English involves much larder aspect of English also much broader field of knowledge.For English language learners to practice using English and also to master the essential skills of English are a must so in another way students have to maintain a stable sense of responsibility and also a sense of teamwork and unity because no one can work alone, each of us has to rely on someone on some specific situations.

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