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group assignment applied statistics for business mas202

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<b>GROUP ASSIGNMENT: Applied Statistics for Business (MAS202)</b>

Group 2

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<b>I Introduction</b>

Game is not too strange to us now. Games play the role of bringing creativity andentertainment. Games are very popular and growing in our lives, game makers oftencreate interesting themes that appeal to players.

Understanding the student's gaming needs, our group did a survey on the factorsthat affect students' preferences for gaming habits.

a. Predictors: (Constant), tuongtac, Gioi Tinh, giamstress,choigamebuoinao, quaquangcao, timkiemngaunhien,quabanbe, giaoluuketban, Quastreamer, hinhanhdohoa,caycuoc, thietbichoi, giaitri, noidung, amthanh,thietkenhanvat, gietthoigian

a. Dependent Variable: thoigianchoi

b. Predictors: (Constant), tuongtac, Gioi Tinh, giamstress, choigamebuoinao,quaquangcao, timkiemngaunhien, quabanbe, giaoluuketban, Quastreamer,hinhanhdohoa, caycuoc, thietbichoi, giaitri, noidung, amthanh, thietkenhanvat,gietthoigian

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• Sig < 0.05: Reject the hypothesis H0, that is, there is a statistically significant meandifference between the groups of values.

• Sig > = 0.05: Accept the hypothesis H0, that is, there is no statistically significant meandifference between the groups of values

Regression results here have 5 significant variables affecting students' gaming habits 5%1 Gaming device 0%

2 Stress reduction 0.9%3 Through advertising 0.5%4 Via Streamer 2.7%5 Content 0.6%

According to the hypothesis, the group will accept h1 and reject h0

Based on the magnitude of the beta-normalized regression coefficient in this version, wecan see that the variable gaming device, knowing the game through advertising andcontent has the most influence on students' preferences and gaming habits. Knowing thegame through streamer has the least influence on students' gaming habits preferences1: no effect

2: little influence3: Average4: much influence5: extremely influential

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Frequency Percent Valid Percent CumulativePercentValid

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The factor of plowing and hoes affects students' preferences for gaming habits 12.9%

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Content has a great influence on students' gaming habits and preferences 54.8%

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The number of people who play games for entertainment purposes accounts for themajority of the number of people who play games without entertainment purposes

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The number of people playing games with the purpose of reducing stress also accountsfor more

The number of people who play games for the purpose of making friends is very small,most of them play games not for the purpose of making friends.

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More people play games without the purpose of ploughing than with the purpose of plowing. Thereby, we found that people choose to play games for entertainment and stress relief purposes more than in the total of 31 people in our group. Currently there are many games on the platforms google, Appstore, chplay ... entertainment is an important factor for game makers. Through the group survey, we also found the importance in it.

Through the pie chart we can see that out of a total of 31 people, because of the randomsurvey, the number of Females surveyed is more than that of males, so the results showthat females play games more than males.

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Graphics have a big impact on game play time. This is also an important factorbecause almost everyone likes to play games with beautiful graphics. Games withbeautiful graphics will attract more players

Take for example league of legends, game makers always update and changegraphics constantly to make players get the best experience.

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The sound is in medium influence and high influence. The game with good sound willmake the player more comfortable and increase the feeling of enjoyment.

Content at a high level of influence. Game content is also very important to help playersstick with that game for a long time. If the game content is not good, the player may getbored and they will stop playing.


<b>Conclusion of the study</b>

The topic has met the stated research objectives, based on the current situation andfactors affecting the students' preferences for gaming habits in general.

<b>Limitations of the topic</b>

Because of the limited time, the study has many shortcomings and the analysis islimited in some aspects. The data are also not certain to represent 100% of the resultsobtained, because of the limited accuracy of the student's selected responses as well asthe limited number of survey samples and sample sizes.

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If time allows, the topic will be expanded to sample size (200-300 students), andother subjects of different ages to develop more information and research methods, aswell as from That will make the accuracy and reliability will be higher.

