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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">
HULK CRYPTO CAPITAL (HC CAPITAL) is a crypto venture specialized in innovating thelandscape of the Blockchain Industry, with emphasis on DeFi, Web3, and Metaverse. Possessing asolid base of community and a robust network, HC CAPITAL provides crypto projects with not onlyfinancial resources but also incubating, advisory, partnership, and media promotion to the end-users(HC Capital, 2023). Founded in 2019 as a community, HC Capital has established a substantialmembership base, strong media ecosystem and secure network with other venture capitals,exchanges, launchpads and communities. With these resources, HC Capital can assist businesses inmaking their project a success. Having been in the business for more than 4 years, HC Capital’sVerifiable Reputation has been proven.
2. Customer insights and STP
Regarding customer insight, HC Capital divides its customer base into B2B and B2C.● B2B: Crypto businesses that want to attract cryptocurrency traders to participate in crypto
projects. They generally only focus on what kind of customers the crypto community brings.● B2C: Crypto investors are those who want to learn more about crypto. They pay attention to
the quality of the information that is shared in the community they participated in. Ingeneral, investors want to earn more income and consider crypto investing as a side jobbesides the main job. Nevertheless, there are traders who regard cryptocurrency as theirprimary source of income. Vietnamese traders tend to join crypto groups on Telegram. Asegment of crypto players in Asia utilized Twitter.
Fryar (1991, pp. 53–58) stated that segmentation and differentiation are the basis for successfulpositioning of services. These are HC's segmentations:
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4">products and social media platforms to target crypto investors and convince them to invest intheir projects.
● B2C: The majority of crypto players are young individuals (between the ages of 20 and 30),those who have the chance to not only familiarize themself with technology but may also bewell-versed. Typically, investors' jobs are students or working people (especially white collarworkers) because it is not needed to invest a large sum in order to start trading crypto (oneonly needs about 1-2 million VND to start trading). This group mainly consists ofVietnamese and Asian.
Target customer
HC’s B2B target customers are crypto businesses, agencies who want to utilize media services forpromoting their projects. On the other hand, HC’s B2C target customers are crypto investors withinthe age range of 20 to 30, mostly those who seek additional income outside of their primaryoccupation. These individuals are mainly Vietnamese and Asian.
Positioning:● B2B:
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 5</span><div class="page_container" data-page="5">In terms of price, HC has the highest price ($500) and maturity compared to its competitors - sinceHC is one of the first communities to have grown since crypto began to take off in Vietnam (March2019). At this time, HC's existing groups include:
- HC Main: Update about crypto's macro information which is information about macroeconomic trends. The goal is to determine whether financial securities will benefit thetraders if these trends play out.
- HC Gems: call signals on low cap and hidden gems.- HC Margin: Trading signals and trading news.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 6</span><div class="page_container" data-page="6">- Allin station: Second layer information.
From the aforementioned groups, it can be seen that HC is broadening its customer base, targetingall kinds of investors.
In regard to Coin98, the average service price (about $300) and maturity level of C98 are inferior toHC (C98 was founded in July 2021). C98's groups include:
- Coin98 Main: Update about crypto's macro information.
- Margin ATM: Only trading signals.
→ It could be seen that Coin98 has a stronger inclination toward the niche market and primarilyfocuses on traders. As a result, C98 targets a significantly narrower pool of investors than HC does.Of the three communities, UB has the largest customer base, but ranks lowest in terms of serviceprices and maturity level.
→ It is discernible that HC and Coin98 are high-status communities in the crypto world. However,HC's superior position will be more beneficial to B2B customers.
● B2C:
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 7</span><div class="page_container" data-page="7">By examining the matrix, we can establish:
To define the position of HC on the market, customers assess two factors - information quality andinformation quantity. Crypto investors are typically concerned about the knowledge and projectsdiscussed in HC's group, specifically whether or not they are of a high quality and quantity.Information quality is often evaluated based on the following factors: profundity of the researchposts, win rate from signals, update rate. According to assessment, the amount of information
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 8</span><div class="page_container" data-page="8">information provided by Coin98 is quite high, the amount of information ranks second only to HC’s.Entering the market last among the three, information provided by UB is the scarcest andlow-quality.
Information quality is often evaluated based on the following factors: profundity of the researchposts, win rate from signals, update rate. According to assessment, the amount of informationavailable at HC is colossal. However, their quality is quite mediocre. In contrast to HC, the quality ofinformation provided by Coin98 is quite high, the amount of information ranks second only to HC’s.Entering the market last among the three, information provided by UB is the scarcest andlow-quality.
3. Marketing plan
3.1. Objectives and KPIs
In recent years, a lot of members and followers on social networking sites have been amassed by HCand this trend is still going strong today. Hence, HC must continue to build customer trust andloyalty, promote blockchain as a lucrative, effective, and alluring investment channel. Moreover, HCmust also maintain its B2B clientele, improve customer service and service quality. According toRozenberg and Czepiel (1984, pp. 45-51), keeping existing customers is as important as acquiringnew ones.
The company's primary KPIs right now will focus on the data gathered across platforms and thequantity of services offered to the businesses. B2B KPIs are determined by the development ofTelegram, Twitter and Youtube, which is to gain 5,000 - 10,000 followers or subscribers. On theother hand, B2C KPIs include producing and posting 5 to 7 videos a week (each video is more than 3minutes) on Youtube. 2 to 3 videos’ content will be about analyzing the cryptocurrency market,
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 9</span><div class="page_container" data-page="9">posts on Twitter and Facebook increased by 5-10%.
Suggesting for the next year of operation, HC Capital should maintain its grip on the objectives thathave been accomplished effectively in the past years, following by aiming towards breakthroughgoals. On the other hand, new objectives and strategies can be introduced for the upcoming year inboth the B2B and B2Crelationship
Regarding B2B, HC can advertise its packages, give preferential prices, develop new combopackages, and impose certain conditions to attract additional clients. Toward familiar customers whoare currently using media services, HC will employ advertisements to boost interactions forcustomers' postings.
In regard to B2C, given the enormous community available on channels and groups, HC ought togenerate additional revenue by posting on Facebook and reels on Tiktok. In addition, it is possible toarrange online games, promotional events which help entice traders to join and operate more oftenon exchanges.
To be able to develop suitable KPIs, businesses should reevaluate prior goals, plans and take intoaccount objectives, strategies that have been put out for the future. Some tiers of KPIs to target:
- Develop 2-3 new combo packages for businesses to choose from.
- The number of people reaching posts through ads ranges from 10,000 - 15,000reach/post.
- Increase the number of people accessing customers’ articles by 10%.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 10</span><div class="page_container" data-page="10">about 5-10 million VND/video.
- On average, there will be 1 online game or 1 event on Facebook every month.
Short-term Objectives (3 months):
1. Increase Revenue from 100M USD per month to 200M USD per month as there’s afake uptrend going on
2. Improve media booking service result by 10% (organic)
3. Increase trading vol from 300M-400M USD per month to 600M USD per month
Long-term Objectives (1year):
1. Reach top 1 Telegram channel (Vietnamese - Currently at 2nd place) annually2. Reach top 10 Telegram channel (Global - Currently rank 26th)
3.2. Marketing mix
3.2.1. Product
Currently, the cryptocurrency market is rapidly developing in Vietnam. It has opened up manyopportunities for businesses to develop products that meet the needs of both businesses andcustomers, B2B and B2C.
In B2B relationship, crypto products are designed to meet the needs of the businesses that operateusing it. These products include digital wallets, payment platforms, and merchant services. Digitalwallets are used to securely store cryptocurrencies, while payment platforms handle and facilitate theprocessing and receipt of cryptocurrency payments for merchants. Merchant services provide
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 11</span><div class="page_container" data-page="11">In B2C relationship, crypto products are designed for individual customers who want to usecryptocurrencies for a range of uses. These products include digital wallets, trading platforms, andinvestment products. Trading platforms give them the tools they need to buy and sell
cryptocurrencies (spots). Investment products, such as crypto funds and ETFs, provide consumerswith exposure to the Cryptocurrency market without having to invest directly in individual coins.
By serving as a link between the crypto business and crypto investors , HC Capital is able tocapture benefits from both.
Toward B2C relationship , HC Capital has created a community with more than 350,000 followerson everyday-active platforms. This community brings many benefits to the community, as it not onlyprovides a lot of credible knowledge, insights about crypto in general, user manuals for exchangesand wallets (digital wallets, trading platforms) but also market analysis and on-chain analysis. On theother hand, in the B2B relationship , businesses book HC to promote their projects to communities inB2C relationship. In other words, the community created by HC in the B2C market has become aresource for the company to complete communication services that attract customers to businesses inB2B relationship.
Suggesting for the next year of operation:
"A company's products are born, grow, mature, and then decline, just as living things do" (Kotler,Armstrong & Opresnik 2021, p. 181). HC Capital has been developing since crypto startedappearing in Vietnam and is one of the first communities in this market. As HC only offers the sameservices over time, the life cycle of its “product” has reached its mature peak in Asia and especially
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 12</span><div class="page_container" data-page="12">potential customers in the future. There are two suggestions for HC’s future service development:
The first suggestion: According to Beckwith (2001), marketing services in a changing worldrequires focusing on increasing the customer satisfaction and rejecting old product paradigms andmarketing fallacies. HC needs to improve customer experience by going global by 2024 - addingalternative digital services such as Binance KOLs Feed (instead of Telegram and Twitter) or BinanceLive (instead of Telegram live and Youtube live).
● Binance: Binance was founded in 2017 by Changpeng Zhao in China and became TOP 1Exchange in the cryptocurrency world.
● Binance KOLs Feed: Binance Feed is a one-stop shop for engaging content and interestingsocial discussions on crypto and Web3. Only prominent KOLs may publish on BinanceFeed, which gives it a high level of credibility and can easily be located in the customer'smind.
● Binance Live: Binance recently launched a new product called Binance Live. This serves asa substitute for well-known live streaming services like Facebook Watch and TikTok, whichare not appealing to cryptocurrency traders. As Twitter is mostly used by cryptocurrencytraders and Binance is the top exchange, Binance is the greatest substitute for theaforementioned sites.
The second suggestion is establish a new service: Full Marketing Planner (or Become a CryptoMarketing Agency)
Currently, crypto projects with good ideas, strong forces, full resources but lack marketing ability arethe number 1 potential customers for this type of product. HC will focus on providing planningservices and taking over the execution stage to increase revenue to satisfy the above objective.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 13</span><div class="page_container" data-page="13">countless cryptocurrency projects between the B2B and B2C, together with the company's massivemember communities, provide it an advantage. HC understands the context of this marketingenvironment and what crypto project needs to stand out.
● Tiktok ( Youtube ( Twitter ( HC Gem Alerts:
● Telegram Channel ( Group Chat ( Twitter ( Tiktok ( HC Margin:
● Telegram Channel ( class="text_page_counter">Trang 14</span><div class="page_container" data-page="14">
● Tiktok ( HC Research:
● Telegram Channel ( Group Chat I ( Website ( Twitter ( Price
"In the end, the customer will decide whether a product price is right, Pricing decisions, like othermarketing mix decisions, must start with customer value" (Kotler, Armstrong & Opresnik 2021, p.279). HC Capital is the largest crypto community in Viet Nam. After a long development process,they have built up a set number of customers. Moreover, the information quality of HC capital isquite high and valuable, so they have strong trust in their customers. Based on their strength, HC canconfidently value the company’s position as well as their product price and bring good value to theircustomers.
- According to the B2B matrix chart, compared to its competitors, the pricing circle for HCCapital is relatively big. HC's services’ prices are determined after considering many factors.
- Maturity: HC Capital is one of the first communities to have grown since crypto began totake off in Vietnam. As a consequence, HC has amassed a loyal set of members in theircommunities. With over 350.000 followers accumulated across all platforms and the largenumber of views on each post, HC can cost up to $1500 for posting one video on Youtube(Hulk Crypto Capital [HC Capital] (2023)).
- Another aspect that can be identified using the matrix chart is that HC aims at a broad target- targeting all kinds of investors. For that reason, HC’s price will be suitable for a number of
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 15</span><div class="page_container" data-page="15">of options.
HC’s service quality is relatively high. Hence, For both Web3 and traditional businesses, HCconsistently achieves ideal metrics for reach, engagements, CPC, and conversion rate. Another thingthat should be mentioned is that, according to the adage "You get what you pay for," HC bases itspricing decisions.
The price list for a number of services as well as statistics regarding how many people are using andaccess HC Capital's social media platforms are provided below: